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The Lions sit under a beautiful scarlet and gold banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Gryffindors, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Bay sat down at the table, really really hungry… he wanted food like NOW! if he didn't get some soon he would be sneaking down to the kitchens to eat by himself. Placing his head down on the table he held his stomach as it was grumbling. Bay really hoped that the speech was quick because he didn't really care, he just wanted food *le sad face*
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
Bay sat down at the table, really really hungry… he wanted food like NOW! if he didn't get some soon he would be sneaking down to the kitchens to eat by himself. Placing his head down on the table he held his stomach as it was grumbling. Bay really hoped that the speech was quick because he didn't really care, he just wanted food *le sad face*
Instead of heading over to her House table, Lux made a beeline towards the Gryffindor one. She was more comfortable here, and would still be spending time with her fellow Hufflepuffs later on during the feast.
Spotting Bay already sitting, she joined him on the bench sitting right beside him. He seemed really hungry even though he had some food on the train. "Want some Chocolate Frogs?" she asked him as she patted his back comfortingly. She still had some on her from the train.
The voice of the sorting hat echoed the house mane in her head as she skipped over to the Gryffindor table. Louis, Abbi and Bart were all in Gryffindor. So was her dad. He was going to be so proud of her she was happy.
And so was Bay she forgot that he was a lion, too. She spotted him as Lux was already sitting with him of course. That was her besties boyfriend. She waved to both of them "Guess who just got sorted into Gryffindor?" She said proudly to the Gryffinpuff couple. She took a seat because she was that girl.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
This time when Ben was separated from Angel it was because of school tradition. First years traveled from the station to the castle by boat...the rest took carriages along the trail. So after weakly trying to reassure her that it would be all right, he headed away with a random group since had yet to find Adi or anyone else he was really acquainted with at the station where they were all gathered up together once more like they had been in Kings Cross on the other end.
Because of that the third year was more then happy to be back in the Great Hall and ready for the feast. It was familiar territory even if he was back to being alone. Even Conrad was left to hang out with the other owls. Ben made his way over to the lion table and took a seat with a soft sigh, wondering curiously what might be up this term. Hopefully no errant potions that effected way too many people negatively.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Benny!
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
This time when Ben was separated from Angel it was because of school tradition. First years traveled from the station to the castle by boat...the rest took carriages along the trail. So after weakly trying to reassure her that it would be all right, he headed away with a random group since had yet to find Adi or anyone else he was really acquainted with at the station where they were all gathered up together once more like they had been in Kings Cross on the other end.
Because of that the third year was more then happy to be back in the Great Hall and ready for the feast. It was familiar territory even if he was back to being alone. Even Conrad was left to hang out with the other owls. Ben made his way over to the lion table and took a seat with a soft sigh, wondering curiously what might be up this term. Hopefully no errant potions that effected way too many people negatively.
Adi had been keeping a sharp look out for his best friend since he hadn't been able to locate him on the Hogwarts Express and was rewarded when he spotted the Lion entering the Hall and heading for the Gryffindor Table.
Wasting no time, Adi himself made his way to the same Table and made himself at home. Hehe. "Hiya, Benny,'' he said as he surveyed his friend. Hmmm. The other boy seemed to have grown a bit taller. "What's up, you old dragon?'' Well, Benny was no longer old but Adi couldn't help calling him that.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris finally made his way over to the Gryffindor table...not that he had any problems dragging himself away from his house table. As the only friends he had right now were both sitting at this table, Cris figured he'd join them for awhile.
Spotting first Bay and then Lux, Cris decided to slide in next to the Gryffindor boy. Only problem was he didn't realize the bench was well polished making it a very good apparatus to be sliding on...if one didn't need to stop. Unfortunately, right now, that wasn't in Cris' plans right now. So slide he did picking up speed as he got nearer to Bay.
"Big body coming your way, Bay. Look out!!" Cris called out a warning trying to use his feet as human brakes. Okay this was definitely a good way to make a good impression.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi had been keeping a sharp look out for his best friend since he hadn't been able to locate him on the Hogwarts Express and was rewarded when he spotted the Lion entering the Hall and heading for the Gryffindor Table.
