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This corridor is located below the prefect bathroom and is on both sides of the castle on the fourth floor. There is a staircase which leads to the Fourth Floor balcony and one which connects students to the Library.
Eyes widening at the prospect of building a snowman with her friend, Lux had no other choice but to jump at the opportunity. "I will try my best to remember!" This was going to be so much fun, and she wanted to build at least one snowman; definitely one of them would have to be made with Bay. Oh, he had a large family? "How many siblings do you have? I have a brother and sister. Both are a lot older than me." It was something that she was generally cool with, but sometimes she wished that the age gap wasn't so big.
Awwww, he thought he was a geek? "That isn't true! You aren't a geek. You are smart and like to read. But you are also fun and very nice." Lux liked Andrew because he was a good friend. Noticing Rose's ears perking up, she wondered what the cat was hearing as she gave her some more love.
"We still have a while to go before we hit snowman weather." Andrew chuckled at Lux's enthusiasm. He did hope she'd remember. Snowman building wasn't something he'd thought about in a long time, and certainly not something he planned ahead for. If Lux forgot, he was certain he would as well, and then there'd be no snowman! That just wouldn't do. When Lux asked about his family, Andrew didn't know how to answer for a moment. It was always such a shock for people when he told them about his family. He nodded appreciatively, but dismissed her comments about him not being a geek with a wave if his arm. "Sure I am! I can be nice, I suppose, but I am the essence of what it means to be a geek." he smiled playfully, still trying to formulate an answer to her question about his siblings.
"I have, erm.. fourteen. Fourteen siblings." He chuckled nervously in response, having thought his answer through without coming up with a different way to phrase it. There simply was no way to say that without it coming across as an absurd number of siblings.
SPOILER!!: Harry174 & Nordic Witch
Originally Posted by Harry174
"Someone called Kevin put bugs in my hair." Angel pouted. "I guess he thought it would be fun but it wasn't." Angel sighed, though normally she wouldn't mind so much, she just was a bit worried about things. "And it was a Hufflepuff called Adi, that was mean to me and said I was in the wrong house." Angel sighed. "He used to be really nice but I have no idea what was going on with him."
Angel looked at the guy. "Hi Mr Kitridge," Angel was shocked that the guy was letting her know his full name, no teacher normally did that. "Oh I need to go to the Library one day soon." Angel was still talking sadly but the man had just reminded her about what she had to do. "I'm Angel Valentine." Angel said to the guy, he seemed nice.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
"Ah Kevin, I know that boy. He likes to prank people. He usually doesn't mean anything buy it." Leo commented quietly. "Kevin likes to cause mischief. He brought a few creepy crawlers to the library. I didn’t see the humour in that either." Thinking up an idea Leo suggested. "If you want to get back at Kevin I suggest pranking him back in some harmless way," To let the boy get a piece of his own medicine.
Beaming Leo said "Come any day you want. The library is worth a visit. I can recommend some books for you to read if you want?" Because that was part of the fun of managing the school library; getting to help students find something to read. His beam turned more serious as he responded. "I can talk to Adi if you want me to? I think your right, he was probably troubled by something and instead of dealing with that he took it out on you and was mean."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Angel."
Rose snuggled up against Lux and purred happily when she was given attention, but the curious sounds coming from beyond the corner were too much for her to handle. She had to investigate. Leaping off Lux's shoulder with a loud, appreciative 'Meow', she scurried around the corner and followed the noise. She spotted two people, one distinguished looking gentleman and a distraught young girl. She hurried over, and taking a seat on Mr. Leobald Kitridge's shoes, she purred quietly. This man had on him the faint scent of ink and aged parchment, a smell that Rose had learned to adore and associate with her owner, Andrew LaCroix.
"Ah Kevin, I know that boy. He likes to prank people. He usually doesn't mean anything buy it." Leo commented quietly. "Kevin likes to cause mischief. He brought a few creepy crawlers to the library. I didn’t see the humour in that either." Thinking up an idea Leo suggested. "If you want to get back at Kevin I suggest pranking him back in some harmless way," To let the boy get a piece of his own medicine.
Beaming Leo said "Come any day you want. The library is worth a visit. I can recommend some books for you to read if you want?" Because that was part of the fun of managing the school library; getting to help students find something to read. His beam turned more serious as he responded. "I can talk to Adi if you want me to? I think your right, he was probably troubled by something and instead of dealing with that he took it out on you and was mean."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Angel."
Angel just stared at the man near him, was the man telling her the prank someone well maybe she could bang head with her sister and think of a nice prank to play on Kevin, she thought that it would be cool if she and her sister could do something.
Angel suddenly saw the cat and smiled, she liked cats not as much as plants but she thought that cats were cool but she wondered where it had come from but for now she was going to talk about the library. "Oh I'll do that sometimes." Angel beamed. "I think it would be cool to read some books on plants and then the books what you suggest to me." Angel beamed she was totally looking forwards to it. "Yeah please." Angel beamed. "Just don't be mad with him, I think there's something wrong and I want to know what, I like the old Adi better."
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
........................ Oh man.
The LIBRARY was along this floor?!
He hadn't expected this. All he had planned on doing was wandering around, maybe pelting someone with the packet of Bertie Botts he had with him. If he got bored or whatever. But the packet was almost forgotten, sitting in the palm of his left hand, while Grayson scrunched up his face as he looked over at the door to the library. The look on his face would have suggested that someone had smeared dragon dung ALL over the door and he could smell it from over here. That's what his scrunched up facial expression looked like.
Why? Because libraries were freaking WEIRD and he hated them. They were linked to other boring things like STUDYING and actually doing homework for a change.
Instead, he took to standing there and casting dark and dirty looks at the door. And once he had realised that he had a packet of Bertie Botts in his hand, he took one out and popped it into his mouth. To the fourth year, he looked like one of those cool kids who was judging something in the distance while blowing the perfect bubble from the gum they were chewing on. Uh huh.
.................. But cool kids didn't get tripe flavoured beans. The boy scrunched up his face even more and made sounds of disgust because this was FREAKING DISGUSTING.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
........................ Oh man.
The LIBRARY was along this floor?!
He hadn't expected this. All he had planned on doing was wandering around, maybe pelting someone with the packet of Bertie Botts he had with him. If he got bored or whatever. But the packet was almost forgotten, sitting in the palm of his left hand, while Grayson scrunched up his face as he looked over at the door to the library. The look on his face would have suggested that someone had smeared dragon dung ALL over the door and he could smell it from over here. That's what his scrunched up facial expression looked like.
Why? Because libraries were freaking WEIRD and he hated them. They were linked to other boring things like STUDYING and actually doing homework for a change.
