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This corridor is located below the prefect bathroom and is on both sides of the castle on the fourth floor. There is a staircase which leads to the Fourth Floor balcony and one which connects students to the Library.
The Slytherin Common Room had gotten to the point where even sitting in front of the fireplace wasn't helping warm up Adelaide. So she decided to drag her charms book up to her little window sill on the fourth floor. She'd always loved sitting here. She had a decent view of the grounds and it was kind of out of the way from all the people passing to get to the library and such. She was pretty shocked Oreo hadn't followed her up her. He even seemed to be spending less time in the dungeons then usual. Unless it was bed time.
She sat against the wall and sat crosslegged on the sill, setting her book open on her lap. Addi sighed as she read over some simple charms. Just a refresher but still. She needed the highest mark she could get if that's what she was going to study in WU.
Lalalalala BORED. And who needed to study for NEWTs? Not Derry. Nosiree.
Wait... yes. Yes she did. And even thinking about it was making her feel sick. So... she wasn't going to think about it for now. She could panic and cry later.
Right now... she was wandering around without any aim or anyth- oH! "Addi!" Yay! Derry bounced over to her friend and took a seat next to her, pulling her knees up under her poncho to try and warm up. "Whatcha doin?"
Lalalalala BORED. And who needed to study for NEWTs? Not Derry. Nosiree.
Wait... yes. Yes she did. And even thinking about it was making her feel sick. So... she wasn't going to think about it for now. She could panic and cry later.
Right now... she was wandering around without any aim or anyth- oH! "Addi!" Yay! Derry bounced over to her friend and took a seat next to her, pulling her knees up under her poncho to try and warm up. "Whatcha doin?"
Adelaide was drawn from her mindless reading as she heard her favorite ginger. She smiled at Derry. "Hey Derry." Yay distraction. Which was the reason she had left the common room in the first place, besides the cold. But whatever. She didn't want to study anyways.
Addi lifted the charms book. "Trying to study. Not working. You?"
Ah, of course he had never been. Zander really hadn't expected it really. The way the boy had slipped up with calling him a muggle and all. It kind of struck the third year as ignorant, but then Austin was quick to amend that and hm. Maybe Zander was a bit too quick to judge. The guy seemed okay now. "Yeah it's really nice, everyone here seems to think that life without magic is impossible, but it's actually not that bad," especially when he didn't know this magic stuff really existed. Help him with transfiguration spells, huh? "Well... I guess... But they're not wizards... They-they just went to school back home," he kind of wished they were wizards though. It would've given him a way to connect to his two elder siblings.
"Oh, that's cool, I guess." Zander really didn't see the appeal of becoming a healer, but hey if the kid had his heart set then let him go his own way? "It's nice that you know what you want to do with your future even though you're in first year.... I still have no clue," Oh poo. Being reminded of all this future stuff was pretty intimidating, but he still had a while... So hopefully it'd all be okay. "So is your favorite class potions then?" Because Zander's certainly wasn't. Just because he wanted to get back on Culloden's good side did not mean that he liked the professor, OR the class. As the boy went on to the next bit and mentioned things that are fun, Zander raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Well, that was pretty generic.
As for what he did in his free time, "Uh..." What did he do in his free time? Well at home he just stayed in his room out of his brothers' way. "I like the outdoors," he said finally. Well, not the outdoors now, but before the snowpocalypse. "Just sitting outside by the lake or going out to the treehouse, it's just nice," It was a great change from sitting inside around all the noise, even around his obnoxious brothers. The outdoors though, it was quiet and serene and no one was there to yell at him. It was his happy place. And that's why he found himself taking strolls through different corridors every day. Because he wanted to find another happy place now that they were stuck inside.
Austin nodded. "It's weird. I didn't really know much about the muggle world before I came here, but people think it's impossible for muggles to live, when actually, they've been doing it for thousands of years." He learned that in muggle studies. It was strange to think that there were people out there that thought their life so easy, yet had no idea of the possibilities that magic could hold. Then again, the majority of wizards had no idea how simple life could be without magic.
