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Another cold day in the castle has come and you'll find that the Charms classroom is no exception. You can see your breath and you're probably shivering, but today's lesson will certainly (hopefully) help against that. Despite the frost and snow on the windows and the icicles hanging from various places, your professor is still in a somewhat good mood.
Professor Fuller is standing, leaning against his desk at the front of the classroom, bundled up in a coat and gloves, waiting for you all to arrive. So come on in and take a seat, so we can begin!
Class has now started! If you are just arriving, just pretend your character has been here all along. Feel free to discuss!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Teeth chattering, Lux made her way to the Charms classroom. As per usual these days, she had on about 50 layers and was using the Ventus spell. The warmth it added was nice, but she was still cold. At least Fuller seemed to be in a good mood.
"Hello, Professor!" she said before taking her seat. Did he have any helpful charms to teach them today? Something to help with keeping them warmer? Ventus was nice, but could only do so much.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
It was time for Charms!
With his backpack hanging lazily on his left shoulder and dressed in warm winter gear, the boy made his way to the Charms classroom. Oh hey, he was actually early for a class for once. He beamed as he walked into the room. His smile disappeared when he was greeted with a blast of cold air. Then he began shivering. Ugh, he was so sick of winter. When could spring just happen? He folded his arms and exhaled. His blue eyes widened when he could see his own breath. Sweet, he thought. He could be like a dragon. That was fun. He chuckled and continued further into the classroom.
Waving towards his Charms Professor, he grinned. "Hello Professor Fuller. Man, it's freezing in here. How are you?" he asked and then he went to go find a seat. He shivered and pulled his scarf tighter around his neck. He gave a nod to the Hufflepuff girl who was already there. He didn't know her but he figured that being friendly was always a good way to be on these cold winter days as people could get quite cranky.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
UGH this was seriously the worst. Caleb was so over this cold. He was seriously debating transferring to another school in South America or something - anywhere where it was WARMER. That was all he wanted in life. Warmth. He was certain he'd never be warm again. Woe is Caleb ugh.
"Hey Professor," he said to Fuller, taking a seat next to Simon, his dorm mate. He smiled at him politely and then started puffing air into his hands to try and warm up, although it was a fruitless effort.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Penelope was cold, even though she was wearing about 10 layers of warm clothes. Maybe the professor would teach them a charm that would help with the cold. She entered the charms classroom, shivering. "Hello Professor Fuller," she said before taking a seat. Seeing that she was one of the first people to arrive, she got out her notebook for taking notes, and watched her freezing breath.
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Mackenzie really was tired of wearing all her clothes, being this bundled up was beginning to cause problems with sitting. But unlike most everyone else she wasn't shivering so it was working. She entered the charms classroom and saw Professor Fuller bundled up as well "Good Morning Professor Fuller" the blonde smiled at the woman. With a quick glance around the classroom she picked a seat close to the front and pulled out her book, quill, and parchment she was ready for class.
It was now a habit to layer up as much as he could when Toby woke up in the morning. He was pretty sure he'd forgotten what it was like to be properly warm, and was really quite used to all this eternal winter stuff.
When he arrived at the classroom, Toby smiled at Professor Fuller and gave him a little wave and a smile as he headed for a seat beside a window. No extreme weather could deter him from taking up his regular seat.
"Hi Professor Fuller," the fifteen year old said, sitting down and taking out his wand and note-taking things from his bag, wondering just how much he'd even end up writing down today. Toby's class notes were gradually becoming less and less informative these days, and more like sheets full of doodles surrounding the most basic of information for the class. That wasn't how he intended for things to happen; he wanted to focus, he really did. It was just that getting distracted and carried away was his default setting, especially in lessons.
Still, he was determined to keep on trying. Hard work always paid off.
"Nice, uhh... day for..." Ahem. "... Charms?" Merlin knew where he'd been going with that sentence. Still, Toby acted casual. He made sense. He did.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
SPOILER!!: oh hai friend!
