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Bed 3 http://i820.photobucket.com/albums/z...storm/bed3.gif Image by LilFox06 OOC: Before posting in this thread, you must first have been called back by Healer Tillstorm. To be seen by the Healer, please post in the Check-in Area for Patients first, then in the Waiting Room for Patients and Visitors. |
Professor Morgan and Penelope Once they were back in the room, Cece shut the door. "Please take a seat, both of you." She didn't care who sat on the bed or who sat in a chair, just as long as they both sat down. |
Cassie smiled as Cece had them come back to bed three. As she walked through the door she gave her fellow staff member a smile, "Good day Healer Tilstorm." Just because her hands were hurting didn't mean she should be all Judy moody with anyone. "Penelope dear you go ahead and take the bed. Healer Tilstorm can make sure you are alright first." Her concern were her students before her own well being. Looking back to Cece she decided to explain. "We were having a SNAC meeting and students were outside looking for animal prints to try and figure out why they are acting off, I'm afraid the willow didn't like us near and with the cold a few might have been out a tad long." She looked at own red hands. |
Penelope followed Healer Tilstorm and Professor Morgan to one of the beds. "Good day Healer Tilstorm," Penelope said, echoing Professor Morgan. Penelope sat on the bed and listened as Professor Morgan explained about the SNAC meeting. "The whomping willow knocked me down and I got covered in snow. It was really cold." She still felt cold, but at least she wouldn't freeze to death inside. Her hands were really red. |
They were having a snack meeting outside? Cece knew her neighbor was a strange woman, but honestly, why would the crazy hold a meeting about snacks outside? And what in the name of crazy did snacks have to do with animal prints? "Professor Morgan, I think it would be wise from now on to hold your snack meetings inside, preferably near the kitchens, where the food is kept." It only made sense, right. But enough about snacks right now. Now she had some healing to do. "Other than the red hands, are you hurt anywhere for the tree?" This she was asking of Penelope. And again, why in the name of crazy would the professor have the students near something that is known for harming others? Pointing her wand at the girl she started to wave it around her hands as she produced a warming charm. Slowly rub your hands together. The warm air will help get them back to normal." She then looked over at Professor Morgan. "I assume you know this charm professor. Feel free to do it on yourself while I take care of this child." You know, the one you put in harms way. |
Near the kitchens? "Why on earth would I hold a meeting for Divination.. oh, I see.." Hahaha, she was chuckling over this mistake. It was comical really. "It's not snack S-N-A-C-K, it's SNAC S-N-A-C. It's a Divination club that Professor Elwood had set up a few terms ago. I've just kept it going." The healer would have known about it though. She was on staff and she figured it had been talked about before. "I've been having major headaches from animal chatter. So I decided to use it for our meeting and work on some Ichnomancy. I sensed the animals traveling near the tree the best, so we went looking." She had warned them to stay away from the Willow, but it was just madder than usual. Watching as she took care of the girl, Cassie looked at her own hands. "Yes I know it, just didn't want to ,step on your toes with Frostbite, seems ore serious than what I should mess with." Pulling her wand she did the warming charm. "Charms won't even work outside, people should just stay in." She did feel bad sending students out not realizing it was that bad. "Miss Penelope, how are we feeling?" She worried about the girl. "I was going to come see you anyway Healer Tilstorm. My lotions are not quite doing what my hands are needing with this bitter weather. Do you have any suggestions for super dry skin?" Though Cassie knew she would, she was a healer after all. |
Cece had to refrain from rolling her eyes at Cassie when she explained what her little club was really about. "Well whatever your little club is about, I would think someone as educated as you are would lead you and your students OUT of danger, not into it." Seriously, what was the point in her being a sear of any sorts if she still put her students in danger? Not looking at her co-worker, Healer Tillstorm continued warming the hands of the little student in front of her as she continued talking to Cassie. "Professor, don't you think your stepping in and helping out would have prevented any chances of there being frostbite to anyone at all?" Seriously woman. Use your head and think about these things. Once she had Penelope all warmed up and could see there were no signs of frostbite, she turned back to Cassie. "You know, you're lotions might work if you weren't crazy enough to go out in this bitter cold." Again, use your head woman, stay inside and protect your skin. "But to answer your question, yes, I'm sure I have something you can use. I'll be right back." She then left the room to get some lotion, for both the professor and Penelope. After a few moments she came back with two tubes of lotion in her hands. Holding them out she handed them to both patients in the room. "Use this lotion twice a day on the affected areas. Don't be stingy with it either. If you run out just come back and get more." Cece would just make sure she kept plenty of it in stock. |
