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Another cold day in the castle has come and you'll find that the Charms classroom is no exception. You can see your breath and you're probably shivering, but today's lesson will certainly (hopefully) help against that. Despite the frost and snow on the windows and the icicles hanging from various places, your professor is still in a somewhat good mood.
Professor Fuller is standing, leaning against his desk at the front of the classroom, bundled up in a coat and gloves, waiting for you all to arrive. So come on in and take a seat, so we can begin!
Class has now started! If you are just arriving, just pretend your character has been here all along. Feel free to discuss!
Lucy tried a free place to start practicing the new incantation..
Then she started to concentrate..
She said:"Come on Lucy!"
Lucy made a sideways eight sign with her wand...but... nothing happened...
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Awesome, they were working on the practical potion of the class. This was always her favourite.
Wondering if Healer Tillstorm would allow her to place the charm on Bay's room in the Hospital Ward, Lux got to her feet so that she could help in insulating the classroom. Choosing her first spot to work on, she pointed her wand at the wall and drew a figure eight. "Caelum Saepio." Surely that did the trick, but Lux had no idea if it had been successful or not.
At least she had two other chances to try it out before the end of class.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
All right. Now, time to put this spell into some good use.
Now, if everyone was going to do this in the room, wouldn't the room start to burn up? It made sense right? All the heat would be trapped inside, and it was a LOT of students here, and would most likely not escape. Unless the door was opened. Was it opened? Tag hadn't bothered to look at the door once the class had started.
But, to actually do the spell. Easy enough. The blonde found himself a corner of the wall no one seemed to have taken up already and repeated the incantation and wand movement in his mind before actually doing that. "Caelum Saepio" in the movement of an infinity sign.
Had it worked? Tag wasn't quite sure. So he lifted up one of his hands and hovered it over the spot he had used the spell on. He felt a very faint warmth coming off the wall. Oh well, better than nothing, onto the next practice.
Angel was really trying to figure out if her first spell succeeded but well she had a funny feeling that things were going wrong and that the first spell had gone wrong but she couldn't see through wall so she couldn't figure out if it had or not.
"Caelum Saepio!" Angel totally forgot to use her wand or do the wand movement because she was totally trying to figure out if her first one had worked, she then giggled as she realised what she had done.
"Caelum Saepio!" Angel said the words and then she did the figure eight wand movement as she pointed it at the wall, she really wished that she could see if it was working but she had no idea how to tell.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Moving on to another area in the room, Lux pointed at the wall made a figure eight with her wand while saying, "Caelum Saepio."
As with the last time she had used the spell, she had no idea if it worked or not. Was there something that was supposed to happen to the wall? Or was it all invisible? If so, she was doing this correctly. If something was supposed to happen, surely Fuller would have informed them. He was the Professor, so it would have been his job to notify them of such things.
Going with the idea that she was doing this correctly, Lux got ready to cast the spell on a third spot in the room.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
So they were going to do the charm on the classroom and the castle for homework. This was going to make them feel so helpful. Since they would help the castle feel warmer. Awesome homework she had to admit. First they got to practice here, of course.
Rising from her seat, she looked around deciding where she wanted to start. Hmm..Everyone had scattered already. Might as well choose a spot where not too many were working.
Walking over to one of the walls, she drew out her wand and stood before the wall. What was the spell again ?
Yeah, right, the one everyone was murmuring. Just checking. "Caelum Saepio," she spoke as she drew an infinity in the air. So, how did they know it worked? They probably had to sense the difference or something.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Time to try it out then.
Penelope tried the infinity sign movement with her wand a couple more times as she moved about to find a part of the wall to use it on. This area in the back of the room seemed like an okay spot to try, yeah? Sure.
So she gave herself a couple seconds to think about how the spell worked, imagining it insulating the room and keeping in the warmth. And then came the infinity sign movement and, "Caelum Saepio."
Did it work? How was she supposed to know exactly? Hm... Did it feel warmer at all? Or just a little less cold? Any change at all?
