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The class is more or less the same with the proper chairs with soft cushions to sit and lean back on, and they are still are charmed to take the most comfortable shape and height once a student is seated. The walls are still a soft, calming blue. There are just two additions: one big, grey rubbish bin by the door and a white, porcelain washbasin with a tap for those who wants to wash their hands before/after the class and who can't perform 'Aguamenti' charm (a short hose to direct the water to the cauldron is on the white, porcelain shelf hung on the wall, in case it doesn't fit the washbasin).
Professor Culloden opens the door 15 minutes before the class time and sits at his desk to wait for the students to arrive--he looks stressed this time, though. Why would that be?
OOC: If you are going to RP your characer use the washbasin or the washbasin, you don't have to take Cosgrach's permission. Just assume he has granted it.
Come in, take your seats! The class will resume approximately 10 hours later. You may chat among yourselves, but please don't go overboard with it. Thanks! The lesson has started, so please do not post your character arriving late! Just RP as if they have been there all along.
Potion progress
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
3. Add hellebore syrup, make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum.
5. Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer.
6. Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
7. Up until this moment, the potion should have been milky white. Wave your wand horizontally and continuously at a medium pace, starting from left to right, until it turns sparkling purple.
8. Add pomegranate juice. Wait until the potion is lime green and add the asphodel roots.
9. Crush sopophorous beans in mortar and add their juice.
10. Stir 5 times counter clockwise and turn off the heater. Wait for a few minutes until it precipitates (the solid part seperates from the liquid and sink to the bottom. The solid part's colour should be sparkling, light pink and liquid, still lime green. Afterwards, either wait until the liquid part evaporates or pour it down the washbasin.
11. Apply on bare skin.
The skin will be smooth like a baby's for three or four weeks (depending on the skin), but they will reappear suddenly after the potion wears off.
It may be used as many times as you want, because it doesn’t have any known side effects.
It may be used on animals too, but it kills plants.
Discussion: The term 'beautiful' and the necessity of beautifying products
OOC: It won't affect the class points. You are welcome to join even if you didn't participate in the brewing. ^____^
Link 1: Annabeth and Bart Link 2: Adrienne, Andrew and Cosgrach's officially starting it
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Whew, the professor was moving fast today! Mo was still cleaning eyeball juice off his utensils and gloves when the professor moved on, and he scurried to catch up again. Always catching up. Mo peered into his cauldron doubtfully as he Scourgified his wooden stirrer, and then he plunked it into the mixture.
Stir counterclockwise... one... two... and three times, Mo counted each turn carefully, giving yet another little peek into the cauldron as he finished the last turn. The wooden stirrer was once again cleaned and set to the side, and only then did Mo turn down the heat to a very low temperature.
He was glad he'd thought to clean off the wooden stirrer immediately, since it was needed again so soon. Mo pulled over the glass bowl with the bubotuber pus and dumped the contents into his cauldron. Once again, he needed to stir three times counterclockwise, and Mo made quick work of it.
And done. Or not done. Checking the directions again, he added another three quick clockwise stirs before once again removing the wooden stirrer and giving it a thorough cleansing.
With everyone doing fairly well, Cosgrach was relieved. No one seemed to have too many problems with the eyes, which told him his class was crafted with their hands. It was good to know for future reference.
He stepped in the front again. This time, he first tapped his wand on the blackboard and the next step appeared.
"The next step is on the board," he said, and it was pretty simple that didn't require any explanation, but he read it out just in case.
"Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heat to minimum." Clear? Any questions?
Jotting down the next step, Beverly stifled yet another yawn. All she could think about was napping, it was a good thing this wasn't Charms or her intent would lack. Thinking about the task at hand and nothing else Beverly went to stir the mixture. It was only when her hand hovered over the mixture that she realized with a jolt that she was about to stir the solution with the quill.
Holly mother of Merlin! That could have ended badly. Like, explosion kind of bad. Quickly setting the quill down and pushing it inches away, she took the wooden stirrer, her heart still beating furiously inside her rib-cage. Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin that had been terrifying. She could have ruined the entire potion only because she craved a nap. Ugh. She needed an energy potion or something.
Calming down, she dipped the wooden stirrer into the potion and stirred three times counter clock wise. She had to double check her notes to make sure it wasn't clock wise. >.<
SPOILER!!: Step 5
Originally Posted by StarShine
Cosgrach stood in the front to address to the class again to explain them the fifth step.
"Step five," he spoke as he tapped his wand at the blackboard and the step wrote itself while he spoke. He knew fancy spells, you see. "Is adding bubotuber pus, and stirring 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with CLEAN wooden stirrer."
Already a step ahead, Beverly cast Scourgify on the wooden stirrer before it was even mentioned. See, being daughter and one of the heirs to a potions company, she had these type of things drilled in her head. Now it was time to add the bubotuber pus. Again, her stomach did nasty acrobatics at the sight and smell of the pus.
Wrinkling her nose she took the bubotuber pus and carefully added it to the solution - well, as carefully as her trembling hands allowed her to. Picking up the wooden stirrer she stirred her potion three times counter clock wise, then three times clock wise. Her eyes started to drop, but she forced herself to focus.
Would it be so bad if she closed her eyes for ten seconds?
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Step 5.
Benny was relieved to have gotten this far. But not so pleased as he noticed the ingrediant listed in the next stage. The bubotuber pus the had prepared at the beginning of the class...the stuff that smelled like oil and made his nose wrinkle as he pulled the bowl closer making its natural perfume stronger as it was nearer to him and his sense of smell. Thankfully he didn't have to do anything with it anymore other then add it into the lowly-heated cauldron in front of him.
