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The class is more or less the same with the proper chairs with soft cushions to sit and lean back on, and they are still are charmed to take the most comfortable shape and height once a student is seated. The walls are still a soft, calming blue. There are just two additions: one big, grey rubbish bin by the door and a white, porcelain washbasin with a tap for those who wants to wash their hands before/after the class and who can't perform 'Aguamenti' charm (a short hose to direct the water to the cauldron is on the white, porcelain shelf hung on the wall, in case it doesn't fit the washbasin).
Professor Culloden opens the door 15 minutes before the class time and sits at his desk to wait for the students to arrive--he looks stressed this time, though. Why would that be?
OOC: If you are going to RP your characer use the washbasin or the washbasin, you don't have to take Cosgrach's permission. Just assume he has granted it.
Come in, take your seats! The class will resume approximately 10 hours later. You may chat among yourselves, but please don't go overboard with it. Thanks! The lesson has started, so please do not post your character arriving late! Just RP as if they have been there all along.
Potion progress
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
3. Add hellebore syrup, make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum.
5. Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer.
6. Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
7. Up until this moment, the potion should have been milky white. Wave your wand horizontally and continuously at a medium pace, starting from left to right, until it turns sparkling purple.
8. Add pomegranate juice. Wait until the potion is lime green and add the asphodel roots.
9. Crush sopophorous beans in mortar and add their juice.
10. Stir 5 times counter clockwise and turn off the heater. Wait for a few minutes until it precipitates (the solid part seperates from the liquid and sink to the bottom. The solid part's colour should be sparkling, light pink and liquid, still lime green. Afterwards, either wait until the liquid part evaporates or pour it down the washbasin.
11. Apply on bare skin.
The skin will be smooth like a baby's for three or four weeks (depending on the skin), but they will reappear suddenly after the potion wears off.
It may be used as many times as you want, because it doesn’t have any known side effects.
It may be used on animals too, but it kills plants.
Discussion: The term 'beautiful' and the necessity of beautifying products
OOC: It won't affect the class points. You are welcome to join even if you didn't participate in the brewing. ^____^
Link 1: Annabeth and Bart Link 2: Adrienne, Andrew and Cosgrach's officially starting it
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
There were answers aplenty to the professor's question and Ben took down a few that the man seemed to be agreeing with even if not entirely correct before edited by Culloden. He did wince a couple of times when some of the students proceeded to yell once again. Ugg...it was painful, the second year rubbing his ears in a vain attempt to try and ease the discomfort.
"Not so loud..." he said much quieter. Forgetting even that potions usually wasn't the class to speak up for oneself. Well at least in the previous year with Lafay. He just wanted everyone to be quiet and just work on the potion during the class. Which as Professor Culloden was describing was supposedly going to help the wrinkles that had been developing over the student population almost as much as the gray hair and body problems. Maybe...for a little while. Most of the solutions for the other symptoms had lasted long.
Ben proceeded to write down the ingrediants and the the first few steps into his notes. Then there was the retrieving of the two ingrediants the professor mentioned...the seal milk and planaria. So much for not having to get up from his seat again. The Gryffindor reluctantly stood up and walked to the man's desk and took what he needed before returning to seat without too much movement. Now to begin, the second year slipping on his gloves and picking up his wand.
SPOILER!!: Notes
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away and crush asphodel roots in mortar. Put that away for future use too.
"Scourgify," he cast, cleaning up cauldron, glass bowl and mortar. "Aquamenti." The glass bowl filling with some water before he ended the spell. So far so good. Ben then squuezed the bubotuber pus into the water as directed, his nose wrinkling at the smell. Certainly not a pleasant ingrediant to work with. Setting the bowl of stuff aside, the second year returned his attention to his mortar and pestle, crushing the asphodal roots within for use later.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
A temporary cure? Okay.... and as far as testing went, who would he get to test it on given he had no wrinkles himself? West looked at the ingredients list and the first steps and listened to the instructions.
... okay.
So West started by cleaning his cauldron of course, and then went to get what he needed. Gloves on. Water in a bowl (conjured). And that was a LOT of pus wasn't it? Huh. Okay. He squeezed the Bubotuber carefully until its pus was all in the bowl of water, and the air stunk of it. Then he discarded its remains appropriately.
That done, it was time to prepare the asphodel... he took one bunch and placed it in a mortar, then proceeded to crush it with his pestle.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Everything the professor was saying made sense, and Mo nodded along gamely as he wrote down everything the man said. Or he tried too, but his fingers were sore and cramping today. Maybe from too much Quidditch... which was the unfortunate reason he was giving to all his little aches and pains lately.
He'd better feel good again on Saturday at the Quidditch match, since there was a good chance there'd be scouts there. Mo sighed a bit dramatically as they were encouraged to retrieve seal milk and planaria from the Professor's desk, although the sigh turned into a groan as his knees creaked when he got out of his chair.
Ugh. Once he had the professor's ingredients, Mo was able to sort out his own, lining them up in order along his desk as he always did. Pomegranate juice, though? That wasn't standard... were they allowed to use some of the professor's, or should Mo... ask a friend? He side-eyed those around him for a likely assist.
In the meantime, though, he set to cleaning out his cauldron and all his utensils, giving some extra attention to glass bowl and mortar he needed for the first step. Now then... fill the bowl with water. "Aguamenti." Check. Mo measured it out by eye before slipping on his gloves and grabbing the bubotuber. The pus inside was viscous and smelled, but it was an easy enough task. Easier still when Mo could discard the remnants and clean off his gloves.
The bowl of water went to one side, and then Mo dumped asphodel in his mortar and went at it with the pestle. Maybe a little too much glee involved in crushing the life out of the poor plant? Perhaps, but Mo was dealing with a lot of pent up feelings as a result of his gray hair and sore limbs, and crushing the life out of SOMETHING seemed appropriate.
Which Charm??!! Blimey, professor, did he really want her to answer that??
SHE WOULD GLADLY!! HEEHEE!!! "That would depend on the magic used preciously, professor." She said, excitedly, yet politely. "For example, Finite Incantatem could work." It was indeed a powerful little spell, that one. Lovely! "Or maybe an Anti-Aging Charm. Or even a Beauty Spell could work, too." Who knew! Sophie was totally up for trying it. Oh wait, maybe the Anti-Aging Charm wouldn't work because the person would already be old. "Or maybe a Stretching Charm even?" And now Sophie was literally just thinking out loud as she started to consider more... unrelated spells. Ooo, maybe there was a collagenous-related spell? Or a moisturizing Charm of some sort. Huh! Sophie had never been interested in such things, but she was now considering all of it.
Oh. Professor Culloden was already carrying on. Kay, never mind. She could look into it by herself laterrrr. No worries. Time to brew Potions, she supposed.
skdjfnsjkfnsjk She had already missed when he was writing the instructions on the board and even her old!er best friend was already ahead of her in getting the ingredients. Woops. Hurryiinnggg!!
Sophie caught up to Ella and, after retrieving the ingredients, she walked slowly behind the blonde in case she... collapsed or needed help or any kind or whatever. She definitely wasn't in the best of shapes at the moment, was she? o__O
Anyhow, Potion.
After using a Charm - obviously - to clean all of the material she would use, Sophie filled a glass bowl with whatever - using another spell, of course - and put on her gloves. Bubotuber pus time... eek. The Hufflepuff squeezed the thing and watched as the nasty goo pus fell into the glass of water. Blargh!