SPOILER!!: Healer Tilstorm SNAC, snack. Penelope could see why the healer seemed to think that the SNAC club had something to do with food. It would have been good to have the meeting inside. Outside was cold, and the whomping willow was dangerous. Had she been hurt by the whomping willow? Most of Penelope had been covered in a few layers of clothing, but the tree could have hurt her somewhere. Penelope closed her eyes and thought back to when the tree had hit her. She had been looking at an animal print on the ground when snow from the willow fell from a branch and covered the prints. Then she had looked up. A branch had been coming down on her, but she was unable to move. The next thing she knew, she was lying in the snow, slowly being covered by fresh snow. Did she have any injuries? With her eyes still closed, Penelope mentally checked for injuries, focusing on one body part at a time. There was a sharp pain on the left side of her face. Placing one finger on the end of the area where she could feel the pain, Penelope traced her finger down a scratch that had been covered by her hair. It was wet with blood. The top of the scratch was between her eye and the top of her ear, closer to her ear than her eye, and the whole scratch went 3 inches down her face. Her right shoulder hurt a bit, but it was most likely just a bruise, not anything serious. Open ending her eyes and pulling back her hair so the healer could see the scratch, she said, "I have a scratch here on my face that is bleeding a little." Her face had a few other small scratches and scrapes. Stupid tree. "There might be some other small scrapes on my face. My right shoulder hurts, but it's not too bad." Her toes were still feeling cold. She would have to put on dry clothes and shoes as soon as she could. Listening to what the healer said, Penelope rubbed her hands together. The warming charm warmed her hands. She looked at her hands. Her fingers were still red, but they were getting better. Continuing to rub her hands together, Penelope asked Healer Tilstorm, "How do you do the warming charm?" That charm would be useful for preventing frost bite in the future, when professors decided to bring them outside when it was really cold. She had wanted to learn the charm, so she might as well try to learn it now. SPOILER!!: Cassie That was why they had been out in the cold getting buried in snow and hit by trees? The professor had a headache? She had put students in danger of getting frost bite and being hurt by the willow because of a headache? If she had a headache, why didn't she just come straight to the healer? She sensed that the animals that were giving her major headaches were out in the snow by a tree that was known to hurt people, so she took students with her to look? It was not that hard to figure out that you should not bring students outside, in the snow and extreme cold, near a dangerous tree. If the professor thought that people should just stay in, why had she brought them outside for the SNAC meeting? "I am feeling warmer. Everything should be alright. My toes are still kind of cold, but my fingers are feeling better. I have some scratches and scrapes from the willow, but it is just a few scratches. It should be fine. Are your hands feeling better?" She would definitely put dry socks on when she got back to Ravenclaw tower, whenever that might be. It was a long walk up. SPOILER!!: Tilstorm Lotion. This should help with her hands. "Thank you, Healer Tilstorm," she said after the healer gave her the lotion. |
“They were never in danger Healer Tilstorm. I warned about staying away from the tree. No I did not realize the temperatures had fallen so drastically low, but still they were in no real danger. I got them in as soon as I realized it was too cold.” She smiled and waved Cece off a bit, “Oh well by the time I realized I had it, most of them were headed in anyway. So the damage had been done already, I figured it was best to leave it to the expert. Which of course is you.” Plus none of her charms seem to have worked outside with that nasty wind in the way, so maybe the warming charm would have done no good as well. Again she just chuckled and shrugged her off, “Oh they weren’t working before I went out there today. My tower has been dreadfully cold with the winds hitting the castle. “ It was freezing up there unless she added all her extra heating charms. As she walked out of the room Cassie looked towards Penelope, “She a fantastic healer, she’ll get you all fixed up.” Not that she had seen Cece work, but she was the healer at the school, she had to be good. “My hands are feeling much better, thank you.” She grinned as the healer came back into the room. Taking the lotion she looked it over, “Twice a day, got it! Thank you soo much for all your help.” It was wonderful to have warm hands again and soon to be less chapped as well. |
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