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The driver and snack lady sit waaaaaay up front in the driver's cab, but there are plenty of other compartments up here! Careful you don't sit in the Prefects' cab though. They bite.
Wow. He looked so confident with his wand. Something Monty himself was yet to master - he dropped it more often than not, whenever he pretended to duel by waving it around. But this older boy..........such good spell work.
Monty's eyes followed every move, stared at the places the dirt had once been and now were not. It was brilliant.
"Wooow." Monty grinned back, taking the hat gingerly and turning it over and over in his hands. It was spotless. "Thanks, Cris! That's brilliant." He put it back on his head, proudly; flicking the end. Really brilliant. So brilliant. "Can you teach me to do that? Or - or, do they teach it at Hogwarts?"
Oh yes, we can go to see the Quidditch matches and to root for ours House!But I think the students of the first year can't play Quidditch..But we can learn to fly this year: it's fantastic!.. ( I hope that I'm not feeling dizzy!!!). The subject best fascinating for me is: "Charm Class"! During the summer I have read something about the spells (how to flick and wave a wand..).. but I look forward to use my wand: a marvelous 11 ¾ whippy English Oak wand with the core of a Unicorn Hair..!And you? What wand has choosen you?"
"That would be awesome. And first years get to learn how to fly, really? Wow. , this year is gonna be something crazy awesome. And yeah, charms seems pretty cool from what I have read about them. What charms do you know? Can you show me any? As for my wand I have ash wand, 11 inches long with a dragon heart string core.".
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by GlassXRose
A slow smile forming on her face, she watched as he reached for a sugar quill. It was like coaxing an antisocial animal; There was a feeling of achievement about it. Placing the quill back between her teeth, she fastened the box back together and tucked it away in her bag. Before speaking, of course, she removed the candy from her mouth.
"You make it sound like I'm a huge daredevil," she mused at him. It was true that she had a bigger sweet tooth than most people she knew. But she intended to be eighty years old one day, still with a whole shelf full of candy to eat.
"The way I see it is that if something like a sugar quill or a licorice wand or a fudge fly can make you happy, then it's not really bad for you in the end." Provided you didn't eat them all the time and had good teeth-brushing skills. Of course.
Making it sound like she was a huge daredevil? Unable to help it, Gareth let out a laughter, a sincere one that was, before realising what he had done and wearing the emotionless expression back. "Well..." what was he going to say about that? "I think you kind of are but you don't know me." Yeah, that was probably why she was so daring towards him.
He stared at the sugar quill between his fingers and eyed hers. She looked okay eating this candy yet he had this thought that he would look stupid while doing so. But if she was used to eating this stuff then she probably had other people consuming it around her so it might not look stupid to him when he would try to eat the candy.
He nibbled the tip of the candy quill a bit as she spoke, her words making him raise his eyebrows again. She was kind of...right. If you enjoyed it then it was not so bad at all. "I can see no errors with your reasoning, Kanna." and there was that name. "What does your name mean? I have never heard it before."
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Vinnie just watched the world pass by for a while. Whenever she was on a train she couldnt stop but wonder. What was behind, what was in the middle, what was about to come? Like you left one place and you couldnt see it but it was still there, still the same. The world was fascinating. Or maybe she was weird. Both were fine with her.
Feeling the need to drink something, the brunette got out her special cup from her handbag. It said „ Its just water i swear“ and whenever she looked at it, it made her laugh. What brought the girls thoughts back to the party. This was totally the right way to start the year and build up a rep. Throwing the best party of the year at the beginning of the year. Yep. And they would have burger pizza, like how much better could it get?!
Just as she got lost in the world rushing by again, the Slytherin heard someone speak. Probably to her, cause she was the only one in the compartment. She blinked and looked at the person in front of her. Jun! „ It seems like you are“, she grinned,“ and i was gonna say the best comes last. Shame.“ But they had so much time to plan now, this was gonna be fab. Charlotte would totally hate them. Grin.
"Hey, hey! We can still pretend I'm the last one here and still be the best one, yeah?" Because he was clearly the best one here. Aside from Vinnie because she planned the party. But Jun was helping her out the most. He had to look over the guest list to make sure no authorities would be there. Except for Lou, he was an exception. And Jun was sure Lex wouldn't want to come? He'll have to ask her later. She probably wouldn't want to risk her badge. Perks of dating a prefect.
"Have you added more people to the list? Shouldn't make it too big," Because their school like to suck the fun out of things. But now they needed things like food, which he was basically the chef out of the group.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Austin walked onto the train, a small bag slung over his back. He didn't feel like walking all the way to the back, although it would be quieter, so he climbed into a small car near the front of the train. Plopping the small bag on the seat, he sat next to the window. It was a little bitter sweet for him. On the one hand, he wanted to go away and learn, be away from his parents, and get some time to be his own person. But on the other hand, he won't be able to see his parents until the Holidays, and he didn't want to be alone. He wasn't that great at making friends, due to his cocky attitude and what not. But it didn't matter to him much. He would be fine on his own, and he was sure someone would say hi to him in his dorm room. Ravenclaw was the best house to be in, in his opinion, and if that hat shouted any other house name, he would be very unhappy. He probably wouldn't come back after the Holidays if Ravenclaw wasn't his house.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Monty
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Wow. He looked so confident with his wand. Something Monty himself was yet to master - he dropped it more often than not, whenever he pretended to duel by waving it around. But this older boy..........such good spell work.
Monty's eyes followed every move, stared at the places the dirt had once been and now were not. It was brilliant.
"Wooow." Monty grinned back, taking the hat gingerly and turning it over and over in his hands. It was spotless. "Thanks, Cris! That's brilliant." He put it back on his head, proudly; flicking the end. Really brilliant. So brilliant. "Can you teach me to do that? Or - or, do they teach it at Hogwarts?"
Cris took an exaggerated bow before straightening up and grinning. "Thank you and you're most welcome. The cleaning spell? Yes I can teach you that but yes they will also teach you that at Hogwarts along with a whole bunch of other interesting spells."