She checked to see the next instruction and pushed the bowl to the side as she pulled the mortar closer. Putting a handful or asphodel root into the clean mortar, Sophie crushed everything until.... well, she kept crushing it until the new instructions appeared on the board.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Oichi looked at the ingredients with befuddlement thst she could see because she sat at front of the classroom. She had heard of youthful things being put in products to make older woman look younger but placenta, that's sick, and how do you milk a seal, what??? But she quickly changed her mind thinking about how fast her body was aging and how nice it would be to get rid of the wrinkles. But Oichi still felt compelled to ask, "Professor, how do you milk a seal?". Oichi then started to write the notes on the board on her parchment.
SPOILER!!: notes
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away and crush asphodel roots in mortar. Put that away for future use too.
Oichi then took out her potions ingredients and grabbed the professors as well. She then followed the first steps. She took out her wand, "scourgify", the bowl was now clean, then she said, "augmenti", water came spewing wand and she filled her bowl with it. She then carefully squeezed out the bubertuber puss into the bowl. She the crushed the asphodel with the mortar and put it to the side.
It sounded plenty cheesy in Ascanius' very MODEST opinion. But he had already grumbled too much in this class. There was no reason to draw it out and make another comment. It wouldn't have been in his character anyway. He liked to brood in the corner where no one judged him or judged him less, thank you.
Once he gave them a go-ahead, Ascanius went to work putting his potion stuff together. He pulled his cauldron to his chest and then got up with the hoard of his classmates to retrieve the ingredients off of the Professor's desk. They looked simply delightful. Pfft. Yeah, okay, sure.
The sixth year then drew his wand and cast a scourgify on his cauldron. No one had time for all the grime and grossness that was in that thing. The cauldrons sat around and seemed to incubate germs. Then he cast aguamenti and a follow up finite to get his water in the cauldron. Done, done.
He threw his gloves on and proceeded to get all of that pus into the cauldron. Jeez, was this REALLY necessary. This was going to CAUSE wrinkles, not help remove them.
Ahem...then he, y'know, tossed the asphodel into his mortar and went at it.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Now how in Merlin's beard was she meant to know whether it was collagen or elastin? Did it look like she was some skin expert? No. He asked, she attempted an answer that had little to do with her and by the looks of it they were moving on soon enough. Moving on was good, the girl was getting restless just sitting there. It was the lack of sugar, she needed some.
While the Professor explained the items on his desk she got to scribbling the instructions from the board. That way she wouldn't have to keep looking up there every two seconds making any chance of looking at the Professor minimal.
SPOILER!!: Lex's Notes
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away and crush asphodel roots in mortar. Put that away for future use too.
Lex looked to table with the ingredients she would need but you know what? She was fine with this distance from the man so she asked a Firstie to get hers for her as well on the way back to their table. Had to love the First Years, most did what you asked if you knew the right way to ask. She gave a nod of approval then rested the seal milk and planaria next to the other ingredients on her desk.
Checking her notes, she grabbed a glass bowl, scourgify-ed, slapped on her gloves then began squeezing the bubotuber pus into it. With that done she shoved the bowl to the side then began crushing the asphodel roots in the mortar. This was for later as well, yeah?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 02-08-2014 at 03:51 PM.
When was the lesson going to start? Hannah felt like she would pass out at any moment here. Her hearing was by no means good, but she couldn't help but to hear what sounded like another fart close by. Did she fart again without noticing it? Did she have no control over her farts whatsoever anymore? This was a tad concerning. She looked over her shoulder to the direction where she thought the noise had came from and squinted to try to see the kid next to her. "Oi... let's keep the gas mixing to a minimum." she told him with a frown.
Oh, the lesson was starting and they were working on wrinkles. Excellent! She did not like having wrinkles one bit. "Apparently stress makes it form because I haven't done anything different and look at me." Was she yelling? The seventh year didn't even know anymore.
Cutty had taken on an Andy Warhol sort of appearance with his white hair and thick glasses. Like, Andy in his later years. When she remarked on his contribution to the ether he smiled and gave her the thumbs up. Obedience to the bigger snakes, yes? This time.
Text Cut: Culloden + Instructions
Originally Posted by StarShine
Cosgrach was glad to see her there, and listened to her answer with interest. Hmm... no wonder she gave a vague answer--she was still young to worry about age. Should be, anyway. With the current events in this castle, though... even he was tempted to import everything.
"I know a potion, yes." Need he say they were going to brew that one today?
Cosgrach thought it over, then hesitated before giving her a full answer.
"Elastin, or collagen?" Not that he was an expert. He just heard it was collagen. Either way... "Good answer." As much as he... didn't quite like her, he had to admit: she was decent.
True, this boy. Everyone should hear him, if they didn't want to get wrinkles early--never mind that they have done it. Oh, dear. Cosgrach looked stressed again.
"You've very right, Mister Mordaunt." He pronounced it the way Cutty had done at his first class. Names were important, so were wrinkles.
"Facial expressions, age, collapse of collagenous fibres, sun, cold and magic," he eyed them all as he was speaking to all of them, "and many more are the reasons of wrinkles. Luckily, the potioneers have found a cure, albeit temporarily." What was permanent even with magic, anyway? "Today, we will brew 'Wrinkle-Heal'." The name was cheesy, he knew, it disgusted him too, but what else could he do? "It's not as cheesy as it sounds, I promise," he said, then tapped his wand on the blackboard. The ingredients list and the first step appeared.
"The seal milk and planaria are on my desk," he told them as he indicated to his desk: there were enough 200 mililitres of glasses filled with seal milk and some smaller glasses contained the planaria with some water to keep it alive. "You should have the rest in your potions kit." He eyed them, but he wouldn't object if they had to use from his personal stock. "As you see, we have to prepare the bubotuber and asphodel beforehand, so, start."
He wasn't going to brew with them as he had already brewed his potion, but would supervise theirs.
With his glasses now on, it made it easier to see the writing on the board and thus copy the ingredients and instructions down for study and later practices. He looked up at the shouty Tobias and swore that was as loud as he'd ever heard the boy get. Toby was acting funny. Not funny Uh-oh!, but funny Haa-HA! Then he was all staring down Andrienne. Cutty got up from his seat veeeeery slooooowly and headed up to get the planaria and the seal milk. On his way he passed Tobias's desk and he offered, "You can take down the ingredients from my notes, if you need to, Tempus."
Originally Posted by Cutty's Potions Notes
Wrinkle Heal Potion
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away and crush asphodel roots in mortar. Put that away for future use too.
Once back at his seat with the seal milk and the planaria, the latter of which he stared at curiously as questions were forming in his head about it. He held it up, shook it slightly and watched it move before placing it down on his desk. Cutty just loved living things. He...hehehe...hehehee. ;___;
Right. Now to make sure he had everything he was going to need for the potion. He took out, one by one the mortar and pestle, his dragonhide gloves, glass bowl, asphodel roots, and the bubotubers. Wand out, he cleansed the bowl, several stirring instruments, the mortar and pestle and even his pair of gloves before starting. His wrinkly, old hands still swam inside the gloves as he wrapped his covered fingers around the hilt of his wand and conjured water. "Aquamenti!"
Next, he set upon the bubotubers, holding them by one end and pinching each protrusion as if popping an over-filled zit on someone's face (and taking just as much delight in it). He was almost tempted to take more than he would need finding that bit of the brewing to be quite amusing. The gloves came off and were cleansed, then Cutty moved on to crushing the roots of asphodel into the mortar. "Proffessor Culloden?" His hand went up before he said anything more. "Do we want a perfectly smooth paste or should it be a bit...gritty?"