Wasting no time, Adi himself made his way to the same Table and made himself at home. Hehe. "Hiya, Benny,'' he said as he surveyed his friend. Hmmm. The other boy seemed to have grown a bit taller. "What's up, you old dragon?'' Well, Benny was no longer old but Adi couldn't help calling him that.
Students of all houses were hustling and bustling around the expansive room, even the occasional professor could been seen arriving or just being at the head table. Another thing to wonder about...just who all would be returning and who would they be getting to replace any that wouldn't be. Including the vacant arithmancy post.
Ben wasn't really paying attention to those coming nearby and even the one who sat down beside him, until he heard his name. Well the nickname his best friend insisted on calling him, and he quickly turned to see said friend. "Hey..." he greeted back, unable to help the smile that graced his face. Even though it faltered at the use of old.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Le Best Friend
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Students of all houses were hustling and bustling around the expansive room, even the occasional professor could been seen arriving or just being at the head table. Another thing to wonder about...just who all would be returning and who would they be getting to replace any that wouldn't be. Including the vacant arithmancy post.
Ben wasn't really paying attention to those coming nearby and even the one who sat down beside him, until he heard his name. Well the nickname his best friend insisted on calling him, and he quickly turned to see said friend. "Hey..." he greeted back, unable to help the smile that graced his face. Even though it faltered at the use of old.
"No...no old...thank you."
Wait. Was his best friend actually smiling? Of course Benny smiled but that happened like... once in a blue moon. He was the serious one of the pair. Hmm... Benny smiled easily (at least for now) but Adi could see his friend was still not so fond of words. His idea of the Babbling Beverage came to mind once more. Maybe this term around he would use it on the Lion. Hehe.
"Well, you'll always be an old Dragon to me,'' Adi replied as he scanned the Slytherin Table looking for Sophie, Caleb and Cutty. Mostly Sophie. Why had he not found his friends on the Train this term? Ah, well.
"So, Benny,'' the third year continued, his attention now fully on his friend once more. "Had a good summer?''
Who would have imagined his job would take him back to where it all began? Hogwarts, of course. It was an honor, being here on YATI duties and keeping the place that was once his home safe. It was even better because he could keep an eye on certain things and keep said things safe.
Wandering into the Great Hall, his eyes automatically landed on the Slytherin table, and for a few seconds it felt as if he'd gone back in time. But not really, the only thing - person - that reassured him it really wasn't his time anymore was the brunette girl with the multi-colored eyes. Heh, she was sure in for a surprise.
Hiding an amused grin that suddenly threatened to show, Kennedy Escalante went the other way and toward the Gryffindor table. He was here on Ministry business, meaning all students and staff were a priority, and he took that seriously. With his hands tucked in his dark robe pockets, seemingly relaxed, yet authoritative, the way he's seen Emily do, Kennedy walked down table, taking a few things in. No need to panic anyone.
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
SPOILER!!: all
Originally Posted by Squishy
Instead of heading over to her House table, Lux made a beeline towards the Gryffindor one. She was more comfortable here, and would still be spending time with her fellow Hufflepuffs later on during the feast.
Spotting Bay already sitting, she joined him on the bench sitting right beside him. He seemed really hungry even though he had some food on the train. "Want some Chocolate Frogs?" she asked him as she patted his back comfortingly. She still had some on her from the train.
Originally Posted by Saraie
Gryffindor. Gryffindor. Gryffindor!
The voice of the sorting hat echoed the house mane in her head as she skipped over to the Gryffindor table. Louis, Abbi and Bart were all in Gryffindor. So was her dad. He was going to be so proud of her she was happy.
And so was Bay she forgot that he was a lion, too. She spotted him as Lux was already sitting with him of course. That was her besties boyfriend. She waved to both of them "Guess who just got sorted into Gryffindor?" She said proudly to the Gryffinpuff couple. She took a seat because she was that girl.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Cris finally made his way over to the Gryffindor table...not that he had any problems dragging himself away from his house table. As the only friends he had right now were both sitting at this table, Cris figured he'd join them for awhile.
