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The driver and snack lady sit waaaaaay up front in the driver's cab, but there are plenty of other compartments up here! Careful you don't sit in the Prefects' cab though. They bite.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi finally looked at AJ as she spoke to Gus. "Want to hold him? He's all friendly and he likes the girls especially. He tried once to kiss my friend Hannah once. Well, if you'd call licking her face kissing.'' Adi grinned at the memory. It was one of his favourite memories. "He'd be a lot cooler if he croaked the alphabet already,'' he said, drawing the conversation back to the toad. "When I adopted him two summers ago, the dude who gave him to me said he could do the alphabet croak.'' Never the less, Adi loved his toady very much.
The Hufflepuff shot a glance in Benny's and Angel's direction. "What's up with those two?'' he asked in a whisper. Angel was acting...strange. She wasn't super hyper. She was acting all mature. This threw Adi off. So much that he couldn't even make a joke at Benny. Or was it the headache's fault?
The good thing about Ian sitting next to him meant AJ had to sit somewhere else. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as she sat next to Ian, the only other available space, and felt a ting of regret despite himself.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi finally looked at AJ as she spoke to Gus. "Want to hold him? He's all friendly and he likes the girls especially. He tried once to kiss my friend Hannah once. Well, if you'd call licking her face kissing.'' Adi grinned at the memory. It was one of his favourite memories. "He'd be a lot cooler if he croaked the alphabet already,'' he said, drawing the conversation back to the toad. "When I adopted him two summers ago, the dude who gave him to me said he could do the alphabet croak.'' Never the less, Adi loved his toady very much.
The Hufflepuff shot a glance in Benny's and Angel's direction. "What's up with those two?'' he asked in a whisper. Angel was acting...strange. She wasn't super hyper. She was acting all mature. This threw Adi off. So much that he couldn't even make a joke at Benny. Or was it the headache's fault?
The good thing about Ian sitting next to him meant AJ had to sit somewhere else. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as she sat next to Ian, the only other available space, and felt a ting of regret despite himself.
Cool. She totally wanted to hold Gus. She would appreciate if the toad kept his toad kisses to himself though. A lick on the cheek wouldn't be so bad, but the toad had better not try anything else. She laughed just thinking about the dumb scenario on her mind. "You bet I would." She leaned over Ian, and was practically in his lap trying to get to the toad. AJ looked up at him and smiled. "I guess I could have gotten up." But she didn't trouble him too long, because a moment later Gus was in her hands. "Hey there, Gus... you wanna croak the alphabet for me? It's really easy, watch." Ahem. "A, B, C, D... now you try." Maybe he just needed some encouragement.
Poor Ian was in the middle of their whispered conversation, but he was totally welcome to put his two knuts in. "I dunno... it seems weird. Like maybe the calm before the storm." There was no way that Angel could hide that amount of crazy long. AJ was pretty sure that if they were an item, Angel would have told her. Maybe.
Had she missed something? If you asked her, Angel wasn't the only one who was acting weird. How much could happen over night? Oh well, she would just talk to Gus. At least he was being a NORMAL toad... unless he busted out with the alphabet.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Did she have to do that? Lean over Ian like that, Adi meant. Why was it bothering him anyway? Not that he cared. Liar, his brain or something said. But the Hufflepuff shook it off. He handed over Gus to AJ and watched in amusement as she tried to get Gus to croak the letters. But Gus remained stubbornly silent, eyeing AJ with his huge toady eyes. "I hope he decides to go for a smack, AJ.'' Adi grinned broadly at the thought.
He shrugged now. "Did they confess their feelings for each other?'' he asked, continuing the conversation in a whisper. Did Benny loose all that shyness over night? And did Angel become mature during the same time as well?
Adi rubbed hard on the back of his head. Ugh! He could do with a head massage before this headache got worst.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
C'mon Gus, AJ really wanted to hear him croak the alphabet. "Are you sure he is supposed to be able to do that?" How long had he had the toad? "Maybe an audience isn't his thing." That was a lot of pressure to put on the toad. "I've never been kissed by a frog before." She hadn't been kissed period, but it wasn't like she wanted that to happen or anything. "Don't listen to Adi, Gus." She could do without a big smack.
"I doubt it. Angel would be loud and crazy if that happened." Her sister wouldn't change who she was just to please Benny, right? If that was happening, AJ was going to have to have a talk with Angel. If Benny didn't like her for who she was, then Benny didn't deserve her. End of story. AJ would be getting to the bottom of this.
