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The class is more or less the same with the proper chairs with soft cushions to sit and lean back on, and they are still are charmed to take the most comfortable shape and height once a student is seated. The walls are still a soft, calming blue. There are just two additions: one big, grey rubbish bin by the door and a white, porcelain washbasin with a tap for those who wants to wash their hands before/after the class and who can't perform 'Aguamenti' charm (a short hose to direct the water to the cauldron is on the white, porcelain shelf hung on the wall, in case it doesn't fit the washbasin).
Professor Culloden opens the door 15 minutes before the class time and sits at his desk to wait for the students to arrive--he looks stressed this time, though. Why would that be?
OOC: If you are going to RP your characer use the washbasin or the washbasin, you don't have to take Cosgrach's permission. Just assume he has granted it.
Come in, take your seats! The class will resume approximately 10 hours later. You may chat among yourselves, but please don't go overboard with it. Thanks! The lesson has started, so please do not post your character arriving late! Just RP as if they have been there all along.
Potion progress
• One bubotuber’s pus
• 0,2 litre of seal milk
• One hellebore’s syrup
• Two puffer-fish eyes
• One leech
• One water-dwelling planaria
• One middle-sized pomegranate’s juice
• A bunch of asphodel
• 6 sopophorus beans
1. To be prepared beforehand: Add some water to a glass bowl, wear your gloves and squeeze bubotuber’s pus into it. Put it away, get pestle and mortar and crush asphodel roots. Put that away for future use too.
2. Add 0,2 litre of seal milk to your cauldron. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium.
3. Add hellebore syrup, make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.
4. Stir 3 times counter clock wise with a wooden stirrer and lower the heater to minimum.
5. Add bubotuber pus. Stir 3 times counter clock wise and 3 times clock wise with wooden stirrer.
6. Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.
7. Up until this moment, the potion should have been milky white. Wave your wand horizontally and continuously at a medium pace, starting from left to right, until it turns sparkling purple.
8. Add pomegranate juice. Wait until the potion is lime green and add the asphodel roots.
9. Crush sopophorous beans in mortar and add their juice.
10. Stir 5 times counter clockwise and turn off the heater. Wait for a few minutes until it precipitates (the solid part seperates from the liquid and sink to the bottom. The solid part's colour should be sparkling, light pink and liquid, still lime green. Afterwards, either wait until the liquid part evaporates or pour it down the washbasin.
11. Apply on bare skin.
The skin will be smooth like a baby's for three or four weeks (depending on the skin), but they will reappear suddenly after the potion wears off.
It may be used as many times as you want, because it doesn’t have any known side effects.
It may be used on animals too, but it kills plants.
Discussion: The term 'beautiful' and the necessity of beautifying products
OOC: It won't affect the class points. You are welcome to join even if you didn't participate in the brewing. ^____^
Link 1: Annabeth and Bart Link 2: Adrienne, Andrew and Cosgrach's officially starting it
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Theo rushed into the potions classroom, trying to catch up with Terry the whole time. Feeling absolutely panicked that he was late, he slipped inside the door, quiet as a mouse, and took a seat next to Terry. He gave him a small nod and then pulled all his stuff out. Potions was FUN, especially the last lesson, so Theo had high hopes for today.
"Good morning, Professor." Whatever his name was. He'd forgotten. Something looked a little off about the old guy today. Who peed in his cornflakes?
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Desperate times called for desperate measures which meant...
... Culloden needed to be talked to.
Alec was scared, though, but not as scared as he was about the current condition. If his hairline was receding, he was going to have some BIG problems. Major, even. Grey hair was bad enough, you know. He didn't want it getting worse. No, not at all. But to make things even worse, the condition with his back hadn't gotten any better, like he hoped it would. Shame.
Running a hand through his brown hair that had a few more strands of grey in them, the eighteen year old headed into the Potions class-- ... Why was there a bin near the door? Was that going to be... necessary for today's lesson? Or maybe it was for the rubbish that he was sure was usually vanished at the end of the lesson. Shrug.
... Potions. And Culloden was here. Which meant that he had to stop staring at a bin. "Hello Professor Culloden!" he said, giving the man a nod and a smile. The man was okay, right? Because he looked a little... ... well, Alec couldn't put his finger on it but he didn't look right. Not that he had seen the man grinning so much but... Shrug. Take a seat and not linger by the door? Awesome idea. Just... who... to...
... TERRY!
Heading over there in his now slow amble, Alec sat down next to the Slytherin. "Hey!" The boy didn't mind, right? Because this Head Boy was already sitting perfectly comfortably in these very comfortable chairs.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Lux smiled as she stepped inside the Potions classroom and took a seat in one of the spots that was still available. She was very happy that she was not late, because she had lost track of time. Noticing the Professor, she smiled at him. "Hello, Professor. How are you today?" He seemed a little... off. :/
Settling herself into the very comfortable chair, she was eager for the lesson to start.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Eyes.. Closing..
Why was he so tired? Usually he was pretty awake and ready for lessons. But today, he could barely keep his eyes open and his brain functioning. Who knew what would happen in the lesson if he fell asleep leaving his potion brewing away to itself.
Huh? Who was that?
The Slytherin looked up to see Theo had sat next to him. He blinked a couple of times before realising that he must have followed him here. "You could've shouted at me to wait for you" he yawned. They must have come from the same common room after all. In fact, the same dorm. Had Terry been so sleepy he hadn't even realised?