"It's kind of nice, but if I told my mom, she would hound me and force me down that path, which would eventually turn me off the whole thing." And there was no way he'd be able to tell her to stop after that. So it was better to keep it to himself until it was important... or until she asked. "I do like potions, yea. I like the whole idea of mixing things to get an end result. Although I'm not sure how I feel about the classroom being in the dungeons." He had to admit, it was a little off putting.
"The lake is really nice," when it's not frozen solid. "Is it true that there's a giant octopus monster living in it?"
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Austin
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22
Austin nodded. "It's weird. I didn't really know much about the muggle world before I came here, but people think it's impossible for muggles to live, when actually, they've been doing it for thousands of years." He learned that in muggle studies. It was strange to think that there were people out there that thought their life so easy, yet had no idea of the possibilities that magic could hold. Then again, the majority of wizards had no idea how simple life could be without magic.
"It's kind of nice, but if I told my mom, she would hound me and force me down that path, which would eventually turn me off the whole thing." And there was no way he'd be able to tell her to stop after that. So it was better to keep it to himself until it was important... or until she asked. "I do like potions, yea. I like the whole idea of mixing things to get an end result. Although I'm not sure how I feel about the classroom being in the dungeons." He had to admit, it was a little off putting.
"The lake is really nice," when it's not frozen solid. "Is it true that there's a giant octopus monster living in it?"
Zander listened carefully as Austin began to explain. Yeah he could tell that the kid didn't really know too much about the 'muggle world'. YEAH! Zander nodded eagerly at the last bit. "Yeah they have! And people don't give us-- I mean them, enough credit y'know?" Why'd this make him so excited? Who would know... "People think they're dumb, but magic makes things so much easier. We.. um- muggles have to do all things without the shortcuts, so it they're actually pretty smart!" Plus, he knew tons of smart people before Hogwarts.
What, why would his mom hound him for trying to pursue a passion? Weren't parents supposed to encourage their children? "How come?" Unless he didn't want to say, which was cool, but still Zander was curious now. "Really? I'm not really a potion person myself... I think I'm starting to get better now so it's not thaaaaat bad," He had even made it onto the top students board, so progress yeah? Or maybe that was only cause Culloden was planning on stealing his bed? Hm.
Anyways. "Yeah there is!" About the giant octopus bit wait, no that was wrong. "But he's a squid..." Not that it was too important anyways. "But I don't think he's a monster... He doesn't actually do much." Occasionally you'd see a few legs poking out of the water and all, but really he didn't do much to the students and the students didn't do much to him. But Zander couldn't help but smile at the thought. Hehe. It was all just firtie thoughts. Giant monster in the lake. The rumors about a pool on the roof. Ah, kind of reminded him of those days when he was a firstie too.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Simon was out of breath from climbing all those stairs. He took a moment to catch his breath, feeling incredibly out of shape. Since the school had been closed up the boy had rarely spent any time running around the castle, he'd mainly been nicely cooped up in his common room. Ahh. Yes. It was nice and warm there. Very nice and warm with the fire dancing in the hearth. Ahh.. It was a beautiful image.
He folded his arms as he walked down the relatively silent hallway. It had an eerie presence about it as if no one had ventured up here in a couple of days. He approached the nearest wall to him and slowly put his hand on it. In a matter of seconds, he quickly retracted his hand from it. These walls felt as if they had ice on it AND this was only the fourth floor. The boy wondered what the floors above this one must have been like if this wall felt this cold. He could only imagine.
Pulling out his wand, he took a deep breath and focused. Making several sideways figure eights, the boy cast the charm by speaking the incantation relatively quietly. "Caelum Saepio! Caelum Saepio! Caelum Saepio! Caelum Saepio" he said. Only a little puff of fog appeared after four charms. His blue eyes widened. Woah. This was going to take a while!
Simon repeated the movement again and uttered, ""Caelum Saepio! Caelum Saepio! Caelum Saepio! Caelum Saepio" This gave him a medium sized puff of fog appear in front of him. He narrowed his eyes, making sure that he was truly focused this time. "Caelum Saepio!!" he said rather loudly as he preformed the sideways figure eight. This time a large puff of fog appeared in front of him.