Okay, so after all of that important filler, she checked the list of ingredients and grabbed a glass bowl. Because, potions needed something to be in. Why glass? She didn't know. Maybe they really needed to see the potion. Or maybe an ingredient reacted really well with glass and not with normal cauldrons. The redhead figured she'd ask.
"Professor?" Because she didn't learn names very well. "Why are we using a glass bowl? Is there any special reason?" And she wrote the question down. Just because it might come in handy. For life and stuff. And while she waited for an answer she pulled out her wand. Might as well continue with the steps while she worked.
"Scourgify." Because bowls needed to be clean. You couldn't make a potion in a dirty bowl after all. And when she was sure that the bowl was nice and clean and water-fied, she started squeezing the puss into it. Pus. Hahaha, Gross. She wasn't girly to the point where she was afraid of a little dirt, but pus was disgusting. She could not wait to get this step over with.
But it was kind of funny watching it drop in. Plop. It looked really funny to her. Maybe she was just tired or being weird today, but whatever. Little things always made her laugh.
Then she made sure that the root was crushed down enough. Which it wasn't. She really needed to work on her preperations. Because that was not going to be of any use in a potion. At all.
And she wrote down her steps as she did them, her handwriting becoming more messy with the gloves on. She wrote practically everything into this journal. It was like her official note carrying Trapper-Keeper. Or like a GIANT folder.
People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away.
With his glasses now on, it made it easier to see the writing on the board and thus copy the ingredients and instructions down for study and later practices. He looked up at the shouty Tobias and swore that was as loud as he'd ever heard the boy get. Toby was acting funny. Not funny Uh-oh!, but funny Haa-HA! Then he was all staring down Andrienne. Cutty got up from his seat veeeeery slooooowly and headed up to get the planaria and the seal milk. On his way he passed Tobias's desk and he offered, "You can take down the ingredients from my notes, if you need to, Tempus."
See, Cutty? Cutty was a GOOD FRIEND.
Tobias smiled at the younger boy and made to get out his seat to go over there to copy down the notes, but decided at the last minute to transfer ALLLLLLL of his belongings so he was at the next workstation, beside the Slytherin. That way, he had someone nearby who he could trust to help him out.
................ Cutty wore glasses? Huh. Though that wasn't the most surprising thing about his appearance. Tobias could relate to the whitening hair, and apparently they had a mutual sight problem.
Once he'd re-set up his station again, Tobias moved over to Cutty's desk.
"Thanks," he smiled, and then got to work copying out the Slytherin's notes, having to lean pretty close to each of their parchments to see it properly. When he had them all noted down, Tobias moved back around to his own desk and started getting to work.
He'd lost a lot of time from moving and also from his earlier confusion, so now Tobias was playing catch-up. He kept his head bent and his eyes down and focusing ONLY on his prepping and not Culloden or that Ravenclaw or ANYONE else, and reached for his glass bowl.
"Scourgify," Tobias muttered, pointing his wand at the bowl, inside and out. Then.......... *SQUINT* Water? Yes. Water sounded about right. "Aguamenti."
Bubotuber puss was next, Tobias ascertained from more squinting at his notes, and the boy wrinkled his nose. Sure, he was always super upbeat, but it was really hard to be enthusiastic about puss, y'know? Nevertheless, he pulled on his gloves and grabbed said bubotuber. As he squeezed the puss out and into the glass bowl, Tobias wrinkled his nose yet again at the ever strengthening smell of petrol. It was all around the room, too, because everyone was doing the same thing.
Once he was quite sure the puss was all in, Tobias moved the bowl off to one side and leaned close to his notes again, to see what the other part was that he had to do. Something with asphodel, Toby knew that much.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look!
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by StarShine
"The seal milk and planaria are on my desk," he told them as he indicated to his desk: there were enough 200 mililitres of glasses filled with seal milk and some smaller glasses contained the planaria with some water to keep it alive. "You should have the rest in your potions kit." He eyed them, but he wouldn't object if they had to use from his personal stock. "As you see, we have to prepare the bubotuber and asphodel beforehand, so, start."
He wasn't going to brew with them as he had already brewed his potion, but would supervise theirs.
Tessa scribbled down the notes about wrinkles, resisting the urge to touch the ones that had sprouted up around her eyes, lips, and on her hands. But now, it was time to begin preparing the potion. However- step one was making sure everything was clean. She had trouble remembering her own name some mornings, but that she would always remember.
She cast the cleaning charm and used it over each tool and over the work space. She went to her cauldron next- after all, you never knew if any dust had settled. If it had, it could make the potion unstable. Who knew what was in dust that settled in a ancient magical castle. That finished, she looked back at the instructions.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Originally Posted by StarShine
Potion progress
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
Nodding to herself, she took out her glass bowl- freshly cleaned, and cast Aguamenti to get water in the bowl. When there was enough, she slipped on her gloves- also cleaned- and began to squeeze the bubotuber pus. Not her favorite job in the world- but it had to be done.
With a sigh, she slid that away to a safe area of the work station and was about to start... something? She could barely remember what potion they were working on, and her memory told her that it was something important. Something about...
She looked at her notes. Wrinkles, yes- that's right. She glanced around and nodded when she saw her bubotuber already prepared. She put a check mark next to the step- that way she would be sure to remember what she had done. Her memory was so foggy lately. On to the roots. She measured out the right amount of asphodel, and crushed them. Once that was finished, it also went away, and another check was added to her list.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
... what in the name of Merlin was Culloden saying? It looked like he was moving his lips, but if there was sound, it wasn't reaching Alice's ears. Almost as if the whole class had gone silent, she could hear no noise save for a ringing in her ears. That.... was weird.
At least she could still see. And it wasn't too hard to know what to do when ingredients and instructions starting appearing on the blackboard. The brunette scribbled down the information into her potions notebook before heading up to the professor's desk and retrieving the seal milk and planaria.
Text Cut: Notes
Alice Fischer
• used to heal wrinkles
• pus of 1 bubotuber
• 0.2 litres of seal milk
• syrup of 1 hellebore
• 2 eyes of a puffer-fish
• 1 leech
• 1 water-dwelling planaria
• juice of 1 pomegrenate (medium sized)
• a bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
• clean glass bowl ✔
• add some water to bowl ✔
• wear gloves ✔
• squeeze pus out of bubotuber and into bowl, then set aside ✔
• clean mortar and pestle ✔
• crush asphodel roots in mortar and put away for future use ✔
And then it was time to get to work.
First things first. She started off with an almost-silent Scouring Charm on her glass bowl, quiet but not quite soundless. Still working on those nonverbals, y'know? Next, she cast an Aguamenti into it, filling it up with what she deemed to be enough water and mentally chiding Culloden for not giving them fractions. How was she meant to know what 'some' was? Hmph.
But it seemed like some. Pulling on her gloves, Alice grabbed a bubotuber out of her potions kit and began squeezing it. Another wish she had was that the measurements would be more exact for the ingredients as well- what if she didn't get out every drop of the pus? Would her potion not work properly? For fear of this, the seventh year wrung out the plant like there was no tomorrow, setting the bubotuber aside when she was finally satisfied.