And then along came Alec who received a nod and a smile. "Hey" he squinted at him, looking up at his hair. Just as bad as Terry's. He was so glad he wasn't the only person in that situation. "Please tell me I'm not the only person who's about to fall asleep?" he commented out loud to whoever was listening.
Emma smiled as she walked into the classroom, taking note of the newest addition to the classroom she made a beeline to the washbasin. She knew how much the new professor enjoyed cleanliness. "Hello Professor, How are you?" She asked, smiling warmly. He appeared to be a bit worried today, so hopefully nothing bad was going down.
Emma took her seat, smiling as it enveloped her body again as if by memory. Ah yes. Potions class.
Living in the dungeons had its positive qualities. Being near the Potions classroom was one of them. Beverly dragged her achy legs all the way to the door, paused, then made it all the way to the front and claimed the spot from the previous lesson.
She was thankful for the comfortable chairs. Setting her belongings on the desk, Beverly gazed up. "Hi, professor," she said with a hint of shyness. A first real greeting to the professor, though. He'd proven himself to be good at what he did. That and he looked stressed. Why?
With a slight wince, she leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes for a bit. Not sleeping. Just resting. Her eyesight has had it rough lately. Hence why she was wearing too-big glasses. They were her brother's but she needed them more than he did.
Nigel might still be in a long and serious denial about his hair. But that did not mean he would not talk to Culloden about some potions. Even though he did not use magic for that. Nope.
Seemed like it was not that best time to bother him with questions. Nigel gave the Professor a nod instead of saying hello. Not feeling in the mood to talk. The walls were nice though. Almost nice enough to take a nap. But it was not the best class to take a nap in. Potions was serious.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Oh look, Caterina's second favorite class! Charms was most obviously the first, because of Professor Facial Hair Fuller, but Potions was a very close second. Caterina liked making potions, but she also enjoyed the super super comfy chairs they were provided. She wanted one in her dorm, too.
She smiled at the Professor as she passed his desk. He seemed to be rather upset about something and wondered if he could do with some cupcakes too. "Hello, Professor." SMILE. As she took her seat, she hoped she did a little bit to make the grumpy looking man a bit more happy.
But anyway. Her most favorite seat ever. Was it possible to snuggle a chair?
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Yeah West didn't bother with extra hand washing. Unlike some people, apparently, he left his dorm already cleaned up. Pristine enough for Bellaire even.
He was also possibly the only person who wasn't a fan of these comfy seats when brewing. He thought it was dangerous, actually. Why? Because if something went wrong with a potion, you needed to get out of the way quickly, not be lulled senseless by the way a squishy chair hugged your backside.
And WHAT was with all the creaky, grey, groaning, teenagers? But really, was he the only one who was apparently unafflicted by whatever it was that was going around? WHAT ABOUT QUIDDITCH THOUGH? YOU CAN'T CANCEL QUIDDITCH
Despite all THIS, West entered the lab cheerfully enough, found a seat, and waited in silence for the lesson to begin.
Or for someone to apparently drop dead of old age, one of the two.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Knowing they had potions class today, Ben had tried to plan his day and supplies in hand so that he didn't have to travel all the way down from the Gryffindor common room. Even still, the journey down the few floors he had traveled were rough on his body. How was he ever going to survive the quidditch practices the captain had scheduled for later in the week?
Stepping inside the classroom, the second year paused momentarily in the doorway, leaning slightly on the stone frame. Just a few moments please, he mused to himself, raking a hand absently through his grey hair. Too much movement in one swing. Moderately recovered, Ben took in the classroom, spotting a good collection of students both normal and grey hair as well as the professor already there. "Hello Professor..." he greeted simply finally moving again to find a seat.
Thank goodness for the special chairs the man had supplied and kept for this class as well. It was the one absolutely positive aspect of potions class. Once he sat down he planned on not getting up unless he absolutely had to. Like to get ingrediants and to leave...that was it. Only then did he notice his friend there as well. "Hey," Benny greeted as he set his bag down on the counter to get out his supplies.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Tessa
Originally Posted by UnicornDragonPatronus
Tessa walked into the classroom with a sigh. She was feeling even more achy over these past few days, and nothing seemed to help. Today she had even resorted to wearing super comfy shoes, which she shuffled into the classroom with.
Noticing the washbasin, she shuffled over and washed her hands- remembering the Professor's preference for cleanliness. Finished, she inspected her hands and gave a satisfied nod, before continuing to shuffle into the class.
"Hello Professor," she said, offering the man a smile. She remembered how fun the last class had been and despite her achyness, she wanted to at least try to be her normal cheerful self.
She moved on to find a seat, sitting close to Ana as she offered the girl a smile and wave. She, of course, had also saved seats for Sander, Lux, Bay, Adi, and anyone else from their group that wanted to join them.
Sander walked into the classroom and noticed the washbasin and the trash bin that the Professor had added to the room. It definitely made lots of sense. Washing up and throwing their trash when they were done.
He slowly walked over, turned on the tap and washed his arms and hands letting the water run into the wash basin before turning the water off. Then he noticed the Professor standing there and walked slowly over to him.
"Hello Professor. I hope your day has been going well. It was a great idea adding the wash basin and the trash bin to the class." Sander greeted the Professor while at the same time complimenting the Professor on his great idea.