Spotting first Bay and then Lux, Cris decided to slide in next to the Gryffindor boy. Only problem was he didn't realize the bench was well polished making it a very good apparatus to be sliding on...if one didn't need to stop. Unfortunately, right now, that wasn't in Cris' plans right now. So slide he did picking up speed as he got nearer to Bay.
"Big body coming your way, Bay. Look out!!" Cris called out a warning trying to use his feet as human brakes. Okay this was definitely a good way to make a good impression.
Looking down at his feet he saw that he still had some yellow feathers.. That was the best time ever, being a bird was way to cool. but being chased by a cat now that wasn't fun, at least Grayson was being a good sport about it because they had all been birds. Bay wanted to try it out eventually. Seeing a few fall off he smiled and he heard someone offer him chocolate frogs. "yes please, my supply is super low" he couldn't wait for them to go to the village so he could buy more.
Munching on his frog he spotted Cinn coming their way!! "awesome!!!! welcome to Gryffindor!!!" he said as he gave her a big smile, it was nice for her to know some people in her house and she already knew some gryffindors.. "I can't wait to show you around!! your going to love our common room" which was true..
It must have been a side effect from the canary creams, slapping his hands over his mouth his eyes were wide with shock. "I'm so sorry" he said while laughing, it was such a good thing that other people were talking so maybe his "caww" wasn't as loud as he thought, looking around he heard Cris yell for him to look out.. instinctively Bay thought he could try to fly away..
"WHY CANT I FLY?" he screamed as he ended up wiggling on the floor.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Smiling at Cinnamon, Lux gave her best friend a thumbs up. "Way to go! I wonder where Emmy ended up." Or if she was even there. HAD the girl seriously missed the train?
Lost in her thoughts, Lux was startled out of it when Bay made a loud bird sound. "Are you still suffering effects, Bay?" Honestly, this amused her if anything. It wasn't as if he had been hurt, and she had done the same thing herself. Only thing was she had returned to normal now.
Those WWW candies sure were funny.
As Cris came sliding their way, Lux had hardly any time to react to it because Bay was flapping and wiggling on the floor, screaming about not being able to fly.
Laughing so hard, she ended up falling off the bench and landing beside him where she continued to laugh.
To anyone who want a Firstie :3 and Kennedy was here somewhere
Pooh Bear | Fabio | Sith Lord | Fab & Chic
That stupid old hat. She said she didn't want to be in the same house like her brother was but that didn't mean it had to put her in Gryffindor. The blonde slowly made her way towards the Gryffindor table. Now she stuck with the Lions for the next seven year.
Candice was about to sat down when she saw an older looking guy, too old for a Hogwarts student lurking around her new house table.
Poke."Aren't you a bit old to be a student? And why aren't you wearing uniform like us?" She was no Ravenclaw but there's a mysterious older guy in her table and she need to find out why he's here. Maybe someone DID get eaten by the Giant Squid. Oh she hoped its the loud boy.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by Poolicious
That stupid old hat. She said she didn't want to be in the same house like her brother was but that didn't mean it had to put her in Gryffindor. The blonde slowly made her way towards the Gryffindor table. Now she stuck with the Lions for the next seven year.
Candice was about to sat down when she saw an older looking guy, too old for a Hogwarts student lurking around her new house table.
Poke."Aren't you a bit old to be a student? And why aren't you wearing uniform like us?" She was no Ravenclaw but there's a mysterious older guy in her table and she need to find out why he's here. Maybe someone DID get eaten by the Giant Squid. Oh she hoped its the loud boy.
Ok. So he was here. This would be his last time having a beginning of term feast. This was weird. It wasn't as if Tag were dreading to take his seat at the Gryffindor table or anything, no, but it felt weird. A different air and vibe to it. Well, at least it wasn't his ultimate last time taking a seat here, right? Right. Positive attitude.
Generally Tag saw people he somewhat already knew, just a few but not too many. Maybe those Gryffindors were just taking their time with everything. Eventually they would show up. So Tag took his seat next to this little girl and eyed her talking to the older guy. Well, that was very direct and blunt of her, wasn't it? Tag shook his head, though a small smile was visible on him.
