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A medieval wizard, Gregory the Smarmy invented Gregory's Unctuous Unction, a potion that makes the drinker think whomever gave the potion is his or her best friend. Gregory allegedly wormed his way into King Richard's confidence with this potion and thus made his fortune.
Behind his chipped statue used to be a secret passageway outside the school, which was found by Fred and George Weasley during their first week of school and which caved in during the Battle of Hogwarts. The statue has since been used as a landmark on the fifth floor corridor.
Cosgrach usually moved when he was cold in the Middle Asia, and this time it took him five floors to warm up. Though, the climb wasn't just for an exercise, Ethan needed privacy and these statues would provide them with exactly that.
Was it too cliché of a potions master to pick good ole Gregory's statue to discuss important matters? So be it. Hehe.
Finally stopping at the statue, he drew his wand to create two chairs for them to sit. As he'd successfully failed in his charms OWL, his chairs turned out to be primitive stools, but they were better than nothing, right? Offering one to the boy, Cosgrach sat on his as if it was the most comfortable throne and looked at the Slytherin boy.
"What's it that's bothering you?"he asked softly again. Potions master to help.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
This is exactly how he wanted his father to be like. Pride and warmth filled the boy as soon as Cosgrach accepted his help. It wasn’t every day that a professor would make their students feel they were needed, especially during circumstances like this. If it was his dad though, it would be very different. He’d probably be scolding him for not thinking over things, blah blah blah. It was unfair of him to think of it though, because all along he had been judging Aldred as soon as he learned that he was actually his father. The Mordaunts aren’t exactly the friendly type. They are all reserved, perfectionists, and is addicted to tradition.
The moment they entered the castle and started walking up the stairs, Ethan got his wand out and casted the Hot Air Charm on himself. Wooooshh. Warmth. He’d occasionally look up at his professor to see if he was doing okay, and would fan him with the warm air coming out of his wand from behind. Nothing to see here, sir.
He was too busy concentrating on keeping himself and Cosgrach warm, that he didn’t realize they were heading…somewhere in the…1, 2, 3, 4…fifth floor. The boy stopped and tucked away his wand as he looked up at the statue of…who is that guy again? Josie had told him his name when they were out exploring the castle. Gregory something who used a potion to be friends with a King, yes? Totally missing Cosgrach conjuring stools out of thin air, Ethan grinned at the statue. That was…rather thoughtful of the Potions Master, no? Shifting his attention to the man who is now sitting, rather comfortably on his stool, Ethan followed suit, and inhaled exhaled slowly. “It’s…yeah. It’s my dad. I…” the third year scrunched up his nose, and phrased his next words carefully. “…I think he doesn’t want me.” There. Ethan winced a bit, fully embarrassed that he is talking about this stuff with another adult. He did consider talking to his Head of House regarding this, but he decided on the last minute that he actually needs a male adult counterpart for this. Besides, it’s about his dad, so who else would actually understand, yeah?
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Shifting his attention to the man who is now sitting, rather comfortably on his stool, Ethan followed suit, and inhaled exhaled slowly. “It’s…yeah. It’s my dad. I…” the third year scrunched up his nose, and phrased his next words carefully. “…I think he doesn’t want me.” There. Ethan winced a bit, fully embarrassed that he is talking about this stuff with another adult. He did consider talking to his Head of House regarding this, but he decided on the last minute that he actually needs a male adult counterpart for this. Besides, it’s about his dad, so who else would actually understand, yeah?
Cosgrach was the MOST ticklish person ever, but he was also considerate, so he didn't laugh when the hot air washed over him, but it had been so hard, too! He appreciated the boy's charm, though, and it helped him feel better. This winter was something else, and if he hadn't been watching the muggle channels that clearly said everything was okay, he'd think it was the infamous Ice Age, followed by the end of the world.
Okay, not to digress, his eyes were softly on the boy when they both sat down, but he was ready to look away if he sensed the boy was too uncomfortable to speak. Cosgrach listened to the few boys the boy had to utter, but those words were enough to break Cosgrach's heart. Although, luckily his father'd always wanted him, the whole school didn't want this man in the past, so Cosgrach could guess how it hurt.
