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The class is more or less the same with the proper chairs with soft cushions to sit and lean back on, and they are still are charmed to take the most comfortable shape and height once a student is seated. The walls are still a soft, calming blue. There are just two additions: one big, grey rubbish bin by the door and a white, porcelain washbasin with a tap for those who wants to wash their hands before/after the class and who can't perform 'Aguamenti' charm (a short hose to direct the water to the cauldron is on the white, porcelain shelf hung on the wall, in case it doesn't fit the washbasin).
Professor Culloden opens the door 15 minutes before the class time and sits at his desk to wait for the students to arrive--he looks stressed this time, though. Why would that be?
OOC: If you are going to RP your characer use the washbasin or the washbasin, you don't have to take Cosgrach's permission. Just assume he has granted it.
Come in, take your seats! The class will resume approximately 10 hours later. You may chat among yourselves, but please don't go overboard with it. Thanks! The lesson has started, so please do not post your character arriving late! Just RP as if they have been there all along.
Potion progress
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
3. Add hellebore syrup, make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum.
5. Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer.
6. Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
7. Up until this moment, the potion should have been milky white. Wave your wand horizontally and continuously at a medium pace, starting from left to right, until it turns sparkling purple.
8. Add pomegranate juice. Wait until the potion is lime green and add the asphodel roots.
9. Crush sopophorous beans in mortar and add their juice.
10. Stir 5 times counter clockwise and turn off the heater. Wait for a few minutes until it precipitates (the solid part seperates from the liquid and sink to the bottom. The solid part's colour should be sparkling, light pink and liquid, still lime green. Afterwards, either wait until the liquid part evaporates or pour it down the washbasin.
11. Apply on bare skin.
The skin will be smooth like a baby's for three or four weeks (depending on the skin), but they will reappear suddenly after the potion wears off.
It may be used as many times as you want, because it doesn’t have any known side effects.
It may be used on animals too, but it kills plants.
Discussion: The term 'beautiful' and the necessity of beautifying products
OOC: It won't affect the class points. You are welcome to join even if you didn't participate in the brewing. ^____^
Link 1: Annabeth and Bart Link 2: Adrienne, Andrew and Cosgrach's officially starting it
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
The lack of greeting had been enough to convince Ella that Culloden was still harboring bad feelings about the pieing incident. And the blonde thought this was extremely unfair on his part as she'd done nothing remotely wrong even if she did still feel a bit guilty. She'd simply took part in a school organized event where the Professors had volunteered their time to sit and be pied. How that made Ella some sort of bad person, she didn't know. She did know that Culloden had lost major cool points because of his sudden dismissal of any good traits she might have. She also knew the fact that he'd reprimanded Toby made her sink into an even deeper bad mood. She understood why he'd said something but Toby was hers like a little brother and she was protective. She knew how he'd feel and she instantly wanted to speak up on his behalf but she held her tongue because she a) didn't want to be rude and b) didn't want to speak to Culloden. But she was looking at him. Staaaaaring, actually. And she wasn't going to answer about the wrinkle stuff, either. Instead she took notes and focused on the fact that elephants used their wrinkles as a cooling mechanism and that Asian elephants had less wrinkles than African ones.
Cosgrach sighed for the umpteenth time that day and waved at the boy. He suddenly felt too tired to open his mouth. His head was on the verge of throbbing.
.....no. "Toby, please." He gave the boy a stern look. It wasn't his place to warn the girl (Sarah), no matter how... terrible the situation was. Cosgrach was right there, and he would warn her if he thought it necessary. He didn't want arguing students at his class.
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
Toby caught the look, and he heard the reprimand, and it was all he could do to stop his lower lip from trembling. Tobias Tempus never ever allowed himself to lose his temper, and the one time he'd ever let on that he was anything other than happy, it just showed him why.
The Hufflepuff stared at Culloden but then quickly turned away, back to his workstation, getting everything ready. He'd had to turn away, because he recognised that prickly sensation in the corners of his eyes and didn't want the man to see it. He was upset about the reprimand, sure. But, deep down, he was annoyed by the injustice of it all. All this wasn't HIS fault. It wasn't HIS fault they were getting old and going gray and getting wrinkles. It wasn't HIS fault that tempers were rising and people were getting cranky ALL the time. And it wasn't a time for joking. Toby thought Culloden would be on HIS SIDE. Psshh.
When he looked up again, the class had started. Tobias looked surprised; when had that happened? As far as he was concerned the dull, far-away sounding chatter hadn't ceased, but was now coming from Culloden. Well, Toby couldn't hear properly (was probably sitting too far back), so he just sat there, looking glum. He didn't want to speak to Culloden anyway.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
She got a smile from him. That was nice, though the professor still looked out of sorts. Beverly pushed up her glasses and sat up straight. Well...as straight as her back would go.
At the mention of wrinkles Beverly's head shot toward the professor. Had he seen hers? Because they were hideous and the reason she wasn't going back home for the holidays. Imagine her over protective father and brother meeting up gray haired, wrinkly Beverly. She would never EVER see Hogwarts again. So no going home. INNER WIBBLE STRUGGLE.
Focusing on the question Beverly didn't need much thought. She raised her hand sadly. "Lack of hydration and sometimes too much sun." Sad. She drinks plenty of water and hides from the sun. "It also depends on what you consume. Like, unhealthy stuff that can make you ill." All the sorts that her dad and brother told her never to experiment because then she'd catch a disease and croak.
