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Need a refreshing break after all of those energizing activities? Or are you here to just watch the excitement? Grab a drink, munch on some snacks from the tables provided, and take a seat to see what your friends are up to. These seats have a particularly super view of the Butterfly Hunting zone! Drinks available include water, energy drinks, pumpkin juice - all alongside a range of nibbles including sandwiches and delicious cakes! Mmmmmmm!!
Don't stay here for long, though. We wanna see you breakin' a sweat out there!
Olly didn't like this being snowed in thing one bit. This idea of a Prefect event wasn't exactly her thing either, though. But seeing as there was literally nothing else to do she'd decided to go anyway. Plus, spending time with friends was a good thing. Especially since she'd neglected to do so a lot this term. So here she was. At the thing. With Józsua. Trying to look like she enjoyed herself.
".......let's go there first."
Yes, there was food 'there'. Or 'here' now since she'd immediately come over to where she'd just pointed. From here they could check out the available activities AND eat and drink something at the same time. Win win, yeah? Maybe there WAS something that looked like fun. Maybe. She hadn't seen anything yet but there was still hope. She was going to be optimistic about this.
Was that......were those energy drinks? Olly frowned at them for a moment before reaching for a cup and filling it with pumpkin juice. Well then.
Olly didn't like this being snowed in thing one bit. This idea of a Prefect event wasn't exactly her thing either, though. But seeing as there was literally nothing else to do she'd decided to go anyway. Plus, spending time with friends was a good thing. Especially since she'd neglected to do so a lot this term. So here she was. At the thing. With Józsua. Trying to look like she enjoyed herself.
".......let's go there first."
Yes, there was food 'there'. Or 'here' now since she'd immediately come over to where she'd just pointed. From here they could check out the available activities AND eat and drink something at the same time. Win win, yeah? Maybe there WAS something that looked like fun. Maybe. She hadn't seen anything yet but there was still hope. She was going to be optimistic about this.
Was that......were those energy drinks? Olly frowned at them for a moment before reaching for a cup and filling it with pumpkin juice. Well then.
So.. this wasn't really Józsua's idea of a good time—far too energetic for the lad who freely admitted you would only see him running if there was something chasing him—but as there was nothing else to do, and he was feeling lethargic from being stuck indoors 24/7, he decided to attend in the hope it would wake him up a bit.. maybe a little exercise would release a few endorphins, yea? Plus, he had Olly's company which was always more than welcome.
Olly's idea of going to get food first was greeted with a smile and a nod and he started in that direction, glancing over at the butterfly hunting. “Frolicking about after butterflies with a net like a fairy isn't really my idea of fun.” He commented with an amused smile. None of this really struck him as Olly's idea of fun either but yea.. they were here now. He helped himself to a large handful of crisps, picking up a cup with his other hand and holding it out for Olly to fill with pumpkin juice.
“So... Paintball? Go-karting?” Which took Olly's fancy?
Actually, both those activities sounded like they could be fun if Józsua could motivate himself to get into it.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Text Cut: Olly and Jozzy! :3
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Olly didn't like this being snowed in thing one bit. This idea of a Prefect event wasn't exactly her thing either, though. But seeing as there was literally nothing else to do she'd decided to go anyway. Plus, spending time with friends was a good thing. Especially since she'd neglected to do so a lot this term. So here she was. At the thing. With Józsua. Trying to look like she enjoyed herself.
".......let's go there first."
Yes, there was food 'there'. Or 'here' now since she'd immediately come over to where she'd just pointed. From here they could check out the available activities AND eat and drink something at the same time. Win win, yeah? Maybe there WAS something that looked like fun. Maybe. She hadn't seen anything yet but there was still hope. She was going to be optimistic about this.
Was that......were those energy drinks? Olly frowned at them for a moment before reaching for a cup and filling it with pumpkin juice. Well then.
Originally Posted by noodles
So.. this wasn't really Józsua's idea of a good time—far too energetic for the lad who freely admitted you would only see him running if there was something chasing him—but as there was nothing else to do, and he was feeling lethargic from being stuck indoors 24/7, he decided to attend in the hope it would wake him up a bit.. maybe a little exercise would release a few endorphins, yea? Plus, he had Olly's company which was always more than welcome.
Olly's idea of going to get food first was greeted with a smile and a nod and he started in that direction, glancing over at the butterfly hunting. “Frolicking about after butterflies with a net like a fairy isn't really my idea of fun.” He commented with an amused smile. None of this really struck him as Olly's idea of fun either but yea.. they were here now. He helped himself to a large handful of crisps, picking up a cup with his other hand and holding it out for Olly to fill with pumpkin juice.
“So... Paintball? Go-karting?” Which took Olly's fancy?
Actually, both those activities sounded like they could be fun if Józsua could motivate himself to get into it.
She was yet to go to where she was supposed to be at. But surely a tour wouldn't hurt especially that people have only started to show up and it wasn't yet packed. Hoping that at some point it will be packed. Unless the students enjoyed bundling up in their common rooms a lot and didn't want to break the routine. For their sake she hoped that wasn't the case.
FOOD! This was one essential area. And it was the closest to the Butterfly hunting so if she was needed she could just pop their in time. Hopefully, she'd see and know that she was needed. Anyway, back to food.
Walking along the table, the snake noted the types of food. She wasn't hungry now but she was bound to eventually. So just to know what she will be telling one of her minions to get her.
Cassia's attention drifted from the food to a familiar voice. Familiar as in usually heard around the common room. Jozsua, it was. Because housemates and all she stepped closer to the fellow seventh-year. Months ago, Cassia was willing to put Jozsua on her black list but then it turned out that wasn't required of her and person for whom she was going to do so, didn't seem to want to. So there went that, she was glad to help. So current statue, friends. The fella was nice anyway. "Hey, ho--.." Whatever question she was going to ask was forgotten when she noticed he had company. Eh. How long has Olly been there? Jerking her head towards the Hufflepuff, Cassia mumbled some words. For all they knew she said hi or maybe something else. Who knew?
