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Besides one of the arena doors being open for easy access, the arena was locked up tight to keep the winter chill out. That didn't stop the window panels from looking icy however. Lit iron braziers were suspended in midair in each corner of the room to warm it up, but an extra cloak or two couldn't hurt either. Purple mats and the small desks that could pass off as stools were laid evenly in three rows in the middle of the arena. Professor Romanos was currently absent from the room yet her own burgundy mat sat at the front of the class. Please, come in! Take a seat. Try to keep warm.
OOC: Class has begun! If you're just now joining us, please don't post arriving late. Just jump in with the rest of us as if you've been here the entire time.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi knew he was one of those persons constantly mixing up the Cold Ones and Skygge. But he couldn't help it. They were almost similar to him. But he thought of the differences as best as he could before raising his hand.
"The Cold Ones are formed when witches or wizard lay buried deep in the snow that was laced with the potion while the Skygge is formed by freezing the heart.'' If Adi remembered correctly. He knew something about freezing the heart was mentioned in the first lesson.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Jotting down notes, she was still a little confused with everything that the professor was going on about. AJ was just hoping that this boring part of the lesson would be over and that they would be able to blow something up like the last time.
"Professor you mentioned the eyes being icy blue, is that something that differs with the cold ones too?" She couldn't remember if she had noted the eye color of the cold ones before.
Kace was glad that he was semi on the right track. He heard the other student's answers as well and they all seemed logical. He heard the professor move on and wanted to know what the differences between the two. Kace snorted and thought it was obvious but he heard student's answers and apparently not. He raised his hand and said, "Professor I agree with my buddy Adi over here. The cold ones are formed with a potion, there bodies are laid out there to be freezing cold, hence the name "The Cold Ones" and the Skygge is formed by freezing of the heart. Which I think is very cruel to have a cold heart." he shrugged adding a little humor in there.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: I forgot to mention Cutty before sorry sorry <3
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
Now was a good time to mess with Grayson. Cutty snuck over to Grayson and poked his fingertips into the chest area over where the heart would be, like a cat swatting at a fly. He then looked down at page from the Quibbler as if he'd done nothing. He was in SUCH an annoying mood today.
................. What was Cutty Mordaunt doing?
Grayson STARED down at his chest where Cutty's fingertips had been a moment before. It HAD been there. He wasn't going mad. Nuh uh. The fingertips had gone into his chest area and Grayson, a minute or so later, placed his hand over that area too. And then he looked over at Cutty with a look of mild confusion spread across his face. Was he trying to turn him into a Skygge?
.................. Probably not. Cutty wouldn't do that.
ANYWAYS. Back to the lesson because it WAS interesting. Especially considering the fact that magic WAS a key factor in all of this. HA! Look who felt smart now. He did. And notes WERE going to be taken on this because he wanted to know as much of this info as possible. It was just a very cool subject, even if there was a chance that Hogwarts could be taken over by the Skygge.
A difference between the Skygge and the Cold Ones? HMMMMM. On of the differences had been mentioned before soooooo he was going to go with something a little different. "Do they look different, too? Maybe the Cold Ones are more, or look more, frozen over since the Skygge are a sub-division of them." And the Skygge probably came around afterwards.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
All this cold one talk was making Zander all cold again. The Gryffindor glanced down at the article they were given in search of an answer for the next question... Uh... But it's not in here? He waited a bit to hear some of the answers from other students and then nodded in agreement as a Slytherin girl gave an answer. Yeah, that one sounded like she knew what she was talking about.
"Yeah Professor, I'm going with the frozen heart thingy." Why did he even bother to show up to class today.... May Merlin have mercy on his poor soul.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris listened attentively even as he copied down what Professor Romanos had to say. Then she posed another question, which he spent some time thinking on. Then he waited patiently for the others to share their answers before he raised his hand to answer.