"When learning spells, my Professors always tell us to first learn the incantation, which is actually the words to the spell. You need to say it correctly or the spell might not work the way you want it to. Then once you've mastered that, you learn the spell's wand movement, like this," Cris waved his wand followed by a flick.
"For the spell I just did, the wand movement as you can see is pretty straightforward. I just pointed my wand at the areas I wanted cleaning. Now that's the easy part. The hardest part is getting the spell to work, and it's not just fancy wand waving and saying the incantation. The hardest part involves this," Cris explained as he tapped his forehead with his finger.
"Concentration is what is important. That and your intention," Cris paused when he realized that he was sounding like one of his Professors.
He laughed as he looked at Monty,"I have a feeling that most of what I just told you, just went flying over your head. I know it did when someone first tried teaching me to cast my first spell." he chuckled as he recalled that memory.
"I've always believed that practice is always better than theory. So would you like to try casting that cleaning spell? You will find it very useful in some of your classes especially Potions. Don't worry if it doesn't work out the first few times. With lots of practice, you will eventually master it," Cris smiled encouragingly at Monty.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace was exploring the front compartment. He saw some new firsties and some new students. He smiled to them and he was looking for his best buddy. He hadn't seen Adi all summer. He wondered what he could have done over the summer. He looked through compartments trying to find his buddy.
After depositing his trunk in the Luggage Compartment, Adi happily made his way towards the front cars, looking for his friends while Gus gave an occasional croak from his usual spot in one of his owner's pockets.
Adi was pleased to be going back to Hogwarts and seeing all the students chatting away just made it even better. But who was that standing there? The other boy's build was familiar...It was Kace!
Grinning, Adi poked the fourth year on the shoulder. "Hello, Kace. Did you grow taller over the summer?'' Because to the third year, it certainly seemed so.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
SPOILER!!: Haha, please don't mind her!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
When she'd opened the door earlier she didn't think it'd have caused such a stir but the falling kitten and the rattled girl told her she needed to work on her entrance. If she didn't know any better she'd almost be sure the girl's face was losing colour but that couldn't have been it and even if that was the case, it'd return to normal soon because it was just Lex...and she was just looking for her kneazle...which admittedly wasn't that intimidating if you thought about it.
The fact the girl's lips parted told her she'd be getting an answer so she leaned against the door's frame and waited though by now she was starting to figure she already knew the answer.
Oh but Merlin the girl was obviously getting worked up about something. Lex's brows crinkled as she shoved off the frame and took another step into the corridor. Was she...missing something? Alexa twisted and took a glance behind her in case something had snuck onto the train when she never noticed. Awfully quiet train for a hijacking, wasn't it? In the end there was nothing terrifying behind her and she turned to face the girl in time to receive an apology? What?
".......................Okay.................. ."Blink blink. Did she wanna know? Probably not. "Look, it's not that big a deal. Plenty of people haven't seen him. I can just keep looking." No need to look like you've seen the ghost of Christmas past, gosh. "Are you....are you okay though?" Kinda jittery wasn't she?
Perhaps that wasn't the ONLY word she had intended to say..Especially since that one random word most likely wouldn't make any sense..And judging by the girl's face..it certainly did not make any sense to begin with..
'Why was she just standing there? Isn't she going to yell at me?'
'Should I try to run to another compartment-NOT possible, she's blocking the only exit-Although there is always the window-NO!'
She shook her head after those scrambling thoughts before realizing the older girl had spoken to her again. From the looks of it, the girl was still looking rather puzzled after Josie's random response. But had she seen the girl's kneazle around? Come to think, she could have sworn she'd heard something scurrying about before Josie had entered the compartment, but she hadn't taken the time to search anything out of the ordinary.
-Wait, what was that? Was she okay?
...Was she okay?
Well, aside from the guilt, Josie had to admit she was feeling a bit better for the most part. But in response to the older girl's question she slowly nodded her head, all the while stroking Sebastian's head. She bit her lip before she softly spoke, with actual words this time. "I-I um..I think I did hear some sort of a-a um..A noise when I got settled in..But I wasn't quite sure what it was.." Not to mention, she was also afraid to find out what it was, but that was something she'd just keep to herself, right?
"Hey, hey! We can still pretend I'm the last one here and still be the best one, yeah?" Because he was clearly the best one here. Aside from Vinnie because she planned the party. But Jun was helping her out the most. He had to look over the guest list to make sure no authorities would be there. Except for Lou, he was an exception. And Jun was sure Lex wouldn't want to come? He'll have to ask her later. She probably wouldn't want to risk her badge. Perks of dating a prefect.
"Have you added more people to the list? Shouldn't make it too big," Because their school like to suck the fun out of things. But now they needed things like food, which he was basically the chef out of the group.
Vinnie couldnt help but laugh at how offended Jun seemed. He was one funny dude."If it makes you feel better, you can pretend yes", she chuckled. Everybody wanted to be the best these days. What about being the coolest? Yep, that was definitely Vinnies part.
Ohhh yes yes their guestlist. Hmmm... maybe Casper would want to come? She had to ask him later at the feast.So far the list stood strong though." Nope, i think ive got everyone", she nodded," what about you? Who is on your list? Jun never even told her. They had to make sure only the class of people would come, after all Charlotte needed to find some hottie under all of the guests. But the brunette had faith in Jun, faith he d had some good looking mates to invite. For Char, not for herself of course.
"The party needs to have access to only a very well selected pool of people", she said agreeing with him, " we can let everyone it." Noope that wasnt a possibility, your first party was the party everyone was gonna remember it couldnt be ordinary.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Originally Posted by griffin
This would not work, Penelope thought. Instead of finding a quiet spot, I seem to have bothered an unfriendly, and much older student. "Sorry to bother you, I'll just leave."