"So, like what you're seeing so far?" she asked conversationally looking at Jozsua and referring to the entire set up in the great hall of course. Olly could answer if she wanted, meh, who cares.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Olly's eyes drifted over to the butterflies as well when Józsua mentioned them. Yeah. DEFINITELY not going to do that. "I thought you liked being a fairy." She smirked, turning her head to look at the Slytherin again. There had been that incident with the fairy wings, hadn't there? Did he still have them? Either way, prancing around after some magical butterflies, looking like an idiot was definitely not something she wanted to do. Or wanted Józsua to do.
Pouring the Slytherin a cup of pumpkin juice as well, Olly looked around, checking out some of the other activities available. Eh. Really, what was she doing here again? Paintball sounded...alright, though, yeah. As did go-karting now that she got to think of it. It was certainly something else. And distracting. And not as bad as butterfly hunting. WHO even did that??
She was about to say as much when they were joined by....the Head Girl. Brilliant.
Olly raised her eyebrows, willing to ignore the other girl if she left them alone again right away. Which she didn't. Instead she stayed and asked questions. "Until you showed up it wasn't so bad yeah." She took a sip from her drink while letting her eyes wander around the place again, trying to figure out if she'd rather go go-karting or paintballing. Maybe both. They could probably do both.
'I thought you liked being a fairy.' Józsua rolled his eyes playfully, amused smile on his lips. “I looked better in those wings than that kid did.” He teased. Abbi. Fairy. Cootie girl. That lesson hadn't gone quite as planned, had it? “If I'd known I would've brought them.” The perfect disguise. He raised a brow, watching the kids chasing butterflies. That was just.. plain weird..
He thanked Olly for the juice and took a sip when Cassia appeared who received a friendly smile from the lad. Hey, ho to you too. And... euh.. tension. Józsua had a tendency to forget Olly was selective about her friends. Why she'd chosen to give him the time of day was beyond him.. But he was glad she did. He had a real soft spot for the girl. He gave her a look--play nice, Olly--and looked back at the Head Girl.
“We've just got here.” He replied. “But.. the paintball looks fun.” And the snacks were good. They could just stay here and eat. That'd also be fun.
“Which event would you recommend?” Lets ask the expert for advice.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
The idea of just turning around and leaving whatever group of people that included Olly always seemed like an awesome thing to do. Why even bother. But that could just be taken as running away and cowering. Pfft, Cassia didn't do that. Okay, maybe she used to five or six years ago. And besides she had a badge! The last part she made sure not to use unless really needed. She hoped not to get there.
For now she ignored Olly's comment. For now. "It is fun," she agreed with Józsua. Cassia was going to drop there for a couple of reasons, one being Lex and the other being that she wanted to play. Duh. "I'd say both the race and the paintball war are worth it," And there was plenty of time. "Though, it does depend whether you like to race more," Some people just liked the competitiveness
"Make sure not to approach the butterfly hunting, we don't want the butterflies to get scared and flee," That was said to Olly. That didn't take long. And that activity was for younger kids, anyway, too so those could get scared as well.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Olly considered Józsua for a moment, almost as if trying to figure out whether or not he had in fact looked better with the fairy wings than Abbi. There was a part of her that wanted to point out that it was quite weird for a 17 year old boy to be running around with fairy wings.
But then again, they both knew Józsua was a bit weird.
So in the end she just grinned, shaking her head slightly. "You diiid." Totally. They suited him. "You still have them then?" What a relief. Not really but you know. Olly took a sip of her pumpkin juice, momentarily feeling completely at ease, even though they were standing close to a huge dome filled with butterflies and ridiculous children. But then Cassia happened.
She noted Józsua's look and just narrowed her eyes at him slightly. They rested on him for a moment longer, even when he looked back to Cassia too, while she tried to figure out what to do about it. "Fiiine." Olly even said it out loud, sending a frown at the Slytherin boy before taking another sip of the pumpkin juice. They were here to have a good time. Not to get into fruitless fights with annoying Head Girls.
So when the other two talked, Olly busied herself with checking out the food, picking out two sandwiches and wordlessly putting one into Józsua's hand. The other stayed in her own, obviously. Upon focusing on the Slytherins' conversation again, Olly heard Cassia acknowledging her after all. "Yeaah, chasing butterflies isn't really our thing anyway." She wasn't even going to give the other girl the satisfaction of being offended by the comment.
"So how did you come up with this great idea for a Prefect event then?"
Józsua grinned. Seeee? He DID look good in those wings. Especially when he charmed them black and all goth-like.. yea.. He half nodded to Olly's question. “I gave them back but she sent me another pair for Christmas.” Mhm.. totally normal behaviour there.
Merlin, did Olly not get on with any of the girls except Schuyler? Euh.. and he hated it when he got that look.. to which his gaze faltered a little, but his face cracked into a smile when Olly actually took notice. Good girl.
He nodded to Cassia's words, the sandwich being put in his hand didn't even register with him even as he automatically raised it to his mouth and took a bite. “S'really good idea when we're stuck inside like this.” He commented. It beat sitting around moping in the common room any day. “I don't know. I guess we could do both.” He glanced at Olly to see if she agreed. “Maybe go-karts first.” Because food and running around didn't mix too well..
Had Olly and Cassia just regressed to seven year olds? Józsua, having now finished his sandwich, ruffled his hair and stayed silent, but his nose wrinkled involuntarily which he hid behind his cup while he took a large gulp of his drink. So much for playing nice, Olly..
“Do you fancy joining us?” He offered Cassia. These girls could battle it out over paintball, sheesh.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
She was so curious as to how Olly had any friends at all. Really. Schuyler, too? How did that happen? Surely the badger cast a spell on them all or something. An illegal, evil one for sure. Cassia was just glad she wasn't one of those people. So glad. And they were doing a great job of avoiding each other except for those times were they had to encounter due to mutual friends. And each time Cassia wondered the same exact thing.