Funny. She did healthy stuff yet here she was, looking worse than her great grandfather.
As for making skin smooth again. "Cosmetic potions." One of her family's potions company focus, among others.
Another funny thing. She was an old wrinkly mess while there was an empire of skin potions at her disposal.
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
Hallelujah! They were going to get rid of the wrinkles! Gwen had become increasingly worried with hers and she was glad that a teacher was finally taking notice and trying to do something about the problem. Now that she was clear that it wasn't a prank, she was really concerned, not knowing what was happening to her. She smiled, probably deepening the lines.
Gwen raised her hand to answer the question. "Wrinkles form when your face makes the same patterns and lines for a long time, and then they just stay there." Right? Like you shouldn't make ugly faces because you'll get stuck like that? That's what Zeke said at least. Second question! "You could use skin-firming lotions and stuff? Like Olay?" Were they going to be making that stuff? That would be cool. Gwen could send some home to her dad who was getting pretty bad stress-wrinkles.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Head Boy. He was known as Head Boy. ... Was this going to be a new nickname?
... Probably not. Shrug.
And... he had missed Theo sitting on the other side of Terry. Feeling bad, Alec slowly leant forward and gave him a nod. Hey there. Hopefully this wouldn't be awkward or weird. Though, with Terry there, Alec doubted it would be. If it was Nigel, it would just be another bathroom incident, but with even more puns. Potions puns.
Puns were awesome.
Shaking his head, the Hufflepuff tuned into the lesson in time to hear Terry's question and... Culloden's answer. BLINK. Was the man okay...? He glanced over at the Slytherin and raised his eyebrows. Surely he wouldn't give detention, right? Maybe. He hoped not.
And did they have to talk about wrinkles? ... Wait... did this mean that they're going to brew a potion that got rid of them? Because as much as Alec didn't care about the small ones near his eyes, he would be very glad to be rid of them. He agreed with what most of the other people had said so... he was going to go ahead and answer the second question, right? With... an... ingredient? "Erm... Professor?" he called, raising his hand slowly in the air, "Could you use dried nettles?"
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Sander thought for a couple of seconds before raising his hand, "Um Professor, from what I know as a person grows older, their skin gets more weathered and they start to lose their natural oils which keeps the person's skin moist and hydrated." he paused to think. What else was he going to say? Sander lost his train of thought.
He looked around for awhile before looking down at his hands. He was answering something.
Then he remembered and continued. "When that process starts to happen, the skin starts to lose its elasticity, and starts to shrivel...that's where you start to get wrinkles." he explained.
Wait what was the second question? Oh yeah.
"To make the skin smooth again, some people bathe in milk. I guess the properties in milk helps keep its the skin moisturized,"
Be Best Friends with your moisturizer. What Mo said did make sense to Nigel. Why else would he be getting wrinkles. He was not tried any funny potions here yet. Nigel could not think of any other reason why he was getting wrinkles. He never used moisturizer...so you can never be friends if you do not use moisturizer.
Have to do some research on that. Or you know just have Culloden show you how to make a magical potion that cures wrinkles. Nigel was sure it existed.
"A smooth skin potion?"
Had to.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Heyyyy, his favourite student walked in! Cosgrach looked relieved with her appearance, and he returned the smile as well as he could given the circumstances. He was glad she sat right in front of him, so that he could keep a better eye on her.
"Hello," he greeted back and watched her for a moment, caught the nod, looked stressed, then approved deeply when she started cleaning everything.
"Neat." Hehe.
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
Neat? Sophie perked up at that and positively beamed at Culloden once more. "Thanks. Learned from the best, Oh Gr..." her voice trailed off because she realized... he probably didn't want to be called that in front of the class, and she looked a little bashful. "Sir," she correct with a firm nod. Yes. There was a time and place for joking around with him, and class probably wasn't it. Sir was better. Or professor. Or... maybe next time she'd try saying 'OGO' and see if he got it. That could be like a funny inside joke. Or... not.
As the rest of the class filed in and her supplies were all clean, she kept an eye on the professor's interactions with everyone else... and the way he looked at some of them. He seemed... almost... disgusted? She couldn't blame him for Bart's appearance - unless her vision was fooling her, he wasn't in the required robes, so that was a blatant strike against him - but... she noticed Culloden was cringing at the kids who were showing very obvious signs of aging. Oh. Oh. Clearing her throat and casually pulling her long brown hair in front of her face to check that it was still all brown, she straightened up in her chair, despite the spasm that shot through her back and shoulders, and tried to look as well as she could. Sophie wasn't sure if she could handle Culloden looking at her like she was diseased, too.
...Wrinkles? The second year's entire expression mellowed. What wrinkles? She had no wrinkles. No. Nope. Noooooooooooooooope. She raised a clean hand to rub at her face - it felt firm, as it should. She had been working hard to keep it that way. Not that anyone knew it was a chore for her to keep the skin on her face firm these days. She hadn't shared that with a soul. And though she saw it happening to everyone else... she was kind of in denial and had done everything she could to combat it.
At the professor's questions, Sophie stared down at the materials in front of her, letting various others answer first. Did she want to admit anything aloud? Could... she offer what came to mind without people looking at her funny? For the sake of Culloden not getting disappointed in her for staying quiet, she raised a timid hand and shrugged, "I know Madame Primpernelle's in Diagon Alley sells stuff for wrinkles, like Old-No-More and Up, Up, and Stay." Not that she was currently using those or anything. She was thirteen years old. "And they have one that's, like, called the Fountain of Youth or whatever, that's supposed to make you look and feel younger. So... potions can help smooth out the skin." Obviously, since it seemed like they were going to be making one, but providing examples and educating the class in the process seemed like a good idea.