Five charms done. Now it was time to report back to his Common Room to see if Ethan wanted to go grab a bite to eat in the snowy Great Hall. Dinner was always an experience.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Maybe he should tell Simon? Yeah, telling things to your best friend would help you greatly especially in times when the whole school already knows a bit of his secret. Well, the paper didn’t really tell his secret, but it could be a clue to somebody, especially if they have a brain like his.
Ethan walked up to the wall once more, his mood changing from irrationally angry, to mildly upset. The thought of his best friend assuring him things made him feel better. Drawing yet another sideways infinity sign on the wall with his wand, “Caelum Saepio!” A puff of smoke came out from the stone wall, sealing the spell.
Ethan sighed and moved along...
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Did it work? Lex could see Char slowly coming back around. There, that wasn't so bad now was it? At first Felix struggled but he settled down soon enough, resigned to the fact he wouldn't be having the ferret for lunch. The Gryffindor paid only a little attention to this. She was too busy grinning as her amusement was made evident. "Pffft, I'll I have you know my kneazle is ambitious. He's not only after easy prey." Which, ironically, was nothing to be happy about because sometimes he took on things that were likely to kill him if she didn't step forward. "Looks like you will--or not. We're all locked inside now and I reckon you're in your common room for at least a part of the day?" Surely some kind of run in happened, unless he'd started avoiding that place now.
The moment he explained she was a housemate it became clear why she didn't know her. "Home remedy? Sounds horrid." But only by virtue of the fact that most home remedies were. You'd think that in the comfort of their homes people would think of my delicious ingredients but apparently not? It just didn't make sense.
Lex shrugged at his suggestion. "Too easy to get caught now that everyone's inside. There'll be a million witnesses at least, all having had nothing better to watch." It was hard word hexing people so scared they were afraid to report and she wasn't interested in it coming to that anyway.
"Maybe something should try to eat him for once. Should be fun to watch," For him at least. Not that Jun disliked Felix, it would just be fun to watch since not much else was happening in this castle anyway. Maybe there's another basilisk hidden somewhere in the castle. There's another adventure to go after. "Exactly. I'm usually out wandering so I'm not stuck there all day. Been starting to burn some boring books for heat," Because he could always just buy new ones over the summer.
Jun made a face. "It was and I'm hoping to never have to try it again," Jun had to spit out some of it when Pal gave it to him. And washed it down with water. "Well, pranks are useful for that too. Leave some lying around and let people run into them. It'll be a good show too," Because there was barely anything left for them to entertain themselves with. Everyone was going insane without fresh air.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
This was the final one. THIS was the FINAL one. AJ skipped all the way down to fourth floor corridor. It was amazing how much she still didn't know about the castle that she had called home the last year. She needed to do some more exploring. Who knew what kind of cool things she was missing out on.
There wasn't anybody or anything to really talk to down this particular corridor, so she got straight to work. There were chocolate frogs and other goodies waiting for her in the common room, and she was ready to nom them. Perhaps, she would go to the kitchen and get a handy dandy elf to make her a piping hot cop of cocoa. That sounded like an ever better idea.
Whipping out her wand for the last time for this spell she shouted, "Caelum Saepio." She made the best EVER looking eight with her wand and right before her very eyes was a patch of fog. Wait? On her first try??? Could this be true? Was this real life? There wasn't even anybody around to notice that her hard work was paying off. Bummer. There were chocolate frogs waiting so the firstie skipped her way towards the staircases.
Before she set about grading the students' finals, Nessa wanted to stop by the library. Leo still hadn't woken up as far as she knew and she was not going to fail in keeping the library up while he wasn't able. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a mess so that if she had time, she might stop down at the hospital wing to see how he was doing and if there was any change. Se had heard that Victor had woken, so maybe she could stop in and say hello to him as well.
Though she was terribly worried about both of them - and especially Leo since he reportedly was still unconscious - Nessa did her best to keep a confident smile on her features. She needed to present a professional and hopeful front to the students, especially when they didn't know exactly what was going on outside the castle doors. Heading through the fourth floor corridor, she made her way towards the library.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: emjay
Originally Posted by emjay
Before she set about grading the students' finals, Nessa wanted to stop by the library. Leo still hadn't woken up as far as she knew and she was not going to fail in keeping the library up while he wasn't able. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a mess so that if she had time, she might stop down at the hospital wing to see how he was doing and if there was any change. Se had heard that Victor had woken, so maybe she could stop in and say hello to him as well.