Again, the snake ignored the comment. Merlin, ignoring used up lots of strength. And she needed that to chase after kids who broke nets or whatever thing they needed to be chased after for. Maybe she should have turned her back and left, they looked like they were having a good time anyway. Which, on second thoughts was a reason to stay. Let Olly's good time be ruined by her presence. Awesome plan.
"Yeah, that's exactly what got us to think of something to do," she told Józsua. Who was now holding a sandwich that Olly gave him. Cassia made sure not to stare. Did Olly like do things normal and nice people did? Give firends sandwiches and stuffs? Wow, she needed time to register that.
When Olly opened her mouth to say something, the blond prepared herself for the insult or joke or whatever. Oh, a question? An almost civilized one. Because the great was definitely exaggeration and meant to make fun of them. "Just thought we'd think of something fun to do instead of sitting thinking about being trapped in here," Not that people would forget that but hopefully their minds won't be continuously occupied by it.
"Sure, I was meaning to drop by there at some point," At the war that is.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
The event this year seemed...effortful. And Ascanius prided himself on being more of a watcher then a doer. Yeah...
So he was just gonna chill over here and watch this whole field day thing play out. Maybe he'd get around to go-kart racing or watching that more first hand. But paintballing could get on his face, which could ruin his hair, which was a work of art. The Mona Lisa wouldn't BE the Mona Lisa if it were tampered with. Just as Ascanius wouldn't be Ascanius if HE were tampered with. S'not that he didn't think he could rock the look. But who wanted to test fate, yeah?
Józsua grinned. Seeee? He DID look good in those wings. Especially when he charmed them black and all goth-like.. yea.. He half nodded to Olly's question. “I gave them back but she sent me another pair for Christmas.” Mhm.. totally normal behaviour there.
Merlin, did Olly not get on with any of the girls except Schuyler? Euh.. and he hated it when he got that look.. to which his gaze faltered a little, but his face cracked into a smile when Olly actually took notice. Good girl.
He nodded to Cassia's words, the sandwich being put in his hand didn't even register with him even as he automatically raised it to his mouth and took a bite. “S'really good idea when we're stuck inside like this.” He commented. It beat sitting around moping in the common room any day. “I don't know. I guess we could do both.” He glanced at Olly to see if she agreed. “Maybe go-karts first.” Because food and running around didn't mix too well..
Had Olly and Cassia just regressed to seven year olds? Józsua, having now finished his sandwich, ruffled his hair and stayed silent, but his nose wrinkled involuntarily which he hid behind his cup while he took a large gulp of his drink. So much for playing nice, Olly..
“Do you fancy joining us?” He offered Cassia. These girls could battle it out over paintball, sheesh.
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
She was so curious as to how Olly had any friends at all. Really. Schuyler, too? How did that happen? Surely the badger cast a spell on them all or something. An illegal, evil one for sure. Cassia was just glad she wasn't one of those people. So glad. And they were doing a great job of avoiding each other except for those times were they had to encounter due to mutual friends. And each time Cassia wondered the same exact thing.
Again, the snake ignored the comment. Merlin, ignoring used up lots of strength. And she needed that to chase after kids who broke nets or whatever thing they needed to be chased after for. Maybe she should have turned her back and left, they looked like they were having a good time anyway. Which, on second thoughts was a reason to stay. Let Olly's good time be ruined by her presence. Awesome plan.
"Yeah, that's exactly what got us to think of something to do," she told Józsua. Who was now holding a sandwich that Olly gave him. Cassia made sure not to stare. Did Olly like do things normal and nice people did? Give firends sandwiches and stuffs? Wow, she needed time to register that.
When Olly opened her mouth to say something, the blond prepared herself for the insult or joke or whatever. Oh, a question? An almost civilized one. Because the great was definitely exaggeration and meant to make fun of them. "Just thought we'd think of something fun to do instead of sitting thinking about being trapped in here," Not that people would forget that but hopefully their minds won't be continuously occupied by it.
"Sure, I was meaning to drop by there at some point," At the war that is.
Why wasn't she surprised about this? The fact that Józsua STILL owned a pair of fairy wings, albeit not Abbi's but his own. Which was...worse somehow. "Do you wear them a lot?" Like, in his free time. On his way to class. Around his dorm. While brushing his teeth. Sadly (?) she could picture him wearing them in all of these scenarios. Somehow it was amusing too though. Which was why there was a distinct grin playing around her lips as she took another sip from her cup.
.......Go-karts first?
Olly shrugged, nibbling on her own sandwich. Sure. Whatever. To be honest she didn't really care which activity they did as long as they did SOMETHING. Because that was what they were here for right? So they could do one of the activities, feel good about themselves and then they could leave again. At least that was her plan. And it was a good plan. She hadn't shared her plan yet though. Maybe she would later.
As long as Cassia played nice, so would Olly. At least she was going to try. So instead of making a comment about how she'd thought certain people were scared of putting on weight - what with being locked inside - she kept her mouth shut and just nodded. "Interesting." Not really. Could they go now? Go do the go-karting or paintballing or whatever else. Go do something that didn't involve Cassia being th-
Olly turned to staaaaare at the Slytherin boy next to her. Hadn't he picked up on the fact that her and Cassia weren't exactly the best of friends? "No. She doesn't." But then the Head Girl said yes too which surprised her even more and made Olly look at the girl in question. "No you don't." Didn't. Or well she could go over there. But not WITH them. Slytherins, seriously.
She was so curious as to how Olly had any friends at all. Really. Schuyler, too? How did that happen? Surely the badger cast a spell on them all or something. An illegal, evil one for sure. Cassia was just glad she wasn't one of those people. So glad. And they were doing a great job of avoiding each other except for those times were they had to encounter due to mutual friends. And each time Cassia wondered the same exact thing.
