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The Lions sit under a brand new scarlet and gold banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. It was once said that the Hogwarts House Elves are the best in the world. It is up to your stomach to agree... but surely it will! Why wouldn't it like elf cooking?
If you're thirsty, there is also fresh pumpkin juice and water on the table, regardless of whether or not it is actually mealtime.
"Oh don't bat your eyes like that!" Kevin said as he folded his arms over each other and frowned at her. But her whole denying that she had done it made him wonder though. Was she lying or telling the truth? Mweh he wished he knew how to make a Veritaserum Potion.
And then she spoke further. Why would someone like her do that to someone? And Kevin had another feeling that she HAD done the prank. "Revenge?" he asked, calming down for a bit. "I mean, i DID put bugs in your hair a few days ago, perhaps you wanted revenge and...." he suddenly stopped talking and stared in front of him. He looked like he had been frozen but then he laughed, looking at the charmed ceiling as he did so. "The hug upstairs!" he said. Of course!
He had to admit, he WAS amused eventhough he disliked being pranked himself. Which reminded him to turn to Leah and he raised an eyebrow. "You sure you don't want a kissy kiss?" bwahahaha
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel smiled at Leah as she defended her. "Thanks bestie!" Angel beamed, normally she wouldn't do anything like this but a certain person had told her to do it and she wasn't going to let a man down and it served him right. Angel winked at Leah again to get her attention.
"If I want to bat my eyelids I'll bat them." Angel smiled at him, he seemed mad at first but then he was laughing and Angel was getting very confused with this guy, in some ways though she thought he was a spot most people would have done something back to her now even though she was just getting back at him.
"Yeah you did, which wasn't very nice was it." Angel looked at Kevin as he figured out when she had put the sign on him. "What about the hug upstairs?" Angel asked and then she was listening to him asking Leah if she wanted a kissy kiss, she waited to see what her friend would say.
So now Leah was pretty sure that it was Angel who stuck the note on Kevin's back. But really, the firstie was not that bad, was she. Unless it was... revenge. Her eyes darting up at the boy, Leah said, "You put bugs in her hair?" She was outraged. "How could you do that? That's the worst thing anyone could ever do!" she said, keeping her voice as even as possible. Hug? Upstairs? Okay Leah did not get this. "You're welcome." Hmm and she got a wink for some reason.
Angel was still not admitting that she pulled the prank and the Badger could not tell if she was telling the truth or not. Reaching inside her bag, the second year felt a vial. Squinting at the note on it, she read 'Cabeza de Turco'. What the heck was that? Then as if a light switch turned on in her mind, she remembered the potions lesson. About the something manipulation something potion, wasn't it?
When her best friend was not looking, Leah emptied the contents inside Angel's goblet and put the vial inside her bag again. Acting as normal as possible, she smirked at Kevin and said, "What if I do want a kissy kiss?" Picking up Angel's goblet, Leah swirled it around once and handed it to the Lioness. "Come on, Angel. Drink this and calm down. You shouldn't be mad at him for accusing you." Drink up, bestie.
So now Leah was pretty sure that it was Angel who stuck the note on Kevin's back. But really, the firstie was not that bad, was she. Unless it was... revenge. Her eyes darting up at the boy, Leah said, "You put bugs in her hair?" She was outraged. "How could you do that? That's the worst thing anyone could ever do!" she said, keeping her voice as even as possible. Hug? Upstairs? Okay Leah did not get this. "You're welcome." Hmm and she got a wink for some reason.
Angel was still not admitting that she pulled the prank and the Badger could not tell if she was telling the truth or not. Reaching inside her bag, the second year felt a vial. Squinting at the note on it, she read 'Cabeza de Turco'. What the heck was that? Then as if a light switch turned on in her mind, she remembered the potions lesson. About the something manipulation something potion, wasn't it?
When her best friend was not looking, Leah emptied the contents inside Angel's goblet and put the vial inside her bag again. Acting as normal as possible, she smirked at Kevin and said, "What if I do want a kissy kiss?" Picking up Angel's goblet, Leah swirled it around once and handed it to the Lioness. "Come on, Angel. Drink this and calm down. You shouldn't be mad at him for accusing you." Drink up, bestie.
