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Annaleecia walked into a compartment and sat down. She twisted a newly brown curl and smiled slightly. The summer had been great for her. A new orphanage, a bit of time with Mel, and a lot of time with her new friends at her new home. She couldn't help a happy look around the compartment, actually excited for this new year... She just hoped she could be a little more social and attend a few more classes and all that good stuff. She really did have a good feeling about the year.
Kace was exploring the back car when he noticed a familiar face. He saw Annalee. He smiled when he saw her. He opened the door and asked, "Are any seats taken?" he asked his old friend.
Ben had lost sight of his younger shadow somewhere from the platform to the train which was in a way fine by him. He wasn't all too used to being around girls on their own, only in a class or group setting like the common room or Great Hall. One on one felt awkward and they had lost Bay totally from the otherside of the barrier. Just like he had lost his trunk in the luggage compartment making his traveling through the crowded train a bit easier when he just had Conrad's cage to contend with.
Now to find a seat somewhere. Anywhere. A task harder then one might think if they had never been aboard the Hogwarts Express on September 1st. Coming up from the luggage area into the back cars of the train, Benny walked and wove down the inner corridor insearch for either an empty compartment or at least enough room for a thirteen year old boy and his owl.
Anywhere around here like that?
Angel had some how lost Ben when she was trying to put her trunk where it should go and now she was searching for him all over the place, she had been trying her hardest for ages, and was about to give in when she suddenly found him.
"CUT......." Angel shouted then stopped. "Ben, why did you run off?" Angel pouted. "I thought I was going to be lost on this train forever, I turned round to ask you a question and you had gone." Angel really didn't like that it had been scary. "Can you tell me about the houses at Hogwarts please, I've read up on them but I thought you'd know more."
She figured it might have been bad but Merlin! Lex laughed, hardly willing to take him seriously...but then it was Jun so there was no reason not take him so seriously when it came to sleeping. "You'll be bored of your bed after Day 2, I bet. Too much to see around Hogwarts and you don't want to waste that free week away from classes doing nothing." It was so uneventful, quite dull actually. She'd never have been able to pull it off. Too much to do, too many people to catch up with and not enough hours to live in the dueling arena. As for whether or not she'd get him candy...not exactly. Lex shook her head. "I dunno where the Trolley lady got off to so no, but you can have some of mine." She said, gesturing to the bag slung over her shoulder. He was always welcome to some, 'cept for when he tried telling her how much she was allowed and what-not.
The idea of Felix randomly hiding things was foreign to her. He only hid things when he was told...not counting last term when he hid her candy bag but she wasn't of any sound mind to give orders then. It'd been for her own good. Not like now when she had nothing to hide in particular. "More like trying to find an owl for lunch. Hopefully everyone's got theirs in their cages." Terrible thing it would be if they didn't. A real pity. "He will turn up though so I'm not too worried, just annoyed." The Gryffindor hopped up at the wiggling and plopped down in the seat opposite his. There.
"Fine, I'll just sleep on your bed until further notice," If only. But maybe he'll go walk around the grounds and stuff. Or even go sit by the lake like last term. There was an idea. "Then to keep me awake, wanna help me with the water fear? I want to try and go into the water again," Baby steps, tie-dye boy. But least he made progress over the summer with his fear of water. Getting into a pool and all. Even though after that, he didn't go near one again. He nodded. Sharing candy was what they did when either forgot their candy bags. More Jun forgetting his. And just being lazy sometimes. "Do you have Fizzing Whizbees in there? Because I might take mainly those," Always good to know your boyfriend's favorite candy, Lex.
Jun laughed. Good thing he didn't really like them. Even Grayson has frowned when Jun told him that. Owls were just weird and annoying to him. "Does he really? Feel bad for anyone who has an owl around him," Jun can imagine Felix climbing up on things to try and get the owls. "Annoyed that he disappeared?" It was a given. Any pet owner would be really. Feeling Lex move, Jun got up and stretched. Probably the reason why the boy was so tall now. He then leaned down and kissed her. There, a proper hello.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel had some how lost Ben when she was trying to put her trunk where it should go and now she was searching for him all over the place, she had been trying her hardest for ages, and was about to give in when she suddenly found him.
"CUT......." Angel shouted then stopped. "Ben, why did you run off?" Angel pouted. "I thought I was going to be lost on this train forever, I turned round to ask you a question and you had gone." Angel really didn't like that it had been scary. "Can you tell me about the houses at Hogwarts please, I've read up on them but I thought you'd know more."
Ben turned as he heard his name being shouted only to spot Angel coming his way. "Run off?" he questioned making a slight, confused face and using her choice of terms. "I figured you had left me once you were safely on the correct platform." After all he had lost sight of her when looking around for friends. The third year had believed her to have moved away and gone on her own with no trouble after all she had seemed pretty self-reliant for a young girl. Other then barrier and platform trouble.
She had actually wanted to stay with him?
"I guess so..." That way he didn't duplicate information uselessly, wasting both their times. Realizing they were still out in the hallway as he was brushed into by a passing older student, Benny paused for a moment looked around again once more for a spot to sit down and finally guided them into a compartment that seemed to be pretty clear for them to be out of the way. "Well what do you already know?"