He went to pour it in, a bit faster then he probably should have and it nearly caused the liquid already inside to splash up and out. The second year catching it in time, his gloved hand enough to devert the few drops that might have done anything. Cue sigh of relief. That was all he needed to do was make a total mess of things. Now the stiring was all that was left for now.
He again scourgified the wooden stirring instrument and took up his bubotuber pus pouring the gaseous smelling liquid into the cauldron. He followed this up with the precise stirring instructions. Three times counter clockwise and three times clockwise. Peering down at the potion he noticed it took on the rather strong smell of the pus or perhaps, it was just the odoriferous pus lingering.
Cutty looked down at his notes and saw that they'd only had the roots, the leech, the planaria, the pomegranate and the sopophorus beans to go. He stuck them in the middle ground between he and Tobias, in case his Hufflepuff heartthrob still needed them.
Originally Posted by Cutty's Potions Notes
Wrinkle Heal Potion
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
3. Add hellebore syrup, make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heat to minimum.
5. Add bubotuber pus, stir 3 times counter clock wise, and 3 times clock wise with CLEAN wooden stirrer.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Copying notes from her classmates was growing more difficult as the lesson went on, and Alice began to find this whole dysfunctional hearing and sight thing rather irritating. What if this happened during Quidditch? Her life would be over. Merlin. She could deal with wrinkles, but not a lack of vigilance on the pitch.
The seventh year cast another "Scourgify" on her stick before carefully dumping the contents of her glass bowl into her cauldron. The bubotuber pus and water mixture slid into the rest of the concoction, and then Alice lowered her clean stirrer into it. She turned it just as her notes said to, thrice counterclockwise.
Finished. Or not finished. Three times clockwise, as well? After doing that too, she cleansed her stirrer once more. This was getting kind of tedious.
Text Cut: Notes
Alice Fischer
• used to heal wrinkles
• pus of 1 bubotuber ✔
• 0.2 liters of seal milk ✔
• syrup of 1 hellebore ✔
• 2 eyes of a puffer-fish ✔
• 1 leech
• 1 water-dwelling planaria
• juice of 1 pomegranate (medium sized)
• a bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
• clean glass bowl ✔
• add some water to bowl ✔
• wear gloves ✔
• squeeze pus out of bubotuber and into bowl, then set aside ✔
• clean mortar and pestle ✔
• crush asphodel roots in mortar and put away for future use ✔
• clean cauldron ✔
• add seal's milk to cauldron ✔
• turn burner up to high ✔
• lower heat to medium after a minute ✔
• add hellebore syrup ✔
• clean knife ✔
• make a small cut in the back of both puffer-fish eyes ✔
• squeeze them into cauldron (only add eye liquid) ✔
• if eye slips out of your hands, clean it before trying again
• vanish puffer-fish eyes ✔
• clean wooden stick ✔
• stir 3 times counterclockwise ✔
• lower heat to minimum ✔
• add bubotuber pus and water mixture ✔
• clean wooden stick again ✔
• stir 3 times counterclockwise and 3 times clockwise ✔
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Cosgrach stood in the front to address to the class again to explain them the fifth step.
"Step five," he spoke as he tapped his wand at the blackboard and the step wrote itself while he spoke. He knew fancy spells, you see. "Is adding bubotuber pus, and stirring 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with CLEAN wooden stirrer."
Silly Culloden, her stirrer was ALWAYS clean. She couldn't speak for the other students, though - looking around, it seemed like quite a few of them were having problems or, at least, had expressions of panic. She was doing just fine, though, and set her wand aside, having just cleaned her workstation again. Slipping her other glove back on her hand, Sophie carefully slid the glass bowl of the diluted bubotuber pus toward her, gave it a long look of scrutiny, then lifted the bowl over the brim of the cauldron and poured the bowl's contents inside.
Three times counter-clockwise, then three times clockwise? She peered up at the blackboard just to be sure she had heard the professor correctly, then set the empty bowl aside, scooped up her spotless wooden stirrer, and dipped it low into the cauldron. First, she stirred three times counter-clockwise - then after the third time, she switched to stirring clockwise three times.
When that task was finished, she set the wooden stirrer back down on the napkin, slid off a glove, and snatched up her wand to cast, "Scourgify," on the stirrer, the table top, and the empty glass bowl. Wheeee. What next? Sophie bounced a little in anticipation. Aside from Gobstones, nothing this term had made the second year happier than potion-making. It gave her a good feeling of accomplishment, for sure.
Cleaning his wooden stirrer again, Alec stirred the potion three times counter clockwise... paused... and then stirred another three times counter clockwise. Was that it? Had he done it? Yeah? He reached up a hand and ruffled his hair. So much for getting an O in this OWL.
The potion looks as if it wants to EAT the wooden stirrer and the boy who's holding it and it takes the ANGRY potion some time to calm down, possibly causing the boy some hair and anxious moments, but the colour slowly turns to milky white again, and with one last audible hiss, the potion is back to 'normal'.
Mhmm, the Head Boy definitely has some head.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
He started moving around his work station shuffling his slippers around. It had to be somewhere, right?
Cosgrach was contemplating whether it was the 9 AM thing that made everyone so restless, or whether people were weird because of this turning old thing. He still had his suspicions it was fake, but what could he say? He was doing everything he could for the lesson to go on normally. He sighed to himself and moved to Bart, the only Gryffindor he liked.