Then he looked around before walking over to Tessa. He smiled at her and nodded to his girlfriend, "Hi Tessa. Is this seat reserved for me?" he asked as he sat down next to her, before pulling out his journal and his potion making kit and placed them on the work desk in front of him.
Then he waited for class to start, trying to keep his talking down to a bare minimum.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Aside from the aching soreness in her back, she was feeling a bit more confident than when the first time she'd entered these dungeons. Josette made her way towards the Potions classroom as fast as her slow-moving body would allow. She just chose not to look around as she walked because she knew that her fear would only take over her again & she'd probably get lost. But luckily for her, there was no problem finding it, mainly because she just followed the other students, so luck was in her favor today!
Taking a moment to make sure none of her grey hairs were being shown under her hat, she walked into the classroom seeing the Professor in front of the class. She'd noticed there was something odd about the man's face. He looked upset, but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it, nor did she address it. Instead she gave him a rather quick, "Good morning sir..", before her aching body slowly turned to find a seat.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Potions. Okay. Just okay.
The Gryffindor dragged herself into the class, feeling her joints protest with every movement. This reluctancy was only aided by her new found disinterest in the class itself and Professor Collarbin. If she had a choice, she'd just go clean the Potions Lab some more. She'd taught herself a lot in the few nights she'd been going there and found that she actually preferred cleaning some of the things without magic because then her potions came out better.
Her eyes barely noted the washbin and such before looking to the Professor. "Good day Professor." She said with a stoic if not overly polite voice.
That was all she had to say to him though, so she just took a seat in the middle, taking her time in sitting because Merlin this hurt, then waited for something to happy. Yay.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Cutty came hobbling in veeery sloooowly. He'd learned that this was the most cautious way to move since his beard had come in and every hair on him had turned white...including his eyebrows! He turned and made for the washbasins to wash up before class. Upon grabbing a towel to dry off his hands he'd heard Tobias, at least he thought that was Tobias as his eyes were going bad, snap that he was glad that some girl was not a bunny. He released a wheezy sort of laugh that was a bit delayed in it's delivery, but got out nonetheless.
He tossed the towel aside and slooowly made it over to his desk.
Text Cut: Hannah
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
Potions time. Hannah drug herself into the classroom very slowly. She was pretty sure that she was moving even slower than usual. but she was still just going to pretend like everything was still alright. Yup, that was what was going to happen. Hannah wasn't even going to go there about her hearing. She was sure that the other professor had just been whispering. There was a logical explanation for everything if you just thought about it for a moment.
Hobbling to the first seat that she came to Hannah kind of flopped/fell into her chair. At least the chair was comfy because it seemed like everything on her was hurting. As she was positioning herself the unthinkable happened to her once again.
"Hello Professor." Oh yeah. She wasn't going to claim that fart. She would go on about her business like nothing had happened. The first time this had happened to her she was mortified, but now it happened so often that it wasn't a big deal to her anymore.
Cutty didn't hear a thing, but as if he did, almost on queue, the sound was echoed in kind. He removed a pair of spectacles from his bag and put them on amplifying his aged look.
"Good morning Professor Cosgrach," Ana said as she walked into the room and dropped into a seat near to the door and got out her materials, grateful for the chair conforming to her.
Cosgrach looked up from his misery table and at the first student to enter the classroom.
"Hello, child," he said absent mindedly as his eyes eagerly examined her. Did she... was she one of them? The people to keep clear of no matter what? Though she didn't look that old... Cosgrach was determined to keep clear of everyone these days, until teenagers looked lie teenagers.
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
His eyes went to him and he wanted to grin and say something that he would surely dislike but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a groan as his back hurt again. He shook his head as if it would stop it and took a seat on the nearest chair. The blue walls calmed him down though as he sat down carefully. It was still early so the first year with gray hair and even a stubble beard placed his head on the desk and closed his eyes.
A little nap before class started hurted no one.
Cosgrach recognised the boy as soon as he appeared as if he had smelt him, and his eyes narrowed at his--HALDJAL HE WAS ONE OF THEM!!! THE OLD LOT!!! Cosgrach's face hardened and it took all his will not to groan back. He had to keep VERY clear of him now.
Merlin! What was wrong with them?!
Originally Posted by UnicornDragonPatronus
Noticing the washbasin, she shuffled over and washed her hands- remembering the Professor's preference for cleanliness. Finished, she inspected her hands and gave a satisfied nod, before continuing to shuffle into the class.
"Hello Professor," she said, offering the man a smile. She remembered how fun the last class had been and despite her achyness, she wanted to at least try to be her normal cheerful self.
She moved on to find a seat, sitting close to Ana as she offered the girl a smile and wave. She, of course, had also saved seats for Sander, Lux, Bay, Adi, and anyone else from their group that wanted to join them.
Cosgrach noted the hygiene she was showing, and he nodded approvingly. What was her name, again? Tesla? Had to be that. Tesla. Like the muggle inventor. Had her parents knew the guy?
"Morning," he greeted back in an almost worried tone and frowned when the girl saved seats. That was a no-no. Everyone had a fair chance with come-first-sit-first rule, so he opened his mouth to remind her that--
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Hello, Professor,'' he mumbled to the man not even bothering to notice even he seemed different from the first class.
--ANOTHER one appeared!
Cosgrach forgot that he had to warn the girl as he fearfully curiously watched the boy take a seat beside... Tessa, did he say? Yeah. So her parents probably didn't know Tesla after all. Hmm.