And maybe some of them would even get their parents to owl them some product, hm? And stop making everyone - particularly Culloden - so uncomfortable with their hideous changes in appearance?
She turned her head and coughed hard into her sleeve. Yep. She was fine.
Kace was wondering how did wrinkles form on your skin? I mean his grandma had wrinkles, he was sure of it. I mean she was old. But Kace could only offer a guess right? "Uhh....you get wrinkles on your face from keeping a frown on your face for too long? But i have heard people go to spas to get rid of wrinkles too." he told the professor.
His sister and mother always went to the spa when he was home. His mother told him she went to the spa to look younger so he wasn't too far off.
Melek raised her hand with a smile despite not liking the professor. "You get wrinkles from just about every emotion... happy, sad, mad, stressed... so on..." She waved her hand, trailing off then glanced at the professor before adding, "You can get rid of them by botox or potions... or something... Im not too sure about it... I am still young and not worried about them..." Melek trailed off again and stroked her chin, pondering about it now.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Wrinkles? Caleb's interest started to perk up a bit. Not that he had any wrinkles but...maybe this potion would be an anti-aging kind of thing that he could use on his gray hair. OH this was exciting! He raised his hand.
"Life. Just like...living life and experiencing emotions give you wrinkles," he said. Like right now as he spoke he was moving his mouth and basically giving himself wrinkles. Yup.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Wrinkles? Was this going to have to do with all of the weird aging that seemed to be going on everywhere? Adelaide raised her hand. "Well, generally people just get wrinkles from age. My mother likes to call them laugh lines." Because that made them more appealing to her. "...and you could use moisturizing cream to help prevent them."
His wrinkles? This guy was joking, yeah? His skin was actually flawless, as was his face so he was SUPER offended that he was insinuating Ascanius needed some potion to work out wrinkles. Pfft. As if he, a seventeen year old near-Adonis, needed wrinkle cream.
This class was a joke and so was this Professor who looked like someone had just kicked his puppy. He needed to lighten up. Ascanius wasn't his therapist nor did he wanna deal with the brunt of whatever issues this guy was going through.
And he didn't have wrinkles. For the record.
"I don't have wrinkles," he mumbled AND pointed out. Therefore, he didn't wanna answer the stupid question.
Yes. The last lesson was pretty awesome. Breathing fire? What on earth could top that lesson? He was sure Professor Culloden could make this lesson even better than the last. Or he hoped so.
It was always a good thing that Potions were in the dungeons close to the seventh years common room. Espeically lately, he felt like a snail walking these halls. He lunged his potions items over to the classroom. He noticed a washpan and washbasin. Okay. He didn't think much about it.
He went on into the room. He smiled to the professor "Good morning, Professor Culloden." He smiled once again and slowly turned around to find a seat. He squinted his eyes the desk way in the back were blurry. He rubbed his eyes. What was that? He blinked a few times.
There that was better. The Slytherin seen Ella and Sophie, they got a smile and a wave. He was going to sit beside them until he seen ADELINE! just a few seats over from the other hufflepuff ladies. He grin widely. Walked over to her. She got a wink before he sat down beside her. "Hey!" He whispered.
Adeline sat there and looked around. Was class going to be starting soon? She really just wanted to be here to learn and then have Quidditch practice, eat and sleep, yuuuup, those were her plans today. Her favorite time of day was to eat.
Adeline beamed brightly as her boyfriend sat next to her. "Hey, how are you?" she whispers back to him. Just him sitting right there next to her made her happy, she was glad that the both of them had gotten through their problems and they started over again.
Originally Posted by StarShine
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
Adeline took her eyes off of Asher and looked over at the professor as he spoke. Oh, thank goodness, she really wanted these wrinkles gone, the grey hair was one thing but she didn't like the wrinkles at all, she was seventeen years old she wasn't suppose to have wrinkles. Adeline thought, she moved her lips around and thought harder. Then it popped up in her head.
"Well, stress and doing a facial expression to much, like smiling you can get lines and crows feet near the eyes?" she wasn't to sure with her answer but it was a lot better than sitting there and looking around awkwardly and not saying anything, right?
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Last edited by MuggleDinosaur; 02-07-2014 at 03:08 AM.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
SPOILER!!: Cosgrach
Originally Posted by StarShine
Text Cut: Replies
Cosgrach looked up from his misery table and at the first student to enter the classroom.
"Hello, child," he said absent mindedly as his eyes eagerly examined her. Did she... was she one of them? The people to keep clear of no matter what? Though she didn't look that old... Cosgrach was determined to keep clear of everyone these days, until teenagers looked lie teenagers.
Cosgrach recognised the boy as soon as he appeared as if he had smelt him, and his eyes narrowed at his--HALDJAL HE WAS ONE OF THEM!!! THE OLD LOT!!! Cosgrach's face hardened and it took all his will not to groan back. He had to keep VERY clear of him now.
Merlin! What was wrong with them?!
Cosgrach noted the hygiene she was showing, and he nodded approvingly. What was her name, again? Tesla? Had to be that. Tesla. Like the muggle inventor. Had her parents knew the guy?