Though she was terribly worried about both of them - and especially Leo since he reportedly was still unconscious - Nessa did her best to keep a confident smile on her features. She needed to present a professional and hopeful front to the students, especially when they didn't know exactly what was going on outside the castle doors. Heading through the fourth floor corridor, she made her way towards the library.
Okay, so this wasn't going to be easy. Handing out fortune cookies WAS easy, yes, but finding people to give them to? Meh. Sophie had made fortune cookies for Pisces, Aquarius, and Scorpio, so she had to find at least two people who had one of those signs. She was currently walking down the fourth floor corridor hoping to run into someone...anyone...who might have one of those signs.
There was no one, though. Maybe she should take the stairs and either go up to the fifth floor or down to the third floor. Surely somebody would be out and about. Just as she was bee-lining for the stairs, Sophie caught sight of the new History of Magic professor! Well, she wasn't new anymore, since she had basically taught here a full year. "Professor Glendower!" she called out, and then she hurried to the woman's side.
"Do you have a minute? ...and if you do, would you happen to be a Pisces, Aquarius, or Scorpio?" she asked. She gestured toward her plate of cookies. She'd put pink icing and rainbow sprinkles on top of them, and there were little labels telling which sign went with what cookies. "I need somebody to try these for Divination homework."
Okay, so this wasn't going to be easy. Handing out fortune cookies WAS easy, yes, but finding people to give them to? Meh. Sophie had made fortune cookies for Pisces, Aquarius, and Scorpio, so she had to find at least two people who had one of those signs. She was currently walking down the fourth floor corridor hoping to run into someone...anyone...who might have one of those signs.
There was no one, though. Maybe she should take the stairs and either go up to the fifth floor or down to the third floor. Surely somebody would be out and about. Just as she was bee-lining for the stairs, Sophie caught sight of the new History of Magic professor! Well, she wasn't new anymore, since she had basically taught here a full year. "Professor Glendower!" she called out, and then she hurried to the woman's side.
"Do you have a minute? ...and if you do, would you happen to be a Pisces, Aquarius, or Scorpio?" she asked. She gestured toward her plate of cookies. She'd put pink icing and rainbow sprinkles on top of them, and there were little labels telling which sign went with what cookies. "I need somebody to try these for Divination homework."
Music always put her in a better mood. Music and dancing. She really had no time for dancing now though, even if she had something of a spring in her step to compensate for that. Perhaps she'd do a little number in her office later after she got a few finals done. But she did have a rather happy little tune in her head from one of her favorite muggle musicals. A tune that came out in a hum as she kept her stead towards the library.
Until she heard a voice calling out her name. Nessa stopped suddenly and turned, a curious expression soon turning into a bright smile as she saw the person there. "Why, hello, Sophie!" She beamed at the girl as she watched her rush over. Did she have a minute? Well, she did have a few things to do right then, but she always made time for students. "Oh of course.. and I do happen to be a Pisces." What a coincidence.. and she wondered if this had something to do with Cassie's homework, knowing her friend was the expert on horoscopes.
Ah, yes.. just as she had suspected. At the girl's words and gesture, brown eyes fell on the fortune cookies on her plate. "So, is this one for me?" Nessa picked up the one marked Pisces. "Very beautifully decorated! Did you make these yourself?" The girl seemed endless in her talents.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: emjay
Originally Posted by emjay
Music always put her in a better mood. Music and dancing. She really had no time for dancing now though, even if she had something of a spring in her step to compensate for that. Perhaps she'd do a little number in her office later after she got a few finals done. But she did have a rather happy little tune in her head from one of her favorite muggle musicals. A tune that came out in a hum as she kept her stead towards the library.
Until she heard a voice calling out her name. Nessa stopped suddenly and turned, a curious expression soon turning into a bright smile as she saw the person there. "Why, hello, Sophie!" She beamed at the girl as she watched her rush over. Did she have a minute? Well, she did have a few things to do right then, but she always made time for students. "Oh of course.. and I do happen to be a Pisces." What a coincidence.. and she wondered if this had something to do with Cassie's homework, knowing her friend was the expert on horoscopes.