Angel was so angry that she didn't even notice that her friend had slipped something in her drink. "Thanks Bestie." Angel downed the drink the in one, she was totally annoyed with what was happening. "I think that Kevin is a..." Angel started to say but then her friend was saying she shouldn't be mad.
"Kevin, I ain't mad with you anymore, in fact I think that a kissy kissy will help your feelings." Angel had no idea why but she gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks to show that there was no hard feelings all she knew was that she was as calm and as happy as she could be, she wanted to be mad but well it wouldn't happen she was totally happy for some strange reason.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Bestie. UGH how could anyone have a best friend? That was just stupid. Kevin didn't have one and he certainly didn't want one either. And no he wasn't jealous...maybe... Whatever.
He simply rolled his eyes at Angel's comments "That hug upstairs, i KNOW you put on that sign then because i normally don't let anyone come close to me" Because she had basically dragged him in to a hug so that was why she could.
Turning his attention to the Hufflepuff, Kevin GAPED at her in disbelieve when she said that putting bugs in someones hair was the worst thing anyone could do. He had to close his mouth and shook his head because he was getting angry again. So him having to have dealt with bullies pushing him around when he was younger was less worse than ...bugs in someones hair? Yeah, didn't think so.
But as he felt the urge to knock some sense in to the Hufflepuff girl he suddenly FROZE again when Angel had leaned forward and KISSED his cheeks. This.....was....the first time....a girl...had ...kissed him....O___________________________________________O
It hadn't been on the mouth but still, the Gryffindor was SLIGHTLY freaking out right now because a GIRL JUST KISSED HIM. "You... you just...what?...." his cheeks were blushing MADLY and he cleared his throat, trying to remain a normal expression again.
Yes, he knew he had been using tough talk about kissy kissies but he never expected any of them to ACTUALLY kiss him. Even if it was on the cheeks. If he had known he wouldn't have been so flustered right now. "Do you have a cruuuuush on me?" ah he was back again.
Spotting Leah putting something in to Angel's goblet and then forcing her to drink it. The Gryffindor raised his eyebrow. "Are you SURE you two are "besties?" because a bestie wouldn't slip something in their friends drink you know" that was something HE would do. "Was that a Potion from Culloden?" he asked Leah.
Leah felt the Lion boy staring at her as though she was crazy. Maybe she was. She thought that the potion was to make people guilty or something. Meh, she probably heard something wrong in class, which was perfectly normal for her. But she was pretty sure that it did not make girls want to kiss a boy who put bugs in her hair.
Amused, she half-laughed. She did not know what to feel about this situation. It was funny, though. Well apparently Kevin found out what had actually happened. "No I doubt that Angel has a crush on you. AND I did not slip anything in her drink. It's juice. Just juice." Leah said firmly. Even if Angel noticed the potion in her drink it was too late, because she drank it ALL. And kissed Kevin. Hahaha.
In true Gryffindor fashion a very hungry Cinnamon made her with way to the Gryffindor table to eat some dinner. Hopefully the house elves had some hot soup tonight. Or hot chocolate. Or anything nice and hot tonight.
Cinna finally made it to the great hall. Her tummy was rumbling. She found herself a seat at the Gryffindor table. There it was some streaming hot chicken noodle soup. Yeppie. She scooped herself a big bowl of it and started slurpping it up.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Saraie
In true Gryffindor fashion a very hungry Cinnamon made her with way to the Gryffindor table to eat some dinner. Hopefully the house elves had some hot soup tonight. Or hot chocolate. Or anything nice and hot tonight.
Cinna finally made it to the great hall. Her tummy was rumbling. She found herself a seat at the Gryffindor table. There it was some streaming hot chicken noodle soup. Yeppie. She scooped herself a big bowl of it and started slurpping it up.
Lux was HUNGRY.
Instead of going to the kitchens, she had decided to head over to the Great Hall in case any of her friends were there. Entering the room, the first thing she smelled was chicken noodle soup. YUMMY. And there was Cinnamon!!