After another cleaning spell, this time performed on her mortar and pestle, she placed the roots of the asphodel inside and began crushing them mercilessly. THIS was fun. The smashing. Grr. Could they do this bit more often, please? It was rather sad when her roots seemed crushed enough, and Alice had to put them away too. Pity.
But she wouldn't have objected to more crushing, even if it did hurt her elbows. Dumb rheumatisms. Could they cure those next?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Another small smile from the professor. Whatever was wrong with him, she was sure he didn't want his students to know. And she respected that since she wouldn't appreciate someone butting into her life. She returned smile with a small, timid one of her own.
Good thing she was sat at the front or she would have missed what he was saying. Ugh. She did clean her ears and they STILL felt fussy. Mental cursing. Did she really have to get up and get the ingredients? Beverly debated on whether using the Summoning Charm or standing up. Glancing at the professor then at his desk, the latter won, and only because of several reasons. First, she didn't want Culloden to think she was lazy. Second, her concentration has been off and she might drop something and cause an explosion in which the poisonous gases left everyone bald. It could happen.
So with achy and protesting joints, the third year stood up and went to retrieve the necessary ingredients. When she came back to her desk she proceeded with the instructions.
Cleaning the glass bowl with Scourgify (after several attempts), she glared at the bubotuber's pus. Normally she'd be indifferent to it, but as of now, her nose could smell more than it did before. What the heck?!
Stomach turning and eyes watering, she squeezed the pus into the bowl, that now had water in it. Thank Merlin for gloves or she would have gotten it all over her hands. Did she have Parkinson's disease now too? Just what she needed. Lovely.
Not thinking about THAT, she put the pus away and switched to crushing the asphodel roots. She took more time in doing that. When had asphodel roots become so hard? And no, she wasn't going to blame it on herself. It HAD to be the roots. Not.
When that was done she took a breather. Couldn't they get all the ingredients set and ready to just add them into the cauldron without the hard work? She wanted to nap.
"IS IT NAP TIME OR EATING TIME?" He shouted out loud because he couldn't hear himself. "OH! PROFESSOR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE...WAIT AM I IN CLASS? I WAS SURE IT WAS NAP TIME...." It didn't even occured to him that he had actually called him Professor for the very first time.
Oh wait, potions. He was going to make some kind of potion! Ha! he was so smart. Even at his age he was still smart. He put on the gloves and took out a bupopoby or whatever it was called out of the potions kit and squeeeezed the pus out in to a glass bowl. He then wiped his gloved hand on the table and proceeded to grab a bunch of asphodel roots before crushing them in the mortar without cleaning it first. When he was done he looked at his work so far and had the feeling he was forgotten something......
THE WATER! He had forgotten to add the water....wait...in where again?
Lucky for the Gryffindor, PRofessor Culloden had been too busy with others to pay much attention to him to notice he had been sleeping. When he shouted though--he succeeded pretty well to draw his attention and the man jumped, anger rising in himself.
WHAT even?
Turning to GLARE at the boy, he narrowed his eyes and waited for him to stop behaving in a silly way. Which he did. Good. He was getting to work.
...not. Correctly. He was working INcorrectly!
Taking DEEP, DEEP breaths, Cosgrach toooowered over the boy. If looks could kill...
"Aguamenti," he simply said, wand already directed in the glass bowl, and filled it with some water. He didn't say anything, though, and preferred to stare gravely. He also knew Kevin didn't clean his mortar and pestle, and doubted they had been clean really, but it wasn't Cosgrach problem unless it threatened others, so he let that be. Next time? Kevin was fixing his mistake on his own. Next time shouting--
Originally Posted by Felixir
When he was calm and FREEEEEE OF EMOTIONS again, Tobias opened his eyes and raised his hand. He spoke up rather loudly and croakily. "I can't hear what you're saying, sir." SPEAK UP, SONNY JIM. "And I can't see what's on the board."
He didn't LOOK at Culloden, per se. Just sort of... towards the front of the room.
--TOBY, of all the people, HAD TO shout too!
Cosgrach didn't jump this time, but he was even MORE angry! WHAT was going on here? Was this some kind of a joke--
Originally Posted by aaetha
Aaaaand people were yelling (DuckyLinJi and Felixir). Why were people yelling? Adrienne cast a nasty look at them. They were disrupting class, and for no reason whatsoever! Was she expected to be able to learn in an environment like this? "There's no need to shout, so please shut it," she said loudly, directing her comments towards the two idiots who couldn't speak at a normal volume.
--And people were answering them! Cosgrach couldn't breathe properly for a moment. He grabbed at his neck, leaned on his desk and tried to calm down. Calm, calm, he was caaaalm.
"I appreciate your good intentions," he said to the girl caaaalmly, "but that's not very friendly." As in other words, he got this. He wouldn't warn her, or anyone else, for another next time.
Now. To figure out WHAT to do about the shouting people.
Originally Posted by Felixir
And then he looked at Culloden. SURELY he'd be on Toby's side THIS time.
Surely. He had to be.
Cosgrach was. On Toby's side, that is. He just... didn't understand why Toby had to shout in the first place. Surely the aging wasn't that terrible? Could it be? Could it... really be that...
Cosgrach sighed dramatically to himself. He didn't even know, but he was thinking of something to help the kids.
Originally Posted by aaetha
Ugh. Adrienne could not believe there was someone this immature in her year. Honestly! He couldn't even be bothered to respond when someone was speaking to him? And now he was staring at her like an idiot. She rolled her eyes and glared at him and then turned back to the board. At least he was quiet now, so she could get going on her potion.
Cosgrach had either missed the glare or ignored it, because he didn't look at or say anything to the girl. He was just glad they dropped the matter. He knew how to help Toby, Kevin and all those that had to get up to see the blackboard anyway.
Text Cut: Tora
Originally Posted by amadshade
She continued thinking about his topic while she did a quick "Scorgify of her glass bowl and got all the ingredients out. She didn't bother to double check to see if she had all the ingredients. She stuck the tip of her wand into her bag and said Accio gloves! She had been working on this advanced spell for a while now, but still wasn't getting very far. As proof of her failed efforts, nothing happened in the bag. Rather nothing that Tora wanted to happen happened as a great deal of crashing sounds came from where she had tried to summon her gloves to her. This caused her to give a great sigh before she gave up on magic and just rooted around for them blindly with her hand. Finally stumbling upon the gloves, she tugged them on and picked up the pus with a bit of distaste. Here goes nothing.[/color]
Something was crashing!
Trying not to look frantic, Cosgrach turned around to spot the culpable. WHO crashed something? That--this--AHA! It was HER! His eyes narrowed and in a few strides, he was beside her.
"Is everything alright, Miss?"
Y'know, calm, he was. Perfectly calm. He was simply asking if she needed help.
Text Cut: Delilah
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
"Ew." Delilah muttered to herself in disgust as she started to squeeze the bubotuber's pus into the bowl. This was so gross. She somehow managed to get it done before she started to crush the asphodel roots in the mortar, giving a small yawn. Okay, done. She took off her gloves and made a note of the first step. See? Efficient.
See, Cosgrach had changed his strategy. Instead of vanishing the contents of those who didn't clean their materials, he was just going to let the dirty stuff lead to a chaos and exploding potions, and students needing The Healer. He wasn't even going to warn them. It was their responsibility. So, this time, he didn't say anything too, but conjured water into her glass bowl for her, because she seemed to have forgotten that. Next time, though, she was completely on her own, cleaning included.