He nodded at the boy as he sat, and turned his attention to the door once again.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Instead she wore a tired smile as she greeted him. "Hello Professor!"
He heard the creaking noise first, then saw Ms. Head Girl who enjoyed pieing people. But--but--she too?! Cosgrach forgot all about the pie incident and just STARED at the wrinkles under her eyes. He was so intently examining her that his brain registered her greeting late, and by the time he wanted to greet her back, another student had already walked in. Didn't matter. He wanted to make as little contact as with that kind anyway.
Eyes watching that lot carefully, oh yes.
Originally Posted by Hey Ju
"Hello, professor!" The Hufflepuff greeted the man with a smile and made her way to sit next to her ooolldd looking best friend.
Well, at least this one was normal. Cosgrach didn't mind greeting her back with a "Morning, young lady," as his eyes trailed her to see where she sat. Oh, he wanted to know the answer to that question. Was Ella okay, really?
...he couldn't hear her answer. Shame. Then he remembered he didn't like her to care her anyway.
Pieing. So, so wrong.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
"Hello, professor." The girl said with a small smile before slowly trudging towards one of the seats near the front. Yawn.
......had she... yawned? At his class? Really?
Cosgrach frowned to himself, crossed his arms and went on to greet the next student.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
He scooted into the classroom with his slippers. Shuffling his feet across the floor, because it was much easier then actually picking up the feet.
Squinting as he looked around he noticed the professor and smiled. "Hello Professor" He nodded his bearded face and rubbed his balding head. "Anything cool like last time planned for us today?"
......what was Bart doing? The slippers? Really? Cosgrach frowned and ignored the greeting.
"Do explain me the slippers, please, Mr. Bart."Please. He was curious, and he wasn't answering any questions of his before he got a satifying answer.
....and...how he too was an elderly now.
Disturbing. Not cool. Cosgrach didn't like that.
Originally Posted by imaginarynumb3rs
Fern didn't want to say hi to Professor Culloden, but she knew what her mother would say if she didn't. So, very reluctantly and refusing to make eye contact, the 12-year-old said, "Hello, Professor."
Ms. Fern Quimbley.
Cosgrach eyed the girl, although she chosed not to make an eye-contact with him, and said "Welcome to the class, Ms. Quimbley." Really, though. If he was her, he wouldn't have showed up--mandatory class or not. Lucky for her, he couldn't examine her for long as another student came in, and was pleased she chose the seat at the very back. That way, he wouldn't need to see her all the time.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
"Hey Professor," he said softly, waving slightly to the man as he walked in. OUCH. That hurt. It hurt to move. To breathe. UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH.
Cosgrach sighed dramatically to himself. What was wrong with them? Really? Was the water poisoned or what?
"Hello," he grunted in dismay. He remembered the enegry of the boy in his first class--and now he was a completely different person.
Ugh. Maybe he should have thought twice before applying here.
Originally Posted by Mordred
He looked up and saw the tired looking professor. “Good morning, professor.” Andrew said and gave the Potions Master a nod.
"Morning, son." At least his hair and skin still looked intact. Good. Relieving. Not that Cosgrach looked relieved, because the majority was still... odd.
Originally Posted by Princesspower
"Hi professor" she said, "I am back again and ready to make mistakes, try and perhaps eventually succeed." she said. "Oh and by the way, do you have a potion to combat premature aging?" She said motioning to the students around. "Its starting to look like Hogwarts Nursing home for witchcraft and wizardry"
.....make mistakes? WHAT mistakes? Cosgrach frowned in dismay and hurried to shake his head.
"You, succeed." It was an order. "That is what we will work on." At least some part of it. He didn't smile at her joke, though. If anything, he looked more stressed. As a professor, he failed to see much humour in it. Hopefully, it would be fixed soon.
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Still, she couldn't fight the smile that threatened to spread across her entire face as she greeted a slightly cautious and concerned but still sweet, "Hi." Griiiiiin.
Heyyyy, his favourite student walked in! Cosgrach looked relieved with her appearance, and he returned the smile as well as he could given the circumstances. He was glad she sat right in front of him, so that he could keep a better eye on her.
"Hello," he greeted back and watched her for a moment, caught the nod, looked stressed, then approved deeply when she started cleaning everything.
"Neat." Hehe.
Originally Posted by hermygirl
"Good morning, Professor," he said, as he started to put his supplies on to the desk more noisily than he realised.
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
Adeline looked over at the professor and smiled. "Good Morning, Professor."
.....two more of the disturbing students.
Cosgrach frowned again, sighed and eyed them taking a seat. The door side was definitely the most popular today and he could--alarmingly--see why. "Good morning," he simply greeted as he asked himself once again what might be the cause of it.
Originally Posted by Felixir
It was so difficult that he didn't acknowledge anything or anyone on the way there (except Culloden, who got a miserably mumbled, "Mornin' sir"), and when he arrived he was glad to finally have a rest.
Toby too?
Cosgrach sighed for the umpteenth time that day and waved at the boy. He suddenly felt too tired to open his mouth. His head was on the verge of throbbing.
.....no. "Toby, please." He gave the boy a stern look. It wasn't his place to warn the girl (Sarah), no matter how... terrible the situation was. Cosgrach was right there, and he would warn her if he thought it necessary. He didn't want arguing students at his class.
Originally Posted by carpediem
"Is everything okay, sir?" The firstie wanted to know.