Having lost his girlfriend at the train station, mostly due to the sheer number of students and the constant fussing and attention from his mum about it being his last year and him needing to choose which career path to go down very soon, the Slytherin made his way onto the train with minutes to spare. Once inside and with the train moving on swiftly, he dodged his way down the corridor, side-stepping students who congregated in the halls for Merlin knew what reason.
He was just reaching a compartment about to look inside when he almost accidentally collided with a small looking student. A first year perhaps? He put on his breaks, digging his heels into the floor and pausing inches away from her. ”Sorry about that” he chuckled then looked at her expression. ”Are you okay?” he asked. Was it just him or did she seem a little sad?
Text Cut: Ana and Lux
Originally Posted by Saiai
"Dresses and looking pretty are about the only things I liked about the etiquette lessons my babushka insisted we all had to take. Besides dance that was. I love dancing, and ballet. Although that might have more to do with the fact that my aunt Amélie was a ballet dancer and teaches it now," Ana mused, tone fond as she mentioned her family members, despite the fact that she was complaining slightly about having to behave like a proper lady. She'd always liked fashion though and even though she'd wear tights and jeans like every other girl at some point she preferred being in dresses. It made her feel feminine. "Hmm, well what shoe size do you take? I'm sure I can find some of those shoes for you to at least practice in if it's something you'd like to do?" Ana asked, looking down at Lux's feet. They looked to be around the same size as her own, maybe a little bit smaller.
"Well then your mother must be a beautiful lady," Ana opined since she thought Lux was quite pretty, if not beautiful yet. "I don't resemble my mother much at all, come to think of it none of us really resemble her all that much. Katya looks a lot like her but Sasha, Liza and I all take after papa's family," which Ana wasn't displeased about. Although her mamushka was good looking Ana didn't much want to resemble her. Just in case it stirred up ill feelings. Huh? She didn't know what a doppelgänger was? Seems like Ana would have to explain it. She took a few minutes to think of what the best way to explain a doppelgänger would be before she opened her mouth to respond. "A doppelgänger has come to mean a few different things. In old German culture a doppelgänger was said to be a harbinger of death. When you saw your doppelgänger you would soon die. Other times it's seen as simply meaning bad luck will befall someone. A doppelgänger is your exact double, whether that double be a ghost or simply another person who could be your twin, although in most cases you've never met them before. I could be considered my babushka's doppelgänger under the meaning that I look nearly exactly as she did at my age. The only difference is that I have my mamushka's eye colour," Ana explained, hoping that Lux wouldn't be put off by her explanation of the term.
"Well I'm not so sure that he doesn't like cucumbers so much as he just doesn't see the point of having a sandwich with only cucumber's on it. He did refuse a bite of mine one time though, but he had his own sandwich so that might have been why..." she mused, giving a slight shrug. She didn't much mind if Terry liked cucumber sandwiches. Not really. Everyone had different tastes in food and Ana certainly didn't like all the foods that Terry did. For example she thought that Yorkshire Pudding was disgusting, although she wasn't sure why she didn't like it.
Ana held in the urge to squee at the news that Bay had asked Lux out on the day of her party, although she couldn't stop herself from giving the other girl another brief hug in happiness. She sobered however when Lux mentioned a boy who'd had a stroke. It showed the real damage that last term had done to people because if Ana remembered correctly Bart had also been affected by the healers' negligence. She couldn't remember ever speaking to the boy but she'd seen him in classes and her heart ached for him, even if only briefly since Ana could well admit that she wasn't the kindest nor most sympathetic of people. "I didn't know that he'd had a stroke. Is he feeling any better?" Ana asked, tone subdued, and face showing that her concern for the boy was genuine, if not deep.
Originally Posted by Squishy
Lux could totally relate to liking dresses, because she herself had been finding them more and more appealing as time went on. "At the start of last term, I never wanted to be in a dress ever, and by the end of it, I was loving them." It was amazing how growing up worked, and how she was finally starting to understand people like her sister Willa, who loved fashion. "I haven't really had much experience dancing, most of what I've done is my own little dances." Not an embarrassing confession, since a lot of people had seen her bust out random dances when she was happy or excited. "When we did the dancing lessons last term, Louis and Sander told me that I was a natural, and that was my first time doing real dances and not something I made up." Maybe it would be fun for her to take more lessons! The thought of having some more shoes was really appealing, and Ana was a wonderful friend for offering. "I am a 6 1/2. I used to be a 6 last term!" If they were too big - which was a real possibility - they could always be resized.
The compliment made Lux blush slightly. She did not think she was all that pretty or anything, though people did compliment her on her looks. "My mom is really pretty. I've seen older pictures of her, and she looked a lot like I do now." Seemed that Ana took more after her grandmother, and Lux took after her mother. It was funny how genetics worked like that sometimes. When she was younger, she thought that everyone simply took after their parents, and that was that. Nodding along, she tried her best to keep track with all the members of her friend's family since there seemed to be quite a bit of them; hopefully one day she would meet Ana's siblings and parents. The thought of a doppelgänger was rather interesting, if not strange. "So you could also meet someone on the street that looks as if they could be your twin? Hypothetically speaking of course. Maybe not everyone has a doppelgänger?" How weird it would be if she was in Diagon Alley and spotted a girl who looked the exact same as her!
Listening as Ana talked about Terry and cucumber sandwiches, Lux nodded along. "People sometimes share sandwiches?" It was not something that she had ever thought of doing. It seemed very unlikely that her and Bay would ever do that unless it was turkey or something; he really did make nice turkey sandwiches. "I know that everyone has different tastes and that it's good to respect that. I learned it last term." See, she was growing!
Yaaay, another hug! Smiling, Lux returned it before getting more serious at the talk of Bart. "He is doing much better now, though I haven't seen him in a little while." Lux wondered where her buddy was, and hoped that she would be able to find him soon. "He had his stroke in class, and I felt so bad because I didn't notice it at the time." That was something she still felt a little bad about.