"Must work with the ministry or St. Mungos, yes? Some people from Mungos were here last year." Tag said addressing the guy and girl all at the same time. Moreso the guy, but still. Probably making sure none of the students had aged over the summer or something? He was a bit old, Tag nodded at the little girls words, but said nothing aloud.
He was here. He'd been here for several minutes now, clapping at those sorted into his house, and kinda the others. He wasnt really bothering himself with anyone else at the table on account of he just wanted to be alone and all. He had a book in front of him you see, his favorite even that he was re-reading for the umpteenth time, Sherlock Holmes.
All that changed though as the now fifth year waited for the speech and food as he heard other kids talking about someone older, what? It had to be a seventh year or a new teacher perhaps. Turning his head, out of mere curiosity, his eyes almost fell out of his head.
The hell was Kennedy doing here?! Surely Beverly didn't forget anything and he didnt either since he was walking by his table. What. Was. He. Doing. Here?!?! All the possibilities flew threw his mind. He couldnt even imagine, what if he was really taking Beverly out of school?! Had he really offended the guy that much on the platform?!
He was gonna die, no, he was dying slowly as he felt himself getting smaller and seemingly falling into under the table. Kennedy Escalante was here to ruin his life he was sure of it.
Slowly but surely the fifth year made his way under the table, thankfully there was no one sitting on either side of him yet, as he collected his thoughts and courage to face the scary dude.
Last edited by JennMarie; 05-06-2014 at 05:10 PM.
Reason: Jenn can't spell late at night
That stupid old hat. She said she didn't want to be in the same house like her brother was but that didn't mean it had to put her in Gryffindor. The blonde slowly made her way towards the Gryffindor table. Now she stuck with the Lions for the next seven year.
Candice was about to sat down when she saw an older looking guy, too old for a Hogwarts student lurking around her new house table.
Poke."Aren't you a bit old to be a student? And why aren't you wearing uniform like us?" She was no Ravenclaw but there's a mysterious older guy in her table and she need to find out why he's here. Maybe someone DID get eaten by the Giant Squid. Oh she hoped its the loud boy.
Text Cut: Tag the Man
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Ok. So he was here. This would be his last time having a beginning of term feast. This was weird. It wasn't as if Tag were dreading to take his seat at the Gryffindor table or anything, no, but it felt weird. A different air and vibe to it. Well, at least it wasn't his ultimate last time taking a seat here, right? Right. Positive attitude.
Generally Tag saw people he somewhat already knew, just a few but not too many. Maybe those Gryffindors were just taking their time with everything. Eventually they would show up. So Tag took his seat next to this little girl and eyed her talking to the older guy. Well, that was very direct and blunt of her, wasn't it? Tag shook his head, though a small smile was visible on him.
"Must work with the ministry or St. Mungos, yes? Some people from Mungos were here last year." Tag said addressing the guy and girl all at the same time. Moreso the guy, but still. Probably making sure none of the students had aged over the summer or something? He was a bit old, Tag nodded at the little girls words, but said nothing aloud.
Strange kids were strange. He could have sworn one of them sounded like a bird or something. Shaking his head slightly, he kept his pace when he was poked. First day on the job and he was already getting harassed?
Oh. It was just a kid.
Kennedy grinned at her just as another student joined them. Then, with a thoughtful expression as if he'd wondered the same thing, he answered, "I am too old to be here, aren't I?" Glancing down at his dark robe he'd thrown at the last minute, he shrugged. "Perhaps because I'm not a student. Nor from St. Mungos," he said, glancing at the boy.
Yeah, yeah. He knew all about last year. He's innocent sister had been victim to that terrible virus.
"I'm from the Ministry," he said, somewhat proudly moving his robe aside to show off his badge. Yeah. He STILL had a badge. Hah. Life was amusing.
Text Cut: We see you Walker
Originally Posted by JennMarie
He was here. He'd been here for several minutes now, clapping at those sorted into his house, and kinda the others. He wasnt really bothering himself with anyone else at the table on account of he just wanted to be alone and all. He had a book in front of him you see, his favorite even that he was re-reading for the umpteenth time, Sherlock Holmes.
