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The driver and snack lady sit waaaaaay up front in the driver's cab, but there are plenty of other compartments up here! Careful you don't sit in the Prefects' cab though. They bite.
It was the end of the year. Leah was looking forward to a relaxing and quiet train ride back home. She smiled at the thought of summer as she took a seat in the nearest empty compartment she could find. She was very excited to go home, away from the cold.
The Hufflepuff curled up on the seat, placing her bag on the seat next to her. But.. did Leah want to just sleep and rest? No, definitely not. This was boring. Maybe she should go to look for her friends. The thought of getting up and running around the corridor disappeared as she became all comfy in the seat. Okay maybe she should take a short nap first.
It was the end of term already. END OF TERM. How had that already happened? Emmylou shrugged and made her way on to the front cars of the train. The third almost fourth year was so happy to finally change out of her robes. She felt like she had been wearing them for way to long. She thought they were pretty comfortable but she didn't want to still be wearing them when she got off the train.
Now that she was changed into a white tank top, dark denim shorts and her favorite cowboy boots, Emmylou looked around for a compartment that would fit her, Kace, Bay, Cinna and Luxness. She knew that she would have a hard time finding one because there weren't a lot of people on the train yet. The fourteen year old really wanted a window seat but she also had to save seats for her friends!
The blonde smiled when she finally found the perfect compartment, it was towards the back of the first train. She beamed and bounced a little bit. She was ready to go back home and lay in the sun forever. Sh didn't like the wintery weather in general so she knew that should have to pack some warmer clothes next term.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
They were going homeeeeee! Adi was super pleased. He was gonna get to see his parents after a long time. Yeah, yeah. He didn't care what people thought. He wasn't ashamed to say he missed his parents.
But he would miss his friends. Speaking of friends...where was the usual members of the gang? Meh. They would find him. So, after stowing his luggage, Adi found a free compartment which he and Gus the toad (riding on Adi's left shoulder) were now occupying.
Bye, Hogwarts. See you next term. Byeee, cold! Hello, summer and heat!
It was the end of the year. Leah was looking forward to a relaxing and quiet train ride back home. She smiled at the thought of summer as she took a seat in the nearest empty compartment she could find. She was very excited to go home, away from the cold.
The Hufflepuff curled up on the seat, placing her bag on the seat next to her. But.. did Leah want to just sleep and rest? No, definitely not. This was boring. Maybe she should go to look for her friends. The thought of getting up and running around the corridor disappeared as she became all comfy in the seat. Okay maybe she should take a short nap first.
Ugh, being back on the train was great. It was such a terrible term, and the upcoming seventh year boy just wanted to go back home. At least next term would be a fresh new start. And his final term. Oh, it would be a joy to be done with school. Though he'd obviously miss people, Jun preferred not to be at a boarding school much too longer. Walking onto the train and looking for a compartment, his brown eyes peeked through each window. Maybe there was someone familiar he could sit with at least? Yes? Please? He hadn't spotted his best friend nor his girlfriend yet. Maybe he'll go looking for them later.
Just as he was about to give up and head towards the middle carts, the boy spotted a little someone. Lucky her; managed to get a compartment to herself because the stampede of students rushed onto the train. Grinning, Jun slid the door open and stepped in. "Would you like some company?" He asked Leah, closing the door and sitting himself down before an answer anyway. Oh well. "Happy to be going home?"
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
This just felt weird. The term was over and suddenly Terry was no longer a student at Hogwarts. No longer was he required to come to school every day and although to some the prospect of no school would be thrilling, Hogwarts was unlike no other. And he would miss it, there was no doubt about that.
Immediately after boarding the train he headed towards the front section and plopped himself down onto one of the seats, sparing a quick glance out of the window. He was hoping he would be joined by someone, to be distracted from his thoughts. The more he dwelled on thinking about never seeing this place again, the worse it got. Terry wasn't one to cry but he wasn't emotionless, the former Slytherin was clearly quite sad at the moment.
Still, he had to think about his future and he was quite excited. Having chosen to pursue a gap year before further studying, the eighteen year old had 12 months to do whatever he wished. The prospects were endless. His thoughts went to his friends, his fellow seventh years and then to his girlfriend as he continued hoping someone would step on in through the door of his compartment.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
It was the end of term already. END OF TERM. How had that already happened? Emmylou shrugged and made her way on to the front cars of the train. The third almost fourth year was so happy to finally change out of her robes. She felt like she had been wearing them for way to long. She thought they were pretty comfortable but she didn't want to still be wearing them when she got off the train.