He continued on down the train, peeking briefly through every window until he found the one he was looking for. And it wasn’t long until he did, there sat by the window was Ana along with her friend Lux. He knocked on the door, opening it and poking his head around. ”I hope you don’t mind an interruption ladies?” he question looking between the two of them. ”Unless you’re having precious girl bonding time in which case, I’ll go find my mates.” No big deal.
He waited for an answer before he sat himself down, he respected their wishes after all. And sometimes girls wanted individually girly time with their friend’s right? He was sure he’d be able to find Theo or West somewhere, although the majority of his friends were prefects and he wouldn’t have access to their compartment. He grinned expectantly at the pair, eager for their response.
"That would be awesome. And first years get to learn how to fly, really? Wow. , this year is gonna be something crazy awesome. And yeah, charms seems pretty cool from what I have read about them. What charms do you know? Can you show me any? As for my wand I have ash wand, 11 inches long with a dragon heart string core.".
I would like to try and do a spell but I'm not very good and I might get me into trouble..but when we will be to school we will practice togheter..shall we?By the way how far it is Hogwarts?
Lux could totally relate to liking dresses, because she herself had been finding them more and more appealing as time went on. "At the start of last term, I never wanted to be in a dress ever, and by the end of it, I was loving them." It was amazing how growing up worked, and how she was finally starting to understand people like her sister Willa, who loved fashion. "I haven't really had much experience dancing, most of what I've done is my own little dances." Not an embarrassing confession, since a lot of people had seen her bust out random dances when she was happy or excited. "When we did the dancing lessons last term, Louis and Sander told me that I was a natural, and that was my first time doing real dances and not something I made up." Maybe it would be fun for her to take more lessons! The thought of having some more shoes was really appealing, and Ana was a wonderful friend for offering. "I am a 6 1/2. I used to be a 6 last term!" If they were too big - which was a real possibility - they could always be resized.
The compliment made Lux blush slightly. She did not think she was all that pretty or anything, though people did compliment her on her looks. "My mom is really pretty. I've seen older pictures of her, and she looked a lot like I do now." Seemed that Ana took more after her grandmother, and Lux took after her mother. It was funny how genetics worked like that sometimes. When she was younger, she thought that everyone simply took after their parents, and that was that. Nodding along, she tried her best to keep track with all the members of her friend's family since there seemed to be quite a bit of them; hopefully one day she would meet Ana's siblings and parents. The thought of a doppelgänger was rather interesting, if not strange. "So you could also meet someone on the street that looks as if they could be your twin? Hypothetically speaking of course. Maybe not everyone has a doppelgänger?" How weird it would be if she was in Diagon Alley and spotted a girl who looked the exact same as her!
Listening as Ana talked about Terry and cucumber sandwiches, Lux nodded along. "People sometimes share sandwiches?" It was not something that she had ever thought of doing. It seemed very unlikely that her and Bay would ever do that unless it was turkey or something; he really did make nice turkey sandwiches. "I know that everyone has different tastes and that it's good to respect that. I learned it last term." See, she was growing!
Yaaay, another hug! Smiling, Lux returned it before getting more serious at the talk of Bart. "He is doing much better now, though I haven't seen him in a little while." Lux wondered where her buddy was, and hoped that she would be able to find him soon. "He had his stroke in class, and I felt so bad because I didn't notice it at the time." That was something she still felt a little bad about.
"I've loved dresses ever since I was a little girl. My papa was quite indulgent with me. I had lots of gowns as well, even though I couldn't possibly need them. I liked dressing up as a princess though, especially after seeing the movie Anastasia," Ana revealed, eyes clouding over slightly as she thought back on her childhood. Those days seemed so far away now. It was scary to think that in less than 12 months she'd be of age and considered for all intents and purposes to be an adult. It made her long for childhood again. "Well, dancing is meant to be fun, and so as long as the way you dance makes you happy that's all that really matters. I love dancing, and I know a lot of formal dances but sometimes the best feeling is simply dancing crazily to loud music and not worrying about any proper steps." Just as long as no one saw you doing it, because that could be tres embarrassing. A 6.5? Ana could definitely work with that. She was a 6.5-7 herself so she should have some shoes that fit. In fact, there was that pair which was too small that she'd been planning to resize... They were a wedge heel and it wasn't all that high either. "I have just the shoes. I'll give them to you when we get to school and you can see if they fit, and if you think you'd be comfortable trying to walk in them," Ana told Lux decisively.
Ana had to refrain from smiling in amusement as it seemed like Lux was struggling trying to keep up with Ana's family members. A lot of people seemed to have issues with it, although to Ana herself it wasn't all that complicated. Then again it was her family so it shouldn't be. Although her extended family could confuse even her sometimes since there were a lot of them spread out around the world. The family Christmas' were always a good time to catch up and attempt to remember the names of people you only saw once a year. "Potentially yes. I met a girl at school last year who had a pretty adverse reaction to me. Seems a look exactly like her boyfriends best friend. I don't know why that was a bad thing but it was," Ana told her with a slight shrug to indicate that she wasn't really certain on this subject. "It would also be possible that you don't have a double, although of course there are people who'd look similar to you from a distance if not up close."
Didn't Lux know that people shared food? "Yep. Like with everything else sharing is caring. You can eat one half of the sandwich whilst another person eats the other half," Ana affirmed, nodding her head slightly to emphasise her point a bit. Ana liked sharing sandwiches. It meant that when she wasn't too hungry she didn't need to worry about wasting food if someone else was going to eat some of it too. "That's very good Lux," Ana praised. Some grown ups didn't seem to know how to accept and respect differences in taste so it was good that Lux did.
Ana nodded solemnly as Lux gave her the lo-down on Bart's health, laying a comforting hand on Lux's arm as she talked about not having noticed that the boy was having a stroke in class. "I'm sure a lot of people didn't know Lux. There are signs for these things of course but unless you've read about them or are a qualified healer you really can't have been expected to notice them. It's nothing to feel bad about." She was sure that Bart wouldn't want Lux to feel bad about it either. Besides, in class it wasn't like Lux could have been expected to be paying attention to Bart enough to notice any signs even if she had known what they were, and she was a child herself, even if she was growing up.