It felt nice someone other than Sophie B. cared him enough to notice and ask that, and Cosgrach nodded in response. He was basically lying, but he didn't want to alarm anyone. They probably had enough to worry, anyway. So a simple nod to indicate everything was fine, and it was that.
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
"Hello Professor." Oh yeah. She wasn't going to claim that fart.
Did... something smell in here? Cosgrach frowned his deepest as he smelt around the room like a rabbit with this terribly disgusted expression on his face. Something indeed smelt in here. He wanted to vomit. He didn't even hear the greeting. He just...
WHY was this class the only one that didn't have windows?!
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
Bay walked into the classroom noticing the professor he said his hello "Good Morning Professor… how are you today?" he asked as he went to go find a seat
The smell wasn't fully gone, but at least it wasn't as disturbing, so he waved at the boy and said an automatic "Hello, I'm fine, thanks, you?" No, really, though. He was glad the boy asked him how he was. Cosgrach definitely noted his face.
Originally Posted by Saraie
He went on into the room. He smiled to the professor "Good morning, Professor Culloden."
But what if this was a student rebellion? Because, surely not everyone could have gone grey, wrinkly and slow in a day? Cosgrach sighed. He didn't know. He was, however, going to try to cure it.
"Morning, son," he said simply. He didn't try to return the smile or anything. He didn't feel like smiling.
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
"Hello Professor" he grunted at the man who seemed to look a little stressed. At least that was what he could make out through squinted eyes. He got a small smile, purely out of politeness.
Originally Posted by Emzily
"Good morning, Professor." Whatever his name was. He'd forgotten. Something looked a little off about the old guy today. Who peed in his cornflakes?
And two Slytherin boys. They reminded Cosgrach of his childhood, but not really. He never had one single thread of grey hair until he was 30. These, though... especially the first one.
"Morning, boys," he greeted them back without smiles or anything. He was trying to stay away from any old person, because he was old enough not interested in looking old at all.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
... Potions. And Culloden was here. Which meant that he had to stop staring at a bin. "Hello Professor Culloden!" he said, giving the man a nod and a smile.
What was Head Boy staring at? Why? Cosgrach wondered why the rubbish bin was so much of an interest, but he didn't ask and simply said "Good morning, Head Boy." Only Sophie could elicit a smile from him that day. The rest had to try harder to make him smile.
Originally Posted by Squishy
Noticing the Professor, she smiled at him. "Hello, Professor. How are you today?"
Students still cared him, after all.
"I'm fine love, thank you. How are you?" He smiled, albeit cordially. It felt nice. Truly.
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
"Please tell me I'm not the only person who's about to fall asleep?" he commented out loud to whoever was listening.
Professor Culloden was listening.
And he wasn't pleased.
"Sleep, and you will be the first person to serve a detention with me." Simple as that.
Any objections?
Originally Posted by HazelStone101
"Hello Professor, How are you?" She asked, smiling warmly.
Students noted the washbasin and rubbish bin too.
Good, good.
"I'm fine, dear, you?" As much as he wanted to smile at her, he couldn't. His mind was still on that boy and how much he meant about 'sleeping'. Hmm. The Professor would make sure no one would sleep that day.
Originally Posted by Deezerz
"Hi, professor," she said with a hint of shyness. A first real greeting to the professor, though. He'd proven himself to be good at what he did. That and he looked stressed. Why?
"Hello there, m'child." Cosgrach forced himself to smile, because he noticed she was a shy one and smiles did wonders with that kind. Just to show he wouldn't eat her or anything, even though she was an elderly too and Cosgrach had decided to keep his distance with them.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Nigel gave the Professor a nod instead of saying hello.
Cosgrach wasn't going to lie--he was relieved when the boy didn't greet him. Because that meant they wouldn't get overly friendly, and that the real elder man could keep the distance to eliminate the chances of getting older than he already was.
Yeah. He simply waved and moved onto the next student.
Originally Posted by Colley
"Hello, Professor." SMILE. As she took her seat, she hoped she did a little bit to make the grumpy looking man a bit more happy.
Well, she did. Make him slightly happier than 10 minutes ago. Cosgrach liked cheerful people, and she looked like she was one, so he smiled back and said "Morning."
Maybe... it wasn't so terrible? Whatever 'it' was.
Originally Posted by Tegz
Despite all THIS, West entered the lab cheerfully enough, found a seat, and waited in silence for the lesson to begin.
Someone was still a teenager and cheerful, eh? Cosgrach was relieved to see Mr. Odessa was still pretty much intact. He nodded at him, even though the boy didn't bother to acknowledge him.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
"Hello Professor..." he greeted simply finally moving again to find a seat.
"Hello back, son," Cosgrach greeted--lacking some enthusiasm, because this one was another elderly.
Sigh, sigh, sigh.
He hoped they were going to be half-cured today for a considerable amount of time.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
"Hello Professor. I hope your day has been going well. It was a great idea adding the wash basin and the trash bin to the class." Sander greeted the Professor while at the same time complimenting the Professor on his great idea.
Oh, he thought so? Cosgrach smiled absent-mindedly, but it was a smile nevertheless.
"Thank you for the compliment." His day had just begun, and it had been going bad so far, so he didn't say anything about that.
He checked his watch. Only two minutes left...
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
Instead she gave him a rather quick, "Good morning sir..", before her aching body slowly turned to find a seat.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Her eyes barely noted the washbin and such before looking to the Professor. "Good day Professor." She said with a stoic if not overly polite voice.