Ben turned as he heard his name being shouted only to spot Angel coming his way. "Run off?" he questioned making a slight, confused face and using her choice of terms. "I figured you had left me once you were safely on the correct platform." After all he had lost sight of her when looking around for friends. The third year had believed her to have moved away and gone on her own with no trouble after all she had seemed pretty self-reliant for a young girl. Other then barrier and platform trouble.
She had actually wanted to stay with him?
"I guess so..." That way he didn't duplicate information uselessly, wasting both their times. Realizing they were still out in the hallway as he was brushed into by a passing older student, Benny paused for a moment looked around again once more for a spot to sit down and finally guided them into a compartment that seemed to be pretty clear for them to be out of the way. "Well what do you already know?"
Angel smiled at Ben. "I turned round to see if I could see someone but couldn't and then I turned back and you were gone." Angel sighed. "Obviously I could have stayed on my own somewhere but I decided I wanted to speak to you since you already go to Hogwarts." Angel wanted to know more about the place.
"Awesome." Angel was really excited now, she was glad that he was going to let her stay and ask questions. "Well I've read the basics and other stuff." Angel smiled. "But like, how does this hat know what house to put you in?" Angel wondered if her sisters would be put in the same house.
Whaa, but if he couldn't complain what would he DO!? eyeing her a bit he scooted away from her as she went to poke him."No poking then." he couldn't complain she couldn't poke. hmph! Grinning at her as she pulled her hair into a fake mustache he laughed at how silly she looked. "Oh it looks great, totally natural." heh, silly.
:3 HeLikedHoldingHerHand and he was glad that she didn't pull it away or anything cause he might of had to pull out all the sad faces if she did. She was smirking though he saw that and he squeezed her hand though. Stopit
"Nothing... no no no it's something." he shook his arm making hers shake in the process. "it can't be too serious." tell uss, or maybe he'd just go looking, heh.
Did he just giver her an ultimatum? He did, he really did. With a mock huff, Beverly rolled her eyes playfully. "Fine. You can complain whilst I poke you." If he hadn't noticed, her new favorite hobby was poking him. A legit hobby. Oh, and he liked her mustache. "One-hundred percent natural," she asserted. "I wonder...how'd you look with it..." Musing over this, she eyed him.
Nope. She needed a visual, so she moved her 'mustache' over to him. Raising an impressed eyebrow, she smirked some more. Heh. Jeremiah had a full on mustache.
Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Beverly wondered if the windows could open so she could throw the blasted thing out and forget all about it. "It's not serious, just...it's stupid," she mumbled, stubborn. It really was. Nothing to see.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel smiled at Ben. "I turned round to see if I could see someone but couldn't and then I turned back and you were gone." Angel sighed. "Obviously I could have stayed on my own somewhere but I decided I wanted to speak to you since you already go to Hogwarts." Angel wanted to know more about the place.
"Awesome." Angel was really excited now, she was glad that he was going to let her stay and ask questions. "Well I've read the basics and other stuff." Angel smiled. "But like, how does this hat know what house to put you in?" Angel wondered if her sisters would be put in the same house.
She was clearly caught between happy to see him and bother by his abandonment and Benny couldn't help but feel bad.[ He wasn't exactly one to be rude like that. B]"Then I guess I should apologize for leaving you."[/B] Maybe he had wrong to just let her get on with her own devices when she was obviously new to the school. If not the world.
The Gryffindor was then surprised by her excitement, switching moods so quick. Chalking it up to her being a girl, Ben switched his own focus on her question. "Um...I'm not actually sure how it works. Other then supposedly going by your personality somehow." How would a hat do that after all? "It kinda felt weird hearing a hat talk on my head like it knew me."
Kace was exploring the back car when he noticed a familiar face. He saw Annalee. He smiled when he saw her. He opened the door and asked, "Are any seats taken?" he asked his old friend.
Anna looked up, not able to help a faint smile. She did still kinda like Kace... but with the new changes and everything, her love life was the last thing on her mind. She shook her head to his question, "Just me, as usual it seems."
Oh? What was this? This was a Caterina, most affectionately referred to as 'Cat' by most, and she was wandering the corridor, looking for friends to sit with. Apparently Elodie was all prefecty now and had to make her appearance, but when Cat had hovered near the compartment and didn't see Mo there, she'd gone looking for him.
And lo, she soon heard his voice. She was quite sure of it, though it didn't sound like normal happy Mo's voice. Oh, was that Sophie as well? Cat nudged her way in and paused near the wall, looking at all three compartment dwellers and grinning. "Hello there. Mind?" No, of course not, surely. She smiled at Toby, since she'd never really spoken much to him before. She ruffled Soph's hair and then took a seat beside Mo, who happened to be have Sophie climbing on him. She grinned once again and kissed his cheek. Hi boyfriend. Boyfriend-jungle-gym.
Originally Posted by Felixir
A snog? Oh my.
Toby's face was kind of blank at that, and he blinked around at Sophie, only to see her grinning straight at him, and then giggling. He didn't know quite WHAT was so funny, but her reaction in itself was enough to make him smile just the same, though he did squint at Soph in a kind of mock glare.