Annnnd, she couldn't take it anymore. "What's up with you?" she asked of Adi, turning in his direction. He was definitely not being his normal self. Maybe Gus knew something was wrong, and he felt uncomfortable. He would never croak the alphabet for her if that was the case.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"That's what the dude said. But chances are he was lying just so I could adopt Gus. Not many persons were after toads.'' But Adi had decided on a toad even before he knew what Gus's supposed talent was. "I dunno. But I've tried to make him do it with only me around.'' He looked hard at Gus. "Shyness isn't his problem. Maybe he just doesn't know the alphabet.''
Laughing Adi said, "There's a first time for everything. Gus can give you your first kiss. Unless you've been kissed before.'' He eyed her. Snogged anyone yet, AJ?
Oh yes. He hadn't thought of that. Angel would be loud. Well, louder. Still...loud AJ! Where you at? Adi liked that side of you too, ya know. "I wonder how Benny would react if the do get together.'' Hmmm. Now that was a reaction he really wanted to see.
The Puffer was still rubbing the back of his head when AJ questioned him. "Uh. Headache,'' he muttered, still thinking about...his feelings.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
After placing his luggage at the assigned appartments and hoisting a travel bag over his shoulders, Kevin searched for a place to sit. He walked through the front car corridor lazily , checking the compartments. Many of them were full to the point that he wasn’t able to sit down. And he wanted to so he kept searching. Mweh, if he had to search even further he would be sitting at the back train and that was a big no no for him. So he opened up the first compartment he saw and went in.
He threw his bag on the ground and sat down while stretching his arms. “Aaah freedom!” no more dungeon no more detentions no more stupid politeness and stupid professors …he was free! ……until he got out of the train. Ugh, he did not want to go home and see his father. Maybe he could run away? Or stay at the leaky cauldron? He had money! A few sickles…that he had stolen. Would that be enough? He ran his a hand through his hair in frustration before looking outside the window.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
It seemed to her that whoever sold Adi this toad said whatever he had to for his sell. "I could teach him." Ain't that right, Gus. AJ was here to save the day. She stood up and put the toad on seat that she just vacated. "Let's make this learning thing fun." The first year was bored, and everybody was mopey or lost in their own thoughts. Here goes nothing. Was his little toady eyes on her? She was just about to start her show when she spotted the blanket thief. "Hey Kevin... wanna watch me teach Gus the alphabet?" Either way, the show must go on.
"A is for apple, ah, ah, apple." She jumped up and down. "B is for ball, ba, ba, ball. C is for cat, ca, ca, cat. D is for dog, da, da, dog." AJ danced around in circles. "E is for elephant, eh, eh, elephant." She moved her arms up and down like an elephant trunk while still dancing around in circles. "F is for fish, fa, fa, fish." She made a fishy kissy face with her lips.
Speaking of kisses, Adi brought her out of her dance. "Ummm... no, no kisses here." Well, her mum and dad always kissed her on the cheek, but she was sure that wasn't what Adi was getting at. "I'd hope he would be more talkative," she said in response to Adi's question.
Hmmm... did he really have a headache? Maybe, but she was sure that there was more to it. He could be all mopey if he wanted to be, but AJ was going to continue to have fun. "Anyways Gus... G is for gorilla, ga, ga, gorilla."
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Benny nodded, pretty sure he himself had a lot to catch up with at home too. "I probably owe Conrad something special for all the trouble." Speaking of which, Gus spoke up about the toad's own claim to the owl. "We'll have to get them together soon."
AJ had entered the compartment even before Benny had answered, taking a seat besides Adi putting the two sisters and two best friends on opposite sides. How they seemed to always turn out when the four of them were together. However he soon found himself flanked by Valentine siblings as AJ moved over to join them causing him to raise an eyebrow as he tried to follow her with his gaze only to be reminded of Angel's presence on his shoulder.
He coughed slightly in an attempt to cover up any surprise that might have shown, especially at the fact that both of his other friends...the friends that had been quite amused by them last night. "Its okay..." he managed as he heard the whisper in his ear. Benny had been bothered then but he wasn't dwelling on it now.