"I'm sorry, Ethan," he said softly, "because you are the kind of boy everyone'd want." Happy, polite and kind? No? "Have you ever asked him why?"
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by StarShine
"I'm sorry, Ethan," he said softly, "because you are the kind of boy everyone'd want." Happy, polite and kind? No? "Have you ever asked him why?"
Ethan didn’t need to ask his father why. His actions were enough to tell the boy that he doesn’t like him…but hopefully he’s got a very good reason why. The third year simply wanted to understand his own father, and if he will cause him troubles then he’d be willing to step away…and maybe return his surname to the Mordaunts, and go back living as a Scofield. But he couldn’t do that now, can he? His fake dad is now…nowhere to be seen. Merlin, even Thomas seem to not like him now.
“I…never asked, professor.” Ethan said as he clasped his hands together and stared at it. Cosgrach needs to know why, yes? “You see, my deceased mother was my father’s only interest. They never got married, but when my parents had to end their relationship, my mother didn’t know she was pregnant with him.” Hopefully, Cosgrach follows because his history is a bit…confusing. “When I was born, my mother was with another man already. His name’s Thomas and he’s a muggle. I…grew up knowing he is my real dad…until…until my mother died three years ago.” No…no crying. Now’s not the time to wallow in self-pity. Right now, what he needs is an assurance that despite everything, he will be fine…and that all of this would result into something fruitful. “…my mother kept it as a secret, until…my real dad found out. He did investigate my mother’s untimely demise, and…yeah. After that…the man I grew up as uncle Aldred, turned out to be my biological father.”
At this point, Ethan rubbed his face with his hands in frustration and sadness. Everything changed after that. He used to have fun with Aldred, bonded with him even and taught him a few tricks whenever he came to visit his cousin Mordred and his family. “He’s…he’s a good man, professor. I know he is. I just…don’t understand why all of a sudden, he became so distant after that incident.” Ethan pressed his lips together, and forced himself to have a stiff upper lip. He can’t…and will not cry in front of Cosgrach Culloden. “…after I lost my mother, I was technically orphaned. When I found out that I still have him as my real dad, I couldn’t be any happier. But...it seems it isn’t the case for him.” He was unwanted, all right? “…I guess…I should just…live with that, right?” Because…what’s left to do anyway? He can’t force the man to like him.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
...he never asked... Cosgrach could understand that. After all, it was probably the hardest task for a son to ask why his father didn't want him. Fathers ought to be proud of their sons, weren't they? Then, Ethan told the real story, and Cosgrach sat straighter in his chair with a small frown on his face. Cosgrach listened to the whole story, and... he didn't know what to say. This was tough - too hard for a 14 year old. And yet, Ethan came out as a great boy.
There was just one thing Cosgrach had to ask before he went on with consoling and speaking his mind.
"Where is Thomas?" he asked, "why were you orphaned after your mother died? If I may ask, that is." Thomas hated him because he wasn't his father, too?
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by StarShine
"Where is Thomas?" he asked, "why were you orphaned after your mother died? If I may ask, that is." Thomas hated him because he wasn't his father, too?
Ethan simply hung his head and shook his head. "I don't know, sir. He left when he too found out that I'm not his real son." Pity, really. Truth be told, his deceased mother lied to him for 11 solid years. However, Ethan still loves him despite their situation. How can he not love Thomas? He was...an awesome guy, and taught him all the coolest muggle stuff a boy like him would really love.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Ethan simply hung his head and shook his head. "I don't know, sir. He left when he too found out that I'm not his real son." Pity, really. Truth be told, his deceased mother lied to him for 11 solid years. However, Ethan still loves him despite their situation. How can he not love Thomas? He was...an awesome guy, and taught him all the coolest muggle stuff a boy like him would really love.
Cosgrach frowned deeply. What did that tell about Thomas, huh? Did it matter THAT MUCH for Ethan to be of his blood? Would Thomas have DIED if he'd helped Ethan be a great person? Cosgrach was SURE, he'd still have the right to call him his son and be proud. After all, this uncle Aldrich or whatever had only contributed to Ethan's eye colour and face shape, but his personality - which pretty much defined a person - was all Thomas'.