Text Cut: Dirty lot
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104
So Marigold shifted a bit and prepared her bowl. She poured some water in it.
And ewww squishing pus out. She got a bit squeamish while doing that, but was fine afterwards. She crushed the roots as best she could, though they were a bit uneven.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
With that done she shoved the bowl to the side then began crushing the asphodel roots in the mortar. This was for later as well, yeah?
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
Bay made sure that he had clean equipment to start brewing. he placed his glass bowl on his work station and poured in the water. "alrighty thats done now.. what next?" he looked down at his notes.. okay so he had to put on his gloves now…
He put on his gloves and kept looking at his notes.. he had to squeeze the bubotuber's pus.. he looked in his bag to find it.. "oh there it is" he said while grabbing it and adding it to the water.
after that he pulled out his mortar and started to crush his asphodel roots.. "man these things are hard" he said while putting all the force he could muster into crushing them… alright so thats done…
Yep, yep, Cosgrach was calm. He wasn't picky. He wasn't obsessed about cleanliness. He was going to ignore. Ignore until the dirty pestle and mortar led to mistakes and disgusting potions and all that.
Yes. Ignoring. Not warning them to clean it. Not vanishing anything. He was going to enjoy their squirming later.
Text Cut: Bart
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Bart looked down at his feet. His slippers were great weren’t they? All frogged out with his matching Pj pants. “They are more comfortable than my shoes. Plus my back has been really bothering me lately and bending down to put the shoes on was just so much effort so slippers had to do.” He was there on time that should be good enough.
Once it was done he went back to his desk to make sure he had all the ingredients. “Are you kidding me.” He said frustrated putting up his hand. “Professor I forgot my potions kit.” How could he forget his favorite subject things.
...okay, this ageing REALLY was real. And disturbing. And spreading. And affecting people's lives.
......if Cosgrach locked himself up in his office and spoke to no one until they were all cured? What if he, too, was getting old rapidly?! What if he died tomorrow?!
MERLIN! He couldn't die tomorrow!
Taking deep breaths, he tried his best to look calm, because he was NOT calm. "Slippers, yes, right, okay." Okay. So long as Bart kept away from him in those slippers, he was fine with them. He vaguely remembered he had to answer some of his questions, but what those were, he didn't even remember.
...the Gryffindor tower was several floors up... Cosgrach grunted to himself. "Share it with a friend or use from my stock," he said grudgingly. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all--how the school looked like a care-house now. Was he the only one that noticed stuff?
Text Cut: Adi
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Hydrated? Dehydrated? Er...It was safe to say Adi had forgotten which of the words meant dried out. He look confusedly at the Professor. "Um...the one that means stuff are drying out or loosing their moisture content.'' Dehydrated, it was? Gah! All of a sudden he wondered what potion they were even talking about. Why were they even talking about hydration and dehydration?
"Then it should be 'dehydrated'." Err--it was a simple mistake of his tongue, right? Right?! Not that ageing stuff again?
Text Cut: Sophie B.
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Then, just... to be extra safe and because she could feel Culloden's scrutiny whether he was avidly paying attention to her or not, she took her wand and did a quick, "Scourgify," on everything once more - the outside of the two new glasses, her bowl, the tabletop, her gloves, her mortar and pestle, all of her various other tools again... but then she acknowledged that she was being overly meticulous and neat, and set her wand down to stop herself. Everything was good and clean, Soph. Yes. Okay. Good.
But she had JUST cleaned everything? Cosgrach watched her for a moment, questioning his memory in the process, then grinned and shook his head at her. She was great, did she know? Truly. The best protege anyone could ever have.
Text Cut: Gwen
Originally Posted by Presley Black
She set her glass bowl exactly in front of her at the table and pulled her gloves from her bag slipping them onto her fingers. Apparently over-cautiousness was good at this school. Next, squeeze bobotuber pus. Ugh. She hated the word. The stuff was gross. She leaned back a little as she squeezed the nasty pus into her glass bowl. Gross.
Cograch waited for her to add the water until the last minute, y'know, but when she didn't, he added it for her without saying anything. He was giving everyone one mistake chance, basically, but they were on their own with their next mistake.
Text Cut: Sophie of Hufflepuff
Originally Posted by Hey Ju
SHE WOULD GLADLY!! HEEHEE!!! "That would depend on the magic used preciously, professor." She said, excitedly, yet politely. "For example, Finite Incantatem could work." It was indeed a powerful little spell, that one. Lovely! "Or maybe an Anti-Aging Charm. Or even a Beauty Spell could work, too." Who knew! Sophie was totally up for trying it. Oh wait, maybe the Anti-Aging Charm wouldn't work because the person would already be old. "Or maybe a Stretching Charm even?" And now Sophie was literally just thinking out loud as she started to consider more... unrelated spells. Ooo, maybe there was a collagenous-related spell? Or a moisturizing Charm of some sort. Huh! Sophie had never been interested in such things, but she was now considering all of it.
Eh, no wonder Cosgrach didn't know those charms then. He hated beauty sector, thought it was silly, and it hurt him to see such young brains were infected with it too. Everyone here seemed to know more about it, and if it weren't for the... curious incidents, he would feel bad for them.
He sitll felt bad for them. Anyway.
Nodding at the girl politely and definitely appreciating her answer, he smiled and went on to address to the class...
Text Cut: Questions
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa
But Oichi still felt compelled to ask, "Professor, how do you milk a seal?". Oichi then started to write the notes on the board on her parchment.
She the crushed the asphodel with the mortar and put it to the side.
"They are mammals too," he said as an answer to the girl, "so they have mammae." Err--he doubted it was like a cow's, really, but it wasn't too different?
She too. Didn't clean her pestle and mortar. Her choice. He was done reminding them the cleanliness.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
"Proffessor Culloden?" His hand went up before he said anything more. "Do we want a perfectly smooth paste or should it be a bit...gritty?"
Who was it? Oh, that Slytherin boy. Cosgrach nodded at him to ask his question.
"We want a perfect one." Because the skin has to be perfect too. Yes.
Originally Posted by carpediem
"Professor?" Because she didn't learn names very well. "Why are we using a glass bowl? Is there any special reason?" And she wrote the question down. Just because it might come in handy. For life and stuff. And while she waited for an answer she pulled out her wand. Might as well continue with the steps while she worked.
"Yes?" This turning-around-trying-to-spot-the-student made him dizzy, but he survived it this time too and made eye contact with the girl. He remembered her from the last class. She had rather different questions.
"Because glass doesn't react to bubotuber," he said in response, and nodded at her work. She worked as well as she could ask questions.
Text Cut: Ascanius
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Then he cast aguamenti and a follow up finite to get his water in the cauldron. Done, done.
He threw his gloves on and proceeded to get all of that pus into the cauldron. Jeez, was this REALLY necessary. This was going to CAUSE wrinkles, not help remove them.
WHAT was he doing? Didn't he hear? Didn't he see?! Cosgrach was beside the young man in only a few seconds, and POOF everything in his cauldron went.
"Read the blackboard, please."Please. But Cosgrach beat him to it, in case he was one of those with poor eye-sight too.
"It says, add water to a glass bowl and squeeze the bubotuber in that." He EYED the boy. What had he done instead? Adding it to the cauldron!
"These are for future use." Understood? Clear? Done?
So, obviously, they had a problem.
Cosgrach looked thoughtful for a moment, then tapped his wand at the blackboard again as he muttered to himself. The blackboard expanded, covering nearly the whole wall now, and the letters got BIGGER too--almost their double length and width.