Cosgrach got up from his seat to close the door after letting in the last students. So, Alexa Cambridge dared making an appearance too. He pursed his lips but didn't say anything, nor did he note the overly-polite voice. He simply said "Morning," for the sake of the little girl beside her, nodded at them, looked out to see if there was anyone else coming...
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
He tossed the towel aside and slooowly made it over to his desk.
Cutty Mordaunt.
What an honour.
Cosgrach snorted to himself, let him step inside and closed the door. The boy didn't even greet him. Weird. Disturbing. But he wasn't going to think about it too much. Instead...
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Ohh, wrinkles. Sophie...scooted down a bit in her seat. She had no idea what had happened to her since second year started, but whatever it was had come with a wrinkled face, too. She felt her cheeks and was reminded of the wrinkles that had developed here and there.
Too much sun, maybe?
Either way, ewww. She raised her hands. "I think your skin just becomes dried out somehow," she said. And for the second question? "Some people think certain creams work, but other than that, I have no idea. I'm guessing the answer to your question is yes, though, since it sounds like you have something in mind for us to brew." Heh.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Working on wrinkles?
Sweet Circe what about her HAIR. Did no one care it was almost white?????? Alexa slouched forward in her seat, not sure whether to roll her eyes in exasperation or just flop on her table in resignation. The girl wanted to be blonde again, was that so much to ask? The wrinkles she had were minimal and kept under perfect control by the cream her father had been sending. All that needed fixing were her wayward joints and this hair that she could hardly look at in the mirror anymore.
Lex thought over his question. How in Merlin's beard was she meant to know the answer? Wrinkles weren't meant to be her problem for like another hundred years!!!
Her hand rose slowly. "I dunno much but I know it has to do with the skin not being able to retain moisture as well and something about elastin not working the way it did. It's mostly due to age and the skin not being able to function like it use to." There you had it. AGE. The thing she wasn't up in yet thank you very much. 15 was NOT old.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Cosgrach looked up from his misery table and at the first student to enter the classroom.
"Hello, child," he said absent mindedly as his eyes eagerly examined her. Did she... was she one of them? The people to keep clear of no matter what? Though she didn't look that old... Cosgrach was determined to keep clear of everyone these days, until teenagers looked lie teenagers.
Cosgrach recognised the boy as soon as he appeared as if he had smelt him, and his eyes narrowed at his--HALDJAL HE WAS ONE OF THEM!!! THE OLD LOT!!! Cosgrach's face hardened and it took all his will not to groan back. He had to keep VERY clear of him now.
Merlin! What was wrong with them?!
Cosgrach noted the hygiene she was showing, and he nodded approvingly. What was her name, again? Tesla? Had to be that. Tesla. Like the muggle inventor. Had her parents knew the guy?
"Morning," he greeted back in an almost worried tone and frowned when the girl saved seats. That was a no-no. Everyone had a fair chance with come-first-sit-first rule, so he opened his mouth to remind her that--
--ANOTHER one appeared!
Cosgrach forgot that he had to warn the girl as he fearfully curiously watched the boy take a seat beside... Tessa, did he say? Yeah. So her parents probably didn't know Tesla after all. Hmm.
He nodded at the boy as he sat, and turned his attention to the door once again.
He heard the creaking noise first, then saw Ms. Head Girl who enjoyed pieing people. But--but--she too?! Cosgrach forgot all about the pie incident and just STARED at the wrinkles under her eyes. He was so intently examining her that his brain registered her greeting late, and by the time he wanted to greet her back, another student had already walked in. Didn't matter. He wanted to make as little contact as with that kind anyway.
Eyes watching that lot carefully, oh yes.
Well, at least this one was normal. Cosgrach didn't mind greeting her back with a "Morning, young lady," as his eyes trailed her to see where she sat. Oh, he wanted to know the answer to that question. Was Ella okay, really?
...he couldn't hear her answer. Shame. Then he remembered he didn't like her to care her anyway.
Pieing. So, so wrong.
......had she... yawned? At his class? Really?
Cosgrach frowned to himself, crossed his arms and went on to greet the next student.
......what was Bart doing? The slippers? Really? Cosgrach frowned and ignored the greeting.
"Do explain me the slippers, please, Mr. Bart."Please. He was curious, and he wasn't answering any questions of his before he got a satifying answer.
....and...how he too was an elderly now.
Disturbing. Not cool. Cosgrach didn't like that.
Ms. Fern Quimbley.
Cosgrach eyed the girl, although she chosed not to make an eye-contact with him, and said "Welcome to the class, Ms. Quimbley." Really, though. If he was her, he wouldn't have showed up--mandatory class or not. Lucky for her, he couldn't examine her for long as another student came in, and was pleased she chose the seat at the very back. That way, he wouldn't need to see her all the time.
Cosgrach sighed dramatically to himself. What was wrong with them? Really? Was the water poisoned or what?
"Hello," he grunted in dismay. He remembered the enegry of the boy in his first class--and now he was a completely different person.
Ugh. Maybe he should have thought twice before applying here.
"Morning, son." At least his hair and skin still looked intact. Good. Relieving. Not that Cosgrach looked relieved, because the majority was still... odd.
.....make mistakes? WHAT mistakes? Cosgrach frowned in dismay and hurried to shake his head.
