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Besides one of the arena doors being open for easy access, the arena was locked up tight to keep the winter chill out. That didn't stop the window panels from looking icy however. Lit iron braziers were suspended in midair in each corner of the room to warm it up, but an extra cloak or two couldn't hurt either. Purple mats and the small desks that could pass off as stools were laid evenly in three rows in the middle of the arena. Professor Romanos was currently absent from the room yet her own burgundy mat sat at the front of the class. Please, come in! Take a seat. Try to keep warm.
OOC: Class has begun! If you're just now joining us, please don't post arriving late. Just jump in with the rest of us as if you've been here the entire time.
Lucy walked into the Dueling Arena..
Professor Romanos was not here yet!
Brrrrrrrrr....It was cold....
Lucy wrapped herself up tightly in her cloak..She smiled at her classmates!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi was only too happy to be distracted from his thoughts by the arrival in the form of his best friend. "Hey, Benny! How's it going?'' It was great that they were friends again. "Speech okay?'' He still hadn't told his friend that it was he who made him babble nonsense.
Adi turned to the sound of another voice calling his name. "Hey, Leah! How are you?'' It had been a while since he had gotten to hang out with the girl. In the meanwhile, he drew his cloak tighter around him. Even a jacket and cloak were not enough to fight off the immense cold.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Okay, so it was C-O-L-D around here!
Sophie did NOT feel like coming to class, but she didn't exactly have a say so in that matter. She either showed up or got detention or failed or whatever it was that happened when you didn't come to class. She looked around for the professor, but the woman didn't seem to be here.
... WAIT.
So did the professor skip class?! COOL!
Sophie doubted that was true, and so she ventured further into the area and just waited around for something to happen. Maybe a NUNDU would come up, and she could have her MOMENT of glory!
Cinnamon had about had it with this cold weather. Cold weather was old. Winter was only good for snowballs fights, snowman building and sledding. You can only do so much of that before that becomes boring.
She pulled her cloak tighter around her as she rounded the corner to the door. When she entered the classroom the first thing noticed was no professor. She was sure she was close by somewhere. So she went on and found a seat close to her friends. Waving to them.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine walked into the Dueling Arena feeling cold. That was pretty much her constant state these days. She was disappointed that it didn't really feel any warmer in the room and she was glad for the extra layers she had put on under her uniform.
Seeing some familiar faces, Jasmine waved at Lux, Lucy and Adi. Cris got a wave and her biggest smile. She looked around, but the Professor was nowhere to be seen. Finding an empty mat, Jasmine plopped down on it, dropping her book bag beside her. She didn't know if sitting still was a good idea. She might need to practice some of the Professor's yoga moves to get warm. Hopefully class would start soon and help take her mind off of the cold.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Angel was really cold, but she wasn't going to say anything to the Professor they were all crazy and trying to kill them, surely there should have been a fire in this place with a nice cup of hot coco for them all but at the minute she was sure none of the Professors thought about their students that much to make sure they were warm.
"Good day Professor." Angel gave a small smile, she couldn't wait to see what they would be learning today, she just hoped that it would be something good.
Jeremiah walked into the classroom with an extra robe in hand, taking the cold warning quite seriously. Jeremiah was not a fan of the cold, no he wasnt. This was why he prefered the beach. Walking into the cold room he shivered a bit and pushed his hair over his ears, it was a good bonus to lobg hair. Glancing around the room he didnt spot the professor so he shuffled to the closest seat he found open and shivered. BRING BACK THE HEAR.
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Bay walked into the class room all excited for another lesson. he found his friends and went to go sit beside them "hey everyone" he said as he noticed that Professor Romanos wasn't in the room.
"hey babe" he said to Lux as he smiled down at her and gave her a wink.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
So many people were coming in now. It was amazing. Kace, Adi, Grayson, Zander, Lily, Cinnamon, Jasmine, Angel, and Bay each got a friendly wave and smile. It was awesome to have friends sit by you in class. Lux couldn't wait for the class to start.
"Hey, my Lion." Winking back at him she continued to warm herself up. Aaaah. "This hot air spell is saving my life this term." Was Bay cold? She sure hoped not!