Again, the snake ignored the comment. Merlin, ignoring used up lots of strength. And she needed that to chase after kids who broke nets or whatever thing they needed to be chased after for. Maybe she should have turned her back and left, they looked like they were having a good time anyway. Which, on second thoughts was a reason to stay. Let Olly's good time be ruined by her presence. Awesome plan.
"Yeah, that's exactly what got us to think of something to do," she told Józsua. Who was now holding a sandwich that Olly gave him. Cassia made sure not to stare. Did Olly like do things normal and nice people did? Give firends sandwiches and stuffs? Wow, she needed time to register that.
When Olly opened her mouth to say something, the blond prepared herself for the insult or joke or whatever. Oh, a question? An almost civilized one. Because the great was definitely exaggeration and meant to make fun of them. "Just thought we'd think of something fun to do instead of sitting thinking about being trapped in here," Not that people would forget that but hopefully their minds won't be continuously occupied by it.
"Sure, I was meaning to drop by there at some point," At the war that is.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: The nice one and the...not so nice one
Why wasn't she surprised about this? The fact that Józsua STILL owned a pair of fairy wings, albeit not Abbi's but his own. Which was...worse somehow. "Do you wear them a lot?" Like, in his free time. On his way to class. Around his dorm. While brushing his teeth. Sadly (?) she could picture him wearing them in all of these scenarios. Somehow it was amusing too though. Which was why there was a distinct grin playing around her lips as she took another sip from her cup.
.......Go-karts first?
Olly shrugged, nibbling on her own sandwich. Sure. Whatever. To be honest she didn't really care which activity they did as long as they did SOMETHING. Because that was what they were here for right? So they could do one of the activities, feel good about themselves and then they could leave again. At least that was her plan. And it was a good plan. She hadn't shared her plan yet though. Maybe she would later.
As long as Cassia played nice, so would Olly. At least she was going to try. So instead of making a comment about how she'd thought certain people were scared of putting on weight - what with being locked inside - she kept her mouth shut and just nodded. "Interesting." Not really. Could they go now? Go do the go-karting or paintballing or whatever else. Go do something that didn't involve Cassia being th-
Olly turned to staaaaare at the Slytherin boy next to her. Hadn't he picked up on the fact that her and Cassia weren't exactly the best of friends? "No. She doesn't." But then the Head Girl said yes too which surprised her even more and made Olly look at the girl in question. "No you don't." Didn't. Or well she could go over there. But not WITH them. Slytherins, seriously.
Józsua let out a small chuckle at both Olly's question and the amused look on her face. He shook his head. “Only on special occasions.” He teased, mocking himself really. Józsua was an expert at that. But really, why didn't he wear them so much? Growing up? Becoming (even) more self conscious? Who knew... But he did like the attention his.. little quirks got him..
He took the shrug to mean yes, having somewhat tuned himself into Olly-speak... or gestures. He held out his hand for another sandwich (Get it together, Olly) as he conversed with Cassia, whom he thought to be very sweet and friendly.
He nodded along to her words, tilting his head a little. “Bet the first years love this.” He commented with a smile. Though, he wasn't going to deny the go-karting and paintball didn't appeal to the eighteen year old.
Wait.. what? Don't be so rude, Olly. His eyes darted from Cassia and Olly and back again. Oops. His bad... he guessed. “Euh.. you two should fight it out over paintball.” He voiced his thoughts, rolling his eyes and grabbing another sandwich.
“Winner gets..” um.. what? “I'll buy the winner a Butterbeer when we finally get out of here.” Meaning school. A trip to Hogsmeade sounded like heaven to Józsua right now. *siigh*
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Text Cut: Jolly! :3
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: The nice one and the...not so nice one
Why wasn't she surprised about this? The fact that Józsua STILL owned a pair of fairy wings, albeit not Abbi's but his own. Which was...worse somehow. "Do you wear them a lot?" Like, in his free time. On his way to class. Around his dorm. While brushing his teeth. Sadly (?) she could picture him wearing them in all of these scenarios. Somehow it was amusing too though. Which was why there was a distinct grin playing around her lips as she took another sip from her cup.
.......Go-karts first?
Olly shrugged, nibbling on her own sandwich. Sure. Whatever. To be honest she didn't really care which activity they did as long as they did SOMETHING. Because that was what they were here for right? So they could do one of the activities, feel good about themselves and then they could leave again. At least that was her plan. And it was a good plan. She hadn't shared her plan yet though. Maybe she would later.
As long as Cassia played nice, so would Olly. At least she was going to try. So instead of making a comment about how she'd thought certain people were scared of putting on weight - what with being locked inside - she kept her mouth shut and just nodded. "Interesting." Not really. Could they go now? Go do the go-karting or paintballing or whatever else. Go do something that didn't involve Cassia being th-
Olly turned to staaaaare at the Slytherin boy next to her. Hadn't he picked up on the fact that her and Cassia weren't exactly the best of friends? "No. She doesn't." But then the Head Girl said yes too which surprised her even more and made Olly look at the girl in question. "No you don't." Didn't. Or well she could go over there. But not WITH them. Slytherins, seriously.
Originally Posted by noodles
SPOILER!!: You two <3
Józsua let out a small chuckle at both Olly's question and the amused look on her face. He shook his head. “Only on special occasions.” He teased, mocking himself really. Józsua was an expert at that. But really, why didn't he wear them so much? Growing up? Becoming (even) more self conscious? Who knew... But he did like the attention his.. little quirks got him..
He took the shrug to mean yes, having somewhat tuned himself into Olly-speak... or gestures. He held out his hand for another sandwich (Get it together, Olly) as he conversed with Cassia, whom he thought to be very sweet and friendly.
He nodded along to her words, tilting his head a little. “Bet the first years love this.” He commented with a smile. Though, he wasn't going to deny the go-karting and paintball didn't appeal to the eighteen year old.
Wait.. what? Don't be so rude, Olly. His eyes darted from Cassia and Olly and back again. Oops. His bad... he guessed. “Euh.. you two should fight it out over paintball.” He voiced his thoughts, rolling his eyes and grabbing another sandwich.