And then Angel added her two cents in and he almost laughed. Benny nearly laughed as she displayed fierce possession of him. Now how did that happen? He looked away in an attempt to appear innocence only to spot his best friend looking definitely shocked at him. The third year Gryffindor just wasn't sure how to respond.
Thankfully distraction came in the form of another boy...someone who obviously knew Adi but Benny himself wasn't all to familiar with. Correction, Adi AND AJ knew him. And had some sort of plan going on that he wasn't privy to. He left them to whatever they were talking about, or whispering about, instead taking his own looks out the window. The countryside could be interesting when one wanted to escape other stuff. He was only drawn back when Angel spoke up once more, calling him Ben again.
"Yeah...sure we can," he answered. What harm could it be? And what was he hearing now?
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Definitely,'' Adi said to Benny. "Unlike you and I, they didn't hang out all year.'' Unless Gus secretly hopped off to the Owlery for a visit. "So. Plans. What are you doing all summer?''
Adi had not expected her to take teaching Gus the alphabet so seriously. But whatever AJ had in mind, Adi didn't mind. He would join in so it would keep him distracted from his aching head and his thoughts. Kevin? Oh! There was the rude Lion. "Kevin! Dude, what's up? Saw you got special treatment at the Feast.'' Sitting at the staff table and all.
And then Angel was singing. Well, since she heard his terrible vocals before... he'd join in for sure. But first...A grin. No kisses for her. Good. Why did he care, anyway? "I would want him to talk more too. But if he becomes anything like the chatterbox you are...'' He broke off, watching AJ for her reaction. He was teasing her.
And it was time for him to join in! Adi jumped up from his seat, held out his hands towards her for what reason, he had no idea. A dance, maybe? "H is for ha, ha, hat, I is for Ih, Ih, Ink...'' Adi glanced at AJ. "You think he's getting this?'' Gus was still watching them.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
The second year finally found an available compartment. Yay, this finally meant she could sit down! YAY SITTING! Josie placed Sebastian on one of the seats as she took a moment to put her things in the overhead compartment. Then she took a deep breath before sitting down to get comfortable. Just as she was about to reach Sebastian, he was already on the move to sit atop her head, which of course she didn't object to at all, since she was't bother by it anymore. Although, "Y-You know Bastian, you w-won't be able to sit up there f-forever..Y-You're growing up M-Mister.." It was true though. But for now, enjoy it while you can Mr. Bastian.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Things were looking up. Benny had accepted her apology, and Gus was being a super good audience for her. "Then he would be an awesome best friend," she said completely finishing Adi's sentence for him. There were far worse things to be other than a chatterbox. AJ couldn't imagine Benny every being one of those, but who knows. Maybe Angel would get him out of his shell. People sometimes changed when they got into relationships.
Then out of nowhere Adi jumped up and it looked like he was going to help her with her alphabet demonstration. Did he want to dance with her? She grabbed his outstretched hands and moved with him. "He seems to be listening." Whether or not he was grasping it was a whole different story. "J is for jaguar, ja, ja, jaguar. K is koala, ka, ka, koala." Still holding on to Adi's she spun around with him as she sang. C'mon Gus, give us a sign. One little croak.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi laughed. "Chatterboxes do not make awesome best friends,'' he teased, wriggling his eye brows. AJ was a chatterbox and she was one of his best friends. His only girl bestie, actually.
The Dance was on! Hehe. Adi was not good at dancing and he'd only ever danced in front of friends during his first year when there had been that dance lesson and he and Tessa had partnered up. And they had actually won too. Most of the time Tess was steering him though and it was no different with AJ now. Not that he minded but sometimes he did take charge. Like now. He held up his left hand so that AJ could do one of those spins. "You don't make a bad dance partner, Valentine,'' Adi said before continuing the alphabet song. "L is for Li, Li, Lion, M is for Ma, ma, mango!'' This was fuuuun! And even Gus seemed to think so. Was that a series of croaks the toad was emitting?
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
The second year finally found an available compartment. Yay, this finally meant she could sit down! YAY SITTING! Josie placed Sebastian on one of the seats as she took a moment to put her things in the overhead compartment. Then she took a deep breath before sitting down to get comfortable. Just as she was about to reach Sebastian, he was already on the move to sit atop her head, which of course she didn't object to at all, since she was't bother by it anymore. Although, "Y-You know Bastian, you w-won't be able to sit up there f-forever..Y-You're growing up M-Mister.." It was true though. But for now, enjoy it while you can Mr. Bastian.