SPOILER!!: boyfriend
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Having lost his girlfriend at the train station, mostly due to the sheer number of students and the constant fussing and attention from his mum about it being his last year and him needing to choose which career path to go down very soon, the Slytherin made his way onto the train with minutes to spare. Once inside and with the train moving on swiftly, he dodged his way down the corridor, side-stepping students who congregated in the halls for Merlin knew what reason.
He was just reaching a compartment about to look inside when he almost accidentally collided with a small looking student. A first year perhaps? He put on his breaks, digging his heels into the floor and pausing inches away from her. ”Sorry about that” he chuckled then looked at her expression. ”Are you okay?” he asked. Was it just him or did she seem a little sad?
Text Cut: Ana and Lux
He continued on down the train, peeking briefly through every window until he found the one he was looking for. And it wasn’t long until he did, there sat by the window was Ana along with her friend Lux. He knocked on the door, opening it and poking his head around. ”I hope you don’t mind an interruption ladies?” he question looking between the two of them. ”Unless you’re having precious girl bonding time in which case, I’ll go find my mates.” No big deal.
He waited for an answer before he sat himself down, he respected their wishes after all. And sometimes girls wanted individually girly time with their friend’s right? He was sure he’d be able to find Theo or West somewhere, although the majority of his friends were prefects and he wouldn’t have access to their compartment. He grinned expectantly at the pair, eager for their response.
Ana turned from Lux, moving to smile hesitantly at Terry as he stood in the doorway. "What do you say Lux? Can Terry join us?" Ana herself didn't mind if Terry stayed, because he was her boyfriend and she always liked having him around, but she wanted to double check with Lux before she agreed. It was only fair. Although she did think that this might be a good opportunity for the two of them to get to know each other better. Considering she loved Terry and adored Lux she wanted them to get along so she could hang out with them both at the same time.
"You finally escaped from your mum then?" she asked playfully, having heard part of the lecture he was getting about it being his last year, career path etcetera and was glad that her mamushka wasn't there to give her a similar lecture. Sans the last year part of course. His mum's lecture had only served to make her sad though as it reminded her that this would be the last year that she'd be able to see Terry basically any time she pleased. Although maybe not even as much as that since like she'd been busy with OWLs last year Terry would be busy studying for his NEWTs this year.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: We don't mind her at all :3
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
Perhaps that wasn't the ONLY word she had intended to say..Especially since that one random word most likely wouldn't make any sense..And judging by the girl's face..it certainly did not make any sense to begin with..
'Why was she just standing there? Isn't she going to yell at me?'
'Should I try to run to another compartment-NOT possible, she's blocking the only exit-Although there is always the window-NO!'
She shook her head after those scrambling thoughts before realizing the older girl had spoken to her again. From the looks of it, the girl was still looking rather puzzled after Josie's random response. But had she seen the girl's kneazle around? Come to think, she could have sworn she'd heard something scurrying about before Josie had entered the compartment, but she hadn't taken the time to search anything out of the ordinary.
-Wait, what was that? Was she okay?
...Was she okay?
Well, aside from the guilt, Josie had to admit she was feeling a bit better for the most part. But in response to the older girl's question she slowly nodded her head, all the while stroking Sebastian's head. She bit her lip before she softly spoke, with actual words this time. "I-I um..I think I did hear some sort of a-a um..A noise when I got settled in..But I wasn't quite sure what it was.." Not to mention, she was also afraid to find out what it was, but that was something she'd just keep to herself, right?
This was perhaps getting a little creepy. She'd never been in the company of someone that did far more staring than talking...not to this extent, no and the Gryffindor didn't know what to make of it so at first she just stood staring back but that wasn't nearly as satisfying as an actual conversation would have been.
....Maybe, just maybe the girl didn't want to talk to her? Yet another thing she wasn't familiar with but there had to be cases like that, yeah? If that was in fact it then Lex wouldn't push it further, she had a kneazle to find and apparently harrassing little Ravvies would get her nowhere.
She did turn to leave but was stopped in her tracks hearing actual words. Plural of word. It made a difference. "Noise? Really? Where? Was it coming from under a seat or like....passing by the compartment...?"Now she felt like she was getting somewhere with this kneazle hunt. In truth he couldn't have gone that far...but then she'd spent quite some time in that line for the food trolley. This was what happened when everyone wanted snacks at the same time. "Don't suppose you might have seen a streak of silver-grey...huh?" His fur was hard to miss once you'd seen it.
Also. "I don't think I remember your name..." She admitted with a curious look. That was practically her asking to be reminded, just saying.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
I would like to try and do a spell but I'm not very good and I might get me into trouble..but when we will be to school we will practice togheter..shall we?By the way how far it is Hogwarts?
"Oh ok, I actually managed to turn my cats fur yellow and then back to ginger. I was quite shocked I managed it really. And it will be awesome to learn more together. And as for how far we've come, I don't know. I think we've been on the train about an hour.". Bree could feel her stomach rumble and started rummaging through her bag and pulled out some chocolate covered pretzels and ate a few and looked toward Lucy, "You want some? Salty and sweet, can't go wrong, eh.".
"Me too," Caleb chuckled. "Made quidditch pretty brutal, that was for sure," he mumbled with a sigh. He was never going to be able to shake that feeling of his joints BURNING like they were on fire while trying to fly around the pitch. It was miserable. WHY had he done that to himself again?
"Yeah, that's scary," Caleb admitted, hoping he wasn't freaking her out or anything. "Any idea what you'll do after school?" he asked. Maybe she had a plan. Maybe she'd go play Quidditch or something? "And please, I was cooler than them in my FIRST year," he joked with a cheeky grin.
Well, half joked.