"So who are you staying with now?" he asked in distress, because that seemed like the most important question for the time being. Ethan looked wealthy, to be honest, but Cosgrach wouldn't be surprised if it was his deceased mother's money. "And this uncle - did he disappear too?"
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by StarShine
Cosgrach frowned deeply. What did that tell about Thomas, huh? Did it matter THAT MUCH for Ethan to be of his blood? Would Thomas have DIED if he'd helped Ethan be a great person? Cosgrach was SURE, he'd still have the right to call him his son and be proud. After all, this uncle Aldrich or whatever had only contributed to Ethan's eye colour and face shape, but his personality - which pretty much defined a person - was all Thomas'.
"So who are you staying with now?" he asked in distress, because that seemed like the most important question for the time being. Ethan looked wealthy, to be honest, but Cosgrach wouldn't be surprised if it was his deceased mother's money. "And this uncle - did he disappear too?"
Shame on both of these men.
Ethan saw his professor’s frown, and he knew that he was rather getting upset with his own problem. The third year started to worry, knowing full well that this shouldn’t bother Cosgrach. He is a professor, and Ethan’s problem shouldn’t worry or make the man upset. The boy knew that the man beside him has a lot to think about seeing that he has to oversee the whole school population as well. They are, after all, the students’ second parents.
“I stay with my cousin, Mordred and his dad…Uncle Aldrich.” Which is…his father’s eldest brother. Ethan will forever be grateful with the two of them for taking care of him. Really, those two seemed to be the coldest people that ever graced this planet, but it seems that family is their number one priority, and that Ethan was the most significant family member as of the moment. Being part of the Mordaunt clan can be compared to being doused with very cold water. It was a good thing that Mordred and Ethan got along very well from the get-go—when Ethan was still a drooling toddler, and Mordred attending his formal schooling in Hogwarts. “My real dad…I…still see him from time to time, but…we rarely talk when we see each other. I…tried closing the gap, but…it seems that he doesn’t even want to see me.” Really, was Aldred mad at him…or simply…afraid of the fact that he is the father of that child?
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Ethan saw his professor’s frown, and he knew that he was rather getting upset with his own problem. The third year started to worry, knowing full well that this shouldn’t bother Cosgrach. He is a professor, and Ethan’s problem shouldn’t worry or make the man upset. The boy knew that the man beside him has a lot to think about seeing that he has to oversee the whole school population as well. They are, after all, the students’ second parents.
“I stay with my cousin, Mordred and his dad…Uncle Aldrich.” Which is…his father’s eldest brother. Ethan will forever be grateful with the two of them for taking care of him. Really, those two seemed to be the coldest people that ever graced this planet, but it seems that family is their number one priority, and that Ethan was the most significant family member as of the moment. Being part of the Mordaunt clan can be compared to being doused with very cold water. It was a good thing that Mordred and Ethan got along very well from the get-go—when Ethan was still a drooling toddler, and Mordred attending his formal schooling in Hogwarts. “My real dad…I…still see him from time to time, but…we rarely talk when we see each other. I…tried closing the gap, but…it seems that he doesn’t even want to see me.” Really, was Aldred mad at him…or simply…afraid of the fact that he is the father of that child?
Oh, so he still had responsible people around him. That was nice. Cosgrach could stop worrying about that part then, and focus on this... A-person.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Ethan," he said, "and... I don't even know what to say. I don't want to give you any false hopes, see? Which you don't have, anyway. I suppose... the best thing you can do is to leave Aldred alone and..." He sighed. If Ethan seeked advice, Cosgrach's advice would be that. If he seeked some hope, Cosgrach wouldn't give him any, because it was hopeless until Aldred realised his mistake. And Cosgrach suffered from false expectations in the past. He wouldn't do that to Ethan.
"I can be your father if you got no one," he joked for him to feel better.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by StarShine
Oh, so he still had responsible people around him. That was nice. Cosgrach could stop worrying about that part then, and focus on this... A-person.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Ethan," he said, "and... I don't even know what to say. I don't want to give you any false hopes, see? Which you don't have, anyway. I suppose... the best thing you can do is to leave Aldred alone and..." He sighed. If Ethan seeked advice, Cosgrach's advice would be that. If he seeked some hope, Cosgrach wouldn't give him any, because it was hopeless until Aldred realised his mistake. And Cosgrach suffered from false expectations in the past. He wouldn't do that to Ethan.