"IS THAT--" he pointed at the blackboard while shouting for everyone to hear, "CLEAR NOW?" He turned to look at it again. It seemed so. He was impressed with himself.
He tapped his wand at the blackboard again, and a message appeared in BIG letters:
'Write what you have to say on a paper if your hearing is failing.'
It stayed there for a full minute for everyone to see, then it erased himself, and the next step appeared beneath the first one:
Originally Posted by Blackboard
2. Add the seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
"NEXT. STEP!" Could everyone see it? Yes? No?
Merlin. He had to see Annie as soon as this class was over.
Whoa. Were they in trouble? Culloden seemed pretty angry with them. Gwen looked up sheepishly when he added the water for her. She was going to do that. She just, um, forgot. People's hearing was failing? That wasn't good.
She focused on the board, taking her time to read it this time. She wished he would just say it out loud. Gwen hated reading. Especially from far away. The letters just didn't like to stay put, and she couldn't run her finger along them when they were on the board rather than in front of her.
She measured the seal milk carefully and added it. Heater on high, she glanced at the clock and waited exactly 60 seconds before turning it to medium. Was she supposed to stir it or something? Her mom always stirred when she cooked. Better not risk it. Culloden couldn't get angry if she didn't do it, because he hadn't told them to.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
She still couldn't hear anything that the professor said, nor did she have any idea about what he was shouting. But Alice wasn't blind, so she followed the instructions on the board and remained silent, opting to add to her journal in lieu of speaking. It didn't worry her in the slightest that she couldn't hear- it was probably just some sort of elevation thing since they were in the dungeons, yeah?
And they were adding seal's milk... to the cauldron? Without water? Hm. Maybe it worked 'cause it was still a liquid base.
Whatever. Culloden was the potioneer, so Alice did as he wanted and added the seal's milk to her cauldron after she had cast a quiet "Scourgify" on it. Next, she turned the burner up to high, then lowered it to medium after sixty seconds. And then she glanced around the classroom, trying to read lips and tell which students were the ones being obnoxious.
Text Cut: Notes
Alice Fischer
• used to heal wrinkles
• pus of 1 bubotuber
• 0.2 litres of seal milk ✔
• syrup of 1 hellebore
• 2 eyes of a puffer-fish
• 1 leech
• 1 water-dwelling planaria
• juice of 1 pomegrenate (medium sized)
• a bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
• clean glass bowl ✔
• add some water to bowl ✔
• wear gloves ✔
• squeeze pus out of bubotuber and into bowl, then set aside ✔
• clean mortar and pestle ✔
• crush asphodel roots in mortar and put away for future use ✔
• clean cauldron ✔
• add seal's milk to cauldron ✔
• turn burner up to high ✔
• lower heat to medium after a minute ✔
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
There was shouting going on, and Theo wanted to know what it was about, but he was also a little too engrossed in this potion. Honestly, this ageing thing completely went over Theo's head 98% of the time, maybe that is why it didn't affect him whatsoever. Giving a small tut to everyone (even the professor) who was shouting, Theo squinted his eyes at the blackboard to take a look at the next step. Okay, cauldron time. He pushed his glass bowl and mortar a little further away, then pulled some of the seal's milk closer to him.
"Scourgify." Theo cast onto his cauldron, before tucking his wand away again. He poured the milk into his cauldron and then turned the heat up high. He counted a minute in his head, then turned the heat down a little. There, that was easy.
Theo decided that he'd better start writing this up whilst he was ahead of the others. He got out his quill and notebook and began.
SPOILER!!: notes
- One bubotuber’s pus
- 0.2 litre of seal milk
- One hellebore’s syrup
- Two puffer-fish eyes
- One leech
- One water-dwelling planaria
- One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
- A bunch of asphodel
- 6 sopophorus beans
1) Add water to glass bowl, then squeeze bubotuber's pus into it
2) Crush asphodel in mortar
3) Add seal milk to cauldron
4) Turn heat up high for one minute, then lower to medium heat
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
eOkaaay. So Potion making. Grace kind of couldn't here to much. A little bit. It was kind of annoying. But she wrote down all the the things she had to do. Last time she hadn't been too good at making the water come out of her wand, but she had been trying it a lot now, so she was sure that she could do it now. She had been able to do it in her dorm anyway. But she was hoping that she'd be able to do it now. She glanced down at her notes, so that she could work out what she had to do first.
ugh. She had to go walk. That was annoying. Her back was aching today. Couldn't the professor just bring all the ingredients to her? That would have been much better. But it was not going to happen. So instead the little first year went and collected the ingredients that she needed. And then went back to her desk. Now to start.
She had to get the pus out of the bubotuber. That sounded rather disgusting. But first she got to see if she could do the spell. Pulling her wand out, she pointed it at the bowl. "Aguamenti!" Andd it worked. Yaaay. She was happy. She beamed as she pulled her gloves on, and began squeezing the pus out. It looked disgusting. But she was just glad that she had been able to do the spell. Once that was finished, she put it away to use later, and began crushing the asphodel roots. Crushh Crushh Crushhh. And then that was done. Smiling, she pushed that away to use later.
andd now step two. The girl looked up, so that she could read what she had to do next. Because she kind of still couldn't hear the professor fully. Okaay. She had to add the seal milk and stuff. Now she remembered that she had to clean her cauldron first. Another spell that she had been practicing. Beaming, she pointed her wand into the cauldron, and spoke the incantation "Scourgify." Anddd hopefully it was all nice and clean. After this she poured the milk carefully into the potion, not wanting to spill any of it.
Okaaay. Turn the heat higher for a minute. Nodding the turned the heat higher, and made sure that she counted the minute carefully. She didn't want to do anything wrong! After the minute had completed the turned the heat down a little. Nowww to wait for the next set of instructions.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Annabeth got a shock! Professor Culloden was shouting! The girl was daydreaming since the beginning of the lesson and hadn't made anything yet. She glanced around. There were steaming cauldrons everywhere and the blackboard was filled with instructions that she hadn't noticed until then. Would she have been bewitched? She shook her head. Of course she had been bewitched, her parchment was completely filled with lots of tiny hearts pointing to his name on the top of the page: Cosgrach Culloden... How a teacher could be so handsome? Quickly she took her wand and erased his name and the hearts, and than began to copy everything from the blackboard.
Wrinkle-heal?? Why did he was concerned about people having wrinkles? He was so perfect, she couldn't see any wrinkle on his perfect face... Anna raised an eyebrow... Would it be the effect of the potion? She nodded stupidly to her own question. Only a perfect potion-maker could be so perfect...
SPOILER!!: Annabeth Glasswall's notes
Annabeth Glasswall
third year
• used to heal wrinkles
• pus of 1 bubotuber
• 0.2 litres of seal milk
• syrup of 1 hellebore
• 2 eyes of a puffer-fish
• 1 leech
• 1 water-dwelling planaria
• juice of 1 pomegrenate (medium sized)
• a bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
After cleaning her cauldron, Annabeth went towards the teacher's desk, grinning, to take the seal milk. Anything to be close to him. She did it quickly - more quick than she wanted to - and went back to her place. She had to prepare the bubotuber and the asphodel.