She paused for a moment to see if it felt any different.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
As Jasmine was finishing up her first trial, she saw Adi come over and claim a spot on the wall next to her. She gave him a quick smile of encouragement. With so many students working together, this insulation thing had to work.
After a moment, Jasmine was ready to give the spell another try. She turned her attention back to the section of wall that she had focused on before. "Concentrate, concentrate", she thought to herself. She was going to insulate her section of wall or else.
Preparing her wand, Jasmine said, "Caelum Saepio". At the same time she made a sideways figure eight with her wand. Resisting the urge to check the wall by touching it, Jasmine tried to get her mind ready to do the spell one more time.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Right...an insulation charm.
That sounded useful. Keep the cold out and the warmth in so they didn't freeze as the frozen temperatures outside the castle didn't make things worse on the inside. He listened to Professor Fuller as he explained what needed to be done to successfully cast the charm in question, the boy copying it down correctly into his notes for future reference. Caelum Saepio...CAY-lum - SAY-pee-oh
Benny repeated the words over and over in his mind first to try them out. Then he switched to saying them out in hopes to get a feel for the pronunciation in his own speech. "Caelum Saepio...CAY-lum - SAY-pee-oh...Caelum Saepio..." It was one of those purely latin phrases that didn't exactly sound like much or made any connection to a set of modern language words.
Now for the work.
Benny made his way to an unoccupied wall of the classroom to try out the spell. Taking out his wand, he practiced the figure eight movement once or twice before bracing himself to cast. "Caelum Saepio!" he spoke focused and clear, repeating the wand movement once more as he did.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
It...seemed like it might be a little warmer now? Maybe? Could be because of all the students who were using the spell...or it could just be her imagination. Penelope didn't really know. But she hoped it was working. She felt like she was doing the spell right after all.
So she took a few steps to the side to move on to a different area of the wall and once again imagined the spell working. Somehow. Her wand moved in the shape of an infinity sign once again as she said, "Caelum Saepio."
...And assuming that had worked, she moved on to another place in the room.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
It was time for her third and final try at the insulation charm. Jasmine was prepared to make her last one her best. Moving closer to the wall, she went into meditation mode. Insulation, warmth, keeping cold air out, all of these thought went through Jasmine's head. Closing her eyes, Jasmine actually pictured the cold, icy wind trying to penetrate the walls. Not happening....nope, not today.
Jasmine pointed her wand in the direction of the wall. She made her now familiar sideways figure eight and said, "Caelum Saepio". Jasmine had a feeling that her spells had worked. Maybe it was the placebo effect, but she was starting to feel warmer. Was it really warmer in the room? Well in Jasmine's mind it was.
Mission accomplished, Jasmine went back to her seat and copied the homework assignment from the board. Since the Professor said that they could leave once they had performed the spell three times, Jasmine began to pack up her things. Walking over to the Professor, she said her goodbye. "Thank you Professor. See you next time." Then she headed toward the door.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Alright, insulate the room. That seemed easy enough. Besides, he had been practicing this stuff for quite a while. Hopefully he had it down by now. The Gryffindor looked back at Kyroh and gave him a warm smile. With that, he walked over to the wall closest him and held out his wand.
And here goes nothing. "CAY-lum SAY-pee-oh!", the Gryffindor drew an infinity sign with his wand and waited. How were they supposed to know if it worked?
.... Uh. Was he just supposed to trust that it did? Honestly, Zander couldn't really tell the difference. There wasn't really much change... But it seemed to look alright so, with a shrug he just turned his back and walked away. Fuller probably wouldn't know the difference anyways.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
For the third time, Lux pointed her wand at the wall and drew the figure eight. "Caelum Saepio." They say that the third time's the charm, and hopefully that was true in this case. Or, you know, that all three of her attempts had been successful.
Being rather capable with spells, Lux preferred to think that it was the latter. Yep.