“Winner gets..” um.. what? “I'll buy the winner a Butterbeer when we finally get out of here.” Meaning school. A trip to Hogsmeade sounded like heaven to Józsua right now. *siigh*
...Probably not.
Cassia could remember the time when there was no in school who could annoy her or ruin her mood. Well, actually there probably were some but the snake could ignore very well and she also liked to interpret everything the way she liked it to be. And in the presence of Olly right now she longed for these days. To think that Cassia actually attempted to be nice to her at first. Pffft. What a terrible mistake.
But yeah, mood needed to not be ruined, so she was focusing on Jozsua whom Cassia thought was great to be able to put up with Clarke. Maybe she could just give him a prize or something. Would he like gummy butterflies? Probably not. Oh, well, she tried. "I do hope so," she smiled. It would be sort of sad to see that no one liked on what they've worked on. Kids were harder to please those days.
Did Olly not want her to come with them or something? Awesome. "Oh, yes I totally want to come," Cassia actually smirked. And she didn't even care about the fact that she needed to check on the hunting. Lex's fellow prefect should be taking care of things while she wasn't there.
At Jozsua's words she crossed he arms over her chest and nodded,"That sounds fair to me," Although she didn't know how the winner was going to be chosen but she didn't ask. That Olly might come up with some kind of a hard rule.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Text Cut: Józsua and Cassia...I for once failed to come up with a ship name. D: Jossia is too obvious right?
Originally Posted by noodles
Józsua let out a small chuckle at both Olly's question and the amused look on her face. He shook his head. “Only on special occasions.” He teased, mocking himself really. Józsua was an expert at that. But really, why didn't he wear them so much? Growing up? Becoming (even) more self conscious? Who knew... But he did like the attention his.. little quirks got him..
He took the shrug to mean yes, having somewhat tuned himself into Olly-speak... or gestures. He held out his hand for another sandwich (Get it together, Olly) as he conversed with Cassia, whom he thought to be very sweet and friendly.
He nodded along to her words, tilting his head a little. “Bet the first years love this.” He commented with a smile. Though, he wasn't going to deny the go-karting and paintball didn't appeal to the eighteen year old.
Wait.. what? Don't be so rude, Olly. His eyes darted from Cassia and Olly and back again. Oops. His bad... he guessed. “Euh.. you two should fight it out over paintball.” He voiced his thoughts, rolling his eyes and grabbing another sandwich.
“Winner gets..” um.. what? “I'll buy the winner a Butterbeer when we finally get out of here.” Meaning school. A trip to Hogsmeade sounded like heaven to Józsua right now. *siigh*
...Probably not.
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
Cassia could remember the time when there was no in school who could annoy her or ruin her mood. Well, actually there probably were some but the snake could ignore very well and she also liked to interpret everything the way she liked it to be. And in the presence of Olly right now she longed for these days. To think that Cassia actually attempted to be nice to her at first. Pffft. What a terrible mistake.
But yeah, mood needed to not be ruined, so she was focusing on Jozsua whom Cassia thought was great to be able to put up with Clarke. Maybe she could just give him a prize or something. Would he like gummy butterflies? Probably not. Oh, well, she tried. "I do hope so," she smiled. It would be sort of sad to see that no one liked on what they've worked on. Kids were harder to please those days.
Did Olly not want her to come with them or something? Awesome. "Oh, yes I totally want to come," Cassia actually smirked. And she didn't even care about the fact that she needed to check on the hunting. Lex's fellow prefect should be taking care of things while she wasn't there.
At Jozsua's words she crossed he arms over her chest and nodded,"That sounds fair to me," Although she didn't know how the winner was going to be chosen but she didn't ask. That Olly might come up with some kind of a hard rule.
On special occasions, huh? Olly decided to just go along with it - no matter if he was serious or not. So she pretended to consider that for a moment. "So my birthday then. Is that special enough?" She grinned at him, not really thinking this through. He was practically ENCOURAGING him to wear the fairy wings. On her birthday too. Nope, her brain clearly wasn't working right at the moment.
Or she simply didn't care anymore.
She noticed the hand but chose to simply stare at it for a moment while nibbling on her own sandwich. What did he want? Another one? There was this thing called 'voice' or at least 'smile' that he could use, did he know? So no more sandwiches for you, Józsua. He could at least say please. She raised her eyebrows at him slightly to give him a look, should he choose to look at her after all.
And now Cassia was ACTUALLY coming along. It had just taken her by surprise. Usually she would've acted indifferent. Gosh, Olly, what's wrong with you?"Greeaaaat." Her tone CLEARLY suggested that it was the exact opposite but she wasn't going to complain about it any more. Not giving the Head Girl the satisfaction. Nope. Józsua was definitely not getting more food from her now that he'd suggested that either. Sucks for you, Sue.
Fight it out? "This isn't war, Józsua." Though the paintball thing sounded more tempting by the second. Throwing things at Cassia. Yes, good plan. Maybe they could invite Theo too. So once Olly had finished her sandwich and drink she put down her cup and gave a nod. "Let's go then." Though they'd still have to discuss that 'prize' Józsua had just mentioned. She wanted more than a butterbeer. But they could talk about that when they time had come.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Was what she read true? Were they really going to let them do cool stuff inside the castle? AJ ran all the way down to thee great hall, and her eyes lit up and she saw what looked to a butterfly station. How cool was this? She didn't necessarily want anything to do with the butterflies because that seemed boring, but she heard rumors that there was some awesome stuff going on.
Scanning the table she grabbed a pumpkin juice, and took a swig. Gross! That was her first time ever trying it, and her taste buds didn't like it. AJ grabbed an energy drink and snagged a ham and cheese sandwich. In no time she had eaten all of the sandwich, and downed her drink. It was go time. She was headed for something fun.