Now that she was changed into a white tank top, dark denim shorts and her favorite cowboy boots, Emmylou looked around for a compartment that would fit her, Kace, Bay, Cinna and Luxness. She knew that she would have a hard time finding one because there weren't a lot of people on the train yet. The fourteen year old really wanted a window seat but she also had to save seats for her friends!
The blonde smiled when she finally found the perfect compartment, it was towards the back of the first train. She beamed and bounced a little bit. She was ready to go back home and lay in the sun forever. Sh didn't like the wintery weather in general so she knew that should have to pack some warmer clothes next term.
It was hard to believe that it was already time to leave. Lux was excited to go home because it meant she could go back to the heat and escape from the coldness of the castle. Hopefully she would be able to see Bay over the summer though there were owls if his parents were very strict.
Spotting Emmy in a compartment, Lux eagerly entered. "Emmy!" Hug for her bestie. Now the others needed to arrive and everything would be prefect.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
They were going homeeeeee! Adi was super pleased. He was gonna get to see his parents after a long time. Yeah, yeah. He didn't care what people thought. He wasn't ashamed to say he missed his parents.
But he would miss his friends. Speaking of friends...where was the usual members of the gang? Meh. They would find him. So, after stowing his luggage, Adi found a free compartment which he and Gus the toad (riding on Adi's left shoulder) were now occupying.
Bye, Hogwarts. See you next term. Byeee, cold! Hello, summer and heat!
It felt odd not to have Conrad with him for the journey home, much like it had been weird to not have the owl around on a daily basis. But as the weather had gotten worse, his familiar had flown home and hadn't been able to return. At least he had known the bird had been safe during the horrible moments.
Dropping off his belongings in the luggage compartment, Benny had walked through the train corridor in search of a compartment. Or rather in search for familiar faces so he had someone friendly to ride home with. He might be shy but he preferred at this point in time to ride with friends or housemates rather than total strangers. It took until he reached the front end cars that he spotted Adi with Gus obviously ready to go.
"Hey..." he said with a smile, stepping inside the compartment and taking a seat across from his best friend. "Boy am I ready to go home."
Last edited by Holmesian Feline; 08-09-2014 at 09:36 PM.
It felt odd not to have Conrad with him for the journey home, much like it had been weird to not have the owl around on a daily basis. But as the weather had gotten worse, his familiar had flown home and hadn't been able to return. At least he had known the bird had been safe during the horrible moments.
Dropping off his belongings in the luggage compartment, Benny had walked through the train corridor in search of a compartment. Or rather in search for familiar faces so he had someone friendly to ride home with. He might be shy but he preferred at this point in time to ride with friends or housemates rather than total strangers. It took until he reached the front end cars that he spotted Adi with Gus obviously ready to go.
"Hey..." he said with a smile, stepping inside the compartment and taking a seat across from his best friend. "Boy am I ready to go home?"
Angel wasn't sure where she wanted to sit, she wasn't sure if she wanted to sit with her sisters or on her own because well she had a few things to think about, she suddenly saw Ben with Adi. "Hey Ben, Hey Adi." Angel decided to sit down next to Benny and without thinking she rested her head on his shoulders. "So Ben, are you looking forwards to the summer?" Angel was just glad to get away from the snow at Hogwarts.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Her first year of Hogwarts was officially over, and AJ still wasn't sure how she felt about that. She had lost her sisters in the commotion and she figured that it would be easier just to meet up with them on the train. Her trunk was rolling behind her as she peeked into each compartment for familiar faces. She already knew who she wanted to sit with, it was just a matter of finding them.
As she peeked into the next compartment, she saw Benny which meant that Adi was near. Sure enough Adi was there with his toad. Not to mention she spotted Angel with her head on Benny's shoulder. How did she miss that the first go round? "Hey guys, can I sit with you" Not that she really needed to ask, right? She picked up her trunk and placed it in the top compartment with a little bit of trouble, but she managed it eventually.