"I can be your father if you got no one," he joked for him to feel better.
Ethan kept on staring at the floor as he listened to his professor. The third year had nothing to say yet, and just…nodded. Cosgrach shouldn’t be sorry, really. This was his family’s fault. He’s right about one thing though, and that is he doesn’t have hope…at all. The Slytherin had to bite his lip as he felt his insides do a drop. So…all he got to do was wait? That was it right? “But what if I leave him alone…and he never comes back?” Definitely, it’ll make his situation worse, but maybe…not having any expectation at all from his own father would be the best.
Ethan sighed and rubbed his eyes with his hands. He hasn’t had any proper sleep as of late…and thank Merlin, Simon hasn’t noticed this yet. He’d usually be his happy self during the day…and be miserable when everyone’s in bed. Most nights, he’s tempted to sneak out of their dungeon and just walk around the castle until he falls asleep. His house should thank the weather, because it was spared from one Ethan Mordaunt breaking the curfew rule.
The fourteen year old stopped rubbing his eyes, and looked at his companion. Did…did he just? Ethan, dumbfounded, didn’t know what to say. His mind raced, and it was suddenly filled with so many questions. Cosgrach Culloden can’t be serious. No. He’s not. He’s only joking. “Yes. He’s just fooling around.” Because who would want to adopt him? This man? Nope. Ethan realized that his mouth was ajar, and quickly snapped it shut. The third year would have smiled, if he was in a good mood, but Cosgrach’s statement just made him sadder. Silly, Culloden. No one wants this boy. If Ethan was given the chance to speak his mind, he was sure that he will pick Mordred over him anytime. His cousin was the perfect Slytherin.
Ethan shook his head and continued to stare at the floor. “You have so many things to worry about, sir. I’m sure you have a lot of ‘adopted’ kids here already, and I don’t want to be another problem.” Wasn’t that the same thing he said to Mordred’s dad? Yeah, he did. But the man was persistent, so he got his way in the end. This got the boy thinking though. “Do you have…a son or a daughter, professor? I hope you don’t mind me asking.” He said as he finally looked at him. He was intrigued really. And was already jealous of his children if he had any.
Why can’t his father be as cool as this guy?
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
What about then? "Then he doesn't want you. I'm sorry I'm speaking harshly, Ethan, but I trust it's better than misleading you. You can't make him love or want you, especially after trying to hard, as I take it.
Yeah, Cosgrach knew what he said wasn't the phrase you'd hear everyday, but this wasn't everyday too. Ethan clearly needed that. Cosgrach... possibly... what, if he had a kid from his first marrige, his son would be around Ethan's age too.
"Nah, you'll hardly be a problem. Lookatcha, you've lost two important figures in your life and you're still full of life. You won't be the first student I will," his hands went in the air to form quotation marks, "'adopt' here. There's also Sophie Brown, see?" He grinned at the boy then. No need to feel sad, bad, mad! Cossy was here to help them. "I don't have any kids, so you're my kids." He rolled his eyes. Cheesy. "Kidding aside, I'll still be your professor and all, but you can come directly to me if you have any kind of problem. Outside the school as well."
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Ethan took the full blow of Cosgrach’s words and forced himself to swallow the bile inside his mouth. There’s no such things as sugar coating when it comes to this guy. Others will definitely think that this man’s insensitive, but the third year tried his best to dig deeper into his words and found out that he’s telling the painful truth. Yes, maybe it’s time to toughen up, and just get on with life. It will take him time though…to accept that possibility of not being wanted forever.
Ethan looked up at the man and gave him a weak grin. Yes, he knows Sophie Brown! He met her back in the grounds while working on Kirby’s hut. Never talked to her after that though, but he definitely will once he gets the chance. He wondered though if she’s got problems too with her family seeing that the potions master adopted her too.
