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The Lions sit under a beautiful scarlet and gold banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Gryffindors, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
Angel saw a girl about her age looking a bit nervous. "Hey." Angel beamed. "Why don't you come and join us and tell us more about yourself?" Angel didn't like seeing people nervous. "I'm Angel Valentine." Angel beamed, she hoped the girl didn't mind her talking to her. "So it's amazing to be sorted into Gryffindor right." Angel really thought it was.
"Ya sure I would love to sit with you!" Oswin thought about how she was okay to talk after she got over her initial jitters. " Hi I'm Oswin Grace by the way. I think it's really cool to be in Gryffindor." She beamed and fiddled her hair her mother said when she was born she had bright red hair and has kept it since. "Ummmm... should I say something about myself?" She nervously walked over and decided hesitantly to dit down.
Arista could see her comment made the man mad. Opps. Her mum would kill her if she found out. "Oh... An eye on things." She gave the man a wink she would keep his secret that he had to repeat... Hehehehe... Though taking a look around she saw several others there. So maybe he was really keeping an eye on things. Sigh she should apologize. "Mr. Ministry man, I am. Sorry. About. My. Comment. " There we go, sigh why did she have to be so rude and nice at the same time.
The ginger smiled, oh no he bowed, dang this is where her ladyness kicked in. That was a long name. "Its very nice to meet you Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington." standing up she gave a curtsy and said "I am Arista Royal." After the curtsy though she sat back down. Enough being a lady for now!
Back to the Ministry man, "Because the ministry has tried to get rid of a Headmaster, right? And it would be epic. Or are you here about that letter, my mum was telling me about." she was curious the guy would have to just get used to it.
Rude child was now winking at him. What did that mean?! Kennedy was confused, was she plotting something and using that innocent childish face to hide it? He knew kids, he did. Godfather of there year here. When she went on and apologized, Kennedy did grin, though still making sure to keep an eye on this one. Actually, on all of them.
Mr. Ministry man, he could get used to that! "No worries," he said, flashing her a smile, only to be confronted by more questions. At least she knew something about what was going on. "Yes, people of the law - like myself - are here to make sure nothing funny goes on." Really, there was nothing to worry about as long as MLE was stationed here.
Text Cut: Candice
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Text Cut: Arista & Kennedy
"Uh huh." Even though she still wished that old stupid hat didn't put her here but what's done its done. "So, how's your boat journey? Did you see the Giant Squid?" She asked Arista. She was curious because she didn't see the famous squid.
And then Arista made a comment about the guy from Ministry was planning to overthrown the Headmistress. She's not so sure about that because even if they did plan to overthrown the Headmistress wouldn't they send someone more experience?
Candice's eyes went from Arista to the Ministry guy. "Keep eye on things?" She raised her eyebrows. "What things? Do you mean the Groundskeeper? Because he like to eat bad kids?" Yes, that must be it. "I'm Candice. What's your name? And what's your badge stand for?" Speaking of badge. Where's the Badges people from her house. She hadn't see any badges people here expect this old guy she was talking to.
Groundskeeper eats bad kids? Kennedy had to hold in a chuckle. He wondered who told her that lie. He was pretty sure cannibalism wasn't a thing allowed at Hogwarts. Or anywhere.
"I'm sure your groundskeeper doesn't eat children," he said, hopefully putting her mind to rest. "Your friend here seems to know about it, maybe she can explain it better than I can," said Kennedy, nodding toward the winking child (Arista). He...had no experience in delivering news to kids, and the last thing he wanted was to send them spiraling into panic.
As for introductions, he could do that any time. "Nice meeting you Candice, and welcome to Gryffindor," he said, adding the last bit considering her height and all. First year, definitely. "I'm Kennedy Escalante, and this," he said, tapping his badge, "stands for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Yes, that was a proud smile on his face. Extremely proud to be a part of it.
Text Cut: Sir Nicholas
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
"Of course of course," he nodded. "Pity that your Madame Lafay is no longer teaching here. I am sure she would have been proud and pleased to see you."
Proud, maybe, yeah. Pleased...well. Things happen, y'know?
"I'm sure she would have. By the looks of it, though, Slytherin is in good hands." His gaze traveled towards the staff table. Yep, good hands.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Text Cut: Candice and Kennedy
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Rude child was now winking at him. What did that mean?! Kennedy was confused, was she plotting something and using that innocent childish face to hide it? He knew kids, he did. Godfather of there year here. When she went on and apologized, Kennedy did grin, though still making sure to keep an eye on this one. Actually, on all of them.
Mr. Ministry man, he could get used to that! "No worries," he said, flashing her a smile, only to be confronted by more questions. At least she knew something about what was going on. "Yes, people of the law - like myself - are here to make sure nothing funny goes on." Really, there was nothing to worry about as long as MLE was stationed here.
Groundskeeper eats bad kids? Kennedy had to hold in a chuckle. He wondered who told her that lie. He was pretty sure cannibalism wasn't a thing allowed at Hogwarts. Or anywhere.
"I'm sure your groundskeeper doesn't eat children," he said, hopefully putting her mind to rest. "Your friend here seems to know about it, maybe she can explain it better than I can," said Kennedy, nodding toward the winking child (Arista). He...had no experience in delivering news to kids, and the last thing he wanted was to send them spiraling into panic.
As for introductions, he could do that any time. "Nice meeting you Candice, and welcome to Gryffindor," he said, adding the last bit considering her height and all. First year, definitely. "I'm Kennedy Escalante, and this," he said, tapping his badge, "stands for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Yes, that was a proud smile on his face. Extremely proud to be a part of it.
Proud, maybe, yeah. Pleased...well. Things happen, y'know?
"I'm sure she would have. By the looks of it, though, Slytherin is in good hands." His gaze traveled towards the staff table. Yep, good hands.
Originally Posted by Poolicious
"Uh huh." Even though she still wished that old stupid hat didn't put her here but what's done its done. "So, how's your boat journey? Did you see the Giant Squid?" She asked Arista. She was curious because she didn't see the famous squid.
And then Arista made a comment about the guy from Ministry was planning to overthrown the Headmistress. She's not so sure about that because even if they did plan to overthrown the Headmistress wouldn't they send someone more experience?
Candice's eyes went from Arista to the Ministry guy. "Keep eye on things?" She raised her eyebrows. "What things? Do you mean the Groundskeeper? Because he like to eat bad kids?" Yes, that must be it. "I'm Candice. What's your name? And what's your badge stand for?" Speaking of badge. Where's the Badges people from her house. She hadn't see any badges people here expect this old guy she was talking to.
Arista smiled, she would get the truth out of him!! Just tell her no one had to know. But of course being a good little Ministry Man he didn't tell her. "Mr. Ministry Man of the Law, so its like your back at school to!" Hehehehehehe! He had to watch a bunch of kids everyday, she would get bored. Plus ministry people like her mum were boring anyways. So this guy he was probably boring to. Just because they all had to be.
She smirked, "I wish! That would have been amazing, instead my boat was talking about how they couldn't wait to go to the library. I can't wait to go on some adventures. Did anything interesting happen to you on your boat journey?" Maybe Candice got lucky and she saw the giant squid. Ooo look now Candice was talking to him, que eavesdropping.
"The groundskeeper looks scary..." Looking up at the man... She totally believe he ate children... He yelled out Slytherin too! She was happy she was not in that hous. "Mr. Escalante, yes way shorter than Mr. Ministry Man of the Law. I am Arista Royal." and he got a little curtsy too just because she was so used to it. Sigh manners, why oh why mum? DMLE. "Ooo have you ever caught any bad guys? Are you like an auror? Or a hit wizard??" Thats what they were called right??
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
"Pleasure is all mine, Miss Royal," he said as he offered her a gentleman's bow.
