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It's early afternoon on this Valentine's Day Monday. The freezing cold weather outside has made more work for Professor Cassie to keep the tower warm for the students inside. Placing a few extra heating charms on the classroom, she is hoping to keep it toasty enough for the lesson.
As students make their way up to the tower and through the trap door they might not recognize the old Divination classroom. Cassie has made her own special style show through the small tables all over the room. Decorated in pinks and reds, she's placed red flowers on each table to get into the loving spirit. Tea cups full of tea and heart shaped cookies have been placed on each table as well. In the front of the room students will notice Happy Valentine's Day balloons floating around.
Professor Cassie is just finishing up placing a poster on the wall and moves to stand where a desk should be. Remembering one last thing she hurries to place the empty cup on an empty table near the door. Using her wand she opens the door to allow students to enter. Wearing a red dress and red heels, she beams her biggest smile to welcome her students enter.
A cute little poster full of hearts and red ink gives students their instructions:
Please come in and take a box of crayons from the cart. Once you find a seat at one of the tables pull out a piece of parchment and write one thing that you are proud that you have done or someone else has done today. Then come forward and place it into the cup. Head back to your seat and enjoy the Valentine tea and cookies!
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
SPOILER!!: professor
SPOILER!!: Everyone’s Hello’s
The first person had arrived, Cassie was sooo excited that she snapped as Emmylou walked in. Remembering the lion from her office visit she just beamed at the girl. “Happy Valentine’s Day! Welcome to class. I’m just so nervicited about the lesson today. How are you doing on this wonderful day?” She had a boyfriend from what Cassie thought she remembered, so what a perfect day to be a couple. Though the day was fun even if you weren’t in a relationship. No one really needed to be in one to have fabtastic holidays.
Another child, oh this was just soooo fun. “Hello! Welcome to class! Happy Valentine’s day!” She was enjoying herself already and hoped the rest would as well. “Thank you, I do enjoy decorating.” Her eyes looked around the room, she was very happy with the way the room turned out. Not very classroom looking at all. More like a tea room actually. “I’m splendid, how are you?” So polite the children all seemed to be.
Oh the first boy, “Welcome! Happy Valentine’s Day!” She beamed at him, “I’m just doing wonderful, how are you this afternoon?” Already knowing he had to be great. It was Divination time and Valentine’s Day! “Go have a seat and eat some cookies, class will start soon.” Oh and read the poster she thought about saying, but decided it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Another boy entering, he got happy snaps from Cassie, “Hello!!!! Welcome to Divination and Happy Valentine’s Day.” He was excited for this fun filled holiday wasn’t he? Oh she should have brought chocolates as well. Now why didn’t she think of this until just now, well they had heart shaped cookies.
Recognizing the next student as one of her SNACinators , “Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day” He was having a fantastic day wasn’t he? She hoped he was at least. “Oh you noticed? Yes I did change it up a bit from Professor Ellwood, but we all have our different styles and this is just mine. I hope you like it.” She loved the way she had it done. So festive for the day’s events.
Happily snapping as another student came into the room she was just so happy to see them all. “Welcome, how are you today Miss Arista? Happy Valentine’s Day.” The girl seemed just as excited as she did this was just wonderful. “I’m sooo happy you like it! My two favorite colors.” Hence why most of her things were pink, but red was just wonderful as well.
Seeing someone in a red suit Cassie couldn’t be happier. Her snaps showed just as much, “Cristoff how wonderful you are wearing a suit. What a way to get into the Valentine’s spirit.” It was just marvelous! She looked puzzled as he whispered, “Oh no, I still asked for red, but some people just express themselves differently so it’s all fine and dandy.” No big deal if they didn’t wear red she wasn’t concerned.
“Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day to you. I’m so happy you came to class today.” This was wonderful to see her SNACinators and others. “Go ahead and find a seat, there are heart cookies and tea.” Always a great thing to have food, it helped make everyone happy. Happy students, meant happy learning in her eyes.
The boy from the Staff table, she wondered if he was feeling better, but then assumed not by his cough. He’d be going to the healer soon or she’d be getting the healer to come to class for him. “Hello! Welcome to Divination, Happy Valentine’s Day!” He wasn’t wearing red, but really no big deal. She loved self-expression. “I don’t mind the hat, but some professors might frown upon it. So please try to make sure you pay attention to which ones do while in the castle.” Just some friendly advice really.
Oh another new face. Oh goodness she hoped she’d not screw up a name or two. Names were so hard for her at times. If they were all puppies she’d figure it out better. “Welcome to Divination! Happy Valentine’s Day.” He was excited, right? Everyone should be of course. “Have a cookie, we’ll be starting soon.” She checked her watch and figured a few more would be coming soon enough.
Seeing another girl coming into the room Cassie snapped at her welcome. “Hello, Happy Valentine’s Day to you! Come in, class will start shortly. I hope you are having a wonderful day so far.” The girl looked so nice in her dress. “Very festive I might add, great to see.” Everyone looked wonderful who read the notice and came in red.
Oh yes, one of the twins entered the room. Cassie beamed at the girl, “Hello Angel how are we doing today?” She was proud to remember which was which. “Happy Valentine’s Day!” She hoped the students would enjoy their cookies while they waited and she loved seeing them use the snap cup.
[quote=Mackenzie] Mack climbed the stairs, her eye widen significantly as she takes sight of all the pink. "Seriously, pink... Gag me" She stepped up into the room and she read the board, walking over to the cart she grabs a box of crayons before taking a seat in the back.
Taking out the parchment she pulls out a black crayon, and started thinking...
"What am I proud of today? Hmmm... I'm proud that I still haven't gone crazy..... I'm proud that I live alone already
Well that reaction took her by surprise, but it didn’t show on her face. No Cassie was happy and smiling as the girl continued to walk in. Though she didn’t say a word to the professor, the professor did say words to her. “Hello and Happy Valentine’s Day. Everyone is allowed their opinions, but we don’t have to be mean about them either.” No need for rudeness in this class.