Upon hearing his words, somehow the boy was filled with little hope. Cosgrach will never be his dad, but if his own father wouldn’t want him, then he’s got a man here who’s willing to be his. “So…you’re not kidding?” As in…he’s serious about it? Because this boy needs an adult figure to lean on. Merlin knows what this kid could do if he isn’t guided. “I will do my best not to disappoint you, professor.” Ethan, even if Cosgrach doesn’t know, will do everything he can to make him proud. He doesn’t know where to start though, but he will. That’s the least he could do for a man who’s now accepted him even if they are not related at all.
Ethan sighed, and for the first time in weeks, he felt his happy self, come out after a period of hibernation. The boy’s cheeks flushed, and was now smiling. “I will keep that in mind professor.” Problems outside school…did he mean…you know…girl problems? Ethan had to shut his mouth to prevent himself from smiling further. Cossy might think he’s a weirdo. But then…he’s got another question! “Erm…sir? Don’t you…feel sad that you don’t have your own kids?” Cosgrach’s definitely different from Aldred, but he wanted to know. He just might get an idea if his real dad’s sad or not.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Cosgrach watched him closely and was pleased when Ethan didn't hate him for speaking harshly. Said a lot about his personality. He wasn't a dreamer, at least. Good.
"I'm not kidding." Who would be so cruel? Kid around with the guy's most sensitive side? He chuckled softly, then. He was enthusiastic, wasn't he?
"You don't have to prove me anything, except, of course, I want excellency in potions." He grinned, but he WAS serious about that. Potions. No kidding subject.
...that question. Yeah. It was harder to pretend when they were discussing such sensitive issues. Besides, how could he lie to him now?
"I do feel sad, yeah," he muttered, then shrugged. "But I couldn't find the right woman and mindset." So it was okay. Maybe in the future... he was still young for a wizard. He had time.
"If we have solved the issue, may I serve you tea in the office?" He would NEVER criticise his charm talent, but it was getting harder to ignore the pain in his bum because of the highly uncomfortable stool.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Eyes on the floor, Ethan blinked. Good Merlin, he’s not kidding. The Slytherin sloooooooooowly looked up from the floor to him with his mouth slightly open. He still needs to prove himself to this man, but here he was accepting him and maybe (?) selflessly taking him under his wing. What the Fawkes just happened? The fourteen year old boy snapped his mouth shut, and scratched the back of his head. “Well this is pretty weird.” Weird. Why? He already spent three years trying to get his father’s approval, but this man, a man he barely knows was just…willing to be one.
Yes, well, maybe that has something to do with him not having any children? Or…maybe he wanted kids, but can’t have at least one because, just like what he said, he has not found the right woman. And…and he feels sad about it. Merlin. Could he and his dad just exchange lives? Like…right now? “Well…that’s understandable…I guess?” Well, what does he know about having kids anyway? But he’s seen other parents looking very happy with their children, so that must be hard for his Potions Master too. “…you’ve got Sophie Brown. I bet she’s enough to make you happy.” Right? They seemed very close based on his detective observation. Who needs a woman anyway, if said woman can’t make him happy, yeah?
And. Oh dear. POTIONS. If only Culloden knew about his frustrations. But…that doesn’t need to be discussed now. He will do his best of course. “No problemo, professor! I just…hope the other kids won’t mess up in your class. It gets on my nerves. I hate it when I break my concentration.” Yeah, like the one time where this Kevin kid broke something, and the drama that came with it? For Fawkes’ sake, hopefully that won’t happen again. Ethan had to control himself from adding to the drama by walking out. All the drama happens in Potions. Why?
ANYWAY! Tea sounds good. Yes. Hot tea, please? “Problem…slightly solved, sir. And…thanks for spending some time with me. I really, really appreciate it.” Hug? No…no hugs. Merlin. Hugs are for Alec and Ella and Mordred, hmmkay? And maybe Cutty and Simon…and Grayson, and of course, Josette. That is if she doesn't hit his face first while attempting.