But Mo was still talking, and Toby looked back to him again.
"My summer was great!" he chimed in, giving a nod, and glancing at Sophie again. He had all sorts of stories about THIS summer, which was significantly better than the last. Then he beamed yet again. "Yeah! Got on the team at the start of summer. Just missed you, I think."
Because Mo had been off doing this, that, or the other.
When the door slid open again, Toby saw the elusive Cat. He nodded and gestured to any of the open seat, because the more the merrier, right? As long as Mo and Cat didn't start snogging with him and Soph there... 'cause Toby wasn't sure quite how he would react to that.
But Soph was busy hugging Mo anyway, and seeing her so happy made TOBY very happy. He just sat there, bouncing his knees in his characteristic manner, until he eyed Bludger down by his feet. The cat must have slipped in when the door had been opened by Cat or Mo, and was now attempting to hunt down and kill one of Toby's shoelaces. Tobias just chuckled and let him get on with it.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"I wasn't missing. I knew exactly where I was the whole time," Mo mused as he ruffled through the candy in the bag and then took exactly zero pieces. No heart for candy, at the moment, and he sort of wanted to keep sulking as long as possible. Candy might make him feel a bit better. "But I wasn't here, so that's fair, I guess. I was in Peru for July, and then West and I took a little lads' jaunt through Europe for most of August."
There were pictures. If she wanted to see them. And then... hello, no-longer-small-Sophie in his lap. "Missed you too. Oh." His face crumpled and he patted her hair. "I'm awfully sorry, Soph."
Cat. He was so relieved Cat was there, and Mo turned fond-sad-bewildered eyes on her. She didn't even know what was wrong yet, but he needed her to make it better immediately. Okay? Fix everything, Caterina.
"I was looking for you, but then I found these two and they required my assistance in candy consumption." Just so she knew... he'd been looking for her FIRST and then got distracted.
"It's a shame, isn't it? I kind of think that getting to play together instead of against each other would have been the highlight of my... very short career." Mo's grin was all wobbly around the edges, but he WAS proud of Toby for making the team. The kid was really amazing... fast and clever on a broom and just made for the sport.
Ugh. He pictured having to tell all the little grinning faces like this about Quidditch and it made Mo just ill. "Maybe we can play a pick-up game this year. You and me against Sophie and anyone she thinks can possibly take us. Which is no one, if you want to know." Surely they were still allowed to fly, after all.
Sophie watched Mo shuffle through the candy and waited to see what he'd pick, but ultimately frowned when he didn't pick anything. "That sounds like a lot of fun. See cool things, then? And didja get to see Cat a lot?" It didn't sound like it, unless he had brought her to Peru and Europe, too. No wonder he was so sad to not have found her yet.
She liked hugging Mo, she decided, and gave him an over-excited nuzzle against his cheek to let him know, still squeezing him like her life depended on it.
"CAT." A short burst of energy led Sophie to detach herself from Mo and scoot away from him, and thereby away from Cat, and her expression mellowed considerably. SERIOUS TIME. They were gonna hug or snog or something now, right? Mo needed Cat more than Sophie did right now, she realized, and was going to let Mo get first dibs on Cat's attention. "We did. We've gotta lot of food here. I actually brought it for all of us to share, if you guys stopped by, but... sorry for keeping him from you." She wasn't, really, but... nice of her to say so, wasn't it?
THE WHOLE GROUP WAS THERE, and the most content of smiles was plastered on the third year's face for the whole world to see.
"I'm glad we're all here. I love you guys. You're my three favorites in the whole world." Just so they knew. And... Toby and Mo versus Sophie and someone of her choice for some Quidditch fun? "Well, I choose Cat." Boom. Obvious choice.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Star-Lord
"Fine, I'll just sleep on your bed until further notice," If only. But maybe he'll go walk around the grounds and stuff. Or even go sit by the lake like last term. There was an idea. "Then to keep me awake, wanna help me with the water fear? I want to try and go into the water again," Baby steps, tie-dye boy. But least he made progress over the summer with his fear of water. Getting into a pool and all. Even though after that, he didn't go near one again. He nodded. Sharing candy was what they did when either forgot their candy bags. More Jun forgetting his. And just being lazy sometimes. "Do you have Fizzing Whizbees in there? Because I might take mainly those," Always good to know your boyfriend's favorite candy, Lex.
Jun laughed. Good thing he didn't really like them. Even Grayson has frowned when Jun told him that. Owls were just weird and annoying to him. "Does he really? Feel bad for anyone who has an owl around him," Jun can imagine Felix climbing up on things to try and get the owls. "Annoyed that he disappeared?" It was a given. Any pet owner would be really. Feeling Lex move, Jun got up and stretched. Probably the reason why the boy was so tall now. He then leaned down and kissed her. There, a proper hello.