"Morning," he greeted back in an almost worried tone and frowned when the girl saved seats. That was a no-no. Everyone had a fair chance with come-first-sit-first rule, so he opened his mouth to remind her that--
--ANOTHER one appeared!
Cosgrach forgot that he had to warn the girl as he fearfully curiously watched the boy take a seat beside... Tessa, did he say? Yeah. So her parents probably didn't know Tesla after all. Hmm.
He nodded at the boy as he sat, and turned his attention to the door once again.
He heard the creaking noise first, then saw Ms. Head Girl who enjoyed pieing people. But--but--she too?! Cosgrach forgot all about the pie incident and just STARED at the wrinkles under her eyes. He was so intently examining her that his brain registered her greeting late, and by the time he wanted to greet her back, another student had already walked in. Didn't matter. He wanted to make as little contact as with that kind anyway.
Eyes watching that lot carefully, oh yes.
Well, at least this one was normal. Cosgrach didn't mind greeting her back with a "Morning, young lady," as his eyes trailed her to see where she sat. Oh, he wanted to know the answer to that question. Was Ella okay, really?
...he couldn't hear her answer. Shame. Then he remembered he didn't like her to care her anyway.
Pieing. So, so wrong.
......had she... yawned? At his class? Really?
Cosgrach frowned to himself, crossed his arms and went on to greet the next student.
......what was Bart doing? The slippers? Really? Cosgrach frowned and ignored the greeting.
"Do explain me the slippers, please, Mr. Bart."Please. He was curious, and he wasn't answering any questions of his before he got a satifying answer.
....and...how he too was an elderly now.
Disturbing. Not cool. Cosgrach didn't like that.
Ms. Fern Quimbley.
Cosgrach eyed the girl, although she chosed not to make an eye-contact with him, and said "Welcome to the class, Ms. Quimbley." Really, though. If he was her, he wouldn't have showed up--mandatory class or not. Lucky for her, he couldn't examine her for long as another student came in, and was pleased she chose the seat at the very back. That way, he wouldn't need to see her all the time.
Cosgrach sighed dramatically to himself. What was wrong with them? Really? Was the water poisoned or what?
"Hello," he grunted in dismay. He remembered the enegry of the boy in his first class--and now he was a completely different person.
Ugh. Maybe he should have thought twice before applying here.
"Morning, son." At least his hair and skin still looked intact. Good. Relieving. Not that Cosgrach looked relieved, because the majority was still... odd.
.....make mistakes? WHAT mistakes? Cosgrach frowned in dismay and hurried to shake his head.
"You, succeed." It was an order. "That is what we will work on." At least some part of it. He didn't smile at her joke, though. If anything, he looked more stressed. As a professor, he failed to see much humour in it. Hopefully, it would be fixed soon.
Heyyyy, his favourite student walked in! Cosgrach looked relieved with her appearance, and he returned the smile as well as he could given the circumstances. He was glad she sat right in front of him, so that he could keep a better eye on her.
"Hello," he greeted back and watched her for a moment, caught the nod, looked stressed, then approved deeply when she started cleaning everything.
"Neat." Hehe.
.....two more of the disturbing students.
Cosgrach frowned again, sighed and eyed them taking a seat. The door side was definitely the most popular today and he could--alarmingly--see why. "Good morning," he simply greeted as he asked himself once again what might be the cause of it.
Toby too?
Cosgrach sighed for the umpteenth time that day and waved at the boy. He suddenly felt too tired to open his mouth. His head was on the verge of throbbing.
.....no. "Toby, please." He gave the boy a stern look. It wasn't his place to warn the girl (Sarah), no matter how... terrible the situation was. Cosgrach was right there, and he would warn her if he thought it necessary. He didn't want arguing students at his class.
It felt nice someone other than Sophie B. cared him enough to notice and ask that, and Cosgrach nodded in response. He was basically lying, but he didn't want to alarm anyone. They probably had enough to worry, anyway. So a simple nod to indicate everything was fine, and it was that.
Did... something smell in here? Cosgrach frowned his deepest as he smelt around the room like a rabbit with this terribly disgusted expression on his face. Something indeed smelt in here. He wanted to vomit. He didn't even hear the greeting. He just...
WHY was this class the only one that didn't have windows?!
The smell wasn't fully gone, but at least it wasn't as disturbing, so he waved at the boy and said an automatic "Hello, I'm fine, thanks, you?" No, really, though. He was glad the boy asked him how he was. Cosgrach definitely noted his face.
But what if this was a student rebellion? Because, surely not everyone could have gone grey, wrinkly and slow in a day? Cosgrach sighed. He didn't know. He was, however, going to try to cure it.
"Morning, son," he said simply. He didn't try to return the smile or anything. He didn't feel like smiling.
And two Slytherin boys. They reminded Cosgrach of his childhood, but not really. He never had one single thread of grey hair until he was 30. These, though... especially the first one.
"Morning, boys," he greeted them back without smiles or anything. He was trying to stay away from any old person, because he was old enough not interested in looking old at all.
What was Head Boy staring at? Why? Cosgrach wondered why the rubbish bin was so much of an interest, but he didn't ask and simply said "Good morning, Head Boy." Only Sophie could elicit a smile from him that day. The rest had to try harder to make him smile.
Students still cared him, after all.
"I'm fine love, thank you. How are you?" He smiled, albeit cordially. It felt nice. Truly.