Walking down the corridor, his cat Ginger in his arms, Dylan peeked into the compartments, searching for an empty one. He would find a friend to sit with him, although he had gotten a nasty cold from the weather at Hogwarts...and he didn't want to disgust anyone and worry them about catching it.
Although seeing that there were no compartments, he had to find someone to sit with it looked like. Noticing his friend Josie sitting alone, he slid open the compartment doors, sneezing loudly as he did. Luckily, he had covered it with his elbow in time! "Hey J-Josie," he said, sniffling. "Mind if I join you?" he then asked. "I'm kinda sick, just to warn you." he added with a soft laugh.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Adi was sadly mistaken. "Yeah, they do." You would never be bored with a chatterbox, that much was for sure. "Case in point," she said as she pointed to herself.
AJ was glad that Adi decided to dance with her because she was having a blast. This was much better than sitting there and staring out of the window... boring. When Adi lead her into a spin, she went around a little too fast, and her body smacked into his. her left hand was on his chest, and she looked up at him. "Guess I got a little excited with that one." Pushing herself off of him she grabbed his other hand again and did a tug and pull motion with his hands. "You're not so bad yourself, Rehman." Did he have any more turns up his sleeve?
"N is for nightingale, ni, ni, nightingale." Did Adi hear that croak? Or was it a croak? She wasn't sure. "O is for octopus, o, o, octopus." Shake, shake, shake.
Last edited by MudInMyBlood; 08-11-2014 at 03:46 AM.
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
.... So that was an interesting end to the term.
The feast was such an emotional roller coaster and the Gryffindor had never really considered himself an emotional guy. It was weird. All those feelings. All at once. One stronger than the next. It was weird. The Gryffindor was kind of in a state of post traumatic.... feast disorder? Or was that just the effects of the liquid luck finally wearing off? Probably the latter.
Either way, he entered the train in a clouded state. There was just SO much to think about that it was actually kind of hard to think about anything in particular at all. Or maybe that was just the liquid luck, too. Anyways, the boy didn't really feel like walking around in the train for too long in this state, so he just got into one of the first carts he could find. Peering through the window he noticed this particular one was pretty empty, so he made his way inside. "Oh, hi Mackenzie, is it okay if I.. You know, sit here?" he smiled.
Mackenzie had been staring out the window, she really wished she could stay at school until the Greece trip but London would be fun. The sound of the compartment door being slid open brought her back to reality and she turned to see who was going to join her in the only mostly empty in the front.. Zander walked in and the blonde smiled "Of course Zander, you can sit" She removed her feet from the opposite seat to give him room. She still wasn't sure how she felt about this boy so this would be an interesting trip.
"Do you have any plans for the summer?" She smiled, maybe she would bump into him in London.. Diagon Alley was always full of someone from school. Of course he would be there at some point they had to buy new books. She busied herself with the zipper on her bag as she waited for the other Gryffindor's answer trying not to turn red.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Mackenzie
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn
Mackenzie had been staring out the window, she really wished she could stay at school until the Greece trip but London would be fun. The sound of the compartment door being slid open brought her back to reality and she turned to see who was going to join her in the only mostly empty in the front.. Zander walked in and the blonde smiled "Of course Zander, you can sit" She removed her feet from the opposite seat to give him room. She still wasn't sure how she felt about this boy so this would be an interesting trip.
"Do you have any plans for the summer?" She smiled, maybe she would bump into him in London.. Diagon Alley was always full of someone from school. Of course he would be there at some point they had to buy new books. She busied herself with the zipper on her bag as she waited for the other Gryffindor's answer trying not to turn red.
The Gryffindor waited nervously by the door--why was he so nervous... He had no clue. He smiled, a little relieved, when the older girl answered and he slowly made his way into the rather empty compartment. "I think this is the first time we've seen each other with clean robes," he chuckled. Of course the first time they really had a legitimate conversation, they were both covered in paint. Then there was the flour. Man. It was kind of like a curse. Luckily, it didn't look like there was anything to make a mess of this time... At least, for now.