Lex swung her feet up onto her seat, effectively occupying the whole thing in case anyone else showed up. There was still plenty of space next to Jun with the way he was sitting but that didn't mean anyone else was invited with obvious exceptions. "Sounds like you're trying to get me stripped of my badge..or yourself thrown in detention, whichever comes first." He couldn't spend the week in her bed, there would be stares and no excuse was justifiable enough. None. Oh but then he was offering up another option; keeping him awake she could do. "Sure, we can head by the lake whenever you feel ready." No rush. They had the whole term to help him get over that irrational fear of his. These things took time, even more time when it came to a large body of water. Lex swung the candy bag onto her lap and stuck her hand in. "Yeah, think I have a few of those left." It took another moment of searching but she pulled out three packs and tossed them to him. Just how many more did she have in there?
Suuuure, laugh, at least one of them could find it funny. She didn't think she wanted to be around when people started fussing about the owls they'd never see again. "I'd only feel bad for 'em if Felix found a way inside the cage. If it was outside its cage when Felix got it then they should have known better." Clearly. There was only so much blame she could accept. Lex gave a small nod, fishing around for a chocolate frog in her bag. "He knows I hate when he does it but he knows I won't let him do what he wants either." So in the end Jun was right when he said the kneazle was too smart for his own good.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Cat. He was so relieved Cat was there, and Mo turned fond-sad-bewildered eyes on her. She didn't even know what was wrong yet, but he needed her to make it better immediately. Okay? Fix everything, Caterina.
"I was looking for you, but then I found these two and they required my assistance in candy consumption." Just so she knew... he'd been looking for her FIRST and then got distracted.
After Cat settled in beside Mo, she noted the look he'd passed to her. He was sad about something. It was only terribly obvious. Cat didn't like sad Mo. In fact, sad Mo was her least favorite thing. More so than wasted food, even. Or that time that Luca put gum in her hair. Sad Mo was just.... sad. "Candy consumption? Well! It's a good thing I got here." She grinned at Soph the monkey and her buddy too, "Hi Toby." He was a cutie, that one.
Placing a hand on Mo's arm, she nudged him ever slightly enough to just get his attention, using her look to communicate her words. He was okay? Something happened? Did he need kisses?
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
"CAT." A short burst of energy led Sophie to detach herself from Mo and scoot away from him, and thereby away from Cat, and her expression mellowed considerably. SERIOUS TIME. They were gonna hug or snog or something now, right? Mo needed Cat more than Sophie did right now, she realized, and was going to let Mo get first dibs on Cat's attention. "We did. We've gotta lot of food here. I actually brought it for all of us to share, if you guys stopped by, but... sorry for keeping him from you." She wasn't, really, but... nice of her to say so, wasn't it?
THE WHOLE GROUP WAS THERE, and the most content of smiles was plastered on the third year's face for the whole world to see.
"I'm glad we're all here. I love you guys. You're my three favorites in the whole world." Just so they knew. And... Toby and Mo versus Sophie and someone of her choice for some Quidditch fun? "Well, I choose Cat." Boom. Obvious choice. [/color]
"SOPH." Cat greeted just as enthusiastically as the girl had and she watched her launch herself off of Mo again and look all cute about it. She was glad to see that Sophie seemed to be in better humor than she had been the last time they'd spoken. It must've been because Toby and Mo were there too. She seemed to be fantastically happy about everyone together. Which she proceeded to confirm. Cat wiggled her fingers in Sophie's direction, "You're not sorry at all, little monkey." Hey. She could share, right?
Leaning on Mo's arm, sort of trying to use him as a wall, Cat peered into the pile of candy, hoping to spot a sugar quill, but glanced up when Sophie said her name again, "Choose me? What for?"
Skipping down the train corridor, Lux had made her way over to the back of the train. She had seen quite a lot of people so far on her trip to Hogwarts, but there were other friends who she still needed to see. Where was Louis? Cinnamon? Emmy? There was a good chance that Louis was in the Prefect area, but maybe he would come by. And her girls had to be here somewhere, because otherwise they missed the train, and Lux would cry if that happened.
No, Emmy and Cinnamon were here. They had to be.
Continuing her way down the corridor, she kept peering inside compartments, trying to spot a familiar face.
Cinnamon sat inside a empty compartment. Just her and Millie her pygmy puff actually some how she had ended up in near the back of the train. She had been walking forever, and finding a empty compartment was hard. So many people.... and none of her friends. Where was everyone? Was she on the right train? She turned to her puff and petted it. Well it looked like it was just going to be them. As least she had Millie to keep her company. Kind of.
She turned her head back to look at the corridor. Where was everyone? She was convinced that ninety nine point nine percent of the people she past where strangers. Then again everyone looked way different than they did last year. Old. Not anymore.
Hey wait. Was that a streak of red hair looking at her from the corridor. A huge grin spread across her face. It was LUX!!! She waved at her. The puff climbed up her arm and plopped on her shoulder as she got up. She pulled the door opened. Throwing her arms around one of her best friends. She squealed. "LUX!!" Yep, this really felt like it was happening she was REALLY going to Hogwarts.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
She was clearly caught between happy to see him and bother by his abandonment and Benny couldn't help but feel bad.[ He wasn't exactly one to be rude like that. B]"Then I guess I should apologize for leaving you."[/B] Maybe he had wrong to just let her get on with her own devices when she was obviously new to the school. If not the world.