Changing her focus to yet another student that had come in, Cassie beamed, “Hello Adi, how are you today.” Oh he noticed that she dressed her best for class. Not that she didn’t always dress her best. She was never without looking good. You just never knew when it was needed. “Thank you very much.” So sweet of him to notice.
It was the boy from the corridor, Cassie gave him a smile, “Hello, Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you are having a wonderful day.” Her happy snaps welcoming him as well, [b] “Grab a cookie and a seat we’ll be starting very shortly.
Seeing another student she gave him happy snaps, “Hello.. hello!! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Was she liking Hogwarts, now was that a question or what? “I looooovvve Hogwarts! I did while I was here as a student and I’m loving being a professor.” It was a great honor to get to teach her favorite subject, in her favorite class, at her favorite school.
What was going on here? The professor watched curiously as the girls spoke to each other before finally deciding to walk in. Oh the one was one of her SNACinators. “Miss Cambridge hello.” She gave her happy snaps and a little wave. Looking at the other girl her face got even more excited and so did her snaps. “You must be the other Cassiopeia. I’ve heard there was someone with my name around the school.” She beamed, she was told by the headmistress at her interview, that name she’d remember. “Happy Valentine’s Day to both of you.”
There was little Lucy, the professor beamed at her. “Lucy, hello!! Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you are doing wonderful this afternoon.” The girl was doing alright wasn’t she. “Go ahead and have a cookie, class will start very soon.” She was so ready to get started, was it time?
Seeing Grayson come into the room she grinned, another SNACinator. This was just wonderful. “Hello, hello. Yes Happy Valentine’s Day.” She was just so excited to see them all and the ones in red were really making her happy. “We will be starting soon so just in time.” He had plenty of time for cookies and tea.
Giving the Slytherin a big grin, the professor waved a hello, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Was the girl having a good day? She hoped she was. “Tea and cookies are on the tables, we’ll be starting very soon.”
Another boy she didn’t know, Cassie gave him a big smile and some happy snaps. “Hello!!! Welcome to Divinations! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!” Was she seeming too excited? She didn’t really care.
This one was bringing something, oh and she seemed soooo happy to be there. This just made Cassie super excited and she got snaps. Wasn’t she one of the ones from the Year Book meeting? She thought she remembered her. “Hello!!! Welcome! Happy Valentine’s Day.” Watching as she offered the basket, where these for her? “OHMIGOSH!! Are these for me? What a lovely surprise.” but maybe they weren’t all for her. She took one of the cookies and took a bite, “These are so yummy.” They didn’t have memory loss potion in them did they? She didn’t need another episode like the Christmas party.
As another young man walked into the room, Cassie beamed, “Hello, Welcome to Divination!!” Give a few happy snaps, “Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you are having an awesome day.” Everyone should be at least.
Watching as another young lady walked in, the blonde gave her a warm and happy smile. “Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. The most fun holiday isn’t it.” She loved it, love was such a fun thing and it didn’t have to be a relationship kind of love. She had already sent cards and things to her family. “Having a good day I hope.”
“Connor, Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day” She smiled at the boy that had helped her get Gemini down and talked with at the stables. “I hope you are ready for a fun filled class today.” She hoped it would be fun, no she didn’t hope. She knew it would be. It was Divination how could it not be fun. She had never been to a class that wasn’t fun that involved this subject.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Nessa was entering her room, her best friend was coming to her lesson. This made the five foot blonde bounce up and down and snap happily. “Professor Glendower, I’m soooo happy you came today.” Her best friend was amazing, did everyone know this. “You are not late at all, I haven’t gotten started yet.” Just waiting for the right moment, which goodness was probably now really. “Thank you, I love the colors.” Though her best friend would know she did.
Seeing another student walk into the room she beamed, “Hello!! Welcome to Divinations! Happy Valentine’s Day!!” It was so exciting to see everyone. Yes she was super happy by this point. The class was getting full and OHMYGOSH it was time to start now wasn’t it.
Checking her watch she jumped on her heels a bit, it was certainly time to start. Leaving the door open just incase someone was running a bit behind, plus she sensed her little Gemini would be showing his fluffy face towards the last few minutes of class. “Hello everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day again. Isn’t this day just splendid? My name is Professor Cassiopeia Morgan, but please call me Professor Cassie. If you weren’t at our first SNAC meetings you should know that your SNACinators are truly wonderful people, but also you might want to know a little about me. I am actually a former Hufflepuff and graduated from Hogwarts. My favorite subject of course was Divination. I come from a long line of family members who take this subject very serious and have a few seers in my family. I am one of those seers, though my gift is a little different than most.” She grinned just leaving it at that for now. Her little SNACinators knew her gift, but she’d let the others find out maybe later.
“Now as you know it’s a very special day today. A day that is great single, in a relationship, as well as for the young and old at heart.” She beamed at this fact, because really how could you hate a day that chocolate is given and kind words are given. “I had you all place something you are proud of in my snap cup. So many things get over looked, little things, that I feel especially on a day we should show love, we shouldn’t over look these things.” Walking over to her cup she pulled a piece of paper out. “As I reach in and read each proud moment, we will all snap for the person. So for example, mine would be that I’m so proud to be your professor this term. Once I read that everyone snaps like this.” She put her hands up and snapped, smiling at the class.
She pulled out a piece of paper reading the first one. “I'm really proud of how hard Cat has been working on her recipes lately. She's going to be a famous chef someday, and she'll deserve every ounce of that fame. Snaps for Cat” She began snapping happily again and then pulled out the next one. “I'm proud that I don't have a boyfriend yet!!! So I can meet my friends speaking about the news. Snaps for not having a boyfriend yet.” She began snapping again, “I'm really happy that I didn't throw up in DADA class 2. Snaps for not throwing up.” She beamed and snapped with the class.