"Professor, the Cold Ones have a way of protecting themselves. They have a shield around them that makes it hard for people to get close to their cold hearts. The Skygge, who were the ones the Cold Ones infected by their touch, don't have such a protective shield. I'm assuming it's because unlike the Cold Ones who were once magical folk, the Skygge could be any human. There's also a difference in their name. The Cold Ones are called Døde Sjeler in Norwegian, while the Skygge are just called the Skygge," Cris guessed.
Well he knew what the other differences were, but they had already been mentioned by the other students.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
Jotting down notes, she was still a little confused with everything that the professor was going on about. AJ was just hoping that this boring part of the lesson would be over and that they would be able to blow something up like the last time.
"Professor you mentioned the eyes being icy blue, is that something that differs with the cold ones too?" She couldn't remember if she had noted the eye color of the cold ones before.
"Not necessarily. This is one trait they in fact both share. Forgive me if I had not mentioned that fact before vith the Cold Ones. So yes, keep in mind everyone, both the Cold Ones and Skygge haff icy blue eyes." Along with plenty of other icy features.
Taking a moment to stretch her legs out in front of her, wiggling her toes within her boots to get the circulation going, she nodded when the remaning students gave their answers. "Right. Good. Two points for everyone who answered. Their differences include their creation, their appearance, and their abilities. Thank you Mister Strand, for mentioning the last. Granted, ve haffn't gone over vot a Skygge is capable of as of yet, however, I kept hearing a few of you mention shield magic ven discussing the Skygge. This is solely applied to the Cold Ones."
Though she was rather pleased with how much they were remembering as it were. "Ve're going to be doing some spellvork shortly, so if you'd like to start stretching a little vhile sitting or standing, go ahead. Don't overstretch yourself please though. Injuries are not uncommon ven it is as chilled as it is."
"Moving on to the Skygge's abilities. They are slower than the Cold Ones, just as fast as any human, yet, they are stronger with their physical strength...And much like the zombies that you know, they crave human flesh." Rooooll the ankles. Steeetch! "Unlike the Cold Ones however, the only magic they posses is vot makes them the Skygge. There are no shields ve need to go through, nor tricks up their sleeves that ve need to votch out for. They are, for lack of better vords, the Cold Ones minions. Though you vouldn't particularly vont to find yourself surrounded by them, despite their lack of intelligence that the Cold Ones posses."
Pausing, she stood up to stretch her back. "Vith this in mind, vould anyone like to venture a guess on vot spells vould vork against them?"
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Ice and magic were not a good combination. Yet another reason why people needed to stay away from places like Antarctica but then she didn't supposed that was possible when you had those among them adamant they have to see the desolation themselves before they truly believe there's no one else living down there. You wanna go hang with polar bears and cozy up with seals that's fine but everything's in the ice these days. You just can't trust it. Lie in a large freezer if it bugs you that much being away from the cold.
And you know what? Lex was getting the same impression the Professor was. Of course she herself wasn't getting them confused, not after the extensive notes she'd taken on them but it was just a feeling she couldn't shake.
The Gryffindor glanced around at the others. They'd already answered...would she still get two points for making her own attempt? It'd be a bummer if only the first answer go it and she wasted her time offering up her own thoughts. A right waste if she really thought about it. Evidently the Cold Ones are the ones who stuck their nose where nature didn't put them--the ones that got what was coming to them for poor thinking and further poor planning. The Skygges are the ones the Cold Ones decided to 'share' their gift with. The ones who were turned by the Cold Ones through the heart freezing.
"Couldn't regular blasting spells work on them Professor? I'm guessing they wouldn't need fire to the heart to weaken them if they aren't as advanced as the Cold Ones." Just a guess...because Lex liked blasting spells. Could you tell?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris breathed a sigh of relief glad to hear that he had guessed correctly. So cool, the Skygge didn't have protective shields, so one would assume that they would be easier to bring down. However, Cris didn't want to presume that. He knew from experience that looks could be deceiving.
So he spent some time thinking about the possibilities before raising his hand.