"Yeah, you played like a boss though, even with the age thing." she said, grinning at him. Everyone on the team was awesome... eh. "Maybe it'll be easier this year." She hoped so, she'd love to be able to win the championship in her last year. Who knew if she'd ever play seriously again? She was still wondering about playing professionally... but she hadn't been scouted or anything so... eh. Who knew. Maybe this year... probably not best to get her hopes up.
After school..? Ehh. "Well... I want to be a vet but... I've got to do muggle exams so..." It was kind of... a lot of pressure. "I did one over the summer and kinda... failed." Eh. EEEEEH. That's basically how she felt about everything at the moment. Maybe she should just get another lollipop and chill out or something... eh. "Yeah, totally." She could appreciate the cockiness.
"Oh ok, I actually managed to turn my cats fur yellow and then back to ginger. I was quite shocked I managed it really. And it will be awesome to learn more together. And as for how far we've come, I don't know. I think we've been on the train about an hour.". Bree could feel her stomach rumble and started rummaging through her bag and pulled out some chocolate covered pretzels and ate a few and looked toward Lucy, "You want some? Salty and sweet, can't go wrong, eh.".
"Oh how good are you! I'm not good to change the color..I'm pretty good at lifting the objects..but not too heavy.."
Oh thank you!" said Lucy taking the chocolate! "I can give you one of my sandwiches if you like it!
The chocolate reminds me of a dear friend of mine .. a girl of my age .. my neighbor .. a very kind and tender girl named Camilla .. she was very good at telling wonderful stories!
It was hard to hide her that I was a witch, but I'm sure she would understand why she was very sensitive .. and you? you left some friends at home?"
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
It was interesting how Ana was rather different than her when it came to dresses. "I used to hate them, it's only been in this last year that I've started to change my mind." Willa had been thrilled about this transformation, as it meant that make overs could be given with no fuss. Of course THAT was fine, but having a boyfriend wasn't. Eye roll. "Dancing is wonderful, and I hope that we get to do more of it this term. I also hope that we have another Valentines Day event." The last one had been fun, and now she had a real Valentine to go with! Louis had been wonderful, but she had never felt any romantic interest in him. Ana's offering a pair of shoes up, made the young girl squeal eagerly. "Thank you so much, you are amazing!" Ana was way too kind.
It was interesting and a little strange to listen to Ana's encounter. "It would have been even neater if you had met the best friend instead." Though maybe not, because it could be really strange to meet someone who was your exact double. It was also interesting that the girlfriend seemed to have a problem with her boyfriend's best friend. She herself had no issues with any of Bay's friends. In fact, they shared a lot of mutual ones. "I look pretty similar to Willa when she doesn't have blonde hair. Not identical and she is quite older than me... but we do look related."
Sharing food wasn't a totally new concept to Lux, since she tended to give Chocolate Frogs away a lot, but still she had never thought of sharing sandwiches. "Hmmm, I suppose I could always do that. But cucumber is my favourite and not everyone likes it. Turkey is nice too!" So that was something she could always share as well. Beaming as Ana praised her realization of food preferences, Lux then listened as the conversation turned to what had happened to Bart at the end of last term. Of course it was true that she wouldn't have known, but still. "You're right. I'm just so glad he is okay now."
Hearing a knock then the door slide open, Lux smiled to see that it was Terry. When he asked if he could join them then took a seat, she nodded. "The more the merrier." Why not. Terry was nice, and this was a good chance to get to know him better. Besides, Ana would want to spend some time with him surely, because that is what girlfriends and boyfriends did. "So how are you, Terry? Do anything exciting this summer?"
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by JustAlice
"Yeah, you played like a boss though, even with the age thing." she said, grinning at him. Everyone on the team was awesome... eh. "Maybe it'll be easier this year." She hoped so, she'd love to be able to win the championship in her last year. Who knew if she'd ever play seriously again? She was still wondering about playing professionally... but she hadn't been scouted or anything so... eh. Who knew. Maybe this year... probably not best to get her hopes up.
After school..? Ehh. "Well... I want to be a vet but... I've got to do muggle exams so..." It was kind of... a lot of pressure. "I did one over the summer and kinda... failed." Eh. EEEEEH. That's basically how she felt about everything at the moment. Maybe she should just get another lollipop and chill out or something... eh. "Yeah, totally." She could appreciate the cockiness.
"Thanks, so did you," Caleb said with a smile. Derry had really given it her all, despite the outcome of the last game. You couldn't win them all, right? Well, you could. They SHOULD have, but Caleb had come to terms with the outcome of the game so no need to bring it up again.
"A vet? That's like...a healer for animals, right?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. They'd never had to bring any of their animals to a vet or anything, so he wasn't sure exactly what they did, but it sounded AWESOME. Playing with animals all day? That'd be so cool! Ok, he knew they didn't PLAY all day with them and it was probably super hard. "Well, you've been at a wizarding school, right? And that's a muggle thing? So you'd probably just need to do some muggle classes or something and I'm sure you'd pass!" he encouraged her.
Because didn't muggles have some weird sort of Arithmancy and were all SCIENCE-Y and stuff like that? Caleb would have failed too if he tried to attempt all that!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
After depositing his trunk in the Luggage Compartment, Adi happily made his way towards the front cars, looking for his friends while Gus gave an occasional croak from his usual spot in one of his owner's pockets.
Adi was pleased to be going back to Hogwarts and seeing all the students chatting away just made it even better. But who was that standing there? The other boy's build was familiar...It was Kace!
Grinning, Adi poked the fourth year on the shoulder. "Hello, Kace. Did you grow taller over the summer?'' Because to the third year, it certainly seemed so.
Kace was looking around the front car for any more people and he heard Adi calling out his name and tapping his shoulder. "Hey Adi!" he replied back with a one armed hug. "Oh how did you know. I did get somewhat taller." he grinned sheepishly. "I mean i haven't stopped growing yet."
"But dude how was your summer?" he asked one of his best friends.