SPOILER!!: All the proud moments
I'm proud of having such a loving family. Today I am proud that I could walk in heels without falling over. I'm proud of helping Professor Bentley with saving some plants in the Greenhouse! I’m proud of Mordred’s recent achievements back in the Russian Dragon Reserve today. I'm proud that I woke up on time for the lessonI am proud of pulling a prank on those girls today! I am proud that I still stayed in the Divination classroom despite wearing this red. I'm proud that i even came to this mumbo jumbo class todayI am proud that I have not managed to puke since entering this classroom. I'm proud that I'm wearing a dress to class today..suit. I am proud that I have survived this crazy winter.....so far. I'm proud that I'm wearing a dress to class today. I am proud that I made myself come to class today. i am proud that I was not late for this lesson today... I'm proud of making my best effort to attend this class. And wearing red. I am proud I got the courage to ask Emmy Duchannes to be my girlfriend. I managed to get Lex enter a PINK room. I'm proud I didn't punch the first idiot to tell me 'Happy Valentine's Day'. I'm proud of the amount of times I've scowled today thanks to this stupid holidayI'm proud that I'm taking this whole 'No Valentine' thing pretty well. This isn't going to be read aloud in class, is it? If so, pretend like this says, 'I'm proud I haven't had one manipulating thought today'. I'm proud of how Mo will be super awesome (like always) about Valentine's Day and deal with me wanting to run around and throw glitter everywhere because he's a wonderful boyfriend. (every day, not just today.) I'm proud not to have blown anything up.I’m proud of Jandon for being the best boyfriend every. Also, I look amazing in this dress. I wasn't late to class! ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm proud of Cassie for doing an amazing job in making this room look so festive for Valentine's Day! ♥ ♥ ♥I'm proud to have sent my brother his birthday present.
Reading each piece of parchment and having the students snap with her after each one. “A-manzing all of you. You all deserve so many sanps. It always feels so good to be proud of something, doesn’t it?” She knew it had to and it was. They were all great and proud of something. “Now some of you are probably all Valentine’s Day, yuck, but not in this class. We will continue to show love, but I have to say. I certainly hate seeing broken hearts. So today I hope this lesson helps you not have as many.”
She moved towards the poster that she had hung right before class. “Can anyone tell me what this is? Why we might use this chart and what on earth would be using it for in today's lesson on Valentine's Day." She was very curious on their take on Signs and what they might think they would be doing in the class. Glancing at Nessa she gave her friend a grin knowing she already knew. These were her crayons they were using.
OOC: Guys I'm so sorry that took so long. Steven missed me while I was away and wasn't giving me much time to type anything today. The posts will not take this long I promise. My goal is to post once in the morning and once in the evening to keep it moving. All of you had amazing proud moments, because of time and space, I used a number generator to pick the ones I used in my post, but she read every one in the spoiler out loud to the class just as it was written. No names were mentioned on who wrote them, just what was on the paper!
Class has officially begun, so have fun!!!
Mack's eyes continued to shift around the room "I could easily run out and grab that can of black spray paint then fix this awful color." Okay, so Professor Cassie, she seems nice all except this horrid excuse for a color. "Oh a puffer, what are hufflepuffs even good at?!"
Oh JOY this PINKcup. Mackenzie was seriously going to throw up..
Seriously the blonde was really really wanting to like Professor Cassie but between the pink and talking about love... Anyway moving on.
Staring at the poster Mack smiled "It's a horoscope poster, it will show you which of the other signs you best fit with in love. "
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
He just had to hold back a chuckle because Professor Morgan had mention his note… heeee heeee heeee. hearing all the snaps he thought it was awesome to join in.. snap, snap, snap
ohhh another piece of paper.. Bay looked at it and he knew what he was looking at, he raised his hand "Professor Cassie…. these are the Zodiac signs.." he felt proud to know so much about what he was looking at.. but if his mother was here she would hit him upside the head because she read this stuff all the time.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
What in Merlin was a Snacinator?! Is that some type of brand of crisps?! With the face of Arnold Schwhatchamacallit on the front of the bag? Interesting, but now he was hungry!
He was hungry, surrounded by lovey-dovey stuff, and snip-snapping his fingers off. At the least, he got to wear his favorite maroon sweater. IT COUNTS AS RED, OKAY?! And it's the only color of red he'd wear!
Dec squinted at the poster. Holy Hippogriff, he did need glasses. He recognized the names on the left side and of course the right side were planets. By what his sister once told him, his sign was a Virgo and his knew that Mercury was his planet or whatever. So, maybe they were all corresponding to each other, those that were beside each other.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Zander met Ethan's hand for a handshake. He thought that handshakes were weird and all that considering they were still kids and did kids actually shake hands? Because that's weeeeird and way too professional. But he couldn't just leave Ethan hanging! So he shook the boy's hand and grabbed a seat next to both him and Simon. As men, it was their obligation to stick together in this totally pink lesson!
He noticed a wave from both Emmylou, Lux, and Kace, so they both received one in return. There were actually a bunch of familiar faces stacking up... Maybe the lesson wouldn't be too bad. Now, if only he could stop seeing pink.
Zander quickly turned his attention back to Professor Happy and listened as she squealed about everything. Too late to walk out? He looked back at both Simon and Ethan to give them a 'oh merlin' kind of look. Even her voice just oozed pink. Valentines day or not, this was creepy. Mhm, anyways... Zander snapped along the first few times, but the snapping just got real tiring real fast. So after a while his snaps sort of just... died off.
The poster? It looked like a bunch of chinese symbol to be honest. But Zander recognized them from some of the magazines his mom would read. "They can be used for horoscopes right? They always have a section in magazines about your horoscope and future stuff." Future stuff? Who would've thought? In divination. What a surprise. Brilliant answer Zander, just brilliant.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
There was another cast of diffindo and another heart chopped in two. She'd be through the pile in no time and you know, depending on how you viewed life, the two technically had double the amount of cookies they started with--or they would once she was done with this. Everyone else could keep the hearts on their table but she was having none of it....and she wasn't going to respond to the Professor's Happy Valentine's Day, except maybe to wonder what the hell was so 'happy' about it.