It was COLD. Beverly Wayne did NOT approve of it. Walking into the DADA classroom, rubbing her hands down her arms hoping the friction would create much heat, she wondered why nobody has cast heating charms around the castle. The adults were slacking while she was freezing.
Cold and grumpy, she went to take a seat.
Flop. Grunt. Right next to her boyfriend on the same mat.
She was cold and he was always warm, so there. She'd move when Professor Romanos made her presence. For the meantime...
It was COLD. Beverly Wayne did NOT approve of it. Walking into the DADA classroom, rubbing her hands down her arms hoping the friction would create much heat, she wondered why nobody has cast heating charms around the castle. The adults were slacking while she was freezing.
Cold and grumpy, she went to take a seat.
Flop. Grunt. Right next to her boyfriend on the same mat.
She was cold and he was always warm, so there. She'd move when Professor Romanos made her presence. For the meantime...
"Hi, Boyfriend."
Cooooooold, he was chilly and he didnt like it. With his extra cloak on his lap he kept his face down and his hair covering his face as the chill swept over him.
"Why is it so... whaa! "Somone was halfway on top of him and before he had anytime to get angry he heard the greeting. Girlfrieeend! Looking up he smiled at her with chattering teeth. "Hi.... are you cold?" He noted her arm rubbing and put his extra cloak on her. She could use it.
Cooooooold, he was chilly and he didnt like it. With his extra cloak on his lap he kept his face down and his hair covering his face as the chill swept over him.
"Why is it so... whaa! "Somone was halfway on top of him and before he had anytime to get angry he heard the greeting. Girlfrieeend! Looking up he smiled at her with chattering teeth. "Hi.... are you cold?" He noted her arm rubbing and put his extra cloak on her. She could use it.
She surprised him, again. Hehe. Beverly shot him a smirk, and before she could answer Jeremiah had already put his cloak on her. Inner giddy! She's wearing her boyfriend's cloak.
"Thanks," she said, sliding her arms into the sleeves. See, warm. Noting his shivering, she hooked her arm around his. "I think the adults are slacking again," she muttered. Last term they had failed to find a cure to rapid aging. It was all thanks to St. Mungos' healers that they were back to their youthful selves.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris smiled and waved as he saw more of his friends entering the Dueling Arena. "Hey Adi, hey Jasmine" he greeted both of his friends.
Then he saw Lux and then Bay and he waved to the both of them. He missed talking and chatting with these two but he knew being a couple and all, that they sometimes liked their own privacy, and Cris respected that. He hoped though that he would be able to chat with them soon.
Brrrr...could we warm up this place soon, Cris thought to himself.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 06-21-2014 at 10:45 PM.
Reason: Correcting grammatical errors.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
With a little extra jog in her step, she turned the corner into the arena, sniffling slightly. Ahem. Goodness, may have to take a visit to Cece to catch whatever this was before it progressed into a full on cold. Dear Merlin. Perhaps her students were lucky enough to not catch anything? She'd keep her distance just to be sure.
"Dobro outro, class." she spoke in an apologetic tone that matched her expression. No watch. No track of time. "I had to make extra copies of these articles. Lost a little bit of time, so, let's get started. Please take a seat on a mat. Or...sit near the fire if you vish. Just as long as you're paying attention and can hear me."
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris quickly grabbed hold of the parchment as Professor Romanos floated them over to each of the students and quickly read it. The first thing that caught his eye was the drawing. It looked like a mummy...or a ZOMBIE!!
The next thing that caught his eye was that the article was from the Quibbler. Cris hated to admit it but he liked reading that paper. Sure it posted some pretty controversial stuff but at least whomever was writing it, was honest about what they were writing about...at least that was his opinion.
Cris quickly read through the article. Wait! the Skygge? Weren't those the beings that used to be humans until the Cold Ones, the Døde Sjeler, had touched and infected them? Cris quickly raised his hand to confirm his suspicions.
"Professor, the article mentions the Skygge. Are those the poor humans who were infected by the Cold Ones? The ones you mentioned in our last class?" Cris asked with great concern.
Someone has had a busy day. Romanos looked a little out of breath coming into the room. She should had taken her time. Can't have a injured Professor and get class off because she was in the Hospital Wing.