Skipping over to the Gryffindor table, she beamed at one of her besties before plopping down beside her on the bench. "Haaaai!" Eagerly she ladled some of the soup out into her bowl.
Zahra never missed a meal. This morning she was going to down on eggs, bacon, fruit, pastry, REPEAT. She usually sat with Toussaint, but the two of them didn't do much talking when food was in front of them anyway, so no matter than he wasn't down yet.
Sometimes, when no one seemed to be looking, Zahra would drink straight out of the pumpkin juice pitcher. Like now. WAS ANYONE LOOKING? NO. COOL. Zahra turned the pitcher up, because ain't no Gryffindor got time for pouring in glasses.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
There was too much to do, and not enough time in which to get it done... this seemed to be an everlasting cycle of torture. And though the weather was not helping things, she opted to ignore the enchanted ceiling this morning in favour of hunting down students... or... student.
Zahra Kettleburn.
It didn't take the blonde Herbologist long to spot the girl at the table, eating... was she eating? Or smearing food in the direction of her mouth? Who could tell? Either way, it was hardly lady-like at all ... which was not surprising. Zahra was a Gryffindor through and through, so much so that she could practically be their mascot. And Circe help her. Drinking from the jug too!
"Ahemmmmmm," Seren cleared her voice as she approached the table, and Miss Kettleburn in particular. Instead of standing around, she opted to take the vacant seat beside the fourth year and pulled a plate closer before considering what she might have for breakfast herself. "Manners Miss Kettleburn, do you have them?" she asked, her eyes on the bacon. Yes. She was here. There was no avoiding certain topics of discussion now.
The girls wand was tucked away safely in her pocket. Had she not deeded it for class?
this is already my favorite RP I think. LOL GRYFFINDORRRRRRRR
Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen
Originally Posted by Hera
There was too much to do, and not enough time in which to get it done... this seemed to be an everlasting cycle of torture. And though the weather was not helping things, she opted to ignore the enchanted ceiling this morning in favour of hunting down students... or... student.
Zahra Kettleburn.
It didn't take the blonde Herbologist long to spot the girl at the table, eating... was she eating? Or smearing food in the direction of her mouth? Who could tell? Either way, it was hardly lady-like at all ... which was not surprising. Zahra was a Gryffindor through and through, so much so that she could practically be their mascot. And Circe help her. Drinking from the jug too!
"Ahemmmmmm," Seren cleared her voice as she approached the table, and Miss Kettleburn in particular. Instead of standing around, she opted to take the vacant seat beside the fourth year and pulled a plate closer before considering what she might have for breakfast herself. "Manners Miss Kettleburn, do you have them?" she asked, her eyes on the bacon. Yes. She was here. There was no avoiding certain topics of discussion now.
The girls wand was tucked away safely in her pocket. Had she not deeded it for class?
Oh man. SO BUSTED. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUSTED. Zahra's eyes were the size of her PLATE. CAUGHT RED HANDED WITH THE JUICE JUG IN HAND. She even had some pumpkin juice dripping down her jaw.
Zahra already knew. She knew. She was in trouble and this was it. Bye bye House MORE Points. Stupid Professor Potions. She'd been avoiding this for as long as possible...
"Sometimes. Professor. Mum says I put them in my pocket and forget them sometimes," Zahra admitted, putting the jug back where it belonged. She used her napkin to wipe the rim where her mouth had been.
....Zahra tried a side ways smile at Professor Plants....? Maybe this was just a FRIENDLY CHAT OVER EGGS?
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
It was as clear as day -- though not a Scottish day, apparently -- that she'd startled Zahra, and she found this oddly satisfying. Still, she was supposed to be the responsible adult and kindly point out to her the right and proper way of doing things and not... though there was no rule against her having fun with it.
"Uh uh uh," she mused, wiggling a finger for her to bring the jug back. "You're mother might be onto something there..."
"Wiping the rim is meaningless once you've had your face in it," practically, considering how much of it had dribbled down the girls chin. "No, you need to finish its contents, or banish it." Considering the girl had no wand, there was really only one option.
Last edited by Hera; 06-13-2014 at 02:03 PM.