Instead, he took to standing there and casting dark and dirty looks at the door. And once he had realised that he had a packet of Bertie Botts in his hand, he took one out and popped it into his mouth. To the fourth year, he looked like one of those cool kids who was judging something in the distance while blowing the perfect bubble from the gum they were chewing on. Uh huh.
.................. But cool kids didn't get tripe flavoured beans. The boy scrunched up his face even more and made sounds of disgust because this was FREAKING DISGUSTING.
So, Tag was making his way to the library. Shocking, he knows. With a book in hand. Yes, a book. Even more shocking. But it wasn't a textbook book, which wasn't too shocking. Psh. Who carried around textbooks, right? Not Tag.
No, the book he had, well, someone Lottie had given it to him in order to read before watching a particular movie. The gryffindor common room was always rowdy, and Stella could sometimes be begging for too much attention for Tag to concentrate so that's why he was heading towards the library.
Spoiler, it was Catching Fire. The book, not the library. That would be bad.
But something stopped Tag in his tracks. Someone was choking? Not in good health. And upon further inspection. "Bird boy. Hey!" Official name. Did he even have a name? Was the question to ask.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
So, Tag was making his way to the library. Shocking, he knows. With a book in hand. Yes, a book. Even more shocking. But it wasn't a textbook book, which wasn't too shocking. Psh. Who carried around textbooks, right? Not Tag.
No, the book he had, well, someone Lottie had given it to him in order to read before watching a particular movie. The gryffindor common room was always rowdy, and Stella could sometimes be begging for too much attention for Tag to concentrate so that's why he was heading towards the library.
Spoiler, it was Catching Fire. The book, not the library. That would be bad.
But something stopped Tag in his tracks. Someone was choking? Not in good health. And upon further inspection. "Bird boy. Hey!" Official name. Did he even have a name? Was the question to ask.
He was practically about to retch from the taste of the tripe flavoured bean in his mouth and someone decided to greet him oh-so-casually with the name BIRD BOY?! This school was full of nutters.
And who was calling him Bird--
.............................. Oh jeez. This one really was a nutter. The nuttiest of the nutters. The sassiest of the bunch. He was probably the head of the nutters in the school. The boy wouldn't be surprised if that was true. Grayson gulped down his bean and tried to soften the expression on his face but it was hard when this one was present. "Sassy Loony," he said, nodding his head at the blonde dancing boy, "Where did Bird Boy come fro--" Oh. No. Scratch that. He knew where it came from. "You witnessed the train incident, huh?"
Move the subject on. Keep it moving AWAY from his embarrassing endeavours. "I thought you were meant to announce your arrival with that dancing chicken buddy of yours." HMMMMMM? Where had he left that little thing, eh?
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
He was practically about to retch from the taste of the tripe flavoured bean in his mouth and someone decided to greet him oh-so-casually with the name BIRD BOY?! This school was full of nutters.
And who was calling him Bird--
.............................. Oh jeez. This one really was a nutter. The nuttiest of the nutters. The sassiest of the bunch. He was probably the head of the nutters in the school. The boy wouldn't be surprised if that was true. Grayson gulped down his bean and tried to soften the expression on his face but it was hard when this one was present. "Sassy Loony," he said, nodding his head at the blonde dancing boy, "Where did Bird Boy come fro--" Oh. No. Scratch that. He knew where it came from. "You witnessed the train incident, huh?"
Move the subject on. Keep it moving AWAY from his embarrassing endeavours. "I thought you were meant to announce your arrival with that dancing chicken buddy of yours." HMMMMMM? Where had he left that little thing, eh?
How did the guy not remember what had happened in the train? Tag could try his best to reenact it but that was just too much effort right there. Better put it into better use, like sass, apparently. "Thanks for that nickname. You're only enhancing my 'sassiness'. Apparently." Mhm. That only meant that Bird Boy would get sassed the most for the rest of the school year. "Of course I witnessed it. Glad I didn't miss a second of it, though." Really. It would've been a shame if he had.
"You seem so worried about my rubber chicken. Been thinking about it lately?" Seemed like it. The guy had made so much fun of it back at the shop, "Invested in the chicken's well being?" Smirk. Got him right where it should. "And I didn't say I would go through with it. It was just an idea. But its nice to know that its something that's got your brain occupied." Something so simple. He probably didn't have much to occupy.
Angel suddenly saw the cat and smiled, she liked cats not as much as plants but she thought that cats were cool but she wondered where it had come from but for now she was going to talk about the library. "Oh I'll do that sometimes." Angel beamed. "I think it would be cool to read some books on plants and then the books what you suggest to me." Angel beamed she was totally looking forwards to it. "Yeah please." Angel beamed. "Just don't be mad with him, I think there's something wrong and I want to know what, I like the old Adi better."
Originally Posted by Compootor
[B]Rose snuggled up against Lux and purred happily when she was given attention, but the curious sounds coming from beyond the corner were too much for her to handle. She had to investigate. Leaping off Lux's shoulder with a loud, appreciative 'Meow', she scurried around the corner and followed the noise. She spotted two people, one distinguished looking gentleman and a distraught young girl. She hurried over, and taking a seat on Mr. Leobald Kitridge's shoes, she purred quietly. This man had on him the faint scent of ink and aged parchment, a smell that Rose had learned to adore and associate with her owner, Andrew LaCroix.
Sweet, Angel liked reading books. "I'll see if I can find some nice plant books you can choose from, when you stop by the library later in the week." Leo offered. Shaking his head in reassurance he promised. "I won't be mad at Adi. I'll just have a little friendly chat with him and see if I can get to the bottom of what is wrong." It wasn’t like Adi to be mean to other students.
Leo was about to ask what class Angel was having next when a cat pranced over and took a seat on his shoes, purring quietly. Reaching down to stroke the cat between the ears he asked Angel. "Is this your cat?" If it wasn't then where had it come from? and more importantly where was the cat's owner?
Sweet, Angel liked reading books. "I'll see if I can find some nice plant books you can choose from, when you stop by the library later in the week." Leo offered. Shaking his head in reassurance he promised. "I won't be mad at Adi. I'll just have a little friendly chat with him and see if I can get to the bottom of what is wrong." It wasn’t like Adi to be mean to other students.
Leo was about to ask what class Angel was having next when a cat pranced over and took a seat on his shoes, purring quietly. Reaching down to stroke the cat between the ears he asked Angel. "Is this your cat?" If it wasn't then where had it come from? and more importantly where was the cat's owner?
Angel smiled at the man. "Okay thanks sir." Angel really hoped to spend more time with this nice man, why wasn't he a Professor, she would love to go to one of his lessons if he was.