Ooo looked Sir Nicholas gave her a bow. Arista smiled looked like being a lady did get you a gentelman's bow... Dang why was her mum always right! "So since your a sir, were you like a knight or something... Before you know... you...died..." Strange question but she was curious.
Penelope was here the whole time and watching the sorting, mhm. She did also notice the extra older people around the Great Hall, a couple she recognized. What was all this about? They got an eyebrow raise, but she assumed it'd all be explained once the Headmistress gave her speech. Which would hopefully be SOON because she was hungry...and it was kinda boring just sitting and watching everyone since she hadn't gotten there early enough to sit by her friends at this table. Maybe she should go to one of the other houses' tables for awhile. Her eyes flicked over to the Slytherin table but then was distracted when more and more newly sorted kids were sitting at the Gryffindor table.
She supposed she could welcome them...
...this one was the closest to where she was sitting though, so she'd just direct it at him. Less effort that way.
"Hey kid," she greeted with a simple smile. "Welcome to Gryffindor." AKA the best house ever.
The blister on the back of his foot was still pretty angry and Ezra had been reaching under the table to take off his shoe when a girl sitting across from him, one that was much older than him, started to talk in his direction. "Who me?" he asked pressing his empty shoe against his robes.
"Oh, thanks. Yeah I'm excited to be put here. My dad was in this House and my great uncle Gaellen." Nods. They were both awesome guys and he had already met one of the Prefects and she was cool.
Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable
Originally Posted by Chiara
Lucy sat down at the Gryffindor table and smiled at her new friends .. Suddendly she saw a large, fast, opalescent cloud who was running fast in mid-air but only after she realized what it was .. when the cloud started to speak to the young "Lions" who were sitting at the table .. It was the ghost of Gryffindor house .. it was amazing! Lucy had never seen a ghost even though his father had told him that the castle was full of ghosts .. Now the ghost was right in front of her and he liked her because he had a very chivalrous manner of speaking, a true gentleman .. indeed, "gentleghost" .. "Hello!" Lucy said: "my name is Lucy, I am happy to meet you and I hope we'll become friends!"
"Ah, the Lady Lucy," he beamed down at the Gryffindor. "I hope so too as it would be an honour to have another friend among the living."
Originally Posted by ErisedGoblet924
Oswin was sooo nervous her stomach was twisting in knots. She was so excited and then what if she failed or it turned out she wasn't actually able to make friends. This was regular first year drama as her mum put it. She squeaked as she saw the big tables and then sucked in her breath. As she walked over she glanced at the other tables reciting in her head I am brave I am brave.
"There there now, come and have a seat. Other things in the castle may be enchanted to do so, but I can guarantee that the table, nor the bench, will bite," Sir Nicholas quipped as he glided towards the nervous looking Gryffindor.
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn
The blonde giggled, "Hello Sir Nicholas!! How was your summer?" Mackenzie loved the ghosts, even if they scared some of the students. His sneaky question made the fourth year smirk "Sir, you know the headmistress would have both our heads for that... but I'll see what I can do for you." the lion winked at the ghost.
She really wasn't sure what the ghost would do with food but it was none of her business. As she began looking around at the students sitting near her she realized that most of them were first years. awww firsties.
"Dismal, as per usual," he sneered with a dismissive wave. "The Headless Hunt continue to reject my application to join. Perhaps by the end of this century they will finally change their minds." Chuckling at the response to his request, he bent over at the waste to whisper into the girl's ear. "Only in trouble if you get caught," he grinned and returned the wink.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel blushed a bit now. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend you." Angel really didn't. "I just got told by newspapers and stuff that ghosts don't exist and if they did they would be bad. "I'm from muggle parents you see, until this summer I had no idea this place excited." Angel was excited to find out that it did. "I wonder if that means that Star Ships could be real as well." She had watch programmes on witches and wizards so why couldn't star ships be real.
"Apology accepted," he replied while puffing out his transparent chest a bit. "Let it be known that I am not daft enough not to forgive when one makes an honest mistake." Not that Sir Nicholas was bitter about anything. "But you must educate me. What is this Star Ships you speak of?"
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa
Bree looked at Nearly Headless Nick now showing his nearly headlessness and felt sick to her stomach. "Oh god, thats, um", before she could get another word out she puked all over her dish. She really was not expecting something quite like that. She had read about it but seeing it in real life was just too much for this new young lion.
"Oh bugger," he gasped as he hovered back a few paces and returned his head to the upright position. Well now this was just going to ruin everyone appetite now wasn't it?
"Suppose an older student with a wand handy ought to handle this!"
Where was that Gryffindor chilvery the house was known for in this time of need?
Originally Posted by Saraie
Cinnamon turned when she heard a unfamiliar voice say to be careful to Emmy that she wouldn't want to lose her head. It was a ghost! Oh she did remember her dad telling her about the ghost here. Each house had their own. He must be Nearly Headless Nick. "You must be Nearly Headless Nick. I'm Cinnamon Bayless, Sir Nicholas."
"I prefer Sir Nicholas at all times, if you don't mind," he scolded gently with a curt nod. "Pleasure to make you acquaintance, Miss Bayless or, should you prefer, Lady Cinnamon."
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Proud, maybe, yeah. Pleased...well. Things happen, y'know?
"I'm sure she would have. By the looks of it, though, Slytherin is in good hands." His gaze traveled towards the staff table. Yep, good hands.
Sir Nicholas followed the Auror's gaze to the staff table and nodded. "Certainly are. Have you gone up to say hello? If I recall correctly, some of your professors are still here."
It was difficult to keep track of the details after all those centuries.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
Ooo looked Sir Nicholas gave her a bow. Arista smiled looked like being a lady did get you a gentelman's bow... Dang why was her mum always right! "So since your a sir, were you like a knight or something... Before you know... you...died..." Strange question but she was curious.
"I was knighted, yes," he confirmed. "But I lived out the days until my execution serving as a courtier at King Henry VII's royal court."
Last edited by Nearly Headless Nick; 05-08-2014 at 05:13 AM.
Reason: even ghosts make coding mistakes *clears throat*
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
SPOILER!!: Bree!
Bree looked at Nearly Headless Nick now showing his nearly headlessness and felt sick to her stomach. "Oh god, thats, um", before she could get another word out she puked all over her dish. She really was not expecting something quite like that. She had read about it but seeing it in real life was just too much for this new young lion.
SPOILER!!: Sir Headless Nick!
"Oh bugger," he gasped as he hovered back a few paces and returned his head to the upright position. Well now this was just going to ruin everyone appetite now wasn't it?
"Suppose an older student with a wand handy ought to handle this!"
Where was that Gryffindor chilvery the house was known for in this time of need?
Tag was just sitting about waiting for the feast to start, or rather, the speech. Can the speech come, please? Like, hadn't enough time gone by already? Speech meant time. Time meant money. And money meant food being wasted. Something like that. Gryffindor wants food. He never got a proper meal on the train.
And then some entertainment came, with Nick doing his traditional head trick, which made Tag laugh for a bit, as he quietly watched him interact with the girl. And then Tag scrunched up his face. She had puked. Yeah, gross.
Face still making that face Tag nodded at Nick and got his own wand out, pointed it at the sick and said "Tergeo." And watch the sick soon disappear, leaving the table spotless.
Maybe Nick should ask if anyone was squeamish, in the future, if he was going to perform his head trick. "Are you gonna be all right now?" Tag asked the girl.
The blonde then faced the ghost. "How are you tonight Nick? Any ghost gossip that you have to share with us?" Tag said, trying to start up a friendly conversation with him that may just distract the girl, and make her forget all about her accident. And, as far as the boy could remember, he never thought he'd talked to Nick before. Yeah, he should change that.