Ethan grinned and nodded at the man. “Tea sounds good! The need for it is increasing rapidly, what with this blasted weather we’re having.” And the showers. Did he mention the showers down in the dungeons? “Bath time is always a problem too nowadays. The struggle is real, sir.” Ethan stood up, and waited for the potions master to do the same. “Professor? Can I keep this?” he asked as he picked up the stool. Don’t…ask why. Heh.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Cosgrach laughed softly. He did have her, yes. He was lucky, but in case the girl got a bigger head than she already did, he'd never admit that out loud. "She's good, yeah," he said simply and didn't speak more on the matter.
Other students, good gracious! He impatiently rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I hope they behave too. Like Kevin's incident's set an example or something." Hah. How very optimistic. Cosgrach didn't believe an ounce of this hope, but he wouldn't outright complain to Ethan about his peers... yet.
Slightly? Yeah, well, Cosgrach would take slightly now. "You're a good guy, Ethan, so don't mention it." Cosgrach enjoyed his company, anyway.
"I hope the spring will be spring," he said, "otherwise, we'll freeze down there." And no one cared about them. They were left there to their fate!
Cosgrach was surprised with the request, but shrugged. "Sure." He could understand why. He still kept the cauldron he'd entered his last GRAND exam with. Heh.
Getting up, he vanished his own stool and led the way to his office.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Well, this was nice. Seeing the professor actually happy and not shouting his lungs out like a MAD Quidditch Coach. Ahem. Anyway, Ethan nodded and smiled as he enjoyed this moment with the man. He had to admit though, that he was intimidated by his presence during his first class with him, but Cosgrach definitely changed the way Ethan viewed him. There really was something more with this man.
More nods and grinning happened. See, this day didn’t turn out so bad, and he will be forever thankful to this person for listening to him. Yeah, that’s exactly what he needed. A person who could see beyond his happy façade.
Ethan allowed the potions master to go ahead, because the boy needed a little moment with the statue in front of him. Gregory the Smarmy. How fitting indeed. The third year tucked the stool under his arm and grinned at the sculpture. Today turned out really well, and he allowed his brain to etch every detail of what transpired between him and Culloden. This particular spot will definitely be a special one for him, and 'ol Greg is his sole witness.
Not wanting the professor to notice him missing, one happy Ethan Tyler Mordaunt dashed and caught up with Professor Cosgrach Culloden towards his office for a cup of warm tea.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Simon was bored. Very, very bored. Being snowed in a castle wasn't helping this. Sure, there were plenty of places to explore around here at Hogwarts, however, he felt as if everywhere he went was either too noisy or too crowded. It was hard to find a place that was truly quiet.
He continued down the fifth floor corridor until he spotted the landmark statue, Gregory the Smarmy. He tried to replicate how the statue was by placing a thoughtful hand underneath his chin. Yeah. That was it. He got lost in his own thoughts.
Simon was bored. Very, very bored. Being snowed in a castle wasn't helping this. Sure, there were plenty of places to explore around here at Hogwarts, however, he felt as if everywhere he went was either too noisy or too crowded. It was hard to find a place that was truly quiet.
He continued down the fifth floor corridor until he spotted the landmark statue, Gregory the Smarmy. He tried to replicate how the statue was by placing a thoughtful hand underneath his chin. Yeah. That was it. He got lost in his own thoughts.
This snowed in thing was bad. Very bad. Lana was all caught up on her homework and she had nothing to do. So she had taken to exploring the castle, finding corridors she'd never been down and following them.
This one had led her to a funny statue and an equally funny boy who was imitating that statue. Lana watched him for a moment before sliding up next to him and copying his stance. She even put on the same thoughtful expression.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Simon was so focused on impersonating the statue that he hadn't noticed a girl sidle up next to him. He nearly got a fright when he saw her out of his periphery vision; however, he played it cool and then couldn't hold it anymore. It seemed as this girl had a rather good sense of humour too. He needed to laugh but he held it in. It was so hard to not burst into laughter. He bit his lip for a couple of seconds and took a deep breath to recompose himself.
Stealing a quick glance at the girl who was impersonating him impersonating the statue (or just impersonating the statue), Simon decided to be social. "Uh, hello stranger," he said with a happy grin and a nod.
Simon was so focused on impersonating the statue that he hadn't noticed a girl sidle up next to him. He nearly got a fright when he saw her out of his periphery vision; however, he played it cool and then couldn't hold it anymore. It seemed as this girl had a rather good sense of humour too. He needed to laugh but he held it in. It was so hard to not burst into laughter. He bit his lip for a couple of seconds and took a deep breath to recompose himself.