"Thanks." Angel was glad the man said he wouldn't be mad with Adi, she didn't want to get him into trouble when obviously he was upset about something and she wanted the old Adi back, she was about to reply when the Professor asked about the cat. "I thought it was yours sir, you see it came straight to you." Angel beamed. "I've just got an Owl." Angel was thinking of getting a cat but she wasn't sure her dog at home would like it.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
How did the guy not remember what had happened in the train? Tag could try his best to reenact it but that was just too much effort right there. Better put it into better use, like sass, apparently. "Thanks for that nickname. You're only enhancing my 'sassiness'. Apparently." Mhm. That only meant that Bird Boy would get sassed the most for the rest of the school year. "Of course I witnessed it. Glad I didn't miss a second of it, though." Really. It would've been a shame if he had.
"You seem so worried about rubber chicken. Been thinking about it lately?" Seemed like it. The guy had made so much fun of it back at the shop, "Invested in the chicken's well being?" Smirk. Got him right where it should. "And I didn't say I would go through with it. It was just an idea. But its nice to know that its something that's got your brain occupied." Something so simple. He probably didn't have much to occupy.
"You're welcome," he said, nodding at the older boy, [B]"Sassiness isn't a bad trait."[B] Unless it was used against him. "Besides, you should always brag about your good traits. Use them to your advantage." This was him offering life lessons: take it or suffer in silence, Sassy Loony. And of course the kid had witnessed him making a fool of himself. Like this one would miss anything like THAT. "Bet you had a right ol' laugh at the event." He did too but that wasn't something he was going to admit.
............................... NO.
Just no. He didn't CARE for a freaking CHICKEN.
"NO. That's YOUR job, remember? I wasn't the one dancing with a rubber chicken and making best buds with it, thank you very much." Besides, Grayson was sure that if he hadn't turned up when he did, the boy would have started making friendship bracelets right then and there. He rolled his eyes at what the blonde said next. "An idea you seemed to like very much. Your chicken's not going to be pleaaaaaaaased to know that you left it behind." He was not going to be out-sassed. No.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
"You're welcome," he said, nodding at the older boy, [B]"Sassiness isn't a bad trait."[B] Unless it was used against him. "Besides, you should always brag about your good traits. Use them to your advantage." This was him offering life lessons: take it or suffer in silence, Sassy Loony. And of course the kid had witnessed him making a fool of himself. Like this one would miss anything like THAT. "Bet you had a right ol' laugh at the event." He did too but that wasn't something he was going to admit.
............................... NO.
Just no. He didn't CARE for a freaking CHICKEN.
"NO. That's YOUR job, remember? I wasn't the one dancing with a rubber chicken and making best buds with it, thank you very much." Besides, Grayson was sure that if he hadn't turned up when he did, the boy would have started making friendship bracelets right then and there. He rolled his eyes at what the blonde said next. "An idea you seemed to like very much. Your chicken's not going to be pleaaaaaaaased to know that you left it behind." He was not going to be out-sassed. No.
Sassiness isn't a bad trait. Ella would be proud to hear that being said to Tag. Very proud. He made a mental note to perhaps owl her about this other sass encounter with this guy. Mhm. Tag still didn't know his name, by the way. "Its a very good trait. Its a witty way to annoy you." Smile. Just being honest here. And then.... bragging? "Yeah, I don't do bragging." It just seemed like an odd thought to Tag. "Of course I did. You turned into a bird. How can a person not laugh at something like that?" Seriously. If one didn't, then they didn't have a sense of humor. It wasn't every day something like that happened.
"You're welcome." It was only polite to say it back to him. The guy had thanked Tag. See, making bracelets for a rubber chicken, that would be taking it too far for Tag. "There should be no reason for it to not be pleased. I never bought one so I never left anything behind." Wink. Maybe just the friendship. But no one said that. Though, now that Tag had thought about it, if he had known this kid was going to Hogwarts, he would've bought the chicken to annoy him whenever they bumped into each other.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Sassiness isn't a bad trait. Ella would be proud to hear that being said to Tag. Very proud. He made a mental note to perhaps owl her about this other sass encounter with this guy. Mhm. Tag still didn't know his name, by the way. "Its a very good trait. Its a witty way to annoy you." Smile. Just being honest here. And then.... bragging? "Yeah, I don't do bragging." It just seemed like an odd thought to Tag. "Of course I did. You turned into a bird. How can a person not laugh at something like that?" Seriously. If one didn't, then they didn't have a sense of humor. It wasn't every day something like that happened.
"You're welcome." It was only polite to say it back to him. The guy had thanked Tag. See, making bracelets for a rubber chicken, that would be taking it too far for Tag. "There should be no reason for it to not be pleased. I never bought one so I never left anything behind." Wink. Maybe just the friendship. But no one said that. Though, now that Tag had thought about it, if he had known this kid was going to Hogwarts, he would've bought the chicken to annoy him whenever they bumped into each other.
While Grayson was doing his best to try and be a little bit nice to the kid, this loony over here seemed to have other plans. FINE. The gloves were off. He narrowed his eyes at the boy before saying, "There's nothing to get hyped up about. You're not that witty in the first place." Nothing was said about the annoyance part because, let's face it, it was true. He didn't do bragging? "WHY?!" Maybe he didn't have a lot to brag about. JUST SAYING. "Oh good," he said, scowling a little, "I'm glad someone had a good laugh about that." Being a bird was a right ol' hoot until the freaking cat came in. "Besides, you said to be entertaining."
There was politeness in this conversation. Manners, too. Something his mother would be all too proud of. But then the boy mentioned something that was surprising."Then you left it behind. Isn't that going to hurt it feelings? Isn't that something you said not to do?" HMMMMMM, blonde dancing loony? Someone was going against their words, weren't they? Tut tut tut, Hopscotch.
"What are you doing here, anyways?" Since he had a book. A. BOOK. And to think he thought this couldn't get any worse.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
While Grayson was doing his best to try and be a little bit nice to the kid, this loony over here seemed to have other plans. FINE. The gloves were off. He narrowed his eyes at the boy before saying, "There's nothing to get hyped up about. You're not that witty in the first place." Nothing was said about the annoyance part because, let's face it, it was true. He didn't do bragging? "WHY?!" Maybe he didn't have a lot to brag about. JUST SAYING. "Oh good," he said, scowling a little, "I'm glad someone had a good laugh about that." Being a bird was a right ol' hoot until the freaking cat came in. "Besides, you said to be entertaining."
There was politeness in this conversation. Manners, too. Something his mother would be all too proud of. But then the boy mentioned something that was surprising."Then you left it behind. Isn't that going to hurt it feelings? Isn't that something you said not to do?" HMMMMMM, blonde dancing loony? Someone was going against their words, weren't they? Tut tut tut, Hopscotch.