All the changed though as the now fifth year waited for the speech and food as he heard other kods talking about someone older, what? It had to be a seventh year or a new teacher perhaps. Turning his head, out of mere curiosity, his eyes almost fell out of his head.
The hell was Kennedy doing here?! Surely Beverly didn't forget anything and he didnt either since he was walking by his table. What. Was. He. Doing. Here?!?! All the possibilities flew threw his mind. He couldnt even imagine, what if he was really taking Beverly out of school?! Had he really offended the guy that much on the platform?!
He was gonna die, no, he was dying slowly as he felt himself getting smaller and seemingly falling into under the table. Kennedy Escalante was here to ruin his life he was sure of it.
Slowly but surely the fifth year made his way under the table, thankfully there was no one sitting on either side of him yet, as he collected his thoughts and courage to face the scary dude.
From the corner of his eye, Kennedy caught a slow, snail movement. For a moment he thought someone was slowly dropping dead or something. That was not going to happen on his watch! No way. Unfortunately, it was just Jeremiah. Yeah, he saw him.
What...was he doing?
Was he hiding? Oh Merlin, what a trip! Bending at the waist, peeking under the table, the YATI cocked an eyebrow at the Gryffindor. "What are you doing there, bud?"
First of all, she had to queue for hours to wear a stupid hat. Then when she finally got to her house table, she still couldn't have food! It was an outrage! They couldn't starve her like this! Hogwarts really must be evil like Nicholas' paper said.
Fortunately, then she got distracted from her empty stomach by a conversation happening next to her. There was an old bloke, a girl even smaller than her, someone hiding under the table and what seemed to be a fellow Irishperson?
So obviously she was going to listen.
The man was from "the ministry". Sounded cool. Oh, she remembered what the ministry was! It was like the government where people sat and made decisions about stuff. Take that Nicholas, how clever was she?!
Then MinistryMan found UnderTheTableBoy and SneakyEavesdroppingSinead held back a giggle at the situation.
Hogwarts could still be evil. But probably not. That reminded her, she wanted food. Sighing, she looked down at the table, hoping she could make food appear out of nowhere.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Originally Posted by Poolicious
That stupid old hat. She said she didn't want to be in the same house like her brother was but that didn't mean it had to put her in Gryffindor. The blonde slowly made her way towards the Gryffindor table. Now she stuck with the Lions for the next seven year.
Candice was about to sat down when she saw an older looking guy, too old for a Hogwarts student lurking around her new house table.
Poke."Aren't you a bit old to be a student? And why aren't you wearing uniform like us?" She was no Ravenclaw but there's a mysterious older guy in her table and she need to find out why he's here. Maybe someone DID get eaten by the Giant Squid. Oh she hoped its the loud boy.
That hat, Gryffindor!! Ugh! Why Gryffindor. Her mum and dad would be so happy. She wanted to rebel. Thanks, for nothing Mr.Hat!! And now look here she was... She walked on over to the table. The lion table.
Arista had looked over at the other tables on her way over though, and it seemed it would be okay. The badgers were okay but she was happy she didn't get them. And her mum would have killed her if she gotten Slytherin, that she could have lived with though. At least she would have gotten to rebel, instead they placed her into her mum's family house. She would never hear the end of it. Tradition. Ugh an annoying thing!
Arista was about to sit down when she saw her. Candice. Eep she went and sat next to her. "Candice! Told you we would see each other again!" That is when she noticed the old guy she was talking too... She asked her in a not so hushed tone, "Who is the creepy old guy?" He was not that old but why not mess with the guy! Of course she let the rather rude comment out right before he started to speak.. Good job Arista. Luckily no one would be telling her mum about that rude comment slip up. And why was someone underneath the table! These weird Gryffindors!!
Ok. So he was here. This would be his last time having a beginning of term feast. This was weird. It wasn't as if Tag were dreading to take his seat at the Gryffindor table or anything, no, but it felt weird. A different air and vibe to it. Well, at least it wasn't his ultimate last time taking a seat here, right? Right. Positive attitude.
Generally Tag saw people he somewhat already knew, just a few but not too many. Maybe those Gryffindors were just taking their time with everything. Eventually they would show up. So Tag took his seat next to this little girl and eyed her talking to the older guy. Well, that was very direct and blunt of her, wasn't it? Tag shook his head, though a small smile was visible on him.