"You, succeed." It was an order. "That is what we will work on." At least some part of it. He didn't smile at her joke, though. If anything, he looked more stressed. As a professor, he failed to see much humour in it. Hopefully, it would be fixed soon.
Heyyyy, his favourite student walked in! Cosgrach looked relieved with her appearance, and he returned the smile as well as he could given the circumstances. He was glad she sat right in front of him, so that he could keep a better eye on her.
"Hello," he greeted back and watched her for a moment, caught the nod, looked stressed, then approved deeply when she started cleaning everything.
"Neat." Hehe.
.....two more of the disturbing students.
Cosgrach frowned again, sighed and eyed them taking a seat. The door side was definitely the most popular today and he could--alarmingly--see why. "Good morning," he simply greeted as he asked himself once again what might be the cause of it.
Toby too?
Cosgrach sighed for the umpteenth time that day and waved at the boy. He suddenly felt too tired to open his mouth. His head was on the verge of throbbing.
.....no. "Toby, please." He gave the boy a stern look. It wasn't his place to warn the girl (Sarah), no matter how... terrible the situation was. Cosgrach was right there, and he would warn her if he thought it necessary. He didn't want arguing students at his class.
It felt nice someone other than Sophie B. cared him enough to notice and ask that, and Cosgrach nodded in response. He was basically lying, but he didn't want to alarm anyone. They probably had enough to worry, anyway. So a simple nod to indicate everything was fine, and it was that.
Did... something smell in here? Cosgrach frowned his deepest as he smelt around the room like a rabbit with this terribly disgusted expression on his face. Something indeed smelt in here. He wanted to vomit. He didn't even hear the greeting. He just...
WHY was this class the only one that didn't have windows?!
The smell wasn't fully gone, but at least it wasn't as disturbing, so he waved at the boy and said an automatic "Hello, I'm fine, thanks, you?" No, really, though. He was glad the boy asked him how he was. Cosgrach definitely noted his face.
But what if this was a student rebellion? Because, surely not everyone could have gone grey, wrinkly and slow in a day? Cosgrach sighed. He didn't know. He was, however, going to try to cure it.
"Morning, son," he said simply. He didn't try to return the smile or anything. He didn't feel like smiling.
And two Slytherin boys. They reminded Cosgrach of his childhood, but not really. He never had one single thread of grey hair until he was 30. These, though... especially the first one.
"Morning, boys," he greeted them back without smiles or anything. He was trying to stay away from any old person, because he was old enough not interested in looking old at all.
What was Head Boy staring at? Why? Cosgrach wondered why the rubbish bin was so much of an interest, but he didn't ask and simply said "Good morning, Head Boy." Only Sophie could elicit a smile from him that day. The rest had to try harder to make him smile.
Students still cared him, after all.
"I'm fine love, thank you. How are you?" He smiled, albeit cordially. It felt nice. Truly.
Professor Culloden was listening.
And he wasn't pleased.
"Sleep, and you will be the first person to serve a detention with me." Simple as that.
Any objections?
Students noted the washbasin and rubbish bin too.
Good, good.
"I'm fine, dear, you?" As much as he wanted to smile at her, he couldn't. His mind was still on that boy and how much he meant about 'sleeping'. Hmm. The Professor would make sure no one would sleep that day.
"Hello there, m'child." Cosgrach forced himself to smile, because he noticed she was a shy one and smiles did wonders with that kind. Just to show he wouldn't eat her or anything, even though she was an elderly too and Cosgrach had decided to keep his distance with them.
Cosgrach wasn't going to lie--he was relieved when the boy didn't greet him. Because that meant they wouldn't get overly friendly, and that the real elder man could keep the distance to eliminate the chances of getting older than he already was.
Yeah. He simply waved and moved onto the next student.
Well, she did. Make him slightly happier than 10 minutes ago. Cosgrach liked cheerful people, and she looked like she was one, so he smiled back and said "Morning."
Maybe... it wasn't so terrible? Whatever 'it' was.
Someone was still a teenager and cheerful, eh? Cosgrach was relieved to see Mr. Odessa was still pretty much intact. He nodded at him, even though the boy didn't bother to acknowledge him.
"Hello back, son," Cosgrach greeted--lacking some enthusiasm, because this one was another elderly.
Sigh, sigh, sigh.
He hoped they were going to be half-cured today for a considerable amount of time.
Oh, he thought so? Cosgrach smiled absent-mindedly, but it was a smile nevertheless.
"Thank you for the compliment." His day had just begun, and it had been going bad so far, so he didn't say anything about that.
He checked his watch. Only two minutes left...
Cosgrach got up from his seat to close the door after letting in the last students. So, Alexa Cambridge dared making an appearance too. He pursed his lips but didn't say anything, nor did he note the overly-polite voice. He simply said "Morning," for the sake of the little girl beside her, nodded at them, looked out to see if there was anyone else coming...
Cutty Mordaunt.
What an honour.
Cosgrach snorted to himself, let him step inside and closed the door. The boy didn't even greet him. Weird. Disturbing. But he wasn't going to think about it too much. Instead...
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
The smile was wiped clear off of Cutty's face when he heard Professor Culloden mention his wrinkles. My wrinkles, old man! You shan't be touching them! And he got a bit...protective here. The Professor looked unhappy compared to his first day. Was it unhappiness? Or maybe it was anxiety? Yes, the latter seemed more like the expressions his mother wore on days when she'd be cooped up with Cutty or if he was smiling for no apparent reason around her. And then she'd be angry because it would mean she'd pre-maturely age and she'd reach for her wrinkle curing serum, which Cutty knew for a fact didn't work (at least not according to the boy).