Angel suddenly spotted Candice. "Hey Candice." Angel smiled at the other girl, she was being friendly, she always was, she was only trying to make sure the other girl knew patients because it was a vital part of life you couldn't go around rushing every two seconds. "Yeah she my sister" Angel made sure that the other girl knew that. "Actually were TRIPLETs." Angel beamed. "But the other one is in Ravenclaw." She wondered if the other would confused them both.
Well, at least she didn't call her young grasshopper again. And the girl got a small wave from her.
Sister?! o____O
Merlin have mercy. What had she done that she had to be in the same house as Angel and her twin sister?
SAY WHAT?! "Triplets?!" Was that mean there's still another Valentine running around Hogwarts. The other one was Ravenclaw? But still, she's stuck with Angel and her sister. Candice hoped that Angel's sister was not as annoying and brainless like her. "How do I know which one is which?" You know for future references since they're house mate and all.
Text Cut: Abbi
Originally Posted by Talikins
OHHH. firstie kid was here too. No surprise either. That girl seemed like she had some sass in her. HUGE Gryffindor characteristic. COUGH. Abbi was the perfect example of that too. Maybe she could teach the kid some more. Like sassy snaps and all that, you know?
"Hey girl from the train." She repeated the calling. Not like she remembered a name either. Hehehe.
"Candice. The name is Candice Messer." She told the older girl. So no more this girl-from-the-train thing again, yeah?
The girl said at the train that she's a third year, right? Maybe she should consider to be friend with an older student because they;re more mature than the kids her age. Just took Angel for example, the blonde was pretty sure that her fellow first year need to check her brain that if she had a brain.
Text Cut: Ezra
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
After practically running to the Gryffindor table after being setting the hat back down he took a seat and watched the other students get sorted. There was the one Dima boy he'd met at Flourish and Blott's he was put into Ravenclaw House. And then it was Kyroh's turn! Ezra watched him put on the hat and say something to the hat, then it shouted Ravenclaw again.
That was disappointing. He had hoped the one kid he kind of knew would be put in his House so they could know somebody to room with. He'd have to try and meet up with him later.
Now that sorting had finished and he was sitting at the Gryffindor Table not really sure of who to talk to, Ezra settled to just begin eating and looking around the Hall more. Oh and apparently this place had ghosts.
More people joined their table and Candice saw another first year got sorted into Gryffindor. This time its a boy. She clapped along with her house mate when the old hat shouted Gryffindor.
The new boy was sitting not far from her. Maybe she should hello to him since they're in the same year. "Hey!" Hello, new kid. Wave. "I'm Candice. I'm a first year too." See, she can be nice sometime.
Text Cut: Kennedy & Arista
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Groundskeeper eats bad kids? Kennedy had to hold in a chuckle. He wondered who told her that lie. He was pretty sure cannibalism wasn't a thing allowed at Hogwarts. Or anywhere.
"I'm sure your groundskeeper doesn't eat children," he said, hopefully putting her mind to rest. "Your friend here seems to know about it, maybe she can explain it better than I can," said Kennedy, nodding toward the winking child (Arista). He...had no experience in delivering news to kids, and the last thing he wanted was to send them spiraling into panic.
As for introductions, he could do that any time. "Nice meeting you Candice, and welcome to Gryffindor," he said, adding the last bit considering her height and all. First year, definitely. "I'm Kennedy Escalante, and this," he said, tapping his badge, "stands for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Yes, that was a proud smile on his face. Extremely proud to be a part of it.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
Arista smiled, she would get the truth out of him!! Just tell her no one had to know. But of course being a good little Ministry Man he didn't tell her. "Mr. Ministry Man of the Law, so its like your back at school to!" Hehehehehehe! He had to watch a bunch of kids everyday, she would get bored. Plus ministry people like her mum were boring anyways. So this guy he was probably boring to. Just because they all had to be.
She smirked, "I wish! That would have been amazing, instead my boat was talking about how they couldn't wait to go to the library. I can't wait to go on some adventures. Did anything interesting happen to you on your boat journey?" Maybe Candice got lucky and she saw the giant squid. Ooo look now Candice was talking to him, que eavesdropping.
"The groundskeeper looks scary..." Looking up at the man... She totally believe he ate children... He yelled out Slytherin too! She was happy she was not in that hous. "Mr. Escalante, yes way shorter than Mr. Ministry Man of the Law. I am Arista Royal." and he got a little curtsy too just because she was so used to it. Sigh manners, why oh why mum? DMLE. "Ooo have you ever caught any bad guys? Are you like an auror? Or a hit wizard??" Thats what they were called right??
It seem Mr. I-wear-Badge didn't believe her. "Well, if you must know the Groundskeeper said it himself." So, no she's not hearing from other people. And she wondered maybe that's why he's so BIG.
"Its nice to meet you too, Kennedy." She can call him Kennedy right? Or he preferred she called him Mr. Escalante? Department of Magical Law Enforcement? That sound pretty cool. "Are you like the Boss in there?" Because if he's then she would have something to brag around the school.
She turned her attention to Arista. "Library? I bet you're sitting with a Ravenclaw wanna be." Weird. Kids her age were weird. "Mine was almost tipped" Thanks to the Tai Chi boy and bouncing Maddie.
Text Cut: Sir Nicholas & Bree
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
Messer...Messer...now that was a familiar sounding name, but not one that had belonged to a student garbed in robes the colour of crimson. Crimson was a more sophisticated and strong colour anyway and suited her quite well.
"Delighted to make your acquaintance, Miss Messer. Welcome to Gryffindor."
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa
Bree looked at Nearly Headless Nick now showing his nearly headlessness and felt sick to her stomach. "Oh god, thats, um", before she could get another word out she puked all over her dish. She really was not expecting something quite like that. She had read about it but seeing it in real life was just too much for this new young lion.
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
"Oh bugger," he gasped as he hovered back a few paces and returned his head to the upright position. Well now this was just going to ruin everyone appetite now wasn't it?
"Suppose an older student with a wand handy ought to handle this!"
Where was that Gryffindor chilvery the house was known for in this time of need?
Funny. The ghost was talking funny. "Nice to meet you too, Sir Nicholas." That would do, right?
Now, where's the food? She's hungry. The eleven year old was playing with her hair when she saw a girl puked all over her empty plate.
There's goes her appetite.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Bree looked at Nearly Headless Nick now showing his nearly headlessness and felt sick to her stomach. "Oh god, thats, um", before she could get another word out she puked all over her dish. She really was not expecting something quite like that. She had read about it but seeing it in real life was just too much for this new young lion.
SPOILER!!: Sir Headless Nick!
"Oh bugger," he gasped as he hovered back a few paces and returned his head to the upright position. Well now this was just going to ruin everyone appetite now wasn't it?
"Suppose an older student with a wand handy ought to handle this!"
Where was that Gryffindor chilvery the house was known for in this time of need?
Tag was just sitting about waiting for the feast to start, or rather, the speech. Can the speech come, please? Like, hadn't enough time gone by already? Speech meant time. Time meant money. And money meant food being wasted. Something like that. Gryffindor wants food. He never got a proper meal on the train.
And then some entertainment came, with Nick doing his traditional head trick, which made Tag laugh for a bit, as he quietly watched him interact with the girl. And then Tag scrunched up his face. She had puked. Yeah, gross.
Face still making that face Tag nodded at Nick and got his own wand out, pointed it at the sick and said "Tergeo." And watch the sick soon disappear, leaving the table spotless.
Maybe Nick should ask if anyone was squeamish, in the future, if he was going to perform his head trick. "Are you gonna be all right now?" Tag asked the girl.