The Gryffindor was then surprised by her excitement, switching moods so quick. Chalking it up to her being a girl, Ben switched his own focus on her question. "Um...I'm not actually sure how it works. Other then supposedly going by your personality somehow." How would a hat do that after all? "It kinda felt weird hearing a hat talk on my head like it knew me."
Angel looked at Ben and smiled. "It's okay really." Angel was really happy that Ben was just around and that she could now spend some time with him and find out a lot about Hogwarts that she didn't already know, she was sure it would be exciting.
"The hat talks to you." Angel had heard that the had talks and things, but she just thought it would tell you which house it was in and that was it, she was a bit worried now did it like tell you everything that you didn't know about yourself and what if it couldn't decided on a house.
"So Ben, what else is there to do at Hogwarts, besides lessons?" Angel really hoped there would be something fun to do because even though she liked Lessons and she loved learning she was sure her sister would be misbehaving like always and Angel might as well find out what she had to try and stop her sister doing.
Lex swung her feet up onto her seat, effectively occupying the whole thing in case anyone else showed up. There was still plenty of space next to Jun with the way he was sitting but that didn't mean anyone else was invited with obvious exceptions. "Sounds like you're trying to get me stripped of my badge..or yourself thrown in detention, whichever comes first." He couldn't spend the week in her bed, there would be stares and no excuse was justifiable enough. None. Oh but then he was offering up another option; keeping him awake she could do. "Sure, we can head by the lake whenever you feel ready." No rush. They had the whole term to help him get over that irrational fear of his. These things took time, even more time when it came to a large body of water. Lex swung the candy bag onto her lap and stuck her hand in. "Yeah, think I have a few of those left." It took another moment of searching but she pulled out three packs and tossed them to him. Just how many more did she have in there?
Suuuure, laugh, at least one of them could find it funny. She didn't think she wanted to be around when people started fussing about the owls they'd never see again. "I'd only feel bad for 'em if Felix found a way inside the cage. If it was outside its cage when Felix got it then they should have known better." Clearly. There was only so much blame she could accept. Lex gave a small nod, fishing around for a chocolate frog in her bag. "He knows I hate when he does it but he knows I won't let him do what he wants either." So in the end Jun was right when he said the kneazle was too smart for his own good.
No, no. He was only joking on that matter. Jun would have to find someone to sneak him in or whatever. That would've been more effort considering all the boy wanted to do was sleep. So he would stay comfortable and safe on his bed in the blue dorm. "That wasn't supposed to be taken seriously," He grinned. "Y'think I'd do something to cost you your badge? To get myself thrown in detention, already have some things planned for that, but not your badge," That would be bad boyfriend ethics. But Bolton now had a badge too so that made Jun's wrecklessness toned down again. But he was sure Vinnie wouldn't mind doing some crazy stuff around the castle. She was already planning that party of hers with him. He leaned on his knees and nodded. Maybe the fear of water would be gone by the time he graduated. That would be great and he'll deal with many things a lot easier. "You're the best, y'know that?" Jun smiled and caught the packs as Lex tosses them to him. Now he'll manage to stay awake on the train.
Found his way into the cage? "Has he gone into an owl's cage before? I hope your dorm mates don't have owls,"[/b] That would be a shame. Maybe he should even keep his ferret away from her vicious kneazle. He opened a pack and put a piece of candy in his mouth. Then again, Char could watch over Charmander while he was in class and she wasn't. She liked both his pets for some reason. He didn't mind; at least they had a babysitter sometimes. Hm, that sounded like someone too. Felix might as well be a complete clone of Lex, really. Patting the small spot next to him, Jun's ferret perked up its ears and jumped up. No point in sleeping on the floor now. "Pretty sure he does it just to bug you," Given.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Star-Lord
No, no. He was only joking on that matter. Jun would have to find someone to sneak him in or whatever. That would've been more effort considering all the boy wanted to do was sleep. So he would stay comfortable and safe on his bed in the blue dorm. "That wasn't supposed to be taken seriously," He grinned. "Y'think I'd do something to cost you your badge? To get myself thrown in detention, already have some things planned for that, but not your badge," That would be bad boyfriend ethics. But Bolton now had a badge too so that made Jun's wrecklessness toned down again. But he was sure Vinnie wouldn't mind doing some crazy stuff around the castle. She was already planning that party of hers with him. He leaned on his knees and nodded. Maybe the fear of water would be gone by the time he graduated. That would be great and he'll deal with many things a lot easier. "You're the best, y'know that?" Jun smiled and caught the packs as Lex tosses them to him. Now he'll manage to stay awake on the train.
Found his way into the cage? "Has he gone into an owl's cage before? I hope your dorm mates don't have owls," That would be a shame. Maybe he should even keep his ferret away from her vicious kneazle. He opened a pack and put a piece of candy in his mouth. Then again, Char could watch over Charmander while he was in class and she wasn't. She liked both his pets for some reason. He didn't mind; at least they had a babysitter sometimes. Hm, that sounded like someone too. Felix might as well be a complete clone of Lex, really. Patting the small spot next to him, Jun's ferret perked up its ears and jumped up. No point in sleeping on the floor now. "Pretty sure he does it just to bug you," Given.