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
UGH this was seriously the worst. Caleb was so over this cold. He was seriously debating transferring to another school in South America or something - anywhere where it was WARMER. That was all he wanted in life. Warmth. He was certain he'd never be warm again. Woe is Caleb ugh.
"Hey Professor," he said to Fuller, taking a seat next to Simon, his dorm mate. He smiled at him politely and then started puffing air into his hands to try and warm up, although it was a fruitless effort.
Simon was slipping on his nice woolen gloves when Caleb sat down next to him. "Hey Caleb," he greeted as he too rubbed his hands together, trying to warm them up. Ooh. Wait. Magic. They could use magic. He pulled out his wand and cast a quick Hot Air Charm. The heat lasted only for thirty seconds as it got really cold again. He frowned and rested the side of his face on his hand. Why couldn't they be having nice tropical weather right now instead of freezing snow and ice and slush. Yuck. The winter was just making the boy feel more and more miserable. He then put his Slytherin hat on, making sure that he covered his ears properly. "When do you think this cold will go away, mate?"
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine arrived at the Charms classroom bundled from head to foot. Unfortunately, she was still cold. Unwrapping the scarf that was covering her face, she said, "Hello Professor Fuller". Before replacing the scarf, she managed to say, "Hello Lux, Hello Penelope." Walking over to an empty seat, she sat down and began unpacking her things. Hoping that class would start soon, Jasmine kept the warming charms coming.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi was beginning to feel convinced that this annoying cold would never leave Hogwarts. Despite dressing in the usual winter stuff, he was still shivering. But he shuffled into the Charms classroom, determined not to let the cold get the best of him.
"Hello, Professor,'' Adi said to the man who seemed to be sort of okay with the cold. Meh. He turned to go find a seat. Ah, look. Some of his friends. Lux, Simon, Caleb and Jasmine all got a waves from him.
Nope. Jun wasn't joking today. It was too cold for regular clothes. Wearing a beanie, his Peter Pan onesie, dinosaur feet slippers, a hoodie, a jacket and his bag, the sixth year boy walked into charms class. It was far too cold in this classroom too. That was any classroom really. "Hello, professor," Jun greeted his professor and sat down in a desk. He had an extra change of clothes in his charmed bag, just incase his outfit was not "appropriate" for class. At least he'll be somewhat warm this way. Just gotta stay away from the windows and all.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Cold. Cold. Cold. It was freezing cold. Not surprising, but did Hogwarts even believe in heating systems? Because this was starting to get ridiculous! Either way, Zander couldn't possibly let Slytherin catch up, so he was doing it for the points. For the points and points only. Sigh. The Gryffindor jogged to class, whaa??, to generate some good ol' heat. Zander never jogs. This should tell people something.
The third year made his way into the room, taking a few deep breathes. He eyed the guy wearing the onesie because, uh that was kind of weird. As he noticed Fuller standing near his desk, Zander made his way over, not yet coming to a complete stop. Instead he opted to jog in place for a bit as he said his hellos. Could risk losing the warmth right? "Hello Professor, pretty chilly?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
North pole. This is the north pole. Ethan wore his typical snowboarding gear, with an extra layer of clothing underneath it this time. It seems that the strange weather they’re having is becoming worse everyday. And…are those icicles? Good Merlin. The Slytherin walked further inside the classroom, “Hello, ‘fessor.”Piersie, oh and look. Tobias!
Ethan gave the Hufflepuff a nod and crashed beside him. “So cold.” He said as he gently placed his forehead against his table. Merlin. Hopefully they’d learn how to make a bigger fire today. A huge bonfire sounds lovely…bonus points if they get to make s’mores. Heh. Wishful thinking, but who knows, yeah?