Just a nod. That was all she'd give before going back to chopping hearts and listening to snaps. Everyone got snaps, Lex didn't have to look up to know the Professor was beaming; it came through in her voice. The woman deserved her name.
At the question, Lex looked up again. The chart from earlier with the astrology signs. Astrology signs, Airey didn't believe in those. Did Professor Smiles know that? "It's what Professor Airey would call blasphemy at its finest Professor." That's what it was. They weren't real. She didn't think that the month she was born or a planet somewhere out in the galaxy dictated her behaviour. She simply did what she wanted.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
There was way too much pink and red stuff in the room. The whole room was making Penelope's eyes hurt. Penelope did not like all of the pink and red in the room. As instructed, she had worn something red. A red headband in her hair was the only red thing that could be seen on Penelope. She was wearing a purple sweater.
She looked at the poster that the professor put up. It had zodiac signs and planet names on it. "Those are zodiac signs. In astrology they can be used for predicting stuff in people's lives."
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Mo grinned SO hugely when his 'snaps' for Cat was read, and even more hugely when hers was read. About him. Merlin, what were the odds that, when most people were writing about themselves, he and Cat would write about each other? It was a little spooky, really.
Romantic spooky.
He eyed the chart as the professor talked, trying to ignore how she was bubbly and a little silly and trying to teach them astrology, which was frankly insulting. This was a real class, y'know?
Still, he raised his hand. "Professor, the symbols in the third and fifth column are astrological symbols and are a pictorial representation of each of the object named in the preceding column. Some of them represent the object directly, like the moon and the sun, and some represent the mythological tale the planet or zodiac sign is named for, like how the Venus symbol represents the goddess's hand mirror." That was factual, at least.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
It seemed like the professor was not going to be giving up her snaps anytime soon, but it didn't really bother AJ. She was take a nice professor over a crabby one any day. The use of the word snacinator still made her giggle. The first year refused to look at Adi when the professor talked about relationship statuses.
Looking at the poster, AJ thought that it looked kind of familiar. "Isn't that supposed to tell you who your perfect match is?" Like some signs worked well together whike others didn't.
Beverly gathered all of the information about Cassiopeia Morgan and stored it away for later evaluation. It was the SNAPPING that caught her attention. Why was the woman snapping. Was there something wrong? Was there a fly she was trying to snap at? Beverly Wayne was NOT AMUSED. No. See the Grumpy Cat on her shirt, yeah, they wore matching expressions.
Show love? The only love she showed around here was for pizza (or food, really) and that was IT. Trying to keep her scowl from deepening Beverly squinted at the woman. Her gaze shifted, though, her brows rising as she studied the poster.
First, LOL at the Gryffindor Prefect. Bev would fist bump her had they been allies, but they weren't, so she just grinned a bit to herself. Good one.
She raised her hand after collecting herself. "It's a Zodiac chart. The signs are often used as ways to foretell the future for a certain sign or to see what pairings would work out." Not that she knew about that. She was a Leo and Jeremiah was Aries, just FYI.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
The Professor was really, really sweet. Like really sweet. Almost Emmylou sweet. Simon blinked for a second and then gave her a shy smile. Simon smirked at Ethan's nudge and then nudged his friend back. Yeah, yeah. Insert an imaginary eye roll here. He took another sip of his tea and listened to the professor ask them what the poster that she had up there was. He raised his hand, "It's a poster with Astrology or zodiac signs on it. The signs are often used with predicting our future based on when we were born. You can often find sections about them in muggle newspapers. Some of the things that you read in those newspapers aren't exactly precise." Some of the sections were just plain rubbish, but he wouldn't phrase it like that.
Perhaps actually being in a divination class when divining their futures, they would get a more accurate answer.
But the way this professor acted was a bit... not normal. Agatha didn't approve too much. Or at all. Snaps? Uh... what? The girl looked around and raised an eyebrow when the teacher told them to snap at people's proud moments and before the woman got through half of them she was ready to stop listening to them.
And so she did. Agatha was not snapping at any proud moment because that was a bit rubbish and just sat there looking around, bored. She decided to analyse the pink stuff around, because THAT was pretty and worthy of her attention. Nice flowers and nicely set up table and everything. What a lovely place. And the tea was lovely as well. Just all that SNAPPING was driving Agatha INSANE already. MERLIN.
Frowning, the Slytherin went back to paying attention when 'professor Cassie' pointed at a poster. The zodiac signs, Agatha recognised them. She didn't know what the other things were, though. So her attention drifted back at the pretty flowers.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
The boy from the Staff table, she wondered if he was feeling better, but then assumed not by his cough. He’d be going to the healer soon or she’d be getting the healer to come to class for him. “Hello! Welcome to Divination, Happy Valentine’s Day!” He wasn’t wearing red, but really no big deal. She loved self-expression. “I don’t mind the hat, but some professors might frown upon it. So please try to make sure you pay attention to which ones do while in the castle.” Just some friendly advice really.
She moved towards the poster that she had hung right before class. “Can anyone tell me what this is? Why we might use this chart and what on earth would be using it for in today's lesson on Valentine's Day." She was very curious on their take on Signs and what they might think they would be doing in the class. Glancing at Nessa she gave her friend a grin knowing she already knew. These were her crayons they were using.
When the Professor mentioned that she didn't mind the hat, the young Lion rolled his eyes. "Well, good for you" Could he get out of here? First of all Divination was his least favorite subject and he wondered why on earth he had chosen it... And second..this woman was crazy with her Valentine's Day and ...Astrology stuff...yeah crazy! "In case no one has noticed, i don't really CARE what others think" especially not Professor's except for Bentley cause...Head of House you know? So that meant that he didn't care about if some would dissaprove of his hat.
Looking at the chart, the Gryffindor decided to just go with the flow. The sooner it was over the better. "Probably to see which zodiac signs would be a match with each other so they could become a potential boyfriend and girlfriend....which is the MOST stupid thing EVER" ...if she believed in THAT then he was out of here.