Professor Culloden was listening.
And he wasn't pleased.
"Sleep, and you will be the first person to serve a detention with me." Simple as that.
Any objections?
Students noted the washbasin and rubbish bin too.
Good, good.
"I'm fine, dear, you?" As much as he wanted to smile at her, he couldn't. His mind was still on that boy and how much he meant about 'sleeping'. Hmm. The Professor would make sure no one would sleep that day.
"Hello there, m'child." Cosgrach forced himself to smile, because he noticed she was a shy one and smiles did wonders with that kind. Just to show he wouldn't eat her or anything, even though she was an elderly too and Cosgrach had decided to keep his distance with them.
Cosgrach wasn't going to lie--he was relieved when the boy didn't greet him. Because that meant they wouldn't get overly friendly, and that the real elder man could keep the distance to eliminate the chances of getting older than he already was.
Yeah. He simply waved and moved onto the next student.
Well, she did. Make him slightly happier than 10 minutes ago. Cosgrach liked cheerful people, and she looked like she was one, so he smiled back and said "Morning."
Maybe... it wasn't so terrible? Whatever 'it' was.
Someone was still a teenager and cheerful, eh? Cosgrach was relieved to see Mr. Odessa was still pretty much intact. He nodded at him, even though the boy didn't bother to acknowledge him.
"Hello back, son," Cosgrach greeted--lacking some enthusiasm, because this one was another elderly.
Sigh, sigh, sigh.
He hoped they were going to be half-cured today for a considerable amount of time.
Oh, he thought so? Cosgrach smiled absent-mindedly, but it was a smile nevertheless.
"Thank you for the compliment." His day had just begun, and it had been going bad so far, so he didn't say anything about that.
He checked his watch. Only two minutes left...
Cosgrach got up from his seat to close the door after letting in the last students. So, Alexa Cambridge dared making an appearance too. He pursed his lips but didn't say anything, nor did he note the overly-polite voice. He simply said "Morning," for the sake of the little girl beside her, nodded at them, looked out to see if there was anyone else coming...
Cutty Mordaunt.
What an honour.
Cosgrach snorted to himself, let him step inside and closed the door. The boy didn't even greet him. Weird. Disturbing. But he wasn't going to think about it too much. Instead...
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
Did he just call him son? Not that...it's entirely wrong or anything, but he's not used to being called a 'son' by a professor. Well, this was Hogwarts. Everything is weird.
Anyway, first two questions were up. What causes wrinkles? Hand up. "Old age or when one is in the process of aging, professor." Andrew's got his gran-gran to prove that. Wrinkly and gray. "And I guess, Mandrake root is one of the ingredients?" Because it is a common antidote ingredient, right?
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Cosgrach looked up from his misery table and at the first student to enter the classroom.
"Hello, child," he said absent mindedly as his eyes eagerly examined her. Did she... was she one of them? The people to keep clear of no matter what? Though she didn't look that old... Cosgrach was determined to keep clear of everyone these days, until teenagers looked lie teenagers.
Cosgrach recognised the boy as soon as he appeared as if he had smelt him, and his eyes narrowed at his--HALDJAL HE WAS ONE OF THEM!!! THE OLD LOT!!! Cosgrach's face hardened and it took all his will not to groan back. He had to keep VERY clear of him now.
Merlin! What was wrong with them?!
Cosgrach noted the hygiene she was showing, and he nodded approvingly. What was her name, again? Tesla? Had to be that. Tesla. Like the muggle inventor. Had her parents knew the guy?
"Morning," he greeted back in an almost worried tone and frowned when the girl saved seats. That was a no-no. Everyone had a fair chance with come-first-sit-first rule, so he opened his mouth to remind her that--
--ANOTHER one appeared!
Cosgrach forgot that he had to warn the girl as he fearfully curiously watched the boy take a seat beside... Tessa, did he say? Yeah. So her parents probably didn't know Tesla after all. Hmm.
He nodded at the boy as he sat, and turned his attention to the door once again.
He heard the creaking noise first, then saw Ms. Head Girl who enjoyed pieing people. But--but--she too?! Cosgrach forgot all about the pie incident and just STARED at the wrinkles under her eyes. He was so intently examining her that his brain registered her greeting late, and by the time he wanted to greet her back, another student had already walked in. Didn't matter. He wanted to make as little contact as with that kind anyway.
Eyes watching that lot carefully, oh yes.
Well, at least this one was normal. Cosgrach didn't mind greeting her back with a "Morning, young lady," as his eyes trailed her to see where she sat. Oh, he wanted to know the answer to that question. Was Ella okay, really?
...he couldn't hear her answer. Shame. Then he remembered he didn't like her to care her anyway.
Pieing. So, so wrong.
......had she... yawned? At his class? Really?
Cosgrach frowned to himself, crossed his arms and went on to greet the next student.
......what was Bart doing? The slippers? Really? Cosgrach frowned and ignored the greeting.
"Do explain me the slippers, please, Mr. Bart."Please. He was curious, and he wasn't answering any questions of his before he got a satifying answer.
....and...how he too was an elderly now.
Disturbing. Not cool. Cosgrach didn't like that.
Ms. Fern Quimbley.
Cosgrach eyed the girl, although she chosed not to make an eye-contact with him, and said "Welcome to the class, Ms. Quimbley." Really, though. If he was her, he wouldn't have showed up--mandatory class or not. Lucky for her, he couldn't examine her for long as another student came in, and was pleased she chose the seat at the very back. That way, he wouldn't need to see her all the time.