Ah, yes.. just as she had suspected. At the girl's words and gesture, brown eyes fell on the fortune cookies on her plate. "So, is this one for me?" Nessa picked up the one marked Pisces. "Very beautifully decorated! Did you make these yourself?" The girl seemed endless in her talents.
Sophie smiled as the professor did the same. It was always nice to encounter a smiling professor, because sometimes Sophie never knew when she might catch one in a bad mood. Professor Glendower seemed to be in a good mood, though. "Whew," she said, breathing in a sigh of relief. "I was starting to think nobody in the whole castle was a Pisces, Aquarius, or Scorpio. I think i picked the hardest three signs." The strange thing was that her own twin brother was a Pisces, but she couldn't find him anywhere.
She nodded when Professor Glendower picked up one of the Pisces cookies and asked if it was for her. "Mmhmm. Now you just have to eat it and read the fortune I put inside," she said. You know, Sophie really should have tasted one of these before she went out and about asking other people to eat them. How awkward would that be if a PROFESSOR ate a really nasty one? She nodded again when she was asked if she made them herself. "I did--in class with Professor Morgan. Thanks about the decorations. I had a little bit of extra time, and Toddles knew where some icing was."
OOC: The fortune says: "Don't be afraid to let go of extra baggage. There's always something new just around the river bend!"
Sophie smiled as the professor did the same. It was always nice to encounter a smiling professor, because sometimes Sophie never knew when she might catch one in a bad mood. Professor Glendower seemed to be in a good mood, though. "Whew," she said, breathing in a sigh of relief. "I was starting to think nobody in the whole castle was a Pisces, Aquarius, or Scorpio. I think i picked the hardest three signs." The strange thing was that her own twin brother was a Pisces, but she couldn't find him anywhere.
She nodded when Professor Glendower picked up one of the Pisces cookies and asked if it was for her. "Mmhmm. Now you just have to eat it and read the fortune I put inside," she said. You know, Sophie really should have tasted one of these before she went out and about asking other people to eat them. How awkward would that be if a PROFESSOR ate a really nasty one? She nodded again when she was asked if she made them herself. "I did--in class with Professor Morgan. Thanks about the decorations. I had a little bit of extra time, and Toddles knew where some icing was."
OOC: The fortune says: "Don't be afraid to let go of extra baggage. There's always something new just around the river bend!"
Of course it was a fortune cookie, wasn't it? It certainly appeared that way and was rather reminiscent of the ones she would get at Mandarin garden, though this one was much prettier decorated. Nessa glanced back up at Sophie as she mentioned having trouble finding people with specific signs. "Oh, I'm sure there are some with those signs," she said, grinning a bit. Perhaps they were all huddled in their own common rooms though. She thought of that parchment that Cassie had given her all those months ago. "I happen to know that Professor Culloden is an Aquarius." Though her friend once again seemed right about her signs. That ship seemed to have sailed long ago. "But I'm happy to help as your official Pisces."
She nodded a bit as the young Snake gave her more details about the cookies, soon smiling as she mentioned Toddles. "He's a cute one, isn't he? They're all so sweet and helpful." Where on earth would she be without the house elves? She was absolutely hopeless in the kitchen. Nessa didn't figure she could make cookies herself, though she might be able to decorate them. She did have an eye for that kind of thing.
Nessa broke the cookie in half and pulled the slip of paper out. As she bit into one of the halves, brown eyes scanned the words on the paper. "Hmm.." She tapped her chin thoughtfully as she mulled over the words. "I think that's very good advice actually.." She probably did have some baggage she could let go of.. and her mind searched for what that could be. "And I certainly like the something new bit!" Sounded like something of a grand adventure, and she was always up for that!
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: emjay
Originally Posted by emjay
Of course it was a fortune cookie, wasn't it? It certainly appeared that way and was rather reminiscent of the ones she would get at Mandarin garden, though this one was much prettier decorated. Nessa glanced back up at Sophie as she mentioned having trouble finding people with specific signs. "Oh, I'm sure there are some with those signs," she said, grinning a bit. Perhaps they were all huddled in their own common rooms though. She thought of that parchment that Cassie had given her all those months ago. "I happen to know that Professor Culloden is an Aquarius." Though her friend once again seemed right about her signs. That ship seemed to have sailed long ago. "But I'm happy to help as your official Pisces."