Leah smiled, and cheered when the professor said that she was a Hufflepuff. It was always good to have more Badgers in the school! She was expecting a fun class this day. The second year was already liking this Divination teacher a lot, and it was Valentine's Day. What could be better? Leah now focused on the lesson.
She studied the poster carefully. Some difficult words and weird drawings. Raising her hand hesitantly, the girl said, "Um, it's related to love?" Yep, that was all she could figure out.
Lucy raised her wand:" There are the zodiac signs..
I think there are people with zodiac signs incompatible with each other..The other signs instead are suitable for being togheter..
Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "It's supposed to tell you who you are going to be in love with right?" Angel was sure but well she had a funny feeling it was. "It also tells you who you are going to marry."
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Wonderful Answers everyone!
Originally Posted by Emmy
lass was starting. Emmylou flailed at her friends and then gave all of her attention to her favorite professor, she had met her earlier in the term so it was all good. When she had met Professor Cassie she was super nervous about being at a new school and this amazinf professor just welcomed her into her office and was so sweet. Emmylou just loves happy and nice and sweet people. They were her kind of people. Now to the parchments that were going to be read. Emmylou wondered if hers was going to get read. Hmm. She didn't hear hers yet but she snapped happily from the other students that were being read. This was such a great idea.
Poster time. Emmylou knew that poster! She knew what that was. The third years hand darted up into the air. "That's a zodiac poster also known as astrology." The southern girl beamed. "Some people use them for horoscopes and you can see how compatible you are with another person. So we might be using it to see how compatible we are with some of the people in this classroom or to try and get to know them better?" Emmylou finally put her hand down when she had finished talking.
Cassie bounced a bit on her toes and snapped, “YES! It is the Zodica poster. Very good!” First person to answer knew what it was. This was just so exciting. “Horoscopes are the most common use for these signs, yes. Very good thoughts Emmy.” Beaming at the girl she moved on to the next answer.
Originally Posted by Kace
"Professor like Emmy said, it is a zodiac sign poster. It is basically there to tell you what your love life is going to be. It is like a prediction. The moons are there to tell you about your heart matters. It is called Lunar astrology I believe.." he said stopping himself. He felt like he said too much. He wanted others to contribute.
The boy near Emmy answered and she just snapped again, “Very good, yes Zodiac signs can tell you about your love life. They have so many purposes really.” This was great that the students seem to be knowledgeable on the signs. Maybe make the lesson that much more fun.
Originally Posted by Lux
Raising her hand, she replied, "That is a poster for the zodiac and relates to Horoscopes I think. People sometimes use the Astrology signs for compatibility. You know, to see if their sign matches up with someone else's and if they would make a good couple." Personally she didn't really believe in all that Astrology stuff, and she already knew who she was compatible with thank you very much.
Beaming at the next answer, “Very right Lex, good job. Astrology signs are perfect for compatibility, but not just relationship and couples. No, they work for many different types of compatibilities.” She would get into that more later.
Originally Posted by Cinna
Yay class was starting she stopped her slouching and sit straight up and proper like. She looked over at the poster her hand flew up almost as fast as Emmy and Kaces hand did. "It's called compatibly chart. She see which signs are best matched together."
“Very good, it does show compatibility through the signs and the planets. We’ll talk more about that in just a bit.” Giving the girl an encouraging grin. What a great group of students she had. They were just impressing her left and right.
Originally Posted by Jasmine
"The poster shows the different signs of the zodiac. A person's sign is determined by their birthdate. You can tell a lot of different things about a person if you know their zodiac sign.". Jasmine was not exactly sure what they they would be using the chart to determine during today's class.
“Fantastic answer! You can really tell a person by their sign and if you know the signs well enough you can actually tell exactly what a person is by their personality.” She could pick out a person’s sign quicker than anything just by a few short actions by the person.
Originally Posted by Cris
"Professor that poster shows the planets and zodiac signs which are connected with each month of the year. We use this chart to determine what sign and planet we are born under. Each sign and planet has certain characteristics assigned to it, supposedly distinct to you as a person. Some people call it their horoscope while others call it the study of Astrology." Cris shrugged. It really didn't matter either way to him.
"I guess on Valentine's Day, the chart could tell us whom our best match is" Cris quickly glanced over at Jasmine before looking straight ahead, trying to keep himself from smiling. Not like he didn't know already.
[b] “Very good definition of what the chart is Cristoffer. Though a horoscope and the study of Astrology are two different things. Horoscopes are what we get from our signs, where the study of Astorology is so much more. It’s the signs, the alignment of them, the planets involved, personality traits that are given to each. They can determine many more things than just future happenings.
Originally Posted by Grayson
Hex him. Hex him now.
This CLASS. They had to do SNAPS for everyone? WHY?! So people could feel better about how loved up they were? No thank you. And apparently, they were going to continue showing LOVE in this class. Jeez. Bunking this class was starting to sound like a much better idea. Unless, of course, something interesting happened. But right now, the only interesting thing here was the fact that Professor Cassie was a seer.
Yeah. Fine. Snaps for you and you and you. Snaps for ALL of you.
Could they move on? Yes? Thank--
Groan. Were they really going to show some more love in here by learning about this........... compatibility chart or whatever it is that people had called it? WAS it even a compatibility chart or was the decoration making people feel more loved up than they already were? Probably. A part of him thought it would be interesting to see who was compatible with him. A tiny part. One that the Grinch of Valentine's Day side of him was pushing down and keeping shut.
HE was going to offer something. And then the hand went up in the air. "Does the chat tell you what your ruling planet is depending on your star sign?" It was a guess.
Snapping again like she had been doing for all the answers, Cassie turned her eyes on a Slytherin SNACinator. “Partly yes! It does discuss planets and where they align based on our births. We will be getting into that just a little bit today.” They would have to know where certain planets were to find a certain thing out.
[quote=Ethan] After taking another sip of his tea, Ethan raised his hand to answer. “Professor? Will we be…predicting our fate today?”Because, Valentine’s Day? In all seriousness though, this class could be fun. The Professor and this school deemed that this branch of magic is worth learning, but if the majority doesn’t take this class seriously, then they might as well get the fun out of it, yes?