She looked a lot different without the flour or the paint. A nice different, though. Walking over to the seat, he smiled a little more. Quirking his head to the side at the question, "Well... Not many actually. A few of my friends have invited me for a few days, but I think I'll be at home mostly," at this he gave her an absolute look of horror. He did not want to go back home. Sure he missed his parents, but he did not miss the constant torment of his brothers. "I wish there was a way I could stay around everyone over the summer... I don't think any wizards live in my neighborhood," Being muggleborn suuuucked sometimes. "Do you have any plans?" Maybe she'd want to hang out. Or wait-- was she going on that dumb Greece trip that he wasn't allowed on?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Leah shifted slightly in her seat as she listened to footsteps outside the compartment door. She felt lucky to have left the castle early this morning so that she could find an empty compartment all for herself. She sat up straight and looked out of the window back at Hogwarts, probably for the last time this year.
That was when the door slid open. Leah turned around to see JUN! The Hufflepuff grinned broadly, "Hey, sure," but he had already sat down anyway. "Why aren't you with your friends?" She asked as she scooted closer to him, because there was no point staying away from him.
"I am. I hear the rest of the wizarding world is normal, right?" She said. "I bet I'll enjoy the summer even more this year." Leah definitely understood the.. importance of warmth this term. "Do you have plans for the summer?"
"But I am with a friend," Jun grinned. Were they not friends? Even after that time Peeves kept bothering them in the kitchen by throwing flour? Or when he shared his orange with her?! RUDE. "I haven't gone looking for my other friends. One of them is graduating but I already said bye to her at the feast. My girlfriend and best friend are somewhere," He actually wanted to find Connor more. They needed to make plans for when Jun was free from the program. Like those two weeks in July and August he had free.
"More like they better be. Warm weather would be nice to feel now," Even though he hated heat. Ew. "Loads. Busiest summer actually. I have my trainee program, a wedding, Disneyland, Norway, try to make time for friends and a new baby sister," See? Too many things going on at once. "What about you?"
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
The Gryffindor waited nervously by the door--why was he so nervous... He had no clue. He smiled, a little relieved, when the older girl answered and he slowly made his way into the rather empty compartment. "I think this is the first time we've seen each other with clean robes," he chuckled. Of course the first time they really had a legitimate conversation, they were both covered in paint. Then there was the flour. Man. It was kind of like a curse. Luckily, it didn't look like there was anything to make a mess of this time... At least, for now.
She looked a lot different without the flour or the paint. A nice different, though. Walking over to the seat, he smiled a little more. Quirking his head to the side at the question, "Well... Not many actually. A few of my friends have invited me for a few days, but I think I'll be at home mostly," at this he gave her an absolute look of horror. He did not want to go back home. Sure he missed his parents, but he did not miss the constant torment of his brothers. "I wish there was a way I could stay around everyone over the summer... I don't think any wizards live in my neighborhood," Being muggleborn suuuucked sometimes. "Do you have any plans?" Maybe she'd want to hang out. Or wait-- was she going on that dumb Greece trip that he wasn't allowed on?
Mackenzie instantly turned red when he mentioned the first time they had seen each other clean. "hmm.. So it is" That's about all she could manage without giggling. The blonde was instantly glad that there was nothing here.. well they did have their wands but surely he wouldn't think to start a paintball war on the way home. They would be seeing their families after all.. Well he would. She wouldn't be. Quickly she pushed away the thought.
Staying home sounded awful to the now fifth year. "Oh, I'm staying around London until Greece, I usually go to Paris but not anymore. You should hang out around Diagon Alley, that's where most everyone ends up." Mack smiled good maybe they could hang out before Greece. "Where do you live?" She wasn't sure if he just lived in the country or maybe he was muggleborn? They had never gotten to family specifics and she was kind of grateful for that. Maybe he sensed that she didn't like to talk about family.
Hazel walked through the corridors, looking for either an empty compartment or someone to sit with. She pushed her hair behind her ears and looked from side to side. She didn't recognize anyone right away, but she was open to meeting new people. Or seeing old friends. She didn't care. She kept walking, looking for a place to sit.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Maaack
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn
Mackenzie instantly turned red when he mentioned the first time they had seen each other clean. "hmm.. So it is" That's about all she could manage without giggling. The blonde was instantly glad that there was nothing here.. well they did have their wands but surely he wouldn't think to start a paintball war on the way home. They would be seeing their families after all.. Well he would. She wouldn't be. Quickly she pushed away the thought.