"I didn't know you had a toad," she said as she made her way over to Adi. That was pretty cool. AJ was still thinking about which magical creature that she wanted since obviously unicorns were off limits.
It was the end of term already. END OF TERM. How had that already happened? Emmylou shrugged and made her way on to the front cars of the train. The third almost fourth year was so happy to finally change out of her robes. She felt like she had been wearing them for way to long. She thought they were pretty comfortable but she didn't want to still be wearing them when she got off the train.
Now that she was changed into a white tank top, dark denim shorts and her favorite cowboy boots, Emmylou looked around for a compartment that would fit her, Kace, Bay, Cinna and Luxness. She knew that she would have a hard time finding one because there weren't a lot of people on the train yet. The fourteen year old really wanted a window seat but she also had to save seats for her friends!
The blonde smiled when she finally found the perfect compartment, it was towards the back of the first train. She beamed and bounced a little bit. She was ready to go back home and lay in the sun forever. Sh didn't like the wintery weather in general so she knew that should have to pack some warmer clothes next term.
Originally Posted by Squishy
It was hard to believe that it was already time to leave. Lux was excited to go home because it meant she could go back to the heat and escape from the coldness of the castle. Hopefully she would be able to see Bay over the summer though there were owls if his parents were very strict.
Spotting Emmy in a compartment, Lux eagerly entered. "Emmy!" Hug for her bestie. Now the others needed to arrive and everything would be prefect.
Kace finally made it to the front of the train. His owl Charlene was having a hard time being settled down. She was cooped up for soo long she wanted to get out of her cage. Not that he blamed her. She was nice and quiet now in the back of the train since Kace gave her a few treats. Now he wanted to go find his girlfriend. He wondered where she could be. He check a couple carts at the end of the first cart and didn't see her. Then he saw a red head go into one of the middle carts and knew it was Lux. He smirked and wondered if he should scare her.
He tiptoed and tapped Lux on the shoulder and said, "BOO!" really loudly. He chuckled at this. Then he saw his beautiful girlfriend and wrapped her up in his arms and said, "Hello beautiful.." and kissed her on the cheek. Then he sat down and took his rightful place near the window.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
It wasn't long before another familiar face made an appearance at the compartment door, Angel stepping into the still open doorway and greeting the two of them. "Hey..." he echoed, leaving off her name. Benny almost thought he was mixing the sisters up again as she chose to call him Ben instead of Benny or cutie pie or any other cutsey nicknames that she could probably come up with.
However when she first sat down beside him and then every so casually rested her head on his shoulder, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was really Angel. AJ wasn't getting that far. Yet regardless of the awkwardness of the gesture, Benny found himself meerly looking down at her, the third year finally breaking his silence to answer her question. "Yeah...I am," he managed to get out.
And then there was AJ. "Um...sure," he answered not having a problem with her presence. And he doubted Adi would have any trouble with her around. There hadn't been that issue since they finally started talking again those months ago.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
AJ figured that Adi would have been the one to welcome her to their compartment since it looked like Benny was preoccupied with Angel at the moment, but alas, it was Benny who did so. The lion left Adi's side and squeezed herself on the other side of Benny. She wanted to apologize to him for bringing him in the middle of the teasing.
If she went and blurted it out, it most likely would only make things worse so instead she leaned in, and in a voice only he could hear she whispered, "I'm sorry about making you uncomfortable." He would know what she was talking about. There was no sense in dragging her apology out. She made sure to choose her words carefully though because while she didn't like making Benny unhappy, she DID like playing pranks. She couldn't promise that he wouldn't be a victim again just by being there.
Angel smiled at her sister as she sat down next to Benny and then she gave her one of those mental mind notes "He's mine." Angel didn't want AJ to think that she would let AJ steal Ben, though she doubted that her sister wanted Benny she was sure her sister was in love with Adi and she was going to do anything to get them together.
"So Ben." Angel suddenly spoke to her friend. "Can we meet up in Diagon Alley some time this summer?" Angel really hoped that he would say yes because well that would be awesome if they could, just them two together, she would even buy him an ice-cream or something.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Home. He was going home. Away from all this cold and what not. Homeeeee! Where his mom could make him scones everyday! And he could wake up late, practice his guitar for hours, try improving his vocals, play computer games and go back to cricket! He was even more excited to go home now.