"What's it, child?" Didn't he know potions was no joke and it could be a whole different thing if left on fire one more second?
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Three stirs clockwise.....three counter-clockwise....yes, that was taken care of. The Gryffindor waited patiently behind her cauldron for the next step while scribbling out the step she'd just done.
Something is wrong, because the potion turns black all of a sudden--the opposite of everyone else's milky white--and it starts to move on its own in a slow clockwise motion. It isn't boiling or threatening anyone, but you never know.
The Prefect's scribbling and action contradict each other, clearly, and she'd better hurry to fix it before all her efforts are vanished.
Originally Posted by carpediem
"Professor? Something went wrong with my potion." He was already mad. And she wasn't calling out. NOPE. Because she needed help and she was waiting to be called on to answer. Not calling out.
"Do I have to start over?" Again, not calling out. NEVER. She wasn't losing more housepoints for this. This was not worth housepoints.
...another one? TRULY. ANOTHER ONE.
The first thing he checked was whether it threatened someone, and upon seeing it didn't, he didn't vanish it right away. Instead, clearly breathing in difficulty, he walked to the girl.
"WHAT did you do?" No endearing words, no calm voices, no nothing. He was getting angry. It was getting harder to keep calm--breathing deeply or not. He needed a calming draught, or else, he was going to break hearts.
Originally Posted by Ivana R
"What? Professor Culloden! My potion!" She took out her hands from her pockets and gestured towards her emptied cauldron, desperately. As if it was two gloves for fingers, her fingers were wearing the emptied eyes that she was supposed to have thrown out. Awkwardly, she hid her hands behind her body.
"I don't have the slightest idea bout what happened..." She took her parchment with her free hand and checked the instructions. She had followed every instruction. Then, cautiously, she looked at her other hand, which fingers were still wearing the eyes. Much to her surprise, a big part of the hollow eyeball had vanished. She looked around and then to the floor and there was no trace of the eyeball.
Pretending to be calm, she said "A part of a puffer-fish eye may have fallen into the cauldron, Professor... It had never happened before... I'm always so careful with my potions..." She looked into his eyes sadly. "May I try to brew this potion again? I love to brew potions... Please, Professor. Let me try again." She could feel her eyes watering when she said the last words. She breathed deeply while waiting for him to reply.
"Your potion, yes," he hissed nastily, frowning. He then looked at her hands when she brought them out, and he seemed to have forgotten his anger for a moment. Instead, he was busy being confused, but before he could make something out of it, her hands were hidden again.
His anger appeared with immediate effect.
Setting his jaw tight, he looked like he was trying to bore his eyebrows into each other, because he had never frowned so deeply before. He looked flushed, closed his eyes for a moment, and opened them again. The girl was still there--begging him, and he relaxed his facial muscles.
Wrinkles were bad. He didn't need them, let alone for this girl.
"You will do that," he said as he waved his wand again while saying "Reparo," at her cauldron. "You will have extra time if you need it. Next time, you'd better keep the eyes intact."
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
One...two...three counterclockwise.
The potion shakes impatiently.
Isn't the boy forgetting something?
Cosgrach was going to finish the class, with or without silly students a few problems.
So, instead of going to front this time, he called out to them from the back.
"The next step is adding the leech, counting to ten and adding water-dwelling planaria." He waved his wand then, and the step added itself on the blackboard.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
6. Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
OOC-Reminder: The planaria is in a small glass of water, so your characters need to pour that into the cauldron.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Leech. Where was the leech? Adi had quite forgotten where he put them. Had he even gotten them from his potion kit? Nope, he didn't think so. Well, he'd be needing to get them then so the boy reached into his kit and retrieved one leech.
He added it to his cauldron. He started counting. One, Two, three...nine, ten! Time to add the water-dwelling planaria. Adi poured it from the glass into his cauldron.
[textcut=Problems] "Your potion, yes," he hissed nastily, frowning. He then looked at her hands when she brought them out, and he seemed to have forgotten his anger for a moment. Instead, he was busy being confused, but before he could make something out of it, her hands were hidden again.
His anger appeared with immediate effect.
Setting his jaw tight, he looked like he was trying to bore his eyebrows into each other, because he had never frowned so deeply before. He looked flushed, closed his eyes for a moment, and opened them again. The girl was still there--begging him, and he relaxed his facial muscles.
Wrinkles were bad. He didn't need them, let alone for this girl.
"You will do that," he said as he waved his wand again while saying "Reparo," at her cauldron. "You will have extra time if you need it. Next time, you'd better keep the eyes intact."
"Oh, thank you! Thank you very much, sir! You'll definitely not regret. I'll brew the best potion to vanish wrinkles!" Annabeth grinned and she wiped her tears on her sleeves. She would love to embrace him, but she thought it would be better to show her love after brewing a perfect potion.
Annabeth run towards the teacher's table and took the ingredients. Then, back to her work station, she scattered her supplies on the table and cast the cleaning spell on all of them together: "Scourgify!" After doing it, she meticulously examined each one: the knife, the wooden stirrer, the cauldron, the glass bowl, her gloves, the mortar and the pestle. They seemed to be clean enough.
Quickly, she added some water to the glass bowl, "Aguamenti!", than wore her gloves and squeezed bubotuber’s pus into the glass bowl. The girl put it aside, took the pestle and the mortar and crushed asphodel roots. "Step one: done," she said, while undressing her gloves, looking at her notes. She put her gloves aside, taking care of cleaning it, "scourgify!", as she would use it to grab the eyes. She measured 0,2 litre of seal milk and poured it into the cauldron. Anna waved her wand "Incendio!" and turn the heater to high. She checked her watch and lowered the heat after a minute to medium.