The blonde then faced the ghost. "How are you tonight Nick? Any ghost gossip that you have to share with us?" Tag said, trying to start up a friendly conversation with him that may just distract the girl, and make her forget all about her accident. And, as far as the boy could remember, he never thought he'd talked to Nick before. Yeah, he should change that.
Bree felt mortified, her first night here and even though it was somewhat justified she just, errr. Bree soon saw an older guy come by and she blushed from embarrassment as he made her mess disappear and asked her if she was ok. "Uh, I think I will be, just a bit of a shock to system, sorry. Anyway, I'm Bree Veras, first year, and you? You look at least 5th year I'm guessing"
More people joined their table and Candice saw another first year got sorted into Gryffindor. This time its a boy. She clapped along with her house mate when the old hat shouted Gryffindor.
The new boy was sitting not far from her. Maybe she should hello to him since they're in the same year. "Hey!" Hello, new kid. Wave. "I'm Candice. I'm a first year too." See, she can be nice sometime.
As Ezra continued to wait for food, he tried to see if he could catch a glimpse of Alexa, she had gotten a note to some of them that she might not make it to the Feast (for some reason that was probably pretty important, top-secret Prefect business) but he kind of wanted to have someone he knew to talk to.
But that was temporarily pushed from his mind when a girl's face blocked his view of the table to his left. "Oh hello Candice. Yeah I remember watching you get sorted." She was down in the N's or O's he thought. "I'm Ezra."
"It's this place great?" He asked with a grin as he kicked off his other shoe and pulled his feet up so he could sit cross-legged on the bench.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Well, at least I won't have trouble recognising Abby because she'll have Ravenclaw colours about her uniform,'' Adi told Angel. "Aubrey, Angel and Abby. Nice names your parents decided on.'' Indeed they were. "So, Angel. What do you think of Hogwarts so far?'' She hadn't done any exploring or anything as yet but some opinion must have formed already.
Adi blinked at Benny. Oh right. Hehe. Cue the sheepish look on the Hufflepuff's face. "Sorry about that, buddy. But just remember, I haven't got an owl at my house.'' Lame excuse but did Benny know about muggle post? Besides, that would take forever to get a letter to his friend. Adi vaguely wondered if Benny had a computer with internet. Hmm...he'd have to find out. But the Puffer was distracted by something. Something funny. Angel called Benny cutie! He began sniggering not so discreetly at the Lion's response to the word. "Benny! Angel has a crush on you.'' Yep, that was him pointing out the obvious.
She looked at the hufflepuff girl. "Hey you look my age!" she gave a grin and laughed. Everyone else was older or never looked at her. Maybe sitting by herself on the train wasn't a good idea everyone already had friends and she was the most left out of any Gryffindor she had seen so far. "Oh ya I'm fine thanks for asking!" She was always polite her mother being a hufflepuff had taught her to be kind, fair and loyal. Apparently she didn't fit the hufflepuff profile. "Anyways Hi! I'm Oswin!" She beamed making freinds was fun.
SPOILER!!: Norah!
[ QUOTE=Sararara;11605307]Norah grinned at the sight of another girl flouncing to the table. Anyone who flounced as automatically a kindred spirit in her book. The girl seemed about to lose her balance, so Norah jumped to her feet and made to place a steadying hand on her shoulder, but as she was on the painfully tiny end of the eleven-year-old height spectrum, it didn't do much to help her. Oh well, at least she had tried. "Hi! Are you okay?" she said brightly. "I'm Norah." GRIN GRIN. She hoped she didn't scare this girl away with all her smiling but it was all just so exciting![/QUOTE]
SPOILER!!: Marigold
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104
The girl had interpreted Marigold's flailing arms correctly, and so Marigold picked her head off Mitch and her arm from around his waist to lean forward a little. "Hi! Welcome to Hufflepuff." THE BEST HOUSE FOR SURE. She smiled at the girl and twirled the edge of her hair around her finger. "So." Since she no longer had a boy!shoulder as a pillow, she propped her chin up on her hand. It was at this exact moment that the fact she was a fourth year hit her. Hard. When she was this girl's age, the fourth years were Elodie. Merlin. She had a weird feeling in her stomach she assumed was... Confusion? Because there was noooo way she would ever be the Elodie for this girl.
But she could try. So she sat up straight and grinned a huge, totally mature grin. "I'm Marigold, by the way. Fourth year." And totally awesome.
Oh! And some girl just sorted into Gryffindor was over here too. She got a wave.
She saw the wave and asumed it was for her she waved and smiled "HI!" she called out looking at the older girl.
SPOILER!!: Hazel
Originally Posted by OwlEcho63
Hazel liked talking to people. "Fishing sounds like a ton of fun. I've never been, though. I went to France to visit my old friends, and then I took a day trip up north. It was quite fun!" she told Ian. She hadn't seen a lot of her old friends yet, so it was nice to meet new people. So far, she'd only seen Leah this year. Ian was really cool, though.
There was the girl Hazel believed was in her house or year or something. Lux. Since she was in the mood to meet new people, she went up to the girl and said, "Hi! My name is Hazel." It was a pretty good start to a conversation in her opinion.
Hazel noticed the new firstie at the Hufflepuff table (Norah). OOOH! A new puffer, ai? "Hey, I'm Hazel," she said. She skipped over to her. "You're hair is super pretty. So's the rest of you, but I just noticed your hair 'cause it's so... pretty!" Great, embarrassing herself in front of a firstie. She hoped this firstie wouldn't judge her too much.
MARI!!!! "Mari, how are you!" Hazel asked the older girl. Mari was such a cool person. She hoped that she would be that cool. She grinned at her friend. Because grinning was just so FUN!
There was another new girl at the Hufflepuff table (Oswin). Was she a Hufflepuff? "Hi. I'm Hazel," she said. Is that all she can say????? "How are you?" She seemed like a firstie, although Hazel could never been sure. "You're new here, right?"
She looked up suprised that an older girl was talking to her. "Oh Hi! I'm Oswin!" She looked up the slightest bit to her robes and saw she was a Hufflepuff. "I'm great and really excited it's my first year you see and thank you for asking." She stopped and caught her breath anyways. "Anyways what year are you in I hope I'm not being rude!"
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
The blister on the back of his foot was still pretty angry and Ezra had been reaching under the table to take off his shoe when a girl sitting across from him, one that was much older than him, started to talk in his direction. "Who me?" he asked pressing his empty shoe against his robes.
"Oh, thanks. Yeah I'm excited to be put here. My dad was in this House and my great uncle Gaellen." Nods. They were both awesome guys and he had already met one of the Prefects and she was cool.
"I'm Ezra Earnest by the way."
Did he...take off his shoe? Why? Penelope raised an eyebrow slightly but only nodded when questioned whether she was talking to him.
Some of his family had been in Gryffindor though? "That's cool," she replied. At least, she assumed it was. Her mum had been a Ravenclaw so she didn't know what it was like to be in the same house as your family. Probably was neat though. "Bet they'll be proud you got the best house." She grinned.
Oh yes, introductions. "Nice to meet you. I'm Penelope."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
As Ezra continued to wait for food, he tried to see if he could catch a glimpse of Alexa, she had gotten a note to some of them that she might not make it to the Feast (for some reason that was probably pretty important, top-secret Prefect business) but he kind of wanted to have someone he knew to talk to.
But that was temporarily pushed from his mind when a girl's face blocked his view of the table to his left. "Oh hello Candice. Yeah I remember watching you get sorted." She was down in the N's or O's he thought. "I'm Ezra."
"It's this place great?" He asked with a grin as he kicked off his other shoe and pulled his feet up so he could sit cross-legged on the bench.