Can Never Have That.
Nigel was not really curious as to the why. But having a piece of newspaper levitated to you was a lot easier than going up to get it. Just fact from someone lazy and cold. Oh, it was about the thing they learned last class. Even had a picture of one. If you could call it that. Could be a fake, Nigel was skeptical.
And no, Nigel did not want to waste time writing a Skygge defense guide and owl it to the Quibbler. No, Thank You. He had better ways to waste his time. Like fixing his hair, starfishing, or napping.
All sounded better.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
He had taken a seat near Maddie and Kyroh (as always, who else would he sit with?), but he hadn't been as clever as the latter in snagging a mat to use as a blanket. Which was a REALLY smart thing to do before they were all occupied, as they were now. 'Cause it was freeeezing.
No one had told him he'd be needing his scarf in an INDOOR class.
Wanting to move closer to the fire but resisting the urge, Dima instead took one of the articles being passed around. Skygge?
Was he supposed to remember what that was....?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Oh, there was Professor Romanos now. Layla turned her attention from glaring at the ice to the professor and........what was this now? Plucking the article from the air in front of her, she quickly gave it a once over. An article from the Quibbler? She would've just dismissed it (as the Quibbler's penchant towards outrageous stories was legend even in America), but there was just something about this story that rang true to her. Maybe it was seeing the zombies in Peru?
But this really didn't affect them, aside from worrying about anyone crazy enough to live in Antarctica. Unless.......... "Professor Romanos, do you think that this unusual winter we're having could draw these," Layla paused to check the article again for the name, "Skygge here?" Well, someone had to ask. "Or some other zombie type creature?" Because why else would a professor pass out an article like this with no explanation whatsoever?
Were they living out the zombie apocalypse? Somebody get her a torch!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
THERE was Romanos!
Correction: there was a sniffling Romanos.
Oh Merlin. Grayson was very much regretting his decision to sit near the front. Merlin, if this woman had a cold and she ends up passing it onto them, he was NOT going to be happy. No. Even if she DID teach a very cool subject where they got to lean about a special type of zombie and how to fight them. AND they had gotten free sweets at the end of the previous lesson. How brilliant had that been?
But speaking of zombies, it looked like they were still on the topic of the Cold Ones.
Oh Merlin. Oh MAN. What?!
Despite the cold, the fourteen year old had still managed to grab a piece of parchment as quick as anything and read the first thin that popped out to him: the part about the Skygge being spotted. Er. He skim-read the rest of the article, his eyebrows furrowing even more. This was still BRILLIANT, dot get him wrong, it was just a little sudden. He wanted to fight these buggers but he wanted to be older, tougher and, frankly, more brilliant than he already was.
Just as he was going to raise his hand to ask a VERY important question, someone went ahead and beat him to it. Good. He didn't care. He just wanted an answer. He HAD to know, mkay? It was a matter of life and death. Pretty much.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Oh looky. Here cam Professor Romanos. That meant class was getting started pretty soon. Well now, in fact. Adi stuck out his hand to collect the parchment that floated towards him. He studied it.
Skygge? That name rang a bell. What were those things again? He was very much sure Romanos mentioned something about them during the last lesson. Shadow, the word meant if he remembered correctly. Adi waited with a bit of impatience for Romanos to get started.
Emmylou could have sworn that she didn't Professor Romanos in the classroom at first. Was she just really that early to class? Emmylou hung out around the classroom before looking around for her friends. The blonde third year noticed her friends and smiled walking over towards them. Emmy looked at Bay, Cinna, Lux and the BOYFRIENDKACE "Hey ya'll." She gave them a wave. The third year got a cold chill and looked around, her shortness was really messing with her in this class today. Then Professor Romanos walked into the classroom. Emmylou looked over at the professor. Good so Emmylou wasn't to short today because the Professor really wasn't in here at first. Emmylou looked over at her friends to see where they were going to sit so she could follow them. Oooh, paper, parchment whatever it was called and it was floating. EEEEPPP, floating paper. Emmylou looked down at the parchment and began to read it. It seemed like they were talking about zombies or something along those lines. Emmylou shrugged and read through the article again. "Skygge?" Emmylou half whispered to herself, thinking out loud. "Zombies?" Does it really matter what they called them. BRAAAAAINNNS.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Kace was glad he was sitting near the fire. He noticed the professor was sniffling and looked like she had a cold. He was getting warmer and then he noticed Emmy and his heart skipped a beat. He nodded towards her and did a little hand wave. He mouth "Hello" while the professor was handing out the article. As it plopped on his desk, he read it. Wait a minute....Skygge? He kept reading and they seemed more like zombies to him. Like sort of like ice zombies. The professor didn't ask any questions so he kept on reading.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Kyroh didn't know what the article was talking about, because he couldn't read it. His hand that was holding the article was shaking too much. IT WAS TOO COLD. The boy placed the article on the ground giving up.