Anna added hellebore syrup to the potion and then wore her gloves and took an eye carefully. After making a small cut at the back of each puffer-fish eyes, Anna squished them to the cauldron. Quickly, she put the eye aside, undressed her gloves, grabbed her wand and pointed it towards the hollow eyeballs. "Bulbi evanesco!" They had vanished. She grinned. It was perfect. Then she took the stirrer and put it into the cauldron, stirring three times counter clock-wise, and as if she was a machine, she lowered the heater to minimum.
It was going well this time. The girl felt sweat dripping on her face and wiped it with her sleeves. Than she took the glass bowl with bubotuber pus and added the goo into the cauldron, stirred three times counter clock wise and three times clock wise with her wooden stirrer. She sighed. It was almost done. Carefully, she took one leech and added to the potion. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" She grabbed the small glass where the planaria was and poured it into the cauldron. "I got it!!! I got it!" Shouted the girl, excited.
Annabeth looked sideways looking for her beloved teacher.
SPOILER!!: Annabeth Glasswall's notes
Annabeth Glasswall
third year
• used to heal wrinkles
• pus of 1 bubotuber
• 0.2 litres of seal milk
• syrup of 1 hellebore
• 2 eyes of a puffer-fish
• 1 leech
• 1 water-dwelling planaria
• juice of 1 pomegrenate (medium sized)
• a bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
Procedure 1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
3. Add hellebore syrup. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum.
5. Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer.
6. Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Text Cut: Step 6
Originally Posted by StarShine
Text Cut: Problems
The potion looks as if it wants to EAT the wooden stirrer and the boy who's holding it and it takes the ANGRY potion some time to calm down, possibly causing the boy some hair and anxious moments, but the colour slowly turns to milky white again, and with one last audible hiss, the potion is back to 'normal'.
Mhmm, the Head Boy definitely has some head.
Cosgrach was contemplating whether it was the 9 AM thing that made everyone so restless, or whether people were weird because of this turning old thing. He still had his suspicions it was fake, but what could he say? He was doing everything he could for the lesson to go on normally. He sighed to himself and moved to Bart, the only Gryffindor he liked.
"What's it, child?" Didn't he know potions was no joke and it could be a whole different thing if left on fire one more second?
Something is wrong, because the potion turns black all of a sudden--the opposite of everyone else's milky white--and it starts to move on its own in a slow clockwise motion. It isn't boiling or threatening anyone, but you never know.
The Prefect's scribbling and action contradict each other, clearly, and she'd better hurry to fix it before all her efforts are vanished.
...another one? TRULY. ANOTHER ONE.
The first thing he checked was whether it threatened someone, and upon seeing it didn't, he didn't vanish it right away. Instead, clearly breathing in difficulty, he walked to the girl.
"WHAT did you do?" No endearing words, no calm voices, no nothing. He was getting angry. It was getting harder to keep calm--breathing deeply or not. He needed a calming draught, or else, he was going to break hearts.
"Your potion, yes," he hissed nastily, frowning. He then looked at her hands when she brought them out, and he seemed to have forgotten his anger for a moment. Instead, he was busy being confused, but before he could make something out of it, her hands were hidden again.
His anger appeared with immediate effect.
Setting his jaw tight, he looked like he was trying to bore his eyebrows into each other, because he had never frowned so deeply before. He looked flushed, closed his eyes for a moment, and opened them again. The girl was still there--begging him, and he relaxed his facial muscles.
Wrinkles were bad. He didn't need them, let alone for this girl.
"You will do that," he said as he waved his wand again while saying "Reparo," at her cauldron. "You will have extra time if you need it. Next time, you'd better keep the eyes intact."
The potion shakes impatiently.
Isn't the boy forgetting something?
Cosgrach was going to finish the class, with or without silly students a few problems.
So, instead of going to front this time, he called out to them from the back.
"The next step is adding the leech, counting to ten and adding water-dwelling planaria." He waved his wand then, and the step added itself on the blackboard.
OOC-Reminder: The planaria is in a small glass of water, so your characters need to pour that into the cauldron.
What is up with his classmates not paying attention to the instructions? Were the instructions not clear enough? Andrew frowned at the cauldrons that were making weird sounds. Meeeh. No time to stick his nose on someone else's business, yeah?
So onto the next step. Andrew scooped up one leech from his kit and added it to his cauldron.
One...two...three... Andrew watched his cauldron as he counted up to ten. ...seven...eight...nine... The seventh year then got hold of the glass bearing the water-dwelling planaria. ...ten. Andrew then carefully poured the contents of the glass.
He watched his cauldron again for a few seconds then quickly added the next instruction on his journal.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Step 6
Originally Posted by StarShine
Cosgrach was going to finish the class, with or without silly students a few problems.
So, instead of going to front this time, he called out to them from the back.
"The next step is adding the leech, counting to ten and adding water-dwelling planaria." He waved his wand then, and the step added itself on the blackboard.
OOC-Reminder: The planaria is in a small glass of water, so your characters need to pour that into the cauldron.
Ella's eyes were starting to get tired and she rubbed at them, wondering what the problem was. Reading the board wasn't exactly hard and it was as if she was squ- ...Wait, was she squinting? Merlin, she was! What was that about? Her vision was good! She wasn't a squinter! That needed to stop right now. No more squinting. No wonder she had had wrinkles around her eyes.