"Professor, would the Impediment Jinx or the Freezing Charm work on them? I mean if they can't move, they can't chase after us, right." Cris hazarded a guess.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Ugh, spellwork? Normally Lux was all over that, but the cold was starting to make her a little sleepy. Stupid cold, if it could go away now it would be awesome. But the idea of stretching was nice, especially when she wasn't required to get up in order to do so.
While getting her muscles loosened up, Lux listened to what Professor had to say. Shame she missed out on those two points, but what could you do. It wasn't as if she couldn't get some from doing the homework. And points were just points. More important was the fact that she was starting to wake up again. Aaaah, lovely.
Raising her hand, she offered a guess. "Fire spells? But you wouldn't need to use a flaming arrow since they don't have that protective shield." Though flaming arrows sounded cooler than just a plain Incendio.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
They both had icy blue eyes... got it. AJ made a note of that on her parchment. For some reason this was talking a long time to sink into her mind even though it was pretty fascinating stuff.
Stretch? Sure, why not? She jumped up and put her hands on her hips. Stretch to the right, and back to the left. AJ did the same movements, but this time with her head. Ahh! She actually did feel better.
Thinking about the next question, she wasn't too sure. Mainly because she wasn't that versed with the whole spell thing anyways. "Ventus, perhaps!" It was the first thing that came to mind since she had already used that spell once in another class.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine was still feeling uncomfortable with the topic of conversation, but it was probably better to be knowledgeable than clueless about the Skygge and Cold Ones. As the Professor instructed, she began to stretch her muscles in preparation for the spells they would soon be practicing.
Speaking of spells, Jasmine tried to think of what spells might be effective against the Skygge. Raising her hand, Jasmine took a stab at answering. "Professor, would a stunning spell work against the Skygge?" If not, it would be important to know so one wouldn't waste time with that spell.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Hmm the students were making great points which only made the professor move faster. He didn't even have time for his daily classroom doodles. He looked up from his book and heard the professor ask a question. Hmm it was a good one. He raised his hand and then Lux stole his answer. He would agree with his fellow puff.
"Professor I agree with Lux over here. I think we should use like a fire spell. I mean they are called cold ones after all." It seemed logical right? It seemed to Kace. Let's see what the professor said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Hmmm. What spells would work against the Skygge? One thing stuck out to Adi from what Professor Romanos said. Their intelligence. Thinking that perhaps that had something to do with the spell answer, he raised a hand.
"Maybe simple spells like the Stunning Spell or Trip Jinx, Professor, since they're not that brilliant,'' Adi said.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Mo had been confused, even though he'd had the two Dark creatures clear last class. He scratched his head before re-tackling his notes, detailing all the differences his classmates noted. Definitely NOT going to make this mistake again. Embarrassing, that.
When they were invited to stand up and stretch, Mo hopped to immediately, rolling out his joints and stretching the muscles that had grown stiff with cold. It was terribly cold, actually, and it didn't matter whether they were inside or outside. It was miserable all the way around.
"Would it work to just set them on fire, Professor?" 'Cause all the good answers were taken anyway.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Stretch??? Um sure... Arista bounced up and stretched to the right and then back to the left. And then she made circles with her arms after all they were going to be doing some spell work and arms was a very important aspect to that.
Thinking about the next question, she wasn't too sure. Think, she tapped her head. She didn't know many spells so she was going to see the first one that came to mind. "Professor what about," thinking of a spell she said that quickly. "Avada Kedavra." WAIT WHAT!!! Sigh she had said it no going back. No one judge her, she didn't know how to answer anyway. But she guessed it was better then Scourgify, the second spell to pop up in her mind.
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
As terrifying as this lesson sounded it was very cool and interesting at the same time. She hadn't spoken at all in the lesson yet. Mostly because she didn't really understand the topic of these skygges? thing. But listening to the others. She agreed that fire spells made since.
"What about a freezing spell?" It sounded strange but you know they say fight fire with fire. How about fight ice with ice. If not she was totally agreeing with the fire spells people. Yep.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Stretching? He had never really stretch for a spell before... Maybe that's why it always took a couple tries? Because he didn't stretch first? Man! Someone shoulda really told him this a while ago.