Anna walked up running a hand through her brown hair. She didn't really want to be out and about but she figured getting out of the common room might be good for her... But obviously she'd chosen a bad day because it seemed everyone was gathering for some type of fun. Well, hopefully people would just leave her alone and let her just remember what the rest of the school looked like since she'd spent most of the school year just laying in her bed.
Annaleecia glanced around again at everyone running around and playing with all the weird activities... Looked enjoyable honestly, but she wasn't really a fan of making herself happy considering she'd be hit with her harsh reality again soon enough after, and all the pain was just going to make the fun seem like a waste to the now fifteen year old girl.
Cassia could remember the time when there was no in school who could annoy her or ruin her mood. Well, actually there probably were some but the snake could ignore very well and she also liked to interpret everything the way she liked it to be. And in the presence of Olly right now she longed for these days. To think that Cassia actually attempted to be nice to her at first. Pffft. What a terrible mistake.
But yeah, mood needed to not be ruined, so she was focusing on Jozsua whom Cassia thought was great to be able to put up with Clarke. Maybe she could just give him a prize or something. Would he like gummy butterflies? Probably not. Oh, well, she tried. "I do hope so," she smiled. It would be sort of sad to see that no one liked on what they've worked on. Kids were harder to please those days.
Did Olly not want her to come with them or something? Awesome. "Oh, yes I totally want to come," Cassia actually smirked. And she didn't even care about the fact that she needed to check on the hunting. Lex's fellow prefect should be taking care of things while she wasn't there.
At Jozsua's words she crossed he arms over her chest and nodded,"That sounds fair to me," Although she didn't know how the winner was going to be chosen but she didn't ask. That Olly might come up with some kind of a hard rule.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: Józsua and Cassia...I for once failed to come up with a ship name. D: Jossia is too obvious right?
On special occasions, huh? Olly decided to just go along with it - no matter if he was serious or not. So she pretended to consider that for a moment. "So my birthday then. Is that special enough?" She grinned at him, not really thinking this through. He was practically ENCOURAGING him to wear the fairy wings. On her birthday too. Nope, her brain clearly wasn't working right at the moment.
Or she simply didn't care anymore.
She noticed the hand but chose to simply stare at it for a moment while nibbling on her own sandwich. What did he want? Another one? There was this thing called 'voice' or at least 'smile' that he could use, did he know? So no more sandwiches for you, Józsua. He could at least say please. She raised her eyebrows at him slightly to give him a look, should he choose to look at her after all.
And now Cassia was ACTUALLY coming along. It had just taken her by surprise. Usually she would've acted indifferent. Gosh, Olly, what's wrong with you?"Greeaaaat." Her tone CLEARLY suggested that it was the exact opposite but she wasn't going to complain about it any more. Not giving the Head Girl the satisfaction. Nope. Józsua was definitely not getting more food from her now that he'd suggested that either. Sucks for you, Sue.
Fight it out? "This isn't war, Józsua." Though the paintball thing sounded more tempting by the second. Throwing things at Cassia. Yes, good plan. Maybe they could invite Theo too. So once Olly had finished her sandwich and drink she put down her cup and gave a nod. "Let's go then." Though they'd still have to discuss that 'prize' Józsua had just mentioned. She wanted more than a butterbeer. But they could talk about that when they time had come.
Józsua raised a brow momentarily, then pursed his lips, looking up and sideways, pretending to ponder whether Olly's birthday was s.p.e.c.i.a.l. enough for The Wings. His face broke into a smile. “Yea. If that's your birthday wish, I can't really say no.. can I?” He nudged her playfully. Fairies.. wishes.. geddit? Euh... lame.
He focused on Cassia, hand held out but NO sandwich came. He tore his eyes away from the Slytherin to look at the Hufflepuff to find he was being given a look. Oh come on, if you were going to feed a growing eighteen year old lad, you had to keep the goods coming. “Could you pass me a sandwich, please, Olly?” He teamed the polite question with a smile. Surely she couldn't say no to the Józsua smile.
English may not have been Józsua's first language... or even second language.. but he couldn't fail to miss the sarcasm dripping from Olly's tone of voice as she addressed Cassia. He shot the Head Girl an apologetic look. “You're really welcome, Cassia.” He added, resisting the temptation to roll his eyes at the two girls again.
This isn't war, Józsua?“Are you sure about that?” He asked incredulously, looking from one girl to the other. But oh, they'd agreed. He grinned. He should be a diplomat... or something. Solve arguments with 'war'.
Oh.... merlin..
Taking his cup with him, he strode off towards the go-karts, leaving the girls to it. They could stay there and fight, or follow..
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Text Cut: Jolly again..Jossia and Olsia, tho. xD
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: Józsua and Cassia...I for once failed to come up with a ship name. D: Jossia is too obvious right?
On special occasions, huh? Olly decided to just go along with it - no matter if he was serious or not. So she pretended to consider that for a moment. "So my birthday then. Is that special enough?" She grinned at him, not really thinking this through. He was practically ENCOURAGING him to wear the fairy wings. On her birthday too. Nope, her brain clearly wasn't working right at the moment.
Or she simply didn't care anymore.
She noticed the hand but chose to simply stare at it for a moment while nibbling on her own sandwich. What did he want? Another one? There was this thing called 'voice' or at least 'smile' that he could use, did he know? So no more sandwiches for you, Józsua. He could at least say please. She raised her eyebrows at him slightly to give him a look, should he choose to look at her after all.
And now Cassia was ACTUALLY coming along. It had just taken her by surprise. Usually she would've acted indifferent. Gosh, Olly, what's wrong with you?"Greeaaaat." Her tone CLEARLY suggested that it was the exact opposite but she wasn't going to complain about it any more. Not giving the Head Girl the satisfaction. Nope. Józsua was definitely not getting more food from her now that he'd suggested that either. Sucks for you, Sue.