Looking towards another Slytherin boy, ummm the name would come to her. “We won’t be predicting our fates per say today, but we will be using these signs for something we will be learning about.” She grinned before turning to the next student. As eager as she was to say what they were doing she wanted to keep some things a surprise for now.
Originally Posted by Mackenzie
Mack's eyes continued to shift around the room "I could easily run out and grab that can of black spray paint then fix this awful color." Okay, so Professor Cassie, she seems nice all except this horrid excuse for a color. "Oh a puffer, what are hufflepuffs even good at?!"
Oh JOY this PINKcup. Mackenzie was seriously going to throw up..
Seriously the blonde was really really wanting to like Professor Cassie but between the pink and talking about love... Anyway moving on.
Staring at the poster Mack smiled "It's a horoscope poster, it will show you which of the other signs you best fit with in love. "
“Yes it can show us which signs best fir with love, but signs are so much more than that as well.” Her passion was in Astrology and it showed through her enthusiasm as she bounced around the class. “Good thoughts though, keep those in mind a little later.” Giving the young lion a wink she moved on to the next student.
Originally Posted by Bay
He just had to hold back a chuckle because Professor Morgan had mention his note… heeee heeee heeee. hearing all the snaps he thought it was awesome to join in.. snap, snap, snap
ohhh another piece of paper.. Bay looked at it and he knew what he was looking at, he raised his hand "Professor Cassie…. these are the Zodiac signs.." he felt proud to know so much about what he was looking at.. but if his mother was here she would hit him upside the head because she read this stuff all the time.
Snaps for you Bay, “Yes they are the zodiac signs. So wonderful aren’t they?” She glanced over at the poster and beamed. This was just so fun and she had thought over this lesson so many times. Knowing it was what she was meant to teach today.
Originally Posted by Zander
The poster? It looked like a bunch of chinese symbol to be honest. But Zander recognized them from some of the magazines his mom would read. "They can be used for horoscopes right? They always have a section in magazines about your horoscope and future stuff." Future stuff? Who would've thought? In divination. What a surprise. Brilliant answer Zander, just brilliant.
“Yes, yes horoscopes can be found in magazines most of the time. It’s so fun to go looking for them and see what happens.” She highly enjoyed browsing the signs at the end of her gossip columns she adored reading.
Originally Posted by Lex
At the question, Lex looked up again. The chart from earlier with the astrology signs. Astrology signs, Airey didn't believe in those. Did Professor Smiles know that? "It's what Professor Airey would call blasphemy at its finest Professor." That's what it was. They weren't real. She didn't think that the month she was born or a planet somewhere out in the galaxy dictated her behaviour. She simply did what she wanted.
Her green eyes focused on the Prefect and she laughed, “Oh nonsense Professor Flamsteed is a very knowledgeable man, I don’t think he’d say something so unprofessional and inaccurate about someone else’s profession and subject.” That wasn’t very nice of her or him if he did, but no bother to each their own opinions.
Originally Posted by Penelope
She looked at the poster that the professor put up. It had zodiac signs and planet names on it. "Those are zodiac signs. In astrology they can be used for predicting stuff in people's lives."
Oh the SNACinator she took to the Hospital Wing, yes Pamela was it? “Very good, very good. Horoscopes and other predictions do come from our Zodiac Signs. So much you can do with them.” These answers were just lovely.
Originally Posted by Mo
He eyed the chart as the professor talked, trying to ignore how she was bubbly and a little silly and trying to teach them astrology, which was frankly insulting. This was a real class, y'know?
Still, he raised his hand. "Professor, the symbols in the third and fifth column are astrological symbols and are a pictorial representation of each of the object named in the preceding column. Some of them represent the object directly, like the moon and the sun, and some represent the mythological tale the planet or zodiac sign is named for, like how the Venus symbol represents the goddess's hand mirror." That was factual, at least.
Turning towards an older boy Cassie beamed and snapped for him. He did seem to know his stuff now didn’t he. “Very good, wonderful answer. The moon and sun are very important in where they are aligned in your sign.” A shrill of excitement in her voice as he talked about the names. “The mythological tale is just so fun to learn about, but we won’t be concentrating on that part today.” Pity too, because they were just so fun to hear about.
Originally Posted by AJ
It seemed like the professor was not going to be giving up her snaps anytime soon, but it didn't really bother AJ. She was take a nice professor over a crabby one any day. The use of the word snacinator still made her giggle. The first year refused to look at Adi when the professor talked about relationship statuses.
Looking at the poster, AJ thought that it looked kind of familiar. "Isn't that supposed to tell you who your perfect match is?" Like some signs worked well together whike others didn't.
Looking back to the first year again she smiled, “Yes they can be used for that. Matches and compatibilities are a great use for Zodiac signs.” She never went into a relationship blind and she hoped these smart children wouldn’t either.
Originally Posted by Bev
She raised her hand after collecting herself. "It's a Zodiac chart. The signs are often used as ways to foretell the future for a certain sign or to see what pairings would work out." Not that she knew about that. She was a Leo and Jeremiah was Aries, just FYI.
“It is the Zodiac chart and the signs can be used to tell what’s going to happen in the future or best matches. Very good.” Smarties she had in this class. Maybe she should have brought them all the muggle candy for such a good job. She’s have to in the next class for sure.
Originally Posted by Simon
The Professor was really, really sweet. Like really sweet. Almost Emmylou sweet. Simon blinked for a second and then gave her a shy smile. Simon smirked at Ethan's nudge and then nudged his friend back. Yeah, yeah. Insert an imaginary eye roll here. He took another sip of his tea and listened to the professor ask them what the poster that she had up there was. He raised his hand, "It's a poster with Astrology or zodiac signs on it. The signs are often used with predicting our future based on when we were born. You can often find sections about them in muggle newspapers. Some of the things that you read in those newspapers aren't exactly precise." Some of the sections were just plain rubbish, but he wouldn't phrase it like that.