No time to think on that too much, though. They were moving on to another step. Add the leech? Ella wrinkled her nose a bit but nodded. Then carefully, she scooped up the leech and dropped it into the potion. Now for the counting.
Water-dwelling planaria next? Ella picked up the little glass of water carefully and glanced inside before bringing it closer to the cauldron. Then she poured the contents into the potion, making sure that no splashing went on.
All good, then? Yup.
SPOILER!!: Notes
•One bubotuber’s pus
•0,2 litre of seal milk
•One hellebore’s syrup
•Two puffer-fish eyes
•One leech
•One water-dwelling planaria
•One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
•A bunch of asphodel
•6 sopophorus beans
1. Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away and crush asphodel roots in mortar. Put that away for future use too. 2. 2. Add the seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium. 3. Add hellebore syrup. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
NOTE: CLEAN before trying again if the eye slips out of your hands. SEEK HELP if you ruin an eye. 4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum. 5. Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer. 6.Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
"No, no, NO!" Cosgrach exclaimed as he rushed to the girl, "there ought to be TWO puffer-fish eyes!" He looked flushed, but after a deep breath, he was calm.
"So you either start over or your potion won't be half effective." Her choice.
Oooh. Opps. Her bad. "Sorry..." She bit her lip, staring up at the professor. That kind of scared her. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't really see the board properly. Did she want to start again? Ughh. That was so much work. But she wanted her potion to be effective. Sighing, she got rid of her potion, and started again. At least it would be good practice for her spells.
Biting her lip, she quickly tried to catch up with the rest of the potion. She didn't want to fall too far behind, which was not going to be good at all. She was careful with each step she did though, so that she wouldn't do anything wrong this time.
And finally about 10 minutes later she had caught up. Now onto step 5. Add the bubotuber pus. She pulled her gloves on again, before pouring into her potion. She was very careful with that. So that she wouldn't have to do the whole potion again. Okaay. Now she had to do some stirring. Picking up her wooden stirrer, she first stirred counter clockwise 3 times, and then clock wise three times. That wasn't too bad. And she was sure that she had done it correctly this time.
Nowww. next step. Grace looked up at the board, and carefully read the instructions. Add one leach. Yes. just one. Picking up the leech she added it to her potion carefully, before beginning to count to ten. She nodded her head to the side as she did it. Anddd next. She had to add the Planaria. Nodding, she picked up the small glass, and poured it gently into her potion. Perfeect. She hoped. Now to just wait for the next instructions.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Cosgrach was contemplating whether it was the 9 AM thing that made everyone so restless, or whether people were weird because of this turning old thing. He still had his suspicions it was fake, but what could he say? He was doing everything he could for the lesson to go on normally. He sighed to himself and moved to Bart, the only Gryffindor he liked.
"What's it, child?" Didn't he know potions was no joke and it could be a whole different thing if left on fire one more second?
Bart was still looking for the bubotuber pus. Where did he put it. Shuffling his slippers around he looked up as the professor came over, "I can't remember where I put my bubotuber pus." He was ducking down looking towards the floor maybe he set it down there for some odd reason. Why couldn't he find it, he did get some didn't he?
Standing back up he looked at the professor super confused and set his hand down on his workstation bumping something. Looking towards what he bumped the second year felt a bit dumb. "Oh there it is." So now back to work right, he turned and shuffled back to his seat.
He added the pus to the cauldron and started stirring three times counterclockwise. 1...2...3.. and then three times clockwise. He looked up to the professor and gave a bearded grin. Was he doing alright?
Squinting to the next step he felt like he was behind and that wasn't a feeling he liked in this class.
Looking around he found the leech and put it into his cauldron mix then he picked up the glass bowl holding the planaria. As he did this he was counting to ten just as it said. 1..2...3...4..5...6....7....8...9..10
Alright time to add the planaira, Bart carefully added it to his cauldron.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
When Professor Cosgrach began to speak, Sander sat up and immediately picked up his quill and when the next set of instructions appeared on the board, he carefully copied them into his journal.
Text Cut: Sander's Potion Journal
Wrinkle Heal Potion
Ingredients: 1. One bubotuber’s pus
2. 0.2 litre of seal milk
3. One hellebore’s syrup
4. Two puffer-fish eyes
5. One leech
6. One water-dwelling planaria
7. One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice 8. A bunch of asphodel
9. 6 sopophorus beans
Steps to make potion: 1. Clean glass bowl, mortar and pestle.
2. Add water into glass bowl.
3. Put on gloves.
4. Squeeze bubotuber pus into bowl and then place it aside.
5. Place asphodel roots into mortar and crush with pestle
6. Once crushed put that away for future use.
7. Clean cauldron.
8. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron.
9. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
10. Add hellebore syrup.
11. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes.
12. Squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid.
13. Vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
14. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer
15. Lower the heater to minimum.
16. Add bubotuber pus.
17. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with clean wooden stirrer.
18. Add one leech. Count to ten.
19. Add water-dwelling planaria.
Putting down his quill, Sander picked up the leech and slowly immersed it into the mixture in his cauldron. Then he counted to ten. 1...2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10
Next he picked up the glass containing the water-dwelling planaria and carefully poured the contents into the cauldron. Then he picked up his quill again, reviewed his journal before updating it.