Fight it out? "This isn't war, Józsua." Though the paintball thing sounded more tempting by the second. Throwing things at Cassia. Yes, good plan. Maybe they could invite Theo too. So once Olly had finished her sandwich and drink she put down her cup and gave a nod. "Let's go then." Though they'd still have to discuss that 'prize' Józsua had just mentioned. She wanted more than a butterbeer. But they could talk about that when they time had come.
Originally Posted by noodles
SPOILER!!: Olsia? :|
Józsua raised a brow momentarily, then pursed his lips, looking up and sideways, pretending to ponder whether Olly's birthday was s.p.e.c.i.a.l. enough for The Wings. His face broke into a smile. “Yea. If that's your birthday wish, I can't really say no.. can I?” He nudged her playfully. Fairies.. wishes.. geddit? Euh... lame.
He focused on Cassia, hand held out but NO sandwich came. He tore his eyes away from the Slytherin to look at the Hufflepuff to find he was being given a look. Oh come on, if you were going to feed a growing eighteen year old lad, you had to keep the goods coming. “Could you pass me a sandwich, please, Olly?” He teamed the polite question with a smile. Surely she couldn't say no to the Józsua smile.
English may not have been Józsua's first language... or even second language.. but he couldn't fail to miss the sarcasm dripping from Olly's tone of voice as she addressed Cassia. He shot the Head Girl an apologetic look. “You're really welcome, Cassia.” He added, resisting the temptation to roll his eyes at the two girls again.
This isn't war, Józsua?“Are you sure about that?” He asked incredulously, looking from one girl to the other. But oh, they'd agreed. He grinned. He should be a diplomat... or something. Solve arguments with 'war'.
Oh.... merlin..
Taking his cup with him, he strode off towards the go-karts, leaving the girls to it. They could stay there and fight, or follow..
An unexpected meeting this one was, yet fruitful for a lack of better word. And it wasn't in a positive aspect really, but she supposed it could have gone worse. Not to mention the new things she learnt. Like the fact that Olly seemed to had friends who trusted her enough to take food from her. Good to know.
Not knowing whether Olly meant the paintball war wasn't a real, proper war or them two bickering right now wasn't, the snake just shrugged. "You can just say if you don't want to, and I'll be easy on you," She knew the Hufflepuff was either going to burst out laughing to make her look silly or fire back a comment. .
But she did agree on it eventually. So it was happening after all.
"I have to go check on things quickly," she said addressing Józsua and pointing at the butterflies dome over her shoulder. "Then I'll be at the paintball war," She said that glancing at Olly now. You know, she'd only looked at the other girl if she had someone mean to say but that felt important to deliver. They wanted to check the go-karts first she supposed? That was by the staircases anyway so by the time they returned she'd have been done with checking.
So they part ways here to meet later for war reasons. Sounded cool.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Chilling out.
Yup, that's what Sophie was here for. Not here at the whole event for, but here in this area for. She hadn't done any of the activities yet, but she'd been walking around and talking, so that counted as an activity, right? After a quick bottle of water and maybe a sandwich, she was for sure going to do the paintball war. That sounded awesome!
She grabbed a bottle of water and took a seat right near the butterfly area. It might be cool to hunt for butterflies, too, come to think about it. Paintball first, though. That sounded way too epic to pass up.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Chilling out.
Yup, that's what Sophie was here for. Not here at the whole event for, but here in this area for. She hadn't done any of the activities yet, but she'd been walking around and talking, so that counted as an activity, right? After a quick bottle of water and maybe a sandwich, she was for sure going to do the paintball war. That sounded awesome!
She grabbed a bottle of water and took a seat right near the butterfly area. It might be cool to hunt for butterflies, too, come to think about it. Paintball first, though. That sounded way too epic to pass up.
Know what he needed? Fuel. Fuel to BEAT people at the Paintball War. Besides, driving around seven floors had taken a lot out of Grayson and he needed some time to chill before he went and kicked some magical bottom. With PAINT. What a way to spend the day, eh?
So, he was here. Stocking up on food and generally ignoring the Butterfly Hunting section because that part looked lame to him. The fourth year picked up a sandwich, a drink and some cake -- what? He was a growing kid! -- and went to sit dow--
........... Oh?
Cool, Whitty. Remember that. OOZE with coolness while walking up to a particular Slytherin over there. "Spot anything interesting?" he asked, sitting down next to her and holding out the slice of cake towards her. Sharing. He was sharing. Something his mother would be all too happy about, if she could see him right now.
Also. Why in the name of Merlin had she decided to sit so close to the Butterfly Hunting part of the event?
Józsua raised a brow momentarily, then pursed his lips, looking up and sideways, pretending to ponder whether Olly's birthday was s.p.e.c.i.a.l. enough for The Wings. His face broke into a smile. “Yea. If that's your birthday wish, I can't really say no.. can I?” He nudged her playfully. Fairies.. wishes.. geddit? Euh... lame.
He focused on Cassia, hand held out but NO sandwich came. He tore his eyes away from the Slytherin to look at the Hufflepuff to find he was being given a look. Oh come on, if you were going to feed a growing eighteen year old lad, you had to keep the goods coming. “Could you pass me a sandwich, please, Olly?” He teamed the polite question with a smile. Surely she couldn't say no to the Józsua smile.
English may not have been Józsua's first language... or even second language.. but he couldn't fail to miss the sarcasm dripping from Olly's tone of voice as she addressed Cassia. He shot the Head Girl an apologetic look. “You're really welcome, Cassia.” He added, resisting the temptation to roll his eyes at the two girls again.
This isn't war, Józsua?“Are you sure about that?” He asked incredulously, looking from one girl to the other. But oh, they'd agreed. He grinned. He should be a diplomat... or something. Solve arguments with 'war'.
Oh.... merlin..
Taking his cup with him, he strode off towards the go-karts, leaving the girls to it. They could stay there and fight, or follow..
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
An unexpected meeting this one was, yet fruitful for a lack of better word. And it wasn't in a positive aspect really, but she supposed it could have gone worse. Not to mention the new things she learnt. Like the fact that Olly seemed to had friends who trusted her enough to take food from her. Good to know.