"Must work with the ministry or St. Mungos, yes? Some people from Mungos were here last year." Tag said addressing the guy and girl all at the same time. Moreso the guy, but still. Probably making sure none of the students had aged over the summer or something? He was a bit old, Tag nodded at the little girls words, but said nothing aloud.
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Strange kids were strange. He could have sworn one of them sounded like a bird or something. Shaking his head slightly, he kept his pace when he was poked. First day on the job and he was already getting harassed?
Oh. It was just a kid.
Kennedy grinned at her just as another student joined them. Then, with a thoughtful expression as if he'd wondered the same thing, he answered, "I am too old to be here, aren't I?" Glancing down at his dark robe he'd thrown at the last minute, he shrugged. "Perhaps because I'm not a student. Nor from St. Mungos," he said, glancing at the boy.
Yeah, yeah. He knew all about last year. He's innocent sister had been victim to that terrible virus.
"I'm from the Ministry," he said, somewhat proudly moving his robe aside to show off his badge. Yeah. He STILL had a badge. Hah. Life was amusing.
Candice was waiting for the old guy to answer her question when a boy sat down next to her and rudely answered her question. "Excuse you but I'm asking him." She said pointing to the older guy. Back off. St. Mungos? The guy didn't look like from Mungo's. Because she would know how St. Mungo's uniform look like. Her father used to work there. And yes she know about last accident. Her brother told her bout it and in fact Willy was one of victim.
"Yes, you are." She said in matter of fact. Ministry? Did he say he's from the Ministry. "What are you doing in Hogwarts then? Are they sent you back here because they want you to repeat another year?" Poor guy.
Text Cut: the man under the table
Originally Posted by JennMarie
He was here. He'd been here for several minutes now, clapping at those sorted into his house, and kinda the others. He wasnt really bothering himself with anyone else at the table on account of he just wanted to be alone and all. He had a book in front of him you see, his favorite even that he was re-reading for the umpteenth time, Sherlock Holmes.
All the changed though as the now fifth year waited for the speech and food as he heard other kods talking about someone older, what? It had to be a seventh year or a new teacher perhaps. Turning his head, out of mere curiosity, his eyes almost fell out of his head.
The hell was Kennedy doing here?! Surely Beverly didn't forget anything and he didnt either since he was walking by his table. What. Was. He. Doing. Here?!?! All the possibilities flew threw his mind. He couldnt even imagine, what if he was really taking Beverly out of school?! Had he really offended the guy that much on the platform?!
He was gonna die, no, he was dying slowly as he felt himself getting smaller and seemingly falling into under the table. Kennedy Escalante was here to ruin his life he was sure of it.
Slowly but surely the fifth year made his way under the table, thankfully there was no one sitting on either side of him yet, as he collected his thoughts and courage to face the scary dude.
The blonde girl was looking around the table hoping to see something or someone interesting when her eyes caught someone was hiding under the table.
What's that guy doing under the table? She peeked under the table. "Are you looking for a mouse down there?"
Gryffindors are weird.
Text Cut: Arista
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
That hat, Gryffindor!! Ugh! Why Gryffindor. Her mum and dad would be so happy. She wanted to rebel. Thanks, for nothing Mr.Hat!! And now look here she was... She walked on over to the table. The lion table.
Arista had looked over at the other tables on her way over though, and it seemed it would be okay. The badgers were okay but she was happy she didn't get them. And her mum would have killed her if she gotten Slytherin, that she could have lived with though. At least she would have gotten to rebel, instead they placed her into her mum's family house. She would never hear the end of it. Tradition. Ugh an annoying thing!
Arista was about to sit down when she saw her. Candice. Eep she went and sat next to her. "Candice! Told you we would see each other again!" That is when she noticed the old guy she was talking too... She asked her in a not so hushed tone, "Who is the creepy old guy?" He was not that old but why not mess with the guy! Of course she let the rather rude comment out right before he started to speak.. Good job Arista. Luckily no one would be telling her mum about that rude comment slip up. And why was someone underneath the table! These weird Gryffindors!!