Reason: fails at life
Impish laughter filled the Great Hall as Peeves went zigzagging through on his way to the Gryffindor House table. Gryffindors were the BEST to have a little fun with. They were so hot headed and made the best sort of messes.
Messes like the one room in the boys' dormitory.
"LOOKY HERE!" he sang when he spotted the Gryffindor Head of House. MORE FUN TO BE HAD! MORE CHAOS TO BE MADE! Today was a very good day for Peeves. Very good indeed. "GRYFFINDORS MAKE A MESS! BOOM BOOM KABOOM WENT THE PILLOWS! MESSY MESSY! THE DISASTER ZONE WILL SURELY MAKE YOU GROAN!"
The kissy kissy Gryffindor was here as well. Peeves made loud and disgusting kissy faces and noises in her direction.
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
It was as clear as day -- though not a Scottish day, apparently -- that she'd startled Zahra, and she found this oddly satisfying. Still, she was supposed to be the responsible adult and kindly point out to her the right and proper way of doing things and not... though there was no rule against her having fun with it.
"Uh uh uh," she mused, wiggling a finger for her to bring the jug back. "You're mother might be onto something there..."
"Wiping the rim is meaningless once you've had your face in it," practically, considering how much of it had dribbled down the girls chin. "No, you need to finish its contents, or banish it." Considering the girl had no wand, there was really only one option.
Aw maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Head of House Professor B TOTALLY knew what was up. Banish it? Yeah. SHe knew about the wand. PROFESSOR POTIONS WAS SUCH A SNITCH.
... She had no choice but to chug the juice. Zahra started to slowly pull it back towards her...
Originally Posted by .Peeves.
Impish laughter filled the Great Hall as Peeves went zigzagging through on his way to the Gryffindor House table. Gryffindors were the BEST to have a little fun with. They were so hot headed and made the best sort of messes.
Messes like the one room in the boys' dormitory.
"LOOKY HERE!" he sang when he spotted the Gryffindor Head of House. MORE FUN TO BE HAD! MORE CHAOS TO BE MADE! Today was a very good day for Peeves. Very good indeed. "GRYFFINDORS MAKE A MESS! BOOM BOOM KABOOM WENT THE PILLOWS! MESSY MESSY! THE DISASTER ZONE WILL SURELY MAKE YOU GROAN!"
The kissy kissy Gryffindor was here as well. Peeves made loud and disgusting kissy faces and noises in her direction.
Merlin, Zahra knew she liked that Polterguisty.
"That sounds important, Professor." She probably better go check that out.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
Not a word of protest, just acceptance in the challenge... and Culloden made her Lions out to be a bunch of rude hooligans who couldn't follow instructions... pffffft.
The very loud and uncouth arrival of Peeves however, temporarily distracting her from torturing Kettleburn. Such a shame.
Gryffindors making a mess, sounded legitimate. The boom boom kaboom of pillows also sounded legitimate. But coming from Peeves, she could never be sure. "Thank you Peeves, though... how did you come across the situation?" she asked before glancing back to Zahra. Drink up precious! She wouldn't be running off in a hurry.
Peeves made even more exaggerated kissy faces at the Gryffindor. VERY important. Yes.
He crossed his legs one under the other as he floated in the air, hands on his poltergheisty knees, and blew a nice long raspberry at the Head of House. Her question had an obvious answer.
"Visiting, I was!" he answered, cackling insanely. DUUUUUUUUUUUUH.
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
Sigh. BUT PROFESSOR.................. she wanted to explain how she'd probably go on a sugar rampage and have to pee ALL THROUGH CLASSES if she drank the WHOLE thing, but she was kind of hoping Peeves would bail her out.
...so Zahra drank. A little. From the jug. Both arms up to steady the jug and... chugalug.
"Mr. Peeves does that, Professor. Do you want me to go check that out for you? I bet Toussaint is there, trying to keep the order."
.....hahahaha or he was the in the middle of it.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
Visiting he was... of course. Seren ignored the rude and absurd behaviour of the poltergeist, she had long grown accustomed to his behaviours. Of course, she had to question the validity of his information, but for whatever reason it was that really brought him here, he had little reason to lie. Zahra confirming his venturing habits wasn't helping, she could only imagine the type of influence he was having on the students.