"What are you doing here, anyways?" Since he had a book. A. BOOK. And to think he thought this couldn't get any worse.
Did the guy think Tag was being witty for the guy? Far from it. Sometimes it just happened. The guy was just easily susceptible to get sassed at. That was definitely a thing. "That's ok." Nod. "I don't aim to please you in any way. Though, it probably doesn't take much." Perhaps simple minded? Tag could see that. Was he mad Tag didn't brag? That was weird. He was a weird one, that guy. "Because I don't need to tell other people my good qualities just to make myself feel better? Not my style." Besides Tag wasn't full of himself, liked himself and he didn't need to throw it in people's faces, unlike braggers. Probably this guy. "Yeah, we did have a good laugh. Thanks for humiliating yourself so others could be entertained." Sassy remark.
Ok, Tag couldn't hold it back anymore. He let out a quick laugh because this guy seemed so worried about a rubber chicken he had made fun of. "So strung up on a rubber chicken. Don't have much to keep you occupied?"
So nosy this kid was. Seriously. Manners anyone? It really wasn't any of his business but it wasn't like Tag was doing anything private. "I was going to the library. To read. Not a textbook. But an actual good book." Tag said smiling and lifting the book up so the guy had a better look at it.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Compootor
"We still have a while to go before we hit snowman weather." Andrew chuckled at Lux's enthusiasm. He did hope she'd remember. Snowman building wasn't something he'd thought about in a long time, and certainly not something he planned ahead for. If Lux forgot, he was certain he would as well, and then there'd be no snowman! That just wouldn't do. When Lux asked about his family, Andrew didn't know how to answer for a moment. It was always such a shock for people when he told them about his family. He nodded appreciatively, but dismissed her comments about him not being a geek with a wave if his arm. "Sure I am! I can be nice, I suppose, but I am the essence of what it means to be a geek." he smiled playfully, still trying to formulate an answer to her question about his siblings.
"I have, erm.. fourteen. Fourteen siblings." He chuckled nervously in response, having thought his answer through without coming up with a different way to phrase it. There simply was no way to say that without it coming across as an absurd number of siblings.
Rose snuggled up against Lux and purred happily when she was given attention, but the curious sounds coming from beyond the corner were too much for her to handle. She had to investigate. Leaping off Lux's shoulder with a loud, appreciative 'Meow', she scurried around the corner and followed the noise. She spotted two people, one distinguished looking gentleman and a distraught young girl. She hurried over, and taking a seat on Mr. Leobald Kitridge's shoes, she purred quietly. This man had on him the faint scent of ink and aged parchment, a smell that Rose had learned to adore and associate with her owner, Andrew LaCroix.
A while to go?! Lux did NOT like the sound of that one bit. "Don't say that, Andrew! You will jinx it so that the snow will never come." And then they wouldn't be able to build snowmen period which would make her sad. Squinting her eyes, the girl tried her hardest to commit the fact that she would need to remind him to her memory. If she failed with this, it would do neither of them any good, because he couldn't be relied on to remember when there were so many books he needed to read. Which did NOT make him a geek. "Andrew you are not a geek. You go out and have a lot of fun with people, right? You are a cool guy! If you are a geek, I am a geek." Nod.
FOURTEEN siblings? As much as Lux wanted to not be shocked at that revelation, she was. Because that was A LOT of siblings. "So how many brothers? And how many sisters?" Not really important questions, but this curious child wanted to know anyway.
As she was waiting for a reply, she felt Rose jump off of her shoulder and scurry off. "I wonder where she is going and why." Was he up to following after Rose? Because she sure was. "Come on, Andrew!"
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Did the guy think Tag was being witty for the guy? Far from it. Sometimes it just happened. The guy was just easily susceptible to get sassed at. That was definitely a thing. "That's ok." Nod. "I don't aim to please you in any way. Though, it probably doesn't take much." Perhaps simple minded? Tag could see that. Was he mad Tag didn't brag? That was weird. He was a weird one, that guy. "Because I don't need to tell other people my good qualities just to make myself feel better? Not my style." Besides Tag wasn't full of himself, liked himself and he didn't need to throw it in people's faces, unlike braggers. Probably this guy. "Yeah, we did have a good laugh. Thanks for humiliating yourself so others could be entertained." Sassy remark.
Ok, Tag couldn't hold it back anymore. He let out a quick laugh because this guy seemed so worried about a rubber chicken he had made fun of. "So strung up on a rubber chicken. Don't have much to keep you occupied?"
So nosy this kid was. Seriously. Manners anyone? It really wasn't any of his business but it wasn't like Tag was doing anything private. "I was going to the library. To read. Not a textbook. But an actual good book." Tag said smiling and lifting the book up so the guy had a better look at it.
This boy was really sassing him good and proper. And sure, Grayson was getting annoyed but he wasn't going to show this one that. It'd probably only inflate this one's ego. "It takes a lot, actually," he said, shooting the boy a look, "I'm glad you're not aiming to please because then you would have lost a long time ago." Juuuuust saying. "Suit yourself." Shrug. "There's nothing wrong with having a bit of self confidence." And he bopped up his collar when he said that. It was definitely his style. Uh huh. Oh merlin. Humiliating himself. He had done that, hadn't he? "Don't tell me you've never humiliated yourself to entertain others before." If he hadn't, Grayson would be oh-so-glad to give him a taste of what that was like.
Why was he laughing?! And more importantly, was he laughing at him?!"It was your best bud. Only wanted to get on your loony terms, that's all." Uh huh. "I do but rubber chickens are much more entertaining than homework."
Of course Grayson didn't have any manners. None whatsoever. He didn't care, though. And what Hopscotch went on to say only made the fourth year make a face in return. "Catching Fire," he said out loud, "Is it any good, then?" What interested him was the fire part.
Ella would be proud of Tag/Grayson interactions XD
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
This boy was really sassing him good and proper. And sure, Grayson was getting annoyed but he wasn't going to show this one that. It'd probably only inflate this one's ego. "It takes a lot, actually," he said, shooting the boy a look, "I'm glad you're not aiming to please because then you would have lost a long time ago." Juuuuust saying. "Suit yourself." Shrug. "There's nothing wrong with having a bit of self confidence." And he bopped up his collar when he said that. It was definitely his style. Uh huh. Oh merlin. Humiliating himself. He had done that, hadn't he? "Don't tell me you've never humiliated yourself to entertain others before." If he hadn't, Grayson would be oh-so-glad to give him a taste of what that was like.
Why was he laughing?! And more importantly, was he laughing at him?!"It was your best bud. Only wanted to get on your loony terms, that's all." Uh huh. "I do but rubber chickens are much more entertaining than homework."