"Hi!" Oswi practicly shouted in their ears but she was so excited other first years maybe they culd be friends? "Hi I'm sorry for shouting and butting in on your conversation but I was wondering if I could sit here?" She gestured impatiently towards the seat crrently noccupied by any other student. "I'm Oswin I'm new here and you looked 'bout my age so I thought hey new friends maybe I could ask to sit here and here I am!" She spread her arms and by doing so realized she talked very fast and with out breath. Most kids would have looked sheepish and bowed their heads but not Oswin she beamed broadly and looked expectantly at them "It's okay if you want me to leave I mean I was sort of rude and I know rude people are so unapealing and that maybe I am not the best of friends but hey be honest with me it helps a lot."
Sir Nicholas followed the Auror's gaze to the staff table and nodded. "Certainly are. Have you gone up to say hello? If I recall correctly, some of your professors are still here."
It was difficult to keep track of the details after all those centuries.
"Not yet," Kennedy said. Truth be told professors still made him slightly nervous. He had major respect for them, of course, that's probably where it was rooted to. Besides, Josh was already up there. Maybe Kennedy could pay them a visit later when things (hopefully) calmed down. "I should though," he said, turning to the ghost.
Text Cut: Arista and Candice
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
Text Cut: Candice and Kennedy
Arista smiled, she would get the truth out of him!! Just tell her no one had to know. But of course being a good little Ministry Man he didn't tell her. "Mr. Ministry Man of the Law, so its like your back at school to!" Hehehehehehe! He had to watch a bunch of kids everyday, she would get bored. Plus ministry people like her mum were boring anyways. So this guy he was probably boring to. Just because they all had to be.
She smirked, "I wish! That would have been amazing, instead my boat was talking about how they couldn't wait to go to the library. I can't wait to go on some adventures. Did anything interesting happen to you on your boat journey?" Maybe Candice got lucky and she saw the giant squid. Ooo look now Candice was talking to him, que eavesdropping.
"The groundskeeper looks scary..." Looking up at the man... She totally believe he ate children... He yelled out Slytherin too! She was happy she was not in that hous. "Mr. Escalante, yes way shorter than Mr. Ministry Man of the Law. I am Arista Royal." and he got a little curtsy too just because she was so used to it. Sigh manners, why oh why mum? DMLE. "Ooo have you ever caught any bad guys? Are you like an auror? Or a hit wizard??" Thats what they were called right??
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Text Cut: Kennedy & Arista
It seem Mr. I-wear-Badge didn't believe her. "Well, if you must know the Groundskeeper said it himself." So, no she's not hearing from other people. And she wondered maybe that's why he's so BIG.
"Its nice to meet you too, Kennedy." She can call him Kennedy right? Or he preferred she called him Mr. Escalante? Department of Magical Law Enforcement? That sound pretty cool. "Are you like the Boss in there?" Because if he's then she would have something to brag around the school.
She turned her attention to Arista. "Library? I bet you're sitting with a Ravenclaw wanna be." Weird. Kids her age were weird. "Mine was almost tipped" Thanks to the Tai Chi boy and bouncing Maddie. [/COLOR]
He chuckled slightly at the title and the girl's comment. "It sure does feel like it. Well, besides the homework." He could live without that. As it was though, he still had university assignments to work on, so he wasn't quite on the clear, yet.
Right, right, introductions. "It's nice to meet you, Arista Royal." Since she did a curtsy, Kennedy bowed. Heh. Glancing a to the front for a second, he returned his gaze on the kids. "I'm part of the Auror office, yes."
The Groundskeeper told her that?! He probably had his reasons, and he should really get back to doing his job. "No, I'm not, but I'm a part of a group of Aurors." He glanced around the Hall once more. "And I should really get going. It was nice meeting you two. See you around." With a smile he turned made his way up the table, towards the front.
Maybe then Jeremiah would finally crawl out of his hole under the table. Haha!
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa
Bree felt mortified, her first night here and even though it was somewhat justified she just, errr. Bree soon saw an older guy come by and she blushed from embarrassment as he made her mess disappear and asked her if she was ok. "Uh, I think I will be, just a bit of a shock to system, sorry. Anyway, I'm Bree Veras, first year, and you? You look at least 5th year I'm guessing"
Good. The girl seemed a bit better now. Hopefully Nick could give any new incoming students or first years a warning you know, to prevent something like this happening next time. Hopefully the girl can drink some pumpkin juice or something like that to make her throat feel better or something. "Yeah. Nick likes doing that. You'll get used to it in no time." Tag said, reassuring her with a small nod. She was then introducing herself and then assumed Tag was a fifth year. Mellow. "Nice to meet you. I'm Tag Kildare, seventh year, actually." He said holding out his hand. This only added onto that weird feeling Tag had been having over on the train ride.
And then the speech happened. And, bummer, Quidditch was canceled. Pun intended. Students safety was much better than that sport. It hadn't bothered Tag in any way and this was the wizarding school after all, anything could happen so all threats had to be taken into account. And then the thing about the security. Tag glanced at the old guy trailing up and down the table and shook his head. How would all of the students live a decent life here at Hogwarts if their every stepped were being watched? Even if it was for their well being.
Before Ezra was able to respond to the older girl who had gotten his attention, the hall feel quiet as a SUPER!MEGA loud voice sounded. It belonged to the fire head Headmistress, Truebridge.
He listened, excited to hear why all the random people were walking around looking intimidating but was NOT happy to here that the reason was STUPID. "BoooOOOOooo!" the first year started to sound but realized not many other had joined him and the lady asked them to stop before they started.
He barely listened to the rest of what she had to say. New profs, new Ravenclaw person, and other stuff he didn't care about.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Did he...take off his shoe? Why? Penelope raised an eyebrow slightly but only nodded when questioned whether she was talking to him.
Some of his family had been in Gryffindor though? "That's cool," she replied. At least, she assumed it was. Her mum had been a Ravenclaw so she didn't know what it was like to be in the same house as your family. Probably was neat though. "Bet they'll be proud you got the best house." She grinned.
Oh yes, introductions. "Nice to meet you. I'm Penelope."
"This sucks, has there ever not been quidditch before? My first year here and they go and cancel it." He said turning back to the table and piling food onto his plate, slightly depressed. Or as depressed as an eleven year old could be who had just arrived at Hogwarts and was about to stuff his face with the most food he'd ever seen in his life. "While you were here at least?" She looked like she was at least a fifth year, right?
Oh his family, right. "Yeah my mom was a Ravenclaw though. But they'll definitely be proud. What houses were your parents in?" Penelope, right, he'd remember that one.
Originally Posted by ErisedGoblet924
"Hi!" Oswi practicly shouted in their ears but she was so excited other first years maybe they culd be friends? "Hi I'm sorry for shouting and butting in on your conversation but I was wondering if I could sit here?" She gestured impatiently towards the seat crrently noccupied by any other student. "I'm Oswin I'm new here and you looked 'bout my age so I thought hey new friends maybe I could ask to sit here and here I am!" She spread her arms and by doing so realized she talked very fast and with out breath. Most kids would have looked sheepish and bowed their heads but not Oswin she beamed broadly and looked expectantly at them "It's okay if you want me to leave I mean I was sort of rude and I know rude people are so unapealing and that maybe I am not the best of friends but hey be honest with me it helps a lot."
Suddenly a VERY talkative girl showed up waving her hands around and appologizing for talking to them.
Woah. She sure did talk fast.
"Oh, not at all Oswin. First years are welcome here, I guess. I'm here at least. Ezra Earnest. Nice to meet you." He scooted over and moved his empty shoes to make room for her to join.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
"I was knighted, yes," he confirmed. "But I lived out the days until my execution serving as a courtier at King Henry VII's royal court."
He was knighted.a Now that was awesome. Arista's eyes widened at the word execution. She wasn't going to ask about that one...But maybe he would volunteer that information, just for curiosity and to get a better grip of Gryffindor maybe... "King Henry? That is so wicked!" The ghost was officially her favorite!