"Thank you Zahra, but I'll see to it myself... I'm heading that way anyway," and there was no need to add more fuel to the fire.
But... back to the reason why she was here in the first place. "Now.. your wand," she started, eyes on the Gryffindor though she was still conscious of Peeves' presence. "I would have thought you'd have come to ask for it back by now." No? Not important? Could she live without?
Visiting he was... of course. Seren ignored the rude and absurd behaviour of the poltergeist, she had long grown accustomed to his behaviours. Of course, she had to question the validity of his information, but for whatever reason it was that really brought him here, he had little reason to lie. Zahra confirming his venturing habits wasn't helping, she could only imagine the type of influence he was having on the students.
"Thank you Zahra, but I'll see to it myself... I'm heading that way anyway," and there was no need to add more fuel to the fire.
But... back to the reason why she was here in the first place. "Now.. your wand," she started, eyes on the Gryffindor though she was still conscious of Peeves' presence. "I would have thought you'd have come to ask for it back by now." No? Not important? Could she live without?
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Zahra sipped from the jug, but her GUILT was so OBVIOUS. "Yeah... I know...," that she should have gotten her wand back, "but I didn't want to get in more trouble. Professor Snitch... I mean Potions... he wasn't fair! And I'm not saying that just because I got in trouble. I get in trouble all the time," and deserved it. BUT NOT THAT TIME. "I was just taking up for Kevin, who was having a REALLY rough day. And the stupid Puffy Prefect was threatening to hit him, and some stupid Claws were being mean to him, too. THen Professor Potions was siding with THEM and got his panties in a wad when I melted my cauldron."
So .... ".... I've just been living without it. I wrote some essays. Been doing extra work for Professor Thompson." Yeeeeeeeeeeeah. But Zahra hung her head. She was in trouble and she knew it.
From across the Great Hall, the Ravenclaw table is peppered with snowballs that seem to come from nowhere. They're a little slushy, which seems to suggest someone had them stored inside their shirt, but still cold. Very cold. Did they come from the Gryffindors? The Hufflepuffs? Who knows... but this means WAR!
Above, Mo circled on his broom, practically invisible and trying his hardest not to laugh out loud and give his position away. Time to move on to the next table, Nigel?
It was totally time to move to the next table. Nigel gave the a gesture saying to was time to move on. And next up was Gryffindor and they decided to follow the same blueprint on this table as well. Gryffindor Table was assaulted with snowballs. Very cold and very slushy. It would not be fun to be hit by more than one of these snowballs. Add who knows where they came from? Was it the Slytherin's....or maybe Hufflepuff?
It was taking all Nigel and Mo had not to laugh out loud at all that was happening. All the hair they were ruining. It was brilliant being basically invisible.
Onto the next table, Mo?
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Zahra sipped from the jug, but her GUILT was so OBVIOUS. "Yeah... I know...," that she should have gotten her wand back, "but I didn't want to get in more trouble. Professor Snitch... I mean Potions... he wasn't fair! And I'm not saying that just because I got in trouble. I get in trouble all the time," and deserved it. BUT NOT THAT TIME. "I was just taking up for Kevin, who was having a REALLY rough day. And the stupid Puffy Prefect was threatening to hit him, and some stupid Claws were being mean to him, too. THen Professor Potions was siding with THEM and got his panties in a wad when I melted my cauldron."
So .... ".... I've just been living without it. I wrote some essays. Been doing extra work for Professor Thompson." Yeeeeeeeeeeeah. But Zahra hung her head. She was in trouble and she knew it.
She knew? Well this was a step in the right direction. What she wasn't expecting was a tirade of sorts about getting into trouble, something about Culloden, Puffers and Claws? and.... threatening? mean to him? And Culloden siding with others over Kevin didn't come as a surprise.
Seren was happy to ignore the cauldron melting stuff for now, because that would need to be addressed, but more importantly...