Of course Grayson didn't have any manners. None whatsoever. He didn't care, though. And what Hopscotch went on to say only made the fourth year make a face in return. "Catching Fire," he said out loud, "Is it any good, then?" What interested him was the fire part.
Sir Sassy Pants was one of Tag's many nicknames and it fit perfectly well with Bird Boy. Yep, that's what Tag would refer to him as. Bird Boy. "Good for you."Said Tag with a nod. "You probably hold yourself to high standards."Everyone worked in different ways, and Bird Boy probably did hold himself to high standards, just by the way he acts. "Of course there isn't anything wrong with that. But bragging just implies a negative connotation to self confidence."Shrug back to you. Ok. What in the world was he doing with his shirt? Seriously. Did he know how ridiculous he looked right now? Tag wouldn't say anything though, no the guy could do that for the rest of his life. So the blonde just laughed, again. "Dunno. I'm a weird kid. Something you consider weird would be normal for me."
Like dancing with a rubber chicken.
Nope. Shaking of the head from blondie. "Don't be silly. Rubber chickens aren't my best friends. My best bud plays on a quidditch team, and my best budette? aka girl, is pretty awesome." Truth. That's all Tag had to say about that. Man, who knew someone could be so invested in a rubber chicken.
"Yes. I think its excellent. I just started it but I'm going through it at a moderate pace." Tag said nodding and giving the book a glance. And it had nothing to do with anything catching fire. But if the kid got it, then, that only meant he'd be reading something he hadn't been expecting.
A while to go?! Lux did NOT like the sound of that one bit. "Don't say that, Andrew! You will jinx it so that the snow will never come." And then they wouldn't be able to build snowmen period which would make her sad. Squinting her eyes, the girl tried her hardest to commit the fact that she would need to remind him to her memory. If she failed with this, it would do neither of them any good, because he couldn't be relied on to remember when there were so many books he needed to read. Which did NOT make him a geek. "Andrew you are not a geek. You go out and have a lot of fun with people, right? You are a cool guy! If you are a geek, I am a geek." Nod.
FOURTEEN siblings? As much as Lux wanted to not be shocked at that revelation, she was. Because that was A LOT of siblings. "So how many brothers? And how many sisters?" Not really important questions, but this curious child wanted to know anyway.
As she was waiting for a reply, she felt Rose jump off of her shoulder and scurry off. "I wonder where she is going and why." Was he up to following after Rose? Because she sure was. "Come on, Andrew!"
"Don't be silly. I'm not jinxing anything! I didn't even wave my wa-" Andrew began in response before realize that she wasn't speaking literally. Embarrassed, he withdrew his response prematurely. "I'm sorry, I wouldn't want to jinx it, you're right." He nodded apologetically. Her squinting brought a smile to his face. This girl really, really, really wanted to build a snowman. He nodded appreciatively when she argued against him being a geek. "While I appreciate the argument, Lux, I'm not sure you can win this one!" He chuckled.
"Well, I only have two sisters.." He sated her curiosity, figuring it would be better to tell her the smaller number so she could do the math herself, allowing him to avoid having to tell her he had 12 brothers.
"I suppose we shouldn't let her get too far away." He nodded at Lux's suggestion to chase after Rose. Turning the corner, he spotted the two people and his cat nestled upon the shoes of the Ravenclaw Head of House. "Rose, you little rascal!" He fussed.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Sir Sassy Pants was one of Tag's many nicknames and it fit perfectly well with Bird Boy. Yep, that's what Tag would refer to him as. Bird Boy. "Good for you."Said Tag with a nod. "You probably hold yourself to high standards."Everyone worked in different ways, and Bird Boy probably did hold himself to high standards, just by the way he acts. "Of course there isn't anything wrong with that. But bragging just implies a negative connotation to self confidence."Shrug back to you. Ok. What in the world was he doing with his shirt? Seriously. Did he know how ridiculous he looked right now? Tag wouldn't say anything though, no the guy could do that for the rest of his life. So the blonde just laughed, again. "Dunno. I'm a weird kid. Something you consider weird would be normal for me."
Like dancing with a rubber chicken.
Nope. Shaking of the head from blondie. "Don't be silly. Rubber chickens aren't my best friends. My best bud plays on a quidditch team, and my best budette? aka girl, is pretty awesome." Truth. That's all Tag had to say about that. Man, who knew someone could be so invested in a rubber chicken.
"Yes. I think its excellent. I just started it but I'm going through it at a moderate pace." Tag said nodding and giving the book a glance. And it had nothing to do with anything catching fire. But if the kid got it, then, that only meant he'd be reading something he hadn't been expecting.
Good for him? Yes. Good for him, indeed. "Of course I do!" Like DUH. "You should always surround yourself with the best people, you know. You don't want the loony kind that, sooner or later, turn out be a murderous villain." Being a villain sounded like a LOT of fun. They were the BEST kind of people. It was just a shame that they messed up most of the time. "You also don't want to get on their wrong side." Uh huh. Free advice right here. "Isn't that just people's way of making themselves feel better for not having that level of self confidence?" HMMMMM? People were always going to say negative things about you, anyways. Which was why he didn't care about these negative connotations. "Is that why you were dancing with a rubber chicken? Because it's normal for you?"
His best mate was on a Quidditch Team? "A proper professional team? You're not yanking my leg, are you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes a little at the boy. Maybe he could make use of this. MAYBE. "A giiiiiiirl, eh?" Cue wiggling of the eyebrows.
Catching. Fire. FIYAH. Freaking merlin, if something epic didn't happen in this book, he was going to be severely disappointed. "What's it about, then?" Because the blonde had said that it was excellent. Not just good. EXCELLENT.
Something had better be on fire in that book. Like a building or something.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Good for him? Yes. Good for him, indeed. "Of course I do!" Like DUH. "You should always surround yourself with the best people, you know. You don't want the loony kind that, sooner or later, turn out be a murderous villain." Being a villain sounded like a LOT of fun. They were the BEST kind of people. It was just a shame that they messed up most of the time. "You also don't want to get on their wrong side." Uh huh. Free advice right here. "Isn't that just people's way of making themselves feel better for not having that level of self confidence?" HMMMMM? People were always going to say negative things about you, anyways. Which was why he didn't care about these negative connotations. "Is that why you were dancing with a rubber chicken? Because it's normal for you?"
His best mate was on a Quidditch Team? "A proper professional team? You're not yanking my leg, are you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes a little at the boy. Maybe he could make use of this. MAYBE. "A giiiiiiirl, eh?" Cue wiggling of the eyebrows.