Candice looked up when he heard someone was calling her name. Oh. Its the Park Bench girl. What was her name again? Something Royal? "Arista, right?" She hoped that she didn't mix her name. "Hi. You're a Gryffindor too?" She asked while eyeing the girl uniform. Well, at least she already know one girl in her year.
Creepy old guy? 'Someone from the Ministry." Shrug.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Last edited by Poolicious; 05-06-2014 at 05:25 AM.
Reason: adding Arista
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
So this was it right? He was officially a second year. Ok it wasn't as cool as he thought it would be. Where was all the fireworks and confetti and the "congrats second year Kevin" ? There weren't any and Kevin concluded that the start of term feast was just sitting at the table and waiting for food to arrive. Pretty laaaame!
The sorting ceremony was kind of interesting to see from this point of view though. It was funny seeing those eleven year olds standing nervously in line until their name was called. Kevin had not been like that, nope not at all. He had been manly and brave!
He sighed out loud and put his face in his hand. He was hungry and just wished that the Headmistress would give a speech already. His eyes moved to look at the staff table when he saw someone there who sparked his memory. Well since he was bored anyways and didn't want to speak to anyone and make "friends" just yet. So he opened up the bag he had taken in to the Great Hall while the others went off to the dormitory and pulled out a simple pen and parchment. He placed his elbow around the place he was writing because he didn't want to anyone see it and when he was done he began to fold it like a airplane. It took him a few attempts because he did not know if there was a spell for that or not so he had to fold it with his hands.
When he had a pretty good airplane, he grabbed his wand and pointed it at it. "Wingardium Leviosa"B the paper flew up and while seated at the table, Kevin concentrated on making the paper airplane fly to the staff table.
Angel was totally delighted, to have been sorted into Gryffindor, she now just had to wait for her sisters to get sorted, she was hoping they would all be in the same house because that would be amazing but Abby was smart and bright and a book worm and Angel had been told they normally went in Ravenclaw so she would just have to wait and see.
Angel just went and sat down in a spare seat, wondering what to say or do, she wondered why the tables were so big, it was a bit scary and she just hoped and prayed that everything would work out and that she could make friends, because boy was this castle so big and this great hall well it was just amazing but nerve wrecking at the same time.
Angel was totally delighted, to have been sorted into Gryffindor, she now just had to wait for her sisters to get sorted, she was hoping they would all be in the same house because that would be amazing but Abby was smart and bright and a book worm and Angel had been told they normally went in Ravenclaw so she would just have to wait and see.
Angel just went and sat down in a spare seat, wondering what to say or do, she wondered why the tables were so big, it was a bit scary and she just hoped and prayed that everything would work out and that she could make friends, because boy was this castle so big and this great hall well it was just amazing but nerve wrecking at the same time.
Leah had looked up from the Hufflepuff table just in time to see a familiar person - or three familiar-looking people getting sorted. She could still make out nervous-looking Angel - her new best friend sitting on the stool. The second year crossed her fingers and prayed for a Hufflepuff, but - well, Gryffindor. Not bad.
Leah, as honorary sister of Angel, felt it as her duty to go up to the first year and congratulate her. She patted Angel's back slightly before sitting down next to her. "Angel! Long time no see! I hope you still remember me and the ice creams," she said, winking. "Congratulations on being a Gryffindor. You must be really brave. We'll still get to meet each other, although we are in different houses." Leah said, hoping her sadness was not reflected.
Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable
As had become customary over the centuries, Sir Nicholas made his grand entrance into the Great Hall through the centre of the Gryffindor table. "Good evening one and all," he greeted with a wide smile and opened arms. "Welcome welcome!"
Lifting his head, Sir Nicholas clasped his ghostly arms behind his back and glided about the Gryffindor table to get a better look at just who all was present. Plenty of new faces by the look of things. Tragic that he had missed some of the sortings. "So ... new Gryffindors! I hope you're going to help us win the House Cup this year?"
Hint. The answer is OF COURSE!
Hovering in place for a moment, Sir Nicholas eyebrows raised when his eyes fell on a certain young man who had not walked these halls for quite some time. "Mr. Escalante! Do what do we owe the pleasure of your company this evening? Haven't forgotten where the Slytherin table is now, have you?"