Stealing a quick glance at the girl who was impersonating him impersonating the statue (or just impersonating the statue), Simon decided to be social. "Uh, hello stranger," he said with a happy grin and a nod.
The almost-thirteen-year-old hardly noticed the change in her companion. She kept in staring right at the statue, making up reasons as to why the stone man was so deep in thought. And why he deserved to have a home at Hogwarts. She decided that she should just find out the man's name and find a book about him. That would be easier than picking between all the scenarios she was making up in her head.
She was distracted (thankfully) when the boy beside her spoke to her. She instantly turned toward him and BEAMED. "HI!" She bounced slightly on her feet. "I'm Lana! What were you thinking about just barely? I was thinking about who this guy is," she gestured to the statue, "And why he's here. Do you know?" BREATH.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Syd
The almost-thirteen-year-old hardly noticed the change in her companion. She kept in staring right at the statue, making up reasons as to why the stone man was so deep in thought. And why he deserved to have a home at Hogwarts. She decided that she should just find out the man's name and find a book about him. That would be easier than picking between all the scenarios she was making up in her head.
She was distracted (thankfully) when the boy beside her spoke to her. She instantly turned toward him and BEAMED. "HI!" She bounced slightly on her feet. "I'm Lana! What were you thinking about just barely? I was thinking about who this guy is," she gestured to the statue, "And why he's here. Do you know?" BREATH.
Wow. She was really, really excitable. It was nice to see someone so peppy and happy. Merlin, he'd encountered a lot of perky people at Hogwarts so far. And she spoke very quickly. He paused. Errr... Were girls always like this? The puzzled boy didn't have too much time to wonder that thought as she was waiting for him.
"Hi Lana. I'm Simon," he said and then paused. Now what HAD he been thinking about? Lots and lots of things... But what specifically that he wished to share with this over-excitable stranger? "I was wondering what he was thinking but I was also just very, very bored so it looked like fun to copy his stance." Now for her question, Simon wracked his brains. He had read somewhere in the many texts about Hogwarts about why Gregory the Smarmy ended up here. Oh right! The Battle of Hogwarts. "Well Lana meet Gregory. Gregory meet Lana," he explained, introducing the girl to the statue. Yep, introductions. He didn't know what he was doing. He just went for it for once. It worked for Ethan and Zander. "Well he, Greg, invented a potion that made the drinker think whomever he gave it to his best friend. I've read that this used to have be a secret passageway outside the school but the passageway sort of caved in and he's been relocated here."
Wow. She was really, really excitable. It was nice to see someone so peppy and happy. Merlin, he'd encountered a lot of perky people at Hogwarts so far. And she spoke very quickly. He paused. Errr... Were girls always like this? The puzzled boy didn't have too much time to wonder that thought as she was waiting for him.
"Hi Lana. I'm Simon," he said and then paused. Now what HAD he been thinking about? Lots and lots of things... But what specifically that he wished to share with this over-excitable stranger? "I was wondering what he was thinking but I was also just very, very bored so it looked like fun to copy his stance." Now for her question, Simon wracked his brains. He had read somewhere in the many texts about Hogwarts about why Gregory the Smarmy ended up here. Oh right! The Battle of Hogwarts. "Well Lana meet Gregory. Gregory meet Lana," he explained, introducing the girl to the statue. Yep, introductions. He didn't know what he was doing. He just went for it for once. It worked for Ethan and Zander. "Well he, Greg, invented a potion that made the drinker think whomever he gave it to his best friend. I've read that this used to have be a secret passageway outside the school but the passageway sort of caved in and he's been relocated here."
"So what are you doing up here?"
"Simon," Lana repeated with a smile. She was going to mention something about Simon Says, but she had been working lately on actually filtering some of her word spewage. It didn't always work, but occasionally she caught onto her thoughts before they became words. Which was good.
She turned back to the statue when Simon introduced it to her. "Gregory," she said, reaching forward to place her hand on the statue's arm. She stayed like that as Simon explained to her how the guy was important. "Like a love potion but for friends. Is that a good thing? It seems weird that someone would do that." Why not just make friends the way you were supposed to?