Catching. Fire. FIYAH. Freaking merlin, if something epic didn't happen in this book, he was going to be severely disappointed. "What's it about, then?" Because the blonde had said that it was excellent. Not just good. EXCELLENT.
Something had better be on fire in that book. Like a building or something.
And whoa. Apparently loony people turn out to be murderous villains? Where did that came out from? It was so random Tag hadn't been expecting it, really. His eyebrows went up in confusion, he supposed. "I don't think all villains can be murderous. Darth Vader was a villain but he wasn't murderous. I mean, he saved Luke by sacrificing his own life. I think..." It had been a very long time since Tag had seen any of the star wars movies. "And I might check your brain too, seems like a very dark place to be in." Just saying. Murderous villains. Why were they having this conversation in the first place? Sounded something like sly... Tag noticed the guys robes and then it all made sense. Just so that part of the conversation could end Tag simply said nothing on the self confidence matter. That should shut the guy up. "Yes, for me, dancing with a rubber chicken would be considered normal." Totally. Just ask anyone who knew Tag decent enough to give the guy an answer like Tag had.
"Yes. A professional team. And I'm not yanking your leg." Tag kinda wanted to try now, though that the guy had said it. Hmmm. He'll have to think of a spell quickly. This could take some time. The irony. Gosh, this guy was something else. "She has a boyfriend." No more would be said on the matter, so the guy could drop this too and stop looking like an idiot all the same.
Tag had only just started reading the book. So he couldn't give the guy too much explanation. "Its about this girl who had to go into this 'fight to the death' arena with a bunch of other kids, and she had survived, but rebelled against the people who had created the games. So now the president, basically the founder of the concept, is spying on her, and because of her rebellion, everyone else who hates the idea of the concept, think they can overthrow the government. I just got into it, so that's just a general overview of the first couple of chapters." Tag had just given the guy a review of Hunger Games and a short explanation on Catching Fire. "There's lots of fighting." Just to appeal to the reader, this guy, if he wanted to look into the book.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
And whoa. Apparently loony people turn out to be murderous villains? Where did that came out from? It was so random Tag hadn't been expecting it, really. His eyebrows went up in confusion, he supposed. "I don't think all villains can be murderous. Darth Vader was a villain but he wasn't murderous. I mean, he saved Luke by sacrificing his own life. I think..." It had been a very long time since Tag had seen any of the star wars movies. "And I might check your brain too, seems like a very dark place to be in." Just saying. Murderous villains. Why were they having this conversation in the first place? Sounded something like sly... Tag noticed the guys robes and then it all made sense. Just so that part of the conversation could end Tag simply said nothing on the self confidence matter. That should shut the guy up. "Yes, for me, dancing with a rubber chicken would be considered normal." Totally. Just ask anyone who knew Tag decent enough to give the guy an answer like Tag had.
"Yes. A professional team. And I'm not yanking your leg." Tag kinda wanted to try now, though that the guy had said it. Hmmm. He'll have to think of a spell quickly. This could take some time. The irony. Gosh, this guy was something else. "She has a boyfriend." No more would be said on the matter, so the guy could drop this too and stop looking like an idiot all the same.
Tag had only just started reading the book. So he couldn't give the guy too much explanation. "Its about this girl who had to go into this 'fight to the death' arena with a bunch of other kids, and she had survived, but rebelled against the people who had created the games. So now the president, basically the founder of the concept, is spying on her, and because of her rebellion, everyone else who hates the idea of the concept, think they can overthrow the government. I just got into it, so that's just a general overview of the first couple of chapters." Tag had just given the guy a review of Hunger Games and a short explanation on Catching Fire. "There's lots of fighting." Just to appeal to the reader, this guy, if he wanted to look into the book.
Not all villains can be murderous? DUH. "Well OBVIOUSLY not ALL of them." Jeez, this one was dumb. He was meant to be older. "Some are. They're the ones that have gone too far. Or were overlooked as kids and grew up to be loonies." Uh huh. He knew what he was talking about. "Wasn't Luke his son? He's not even going to murder his own SON." What kind of sane person did that? And what kind of statement was THAT?! "My brain's a very great place to be in, thank you very much. Why? Is yours filled with sassy comments you can make for the future? Got 'em stored up all nice and safe?" That was FAR better than fluffy things like flowers and rainbows. In all honesty, Grayson didn't see how dancing with a rubber chicken could be considered normal buuuuuut he was going to brush that aside. "And that's why you were dancing with it." Uh huh. Maybe he could understand this now. MAYBE. "You dance often, then?"
Sassy Loony really wasn't yanking his leg. MAN. "Lucky! I'd like to know someone on a team too. Free tickets and all." Someone he knew and got along with needed to get themselves onto a Quidditch team. That didn't leave a lot of people but he was going to keep his hopes up. "Shucks," he said, patting the boy's shoulder, "Bet that must have been tough on you."
..................... What was this story?
Grayson's eyebrows furrowed as he listened to the explanation. This didn't sound bad. Not bad at all. A fight to the death, man. Meaning people died. And there was an EPIC fight somewhere in there. "Not bad, not bad," he said, nodding his head slowly and looking between the boy and the book and then back again, "It sounds interesting. Would you recommend the book?" Maybe he could surprise his mum and actually read something voluntarily, for once. "Action's not bad. Better than the namby pamby romance ones where nothing interesting happens." Just saying.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Not all villains can be murderous? DUH. "Well OBVIOUSLY not ALL of them." Jeez, this one was dumb. He was meant to be older. "Some are. They're the ones that have gone too far. Or were overlooked as kids and grew up to be loonies." Uh huh. He knew what he was talking about. "Wasn't Luke his son? He's not even going to murder his own SON." What kind of sane person did that? And what kind of statement was THAT?! "My brain's a very great place to be in, thank you very much. Why? Is yours filled with sassy comments you can make for the future? Got 'em stored up all nice and safe?" That was FAR better than fluffy things like flowers and rainbows. In all honesty, Grayson didn't see how dancing with a rubber chicken could be considered normal buuuuuut he was going to brush that aside. "And that's why you were dancing with it." Uh huh. Maybe he could understand this now. MAYBE. "You dance often, then?"
Sassy Loony really wasn't yanking his leg. MAN. "Lucky! I'd like to know someone on a team too. Free tickets and all." Someone he knew and got along with needed to get themselves onto a Quidditch team. That didn't leave a lot of people but he was going to keep his hopes up. "Shucks," he said, patting the boy's shoulder, "Bet that must have been tough on you."
..................... What was this story?