Ah looky. The first person to track him down was the guy bestie. "Hi, Dragon.'' He grinned. "You're not alone there. I was just thinking on all I have to catch up on at home.'' Gus emitted some throaty croaks. "Oh yes. Gus is saying he wants to see Conrad.''
Adi turned to look out of the compartment window, pressing his forehead against the window. Could they just be leaving already? Adi was daydreaming about scones when the voice of Angel sounded. "Yo, Angel,'' Adi said without turning away. Maybe he should get some chocolate frogs from the Trolley Lady. Who knows how long before his current stash ran out. Yep, that sounded like a plan. One problem. He was too lazy to get up. Meh.
Adi closed his eyes. No one had noticed the internal struggle he was going through since the end of term feast. Which was good. He was awesome at hiding stuff when he wanted to. For once Adi hoped AJ wouldn't be around him. The struggle would start all over again. Speaking of AJ... his eyes snapped open. Oh no! She was here.
Act cool, act cool, he repeated in his head. Should he pull his head away from the window? Or just keep hiding it so his emotions won't show? Finally, he decided he would. Because he had to act cool and all. "Why are you asking that?'' he asked mildly, looking in AJ's direction but not directly at her lest she saw something was going on in his head that involved her.
The Hufflepuff shook his head. "Such a friend you are. I remember telling you that I had one. Anyway, this is Gus. Gus, this is AJ.'' As usual, the toady croaked once as he did when introduced to someone. "You're not afraid of him, are you, AJ?''
It was then Adi glanced at Benny. And Angel. And....WHAT was going on there? O_O Had his best friend and Angel suddenly become a couple? What had he missed while he was daydreaming about... stuff? He EYED Benny with slightly wide eyes before returning to press his forehead against the window. He felt AJ move from beside him and figured she went over to her sister and Benny.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
They were going homeeeeee! Adi was super pleased. He was gonna get to see his parents after a long time. Yeah, yeah. He didn't care what people thought. He wasn't ashamed to say he missed his parents.
But he would miss his friends. Speaking of friends...where was the usual members of the gang? Meh. They would find him. So, after stowing his luggage, Adi found a free compartment which he and Gus the toad (riding on Adi's left shoulder) were now occupying.
Bye, Hogwarts. See you next term. Byeee, cold! Hello, summer and heat!
Ian finished putting his stuff away and headed to find his friends. He peeked as he passed different compartments and saw Adi and his toad. Opening the door, he saw AJ, Angel and a boy he could only assume was Beeny. He smiled at his friends and squeezed unto a space on the other side of Adi. [b]what a year it's been [\b] he said as he pulled a chocolate frog from his pocket and bit into it.
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Mackenzie found what looked like the only open cart left, and quickly claimed it.. she hadn't seen Zander but he may be in another part of the train and she would maybe go find him later. She wasn't sure what to expect seeing as how the last time she had seen him he was covered in flour and they were both laughing hysterically. She also wasn't sure how to deal with the feelings that she had towards him. But none of that mattered now they were going home. She wasn't even sure if he was going on the summer trip that the Hogwarts Governor's gave them.
She knew that her parent's would have never allowed her to go and the thought made her sad, but then summer was the only time that Mackenzie ever got to spend with them and that was always in France. But she was determined to make this summer a good one. She would miss Paris and would always cherish them but it was time for a new Mackenzie, one that moved forward and didn't stay grounded in the past. But first that meant shopping. And she couldn't wait to get back to London to fill her trunk for this trip.
Annaleecia walked into the hall and looked around, wondering where she should sit. She paused and glanced around again. She thought she saw a few people she knew but she didn't want to intrude of their conversations so she quickly went to an empty one and curled up, wrapping her purple blanket around her. If someone wanted to talk they'd come see her right? She didn't really mind if someone joined her.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Still in shock (sort of) about what was happening between Benny and Angel right across from him, Adi continued to look outside and anywhere but AJ. He could feel a bit of headache coming on too. Right at the back off his skull. Meh. He supposed he was thinking too much.
Adi didn't bother to turn to see who had entered the compartment. Since everyone was here, he figured it was probably someone dropping in to say hi. But when the person sat next to him, he turned. Ian. "Hey, Ian,'' Adi said with a grin. "You could say that again. I don't think I want another one like it.''