Staying home sounded awful to the now fifth year. "Oh, I'm staying around London until Greece, I usually go to Paris but not anymore. You should hang out around Diagon Alley, that's where most everyone ends up." Mack smiled good maybe they could hang out before Greece. "Where do you live?" She wasn't sure if he just lived in the country or maybe he was muggleborn? They had never gotten to family specifics and she was kind of grateful for that. Maybe he sensed that she didn't like to talk about family.
Was she getting significantly more pink in the face, or was it just him? "I don't see any flour around here..." his tone was light, but he still looked around to add some effect. "So I guess you're safe for now." He couldn't help to chuckle a little bit at the thought of getting into another flour fight-- in a train nonetheless! And now his cheeks were starting to burn a little too. Funny how these things always manage to work.
Greece. Of course. She was going to go into her fifth year, so she was allowed. Was there anyone who wasn't going on that field trip?!! Aside from most of his third year friends... Ahem. But still! He wanted to go. If not for Greece, for his friends. He had plenty of friends going. Kace... Grayson... Uh... Mackenzie. Yeah. Mackenzie. See plenty. "Greece should be a lot of fun." Nope. No bitterness in his voice. None at all. Not like he really wanted to go or anything. No. Greece is stupid anyways, nothing special. No bitterness here. Hmph. "I wish I could go," and there it was. The tiniest little pout crossed is face. Sigh. "Why aren't you going to go to Paris anymore? Is it because of the field trip?" Because if it were him, he'd find a way to do BOTH. Actually going anywhere would be nice. Besides Hogwarts, he had never actually gotten out of England his whole entire life. Travel sounded nice.
"Yeah, Diagon Alley would be nice," he agreed, "Maybe my parents will let me stay at the Leaky Cauldron for a bit this year... Since I'm a little older this year." Fourteen was old. He could totally handle a few days alone in the wizarding world. Pft. Not much to it. He had survived the crazy term after all. What was a few nights in comparison? Did she say she was staying in London? "I-I actually live near London.... But the muggle side," Why was it always embarrassing to tell people where he lived? Oh yeah. Because some guys made it a big deal. There was nothing wrong with living in a muggle neighborhood... With a house full of muggles... Being raised by them... Nothing wrong. "Maybe.. Maybe we could hang out sometime?" Flailsteed had said to live it epically. The old third year Zander would have never been so up front, but he was the new and improved almost fourth year Zander. Trying to live life "epically" and be a little bit bolder..?? "Before you leave for the Greece trip, of course." Hmph. Still not bitter. Nope. Not this Gryffindor. Not even a single bit. Hmph. Not like he wanted to go to stupid Greece anyways. It was just a country. A pretty country with good food and-- No. Not bitter.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi just stuck his tongue out at AJ. She did know he was kidding, right? Hmmm...she must know. They were always joking with each other.
This was so much fun! The dancing and singing was making Adi forget all about those feelings he were having. It felt great just to be enjoying the friendship. No complicated love stuff. At least that was what he was feeling until AJ collided into him. And the rested her hand on his chest. All those thoughts and feeling came rushing back to him in an instant; he was hit so hard by them that he actually held AJ for a moment and just looked down at her beautiful face. The moment seemed to last forever until she spoke.
Adi shook his head to get out of his reverie. Act normal, act normal. So he grinned and said, "Don't worry about it.'' Did she mind getting spun again? "Thanks. I'm trying my best here.'' And spiiiiiiin!
"P is for pa, pa, parrot, Q is for Qu, qu, quill!'' Gus continued to watch them and it was at that moment Adi's eyes turned in Benny's and Angel's direction. Benny seemed blank as he watch his two crazy friends continued their performance. And Angel? Angel looked lost in her own world. Why not bring her back to reality? Winking at AJ, he disentangled himself from her, grabbed Gus and strode over to Angel on whom he dropped the toad. There. A toad in the lap should startle someone back to the real world.
Adi just stuck his tongue out at AJ. She did know he was kidding, right? Hmmm...she must know. They were always joking with each other.
This was so much fun! The dancing and singing was making Adi forget all about those feelings he were having. It felt great just to be enjoying the friendship. No complicated love stuff. At least that was what he was feeling until AJ collided into him. And the rested her hand on his chest. All those thoughts and feeling came rushing back to him in an instant; he was hit so hard by them that he actually held AJ for a moment and just looked down at her beautiful face. The moment seemed to last forever until she spoke.