Text Cut: Sander's Potion Journal
Wrinkle Heal Potion
Ingredients: 1. One bubotuber’s pus
2. 0.2 litre of seal milk
3. One hellebore’s syrup
4. Two puffer-fish eyes
5. One leech
6. One water-dwelling planaria
7. One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice 8. A bunch of asphodel
9. 6 sopophorus beans
Steps to make potion: 1. Clean glass bowl, mortar and pestle.
2. Add water into glass bowl.
3. Put on gloves.
4. Squeeze bubotuber pus into bowl and then place it aside.
5. Place asphodel roots into mortar and crush with pestle
6. Once crushed put that away for future use.
7. Clean cauldron.
8. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron.
9. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
10. Add hellebore syrup.
11. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes.
12. Squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid.
13. Vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
14. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer
15. Lower the heater to minimum.
16. Add bubotuber pus.
17. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with clean wooden stirrer.
18. Add one leech. Count to ten.
19. Add water-dwelling planaria.
Once he was done, he put down his quill and while waiting for the Professor's next step of instructions, he kept a close eye on the mixture in his cauldron.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by StarShine
[textcut=Problems] Uh-oh.
Something is wrong, because the potion turns black all of a sudden--the opposite of everyone else's milky white--and it starts to move on its own in a slow clockwise motion. It isn't boiling or threatening anyone, but you never know.
The Prefect's scribbling and action contradict each other, clearly, and she'd better hurry to fix it before all her efforts are vanished.
Maybe it was because she wasn't really paying attention but Lex hadn't noticed the leech ingredient yet...or the cauldron of solution changing colour. Could she keep one? Felix wouldn't eat it but he'd have a grand time messing around with it before killing it. Perhaps she'd sneak a few out with her, it was promising enough. The girl grabbed a leech and got set to add it but dropped the thing the moment her eyes ran back to her cauldron.
Black wasn't meant to happen...or was it...? Lex leaned over trying to get a look at someone else's cauldro--nope. Nope nope, milk white, not meant to be black. Crud. She watched the solution swirling around on it's own but she wasn't sure what to make of it. On the one hand it wasn't bubbling up with threats to out half the class but at the same time...it was kinda freaking her out.
For a moment she stood staring at it, thinking maybe it was a small hiccup that would right itself before anyone noticed but that didn't seem to be the case and the girl wasn't trying to get left behind. With a bit of reluctance the Prefect raised her hand. "Professor, my potion's busted. How do I fix it?" DON'T say start over. It wasn't happening. She'd sooner sit and watch everyone else brew than start all over again. It'd be such a waste. Ugh, waste. No thank you.
Now come on. Potion saving needed to happen before everything she worked for blew up in her face--and not in the epic way either! This was her hard work she was talking about!
SPOILER!!: Lex's Notes
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
3. Add hellebore syrup, make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heat to minimum.
5. Add bubotuber pus, stir 3 times counter clock wise, and 3 times clock wise with CLEAN wooden stirrer.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 02-10-2014 at 10:07 PM.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by StarShine
"The next step is adding the leech, counting to ten and adding water-dwelling planaria." He waved his wand then, and the step added itself on the blackboard.
Theo thought about adding the next few steps onto his notes, but he couldn't be bothered just yet. He yawned again, because he was tired, then turned to the leech ingredient. He dropped it into his cauldron and then grabbed the bottle of planaria, or whatever it was called.
He stared deeply inside his cauldron whilst he counted. Didn't want to be distracted by noisy children, did he? Theo watched the liquid pour into the mixture slowly, as he counted all the way to ten.
Easy peasy.
Ehhhhhhh... notes? Nah, later.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sophie paused and blinked. Why were they moving sooooo fast?! Sophie was really finding it difficult to move quickly these days. For some reason, she was always so slow, and...she really didn't think aging was supposed to happen that rapidly. She was so healthy and full of energy when the school year had started!
Trying to catch up, she quickly stirred counter clockwise with her wooden stirrer then lowered the heat to the minimum setting. Now time for the bubotuber pus. Sophie squeezed it into the mixture then stirred three times in each direction--first counter clockwise then clockwise.
The leech. Eww. Sophie hated leeches, even if they were valuable ingredients to a good many potions. She held her breath and dumped the leech into the cauldron. Good--that was done with! After that, she poured the planaria in the nrew then waited for the next step.
Oh. CLEAN wooden stirrer. Delilah added the bubotuber pus to the cauldron. She cleaned the stirrer with a "Scourgify" before she followed the instructions. Three times anti-clockwise and three times clockwise.. Yes. Done. She placed the stirrer back on the desk and rubbed her hands. This class was going pretty well and she hadn't messed anything up.. yet. This girl was proud of herself right now.
Right. Okay. Next set of instructions. She added the leech to the cauldron first and then started to count to ten as she looked around the class. The yelling had considerable reduced but it was still very noisy and wasn't helping with her headache. Anyway. Count-down over. She picked up the small glass containing the planaria and added it to the cauldron as well. Delilah eyed her cauldron for a moment before she started to note down the steps.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Leeches did not really sound appealing, but Lux supposed that it was better than squeezing liquid out of eyeballs. Shivering over that recent ordeal, she added down the next steps:
SPOILER!!: Lux's Notes
Ingredients: • One bubotuber’s pus • 0,2 litre of seal milk • One hellebore’s syrup • Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice • A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
Procedure: 1. Clean equipment
2. Add some water to a glass bowl
3. Put on gloves
4. Squeeze out bubotuber's puss into bowl and put aside
5. Crush asphodel roots in mortar and put aside
6. Add seal milk to cauldron
7. Heat on high for a minute then lower to medium
8. Add the hellebore syrup
9. Make small cut at back of puffer-fish eyes and squish them into the cauldron (use only LIQUID and dispose of the eyes themselves afterwards
10. Stir counter-clockwise 3 times with a wooden stirrer
11. Lower heat to minimum
12. Add bubotuber's pus
13. Stir 3 times counter-clockwise then 3 times clockwise (use CLEAN wooden stirrer)
14. Add leech then count to 10
15. Add water-dwelling planaria
Seemed simple enough. Picking up the leech, she plopped it into the cauldron before counting in her head.