Grayson's eyebrows furrowed as he listened to the explanation. This didn't sound bad. Not bad at all. A fight to the death, man. Meaning people died. And there was an EPIC fight somewhere in there. "Not bad, not bad," he said, nodding his head slowly and looking between the boy and the book and then back again, "It sounds interesting. Would you recommend the book?" Maybe he could surprise his mum and actually read something voluntarily, for once. "Action's not bad. Better than the namby pamby romance ones where nothing interesting happens." Just saying.
Tag wouldn't say it but maybe Bird Boy over here was the 'overlooked' kid and would soon be turning into a villain as soon as he graduated from Hogwarts. The blonde could sort of see it happening, but, to be a villain, didn't you kind of need to be smart and powerful? Would people follow this guy? "Exactly what does growing up in a looney look like?" Just so Tag could avoid those places. "He was his son, yes." The blonde said with a nod. "I can't really think of any at the moment, but I'm sure there's villains that have hurt their family just so they could gain more power in their mission." Now, Tag wasn't going to research this stuff up, but if Bird Boy found something then Tag would appreciate hearing what the guy had found.
"Sassy comments can't be 'stored up'. They're more of a on the spot type of thing. If you have them stored up, by the time you use them, it may not be executed sassy enough." True story. Maybe. You be the judge of that. Did this guy even know basic sass knowledge? If Ella were hearing all this she'd probably be doing some chant for Tag. "Yes, that's why I was dancing with it." And to weird the guy out too.
Too bad Bird Boy didn't have some of things Tag had when it came to quidditch matches. But, let's not say more on that because Tag didn't know exactly how quidditch matches work for a player's close friend/fan. "Maybe you'll become friends with one?" Who knew, really? Don't touch Blondie. Tag furrowed his eyebrows and made a face when the guy planted his hand on his shoulder. No. "I wasn't rejected. She's just a friend. No romantic feelings over here." Never. That's a weird thought right there. Now, the next time this guy touched Tag, something might actually happen to him.
"Yes, definitely recommend it." Well that was a sentence Tag never thought he would ever say. Suppose miracles do happen. There was some romance in the book, but it wasn't completely central to the plot. "Right. Namby pamby romance." Whatever that meant.
Angel smiled at the man. "Okay thanks sir." Angel really hoped to spend more time with this nice man, why wasn't he a Professor, she would love to go to one of his lessons if he was.
"Thanks." Angel was glad the man said he wouldn't be mad with Adi, she didn't want to get him into trouble when obviously he was upset about something and she wanted the old Adi back, she was about to reply when the Professor asked about the cat. "I thought it was yours sir, you see it came straight to you." Angel beamed. "I've just got an Owl." Angel was thinking of getting a cat but she wasn't sure her dog at home would like it.
Originally Posted by Compootor
"I suppose we shouldn't let her get too far away." He nodded at Lux's suggestion to chase after Rose. Turning the corner, he spotted the two people and his cat nestled upon the shoes of the Ravenclaw Head of House. "Rose, you little rascal!" He fussed.
Leo made a mental note to seek out Adi later. Shaking his head he responded to Angel. "No this isn't my cat. I own a kneazle and a puffskein." Plus there were distinctive differences between kneazles and cats. "It came straight to me?" he echoed surprised. "I guess the cat liked the smell of my shoes," or something. Or it was trained to come to an adult if it got lost? "What species of owl have you got?"
He didn't need to ask Angel to tag along to look for the cat's owner when a boy with Lux in company showed up and fussed over the cat by the name of Rosie. "Hi Lux!" Leo greeted with a smile. Glancing over at the boy he asked "Aren't you an eagle in my house?" Leaning down to give the cat a last stroke over its back he said to the boy. "You’ve got a cute cat. Does she like shoes?"
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Tag wouldn't say it but maybe Bird Boy over here was the 'overlooked' kid and would soon be turning into a villain as soon as he graduated from Hogwarts. The blonde could sort of see it happening, but, to be a villain, didn't you kind of need to be smart and powerful? Would people follow this guy? "Exactly what does growing up in a looney look like?" Just so Tag could avoid those places. "He was his son, yes." The blonde said with a nod. "I can't really think of any at the moment, but I'm sure there's villains that have hurt their family just so they could gain more power in their mission." Now, Tag wasn't going to research this stuff up, but if Bird Boy found something then Tag would appreciate hearing what the guy had found.
"Sassy comments can't be 'stored up'. They're more of a on the spot type of thing. If you have them stored up, by the time you use them, it may not be executed sassy enough." True story. Maybe. You be the judge of that. Did this guy even know basic sass knowledge? If Ella were hearing all this she'd probably be doing some chant for Tag. "Yes, that's why I was dancing with it." And to weird the guy out too.
Too bad Bird Boy didn't have some of things Tag had when it came to quidditch matches. But, let's not say more on that because Tag didn't know exactly how quidditch matches work for a player's close friend/fan. "Maybe you'll become friends with one?" Who knew, really? Don't touch Blondie. Tag furrowed his eyebrows and made a face when the guy planted his hand on his shoulder. No. "I wasn't rejected. She's just a friend. No romantic feelings over here." Never. That's a weird thought right there. Now, the next time this guy touched Tag, something might actually happen to him.
"Yes, definitely recommend it." Well that was a sentence Tag never thought he would ever say. Suppose miracles do happen. There was some romance in the book, but it wasn't completely central to the plot. "Right. Namby pamby romance." Whatever that meant.
Did this guy know he sounded and acted weird?
Growing up in a loony?! What?! A confused expression spread across his face before the fourth year said, "Not grow up in a loony, just be a loony and then getting tormented or overlooked." Jeez. Were all of those sassy comments making this one misunderstand things? Probably. And he was teaching the kid something, could he keep his sassy comments to himself? Kthnx. "They're a bit psychotic, aren't they? Freaking insane," he said, shaking his head, "What's worse is that it comes from actual family members. That's the ultimate act of betrayal right there." And this was a dark topic of conversation, wasn't it? Was it going to make the blonde one uncomfortable? Good.
"I gueeeeeeess," he started, silently hating the fact that he was right, "What if you can't come up with the right sassy comment on the spot? You're doomed for life?" Those poor suckers, if that was the case. "You looked like a right ol' weirdo to me, you know. Before I knew about this." See? He was completely honest. Appreciate it, weird one.
Having a Quidditch friend must be GREAT. No really. Free tickets? Er, YEAH. He had half a mind to ask about that but knew that he might not be able to handle the answer. Free stuff! "Maybe," Shrug. "I hope they're great, whoever they are." He SAW that face, by the way. And it was because of that that Grayson was smiling innocently at the boy. Was it the pat? HA. He had to remember this. "Oh right. Feelings are weird, anyways." It gave people the ability to hurt you. No. Just no.