His now cleaned, but wrinkled little hand went into the air. "A wrinkle forms on the skin when you're caused undue stress and you don't drink enough water or get enough sleep." Those were all the things he'd heard his mother going on about. "Oh, and I think you can get rid of them, but only temporarily."
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by StarShine
Someone was still a teenager and cheerful, eh? Cosgrach was relieved to see Mr. Odessa was still pretty much intact. He nodded at him, even though the boy didn't bother to acknowledge him.
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
West nodded back and then class started so he listened...
well. Not HIS wrinkles. He had none. Pristine skin over here, thanks.
But he put his hand up. "Magic and Magic." No those were serious answers... and in this case surely all the wrinkles and oldness was magically induced? And therefore magic was the answer to fix it too. In potion form, apparently.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi grinned at Tessa and waved to her Slytherin girl friend whom he didn't know. But she was nice enough to acknowledge him. And there came his Dragon-Lion friend! "Haya, Benny!'' Hmmm. It would seem his grumpy mood was letting up. He supposed this was because of his friends.
The Puffer turned his attention to the Professor who had started to address the class. It was only then he noticed the stressed look on the man's face. What could be bothering him? Poor Prof.
They would be dealing with their wrinkles? Adi sat up straighter. Yes, please! Get these horrible things off of him! He was lucky he didn't have as much as some of the others but some of the wrinkles were very much visible around his eyes. He raised a hand to take a shot at the questions. "The skin gets hydrated, Professor. We can use special creams or potions to get rid of them.'' Yep. Muggle women loved to use those creams though in Adi's opinion they didn't work.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Ugh. Wrinkles. Ugh. Mo was pretending not to notice the way they fanned around his eye now, or that one at the corners of his mouth. It was from smiling too much, he supposed, although 16-year-old boys shouldn't have wrinkles from smiling too much. And they certainly shouldn't have to take classes on how to get rid of said wrinkles.
Something was very wrong with that.
He rubbed tiredly at his shoulder before raising a hand. "Wrinkles are caused by being old. I mean..." He rubbed his shoulder again. "Collagen. Loss of collagen. It's like... in your skin." Mo flapped a hand helpfully at the professor. "My mum says that you have to be best friends with your moisturizer, so I guess... the best way to get rid of the wrinkles is to either replace the missing collagen or moisturize it."
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Josette fiddle with her quill a little nervously after getting comfortable in her desk. She looked up as the Professor had begun the lesson & her blue eyes widened almost instantly when she'd heard the unthinkable. They were going to work on their wrinkles?
Did he really just say that?!
But her excitement had to be contained for the moment. Since the Professor wanted to know how wrinkles formed & could they make the skin smooth again? Honestly, she had no idea how to make her skin smooth again, all she'd really been doing was hiding her wrinkles behind her clothes, WHICH worked for the most part. But other than that, she'd really had no idea. Her father hadn't really told her about early wrinkles or grey hair before she got on the train to come here. So she was totally unsure of what answer the Professor wanted to hear. So silence seemed to be her best friend right now.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ian had apparently dozed off as he waited for class. His head jerked up as he heard the professor's voice. He tried to listen to the professor speaking but the professor wasn't speaking very loudly. Ian exhaled loudly as he ran a hand over his bald head. It was weird not having much hair left. He slid his hand down over his face and wondered two things. The first was what the professor was saying and the second what had happened to him. His body felt all achy and the cane just barely kept him up. Nearly all his hair had gone and he looked like a semi wrinkled prune. He watched as he saw other students answered and try to ascertain the questions.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by StarShine
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
Aww, poor Professor. Lux wondered why he seemed so stressed. Maybe she could give him some Chocolate Frogs after class.
So they were going to do a wrinkle potion today? She wondered how she would try hers out, seeing as she didn't have any. Maybe she could test it out on one of her friends instead or another guinea pig student.
Raising her hand, she tried to correctly answer his first question. "Maybe wrinkles form when someone frowns too much! And um... making them smile can get rid of them?"
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Originally Posted by StarShine
The smell wasn't fully gone, but at least it wasn't as disturbing, so he waved at the boy and said an automatic "Hello, I'm fine, thanks, you?" No, really, though. He was glad the boy asked him how he was. Cosgrach definitely noted his face.
...he turned to the class with the stressed look still on his face.
"Good morning everyone," he greeted them without a smile. "Today, we will work on... your wrinkles." He tried his best not to make a face. It was pretty concerning, though. He hoped they would be relieved to hear that the wrinkles would be gone for a while with this potion.
"Before brewing, I have two questions." He paused, took a deep breath, and went on: "How do you think a wrinkle forms on the skin? How can we make the skin smooth again?"
OOC: The lesson has officially started now, so please do not post your characters late. Just pretend they have been there all along.
If you are going to name a potions ingredient for the second question, please name only one. Thanks!
"I'm great professor he said back to him, giving him a big smile.
ohh the wrinkles.. finally Bay wanted these ugly things gone.. he raised his hand "If someone sits in a hot bath too long they get wrinkles.. so maybe its the water intake that the skin absorbs? and maybe like stretching out the skin will make it flat again.. just make sure that theres no more water and stuff.. but you have to keep your skin moisturized." he said thinking about the little bottle that was sitting in his robe pocket.