Since they were told that they could leave after casting three times, she headed back to her desk and packed everything up. The next time that she went to check on her boyfriend, she would ask Healer Tillstorm if she could perform this spell in his room so that he wouldn't be cold. Heading to the door, she smiled at Professor Fuller. "Thank you for the lesson. Have a great day."
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Start insulating the walls? Cool. Sure. He had no complaints against that. Not when there was the chance that it could get WARMER in here. What was even better was the fact that they had o use the spell on parts of the castle too. GOOD. A little warmth never hurt anybody and they could surely use some of that right about now.
So, Grayson headed over towards the nearest free space in the wall and decided to work on that. Insulate. Hopefully all that practice would pay off right about now. With every intent to get this right, Grayson drew an infinity symbol in the air once or twice more without saying anything. When he was done, he also went on to repeat the incantation, almost as in a sort of chant, juuuuuust to get it right. They WERE talking about warmth, after all.
He was going to help insulate the room. He was GOING to do it. Uh huh. "Caelum Saepio!" he said -- WITH CONFIDENCE -- while drawing an infinity symbol over the space on the wall he was working on.
So how in the name of Merlin were they meant to know if the spell had worked or not?
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Practicals already?
All right! Ethan nodded as he got his wand and selected a wall at the back, he examined it at first and wondered how old their school was. His grandfather and grandmother on his mother side attended Hogwarts, and they're old now! He was sure that their own grandparents attended this school too. All of which are Slytherins. Oh yesss.
Shaking his head and focusing at the task at hand, Ethan imagined that heat was building up inside him, and directed it to come out of his wand arm. Pointing his wand at the wall now, and directing that energy to it, he drew the sideways infinity sign and, "Caelum Saepio!"
Did it work? Ethan tilted his head and touched the wall. Well, he can't feel anything with his gloved hand right now...
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
The lesson was almost finished?
Simon blinked his blue eyes. It couldn't be over that quick, he hadn't gotten time to... Then a thought passed through his mind and he smirked. He could go bug pay Piersie a visit later. He had some other questions not sort of relating to the lesson to ask his Charms Professor.
Anyway, it was time to practice the spell. He walked over to the closest wall to where he had been practicing and he pulled his wand out. He took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders. Right. Sideways figure eight a couple of times with the incantation. He stared at the rather plain yet historically rich wall with his wand pointed in his left hand. ""Caelum Saepio!" he cried, moving his wand in an infinity sign. He then cast it again. "Caelum Saepio!"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Right. Adi was ready to try the charm again. "Caelum Saepio!'' he said clearly and with as much concentration as he could muster. Concentration was key, yes? Along with the wand movement. He made sure he traced out the infinity sign over the area he was working on.
So, just one more time left to cast the charm. Hopefully the room would be be warm soon since everyone had gotten started with the casting.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Woah, class was already almost over? But it wasn't over yet, not when they had just gotten to the fun part. The practical portion. Hayden was excited to put what she'd learned into practice, and see if she could actually perform the spell. She made her way to an empty portion of the wall and held her wand in front of her. She could do this. "Caelum Saepio." She drew a figure eight over a portion of the wall as she said the incantation. Nothing happened.
Wait, what was supposed to happen? All they were doing was insulating the wall, there weren't any physical affects to observe. Hayden raised her hand. "How do we know if it worked?" She couldn't just move on without knowing if her spell was working.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Samantha was happy to try out all she had learnt today. She got up from her seat and found an area of wall nearby. She aimed her wand at a small section of wall and as she did the figure eight motion, saying clearly "Caelum Saepio."
Sam wasn't sure if she had done the spell correctly but she was sure two more goes would do the trick.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Third and final time now. "Caelum Saepio!'' Adi did the corresponding wand movement- the infinity like sign. And that's that. He was done. He hoped he had gotten the charm to work.