She nodded a bit as the young Snake gave her more details about the cookies, soon smiling as she mentioned Toddles. "He's a cute one, isn't he? They're all so sweet and helpful." Where on earth would she be without the house elves? She was absolutely hopeless in the kitchen. Nessa didn't figure she could make cookies herself, though she might be able to decorate them. She did have an eye for that kind of thing.
Nessa broke the cookie in half and pulled the slip of paper out. As she bit into one of the halves, brown eyes scanned the words on the paper. "Hmm.." She tapped her chin thoughtfully as she mulled over the words. "I think that's very good advice actually.." She probably did have some baggage she could let go of.. and her mind searched for what that could be. "And I certainly like the something new bit!" Sounded like something of a grand adventure, and she was always up for that!
Sophie smiled as the professor gave her hope that she'd be able to find all the people she was looking for. Professor Glendower seemed like such a happy person. Sophie regretted not getting to know her better, but there was always the next school year! Hopefully Professor Glendower would be back, because Sophie DID love doing the skits! This last one was especially amusing. "Thanks. I'm sure I will," she said. She just hoped she did so in time to turn in her homework.
So nodded in reply to Toddles being a cute elf, but she didn't actually reply. Her attention was now focused on the fact that the professor was now eating the fortune cookie, and soon, Sophie would find out if she actually was a good cook or not. The professor was reading the fortune now, and she hadn't made any nasty faces, so Sophie breathed a sigh of relief.
She knew which fortune she'd written for Pisces. It was also her own sign. "I think it means that you shouldn't just hang out to things forever and ever. It could mean people or things you own or love to do," Sophie said. "You might love those things a lot, but what you're really doing is missing all the other opportunities the world has to offer." Or, at least, that's what the horoscope she'd read made it seem like.
"Thank you for helping with my homework. I should get going now. I really need to find those other people or...at least Professor Culloden," she said. She now knew she was as Aquarius. "Oh, and...I had a lot of fun in your classes this year!"
Sophie smiled as the professor gave her hope that she'd be able to find all the people she was looking for. Professor Glendower seemed like such a happy person. Sophie regretted not getting to know her better, but there was always the next school year! Hopefully Professor Glendower would be back, because Sophie DID love doing the skits! This last one was especially amusing. "Thanks. I'm sure I will," she said. She just hoped she did so in time to turn in her homework.
So nodded in reply to Toddles being a cute elf, but she didn't actually reply. Her attention was now focused on the fact that the professor was now eating the fortune cookie, and soon, Sophie would find out if she actually was a good cook or not. The professor was reading the fortune now, and she hadn't made any nasty faces, so Sophie breathed a sigh of relief.
She knew which fortune she'd written for Pisces. It was also her own sign. "I think it means that you shouldn't just hang out to things forever and ever. It could mean people or things you own or love to do," Sophie said. "You might love those things a lot, but what you're really doing is missing all the other opportunities the world has to offer." Or, at least, that's what the horoscope she'd read made it seem like.
"Thank you for helping with my homework. I should get going now. I really need to find those other people or...at least Professor Culloden," she said. She now knew she was as Aquarius. "Oh, and...I had a lot of fun in your classes this year!"
Still thinking over what the fortune might mean in her own personal life, Nessa popped the other half of the cookie in her mouth. Chewing carefully, she looked up and nodded as Sophie provided her own take on the fortune. "Hmm.. that's very insightful.." Yes, she thought she could see that and apply that to herself. She would definitely have to make sure she wasn't missing out on any opportunities.. certainly not ones that could prove exciting!
She beamed at the girl. "Oh you're welcome, dear.. and thank you for the cookie, it was quite delicious!" She was certainly thankful for the little snack and the icing and sprinkles certainly added the right touch of sweetness. Aww, wasn't she just the sweetest? "Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself!" That certainly was one of her goals.. to educate by having fun. "Bye.. have a good summer.." She gave the girl a wave as they each headed their separate ways.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line