Too cold for this.
"Psssst Dima, d'know want to come under my yoga blanket?" Kyroh whispered to the other boy. Did Maddie want to too? DID THAT BOY OVER THERE WHO PLAYED THE GRANDMA WANT TO!? Cause, you know, the more people under his blanket the more warm they would be. Body warmth and everything, it was true, Kyroh had read about it.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: FireboltAvis88; lazykitty
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Cris quickly grabbed hold of the parchment as Professor Romanos floated them over to each of the students and quickly read it. The first thing that caught his eye was the drawing. It looked like a mummy...or a ZOMBIE!!
The next thing that caught his eye was that the article was from the Quibbler. Cris hated to admit it but he liked reading that paper. Sure it posted some pretty controversial stuff but at least whomever was writing it, was honest about what they were writing about...at least that was his opinion.
Cris quickly read through the article. Wait! the Skygge? Weren't those the beings that used to be humans until the Cold Ones, the Døde Sjeler, had touched and infected them? Cris quickly raised his hand to confirm his suspicions.
"Professor, the article mentions the Skygge. Are those the poor humans who were infected by the Cold Ones? The ones you mentioned in our last class?" Cris asked with great concern.
Oh no...they're heeerrreeee!!
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Oh, there was Professor Romanos now. Layla turned her attention from glaring at the ice to the professor and........what was this now? Plucking the article from the air in front of her, she quickly gave it a once over. An article from the Quibbler? She would've just dismissed it (as the Quibbler's penchant towards outrageous stories was legend even in America), but there was just something about this story that rang true to her. Maybe it was seeing the zombies in Peru?
But this really didn't affect them, aside from worrying about anyone crazy enough to live in Antarctica. Unless.......... "Professor Romanos, do you think that this unusual winter we're having could draw these," Layla paused to check the article again for the name, "Skygge here?" Well, someone had to ask. "Or some other zombie type creature?" Because why else would a professor pass out an article like this with no explanation whatsoever?
Were they living out the zombie apocalypse? Somebody get her a torch!
Oh my, questions already and she hadn't even sat down yet.
Achy muscles. Must sit down. "That...is unclear." she spoke, acknowledging Layla's question first as she made herself somewhat comfortable on her burgundy mat. Oh, brr. Cold. "Though I do know there are a variety of creatures that are attracted to cold temperatures, both magical and mundane."
Would they have four legged visitors here at hogwarts? Or perhaps...eight legged?
"You are correct, Mister Strand. These are indeed the ones I've mentioned in our previous lesson." Nodding towards the Hufflepuff, she finally took quick notice to see just who else had joined their lesson. Quite a lot, considering the chilliness. Gold stars for everyone. "The article you all should haff in hand is from an issue of the Quibbler from quite a long vhile ago, in 2048. Though it's the photograph that i found most fascinating. Not the illustration at the bottom, but the actual image in the middle of the page. Even from the distance, you can see they aren't at all rotting nor disfigured as you'd normally see in the zombies you imagine."
"Does anyone remember a fact or two about the Cold Ones or Skygge from the previous lesson and homevork?"
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
AJ snagged the parchment that came floating down to her. She looked at the picture and skimmed the article. She heard Cris say that they had talked about the Skygge, but she mut have zoned out for that part because she didn't remember that.
Cold ones, cold ones... why did her mind have to go blank right now? Trying to picture her notes she shot her had in the air. "They get their names because they are literally cold." Captain obvious over here.