"Brilliant. I might actually read it, then." Might. There was a lot falling on that single 'm' word. And was he using his terminology? Did he need to explain himself? He wasn't going to. Nope. Instead, he nodded at the boy and said nothing more on namby pamby romance novels.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Growing up in a loony?! What?! A confused expression spread across his face before the fourth year said, "Not grow up in a loony, just be a loony and then getting tormented or overlooked." Jeez. Were all of those sassy comments making this one misunderstand things? Probably. And he was teaching the kid something, could he keep his sassy comments to himself? Kthnx. "They're a bit psychotic, aren't they? Freaking insane," he said, shaking his head, "What's worse is that it comes from actual family members. That's the ultimate act of betrayal right there." And this was a dark topic of conversation, wasn't it? Was it going to make the blonde one uncomfortable? Good.
"I gueeeeeeess," he started, silently hating the fact that he was right, "What if you can't come up with the right sassy comment on the spot? You're doomed for life?" Those poor suckers, if that was the case. "You looked like a right ol' weirdo to me, you know. Before I knew about this." See? He was completely honest. Appreciate it, weird one.
Having a Quidditch friend must be GREAT. No really. Free tickets? Er, YEAH. He had half a mind to ask about that but knew that he might not be able to handle the answer. Free stuff! "Maybe," Shrug. "I hope they're great, whoever they are." He SAW that face, by the way. And it was because of that that Grayson was smiling innocently at the boy. Was it the pat? HA. He had to remember this. "Oh right. Feelings are weird, anyways." It gave people the ability to hurt you. No. Just no.
"Brilliant. I might actually read it, then." Might. There was a lot falling on that single 'm' word. And was he using his terminology? Did he need to explain himself? He wasn't going to. Nope. Instead, he nodded at the boy and said nothing more on namby pamby romance novels.
Jeez jeez, this guy felt so strongly about things he found weird. The irony to all of this. "I assume you've been overlooked." Tag said casually. He was a weird kid, not as weird as Tag, but still weird. The blonde just nodded at the guy. He felt like this snake could go on forever talking about villains while Tag didn't participate in that part of the conversation. Maybe this guy had thought about this before? "Sure. Everything you say sounds spot on." There, contribution.
Whoa. Doomed for life, that was pretty sad. "The person must have a pretty pathetic life if their entire being depends on them executing a sassy comment correctly." Really sad indeed. Did that person even have something going on for them if this were the case? And that weirdo comment, like Tag always did, would take it as a compliment. Meant he was unique. "Thanks!"
"Maybe, they might be." Tag said, agreeing slightly. Though, the guy shouldn't get his hopes up too high or he might be let down to a disappointment. Just saying. "Sure?" Was Tag's response to weird feelings. Eyes on you, Slytherin boy. Eyes on you.
"Great. The book may gain another fan because of you." Tag said. Besides, the guy probably needed to read more to sharpen his brain. It wouldn't hurt him.
Leo made a mental note to seek out Adi later. Shaking his head he responded to Angel. "No this isn't my cat. I own a kneazle and a puffskein." Plus there were distinctive differences between kneazles and cats. "It came straight to me?" he echoed surprised. "I guess the cat liked the smell of my shoes," or something. Or it was trained to come to an adult if it got lost? "What species of owl have you got?"
He didn't need to ask Angel to tag along to look for the cat's owner when a boy with Lux in company showed up and fussed over the cat by the name of Rosie. "Hi Lux!" Leo greeted with a smile. Glancing over at the boy he asked "Aren't you an eagle in my house?" Leaning down to give the cat a last stroke over its back he said to the boy. "You’ve got a cute cat. Does she like shoes?"
Andrew knew that perhaps he shouldn't feel embarrassed about his cat's rude behavior. After all, she was a cat. Still, he did hurry to get Rose to move off the Librarian's shoes. "I'm terribly sorry." He apologized for the creature that obviously couldn't do it herself, nor would she, even if she could. "Yes, I'm an Eagle in your house, Mr. Kitridge" He smiled, just as proud as he always was when he got to tell someone to which house he belonged, even if it was the head of house himself.
"She prefers shoulders, but I suspect you were a little too tall for her to attempt jumping." He answered Leo's question, bending down and petting the purring creature who was now desperately trying to get his attention.
Last edited by DragonBear; 06-08-2014 at 08:29 PM.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Jeez jeez, this guy felt so strongly about things he found weird. The irony to all of this. "I assume you've been overlooked." Tag said casually. He was a weird kid, not as weird as Tag, but still weird. The blonde just nodded at the guy. He felt like this snake could go on forever talking about villains while Tag didn't participate in that part of the conversation. Maybe this guy had thought about this before? "Sure. Everything you say sounds spot on." There, contribution.
Whoa. Doomed for life, that was pretty sad. "The person must have a pretty pathetic life if their entire being depends on them executing a sassy comment correctly." Really sad indeed. Did that person even have something going on for them if this were the case? And that weirdo comment, like Tag always did, would take it as a compliment. Meant he was unique. "Thanks!"
"Maybe, they might be." Tag said, agreeing slightly. Though, the guy shouldn't get his hopes up too high or he might be let down to a disappointment. Just saying. "Sure?" Was Tag's response to weird feelings. Eyes on you, Slytherin boy. Eyes on you.
"Great. The book may gain another fan because of you." Tag said. Besides, the guy probably needed to read more to sharpen his brain. It wouldn't hurt him.
He had been overlooked? Grayson furrowed his eyebrows, choosing this thinking time to pick out a Bertie Botts bean and plopping it into his mouth. HAD he been overlooked? Was he on his way to ultimate villainhood? "NAH!" he said after a while, "I've just watched a lot of movies. Good movies. Action packed ones." Because those were the best ones. Also, that contribution was LAME, Hopscotch. "If that's not meant to be a sassy remark, then thank you."
Pretty pathetic life sounded about right, actually. "Uh huh. Very pathetic," he responded, nodding his head, "Or they could be very boring and want this very badly, for some bizzaro reason." And the weird one was appreciating his comment. Well then. Good for you. "You're welcome." See? He did have manners. Somewhere. Inside. Deep down inside. "You like being weird, then?"
"I hope so." Shrug. It didn't matter if they weren't. Not really. His life didn't depend on this. "What team does your friend play for?" And what was with that sure response? Was this one feeling okay? "They are! Imagine giving someone the full ability to break your heart and tear you to pieces emotionally." Jeez. No thank you.
A fan. He was going to be a BOOK fan. "My mum will be proud, I guess." Or she'd probably take that as a sign that she should get him that leather jacket already because he was oh-so-mature and responsible. "Bertie Bott?" he asked, holding out the packet towards the blonde haired loony.