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
While she was trying to have a whispered conversation with Benny, AJ caught Angel's eye. She knew the look all too well, but what she didn't know was why she was giving it to her. I'm not trying to steal your man, okay? Jeeze... people were sensitive around here. She looked at Adi when he asked her a question. "I dunno." She really didn't know why she asked... it wasn't the normal for her. When the conversation turned to Adi's frog, AJ hopped up and ventured over to her hufflepuff friend. "Duh, how could I forget?" she asked as she smacked her hand against her forehead. "Me, afraid of a toad? Yeah, right." Did he forget who he was talking to? "Hey there, Gus." Without hesitation AJ reached over and petted Gus on his little toad head. "He's cool, Adi."
They had an addition to the compartment. "Hey Ian." He had walked over and sat down next to Adi. Now where was she going to sit? Obviously not over there by Benny and Angel and run the risk of her sister shooting daggers at her the entire ride home. She wasn't sure if something was going on with Adi, but there was something about him that was off. Could she just sit in the floor and put headphones on? That seemed to be the safest bet. AJ looked back in the direction of Ian and Adi, and was relieved to see that Ian had left some room on the other side of him. The lion walked over and sat by him. "Getting a head start on our plan?" She was referring to them all meeting up and eating the sweet shop out of merch.
Last edited by MudInMyBlood; 08-10-2014 at 04:33 AM.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Mackenzie
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn
Mackenzie found what looked like the only open cart left, and quickly claimed it.. she hadn't seen Zander but he may be in another part of the train and she would maybe go find him later. She wasn't sure what to expect seeing as how the last time she had seen him he was covered in flour and they were both laughing hysterically. She also wasn't sure how to deal with the feelings that she had towards him. But none of that mattered now they were going home. She wasn't even sure if he was going on the summer trip that the Hogwarts Governor's gave them.
She knew that her parent's would have never allowed her to go and the thought made her sad, but then summer was the only time that Mackenzie ever got to spend with them and that was always in France. But she was determined to make this summer a good one. She would miss Paris and would always cherish them but it was time for a new Mackenzie, one that moved forward and didn't stay grounded in the past. But first that meant shopping. And she couldn't wait to get back to London to fill her trunk for this trip.
.... So that was an interesting end to the term.
The feast was such an emotional roller coaster and the Gryffindor had never really considered himself an emotional guy. It was weird. All those feelings. All at once. One stronger than the next. It was weird. The Gryffindor was kind of in a state of post traumatic.... feast disorder? Or was that just the effects of the liquid luck finally wearing off? Probably the latter.
Either way, he entered the train in a clouded state. There was just SO much to think about that it was actually kind of hard to think about anything in particular at all. Or maybe that was just the liquid luck, too. Anyways, the boy didn't really feel like walking around in the train for too long in this state, so he just got into one of the first carts he could find. Peering through the window he noticed this particular one was pretty empty, so he made his way inside. "Oh, hi Mackenzie, is it okay if I.. You know, sit here?" he smiled.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
This just felt weird. The term was over and suddenly Terry was no longer a student at Hogwarts. No longer was he required to come to school every day and although to some the prospect of no school would be thrilling, Hogwarts was unlike no other. And he would miss it, there was no doubt about that.
Immediately after boarding the train he headed towards the front section and plopped himself down onto one of the seats, sparing a quick glance out of the window. He was hoping he would be joined by someone, to be distracted from his thoughts. The more he dwelled on thinking about never seeing this place again, the worse it got. Terry wasn't one to cry but he wasn't emotionless, the former Slytherin was clearly quite sad at the moment.
Still, he had to think about his future and he was quite excited. Having chosen to pursue a gap year before further studying, the eighteen year old had 12 months to do whatever he wished. The prospects were endless. His thoughts went to his friends, his fellow seventh years and then to his girlfriend as he continued hoping someone would step on in through the door of his compartment.
The year was finally over, which meant freedom from Hogwarts. Generally Ana quite liked the school, but having spent quite a lot of time after Christmas break actually stuck inside the castle she was glad to get away. Besides, she'd be back next term and get to see everyone again. She'd also have to try and be more sociable next term. This one had been a bit of a doozy for actually meeting up with friends. Oh she'd still talked to them of course but hadn't spent enough time with them by far. Only she wouldn't get to see all of them again next term. Including Terry.