She'd already figured he wasn't being serious about spending that week in her bed, what got her curious was him already having plans that were detention worthy. "Oh?" Lex sat a bit straighter in her seat, giving him her full attention. "Sounds like you're planning something epic, do I get to know what it is?" Sure it might have been her responsibility to report acts that went against school rules but who's to say she knew about these plans to begin with? The Gryffindor was perfectly fine with playing clueless if it came to that; can't get punished for ignorance, yeah? "Try not to spend the whole term down in the dungeons though." That would have been potentially problematic. Mhm. She grinned at the compliment. "I know, but it's still nice hearing it." For conceited reasons she'd already mentioned over the summer. Ahem.
Lex began ripping away the wrapper of her chocolate frog while she thought about the question. Had he? Hm..."I think maybe once? Twice? I got there in time though so nothing really bad happened. Some of my dormmates have owls but they're all kept up in the Owlery and I try to keep him away from there." For the most part she was successful, even that time she literally had to dive after him when he'd made it inside. Anything to keep her baby from becoming a mass owl murdering. She watched the ferret hopping onto the seat. Gave her another reason why Felix being missing at the moment wasn't so bad. He'd have gone after the poor little thing just like he use to go after Mags when she and Lottie sat together. "Merlin I hope not." Felix trying to bug her? She'd like to think he was better behaved than that. "I think he's just to.....driven is all." Always knowing what he wants and how to get it. That had to be it.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Ezra still hadn't found a compartment to sit in and the train had been going for a while now, he just wasn't ready until now to stop exploring. The new first year's feet were finally beginning to hurt though because he had forgotten to put on socks in his rush to get ready for King's Cross and was beginning to get a blister.
He reached down and pulled his left shoe off and hobbled around peering into compartments.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel looked at Ben and smiled. "It's okay really." Angel was really happy that Ben was just around and that she could now spend some time with him and find out a lot about Hogwarts that she didn't already know, she was sure it would be exciting.
"The hat talks to you." Angel had heard that the had talks and things, but she just thought it would tell you which house it was in and that was it, she was a bit worried now did it like tell you everything that you didn't know about yourself and what if it couldn't decided on a house.
"So Ben, what else is there to do at Hogwarts, besides lessons?" Angel really hoped there would be something fun to do because even though she liked Lessons and she loved learning she was sure her sister would be misbehaving like always and Angel might as well find out what she had to try and stop her sister doing.
Ben took her words as the clue that the subject of their separation was over and no more matter for them now that they were back together. Which was fine by him as it was a non-issue. Even if it meant he had failed at reading a person and technically outside his comfort zone at this point.
"Sometimes," he clarified, "Sometimes it just gives the house and real quick. Other times it lingers. " Like it had with him as if trying to decide just where to put him. Till this day Benny wasn't always sure Gryffindor might have been the first choice for his house since he didn't fully get his supposedly brave nature.
"Well there's quidditch...and gobstones." That was what he had come to participate in the last year, having been really an introvert his first year. Something Angel didn't have the problem with obviously. "Some of the professors have little groups that do special things. And I think theres a book club run by the librarian."
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Ezra still hadn't found a compartment to sit in and the train had been going for a while now, he just wasn't ready until now to stop exploring. The new first year's feet were finally beginning to hurt though because he had forgotten to put on socks in his rush to get ready for King's Cross and was beginning to get a blister.
He reached down and pulled his left shoe off and hobbled around peering into compartments.
Oh Kyroh had found a compartment. He had just snuck out to look around the train a little bit more. It probably wasn't a good idea considering the fact that finding his old compartment again would be hard.....but he was willing to take that risk.
As he moved closer toward of the end of the train Kyroh noticed a boy in front of him who was...hopping? Almost.
"You're missing a shoe." Kyroh called out brown eyes looking down at boys bare foot. "Don't think you're allowed to be on the train without a shoe." It was like a no shirt, no shoe, no service kinda thing, y'know?
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Saraie
Cinnamon sat inside a empty compartment. Just her and Millie her pygmy puff actually some how she had ended up in near the back of the train. She had been walking forever, and finding a empty compartment was hard. So many people.... and none of her friends. Where was everyone? Was she on the right train? She turned to her puff and petted it. Well it looked like it was just going to be them. As least she had Millie to keep her company. Kind of.
She turned her head back to look at the corridor. Where was everyone? She was convinced that ninety nine point nine percent of the people she past where strangers. Then again everyone looked way different than they did last year. Old. Not anymore.
Hey wait. Was that a streak of red hair looking at her from the corridor. A huge grin spread across her face. It was LUX!!! She waved at her. The puff climbed up her arm and plopped on her shoulder as she got up. She pulled the door opened. Throwing her arms around one of her best friends. She squealed. "LUX!!" Yep, this really felt like it was happening she was REALLY going to Hogwarts.