“Very good, it is a poster for Astrology and Zodiac signs. I love that you all know about the horoscopes, but I shouldn’t be surprised they are such good fun.” She loved giving people their horoscopes. Her day started with her tea readings and horoscopes. Laughing she snapped a bit, “But isn’t the not exactly precise pieces sometimes the most entertaining?” She loved her gossip papers muggle and wizard, not caring if they were truly real, though she assumed most of them were, but either way they were all so fun to read.
Originally Posted by Kevin
Looking at the chart, the Gryffindor decided to just go with the flow. The sooner it was over the better. "Probably to see which zodiac signs would be a match with each other so they could become a potential boyfriend and girlfriend....which is the MOST stupid thing EVER" ...if she believed in THAT then he was out of here.
Still grinning towards the very interesting boy. Giggling at his answer a bit, “We have a frowny face that needs turned upside down it seems. They are great to match people together, but not just for boyfriend and girlfriend purposes. So don’t worry I’m not playing match maker in class today.” At least not on purpose.
Originally Posted by Leah
Leah smiled, and cheered when the professor said that she was a Hufflepuff. It was always good to have more Badgers in the school! She was expecting a fun class this day. The second year was already liking this Divination teacher a lot, and it was Valentine's Day. What could be better? Leah now focused on the lesson.
She studied the poster carefully. Some difficult words and weird drawings. Raising her hand hesitantly, the girl said, "Um, it's related to love?" Yep, that was all she could figure out.
Knowing it was all because of the day, Cassie couldn’t help but giggle more with the next answer. “It certainly could be about love. As I’ve mentioned before though, there are so many other things Zodiac signs can teach you.” Hopefully everyone will find a better understanding of this throughout the lesson.
Originally Posted by Lucy
Lucy raised her wand:" There are the zodiac signs..
I think there are people with zodiac signs incompatible with each other..The other signs instead are suitable for being togheter..
“Very good. Signs are great to see who you might not be very compatible with. Now I’m not saying don’t ever associate with those people, but it helps you become aware of what’s going on.” She beamed at the first year. What fantastic answers from everyone!
Originally Posted by Angel
Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "It's supposed to tell you who you are going to be in love with right?" Angel was sure but well she had a funny feeling it was. "It also tells you who you are going to marry."
Looking at the other twin as she spoke, Cassie smiled a bit. The young girls in the class seemed to be all about relationships. Goodness, she couldn't remember ever being into relationships really, still wasn't all that much, but the thought of romance and forever love was something to get all dreamy about she figured and knew she could get caught up in the heroic moment of an interest. "It can show you more compatibility than who you will fall in love with. There is a huge difference between who we will fall for with our eyes and who our personality should have us fall for." Quick glancing at Nessa, she knew about that. Cassie had warned her that her younger brother was not suited for her. Chuckled to herself a bit she turned to move the class on.
What great answers everyone had! They were just wonderful she was giving them all happy snaps. “As everyone said in one way or another these are Zodiac signs that go along with Astrology. When you are born you are given a sign based on the day you were born, as well as planet alignment, and rising and ascending signs . These signs could tell us so many things about ourselves. From personality to, like some have mentioned, who we are most compatible with. Muggles mostly use these for horoscopes, but we also do in the wizarding world. They are predictions based on the aligning of planets and your signs. Some say it is a load of rubbish, but I believe otherwise.” She believe in the signs very much so.
“Now before we can do anything, you must know your sign and the information around your sign. So we will be making a birth chart first of all. Open your books to page 135 and it will show you all about a birth chart.” She moved pulling out her wand and bringing forward another hand drawn poster. “This is what a birth chart looks like once it is finished.” Pointing towards the chart and then looking back at the students. “Now your chart can be super interesting, but confusing if you don’t know what you are looking for. With all the pieces and different color lines, then the signs and planets. I like to think of it as a pizza with the twelve slices. These slices are houses that help with showing a person’s personality. With me, being a Libra, with my sun sign in the 12th house my personality will be very different than say a person with Libra and the sun sign in the 8th house. So that does mean that two Libra’s are not exactly the same. I know some have said there is no way these signs could be true, because of that reason. The people that say that are only looking at being a Libra, not where their sun sign lies or where any other piece of their birth chart goes.” Lack of knowledge was always why Astrology got such a bad reputation. People only knew signs and not what went into those signs.
As she began walking around the room smiling at all the students and Nessa, who she knew she had done many birth charts for in the past, “Now we could work all term on birth charts and finding out all the different things about our personalities. Though for this lesson we are going to be focusing on three things on your birth chart. The Sun, Mars, and Venus, where they are on your chart, and what signs they are in. First though I want you to take parchment and those wonderful crayons that Professor Glendower allowed us to borrow and make your own birth chart.” Wasn’t that exciting! Birth Charts were so fun to make! Everyone should have them! “I’ll give you fifteen minutes to make your chart, use your book to help with the lines. You need to know your birth town and time of birth, so I hope you all are aware of these things.” If not they would have to try and figure them out or come very close to.
OOC: Sorry that was a little long! Don't stress out about these charts, it's just fun! Don't hand draw or anything like that. Just use the link to make a birth chart! I'm hoping to make another post before bed tonight! Please make sure the link is sending you to the correct place. It is for me, but I was told it wasn't for someone else. It should take you right to a place that says Birth Data Entry. Once you put the information in scroll clear the the bottom where it says chart drawing, ascendant, click on that and it will bring up your birth chart.
Last edited by Bazinga; 06-23-2014 at 08:04 PM.
Reason: adding Angel in..
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Benny had looked to the poster and had been clueless though his classmates seemed well-informed in return. At least some of them. He listened to the answered, taken by surprise when he heard what Angel had to say about it and love. The third year reminded of what she had said to him and not able to keep from feeling unsettled, shifting slightly in his seat. Maybe he should have stayed away from this day.