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
It was a sad sad fact that he was now used to this freakshow that was hiding behind a mask and calling itself 'the weather'. Swear to Merlin, Grayson didn't even hesitate in layering himself up in jumpers and scarves -- even donning an ugly Christmas jumper beneath his robes out of his own free will! He didn't like it. Nope. The jumper had smiling REINDEERS, for Merlin's sake. But it was keeping him relatively warm so he was trying his hardest not to complain.
Even worse was the fact that he had to have a GOOD ATTITUDE for this class. Do Fuller realise how hard that was? Because it was. It was difficult, especially when he was shivering and the last thing he wanted to do was have a freaking good attitude. Maybe he needed to talk to a Hufflepuff about how they kept cheerful and whatnot in this weather. Or observe. Observing was good.
Still. Charms. He was here. And so were the icicles. Whoop-dee-do.
Fine. FINE. He was happy. Good attitude.
"Hello Professor!" he called, waving a gloved hand at the man before heading over towards a seat. The nearly fifteen year old sat down and took out his things from his bag. They were set on his desk before looking around at the class in general. The cold did weird things to people; like make them jog around on the spot -- smart -- or be overly friendly or...........
............. WHY in the name of merlin was Jun wearing a ONESIE?!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
So flipping cold in this school, my GOSH! Maddie was less than enthused about sitting through a class with the conditions being what they were but she DID want to be the best at ALL the things so here she was. The road to being a RULER of the UNIVERSE was hard.
Shivering despite her many layers, the first year wandered into the room quietly and took a seat, avoiding anywhere that an icicle might fall and split open her HEAD or something. She'd heard that was possible, y'know. The Hufflepuffs best be mindful of where they're sitting.
"Hello P-Professor." Was that teeth chattering, you ask? Why yes, yes it is.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ian walked into the charms classroom. He had his bright yellow mittens on and he'd sent for his mom to send him some nice long underwear and thicker sweaters. It had helped some but it was still rather cold. Since they wouldn't really allow hats in the classrooms, he had not put his warm cap on, but it was in his pocket on the off chance he'd have a chance to wear it.
He nodded to the professor with as warm a greeting as he could muster in this chilly cold. Hello, professor he had said before finding a seat over by Adi.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Kyroh reckoned that class should have been cancelled. On account of, their was possibility that students might freeze to death. It would be much safer for him to be wrapped up in his blankets in his dorm room. But it WASN'T cancelled. So of course that meant layers, and gloves and hat on, inside the classroom.
They were probably only having class still so Fuller could show off more of his hair.
Skipping into class he looked around before strategically taking a seat beside his sidekick. Just incase any cold ones broke into the class, Kyroh would push Zander to attack them first. "Professor if I start not feeling my toes can I go back to my common room?" Also, HI BODDIE and Toby! They got a wave.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Kevin had dressed up with some extra layers before coming to class and had even wrapped a scarf around his neck to keep himself warm. He really hoped that the winter would be over soon but he doubted it. He had even witnessed that it had been snowing in the Great Hall and it hadn't been the magical kind of snow.
as he entered the classroom, he saw Zander and made his way towards him but then the Ravenclaw Kyroh sat next to him all of the sudden and the Gryffindor looked down for a second before walking to another desk. He had forgotten that Zander, his new and only *friend* also had other friends. The second year had yet again ignored the Professor and hadn't said an hello. Instead he placed his legs on the table in front of him and leaned back in his chair.
Being bundled up in as many layers as possible had just become a way of life and Sophie wasn't even bothered by it anymore. It was just a thing that needed to be done. And though she owned two scarves with Ravenclaw house colors, today she was wearing one with blue and bronze, and the other in yellow and black. Both scarves were looped around her neck, bundled up to her mouth.
The Hufflepuff one was actually hers - prior to her first term, she had bought one of every color, since she wasn't positive which house she'd end up in, and kept them in the bottom of her trunk. Of course, she knew Fuller wouldn't know it was hers, so when she entered the classroom and strolled right over to take a seat directly behind Tobes - and Ethan was by him, too! Aw! - she pulled the scarves down to offer the professor a cheeky sort of grin.