Text Cut: Candice & Kennedy
Originally Posted by Poolicious
It seem Mr. I-wear-Badge didn't believe her. "Well, if you must know the Groundskeeper said it himself." So, no she's not hearing from other people. And she wondered maybe that's why he's so BIG.
"Its nice to meet you too, Kennedy." She can call him Kennedy right? Or he preferred she called him Mr. Escalante? Department of Magical Law Enforcement? That sound pretty cool. "Are you like the Boss in there?" Because if he's then she would have something to brag around the school.
She turned her attention to Arista. "Library? I bet you're sitting with a Ravenclaw wanna be." Weird. Kids her age were weird. "Mine was almost tipped" Thanks to the Tai Chi boy and bouncing Maddie.
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Text Cut: Arista and Candice
He chuckled slightly at the title and the girl's comment. "It sure does feel like it. Well, besides the homework." He could live without that. As it was though, he still had university assignments to work on, so he wasn't quite on the clear, yet.
Right, right, introductions. "It's nice to meet you, Arista Royal." Since she did a curtsy, Kennedy bowed. Heh. Glancing a to the front for a second, he returned his gaze on the kids. "I'm part of the Auror office, yes."
The Groundskeeper told her that?! He probably had his reasons, and he should really get back to doing his job. "No, I'm not, but I'm a part of a group of Aurors." He glanced around the Hall once more. "And I should really get going. It was nice meeting you two. See you around." With a smile he turned made his way up the table, towards the front.
Maybe then Jeremiah would finally crawl out of his hole under the table. Haha!
The groundskeeper told her?!! She cast a look up at the groundskeeper and gulped..Scary dude. Maybe that's why he was so giant! "Homework sucks." She disliked doing homework, especially manners homework! Yes she was right!!! Ooo Mr.Escalante was the boss man?? Oh no. How boring. "Goodbye Mr. Escalante!! Nice meeting you!" the first year shouted.
She turned her attention back towards Candice, "I bet so. Weird those two were!" She chuckled. "Tipped over? That would have been terrible.. But you would have had better chances of seeing the Giant Squid!" She added with another laugh.
As Ezra continued to wait for food, he tried to see if he could catch a glimpse of Alexa, she had gotten a note to some of them that she might not make it to the Feast (for some reason that was probably pretty important, top-secret Prefect business) but he kind of wanted to have someone he knew to talk to.
But that was temporarily pushed from his mind when a girl's face blocked his view of the table to his left. "Oh hello Candice. Yeah I remember watching you get sorted." She was down in the N's or O's he thought. "I'm Ezra."
"It's this place great?" He asked with a grin as he kicked off his other shoe and pulled his feet up so he could sit cross-legged on the bench.
He remembered watching her got sorted?
"Nice to meet you, Ezra."
Great? "This place is the BEST." Except maybe that stupid old hat. It wasn't that great. Candice noticed that the boy was sitting cross-legged on the bench without shoes. "Are we allowed to do that?" Maybe she should do it to. It looked really comfy.
Text Cut: Kennedy & Arista
Originally Posted by Deezerz
He chuckled slightly at the title and the girl's comment. "It sure does feel like it. Well, besides the homework." He could live without that. As it was though, he still had university assignments to work on, so he wasn't quite on the clear, yet.
Right, right, introductions. "It's nice to meet you, Arista Royal." Since she did a curtsy, Kennedy bowed. Heh. Glancing a to the front for a second, he returned his gaze on the kids. "I'm part of the Auror office, yes."
The Groundskeeper told her that?! He probably had his reasons, and he should really get back to doing his job. "No, I'm not, but I'm a part of a group of Aurors." He glanced around the Hall once more. "And I should really get going. It was nice meeting you two. See you around." With a smile he turned made his way up the table, towards the front.
Maybe then Jeremiah would finally crawl out of his hole under the table. Haha!
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
The groundskeeper told her?!! She cast a look up at the groundskeeper and gulped..Scary dude. Maybe that's why he was so giant! "Homework sucks." She disliked doing homework, especially manners homework! Yes she was right!!! Ooo Mr.Escalante was the boss man?? Oh no. How boring. "Goodbye Mr. Escalante!! Nice meeting you!" the first year shouted.
She turned her attention back towards Candice, "I bet so. Weird those two were!" She chuckled. "Tipped over? That would have been terrible.. But you would have had better chances of seeing the Giant Squid!" She added with another laugh.
He's not the boss? Shame. Your coolness level just went down to 70 Mr. Badge. Well, at least he still cute for an old dude. Oh he was leaving already? He's not staying for the feast? "Bye. See you around Mr. Badge" Wave.
Now back to Arista. "I know, right? I don't want my uniform get wet." And not to mention her hair. Ugh. It would take forever to get her hair perfect again. Thank Merlin it didn't happen. "Yeah but with HUGE price."
And suddenly the Hall went quite and everyone eyes went to the Staff table. Finally the speech.
The eleven year old was listening to the Headmistress when suddenly she heard Ezra booooooooo-ing the Headmistress speech along with some of the students when she mentioned about why the Ministry people was here. So no Quidditch this term? No fun! She's not a big fan of the sport but she always wanted to play. So yeah "BOOOOOOOOO!"
The rest of the Headmistress speech was kind blur to her, she just want to eat.
Dinner time!
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable
SPOILER!!: Sir Kildare, Bree & Candice
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
SPOILER!!: Bree!
Bree looked at Nearly Headless Nick now showing his nearly headlessness and felt sick to her stomach. "Oh god, thats, um", before she could get another word out she puked all over her dish. She really was not expecting something quite like that. She had read about it but seeing it in real life was just too much for this new young lion.
SPOILER!!: Sir Headless Nick!
"Oh bugger," he gasped as he hovered back a few paces and returned his head to the upright position. Well now this was just going to ruin everyone appetite now wasn't it?
"Suppose an older student with a wand handy ought to handle this!"
Where was that Gryffindor chilvery the house was known for in this time of need?
Tag was just sitting about waiting for the feast to start, or rather, the speech. Can the speech come, please? Like, hadn't enough time gone by already? Speech meant time. Time meant money. And money meant food being wasted. Something like that. Gryffindor wants food. He never got a proper meal on the train.
And then some entertainment came, with Nick doing his traditional head trick, which made Tag laugh for a bit, as he quietly watched him interact with the girl. And then Tag scrunched up his face. She had puked. Yeah, gross.
Face still making that face Tag nodded at Nick and got his own wand out, pointed it at the sick and said "Tergeo." And watch the sick soon disappear, leaving the table spotless.
Maybe Nick should ask if anyone was squeamish, in the future, if he was going to perform his head trick. "Are you gonna be all right now?" Tag asked the girl.
The blonde then faced the ghost. "How are you tonight Nick? Any ghost gossip that you have to share with us?" Tag said, trying to start up a friendly conversation with him that may just distract the girl, and make her forget all about her accident. And, as far as the boy could remember, he never thought he'd talked to Nick before. Yeah, he should change that.
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Well, at least she didn't call her young grasshopper again. And the girl got a small wave from her.
Sister?! o____O
Merlin have mercy. What had she done that she had to be in the same house as Angel and her twin sister?
SAY WHAT?! "Triplets?!" Was that mean there's still another Valentine running around Hogwarts. The other one was Ravenclaw? But still, she's stuck with Angel and her sister. Candice hoped that Angel's sister was not as annoying and brainless like her. "How do I know which one is which?" You know for future references since they're house mate and all.
"Candice. The name is Candice Messer." She told the older girl. So no more this girl-from-the-train thing again, yeah?