Zander spared no time and started stretching right away! Mustn't waste any valuable stretching time. The more stretching the better the spell work? Right? Or is that not how magic works... Well either way, he was stretching now. First the left hand. Then the right. Now stretch the back. To the side. "Couldn't you just use a simple stunning spell? Or maybe even a confundo or something?" They were dim, right?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
The skygge were not as intelligent as cold ones and did not have magic or a protective shield. Would defeating them be like cold ones without the flaming arrow to break the shield? "Professor, could you defeat the skygge with reducto? If they are like cold ones, but without the protective shield, would you just have to skip the flaming arrow?" Penelope thought about the differences between cold ones and skygge. Without the shield, it would just be one less step, right?
"Not necessarily. This is one trait they in fact both share. Forgive me if I had not mentioned that fact before vith the Cold Ones. So yes, keep in mind everyone, both the Cold Ones and Skygge haff icy blue eyes." Along with plenty of other icy features.
Taking a moment to stretch her legs out in front of her, wiggling her toes within her boots to get the circulation going, she nodded when the remaning students gave their answers. "Right. Good. Two points for everyone who answered. Their differences include their creation, their appearance, and their abilities. Thank you Mister Strand, for mentioning the last. Granted, ve haffn't gone over vot a Skygge is capable of as of yet, however, I kept hearing a few of you mention shield magic ven discussing the Skygge. This is solely applied to the Cold Ones."
Though she was rather pleased with how much they were remembering as it were. "Ve're going to be doing some spellvork shortly, so if you'd like to start stretching a little vhile sitting or standing, go ahead. Don't overstretch yourself please though. Injuries are not uncommon ven it is as chilled as it is."
"Moving on to the Skygge's abilities. They are slower than the Cold Ones, just as fast as any human, yet, they are stronger with their physical strength...And much like the zombies that you know, they crave human flesh." Rooooll the ankles. Steeetch! "Unlike the Cold Ones however, the only magic they posses is vot makes them the Skygge. There are no shields ve need to go through, nor tricks up their sleeves that ve need to votch out for. They are, for lack of better vords, the Cold Ones minions. Though you vouldn't particularly vont to find yourself surrounded by them, despite their lack of intelligence that the Cold Ones posses."
Pausing, she stood up to stretch her back. "Vith this in mind, vould anyone like to venture a guess on vot spells vould vork against them?"
Stretching. Yes. It meant she could move about and hopefully warm her muscles and everything else. Stretching her legs in front of her she reached her toes with her fingers. Oh. That felt nice.
Rolling her shoulders and listening to what was being said Beverly considered everything. These Skygge didn't have protective shields like the Cold Ones did, which made them more vulnerable, or one would think it did. Yet, they weren't technically alive so... How do you kill something that's already dead?
Raising her hand, though, she took a guess. "Maybe a combination of spells. Impedimenta to slow them down, then a fire spell." Possibly, though, she DID have a question. Rolling her wrist, still in the air, she added, "Professor, lets say the Cold Ones were defeated and the Skygge had no one to control it, would they wander aimlessly or vanish on their own?" Drop REALLY dead without the Cold Ones.
Thank Merlin, they were going to do some spell work because he was getting kinda bored with the talk about Cold Ones and Skygge's. He was all about getting into the action.
Pushing off the mat, Michael began to do a few stretches starting with his quads and calf muscles. He paused for a moment to listen to the Professor and he raised his hand in the air. "I agree with Lex. A good old blasting should do the trick."
Angel looked at the Professor. "Professor there's the incendio spell" Angel wasn't sure about using it but well it was a fire spell and would be awesome to practice.
Nigel just listened and moved around a bit whenever he got stiff and cold. He was not in the mood to stand up and start stretching like they were doing yoga or anything. All the answers he was thinking were said already. No surprise there. But whatever he thought of one.
"The Deprimo Charm?"
If not then he would just go back to listeneing and daydreaming about the Warm Ones. It was to cold to think about Cold Ones or Skygge.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.