The professor spoke again and he tried to focus on her and not glance to Angel. Or even to Adi beside him in case his friend noticed something. Hopefully the topic of birth charts was distracting enough. He opened the text to the directed page, greeted with the information they would need to do as she asked...make their own chart.
Oh goodie.
The original circle was uncomplicated enough, it was everything else that was daunting. He had a fudge a few things, especially since he wasn't aware of when exactly on August 26th he was born. But eventually he thought he might have gotten the hang of the calculations and the drawing. At least he hoped he had.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
It might have looked like Adi was only interested in eating cookies but he was paying attention to Professor Morgan. He just disliked when she (and all Professors in general) spoke so much. sometimes he found it hard to follow. And it didn't help when the Pretty in Red lady held up a complicated looking birth chart. It wasn't the first time he saw one of those. Those were pretty popular in Indian culture. Uh huh.
Adi sighed, wondering why in the world Professor Morgan had to choose this topic. As if Valentine's Day wasn't making things complicated already. Trying to avoid looking in AJ's direction at all cost, he prodded Benny lightly on the arm and grinned impishly. "Got your gift for Angel?'' he kidded. Hehe.
Flipping open his text book, Adi began to work on his chart. It wasn't that complicated now that he had instructions to follow. He knew the time he was born because his dad often told him he should have been a morning person since he was born at 5.31 AM. Mornings were not really his time of day though. Soon though, his chart was all done.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Frowny face that needs to be turned upside down?
"Well, good luck with that" Kevin retorted before he began to play with his hat, obviously ignoring the Professor's words. He waited until she was finished with addressing the other students, occasionally eating a cookie and then looked up again to find out they had to ...draw a chart?
MWEEEEEEH..... The boy coughed in his tissue before picking up some of the crayons and flipped the pages of his book until he had the right page in front of him and began to draw.
SPOILER!!: birth chart
When he was finished, the placed the crayons down and checked his chart. He coughed in again and then raised his hand because he had a question. "Does it matter if i use my real name or my name that was given to me in this country?" he asked. "Cause my real name is Kenji, not Kevin" He had already used Kenji in the chart and he WAS NOT going to make a new one!
Alright so the professor moved on with the lesson. When she commented on his answer, he smiled. He was glad he got it right. He might have to thank Belle and Mom later. Even his girlfriend got it right kudos to her. But now onto the activity. They had to create their own birth chart. Well he already knew his birthdate. It was December 22. So that was not an issue. He already knew his birthplace too. This seemed easy. He got his crayons and began to draw and make the lines....
SPOILER!!: Kace's Birth Chart
He even guessed a little bit on his birth time. He didn't know the exact but he rounded up. No a big issue it seemed. If it was the professor would have mentioned it. Once he put his crayons and admired his drawing, it seemed pretty good to him. He smiled and looked at his fellow friends to see if they were doing well on theirs. Or if his looked remotely similar.
Last edited by Expecto-Penguin; 06-24-2014 at 03:38 AM.
Reason: Had to edit the birth year *bad math skills ><""*
Emmylou nodded at Professor Morgan, she got an answer right and she was so proud of herself but not only because of that, she was also proud that she was the first one to answer the question. She wasn't one to get responses back from the any of the professors at Hogwarts. The third year would of course answer the questions in most of her classes but only if she knew or had an idea of what the answer was. This was the first time and she just could help but smile so brightly. As she spoke and praised all the other students Emmylou looked over and Kace and smiled because they were both right and it just made her super happy.
Then there was the next task. Oooh, what did they have to do next? Emmylou bounced happily in her chair. The blonde opened the book to page 135 just as she was instructed to do. Ooooh! Emmylou looked over the page and the page next to it. She had a feeling that this was going to be fun.
They had to make their own birth chart? She hoped that she had gotten that right. So there were just a few questions. Her name, birthdate, birth time, where she was born and some some lines and other things that had be in on the birth chart.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
deep this was kind of like arts and crafts but you got to learn more things about yourself.. Opening his book to the page instructed Bay flipped through as he finally made it there. Reading what he needed to do he filled out the information, like his birthdate, location of birth… and all the rest of the nifty information.
once he had everything he made his chart.
SPOILER!!: Bay's Chart
it looked so professional so all Bay did was smile. Awesome.. now he wondered what they were going to be doing with this chart.. starring at it, he waited for more instructions.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Lex? O__________O
Eyes widening, Lux was tempted to correct Professor Morgan about using the incorrect name, but decided against it. Maybe later she could deal with the issue, but right now it would seem rude maybe. For the moment she would live with being referred to by the wrong name, and it wasn't as if Lex was THAT far off from Lux.
Birth Charts sounded pretty interesting even if she didn't really buy into all this Astrology stuff. It made no sense to her how when she was born and the position of planets could influence her personality and dictate her future. But school work was school work and she was a little curious to see just how much would be coincidentally accurate.
Opening her textbook to the correct page, Lux started to fill out her chart using pretty coloured crayons. Maybe crayons were generally for muggle children, but drawing was fun. Finished, she looked at her work, pleased as to how it had turned out.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Okay, when she spoke about the whole telling who your match thing is, she was referring to a horoscope type thing. AJ had seen her mum reading that on the computer one time. What she saw now was a confusing looking chart. Flipping to the correct page AJ just stared for a moment.
She wondered for a moment if these kind of things can be true. The first year was not one to put too much stock into horoscopes or anything. Picking up her crayons she began to work on her chart. Scribble, scribble, scribble. Done. If it was right or not she couldn't be sure.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
When it came to drawing, Dec was all for it and such, but understanding what astrology was all about, eh not so much. His sister was a big fan of divination, but he was more of an Astronomy kind of guy. He wanted facts, not predictions.
However, he couldn't afford to fail any classes, so off to actually try.
After a few minutes of drawing circles and lots of lines, his chart ended up looking like this:
SPOILER!!: Chart!
All he could see was the perfect diamond in the middle and lot of other different shapes and symbols. Declan guessed the diamond meant he was as bright as a diamond or something?