Taking the glass containing the water-dwelling planaria, she poured it in the cauldron as well before crossing off what she had completed.
SPOILER!!: Lux's Notes
Ingredients: • One bubotuber’s pus • 0,2 litre of seal milk • One hellebore’s syrup • Two puffer-fish eyes • One leech • One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice • A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
Procedure: 1. Clean equipment
2. Add some water to a glass bowl
3. Put on gloves
4. Squeeze out bubotuber's puss into bowl and put aside
5. Crush asphodel roots in mortar and put aside
6. Add seal milk to cauldron
7. Heat on high for a minute then lower to medium
8. Add the hellebore syrup
9. Make small cut at back of puffer-fish eyes and squish them into the cauldron (use only LIQUID and dispose of the eyes themselves afterwards
10. Stir counter-clockwise 3 times with a wooden stirrer
11. Lower heat to minimum
12. Add bubotuber's pus
13. Stir 3 times counter-clockwise then 3 times clockwise (use CLEAN wooden stirrer)
14. Add leech then count to 10
15. Add water-dwelling planaria
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Bay looked at the blackboard to see that they had to now add the one leech and then count to ten and add water-dwelling Planaria.. he re-read the blackboard before putting it in his notes to make sure he didn't miss anything.
Originally Posted by Bays Notes
• One bubotuber’s pus -added into water and put to the side.
• 0,2 litre of seal milk -has picked up seal milk from professors desk, added it and heated
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria - has picked up dwelling Planaria from professors desk
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel -crushed asphodel in motor and put to the side.
• 6 sopophorus beans
• make sure the equipment is clean, add water to glass bowl. -done
• wear gloves -done
• squeeze bubotuber’s pus (and put away) -done
• crush asphodel roots in mortar (and put away) -done
• Add the seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium. -done
• Add hellebore syrup. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
• Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum.
• Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer.
• Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
alrighty so now it was on his notes, Bay picked up his leech and added it.. then counted to ten "one..two..three..four..five..six..seven..eight..n ine..ten" then he got his Planaria and poured it into the caldron. looking down at his notes, he looked to see if everything was okay.. the leech has been added, i've counted to ten.. and the Planaria has been added.. looks good to me. he then went back to his notes to scratch off what he had done.
Originally Posted by Bays Notes
• One bubotuber’s pus -added into water and put to the side.
• 0,2 litre of seal milk -has picked up seal milk from professors desk, added it and heated
• One hellebore’s syrup -added
• Two puffer-fish eyes -added
• One leech -added
• One water-dwelling planaria - has picked up dwelling Planaria from professors desk, now added
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel -crushed asphodel in motor and put to the side.
• 6 sopophorus beans
• make sure the equipment is clean, add water to glass bowl. -done
• wear gloves -done
• squeeze bubotuber’s pus (and put away) -done
• crush asphodel roots in mortar (and put away) -done
• Add the seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium. -done
• Add hellebore syrup. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin. -done
• Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum. -done
• Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer. -done
• Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria. -done
Cosgrach was going to finish the class, with or without silly students a few problems.
So, instead of going to front this time, he called out to them from the back.
"The next step is adding the leech, counting to ten and adding water-dwelling planaria." He waved his wand then, and the step added itself on the blackboard.
OOC-Reminder: The planaria is in a small glass of water, so your characters need to pour that into the cauldron.
Sophie turned around to see where Culloden was addressing the class from - why was he all the way back there? Were there troublemakers back there? The Ravenclaw eyed the students he was standing near before facing forward and following his instructions - the leech, though. That was a cringe-worthy ingredient, but at least the protective gloves were thick. With both gloves on the table, she directed a bored, "Scourgify," at them, then set her wand aside and put her gloves back on.
Now for the leech.
The second year peered into her potions kit, not exactly a fan of the thick, slug-like creature she plucked from it by its sides and might have tossed it a little bit into the cauldron. The splash didn't come up over the sides, so she lucked out, but a brief moment of experiencing disgust had flashed upon her face. Nasty, nasty thing.
One... two... three...
She had her senses enough to start counting to ten right after the leech entered the cauldron, and she pulled her glass of water-dwelling planaria toward her in preparation. When she reached the tenth second, she carefully lifted the glass with both gloved hands and poured the parasite in its water into the cauldron below.
Immediately after, she set the glass down, slid both of her gloves off, and scourgified both gloves, the inside and outside of the container, and the tabletop more times than she would have liked to admit. Blech.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
... No.
The potion was getting a big no from the Head Boy. Or... it would if he wasn't so scared and nervous. He ruffled his hair while his complexion paled even more, making him look more and more sickly-grey than usual. Never before had he seen a potion look like this and it scared him. Grey eyes snapped up to Culloden and he let out a small whimper before he looked back at his cauldron. What would the man think if he couldn't brew a simple potion?!
... Breathe... breathe... breathe...