"Oh how good are you! I'm not good to change the color..I'm pretty good at lifting the objects..but not too heavy.."
Oh thank you!" said Lucy taking the chocolate! "I can give you one of my sandwiches if you like it!
The chocolate reminds me of a dear friend of mine .. a girl of my age .. my neighbor .. a very kind and tender girl named Camilla .. she was very good at telling wonderful stories!
It was hard to hide her that I was a witch, but I'm sure she would understand why she was very sensitive .. and you? you left some friends at home?"
" Yeah sure, a sandwich would be great, thanks", Bree responded to Lucy and then heard her start talking about special people from home. It made Bree tense up for a moment, she was not really gonna miss too many people from home. Most were really aweful to her for no good reason other then she was the geek. She did have her friend Chloe who was her freind since Kindergarden and fellow academic who stuck by her even when popular girls attempted to split them apart. "As for Friends I'll miss, I don't have many but my best friend Chloe has been there for me since we first met in Kindergarden. We both were the geeky type and got picked on for it by everyone. Popular girls even tried to take her from me but she still stuck by me. I told her I got accepted into a prestigious private school overseas which wasn't a complete lie. I just hope the best for her but I do take solace that she was thrilled for me.". Soon after Bree finished her response the train came to a screeching halt. "Uh Lucy, I think we are here", Bree said and then grinned widely and then saw a glimpse outside the window of a magnificent castle over the water. "Oh my gosh, Lucy come look", Bree said making room so her new friend could glance out the same window as her.
|Who's On First? | Challenge Accepted.| | :Ink For Blood: | Team SUITS!|
Originally Posted by Fira
Making it sound like she was a huge daredevil? Unable to help it, Gareth let out a laughter, a sincere one that was, before realising what he had done and wearing the emotionless expression back. "Well..." what was he going to say about that? "I think you kind of are but you don't know me." Yeah, that was probably why she was so daring towards him.
He stared at the sugar quill between his fingers and eyed hers. She looked okay eating this candy yet he had this thought that he would look stupid while doing so. But if she was used to eating this stuff then she probably had other people consuming it around her so it might not look stupid to him when he would try to eat the candy.
He nibbled the tip of the candy quill a bit as she spoke, her words making him raise his eyebrows again. She was kind of...right. If you enjoyed it then it was not so bad at all. "I can see no errors with your reasoning, Kanna." and there was that name. "What does your name mean? I have never heard it before."
The girl smiled in response to his laughter, making her eyes crinkle up. It was a sound she practically fed off of. And perhaps whatever had him in such a foul mood was being left behind as the train sped across the countryside. It was true. She didn't know him. Partially why she had been interested in sitting with him. She loved to meet new people. People were interesting.
And so he saw 'no errors' with her reasoning. A funny way of speaking, he had there. But that was probably due to his family, or where he was raised. See? People were interesting.
"Kanna is short for Kannalynne," she explained. "It's a German name." Or so she had been told. Annalynne and Annaliese were German names, and that was close. Plus, she was German on her dad's side, so... It was a safe thing to say.
As for a meaning, she shrugged her shoulders. "I honestly think it might be a made-up name. I've heard it means something like 'fountain of joy', but I've also heard 'music of life' and 'sunshine' and such nonsense. But I've never known for sure. I think it's made up," she said again with a laugh.
"And I've never heard your name at all," she said in a bit of a teasing tone. He seemed to be feeling better. Perhaps the move wouldn't have such a terrible outcome.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
SPOILER!!: Yay! <3
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
This was perhaps getting a little creepy. She'd never been in the company of someone that did far more staring than talking...not to this extent, no and the Gryffindor didn't know what to make of it so at first she just stood staring back but that wasn't nearly as satisfying as an actual conversation would have been.
....Maybe, just maybe the girl didn't want to talk to her? Yet another thing she wasn't familiar with but there had to be cases like that, yeah? If that was in fact it then Lex wouldn't push it further, she had a kneazle to find and apparently harrassing little Ravvies would get her nowhere.
She did turn to leave but was stopped in her tracks hearing actual words. Plural of word. It made a difference. "Noise? Really? Where? Was it coming from under a seat or like....passing by the compartment...?"Now she felt like she was getting somewhere with this kneazle hunt. In truth he couldn't have gone that far...but then she'd spent quite some time in that line for the food trolley. This was what happened when everyone wanted snacks at the same time. "Don't suppose you might have seen a streak of silver-grey...huh?" His fur was hard to miss once you'd seen it.
Also. "I don't think I remember your name..." She admitted with a curious look. That was practically her asking to be reminded, just saying.
Josette immediately nodded in her head in response to the older girl. Yes, she mostly certain that she'd heard a noise coming from somewhere. But where was it coming from? She couldn't exactly remember, it had been so fain that she really didn't get the opportunity to even try to guess where it might have come from. She pursed her lips as she tried to think & come up with a somewhat reasonable guess as to where she'd heard the noise.
"M-Maybe it might have been coming from under a seat? But it could've passed by...Although I remember it was more clear in my..left ear when I'd first walked in here..So..perhaps...maybe it came from the corner under the seat..closest to the door?" She shrugged a little bit before suggestively pointing in the direction she'd thought of. Although, she possibly could have been very wrong & her kneazle probably wasn't even in here to begin with.
....Only way for certain to find out..
A silver-grey streak?
She slowly shook her head before coming up with a simple, "Not that I can recall.." Oh, she'd wanted to know her name. Right yes, of course. Her name.