Cosgrach sighed dramatically to himself. What was wrong with them? Really? Was the water poisoned or what?
"Hello," he grunted in dismay. He remembered the enegry of the boy in his first class--and now he was a completely different person.
Ugh. Maybe he should have thought twice before applying here.
"Morning, son." At least his hair and skin still looked intact. Good. Relieving. Not that Cosgrach looked relieved, because the majority was still... odd.
.....make mistakes? WHAT mistakes? Cosgrach frowned in dismay and hurried to shake his head.
"You, succeed." It was an order. "That is what we will work on." At least some part of it. He didn't smile at her joke, though. If anything, he looked more stressed. As a professor, he failed to see much humour in it. Hopefully, it would be fixed soon.
Heyyyy, his favourite student walked in! Cosgrach looked relieved with her appearance, and he returned the smile as well as he could given the circumstances. He was glad she sat right in front of him, so that he could keep a better eye on her.
"Hello," he greeted back and watched her for a moment, caught the nod, looked stressed, then approved deeply when she started cleaning everything.
"Neat." Hehe.
.....two more of the disturbing students.
Cosgrach frowned again, sighed and eyed them taking a seat. The door side was definitely the most popular today and he could--alarmingly--see why. "Good morning," he simply greeted as he asked himself once again what might be the cause of it.
Toby too?
Cosgrach sighed for the umpteenth time that day and waved at the boy. He suddenly felt too tired to open his mouth. His head was on the verge of throbbing.
.....no. "Toby, please." He gave the boy a stern look. It wasn't his place to warn the girl (Sarah), no matter how... terrible the situation was. Cosgrach was right there, and he would warn her if he thought it necessary. He didn't want arguing students at his class.
It felt nice someone other than Sophie B. cared him enough to notice and ask that, and Cosgrach nodded in response. He was basically lying, but he didn't want to alarm anyone. They probably had enough to worry, anyway. So a simple nod to indicate everything was fine, and it was that.
Did... something smell in here? Cosgrach frowned his deepest as he smelt around the room like a rabbit with this terribly disgusted expression on his face. Something indeed smelt in here. He wanted to vomit. He didn't even hear the greeting. He just...
WHY was this class the only one that didn't have windows?!
The smell wasn't fully gone, but at least it wasn't as disturbing, so he waved at the boy and said an automatic "Hello, I'm fine, thanks, you?" No, really, though. He was glad the boy asked him how he was. Cosgrach definitely noted his face.
But what if this was a student rebellion? Because, surely not everyone could have gone grey, wrinkly and slow in a day? Cosgrach sighed. He didn't know. He was, however, going to try to cure it.
"Morning, son," he said simply. He didn't try to return the smile or anything. He didn't feel like smiling.
And two Slytherin boys. They reminded Cosgrach of his childhood, but not really. He never had one single thread of grey hair until he was 30. These, though... especially the first one.
"Morning, boys," he greeted them back without smiles or anything. He was trying to stay away from any old person, because he was old enough not interested in looking old at all.
What was Head Boy staring at? Why? Cosgrach wondered why the rubbish bin was so much of an interest, but he didn't ask and simply said "Good morning, Head Boy." Only Sophie could elicit a smile from him that day. The rest had to try harder to make him smile.
Students still cared him, after all.
"I'm fine love, thank you. How are you?" He smiled, albeit cordially. It felt nice. Truly.
Professor Culloden was listening.
And he wasn't pleased.
"Sleep, and you will be the first person to serve a detention with me." Simple as that.
Any objections?
Students noted the washbasin and rubbish bin too.
Good, good.
"I'm fine, dear, you?" As much as he wanted to smile at her, he couldn't. His mind was still on that boy and how much he meant about 'sleeping'. Hmm. The Professor would make sure no one would sleep that day.
"Hello there, m'child." Cosgrach forced himself to smile, because he noticed she was a shy one and smiles did wonders with that kind. Just to show he wouldn't eat her or anything, even though she was an elderly too and Cosgrach had decided to keep his distance with them.
Cosgrach wasn't going to lie--he was relieved when the boy didn't greet him. Because that meant they wouldn't get overly friendly, and that the real elder man could keep the distance to eliminate the chances of getting older than he already was.
Yeah. He simply waved and moved onto the next student.
Well, she did. Make him slightly happier than 10 minutes ago. Cosgrach liked cheerful people, and she looked like she was one, so he smiled back and said "Morning."
Maybe... it wasn't so terrible? Whatever 'it' was.
Someone was still a teenager and cheerful, eh? Cosgrach was relieved to see Mr. Odessa was still pretty much intact. He nodded at him, even though the boy didn't bother to acknowledge him.
"Hello back, son," Cosgrach greeted--lacking some enthusiasm, because this one was another elderly.
Sigh, sigh, sigh.
He hoped they were going to be half-cured today for a considerable amount of time.
Oh, he thought so? Cosgrach smiled absent-mindedly, but it was a smile nevertheless.
"Thank you for the compliment." His day had just begun, and it had been going bad so far, so he didn't say anything about that.
He checked his watch. Only two minutes left...
Cosgrach got up from his seat to close the door after letting in the last students. So, Alexa Cambridge dared making an appearance too. He pursed his lips but didn't say anything, nor did he note the overly-polite voice. He simply said "Morning," for the sake of the little girl beside her, nodded at them, looked out to see if there was anyone else coming...