The girl said at the train that she's a third year, right? Maybe she should consider to be friend with an older student because they;re more mature than the kids her age. Just took Angel for example, the blonde was pretty sure that her fellow first year need to check her brain that if she had a brain.
More people joined their table and Candice saw another first year got sorted into Gryffindor. This time its a boy. She clapped along with her house mate when the old hat shouted Gryffindor.
The new boy was sitting not far from her. Maybe she should hello to him since they're in the same year. "Hey!" Hello, new kid. Wave. "I'm Candice. I'm a first year too." See, she can be nice sometime.
Text Cut: Kennedy & Arista
It seem Mr. I-wear-Badge didn't believe her. "Well, if you must know the Groundskeeper said it himself." So, no she's not hearing from other people. And she wondered maybe that's why he's so BIG.
"Its nice to meet you too, Kennedy." She can call him Kennedy right? Or he preferred she called him Mr. Escalante? Department of Magical Law Enforcement? That sound pretty cool. "Are you like the Boss in there?" Because if he's then she would have something to brag around the school.
She turned her attention to Arista. "Library? I bet you're sitting with a Ravenclaw wanna be." Weird. Kids her age were weird. "Mine was almost tipped" Thanks to the Tai Chi boy and bouncing Maddie.
Text Cut: Sir Nicholas & Bree
Funny. The ghost was talking funny. "Nice to meet you too, Sir Nicholas." That would do, right?
Now, where's the food? She's hungry. The eleven year old was playing with her hair when she saw a girl puked all over her empty plate.
There's goes her appetite.
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa
Bree felt mortified, her first night here and even though it was somewhat justified she just, errr. Bree soon saw an older guy come by and she blushed from embarrassment as he made her mess disappear and asked her if she was ok. "Uh, I think I will be, just a bit of a shock to system, sorry. Anyway, I'm Bree Veras, first year, and you? You look at least 5th year I'm guessing"
Oh marvelous! And just in time too as food appeared on the table for all to enjoy. Everyone except for him that is. He certainly hoped that the Lady Mackenzie remembered his request. "There you go, no harm done, no harms at all" he jest towards the Gryffindor girl. He beamed down at Sir Kildare and nodded his head in appreciation for his actions.
"From what I have heard floating up and down the corridors this evening is you all have plenty of gossip on your hands to not need be bothered by the long tales of us ghosts," he teased. "Although, between you and me, the Grey Lady has taken quite the fancy to me which of course has the Baron in a real irritable state."
Originally Posted by Deezerz
"Not yet," Kennedy said. Truth be told professors still made him slightly nervous. He had major respect for them, of course, that's probably where it was rooted to. Besides, Josh was already up there. Maybe Kennedy could pay them a visit later when things (hopefully) calmed down. "I should though," he said, turning to the ghost.
"Should indeed," he replied with another curt nod.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
He was knighted.a Now that was awesome. Arista's eyes widened at the word execution. She wasn't going to ask about that one...But maybe he would volunteer that information, just for curiosity and to get a better grip of Gryffindor maybe... "King Henry? That is so wicked!" The ghost was officially her favorite!
Wicked was one word for it. Bit of a touch subject really.
"Yes yes, it was quite enjoyable until things went sour, purely by accident mind you and completely reversible should I have been given the opportunity."
Now that food was present and the speech given, Sir Nicholas returned to the centre of the table and hovered above a whole roast chicken. "I must bid you all adieu," he lamented. "But I am certain that our paths shall cross again very soon."
And then Sir Nicholas lowered himself down through the chicken and through the table and through the floor until he had vanished from sight.
Dropped his bookmark. Yeah. Like he was going to believe that. "Great, you found it." Kennedy patted the seat the boy had slid down from. "I bet the lighting is better from here to read." And a better place to keep and eye on him. For safety reasons, of course.
Blinking at the Gryffindor, Kennedy put two and two together. Oh, right, he had pestered him and Beverly until he had made sure they both had everything packed. "I know. Wait...did you think that was a goodbye, back at King's Cross?" He chuckled lightheartedly. "You're funny, kid. Come on, sit up so you're ready for when the Headmistress gives her speech." Kennedy waited for him to do so with an expectant smile.
did he leave? Jeremiah started to make him way back up to the table when he saw that smile of his on his face and he just, lol, no. instead he slowly maneuvered himself a few spaces away and came up on the other side of the table. HE could be sneaky and all, see. Climbing up on to the chair on the other side of the table, a few spaces down he ran his hand threw his hair. This term was going to be stressful, he already could tell.
Good. The girl seemed a bit better now. Hopefully Nick could give any new incoming students or first years a warning you know, to prevent something like this happening next time. Hopefully the girl can drink some pumpkin juice or something like that to make her throat feel better or something. "Yeah. Nick likes doing that. You'll get used to it in no time." Tag said, reassuring her with a small nod. She was then introducing herself and then assumed Tag was a fifth year. Mellow. "Nice to meet you. I'm Tag Kildare, seventh year, actually." He said holding out his hand. This only added onto that weird feeling Tag had been having over on the train ride.
And then the speech happened. And, bummer, Quidditch was canceled. Pun intended. Students safety was much better than that sport. It hadn't bothered Tag in any way and this was the wizarding school after all, anything could happen so all threats had to be taken into account. And then the thing about the security. Tag glanced at the old guy trailing up and down the table and shook his head. How would all of the students live a decent life here at Hogwarts if their every stepped were being watched? Even if it was for their well being.
Lucy had seen what had happened to her friend Bree and so Lucy went immediately near her and Lucy had noticed a older boy who had gone to help Bree..
"Hello Bree, you feel better now?" ..
Then Lucy turned to the boy and said with a smile: "Hello, I'm Lucy," "A penny for your thoughts"! I hope everything is ok for you .. "I'm sorry.. I' m a first year and I do not know how it works. ., but I would like to say to my parents that I been sorted into Gryffindor House .. Can I send them an owl now or should I wait until tomorrow morning? ".. I'm sure my parents are many curious and eager to know the latest news!"
At least Angel seemed happy to see him. Always unsure of how things turn out. Not much actually. Watching the sorting and re-acquainting with classmates. He shrugged when she mentioned not being in the same house. It happens. That doesn't mean we can't hang out. I'd like to take you around the library sometime. I'm sure you'd like it and Mr. Kitridge is a rather nice fellow.
Angel smiled at Ian. "I know it doesn't." Angel was glad about that, it wasn't like they wouldn't see each other and then she was thinking about what it would be like if the school had four buildings but they could only go in their house building she thought it would be weird, seeing all the same people over and over again.
"Oh I'd love to go and see the library sometimes." Angel really thought that it would be cool and hoped that she could meet this Librarian guy as well because he sounded so like so much fun.
Originally Posted by ErisedGoblet924
"Ya sure I would love to sit with you!" Oswin thought about how she was okay to talk after she got over her initial jitters. " Hi I'm Oswin Grace by the way. I think it's really cool to be in Gryffindor." She beamed and fiddled her hair her mother said when she was born she had bright red hair and has kept it since. "Ummmm... should I say something about myself?" She nervously walked over and decided hesitantly to dit down.
Angel smiled at the other girl. "Awesome." Angel wanted to make as many new friends as she could. "Nice name." Angel really like it and then she decided to give a hand since the other girl seemed a bit nervous. "Why don't I tell you about myself first. "I'm Angel and I'm from parents that have no magic, also my sisters Aubrey and Abby come to Hogwarts, were triplets." Angel decided that was enough information for now, she could tell more about herself later.
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Well, at least she didn't call her young grasshopper again. And the girl got a small wave from her.
Sister?! o____O
Merlin have mercy. What had she done that she had to be in the same house as Angel and her twin sister?