..Was she sure she even remembered her own na-WAIT, IT'S JOSETTE, RIGHT RIGHT OF COURSE-OH WAIT-
" Yeah sure, a sandwich would be great, thanks", Bree responded to Lucy and then heard her start talking about special people from home. It made Bree tense up for a moment, she was not really gonna miss too many people from home. Most were really aweful to her for no good reason other then she was the geek. She did have her friend Chloe who was her freind since Kindergarden and fellow academic who stuck by her even when popular girls attempted to split them apart. "As for Friends I'll miss, I don't have many but my best friend Chloe has been there for me since we first met in Kindergarden. We both were the geeky type and got picked on for it by everyone. Popular girls even tried to take her from me but she still stuck by me. I told her I got accepted into a prestigious private school overseas which wasn't a complete lie. I just hope the best for her but I do take solace that she was thrilled for me.". Soon after Bree finished her response the train came to a screeching halt. "Uh Lucy, I think we are here", Bree said and then grinned widely and then saw a glimpse outside the window of a magnificent castle over the water. "Oh my gosh, Lucy come look", Bree said making room so her new friend could glance out the same window as her.
Lucy went next to Bree to watch and was astonished: a huge castle perched on the mountain lit by lots of lights ..the most beautiful thing she had ever seen..She was very excited and tightened the hand of her new friend..
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by GlassXRose
The girl smiled in response to his laughter, making her eyes crinkle up. It was a sound she practically fed off of. And perhaps whatever had him in such a foul mood was being left behind as the train sped across the countryside. It was true. She didn't know him. Partially why she had been interested in sitting with him. She loved to meet new people. People were interesting.
And so he saw 'no errors' with her reasoning. A funny way of speaking, he had there. But that was probably due to his family, or where he was raised. See? People were interesting.
"Kanna is short for Kannalynne," she explained. "It's a German name." Or so she had been told. Annalynne and Annaliese were German names, and that was close. Plus, she was German on her dad's side, so... It was a safe thing to say.
As for a meaning, she shrugged her shoulders. "I honestly think it might be a made-up name. I've heard it means something like 'fountain of joy', but I've also heard 'music of life' and 'sunshine' and such nonsense. But I've never known for sure. I think it's made up," she said again with a laugh.
"And I've never heard your name at all," she said in a bit of a teasing tone. He seemed to be feeling better. Perhaps the move wouldn't have such a terrible outcome.
Kannalynne. Kannalynne. Kannalynne
That was a mouthful of a name. To Gareth it sounded much better to him that way than Kanna for some reason he was not sure about. Perhaps with the longer form it sounded more feminine to him and that tiny bit of femininity fit her pretty face. He stared at her face in silence, taking in her features before his gaze moved on her hair. He liked the colour of her hair. It was bright and shiny and...
Realising what he was doing, the Slytherin quickly tried to block the thoughts of her being attractive. That was not funny. Not funny at all as he didn't really believe any girl around would be good enough for him. "German..." he repeated. Yeah, it obviously was a name of which origin he was not familiar with. "I see. But i don't think those sounded like nonsense to me. Music of life is pretty deep." and even though it was a made up name, Gary thought it had to have a meaning. Maybe she didn't know for sure what it referred to.
And she was asking for his name. Since he had sort of started to have a normal conversation with her, he supposed she could very well have his name. "It's Gareth." he said and no, he was not going to start talking about how he was called Gary by some. That was...meh. Of no importance.
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Angel had expected the boy to ask her to move, but well even if it had only been an accident the fact that he wasn't asking her to leave meant she could stay on his lap right, because she was a bit scared of all this, there were way too many students on this train and she had no idea how they all fitted on the train.
"So did you have a good summer?" Angel decided to ask the boy, she thought it would be polite to ask him that, she loved being polite and she totally thought that this guy was amazing and very friendly. She just hoped that the guy would still be friendly once they got to Hogwarts because she had loads of questions to ask.
What was this girl saying about birds? She was defiantly no bird, didn't the other lady see that she was a human been, seriously did the girl need glasses or something.
Angel though returned the smile and then just decided to wait on the guy to speak, she was a bit shy now that this other girl was here, were they dating each other and she was sitting on his knee, how embarrassing that would be if they were.
Oh, she was talking. The person to whom the bum belonged was talking. And she was indeed a person, or let's hope that Cutty saw her that way. "I had an excellent summer." And he did. Got to go on his own for once into the markets in Cairo without his uncle. Also, British Columbia was never better. He'd met a girl and the opportunity to emotionally blackmail his step-mother was ever present. He'd work on Treeza. Maybe he'd get a new seadoo out of her by the end of the year for the holidays. "And how was yours?"
Originally Posted by atmor
Jos was back, better than before. Josie 2.0 or should it have been 3.0? Either way, there would be no need for anyone to correct her English -because there was no way in hell she was dropping her accent- and no need to correct her on her style. She had studied up and was very very prepared to join in on gossip conversations and style advise. She had even sorta tamed her hair.
Anyway, she was looking for those twits since they never bothered to tell her they were changing cars and she, being Josie was going to pop open every compartment door in search of her "friends". "'ave yer s-" She paused at the couple in the corner and made a face. It wasn't disgust, it wasn't intrigue. It was just a face. How older were they even? That girls chest was flatter than her own and the boy, he wasn't even paying attention to his girlfriend. He was physically checked out from what she could see. Some couple. Oh- she was staring "Sorry yeh? Joost lookin' fer some fri- young old man?" His ears. Even as an aged little Wizard, those ears were unmistakable. "Oh bullocks." She laughed "I almos' didn' recognise ye- yer young agen." She grinned and walked in "'Oo's yer bird?" She smiled at the flat chested skinny legged girl.
But who was she to talk? "Was' yer name again? Cuddy?" She grinned "Josie- in case yer fergot- dun wantcher to feel embarrassed 'bout dat." She smiled at everyone in the compartment. They'd benefit from knowing her name too since she was encroaching on their space.
He'd heard her voice and recognized it as the voice of the girl from the common room. The one with six billion brothers. The one that he thought would make a good fighter.
Cutty held his head high as she spoke, recognizing him. His bird? Oh. Oh, the lil tottie on his lap. He tapped his heel against the floor causing the leg on which Angel was perched to rise and fall rapidly. "Tell the lady yer name, loov."
"Josie. I wouldn't forget the name of an empress." He said before adding in. "It's Cutty. Cutty Mordaunt."