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
[textcut=Candice and Nick!]
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Text Cut: Tag and Kennedy
Candice looked up when he heard someone was calling her name. Oh. Its the Park Bench girl. What was her name again? Something Royal? "Arista, right?" She hoped that she didn't mix her name. "Hi. You're a Gryffindor too?" She asked while eyeing the girl uniform. Well, at least she already know one girl in her year.
Creepy old guy? 'Someone from the Ministry." Shrug.
Text Cut: Tag and Kennedy
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
As had become customary over the centuries, Sir Nicholas made his grand entrance into the Great Hall through the centre of the Gryffindor table. "Good evening one and all," he greeted with a wide smile and opened arms. "Welcome welcome!"
Lifting his head, Sir Nicholas clasped his ghostly arms behind his back and glided about the Gryffindor table to get a better look at just who all was present. Plenty of new faces by the look of things. Tragic that he had missed some of the sortings. "So ... new Gryffindors! I hope you're going to help us win the House Cup this year?"
Hint. The answer is OF COURSE!
Hovering in place for a moment, Sir Nicholas eyebrows raised when his eyes fell on a certain young man who had not walked these halls for quite some time. "Mr. Escalante! Do what do we owe the pleasure of your company this evening? Haven't forgotten where the Slytherin table is now, have you?"
Arista smiled she must have left an impression on the girl since she did remember her name. She gave a nod. Happy that she herself had remembered her name, instead of calling her Angel or AJ. How embarrassing would that be! "Yeap, its so cool to know someone in my house already!!"
She looked back over at the guy. Someone from the ministry... "Ohhh," turning to the 'old' guy she asked, "Ministry...Why is the ministry here? Are you going to overthrow the Headmistress?" A strange idea that poped in her head. But she was believing of it, of course.
A ghost. She had never seen one before. So cool. "Hello Mr. Ghost!" Que smile and a grin. House cup? Of course!!!
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
SPOILER!!: Love #1
Wait. Was his best friend actually smiling? Of course Benny smiled but that happened like... once in a blue moon. He was the serious one of the pair. Hmm... Benny smiled easily (at least for now) but Adi could see his friend was still not so fond of words. His idea of the Babbling Beverage came to mind once more. Maybe this term around he would use it on the Lion. Hehe.
"Well, you'll always be an old Dragon to me,'' Adi replied as he scanned the Slytherin Table looking for Sophie, Caleb and Cutty. Mostly Sophie. Why had he not found his friends on the Train this term? Ah, well.
"So, Benny,'' the third year continued, his attention now fully on his friend once more. "Had a good summer?''
She was a Gryffindor and she couldn’t stop smiling. Honestly, she didn’t know what made a certain house so great, but she was just excited that she got placed at all without any problems. She made her way to her new table looking for her sister and spotted the boy from the sweet shop. ”Adi!” Aj noticed that he was talking to somebody else so she smiled at the boy. ”I’m a Gryffindor.” she said pointing out the obvious. It was too bad that they didn’t manage to get into the same house, but she would still be able to see him so that was a good thing.
AJ had more questions and was just about to launch into them when she spotted her sister.
SPOILER!!: Love #2
Angel was totally delighted, to have been sorted into Gryffindor, she now just had to wait for her sisters to get sorted, she was hoping they would all be in the same house because that would be amazing but Abby was smart and bright and a book worm and Angel had been told they normally went in Ravenclaw so she would just have to wait and see.
Angel just went and sat down in a spare seat, wondering what to say or do, she wondered why the tables were so big, it was a bit scary and she just hoped and prayed that everything would work out and that she could make friends, because boy was this castle so big and this great hall well it was just amazing but nerve wrecking at the same time.
”Angel, I’m a Gryffindor too.” she beamed. This was so awesome and she couldn’t wait for everything to start so she could get some more information. AJ looked around trying to take stock of everything. The castle was absolutely beautiful and she wanted to explore so bad. Even she knew that it would most likely not go unnoticed if she left the hall at this point. ”What do you think?” she asked with her arms spread out showing off the hall.