What was she doing here? Lana looked at Gregory for another moment before returning her attention to Simon. "I'm bored. So I picked a corridor and now I'm following it. But then I found you and I thought it looked like you were bored too or else really not bored so I thought I'd join you. And now I'm talking to you." In a nutshell.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Syd
"Simon," Lana repeated with a smile. She was going to mention something about Simon Says, but she had been working lately on actually filtering some of her word spewage. It didn't always work, but occasionally she caught onto her thoughts before they became words. Which was good.
She turned back to the statue when Simon introduced it to her. "Gregory," she said, reaching forward to place her hand on the statue's arm. She stayed like that as Simon explained to her how the guy was important. "Like a love potion but for friends. Is that a good thing? It seems weird that someone would do that." Why not just make friends the way you were supposed to?
What was she doing here? Lana looked at Gregory for another moment before returning her attention to Simon. "I'm bored. So I picked a corridor and now I'm following it. But then I found you and I thought it looked like you were bored too or else really not bored so I thought I'd join you. And now I'm talking to you." In a nutshell.
He nodded and gave her a shy smile when he repeated her name. Err.. Girls. Girls were just confusing. Following Lana's gaze back to the statue, he nodded as he listened to her comments. A love potion but for friends? He hadn't thought of the potion being something like that before but now that Lana had mentioned it in that way, it all seemed very, very clear. It made a lot of sense to him. "Yeah, exactly. It is weird. Why would you need to force someone to be your friend?" he said. Well perhaps a rude evil dictator would do something of that fashion to get the smartest people on his side. It sort of made sense to the Slytherin but it would be something that he would never do. He'd rather have honest friends. He wouldn't use a potion in order for him to get friends.
Ah so she was bored too! "Well I'm glad you chose this corridor. It's nice to have some company while your impersonating a statue. I can't stay in the castle too much longer. I just needed to find a new place to go and relax," he explained. Simon missed the outdoors. Being snowed in was definitely something that he hadn't expected at all to happen during his time at Hogwarts. Seriously. That was the last thing he had expected.
"So what year are you in?" he asked, turning his gaze back to the peppy girl. She didn't seem that much younger than him. Maybe a year or a couple months or something?
He nodded and gave her a shy smile when he repeated her name. Err.. Girls. Girls were just confusing. Following Lana's gaze back to the statue, he nodded as he listened to her comments. A love potion but for friends? He hadn't thought of the potion being something like that before but now that Lana had mentioned it in that way, it all seemed very, very clear. It made a lot of sense to him. "Yeah, exactly. It is weird. Why would you need to force someone to be your friend?" he said. Well perhaps a rude evil dictator would do something of that fashion to get the smartest people on his side. It sort of made sense to the Slytherin but it would be something that he would never do. He'd rather have honest friends. He wouldn't use a potion in order for him to get friends.
Ah so she was bored too! "Well I'm glad you chose this corridor. It's nice to have some company while your impersonating a statue. I can't stay in the castle too much longer. I just needed to find a new place to go and relax," he explained. Simon missed the outdoors. Being snowed in was definitely something that he hadn't expected at all to happen during his time at Hogwarts. Seriously. That was the last thing he had expected.
"So what year are you in?" he asked, turning his gaze back to the peppy girl. She didn't seem that much younger than him. Maybe a year or a couple months or something?
Lana's eyes widened and she nodded. Exactly. "Yeah!" She agreed. "Because you should just make friends by yourself. If you need a potion to make friends you obviously shouldn't be having friends because you're probably bad at it," she said matter-of-factly. She patted the statue again before speaking to it. "I sure hope you did something else to earn yourself a statue here." Just saying.
She smiled. "I'm glad too." She was. Who knew how long she could have gone without running into someone if she had chosen another corridor. "Is this a good place to relax?" She questioned, curious. It seemed like it, maybe. The corridor was quiet and deserted, save for the two of them.
"Second," she answered, turning back to Simon. "I'm almost thirteen though. So I'm not little like I was at the beginning of my second year. How old are you?"