Back to her worksation, she wore her gloves and cleaned the glass bowl, cast the aguamenti spell filling it with enough water. Than she looked at the bubotuber. It wasn't pleasent to see. And if if would splatter the goo on her face? Wrinkling her nose, she squeezed the bubotuber. It was disgusting!!! Anna set it aside and took her wand again to clean the mortar and the pestle. Time to crush. She rolled up her sleeves and crushed the asphodel roots. Then she looked at the teacher expectantly. It would be nice if he was observing her work. Not this time. She let out a long sigh and than looked at the blackboard once again.
"Time to heat the cauldron", she muttered to herself. She looked into it, and if some of the bubotuber's goo had spilled into? "Scourgify!" After cleaning the cauldron again, she poured the seal milk into the cauldron, took her wand, "Incendio!", and turned the heater to high. Tic toc tic toc... thirty seconds left... tic toc tic toc... After a minute, the girl lowered the heater to medium and looked at the teacher, grinning.
Ana quickly scribbled down the notes on the board as she attempted to keep up with her class.
SPOILER!!: notes
- One bubotuber’s pus
- 0.2 litre of seal milk
- One hellebore’s syrup
- Two puffer-fish eyes
- One leech
- One water-dwelling planaria
- One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
- A bunch of asphodel
- 6 sopophorus beans
1) Add water to glass bowl, then squeeze bubotuber's pus into it before setting it aside and crushing the asphodel in the mortar. Put that aside as well.
20 Add seal milk to cauldron, turning the heat up high for one minute, then lowering it to a medium heat.
Pushing her hair back from her class Ana unholstered her wand and turned it towards the bowl in front of her, "Aguamenti," she whispered as water poured from the end of her wand and into the bowl. Ending the spell she pushed herself from the chair and walked slowly over to the Professors desk to get the seal milk. She'd have to get onto buying those shoes Tessa had ASAP. The ones she was wearing currently weren't the most comfortable, and so after grabbing the milk she scurried quickly back to her own desk. Ahh, the relief of sitting back down.
Frowning Ana grabbed her gloves and put them on before grabbing the bubotuber and squeezing the pus into it. Ugh. Gross. Pushing the concoction off to one side Ana grabbed her mortar and pestle, dragging it towards her along with the asphodel. She patiently began crushing the asphodel and once that was done she pushed the mortar and pestle away too.
Turning to her cauldron Ana cast, "Scrougify," before grabbing the correct amount of seal milk and chucking it in, turning the heat up to high. Ana got distracted slightly by the calming blue of the room, and so accidentally left the heat on high for 30 seconds too long. She looked around to see if anyone had noticed while turning the heat to medium. Surely 30 seconds extra on high wouldn't do that much damage. She hoped. There was a reason she didn't do cooking. That was also the same reason why Potions wasn't the highlight of her academic career.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Apparently Professor Culloden wasn't all to pleased with the shouters...AND the people who couldn't see all that well according to what they were saying. Huh? It seemed alright to him, for the most part. But at least maybe the shouters would get the hint, his ears were still bugging him. Thankful for the return to the task at hand, the Gryffindor read the next step off the board easily with its now enlarged state. It certainly should help the squinters.
2. Add the seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
Ben added it to the list before proceeding. His cauldron was already clean, having scourgified it at the beginning of the lesson, so he simply poured in the seal milk. Then turning the heat on as directed he watched his watch to count down the minute before lowering it to medium.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Aha. So dehydrated it was. Adi grinned at the man. "Thanks for clearing that up, Professor.'' Now why were they talking about dehydration again?
As he waited for the lesson to continue, he watched as the other students' concerns were taken care of by Culloden. Woah! That was one HUGE blackboard! He hadn't been having any trouble with his sight but he did have a problem with the shouting. So far when the students had been doing it, Adi had been able to ignore them. Barely though.
He covered his ears when Culloden shouted. Jeez! Could everyone just speak normally? Shouting was very much annoying. The Puffer cautiously removed his hands from his ears. No shouting. Good. There was now the next instruction on the board.
Adi Scourgified his cauldron and added the seal's milk. Keeping an eye on his watch, he turned the heat up high. When the minute was up, he turned the heat down to medium. All done. Adi updated his notes while waiting for more instructions.
Lucky for the Gryffindor, PRofessor Culloden had been too busy with others to pay much attention to him to notice he had been sleeping. When he shouted though--he succeeded pretty well to draw his attention and the man jumped, anger rising in himself.
WHAT even?
Turning to GLARE at the boy, he narrowed his eyes and waited for him to stop behaving in a silly way. Which he did. Good. He was getting to work.
...not. Correctly. He was working INcorrectly!
Taking DEEP, DEEP breaths, Cosgrach toooowered over the boy. If looks could kill...
"Aguamenti," he simply said, wand already directed in the glass bowl, and filled it with some water. He didn't say anything, though, and preferred to stare gravely. He also knew Kevin didn't clean his mortar and pestle, and doubted they had been clean really, but it wasn't Cosgrach problem unless it threatened others, so he let that be. Next time? Kevin was fixing his mistake on his own. Next time shouting--
--TOBY, of all the people, HAD TO shout too!
Cosgrach didn't jump this time, but he was even MORE angry! WHAT was going on here? Was this some kind of a joke--
--And people were answering them! Cosgrach couldn't breathe properly for a moment. He grabbed at his neck, leaned on his desk and tried to calm down. Calm, calm, he was caaaalm.
"I appreciate your good intentions," he said to the girl caaaalmly, "but that's not very friendly." As in other words, he got this. He wouldn't warn her, or anyone else, for another next time.
Now. To figure out WHAT to do about the shouting people.
Cosgrach was. On Toby's side, that is. He just... didn't understand why Toby had to shout in the first place. Surely the aging wasn't that terrible? Could it be? Could it... really be that...
Cosgrach sighed dramatically to himself. He didn't even know, but he was thinking of something to help the kids.
Cosgrach had either missed the glare or ignored it, because he didn't look at or say anything to the girl. He was just glad they dropped the matter. He knew how to help Toby, Kevin and all those that had to get up to see the blackboard anyway.
Text Cut: Tora
Something was crashing!
Trying not to look frantic, Cosgrach turned around to spot the culpable. WHO crashed something? That--this--AHA! It was HER! His eyes narrowed and in a few strides, he was beside her.
"Is everything alright, Miss?"
Y'know, calm, he was. Perfectly calm. He was simply asking if she needed help.
Text Cut: Delilah
See, Cosgrach had changed his strategy. Instead of vanishing the contents of those who didn't clean their materials, he was just going to let the dirty stuff lead to a chaos and exploding potions, and students needing The Healer. He wasn't even going to warn them. It was their responsibility. So, this time, he didn't say anything too, but conjured water into her glass bowl for her, because she seemed to have forgotten that. Next time, though, she was completely on her own, cleaning included.
Text Cut: Dirty lot
Yep, yep, Cosgrach was calm. He wasn't picky. He wasn't obsessed about cleanliness. He was going to ignore. Ignore until the dirty pestle and mortar led to mistakes and disgusting potions and all that.
Yes. Ignoring. Not warning them to clean it. Not vanishing anything. He was going to enjoy their squirming later.
Text Cut: Bart
...okay, this ageing REALLY was real. And disturbing. And spreading. And affecting people's lives.
......if Cosgrach locked himself up in his office and spoke to no one until they were all cured? What if he, too, was getting old rapidly?! What if he died tomorrow?!
MERLIN! He couldn't die tomorrow!