The thought put a frown on her face as she walked the train corridor, peeking into compartments to see if she could spot anyone she knew. Well, she was really looking for her boyfriend, but if she spotted others she'd definitely stop for a second or two to chat. Hogwarts just wouldn't be the same without Terry there and Ana was going to miss him. She knew from experience that long distance relationships sucked, but she was going to try her hardest to make things work. And on the plus side she'd be so busy with preparing for NEWTs that she could probably push aside the melancholy feelings that might assault her from time to time. But he wasn't gone yet and she still had the Summer to spend time with him and she was determined to make the most of it.
Speaking of... Looking into one more compartment Ana couldn't help but smile softly as she spotted her target Terry. Pushing the door open she stuck her head in, not entering fully incase he didn't want the company before speaking softly. "Would you like some company?"
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
It didn't take long of staring out the window before the noise of the compartment door awoke Terry from his melancholy daydream. The eighteen year old turned his head and expected to see someone whom he wasn't familiar with. But the person that stood half lingering in the doorway was someone whom he wanted at this very moment.
A small smile lingered on his face as he looked at her. "Would you believe me if I said no?" he teased before opening his arm up for her. "Of course I would" His lips fell into a slightly larger smile although the sadness lingered within his eyes.
"Its weird this.." The Slytherin remarked matter-of-factly, turning back to glance out of the window one last time. "The thought of never coming back." Good weird, bad weird. All sorts of weird. "What are you going to do without me?" A half-hearted chuckle left his lips as he nudged his girlfriends arm gently.
"Maybe. Everyone needs to be alone sometimes, as long as they aren't lonely," Ana admitted with a slight shrug before moving further into the compartment. Despite his words she knew Terry well enough to tell that at the moment he didn't want to be alone. The fact that he'd immediately made room for her and then offered confirmation that he wanted her company was also a huge giveaway.
Closing the compartment door behind her Ana immediately curled up under Terry's arm, wrapping her own around his middle and hoping to offer him some comfort. Despite the fact he was smiling he seemed sad. Not that Ana blamed him, she could relate after all. Then again Terry had been at Hogwarts a lot longer than she'd been at any other school so the sadness would, she assumed be more pronounced. "You could always become a professor," Ana teased, hoping to lighten his mood somewhat, although she wouldn't be surprised if the humour fell flat. She wasn't sure what to say if she was being honest. What could she say?
"Be writing you lots of letters," Ana declared, completely unabashed. That was her plan anyway. She wanted to try and write at least fortnightly if she could. Even just a few short lines to let him know what was happening in her life. "Other than that I suppose a lot of studying so that I can get into whatever university I want after graduation... I'm trying not to think too much about it really. So... do you have plans for the Summer?" she asked, hoping to get Terry to focus on something a little happier.
Ugh, being back on the train was great. It was such a terrible term, and the upcoming seventh year boy just wanted to go back home. At least next term would be a fresh new start. And his final term. Oh, it would be a joy to be done with school. Though he'd obviously miss people, Jun preferred not to be at a boarding school much too longer. Walking onto the train and looking for a compartment, his brown eyes peeked through each window. Maybe there was someone familiar he could sit with at least? Yes? Please? He hadn't spotted his best friend nor his girlfriend yet. Maybe he'll go looking for them later.
Just as he was about to give up and head towards the middle carts, the boy spotted a little someone. Lucky her; managed to get a compartment to herself because the stampede of students rushed onto the train. Grinning, Jun slid the door open and stepped in. "Would you like some company?" He asked Leah, closing the door and sitting himself down before an answer anyway. Oh well. "Happy to be going home?"
Leah shifted slightly in her seat as she listened to footsteps outside the compartment door. She felt lucky to have left the castle early this morning so that she could find an empty compartment all for herself. She sat up straight and looked out of the window back at Hogwarts, probably for the last time this year.
That was when the door slid open. Leah turned around to see JUN! The Hufflepuff grinned broadly, "Hey, sure," but he had already sat down anyway. "Why aren't you with your friends?" She asked as she scooted closer to him, because there was no point staying away from him.
"I am. I hear the rest of the wizarding world is normal, right?" She said. "I bet I'll enjoy the summer even more this year." Leah definitely understood the.. importance of warmth this term. "Do you have plans for the summer?"