Hi, Fuller. "Hi." That was her greeting, accompanied by that big grin, and then a look to the back of Toby's head, then back to the professor to communicate her reason for her cheery demeanor.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
It was freezing.
It was freezing INSIDE the castle, his breathe easily seen in puffs as he inhaled and exhaled while walking into the charms classroom. Even bundled up in outergear over his regular batch of warm clothes for the cold season wasn't enough. Benny could only imagine just how cold it was outside when it was as cold as it was inside. His non-like of winter was strengthening no matter what and he wished strongly for spring. He figured at this point in time everyone likely was.
"Hello..." Brrrr. "Hello Professor..." he greeted simply as he noticed the man at his desk. The third year wasn't feeling much like a good day. Could they please do something about that? Benny shuffled his feet as he strove to warm up, moving to an empty desk near the familiar form of Adi.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
It was getting all kinds of difficult to go to classes. Did they still have a choice--was it ever a choice to begin with? Classes were those...compulsory things you found in schools. That had to be the only reason the Gryffindor dragged herself to the Charms Classroom. Her zeal for lessons had died with the arrival of the snow storm. Now all her energy was spent trying to find the right dungeon corridor to blow a giant hole through to start the tunneling process. They would NOT stay here. It was not an option, OKAY???
"Alright if I keep this, Sir?" She asked, gesturing to the blanket she'd walked in wrapped around her shoulder in. The corridors were freezing. She didn't reckon it was as bad as outside but this was her little solace. Hot air charm contained under the blanket made for a warm walk to class.
If it wasn't she'd stuff it in her bag and be done with but she'd ask first just in case.
"Also, hello." Because of manners and all.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Well now the only way to stay warm was with your wand and making fires in the common room. Everywhere else was freezing cold. Still that did not mean you would actually come to class in a onesie. Like Jun did. Only Wade could rock the onesie and get away with it.
It was the hair or if you have a starfish onesie.
"Hello, Professor. You know it will be a great class, when you can't feel your face before it begins"
Maybe he was being cool to cancel out the cool air in here. Would be awesome if it worked. But sadly, that was not possible.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Last edited by oh its Erik ok; 07-15-2014 at 12:39 AM.
Reason: i can't spell
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sophie was really in no mood for class. She'd started off the year alright, but when the snowstorm arrived, she'd just sort of lost her spunk when it came to classes. She had sort of, kind of hoped the professors would just call off class and let everybody focus on walking around dressed like an eskimo and trying to stay warm.
No such luck, though.
"Hello, Professor," she said, and that was all, because she really didn't feel much like saying anything else. Could he just cast a charm of warmth all over the area or conjure a huge fire or something? Nevermind that they were right in the middle of the classroom.
She took a seat next to Grayson, passed him a smile, and then waited for the lesson to get started.
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler
To pass the time, Marigold had been working on a scarf. Knitting one, that is. Her muggle grandmother had taught her, and though she was painfully slow at it, it didn't turn out half bad. Sure, it was rather lumpy in some places, and some of the rows were looser than others, and hey, it definitely was not a fashion statement, but it kept her warm. And busy.
And one of her favorite classes could make her smile a little as she entered the room. "Hi, Professor," she said, then continued walking into the classroom. She sorted through her classmates to find ones she knew and acknowledged the following with a head nod and raise of the eyebrows: Gray, Ethan, Toby, Kyroh (THE CUTIE!), and Adi.
Why was it so cold? Hazel pulled her scarf tighter to her face with one hand, keeping the other warmly in her pocket. Hello, Professor," she said. She walked into the classroom and shivered. Were they supposed to freeze? She certainly hoped the Professor put one of those 'warm classroom' charms on the room. "Hey, M-Mari," she said, shivering again. She saw her knit away at a scarf and wished she could do the same. Hoping she could learn by watching, she took the seat next to Mari.