The train has pulled into Kings Cross Station ending another school term at Hogwarts. Let's wave goodbye to the Term 35 school
chat and say hello to the new shiny Term 36 school chat.
Now's the time to talk your little heads off about who's doing what during their summer vacation and and what will the newly graduated students do now that they don't have to go back to Hogwarts. What changes will happen to the school over the summer now that they have won the EBWE Academic Competition? Will the students come back to find all the pay stations gone? Will the professors have all their classroom equipment returned? Will the hospital wing be up and running at full speed again? Who will step in to try and fill the shoes of the great Potions Mistress, Hecate Lafay? Who will be then next Slytherin Head of House? With the departure of Mr. Cantwell, the 5th groundskeeper in the past 6 years, who will take over this
cursed position? Who will be the new prefects and captains?
Well what are you waiting for? There are so many things to discuss here.
So Go. Chat. Speculate. But most important, have FUN!
And don't forget our little game of Truth, Truth, Dare. What a perfect opportunity to have your charrie's carry out some challenging dares in DA. Check it out
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X-Be super welcoming to Newbies! it can be all a bit overwhelming, remember??
X- The topic is the Hogwarts RPG and your lovely school charries! Please try to stay on topic! Take off-topic stuff to VMs or to the TP SH errr.... this place.
X- No spamming or double posting!
X-Any posted images must be hosted by YOU. That means no hotlinking!
X- All Graphics Rules must be followed at all times.
Ministry of Magic Chat is here
Diagon Alley Chat is here
School Supply Lists can be found here
Welcome to Term Thirty-Six!!! The IC year is 2082-2083 The OOC year is January - April 2014!
Have fun!