Taking deep breaths, he tried his best to look calm, because he was NOT calm. "Slippers, yes, right, okay." Okay. So long as Bart kept away from him in those slippers, he was fine with them. He vaguely remembered he had to answer some of his questions, but what those were, he didn't even remember.
...the Gryffindor tower was several floors up... Cosgrach grunted to himself. "Share it with a friend or use from my stock," he said grudgingly. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all--how the school looked like a care-house now. Was he the only one that noticed stuff?
Text Cut: Adi
"Then it should be 'dehydrated'." Err--it was a simple mistake of his tongue, right? Right?! Not that ageing stuff again?
Text Cut: Sophie B.
But she had JUST cleaned everything? Cosgrach watched her for a moment, questioning his memory in the process, then grinned and shook his head at her. She was great, did she know? Truly. The best protege anyone could ever have.
Text Cut: Gwen
Cograch waited for her to add the water until the last minute, y'know, but when she didn't, he added it for her without saying anything. He was giving everyone one mistake chance, basically, but they were on their own with their next mistake.
Text Cut: Sophie of Hufflepuff
Eh, no wonder Cosgrach didn't know those charms then. He hated beauty sector, thought it was silly, and it hurt him to see such young brains were infected with it too. Everyone here seemed to know more about it, and if it weren't for the... curious incidents, he would feel bad for them.
He sitll felt bad for them. Anyway.
Nodding at the girl politely and definitely appreciating her answer, he smiled and went on to address to the class...
Text Cut: Questions
"They are mammals too," he said as an answer to the girl, "so they have mammae." Err--he doubted it was like a cow's, really, but it wasn't too different?
She too. Didn't clean her pestle and mortar. Her choice. He was done reminding them the cleanliness.
Who was it? Oh, that Slytherin boy. Cosgrach nodded at him to ask his question.
"We want a perfect one." Because the skin has to be perfect too. Yes.
"Yes?" This turning-around-trying-to-spot-the-student made him dizzy, but he survived it this time too and made eye contact with the girl. He remembered her from the last class. She had rather different questions.
"Because glass doesn't react to bubotuber," he said in response, and nodded at her work. She worked as well as she could ask questions.
Text Cut: Ascanius
WHAT was he doing? Didn't he hear? Didn't he see?! Cosgrach was beside the young man in only a few seconds, and POOF everything in his cauldron went.
"Read the blackboard, please."Please. But Cosgrach beat him to it, in case he was one of those with poor eye-sight too.
"It says, add water to a glass bowl and squeeze the bubotuber in that." He EYED the boy. What had he done instead? Adding it to the cauldron!
"These are for future use." Understood? Clear? Done?
So, obviously, they had a problem.
Cosgrach looked thoughtful for a moment, then tapped his wand at the blackboard again as he muttered to himself. The blackboard expanded, covering nearly the whole wall now, and the letters got BIGGER too--almost their double length and width.
"IS THAT--" he pointed at the blackboard while shouting for everyone to hear, "CLEAR NOW?" He turned to look at it again. It seemed so. He was impressed with himself.
He tapped his wand at the blackboard again, and a message appeared in BIG letters:
'Write what you have to say on a paper if your hearing is failing.'
It stayed there for a full minute for everyone to see, then it erased himself, and the next step appeared beneath the first one:
"NEXT. STEP!" Could everyone see it? Yes? No?
Merlin. He had to see Annie as soon as this class was over.
Okay. Perfect. He could do perfect. Cutty thought he knew what this meant, anyway. Even and without inconsistency. He lifted the mortar and held it in his hand, crushing with the other part and eying it closely. When he got the asphodel to the texture he wanted, he tapped the pestle on the side of the mortar lightly and set it down, preparing to move to the next step.
With a careful hand, Cutty poured his seal milk into his cauldron and drew his wand to light the flames beneath the cauldron, but he paused...to consider how he would control them in the precise manner required for the potion. "Incendio!" He whispered out. He might've used an enlarging spell on it, but he decided that actually the flame was quite a healthy one already. He looked up at the clock then back down at his potion. His expression had not changed throughout the process from the serene smile brought about by Professor Culloden's near heart-attack expression.
That was about when Cutty had decided that what he liked best about Professor Culloden was the neck-grabbing movement he did. Whenever possible, he was going to try and get him to repeat it.
Text Cut: Beloved above all Puffs
Originally Posted by Felixir
See, Cutty? Cutty was a GOOD FRIEND.
Tobias smiled at the younger boy and made to get out his seat to go over there to copy down the notes, but decided at the last minute to transfer ALLLLLLL of his belongings so he was at the next workstation, beside the Slytherin. That way, he had someone nearby who he could trust to help him out.
................ Cutty wore glasses? Huh. Though that wasn't the most surprising thing about his appearance. Tobias could relate to the whitening hair, and apparently they had a mutual sight problem.
Once he'd re-set up his station again, Tobias moved over to Cutty's desk.
"Thanks," he smiled, and then got to work copying out the Slytherin's notes, having to lean pretty close to each of their parchments to see it properly. When he had them all noted down, Tobias moved back around to his own desk and started getting to work.
He'd lost a lot of time from moving and also from his earlier confusion, so now Tobias was playing catch-up. He kept his head bent and his eyes down and focusing ONLY on his prepping and not Culloden or that Ravenclaw or ANYONE else, and reached for his glass bowl.
"Scourgify," Tobias muttered, pointing his wand at the bowl, inside and out. Then.......... *SQUINT* Water? Yes. Water sounded about right. "Aguamenti."
Bubotuber puss was next, Tobias ascertained from more squinting at his notes, and the boy wrinkled his nose. Sure, he was always super upbeat, but it was really hard to be enthusiastic about puss, y'know? Nevertheless, he pulled on his gloves and grabbed said bubotuber. As he squeezed the puss out and into the glass bowl, Tobias wrinkled his nose yet again at the ever strengthening smell of petrol. It was all around the room, too, because everyone was doing the same thing.
Once he was quite sure the puss was all in, Tobias moved the bowl off to one side and leaned close to his notes again, to see what the other part was that he had to do. Something with asphodel, Toby knew that much.
A layer of amused giddiness to the serenity of Cutty's smile as Tobias drew closer. This was exactly what he wanted; Tobias to see him as useful. Well for now, useful. Indispensable later. He gave his deaf friend a minute to catch-up before he was about to say something, but then he changed his mind entirely about saying anything at all.
Did professor Culloden actually smiled there? Eee! He did! Haha, cool. But yeah, this was Potions class, not Charms. Unfortunately.
Sophie stopped crushing the asphodel roots when she saw the next instruction appear on the board. Yep, she chose to ignore all of the shouting and stuff. Because, you know... it was awkward enough as it was. Shrug.
The Hufflepuff quickly checked to see if she had cleaned her cauldron and carefully added the seal milk into it after seeing it was all nice and clean. Poiting her wand at the burned underneath the cauldron, she turned the heater up high and marked a full minute before, still using her wand, lowering it to medium.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Ascanius found this guy a nuisance before, but now he STRONGLY disliked him. Setting his jaw, Ascanius tried not to make some snide comment about how he wasn't keen on making anti-aging cream for his ugly face. Students were his personal factory and no amount of magic was going to make the Professor's face a good one. That was just the truth of it.
Oh yeah, he was bitter.
So STARTING all over again, he scourgified his cauldron and added the seal milk to his cauldron before turning the heat up high. He made sure to count to sixty and drum a little on his desk to keep track of the time also to be annoying. Once a minute was up he turned the head down to a solid medium.