Hearing her name being called out loudly, Lux stopped and grinned because she knew right away that it was one of her best friends. "CINNAMON!" Happily she hugged back. This was amazing, now they only needed Emmy and everything would be perfect. "I was looking EVERYWHERE for you. Really excited, huh?" Of course this wouldn't be Cinnamon's first time to Hogwarts, but it would be her first time as a student.
Looking around, she saw the little Puff. "I almost forgot you bought one of those. Bay is quite the salesman isn't he?" Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out Toffy. Now the Puffs could play together.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
With his guitar case in one hand, his cat carrier under his arm, and his suitcase being dragged by his other hand, Dylan made his way down the corridor of the train. It was a bit packed in the front and middle cars so he had decided to see if there were any empty seats in the back since he hadn't seen any of his friends yet. Thankfully, he spotted an empty compartment and made his way in. Tossing his suitcase onto the seat, he gently set his guitar case and cat carrier next to it. After he let his cat Ginger out of her cage, he sat down in the seat across from his stuff and let her onto his lap. He then looked out the window, smiling a little. He was ready to head back to Hogwarts! He had missed it quite a lot over the summer.
She'd already figured he wasn't being serious about spending that week in her bed, what got her curious was him already having plans that were detention worthy. "Oh?" Lex sat a bit straighter in her seat, giving him her full attention. "Sounds like you're planning something epic, do I get to know what it is?" Sure it might have been her responsibility to report acts that went against school rules but who's to say she knew about these plans to begin with? The Gryffindor was perfectly fine with playing clueless if it came to that; can't get punished for ignorance, yeah? "Try not to spend the whole term down in the dungeons though." That would have been potentially problematic. Mhm. She grinned at the compliment. "I know, but it's still nice hearing it." For conceited reasons she'd already mentioned over the summer. Ahem.
Lex began ripping away the wrapper of her chocolate frog while she thought about the question. Had he? Hm..."I think maybe once? Twice? I got there in time though so nothing really bad happened. Some of my dormmates have owls but they're all kept up in the Owlery and I try to keep him away from there." For the most part she was successful, even that time she literally had to dive after him when he'd made it inside. Anything to keep her baby from becoming a mass owl murdering. She watched the ferret hopping onto the seat. Gave her another reason why Felix being missing at the moment wasn't so bad. He'd have gone after the poor little thing just like he use to go after Mags when she and Lottie sat together. "Merlin I hope not." Felix trying to bug her? She'd like to think he was better behaved than that. "I think he's just to.....driven is all." Always knowing what he wants and how to get it. That had to be it.
Jun was sure they both had different definitions to that word. "Epic, not really. More like reckless, like potentially getting myself hurt in the process," Because that was usually better than just watching things blow up every now and then. The adrenaline rush from it was even better. He had a few things planned out, but maybe more once he got to his dorm an brainstormed. "Maaaaaaybe? You're a prefect and might stop me, but then you'd still let me do it for some reason," It was boyfriend reasons, for sure. It was mainly because she liked doing the same things. "But I'll let you find out when you catch me doing them," He grinned. And even then, she would've joined them. "Maybe once, twice tops I might end up there. Or just not get caught like everything else," Which was never really hard. Many people at school didn't pay attention to Jun. Made it easier to get away with things. Unless you were friends with some prefects, like he was. And there she was; his selfish little girlfriend. Jun chuckled and shook his head. Anyone was the best when they gave him candy.
Nothing really bad happened yet. It was just a matter of time before something did. But Lex sounded so sure about her kneazle, Jun wasn't going to question it. "Best keep all owls away from him. No need to hear sob stories about missing owls," Though there might be enough to just put in a small section in the Daily Prophet. Even the school paper, if they had one. They should start one soon. "Smart dorm mates you got there. Felix might end up in a cage if he tries to eat any owls around school," Jun didn't think Lex would put the kneazle in a cage. She'd probably tell him to stop and give a threat. Who know how Felix takes to those. Driven? Seemed fitting too. "But driven to what exactly? To just disappear and wander on his own?"
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Hearing her name being called out loudly, Lux stopped and grinned because she knew right away that it was one of her best friends. "CINNAMON!" Happily she hugged back. This was amazing, now they only needed Emmy and everything would be perfect. "I was looking EVERYWHERE for you. Really excited, huh?" Of course this wouldn't be Cinnamon's first time to Hogwarts, but it would be her first time as a student.
Looking around, she saw the little Puff. "I almost forgot you bought one of those. Bay is quite the salesman isn't he?" Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out Toffy. Now the Puffs could play together.
Cinnamon was so excited. She was on the right train and she really was heading to Hogwarts. And now she had one of her friends here. This was great. Now where was Emmy and Bart. And Lou. She really didn't want to let go her but she did.
Flopping back down in seat. She nodded "I was starting to think I got on the wrong train. I'm glad I found you. Yes! I'm very excited." Like no one could ever understand just how excited she is.