"Which Prefect would this be? And the Ravenclaws?" she asked, twisting a little in her seat now, everything else forgotten. "I take bullying and threats very seriously Zahra, if this is happening I'd like to know about it so that I can support you... there's to be no taking measures into your own hands if you can help it." And in this instance it could have been helped, easily. If not by notifying Culloden, but by informing her... if there was ever a reason to walk out of class, this would be it.
She knew? Well this was a step in the right direction. What she wasn't expecting was a tirade of sorts about getting into trouble, something about Culloden, Puffers and Claws? and.... threatening? mean to him? And Culloden siding with others over Kevin didn't come as a surprise.
Seren was happy to ignore the cauldron melting stuff for now, because that would need to be addressed, but more importantly...
"Which Prefect would this be? And the Ravenclaws?" she asked, twisting a little in her seat now, everything else forgotten. "I take bullying and threats very seriously Zahra, if this is happening I'd like to know about it so that I can support you... there's to be no taking measures into your own hands if you can help it." And in this instance it could have been helped, easily. If not by notifying Culloden, but by informing her... if there was ever a reason to walk out of class, this would be it.
Zahra was not getting the lecture she was expecting. Her eyes turned slowly upward, confusion clearly written on her face. Professor Head Lady BELIEVED? Well and truly did? Even though Zahra was really telling it true, not even embellishing this time.
..."Aw man, Professor.... you're wanting me to snitch?" Aw man..... Sigh. Zahra was incapable of not doing what Professor Head said though. Because she was Professor Head, like THE lead Gryffindor.
"Like that stupid baby Kyroh Claw, and his little butt buddy Sophie Brown. And I don't know that girl Prefect in Puff-Town, but it's the girl one. The other two are just stupid, but she's a BIG girl to be threatening to hit a second year." Just in case Professor B wanted Z's opinion. Z doubted she did though. She was still waiting for the punishment to fall.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
Did she want her to snitch? ... to snitch? Then sure, yes, that's exactly what she wanted. Indeeeeeed. "The alternative is focusing instead on your misbehaviours," she mused, before letting the fourth year continue. Snitching, was the lesser of two evils, no?
Seren couldn't say she approved of Zahra's terminology... stupid, butt buddy?... that didn't mean what she thought it meant, did it? No.. no... moving on. And Puff-Town? Say what? "I see...." she replied thoughtfully. Kyroh, Sophie and Elodie... righto. Well she still needed to investigate the Library, so if she happened to bump into Leo, she might make mention of it to him. Communication was key. "Well... thank you for sharing that. I'll look into it, but the important thing is that you all learn not to be reactive in future." Because the last thing she wanted was to be called upon by Culloden again. It was too frequent for her liking.
"Now.... as for your wand waving and cauldron melting... you need to be more responsible with your magic Miss Kettleburn, it can have disastrous ramifications if used incorrectly." Understood? Yes? No?
Did she want her to snitch? ... to snitch? Then sure, yes, that's exactly what she wanted. Indeeeeeed. "The alternative is focusing instead on your misbehaviours," she mused, before letting the fourth year continue. Snitching, was the lesser of two evils, no?
Seren couldn't say she approved of Zahra's terminology... stupid, butt buddy?... that didn't mean what she thought it meant, did it? No.. no... moving on. And Puff-Town? Say what? "I see...." she replied thoughtfully. Kyroh, Sophie and Elodie... righto. Well she still needed to investigate the Library, so if she happened to bump into Leo, she might make mention of it to him. Communication was key. "Well... thank you for sharing that. I'll look into it, but the important thing is that you all learn not to be reactive in future." Because the last thing she wanted was to be called upon by Culloden again. It was too frequent for her liking.
"Now.... as for your wand waving and cauldron melting... you need to be more responsible with your magic Miss Kettleburn, it can have disastrous ramifications if used incorrectly." Understood? Yes? No?
"I hear ya, Professor,"...Zahra grinned. Then she drank more juice, because orders were orders. Chug the Jug, Professor B had said.
Learn to what? Be less reactive? What? Zahra clearly didn't understand, didn't bother pretending she did, and couldn't agree to it. She was supposed to let those kids beat up on Kevin? No way. "Maybe.... maybe I could be LESS reactive. Like a weaker potion, yeah?" Hehehehe Yeah right. "Besides, I don't even need that cauldron anymore! Ole Potions said so himself!"