That hadn't worked but there might be other ways to fix this, yeah? Maybe he could-- ... Oh? The colour was changing. He crossed his fingers, hoping for something positive. Please... he was relying on this to work. Otherwise he'd have to start from scratch without Culloden noticing. Would that work...?
... There was no need since the potion turned back to the colour it should have been a couple of steps ago. "Yes!" Way to scare him, potion. Taking a couple more deep breaths to calm down his thumping heart, Alec glanced over at the board once more. Add some bubotuber pus, yeah? He added that in before...
... next step?
Squints for the board. Three times counter clockwise and then three times clockwise. He read over that instruction twice before grabbing the wooden stirrer. After magically cleaning it, he stirred the potion one... two... three times counter clockwise before stirring the potion one... two... three times clockwise. There. Done. That wasn't so bad, right?
More deep breaths were taken as he glanced over at the board again. Leech. Right. In went the leech. ... And... the next step? Another glance was made over at the board. Maybe he should try and remember these. Maybe.
One... two... three... Don't get distracted ... four... five... six... No distractions, right? ... seven... eight... nine... ten!
When the counting was one, Alec poured the planaria into the potion before letting out a small sigh of relief. There. Done. He had made it! He had also completely missed the reassuring smiles made by Head Girlfriend but if they had been noticed, smiles would have been returned. And kisses for later. Nodnod.
Scribble... scribble... scribble...
Text Cut: Journal
Wrinkle-Heal Alec B. Summers
- One bubotuber’s pus
- 0.2 litre of seal milk
- One hellebore’s syrup
- Two puffer-fish eyes
- One leech
- One water-dwelling planaria
- One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
- A bunch of asphodel
- 6 sopophorus beans
1) Add water to glass bowl
2) Wear gloves, squeeze bubotuber pus into the bowl. Put it away afterwards
3) Crush asphodel in a mortar. Put it away too
4) Add the seal milk
5) Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium
6) Add hellebore syrup
7) Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin. (CLEAN before trying again if the eye slips out of your hands. SEEK HELP if you ruin an eye)
8) Stir three times counter clockwise with a wooden stirrer. Lower heat to minimum
9) Add bubotuber pus
10) Stir three times counter clockwise and then three times clockwise
11) Add leech
12) Count to ten before adding the water-dwelling planaria
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Josette felt so relieved when she hadn't heard any noises come from the Professor when he'd come by her again. That must have meant she was doing her potion correctly now right? It had to have meant that, because without giving her any notion she was doing it wrong, he was instead going onto the next step instead, which was Step 5.
Extending her arm out, with a bit of a struggle, she grabbed a hold of her bubotuber pus. Taking a moment to examine it briefly, she then carefully added it into her cauldron. Now before she did anything else she made sure to clean her wooden stirrer, in fear of upsetting the Professor if she didn't, with another excellent Scourgify. Then she placed her clean stirrer into the cauldron and did as instructed with stirring it three times counter clockwise, followed by her three stirs clockwise.
Next step, adding a leech? She had a leech in her kit? Josette reached into her kit before being surprised to find that there was one. Eww. She picked it up with a bit of caution, mixed with disgust. Taking a moment to add it to her cauldron she soon began to count to ten in her head.
Now to add the water-dwelling planaria into the cauldron right? She looked at the odd thing in the small glass of water. Josette slowly picked up the small glass and brought it over to the top of her cauldron before tilting it as it poured into her potion. Not long after that, she quickly took a moment to jot down these steps into her notes. Was she still doing it correctly Professor?
Text Cut: Notes
Wrinkle Heal Potion
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. Add some water to a glass bowl. (BUT CLEAN BOWL FIRST!!)
2. Wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away.
3. Crush asphodel roots in mortar. Put that away for future use too.
4. Add the seal milk.
5. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
6. Add hellebore syrup.
7. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron.
8. Add ONLY their liquid
9. Vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
10. Stir 3 times counter clockwise with a wooden stirrer.
11. Turn heat to minimum.
12. Add bubotuber pus.
13. Stir 3 times counter clockwise, then 3 times clockwise with CLEAN wooden stirrer.
14. Add one leech.
15. Count to ten & add water-dwelling planaria.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ian did his best to keep up with the class. with all this stirring and cutting and cleaning and steps between here and there trying to make this potion, he wondered if he'd get it done correctly. He thought about asking his fellow classmates, but his hearing made it difficult to make out what they said and he imagined he was yelling too. His throat sure started feeling sore lately.
Finally, he got up to adding the planaria. He wondered what this all was going to do. He scribbled from time to time, noting colors and consistencies and other things about the potions he wanted to remember.
He was going so fast, Gwen barely completed one step when he was on to the next one. "Scourgify," she cleaned the stirrer, and added the gross pus-stuff to her potion. Three times one direction, then three times the other. Did it matter which order they were in? Gwen hoped not, because with the fast pace Culloden was setting, she didn't have time to check for right or left and think about the face of a clock.
Leeches. This was getting grosser by the minute. Gwen shut her eyes as she grabbed the leech and dropped it into the potion. She was not drinking this, nor was she putting it on her wrinkly face. She would just write to her mom for some firming cream. The muggle kind that had less disgusting ingredients.
How fast were they supposed to count to ten? Slow like playing hide-and-seek? Fast like when you wanted someone's ten-seconds-more in the bathroom to be up? She settled for counting evenly as if she were a kindergartner reciting their numbers. Then she poured the water and the planaria into the potion. Was she supposed to just fish out the thing? Or pour the water in as well? She hoped she was supposed to add it with the water, because there was no going back now.