Cutty Mordaunt.
What an honour.
Cosgrach snorted to himself, let him step inside and closed the door. The boy didn't even greet him. Weird. Disturbing. But he wasn't going to think about it too much. Instead...
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
He said he was fine... but he didn't look fine. He still looked stressed, like really stressed. But then again, so did a lot of the students. It was kind of a given in school, right? Stressed people running about and trying to accomplish things. That was like the definition of school.
Anyway, Caelen thought about the question that had been asked. Wrinkles? How did they form? Well, didn't gravity pull on the skin or didn't the skin get pulled down with age? She heard someone talk about natural oils in the skin, and that seemed correct. Is that why teenagers had so many zits than? Because it was producing more oil. Though she wasn't entirely sure why. Something about becoming an adult ... whatever, her mom had this talk with her last year. She wasn't going to repeat it and she wasn't looking forward to the results. Sooo many zits!
Time to voice her anwser.
"Well, someone talked about less oil produced in the skin and I guess that's correct. Does it also have something to do with the body slowing down and producing less of whatever oils make you look younger? I know there's some oil or chemical in your body that makes you age, so there might be one about aging." That was long-winded. And probably completely wrong. But she wasn't dwelling on wrong right now. She had the second part of the question to answer.
She wasn't sure. There was something she saw at the beauty shop, though she wasn't sure about the actual ingedients. For all she knew it was Muggle cream and some weird leaves. Wait, didn't her mom use some kind of Muggle cream? It was white and was by some skin cream company. Because that narrowed it down.
She raised her hand again.
"And, I'm not sure of any magical ingredients, but there are some Muggle creams that claim to get rid of a bunch of wrinkles. And others ground up plants or think that drinking teas is going to help. But it never does." Just ask her mom. She bought new containers every two weeks and applied it almost obsessively.
People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away.
Neat? Sophie perked up at that and positively beamed at Culloden once more. "Thanks. Learned from the best, Oh Gr..." her voice trailed off because she realized... he probably didn't want to be called that in front of the class, and she looked a little bashful. "Sir," she correct with a firm nod. Yes. There was a time and place for joking around with him, and class probably wasn't it. Sir was better. Or professor. Or... maybe next time she'd try saying 'OGO' and see if he got it. That could be like a funny inside joke. Or... not.
As the rest of the class filed in and her supplies were all clean, she kept an eye on the professor's interactions with everyone else... and the way he looked at some of them. He seemed... almost... disgusted? She couldn't blame him for Bart's appearance - unless her vision was fooling her, he wasn't in the required robes, so that was a blatant strike against him - but... she noticed Culloden was cringing at the kids who were showing very obvious signs of aging. Oh. Oh. Clearing her throat and casually pulling her long brown hair in front of her face to check that it was still all brown, she straightened up in her chair, despite the spasm that shot through her back and shoulders, and tried to look as well as she could. Sophie wasn't sure if she could handle Culloden looking at her like she was diseased, too.
...Wrinkles? The second year's entire expression mellowed. What wrinkles? She had no wrinkles. No. Nope. Noooooooooooooooope. She raised a clean hand to rub at her face - it felt firm, as it should. She had been working hard to keep it that way. Not that anyone knew it was a chore for her to keep the skin on her face firm these days. She hadn't shared that with a soul. And though she saw it happening to everyone else... she was kind of in denial and had done everything she could to combat it.
At the professor's questions, Sophie stared down at the materials in front of her, letting various others answer first. Did she want to admit anything aloud? Could... she offer what came to mind without people looking at her funny? For the sake of Culloden not getting disappointed in her for staying quiet, she raised a timid hand and shrugged, "I know Madame Primpernelle's in Diagon Alley sells stuff for wrinkles, like Old-No-More and Up, Up, and Stay." Not that she was currently using those or anything. She was thirteen years old. "And they have one that's, like, called the Fountain of Youth or whatever, that's supposed to make you look and feel younger. So... potions can help smooth out the skin." Obviously, since it seemed like they were going to be making one, but providing examples and educating the class in the process seemed like a good idea.
And maybe some of them would even get their parents to owl them some product, hm? And stop making everyone - particularly Culloden - so uncomfortable with their hideous changes in appearance?
She turned her head and coughed hard into her sleeve. Yep. She was fine.[/color]
In the time between taking her seat and Professor Culloden starting class, Fern hadn't bothered unpacking any of her supplies. She'd been too busy bemoaning her imperfect nails. Why had this happened? She had repainted them last night, and of course she had made sure to put on a top coat. So why had this happened to HER!?
Fern curled her hand into a fist, thumb inside the rest of her fingers so she wouldn't have to look at it. Then she turned her attention to the professor, her eyes trained to a spot just an inch to the left of his head. It was hard to keep from making eye contact when he started talking about wrinkles though. Wrinkles were VERY interesting to Fern, for two reasons. One, because it had to do with beauty, and everything related to beauty was interesting. And two - and also more importantly - Ella still had those awful wrinkles, and it was really bothering Fern. But it wasn't just Ella - Fern had noticed a lot of other Hufflepuffs were aging, as was Brynny.
Fern had been watching Cuthbert and Tora very carefully over the last couple of weeks during meals, trying to see if they were sneaking droplet's of aging potion into people's goblets, but so far she hadn't caught them in the act. This frustrated her to no end. Clearly, a direct confrontation with the suspects was necessary.