Not knowing whether Olly meant the paintball war wasn't a real, proper war or them two bickering right now wasn't, the snake just shrugged. "You can just say if you don't want to, and I'll be easy on you," She knew the Hufflepuff was either going to burst out laughing to make her look silly or fire back a comment. .
But she did agree on it eventually. So it was happening after all.
"I have to go check on things quickly," she said addressing Józsua and pointing at the butterflies dome over her shoulder. "Then I'll be at the paintball war," She said that glancing at Olly now. You know, she'd only looked at the other girl if she had someone mean to say but that felt important to deliver. They wanted to check the go-karts first she supposed? That was by the staircases anyway so by the time they returned she'd have been done with checking.
So they part ways here to meet later for war reasons. Sounded cool.
Funny, Józsua. Olly just waited with an unimpressed look on her face - though it was paired with a grin she couldn't quite hide - until he was done 'thinking about it'. "No you can't." And no she hadn't picked up on the fairy/wish thing, sorry. "You can't say no to me even when it's not my birthday, though." Heh. She even reached out to poke his chest softly. He probably could. It wasn't like she'd ever asked him for favors though so who knew.
Oh, there you go. That wasn't so hard. Olly smiled back at him while handing him another sandwich. You're welcome, Józsua.
Was she sure that this wasn't WAR? Yes, quite sure. Though Józsua seemed to doubt it. "War involves more than two people, you know." Like, they'd have to meet with an army of their friends and.....okay, maybe they really shouldn't do that because Olly wasn't exactly sure how many close friends Cassia had and Olly might be outnumbered. Plus, divided loyalties, that would be a problem too probably. Yeah, no war.
Excuse me? Be easy on her. If it weren't for the fact that Józsua was standing right next to her, Olly would have had a lot more to say in reply to that. As it were though, she simply put on her best unimpressed look. "I don't need you to go easy on me." No way. She concluded her answer with a sweeeeet smile for the Slytherin girl. No need to worry about her.
"It's not war." Though she knew it was futile. Especially seeing as Cassia had already moved to leave. As had Józsua. Oh why thank you very much for leaving her here on her own. With a small frown, Olly picked up her own cup and then reached for a piece of cake. ONE piece of cake. No cake for you, Józsua. And with that she followed the Slytherin boy over to the go-karts.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: hermionesclone
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Know what he needed? Fuel. Fuel to BEAT people at the Paintball War. Besides, driving around seven floors had taken a lot out of Grayson and he needed some time to chill before he went and kicked some magical bottom. With PAINT. What a way to spend the day, eh?
So, he was here. Stocking up on food and generally ignoring the Butterfly Hunting section because that part looked lame to him. The fourth year picked up a sandwich, a drink and some cake -- what? He was a growing kid! -- and went to sit dow--
........... Oh?
Cool, Whitty. Remember that. OOZE with coolness while walking up to a particular Slytherin over there. "Spot anything interesting?" he asked, sitting down next to her and holding out the slice of cake towards her. Sharing. He was sharing. Something his mother would be all too happy about, if she could see him right now.
Also. Why in the name of Merlin had she decided to sit so close to the Butterfly Hunting part of the event?
Sophie had been casually glancing at the butterfly area, when she heard the sound of a voice she had actually gotten to know quite well the last few months. Grayson. EEE! She called him "the new Slytherin hottie," and now he knew that, because she'd been so bold as to give him a card that said just that. Heh.
Did she see anything interesting? She eyed him and smiled--"There might be an interesting thing or two around here," she said. She raised her eyebrows when he slid a slice of cake her way. "Oh? So I get hot chocolate in class and a slice of cake now? You're earning awesome points, Grayson."
She tried a bite of the cake and nodded. "Mmm, it's good," she said. Then she eyed the butterfly area. "Interesting? I'm not sure. Maybe not about catching butterflies, but a walk through the gardens seems cool." She looked back over at him and added, "You been in yet?"
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Chillin' out. Okay. He could do that.
Actually he needed to do that. After all this time spent worrying about Beautiful Bentley, the Cold Ones, the possible Cold Ones attack!, Kevin telling his Bentley secret, homework, lots and lost of homework, and fighting off Peeves; he really deserved some chill out time. He was almost as bad at chilling out than he is at potions. That's saying something because he SUCKS at potions.
So although all the other activities sounded like a lot more fun, this station was practically calling him over. He couldn't just leave it waiting, yeah? That'd be mean. And Zander Adair was not mean- unless it was towards those poo heads, he didn't like. But yes. That was a reserved emotion. Ahem. Anyways, the Gryffindor looked around at the snack table in search of some chocolate frogs, but was disappointed to find out that they didn't have any. MAN.
Water it is.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Actually he needed to do that. After all this time spent worrying about Beautiful Bentley, the Cold Ones, the possible Cold Ones attack!, Kevin telling his Bentley secret, homework, lots and lost of homework, and fighting off Peeves; he really deserved some chill out time. He was almost as bad at chilling out than he is at potions. That's saying something because he SUCKS at potions.
So although all the other activities sounded like a lot more fun, this station was practically calling him over. He couldn't just leave it waiting, yeah? That'd be mean. And Zander Adair was not mean- unless it was towards those poo heads, he didn't like. But yes. That was a reserved emotion. Ahem. Anyways, the Gryffindor looked around at the snack table in search of some chocolate frogs, but was disappointed to find out that they didn't have any. MAN.
Water it is.
Merlin, look at her CLOTHES now!! All colourful and stained ALL OVER!! Agatha really, really hoped the paint was washable, otherwise she would NOT be happy. At all. And someone would have to pay. How dare they stain her robes like that? URGH.
With a frown on her face and clutching her wand, the girl left the silly paintball war tent and was about to go to the dungeons to try and get clean when she walked past an area with drinks and some nibbles. She stopped momentarily and looked at all of the free stuff. Tempting, but she was painted ALL. OVER. No time for that.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!