The thirteen year old petted her puff "Yep, he is. This is Millie. And that's Merlin." She pointed over to the orange kitten curled up next to the window. "Dad got him for me yesterday."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Star-Lord
Jun was sure they both had different definitions to that word. "Epic, not really. More like reckless, like potentially getting myself hurt in the process," Because that was usually better than just watching things blow up every now and then. The adrenaline rush from it was even better. He had a few things planned out, but maybe more once he got to his dorm an brainstormed. "Maaaaaaybe? You're a prefect and might stop me, but then you'd still let me do it for some reason," It was boyfriend reasons, for sure. It was mainly because she liked doing the same things. "But I'll let you find out when you catch me doing them," He grinned. And even then, she would've joined them. "Maybe once, twice tops I might end up there. Or just not get caught like everything else," Which was never really hard. Many people at school didn't pay attention to Jun. Made it easier to get away with things. Unless you were friends with some prefects, like he was. And there she was; his selfish little girlfriend. Jun chuckled and shook his head. Anyone was the best when they gave him candy.
Nothing really bad happened yet. It was just a matter of time before something did. But Lex sounded so sure about her kneazle, Jun wasn't going to question it. "Best keep all owls away from him. No need to hear sob stories about missing owls," Though there might be enough to just put in a small section in the Daily Prophet. Even the school paper, if they had one. They should start one soon. "Smart dorm mates you got there. Felix might end up in a cage if he tries to eat any owls around school," Jun didn't think Lex would put the kneazle in a cage. She'd probably tell him to stop and give a threat. Who know how Felix takes to those. Driven? Seemed fitting too. "But driven to what exactly? To just disappear and wander on his own?"
Jun needed a new dictionary, he'd basically described an epic idea while denying it was as much. Odd boy he was, mhm. Whatever he called his fun, it sounded interesting, much better than any plans to stay in bed for the week so she was perfectly fine with him going off and...wait what? "How hurt are we talking?" It was weird to think he actually factored in injuries. Her ideas were usual fool proof, no margin for getting hurt unless it was planned...and not for herself. She scrunched her nose at his 'you're a Prefect' logic. "Fascinating. And if I decide not to catch you? To just do an immediate U-turn before assessing the situation? Then I'll never know." She was brilliant at ignoring things and after the encounter with Veritaserum that one term she was happier ignoring; less to admit that way. "I gotta say I'm more a fan of you not getting caught." For purely selfish reason but she suspected he already knew that. Hard to spend time with him when he was down in a dungeon.
Op, see that? He understood perfectly. Lex didn't have the time nor did she the tolerance to stand and listen to anyone go on about their owl. It'd have been a tragedy yes but they wouldn't have been able to change it, no need to have her suffering through it. "He doesn't much like cages. Can't remember the last time I put him in his but I take it with me to school regardless. It's not such a good idea putting him in though...he gets irritable, attacks you the moment you let him out." Completely forgetting she was the same one that fed and snuggled him. It was perhaps when he was at his least grateful. He didn't care who put him in his cage, he just didn't want to be in there. She shook her head. "Driven to getting what he wants, whatever it is. Running away's just the means of getting it."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Saraie
Cinnamon was so excited. She was on the right train and she really was heading to Hogwarts. And now she had one of her friends here. This was great. Now where was Emmy and Bart. And Lou. She really didn't want to let go her but she did.
Flopping back down in seat. She nodded "I was starting to think I got on the wrong train. I'm glad I found you. Yes! I'm very excited." Like no one could ever understand just how excited she is.
The thirteen year old petted her puff "Yep, he is. This is Millie. And that's Merlin." She pointed over to the orange kitten curled up next to the window. "Dad got him for me yesterday."
Happily, Lux plopped herself down on the seat beside Cinnamon. After putting Toffy on her lap, she pulled out a few Chocolate Frogs from her pocket. "Want some?" She still had some left on her person, and it was always nice to share with friends.
"I am so glad you found me, because I was wondering the same thing. I hope that didn't happen to Emmy." It would be dreadful if Emmy missed out on the train to school. Fingers crossed the girl was here somewhere.
Smiling, Lux petted Cinnamon's little fluff ball then looked over to the kitten. "He is so cute. My kitten is orange and white. Her name is Arya!" Lux was so excited to have her kitten here, but Arya was in her carrier somewhere else so that she couldn't wander off.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Chili powder bean. MAN, if there was a way to tell which beans were the bad ones, Grayson would have a lot of fun pranking people with these. Namely, his brother and that sassy Abbi girl he had met on the train. Heh. Instead, he watched the boy closely, a very amused expression spread across his face.
......................... LOL! Look at his punny muscles. Oh merlin, this kid was really getting into character, wasn't he? Though, he could put a little more oomph into it. You're pretending to be a dragon, little kid. Dragons were one of the best creatures around and Grayson was sure that if they could talk, they'd be one of the sassiest creatures around.
In short: SASS UP, KID.
"Bravo! Bravo!" he called, placing the packet down and clapping his hands, "I give you a big ol' healthy eight, Dragon Boy." Which was a lot coming from this fourteen year old.
He only had so much oomph, and Dima was putting ALL of it into his Dragon Boy performance. Maybe a Pepper Imp would help out with the act? But he did his best without one, huffing and puffing as vigorously as he could and making all the growling noises ever.
Merlin, people must have thought there was an animal attack going on in here.
"An eight!" Airing off his tongue a bit more, Dima beamed at the older boy. "Does that mean I can stay?"
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.