Since he was done, Adi headed back to his seat to copy down the homework before packing up his stuff. "Bye, Professor. Have a great rest of the day.'' With that, he headed out of the room, going in the direction of his common room.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Removing the gloves from his hands, he touched the wall that he had used the charm on. Was it different? It felt like all the other walls in the castle. He pulled a face and wondered how they would know that the charm was working. Would they suddenly feel the air get warmer? But then the ickle Hufflepuff gobstones player (Hayden, was it?), had asked his question straight away. He'd keep his ears perked up so that he could hear the answer to the question.
Without another thought, he refocused on the wall. Completing the infinity sign movement in tandem with the incantation, he uttered, "Caelum Saepio" Simon repeated this a couple more times and then went to check on it again.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
They were actually going to have to move now? Lex groaned as she hauled herself up from her seat. Her legs, of course, were not pleased with the sudden rush of cold that swept against them. Could possibly be the hardest thing she'd done all day, legit.
The Gryffindor searched the room for a spot that wasn't already crowded with people. Misfiring happened all the time, she just didn't want to be a victim of it. Personally reasons, you understand. Lex walked the wall, looking pass people who'd already taken their spots until she finally found someplace with enough elbow room. That was more like it.
She drew her wand once more and drew the horizontal eight like Fuller had mentioned earlier. "Caelum Saepio!"
That one kid had asked a real good question. How would they know whether this was working or not?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
As the students began to practice the incantation and the wand movement, Fuller stuffed his cold hands into his coat pocket and began to wander around the room to get a better look. Everyone seemed to get it eventually, which was a great sign. The wand movement seemed to be fairly easy for them as well. After a few minutes, when everyone seemed to have it down, the professor returned to the front of the room.
"Good work, everyone. Now for the last portion of our class, we're going to start putting this charm to work. I want you all to get up and choose a section of wall in this classroom and insulate it with that spell. Simply point your wand at the wall, and draw a figure eight while saying the incantation. I want you to do this three times. While you do that, I'll put the homework on the board." Fuller gave them the go and then returned to the chalkboard to write down the homework.
"Once you are finished, you may leave!" he announced as well.
OOC: Sorry for the massive delay in posts. My week was a lot busier than planned! For full points, please make three posts performing the Insulation Charm on the walls of the classroom and include the wand movement and incantation. You will have three days from this post to complete it! Thanks for coming to Charms class!
Sophie thought it was interesting that Fuller wanted the whole class to work on his classroom right now - there were plenty of them there, they could certainly make quick work of it. What about his office? Had he already done that or would he want the help over there, too? And if he HAD already done that... well, golly, why hadn't he shared the charm with the class earlier on so they could have insulated the school better long ago?!
She wasn't going to argue with him, though, and packed her notes away before moving over to the nearest vacant spot at the wall and waved her wand fluidly in that infinity-sign motion with great intent near the floor, "Caelum Saepio." She gradually raised the motion and moved up the wall, "Caelum Saepio. Caelum Saepio." On the last one, she had her wand waving in the sideways-eight motion up toward where the wall met the ceiling.
Sophie didn't know if it was super effective or not, but she'd felt confident enough, so she had high hopes that it had worked. She had a thought, though, and raised her hand to get Fuller's attention, "Professor? You said whatever heat we produce inside the castle will stay in here. If you - and I'm not saying I will - but if you were to use this charm on a person, would it make the person retain their body heat better so they wouldn't get cold as fast?" Just curious about what it'd do.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Right okay. Now that he had it done once, he only had two more to go, right? Fuller had said to do it three times. And that wasn't too bad. So yeah, the Gryffindor made his way to another unoccupied spot in the room and let out a small sigh. Here goes nothing.
"Caelum Saepio" HA! He was actually getting a hang of all this latin stuff! The Gryffindor lingered by the spot a little longer... He put his face to the wall, as if to inspect it. What was he looking for here? Some kind of satisfaction or something really. He just wanted to know if this thing really worked. What if they were doing all this for nothing.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Last edited by ArianaBlack; 07-22-2014 at 03:43 AM.
Reason: Numbering the post would help.... ><