But back to how wrinkles formed and how to fix them.
...Who was this girl who could quote Madame Primpernelle products ad verbatim, and why was she sitting in the front, so far away from Fern, when clearly they should be sitting right next to each other? Because it was obvious that they were DESTINED to be BFFLs!!!!!!
The Hufflepuff craned her neck for a better look and crossed her fingers. Please please PLEASE PLEASE PA-LEASE let there be a partner activity in class today!
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
She had to touch her face just to reassure herself that she wasn't wrinkly yet, but Alice HAD found gray hairs sprouting today. And plucked all of them. This girl wasn't getting weird like the rest of the school, thank you.
But... the rheumatisms. The constant rheumatisms that never relented. Definitely couldn't ignore those, especially since it was Quidditch season.
Was Culloden going to teach them how to brew something that'd get rid of wrinkles? Would it fix her painful joints, too? Alice had her fingers crossed under the table, silently praying for their potions instructor to come through before their match against Hufflepuff. That was more productive than question answering, mhm.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Benjy rested his elbows on the desk, and sighed. Sure, he had some little lines that creased around his eyes, and his skin was a little drier than usual...but it was his bones he had a problem with. And following that, his hair. Grey streaky hair was NOT normal, and he only put up with it because he could a) cover it up with a beanie and b) he clearly wasn't the only one suffering from grey-hair syndrome.
So...what caused them? Benjy raised his hand. "I'm going with Lex, and saying age for the main cause. And there's creams and unctions to help, but I don't think they can be fully reversed." Unless they were fake wrinkles, and for some of his classmates' sake he hoped they were.
Huh... Old Odd Ella was acting odd. Sophie eyed her best friend for a few more seconds after the blonde had responded, but then decided to shrug it off. She didn't seem to be in a mood to talk anyway and the lesson was about to start-- was taht the Andrew dude looking at her? Whattup with that look? .....Odd as well. Odd people everywhere. Blimey.
Anywaaaaay, question time. Sophie listened to all of her classmates' responses and smiled at West's. Taht was a good one. Professor Culloden was probably referring to their wrinkles, right? Not that Sophie herself had any, but yeah. Most of the students seemed to be growing old VERY fast lately, which was disturbing. "I agree with West, professor." The Hufflepuff said after raising her hand. "I mean, it can happen 'naturally' as we grow old, as the others said, but it can also happen by... magic. As pretty much anything, really." Magic was AWESOME like that. "So we can make the skin smooth again by using... a Potion." Uhh... not quite the answer she wanted to give.... But this was Potions class, so she'd better not- "Or Charm." Oooops, hehehehehe. She had said it. Sorry not sorry?
That did get her thinking, actually..... surely someone had already tried using Finite Incantatem on... everyone, yes? Yes? Y'know, come on! What was up with that?? Sophie looked around at all of the very!old!looking people. Hm...
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Wrinkles? Well, fair enough, a lot of people had been getting them, but Adrienne was more concerned with why her friends were getting old than how to reverse it. What if there was malicious intent? They should all be mobilizing and searching for the perpetrator, not trying to get rid of the effects. How did a wrinkle form? She spent plenty of time with her grandparents, and as a kid she'd been just as forward as she was now, so she'd asked straight-out why their faces were all wrinkly. As a testament to Mamie, instead of getting offended she actually explained, so Adrienne was able to answer the question.
"Well when you get old your skin isn't able to heal itself as well, so it loses its... elasticity?" The last word came out more as a question than she'd expected, because she wasn't at all sure it was the right one, but she barrelled on anyway. "So it sags, and forms wrinkles as it does so. I guess," she bit her lip, "if you could just re-young-ify skin then it would stop wrinkling?" Didn't make much sense to herself either, at this point, so she just stopped talking.
A lesson on wrinkles. Awesome. This was just what Delilah needed.. The girl really disliked the fact that she was so very grumpy these days. About everything. It was so weird and unlike her. Meh.
Forcing herself to smile a little, the girl raised her hand and answered the question. "A wrinkle is basically a crease in the skin of your face that is mainly caused due to aging.... and maybe even frowning too." As for what would cause it too be smooth again, well, ".. Magic, professor." Simple, yeah? She couldn't think of anything else, anyway.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by StarShine
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
Wrinkles, yes good.
Before Theo could reply to Terry, the class was already starting. PHEW, he really was cutting it fine! Well, age was the obvious answer to the first question, but a lot of people had already said that, so Theo tried to think outside the box for once. He raised his hand, "You can get wrinkles from frowning a lot." He would know. "Frown lines, too." Or were they the same thing?
As for smoothing it... "Wrinkle cream?" They were ALWAYS being advertised on the TV.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
When was the lesson going to start? Hannah felt like she would pass out at any moment here. Her hearing was by no means good, but she couldn't help but to hear what sounded like another fart close by. Did she fart again without noticing it? Did she have no control over her farts whatsoever anymore? This was a tad concerning. She looked over her shoulder to the direction where she thought the noise had came from and squinted to try to see the kid next to her. "Oi... let's keep the gas mixing to a minimum." she told him with a frown.
Oh, the lesson was starting and they were working on wrinkles. Excellent! She did not like having wrinkles one bit. "Apparently stress makes it form because I haven't done anything different and look at me." Was she yelling? The seventh year didn't even know anymore.