Adi shook his head to get out of his reverie. Act normal, act normal. So he grinned and said, "Don't worry about it.'' Did she mind getting spun again? "Thanks. I'm trying my best here.'' And spiiiiiiin!
"P is for pa, pa, parrot, Q is for Qu, qu, quill!'' Gus continued to watch them and it was at that moment Adi's eyes turned in Benny's and Angel's direction. Benny seemed blank as he watch his two crazy friends continued their performance. And Angel? Angel looked lost in her own world. Why not bring her back to reality? Winking at AJ, he disentangled himself from her, grabbed Gus and strode over to Angel on whom he dropped the toad. There. A toad in the lap should startle someone back to the real world.
Angel felt like she had died and gone to heaven when Benny had said that they could meet up and she was going to make sure AJ or Adi wasn't around because she wanted Benny all to herself.
Angel had no idea how long she had been daydreaming for because well it seemed like ages, she was totally just wondering what she could buy Ben because well he deserved a little treat.
Angel was suddenly brought back to reality when she felt something moving on her lap. "GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!" Angel had no idea what it was but it was moving and well she wasn't going to look at it because it was moving and it could have been anything. "SOMEONE PLEASE GET IT OFF!!" Oh and since when had Ian come into the compartment and what was Adi and AJ doing.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi started laughing aloud at Angel's reaction. Had she even seen Guster on her lap? Gus, much to Adi's amusement, hopped off the screaming and panicked Angel's lap and made his way towards AJ.
And ow, ow, ow. That laughing had cued up back his headache which seemed to return at double the force. Still, he was now sniggering. "Back to planet earth, Angel?'' he asked. "It was just my toad, Gus, saying hello to you. But you've scared him away.'' Also, you weren't mad at him right? For dropping the toad in your lap.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
And there was that tongue sticking out habit that Adi had. AJ just laughed at him. "Nice." Of course the first year knew that he was joking, but if there was any doubt, the tongue would have washed it all away.
When she collided into him, she enjoyed the moment because as he held on to her she thought about how lucky she was to have a friend like him. Adi was one of a kind. It was as if he got her on every level. AJ was sure that he felt the same way, and she was glad that the two of them had crossed paths. Then the moment was gone.
"I wasn't worried about it," she said with a grin. That was one thing that she knew that she would never have to do, worry about hurting Adi. "I can tell." He really wasn't a bad dancer. Even if he was it really wouldn't have mattered to her. AJ was having a good time with him and that was all that mattered. AJ spun once again and grinned the whole time she went around. "I managed to keep my body to myself that time." It looked like she was getting better too. Wheeee.
"R is for rabbit, ra, ra rabbit. S is for snake, sn, sn, snake." Then Adi let go of her. Was the fun over already? She caught his wink, and she knew that he was up to something. As soon as he grabbed Gus, she knew what he was going to do and AJ put her hand over her mouth to keep her from ruining anything.
Angel straight freaked out. AJ was laughing, and hard. Instead of going straight to the rescue, she stared enjoyed the moment while laughing so hard her sides hurt. "It's just a, a, a---" Breathe AJ. "A toad." Why was Angel freaking out so bad about? "It's not going to hurt you." But Angel might hurt the toad with her flailing. AJ was just about to go over and pick up Gus, but the smart toad had already hopped away."It's just Gus Angel, get a grip." She looked over at Benny. AJ wasn't sure what he was thinking. Perhaps he was just enjoying the show.
Last edited by MudInMyBlood; 08-11-2014 at 05:41 PM.
Adi started laughing aloud at Angel's reaction. Had she even seen Guster on her lap? Gus, much to Adi's amusement, hopped off the screaming and panicked Angel's lap and made his way towards AJ.
And ow, ow, ow. That laughing had cued up back his headache which seemed to return at double the force. Still, he was now sniggering. "Back to planet earth, Angel?'' he asked. "It was just my toad, Gus, saying hello to you. But you've scared him away.'' Also, you weren't mad at him right? For dropping the toad in your lap.
Angel looked at Adi and giggled. "Well how was I supposed to know that, for all I knew it could have been a worm or worse a spider." Angel hated spiders if she saw one then the boys hopefully knew that she would actually throw herself on top of them and demand that they got rid off it.
"I was just thinking about something important." Angel lied, it wasn't really that important but she didn't want them to know she was thinking about Benny.