Anyyyyyyyway.... this was more like what Z expected. The lecture. But all things considered, and since Z's points were still in tact, she couldn't complain. "I know. I do. I have been trying.... Just sometimes it's real hard, you know?"
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
The only good thing about waking up in the morning is the ever-reliable breakfast. Basically, Zander's only motivation to get out of bed. The Gryffindor was especially tired this particular morning, it was worse than ever. Perhaps it was the cold wind rasping against the windows or the thoughts of his incomplete homework keeping him up all night. But whatever it was, it's definitely not welcome to visit him tonight. Ugh. A third year has got to get his beauty rest every now and then, you know?
He dragged his feet ALL the way to the Gryffindor table. Ugh. Mffm. Grrrrooooan. YAAWWWN. Where's the milk? The tired third year was quite a sight this particular morning. His hair was EVERYWHERE and his eyes were struggling to keep open. But the most unusual part? The most... Embarrassing part.
He had forgotten to change out of his Superman PJs.
And the poor third year had no idea. Now where do they keep the blueberry muffins?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
"I hear ya, Professor,"...Zahra grinned. Then she drank more juice, because orders were orders. Chug the Jug, Professor B had said.
Learn to what? Be less reactive? What? Zahra clearly didn't understand, didn't bother pretending she did, and couldn't agree to it. She was supposed to let those kids beat up on Kevin? No way. "Maybe.... maybe I could be LESS reactive. Like a weaker potion, yeah?" Hehehehe Yeah right. "Besides, I don't even need that cauldron anymore! Ole Potions said so himself!"
Anyyyyyyyway.... this was more like what Z expected. The lecture. But all things considered, and since Z's points were still in tact, she couldn't complain. "I know. I do. I have been trying.... Just sometimes it's real hard, you know?"
She heard, that was good to know. Very reassuring. Seren couldn't help but watch with keen interest as Zahra continued to chug the jug... in truth, it was impressive. And would you look at that? The girl did possess some common sense after all.
"I can agree with that compromise, less reactive then," because that entailed thinking before acting, something she hoped the Gryffindor was capable of. As for Ole Potions... "Professor Culloden," she corrected, "And why would you not need it anymore?" Unless she was dropping the subject, then she couldn't see the point.
At this point she was ready to succumb to her hunger, and so she snagged herself a piece of toast, smothering it with one of the berry-looking jams. "I know it's not easy, but trying is all I ask." Real trying, not just saying so. "So you want your wand back?" she asked, before taking a bite of her toast.
She heard, that was good to know. Very reassuring. Seren couldn't help but watch with keen interest as Zahra continued to chug the jug... in truth, it was impressive. And would you look at that? The girl did possess some common sense after all.
"I can agree with that compromise, less reactive then," because that entailed thinking before acting, something she hoped the Gryffindor was capable of. As for Ole Potions... "Professor Culloden," she corrected, "And why would you not need it anymore?" Unless she was dropping the subject, then she couldn't see the point.
At this point she was ready to succumb to her hunger, and so she snagged herself a piece of toast, smothering it with one of the berry-looking jams. "I know it's not easy, but trying is all I ask." Real trying, not just saying so. "So you want your wand back?" she asked, before taking a bite of her toast.
Zahra loved her Head of House. SEE? She was reasonable and understood things. NOT LIKE OLE MAN POTIONS. Could she also agree that he WAS OLD and a MAN of POTIONS? Ole man potions. hehe. Zahra was pretty transparently not.... going to correct that whole Professor thing. Not yet anyway. "I dunno. Something about it being the last class. I think he's just doing potion labs now and I'm staying FARRRRRRr away from that. My house points are too important to risk it." Seriously.
Zahra WOULD have poured her HoH a cup of juice, but... hehe.... she wasn't sure Professor B's coolness extended to sharing spit. Probably not. SEE? ALREADY THINKING BEFORE ACTING.
"..... well yeah, I do, Professor, but what's the price? If it's House points, just keep it."