SAY WHAT?! "Triplets?!" Was that mean there's still another Valentine running around Hogwarts. The other one was Ravenclaw? But still, she's stuck with Angel and her sister. Candice hoped that Angel's sister was not as annoying and brainless like her. "How do I know which one is which?" You know for future references since they're house mate and all.
Angel had a feeling that this girl didn't like her and she had no idea what she could have done to upset anyone so soon and she was going to try and get to the bottom of it but not just yet she had things to do first, so instead she just smiled and replied. "Yeah there's Abby, who's Ravenclaw and Aubrey and I are Gryffindor." Angel had a feeling Candice could tell that so she didn't continue on the subject.
"As for telling us a part well normally people just have to guess." Angel had a funny feeling that this girl was going to come up with a way to tell them apart and she really was a bit worried about it, she never thought about the other students they shared a dorm with having trouble telling who was who but well they could figure something out later.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
The word had struck him and Benny didn't even register that she was thanking him for telling her about the ghosts. Was it weird that he was even more surprised by the use of the five-letter world, especially towards him, then he had been in finding out Angel was a triplet? He could feel the heat of reddened cheeks in his embarrassment not used to any of it and it took him a couple of minutes before he found his voice.
"He's a poltergeist. So...mean and nasty tricks. "
Angel just looked at Benny and realised that his cheeks were going red, and she had blushed a bit, it had been an accident she hadn't meant to call him it out loud she was too busy daydreaming about things and it had slipped out, she was glad that he had ignored it.
"Okay then, so if I ever meet him, I should run and hide behind someone?" Angel hoped that Benny would be there to save him if that happened but well she would have to wait and see about that for now she was trying to figure out something else to say. "So what is the grounds like here?"
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Well, at least I won't have trouble recognising Abby because she'll have Ravenclaw colours about her uniform,'' Adi told Angel. "Aubrey, Angel and Abby. Nice names your parents decided on.'' Indeed they were. "So, Angel. What do you think of Hogwarts so far?'' She hadn't done any exploring or anything as yet but some opinion must have formed already.
Adi blinked at Benny. Oh right. Hehe. Cue the sheepish look on the Hufflepuff's face. "Sorry about that, buddy. But just remember, I haven't got an owl at my house.'' Lame excuse but did Benny know about muggle post? Besides, that would take forever to get a letter to his friend. Adi vaguely wondered if Benny had a computer with internet. Hmm...he'd have to find out. But the Puffer was distracted by something. Something funny. Angel called Benny cutie! He began sniggering not so discreetly at the Lion's response to the word. "Benny! Angel has a crush on you.'' Yep, that was him pointing out the obvious.
Angel was about to continue with the cutie-pie that was Benny when suddenly Adi spoke. "Oh yeah, I agree." Angel thought her name was a bit weird Angel Leigh Valentine was just a bit funny but it was a cool name and an easy one to remember. "Oh Hogwarts is great so far, though I am a bit scared that I'm going to get lost around this place, it looks massive." Angel then decided to ask Adi something. "Do you think You and Benny would look after me, whilst I find my feet?" Angel hoped they would say yes, though in truth she just wanted to hang out with Benny as much as she could.
Angel blushed at what Adi said next. "I.... I... I..." Angel was trying to think of something to say fast. "I call everyone cutie." Angel lied trying to make an excuse up. "like how are you today.. cu... cut.....cut.." Angel stopped no way could she say that Adi was a cutie she liked him as a friend but well he just wasn't cute, well not as cute as Benny.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Lex had finally made it to the Gryffindor table. See that Aparecium? She wasn't skirting her responsibilities. Nope. Here and present and late from what she'd heard back at the entrance. The arrival of food was evidence enough that she'd missed the entire speech and would need someone to clue her in. Right then, that was easily taken care of.
Alexa flopped down at the table next to Ezra, giving him a little nudge as she did before she began piling things onto her plate. Missing the first half of the feast did NOT mean she'd be missing the food, regardless of the fact that she had plans for more food later. A Gryffindor could never have too much food and they would all do well to remember that.
"So." Lex said, giving everyone at the table a look over. "What'd I miss?"
If they proved of no use in answering she would ask Lottie-or Cassia, who was now Head Girl and obligated to listen to what the Headmistress said. Real shame it was.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Lex had finally made it to the Gryffindor table. See that Aparecium? She wasn't skirting her responsibilities. Nope. Here and present and late from what she'd heard back at the entrance. The arrival of food was evidence enough that she'd missed the entire speech and would need someone to clue her in. Right then, that was easily taken care of.
Alexa flopped down at the table next to Ezra, giving him a little nudge as she did before she began piling things onto her plate. Missing the first half of the feast did NOT mean she'd be missing the food, regardless of the fact that she had plans for more food later. A Gryffindor could never have too much food and they would all do well to remember that.
"So." Lex said, giving everyone at the table a look over. "What'd I miss?"
If they proved of no use in answering she would ask Lottie-or Cassia, who was now Head Girl and obligated to listen to what the Headmistress said. Real shame it was.
Angel had been sitting there with the box in her hand, she had no idea if she wanted to go through with this but she had a feeling Cutty would make her life a living nightmare if she didn't. She was starting to think maybe Cutty was a bad person at the school one to avoid but then why would he let her sit on his knee on the journey over here. "Prefect?" Angel saw the Prefect badge and realised this must be the person Cutty wanted this thing delivered to. She help out A little paper pyramid housing a chocolate sphinx inside of it. "Cutty said I had to give you this." Angel smiled at the prefect.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Oh, speech time. Good that meant they would be getting food so-
No Quidditch? Seriously? None at all? For her last year here? None? Because some freak thought it would be cool to threaten it?
This was absolutely mental. Penelope was NOT happy now and she didn't really hear the rest of the speech or any responses to it. Her LAST year and some moron decided to ruin Quidditch for her. Seriously? Why?
She wanted to punch something. Preferably the person who was responsible for all this.
And now she didn't even really care that the food was here. Her appetite had faded as irritation took over.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
"This sucks, has there ever not been quidditch before? My first year here and they go and cancel it." He said turning back to the table and piling food onto his plate, slightly depressed. Or as depressed as an eleven year old could be who had just arrived at Hogwarts and was about to stuff his face with the most food he'd ever seen in his life. "While you were here at least?" She looked like she was at least a fifth year, right?
Oh his family, right. "Yeah my mom was a Ravenclaw though. But they'll definitely be proud. What houses were your parents in?" Penelope, right, he'd remember that one.
Oh right, the kid. Ezra. He was talking again. Penelope tried to focus on what he was saying.
She shook her head. "Nope. Never while I was here." Until now. "And it's my last year and everything." So lame. Meh.
Oh, and their mums were similar apparently. At least with their houses. "My mum was a Ravenclaw too. And my dad was a Muggle." So no Hogwarts for him.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Lex had finally made it to the Gryffindor table. See that Aparecium? She wasn't skirting her responsibilities. Nope. Here and present and late from what she'd heard back at the entrance. The arrival of food was evidence enough that she'd missed the entire speech and would need someone to clue her in. Right then, that was easily taken care of.
Alexa flopped down at the table next to Ezra, giving him a little nudge as she did before she began piling things onto her plate. Missing the first half of the feast did NOT mean she'd be missing the food, regardless of the fact that she had plans for more food later. A Gryffindor could never have too much food and they would all do well to remember that.
"So." Lex said, giving everyone at the table a look over. "What'd I miss?"
If they proved of no use in answering she would ask Lottie-or Cassia, who was now Head Girl and obligated to listen to what the Headmistress said. Real shame it was.
Stare. Alexa really hadn't paid attention to the speech? How? Did she only just get here or something? Penelope hadn't really noticed...so she just got straight the most important part.
"Quidditch's cancelled." Ugh.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger