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It's a fine sunny afternoon and a perfect day for a lesson on Charms. When you walk into the classroom, the sun is shining through the windows that are opened just a crack to let in some fresh air. The classroom is set up normally; desks and chairs are in their proper rows and aisles. The black board is cleared off and Professor Fuller sits at his desk, happily awaiting the arrival of his darling little students.
.... Scratch that.
Professor Fuller is currently reclined back in his chair, his legs slung over the corner of his desk. His head hangs over the back of his chair and his mouth is hanging open. He's snoring, too. Oh, and is that drool? Yeah, that's probably drool. Was it time for class?
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Piers took a couple walks around the classroom, just to keep an eye on the students and to make sure they were doing alright with the new charm. Some of the students were going better than others. Others were yelling at each other, but he was, uh... He was gonna let them figure it out. Wands were going in noses and eye sockets and he didn’t really want to get in the middle of that.
”You all are doing great,” he said, sitting on the edge of his desk. Whew. Walking around the classroom a couple times was quite the workout for this old body.
Another couple minutes passed by until Piers stood up from his desk. ”Alright, time to move forward, class! The second and final charm we will learn today will help you get rid of those pesky gray hairs.” Then he moved back over to the chalkboard and started to write.
Senectus Reversus SEN-ECK-TUSS - REE-VERS-US
”Senectus Reversus. Let it roll off your tongue.” He motioned for them to practice saying the words. ”With a wave of your wand over your hair, this will reverse your hair’s color to it’s previous state. Everybody watch!” Piers grabbed his wand and waved it over his head in one circular motion. ”Senectus Reversus,” he said while doing so, and the little gray hairs he had were instantly reversed and his lovely curly brown hair was restored.
He wasn’t going to mention that it actually wore off in like, three hours. Shhh. They didn’t have to know that now.
”Your turn. Write it down, give it a try. Practice the incantation, practice the wand movement. Once you think you got it, you may be dismissed. For your homework, I would like you to practice this charm and test it out on yourself or someone who has the unfortunate case of gray hair.” After that was said, he turned back to the board to write the homework down. ”If you don’t have any questions after you’ve practiced the incantation, you’re free to go!” And he was gonna take a nap.
OOC: If you want points, make one more post practicing the new incantation and wand movement! I’ll close this thread on Tuesday (the 4th) at 7:00 PM EST, so you have until then to finish the first activity and practice the new charm. Click HERE for the homework assignment.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Now THIS is what she was talking about.
Hair was most important, y'know? Ella's was looking okay due to some hair dye she'd purchased recently but a charm was much simpler and she wore a smile as she scribbled down both the incantation and movement in her notes. She'd clearly need them later if she planned on doing her homework. Couldn't depend on the old brain like she used to, yeah? Memory problems and all.
Practice. Yes. She'd seen a few greys right around the scalp area on her own head so she'd try and rid herself of those before making the painfully long trek back to the common room. Walking was so hard. SO HARD. SIGH. But practicing, okay. Incantation was... ... ...what had Fuller said? OH! NOTES! Senectus Reversus. She could handle that.
See? Easy peasy. And the wand movement was just a simple wave around the top of her head which wasn't too complicated and relatively low impact so her bones wouldn't break or anything during practice. GOOD. The less moving Ella did these days, the better.
Now to put it all together! No more greys, people, YEAH! Ella peeked into the mirror to locate the rogue hairs on her head and then she concentrated on ridding herself of them. Then, with her wand raised, she waved it in a circular motion and said, "Senectus Reversus!"
Had it worked?!
There was lots of looking into the mirror and smiling happening. Just saying.
Hair charm, awwww yeeeaaaaaah. These professors sure were being super duper handy dandy this term, weren't they?
Tobias, who had stopped practicing the wrinkle spell in order to pay attention to Professor Whatsisname's instructions, smiled to himself once more. He wasted absolutely no time in writing down this new spell, it's incantation, wand movement and effect, carefully printing the words as neat as his shaky hands would allow.
"Sen... eck... tuss... Ree... vers... us..." Toby mumbled to himself as he wrote, trying out the feel of the words. Didn't seem too difficult. He kept repeating it to himself, gradually speeding it up until it was at his normal speed of talking. "Sen-eck-tuss Ree-vers-us... Senectus Reversus... Senectus Reversus..."
Tobias paused for a moment to blow on the still-wet ink on his notes, so he could put them away in his bag without running the risk of smudging anything. Once they were packed up, Tobias grabbed his wand again, and shoved that in his bag as well, hoping that he'd remember that that was in fact where it was. Toby really didn't want another evening of desperately searching for a wand that wasn't even missing. Once a week was enough.
Soooooooo... the could go now? Yeah?
........... Time for food?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
There was another spell? One that would revert the color of his hair back to its normal self? Sander was more than happy to try that spell out. He picked up his quill and wrote down the incantation and wand movement in his journal. Then he copied down the instructions for their homework assignment.
Now to practice saying the incantation. "SEN-EK-TUSS REE-VERS-US...SEN-EK-TUSS REE-VERS-US...Senectus Reversus.....Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus," Sander repeated the words over and over again, until he was familiar with it.
Now for the wand movement which was just a wave in a circular motion. Sander waved his wand a couple of times over his head in a circular motion. Now that was simple enough. Anxious to start practicing the spell with his friends, Sander began packing up his things into his backpack. Slinging it over his shoulder, he grunted at the pain caused by the impact of the backpack hitting his back. Now all someone had to do was find a cure for their aching bones.
Walking up to Professor Fuller, Sander smiled his thanks. "Thank you for a very interesting and helpful lesson, Professor. It is good to know that I soon will look like my own self again," Sander told his Charms Professor. Nodding a goodbye, he stepped outside the classroom and waited for his friends to join him.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 03-04-2014 at 12:35 AM.
Reason: Duh...Misread instructions.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Pretty hair was pretty and she was done, yes? YES. ...At least she thought that's what Fuller had said. Oh gosh, she really didn't know anymore but she was going to pack up anyway, okay?
Notes were stored and wand was carefully placed in her bag, front pocket so she'd find it easily because Merlin knew she'd forget about it as soon as she returned to her dorm. And yeah, that was everything. At least she hoped so. No way she was coming back for anything once she made it downstairs. And after carefully standing, the eighteen year old painfully slung her bag over her shoulder and headed for the door.
"Thanks for the lesson, Professor." Really. These charms would come in handy. "See you next time." Salute for you, Fuller-face and then Ella was out the door.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
See, Alice was quite content with just plucking every single discolored strand that sprouted from her scalp, but the only thing worse than going grey was going bald. Even she could make use of this charm, so instead of seeking out another partner to cast on, she turned to her own reflection in the hand mirror. Those strands here and there that weren't the usual light brown hue of her locks? They were about to meet their maker.
"Sen.... eck... tussssss... Reeeeeversussss..." Heh. The senile child took far too much pleasure in making funny noises, hissing being one of them. "Reeeeversusssssususususususssss." She sounded like a snake! One of those funny people in green with the sneaky looks on their faces and the ugly colored ties around their necks. What were they called again?
Anyway, she had the incantation bit down. The movement was extremely simple, so Alice decided she didn't need to practice it. Instead, she got right to casting the spell. "Senectusssss Reversusssss!" With a little wave of her wand over her head in a little circular motion, the little cluster of gray hairs were restored to their original caramel shade.
"Reversususususssss." She'd whisper that to herself while she gathered up her things. Mhm.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
A spell to revert hair to it's original colour? YES PLEASE!!
Lex was SO over this grey hair thing, in fact she was never under it to begin with. It made looking at mirrors very hard and made it even harder to look at Botros. She had half a mind to use the spell on HIM. Yes. Him, because he wasn't meant to have blonde hair anymore but for some inexplicable reason he was wearing it around the castle like it was nobody's business.
Straight to work here, yes, she wanted her blonde hair back. "Sen-eck-tuss - Ree-vers-us....Sen-eck-tuss - Ree-vers-us...Sen-eck-tuss - Ree-vers-us."
The Gryffindor would say this as many times as she needed to to get it right. Her hair WOULD be blonde, it would. The wand movement she wouldn't worry about. It was mostly getting the incantation right which she would continue practising even after she left class so she wrote it down.
"Sen-eck-tuss - Ree-vers-us...Senectus Reversus."
Eh, homework, she'd do that lat--practice on herself? Sure thing. She'd have blonde her by the next time he saw her for sure!! "For once Professor, it's not a false sense satsifaction. Wonderful lesson." She said, beaming at the man before grabbing her things and heading out.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Alex was excited to learn the hair coloring charm. Even though she had gotten her hair dyed in Hogsmeade, she was starting to see signs of gray hair trying to poke through. This charm would definitely come in handy......until someone came up with a cure for this old person disease.
While she was waiting to see if her potential partner wanted to work with her, she would practice the new charm. Starting with the incantation, Alex said, "Senectus Reversus". "Sen-eck-tuss Ree-vers-us, Sen-eck-tuss Ree-vers-us".. After repeating the incantation several times, Alex felt pretty comfortable with it. Now for the wand movement.....Alex gave her wand a circular wave around her head.
Feeling that she was ready to combine the two parts of the charm, Alex tried to concentrate. She waved her wand around her head and made sure to pass the the random gray patches. At the same time, she said,"Senectus Reversus". Reaching for the mirror, Alex looked at herself and found her hair to be all one color. This was great. She now felt at least a little empowered against this aging disease.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Bart was still admiring his wrinkle free face and how he had to go shave off the beard. His thoughts broken by kind of hearing the professor. Why were these professors planning on talking so quiet he would never really hear them. Oh another spell, so what was this one going to do? He leaned forward and squinted to really try to pay attention until he heard the words hair and color. His hand shot up and he waved it around and around. "Professor... professor... PROFESSOR... What if all our hair fell out! What if we don't have any hair to change the color!!" Balding did he not see, Bart was a shoehorn bald.
He could practice it, but who could he do it on. Surely someone else other than himself. He lifted his wand and did a circle motion in the air not really pointing at anything, "Senectus Reversus" he did it again, "Senectus Reversus" Now if only he had hair to use it on. Wow was he actually jealous of all the weirdo grey hair people. Yep he was.. He wanted hair back..
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Bart was still admiring his wrinkle free face and how he had to go shave off the beard. His thoughts broken by kind of hearing the professor. Why were these professors planning on talking so quiet he would never really hear them. Oh another spell, so what was this one going to do? He leaned forward and squinted to really try to pay attention until he heard the words hair and color. His hand shot up and he waved it around and around. "Professor... professor... PROFESSOR... What if all our hair fell out! What if we don't have any hair to change the color!!" Balding did he not see, Bart was a shoehorn bald.
He could practice it, but who could he do it on. Surely someone else other than himself. He lifted his wand and did a circle motion in the air not really pointing at anything, "Senectus Reversus" he did it again, "Senectus Reversus" Now if only he had hair to use it on. Wow was he actually jealous of all the weirdo grey hair people. Yep he was.. He wanted hair back..
After he finished writing down the homework, Piers noticed a student waving his arms about like a madman. Ah, well. Would you look at that? This kid had no hair. Too bad this charm was made for reversing the color, not the actual state of the hair.
"Err..." he started, staring at the kid's hairless head. "Have you tried a hair-growth potion?" Cuuuuuz, this wasn't going to work.
"Nice to meet ya, Brynn," Caleb said with a smile. OH GOOD she had offered to go first. Lovely, he could just watch her and copy her after he was all young and beautified again. He had gathered THAT much from watching the other people in the last three minutes - they were going to be YOUNG again! Hopefully. If she did it right and didn't blow his ears off or something.
"You can go first," he said. "Oh, and I'm Caleb, by the way. Caleb Newell," he said with a smile. A smile that also said Yes, remember that name in case you disfigure me in which case that name will be the name of your DOWNFALL. But hopefully she wouldn't pick up on that.
"Hi Caleb.. Nice to meet you too," Brynn said, returning the greeting and the smile. And she could go first? He did hear her say practice on him, right? As in, she hadn't mastered it. But better him than her anyway, right?
"Mmmk," she started, looking at him appraisingly. Caleb seemed to have some crows feet that could be worked on with the spell. "Alright, hold still," she said, pointing her wand at the corner of one of his eyes before swishing. "Frontis Allevatus." And the other one. "Frontis Allevatus."
Before she could really peer any closer to assess whether or not her spell had worked or how well or allow the Slytherin to look in a mirror for herself, Brynn looked up to hear the professor speaking again. A spell to get her red hair back? Oh that was the best news ever! But.. was it a permanent thing? She hoped but wasn't all that optimistic. Anyway.. Caleb was still going to do the wrinkle eraser one on her first though, right? Because she still needed that. "So.. your turn?"
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Alec did look young, didn't he? He couldn't help but grin at that. It was great! He just... hopes that this was something that would last. The last thing he wanted was for the wrinkles to come back, especially if he was in the middle of doing something important. And that was impressive, by the way, Awar. He was about to open his mouth to say so when...
... HAIR!
He perked up, giving Fuller his fullest attention. Yeah, THIS was more like it! A way to get rid of the grey hair! This spell was going to restore it to its original state, right? Yeah? That's what he wanted: his normal hair back. No greys. It did seem to have worked for Fuller so. And what had just been written on the board? Sen... senec... SQUINT! Senectus? Re... reversus? Okay. Nodding to himself, the boy picked up his quill and scribbled the spell and wand movement down. There.
Time to practice, yeah? Excited, he was. He cleared his throat. "Sen... eck... tuss... Sen... eck... tuss..." That was right, yeah? "Sen... eck... tuss... Senectus... Senectus... Senectus!" That sounded right. "Ree... vers... us... Ree... vers... us! Reversus... Reversus!" Nodnod. "Senectus... Reversus... Senectus... Reversus... Senectus Reversus!"
The wand movement seemed like a simple one so he only practiced it twice. Two circular motions over his head. Awesome. And... since the homework was to practice and try out the spell, Alec wasn't going to do it here in class. He could wait. Maybe he could try it during his next break because he was that excited about having his normal hair back.
Once he had packed up his things, the Head Boy waved over at Awar before swinging his bag over his shoulder. ... And... Fuller. "Thanks, sir! Really." He had half a mind to give the man a hug for giving them this hair spell but... he'd settle for a two finger salute instead. And with that, the Hufflepuff was made his way out.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
A spell to get rid of gray hair? Yes, yes, yes! Adi couldn't wait to have his black hair back. Gray did not suit him one bit. He copied down the spell, incantation and the homework before starting his practice.
"Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus....Senectus Reversus...'' That wasn't so bad. A little more practice though, yes? "Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus...'' Yep. He got it. And the wand movement was just a circular motion over the head? No problem. Adi practiced this without the incantation.
After deciding he was prepared to use the spell, he packed up his stuff. "Bye, Professor!'' he called on his way out of the class.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by nicole black
"I suppose," Justine said. She didn't like the way Marcus was looking at her, ether he was terribly worried about something, or he was having a stroke, she hoped it was the latter. Closing her green eyes as Marcus began to do the spell, Justine could not feel the tightening of her skin as the sensation was so minute.
"Really, zank goodness... I vas so vorried," Justine said, lifting up the mirror to her face and grinning broadly when she saw her perfectly youthful looking complexion.
Still grinning away, she turned back to the young man. "Should ve do zee rest of your face? It vould be odd to leave so much of it still... Aged," Justine politely said, looking at the strange saggy-ness of the boy's ears.
Mo was about to respond when the professor reappeared at the front of the room. He leaned in, confiding in Justine with a wink and a grin. "Maybe later. Thanks for practicing with me, Justine. I promise I look loads less likely to fall over dead when I'm not all aged up. Maybe one of these days they'll figure out how to fix us instead of just fixing the symptoms."
And yeah, he'd said us. Oops.
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Senectus Reversus SEN-ECK-TUSS - REE-VERS-US
”Senectus Reversus. Let it roll off your tongue.” He motioned for them to practice saying the words. ”With a wave of your wand over your hair, this will reverse your hair’s color to it’s previous state. Everybody watch!” Piers grabbed his wand and waved it over his head in one circular motion. ”Senectus Reversus,” he said while doing so, and the little gray hairs he had were instantly reversed and his lovely curly brown hair was restored.
He wasn’t going to mention that it actually wore off in like, three hours. Shhh. They didn’t have to know that now.
”Your turn. Write it down, give it a try. Practice the incantation, practice the wand movement. Once you think you got it, you may be dismissed. For your homework, I would like you to practice this charm and test it out on yourself or someone who has the unfortunate case of gray hair.” After that was said, he turned back to the board to write the homework down. ”If you don’t have any questions after you’ve practiced the incantation, you’re free to go!” And he was gonna take a nap.
OOC: If you want points, make one more post practicing the new incantation and wand movement! I’ll close this thread on Tuesday (the 4th) at 7:00 PM EST, so you have until then to finish the first activity and practice the new charm. Click HERE for the homework assignment.
Mo had given up on dyeing his gray hair about the point where he couldn't keep up with how fast it was changing, so he had plenty of hair to choose from. Unfortunately, it was up on top of his head where he couldn't see it. He tried tugging it down in front of his eyes, he tried crossing his eyes trying to stare at his forehead... frankly, his hair was impossible to see at the moment.
Finally, he opted to lay the mirror down on his desk and lean waaaaaaaaaay over it until he could see his own reflection. Or at least the reflection of his hair. Carefully, he tried out the wand motion, drawing a small circle in front of his hair. Over. And over. The motion was easy. The incantation was pretty challenging, but he'd listened carefully as the professor spoke it.
"Senectus Reversus," he tried in a clear voice, drawing the circle right on top of his head. If it went wrong, he'd have an amazing story to explain his brand new bald spot. It didn't go wrong, though, and the spot on his head went from gray to brown. AMAZING.
Was that it, then? "Thanks for the lesson, Professor," he called as he shoved his text and parchment back into his bag. There, see? He was all packed up.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
A new spell appearing on the board, Lux wrote down the information on it down and then went to do some practice. First she would start by saying the incantation, then she would move on to doing the wand movement.
"Senectus Reversus... Senectus Reversus..." Lux kept repeating the spell over and over again so that she could be sure that the incantation was correct. After a little while, she decided to move on and do the wand movement, which seemed to be rather simple.
With her wand, she made circular motions in the air, over and over again. Fortunately this spell seemed to be pretty easy. After doing it for a little bit, Lux decided that it was time for her to leave. Packing her stuff up, she then made her way to the door. "Bye, Professor Fuller," she said before stepping out into the corridor.
A charm for the hair? Now that...that was FABULOUS. She hasn't seen her real hair in what felt like AGES. Beverly wrote down exactly what the professor was saying because she didn't want to miss any of it or forget. This was important.
Hair was important.
Senectus Reversus. Okay, okay, she got this!
"Senectus Reversus!" she chirped. A few more tries until it felt right, then real practice. "Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus!" Now!
Beverly waved her wand around her head. "Senectus Reversus!" Did it work? She didn't know, and honestly she didn't want to look into the mirror afraid it was still gray, but...
Plucking up the courage, Beverly held up the mirror and her eyes went WIDE. Her hair...it was dark brown. Sooooo dark brown! Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. PRETTY. Not old. UGH.
She teared up at the sight. It's been such a long time since she's felt like herself. Not that she felt like herself-self. She sort of looked it only. It was still a nice feeling. Sniffing and wiping at her eyes quickly so no one would notice, Beverly shoved everything into her bag and made for the door.
"Thanks professor!" she said before exiting. She had something in her eyes, okay.
She couldn't tell if her spell had worked. Rhodes placed her wand back onto her desk, and scooting the whole thing closer to Michael, she leaned forward to squint at him. She.. wasn't sure what the spell did, but since her wand had just slapped him across the face, she supposed it had something to do with that. But even through her very blurry eyes, she could tell that he looked exactly the same.
Old. Wrinkly. Did she mention old?
At least she could feel a little good about herself, since it was apparent that his spell didn't work on her either. Rhodes picked up her wand once more, and after pulling his wand from out of her nose, and after wiping its tip on the front of his robes, she decided to try again.
She was aiming for his forehead, but since she wasn't able to see, she didn't reach high enough and instead poked him in the eye.
They were definitely doing this wrong. Even though he had no idea on what they were supposed to be doing, Michael was pretty sure that the charm they were learning was not supposed to cause them injuries. Which is exactly what was happening at the moment.
He rubbed at his eye where he had just been poked and scooted back a little away from Rhodes. "NOW YOU'VE MADE ME BLIND IN ONE EYE." Perhaps they should try casting at each other from a safe distance.
His attention was diverted for a moment to the Professor writing something on the board. Oh. Apparently they had to practice another charm. The incantation was up on the board so that was good, he could see that and he could also see the wand movement, he just had to try and relay this to Rhodes.
"YO MERIVEL! NEW SPELL. SENECTUS REVERSUS." Michael then proceeded to wave his wand over his head in a circular motion.
Senectus Reversus. Cutty mulled it over in his mind before trying it out on the tongue, "Senectus Reversus." And the wand motion seemed simple enough. Far better than spending the dosh to obtain a bottle of hair dye. He did that once, but the wash out left him silvery, which he thought made him look even older than the white, oddly enough.
Cutty made note of that incantation and the wand motion along with the Frontis Allevatus charm. Wand in hand and extended over the head, Cutty performed the circular motion and spoke the incantation once more, "Senectus Reversus." Did it work? He reached up with his left hand and yoinked! out a strand. Black as the night it looked. He had to have done it correctly. Thank you, Professor Fuller for saving me oodles'a dosh!
Cutty wrote down the homework, rolled up the still wetly inked parchment and thew it into his school bag along with his quills, ink and parchment, then headed out.
AWESOME. YAY. Fuller had finally decided to go ahead with the lesson.. yeah. Good. Honestly, she just wanted to be done with this class and head back to her dorm.
Oh. Another spell.. but for their hair this time. Just what she needed.. Not that her hair was filled with grey. It was just a few strands, really. But, still annoying and rather disturbing. ”Senectus Reversus.” She repeated it aloud a few times to get the pronounciation right before she picked up her wand and made circular motions with it for a few seconds before she felt confident that she could do it.
OKAY. Delilah took a deep breath before making the necessary wand movement over her head and said, "Senectus Reversus." Did it wooooork? She picked up the mirror and examined her hair for a moment. Oh, yes! Her grey hairs weren't to be seen. It worked! She smiled a little before she started to pack her belongings.
Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look!
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Piers took a couple walks around the classroom, just to keep an eye on the students and to make sure they were doing alright with the new charm. Some of the students were going better than others. Others were yelling at each other, but he was, uh... He was gonna let them figure it out. Wands were going in noses and eye sockets and he didn’t really want to get in the middle of that.
”You all are doing great,” he said, sitting on the edge of his desk. Whew. Walking around the classroom a couple times was quite the workout for this old body.
Another couple minutes passed by until Piers stood up from his desk. ”Alright, time to move forward, class! The second and final charm we will learn today will help you get rid of those pesky gray hairs.” Then he moved back over to the chalkboard and started to write.
Senectus Reversus SEN-ECK-TUSS - REE-VERS-US
”Senectus Reversus. Let it roll off your tongue.” He motioned for them to practice saying the words. ”With a wave of your wand over your hair, this will reverse your hair’s color to it’s previous state. Everybody watch!” Piers grabbed his wand and waved it over his head in one circular motion. ”Senectus Reversus,” he said while doing so, and the little gray hairs he had were instantly reversed and his lovely curly brown hair was restored.
He wasn’t going to mention that it actually wore off in like, three hours. Shhh. They didn’t have to know that now.
”Your turn. Write it down, give it a try. Practice the incantation, practice the wand movement. Once you think you got it, you may be dismissed. For your homework, I would like you to practice this charm and test it out on yourself or someone who has the unfortunate case of gray hair.” After that was said, he turned back to the board to write the homework down. ”If you don’t have any questions after you’ve practiced the incantation, you’re free to go!” And he was gonna take a nap.
OOC: If you want points, make one more post practicing the new incantation and wand movement! I’ll close this thread on Tuesday (the 4th) at 7:00 PM EST, so you have until then to finish the first activity and practice the new charm. Click HERE for the homework assignment.
Tessa leaned forward as the Professor introduced the new spell. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but she had missed her blonde locks- the colors she had dyed in her hair complimented her blonde hair more than her grey. She quickly wrote down notes as the PRofessor spoke, wanting to make sure she got this spell right.
Once he had finished, she stared down at her notes, mumbling the pronunciation of the spell, wanting to make sure she got it right. "Senectus Reversus...Senectus Reversus...," a few more times with a few corrections later she decided that she had it. It rolled off her tongue well enough- she just hoped she could remember it by the time she had to cast it. Wave of her her wand over the hair to cast it? Check.
"Come on normal hair..." she said, and lifted her wand. As she waved it over her hair, she squeezed her eyes shut and cast "Senectus Reversus!" She waited a moment, hoping that the spell had worked the first time. Finally, after a breath, she opened her eyes and peered into the mirror. Her young face started back and she smiled into it as she saw her shining blonde locks falling around her shoulders. IT was nice to see herself again!
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by emjay
"Hi Caleb.. Nice to meet you too," Brynn said, returning the greeting and the smile. And she could go first? He did hear her say practice on him, right? As in, she hadn't mastered it. But better him than her anyway, right?
"Mmmk," she started, looking at him appraisingly. Caleb seemed to have some crows feet that could be worked on with the spell. "Alright, hold still," she said, pointing her wand at the corner of one of his eyes before swishing. "Frontis Allevatus." And the other one. "Frontis Allevatus."
Before she could really peer any closer to assess whether or not her spell had worked or how well or allow the Slytherin to look in a mirror for herself, Brynn looked up to hear the professor speaking again. A spell to get her red hair back? Oh that was the best news ever! But.. was it a permanent thing? She hoped but wasn't all that optimistic. Anyway.. Caleb was still going to do the wrinkle eraser one on her first though, right? Because she still needed that. "So.. your turn?"
Caleb knew that they were getting ready to pack up around him, but he didn't care. He was about to be WRINKLE FREE for the first time in months, he didn't care how long they had to be here! He felt the spell work on his face and he dug into his bag for a mirror. He'd started carrying it as soon as he had started sprouted his peppered facial hair. He checked the crows feet that Brynn had been aiming for and - BAM! They were gone! Well, mostly gone. He didn't look like he was a hundred years old, at least. PROGRESS.
"Awesome," he chuckled. Alright, his turn, yes. He turned to her and pulled his wand out of his pocket and pointed at her face. "Ok, hold still..." he muttered. Now would probably be a bad time to mention that he hadn't had a chance to practice this yet, right?
"Frontis Allevatus!" he exclaimed, pointing at the crows feet near her face as well, just to keep things consistent. "Frontis Allevatus!" he said again as he did the other side. Alright, did it work??
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Bay was so excited to hear that they were going to learn how to get their normal hair colour back.. AWESOME!!… taking down notes so he would't forget he thought he should try it on himself first… taking out his wand he moved it over his head and said "Senectus Reversis".. he still had his mirror with him so he took it out and looked within… and he opened his eyes to find that he still had his grey hair.. ugghhhhh he must have not said that correctly.
looking down at his notes again he spotted his mistake.. it wasn't supposed to be "sis" its "sus" trying it again he moved his wand over his head and said the proper words this time.. "Senectus Reversus" fingers crossed right.. looking into the mirror again he saw his normal blonde-reddish hair.. thank goodness. he almost felt like he was going to cry..
"thanks Professor" he said while starting to pack up his things.. and his notes.. he couldn't forget those.. it had what Bay thought was gold right now..
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
After he finished writing down the homework, Piers noticed a student waving his arms about like a madman. Ah, well. Would you look at that? This kid had no hair. Too bad this charm was made for reversing the color, not the actual state of the hair.
"Err..." he started, staring at the kid's hairless head. "Have you tried a hair-growth potion?" Cuuuuuz, this wasn't going to work.
A hair potion... A HAIR POTION!! Why didn't he think of that. He liked potions, potions was his favorite. So why did it take for another professor to tell him about a hair potion. This was just a huge feeling dumb moment. He pocketed his wand and gathered his things. "No.. I actually haven't. I think I'll go find one though."
Once he had his things he started shuffling his slippers across the floor. No need to practice again if he couldn't even use it on himself. "Thanks again professor. I like having wrinkles gone." He was going to shave the beard as soon as he was back to his room now that his face was looking better, the wrinkle cream worked on his hands. He might look like a twelve year old again!
Caleb knew that they were getting ready to pack up around him, but he didn't care. He was about to be WRINKLE FREE for the first time in months, he didn't care how long they had to be here! He felt the spell work on his face and he dug into his bag for a mirror. He'd started carrying it as soon as he had started sprouted his peppered facial hair. He checked the crows feet that Brynn had been aiming for and - BAM! They were gone! Well, mostly gone. He didn't look like he was a hundred years old, at least. PROGRESS.
"Awesome," he chuckled. Alright, his turn, yes. He turned to her and pulled his wand out of his pocket and pointed at her face. "Ok, hold still..." he muttered. Now would probably be a bad time to mention that he hadn't had a chance to practice this yet, right?
"Frontis Allevatus!" he exclaimed, pointing at the crows feet near her face as well, just to keep things consistent. "Frontis Allevatus!" he said again as he did the other side. Alright, did it work??
Brynn squinted a bit at Caleb as he looked into his pocket mirror. It seemed like the spell might have possibly worked to her, but her eyesight wasn't what it used to be. But she grinned at him when he seemed to approve. At least she hadn't mangled his face too badly or anything. And now her turn to be rid of wrinkles..
As eager as Brynn was to be wrinkle-free, she was also a little hesitant about having someone aim spells at her face. What if she was permanently disfigured? She supposed she should take her chances though because Caleb already had his wand in her face. She squeezed her eyes shut, flinching a bit as he cast the spell to both eyes, then slowly opened them. Her skin felt tighter, that was for sure.
Picking up the small hand mirror on her desk, Brynn peered into it, turning her head side-to-side a bit to check out the area around her eyes. "That's better," she smiled at her reflection noting that her eyes didn't look quite so tired anymore.
"Alright," she said looking back up at Caleb as she set the mirror back down. "We should probably try out the next spell." She peered up at the board again. Or at least practice the incantation and stuff. Still looking at the board, she stuck her wand hand out in front of her, practicing the circular motion. "Senectus Reversis." That was how you said it, right? Glancing back up at the boy, she said, "Do you want me to try it out on you now? Or.. try to get rid of ore wrinkles?" She could use more herself because she'd really like to get rid of the grey hair, but the teacher did say it could be done as homework. So if he wanted to just leave, she supposed that was cool too.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Piers took a couple walks around the classroom, just to keep an eye on the students and to make sure they were doing alright with the new charm. Some of the students were going better than others. Others were yelling at each other, but he was, uh... He was gonna let them figure it out. Wands were going in noses and eye sockets and he didn’t really want to get in the middle of that.
”You all are doing great,” he said, sitting on the edge of his desk. Whew. Walking around the classroom a couple times was quite the workout for this old body.
Another couple minutes passed by until Piers stood up from his desk. ”Alright, time to move forward, class! The second and final charm we will learn today will help you get rid of those pesky gray hairs.” Then he moved back over to the chalkboard and started to write.
Senectus Reversus SEN-ECK-TUSS - REE-VERS-US
”Senectus Reversus. Let it roll off your tongue.” He motioned for them to practice saying the words. ”With a wave of your wand over your hair, this will reverse your hair’s color to it’s previous state. Everybody watch!” Piers grabbed his wand and waved it over his head in one circular motion. ”Senectus Reversus,” he said while doing so, and the little gray hairs he had were instantly reversed and his lovely curly brown hair was restored.
He wasn’t going to mention that it actually wore off in like, three hours. Shhh. They didn’t have to know that now.
”Your turn. Write it down, give it a try. Practice the incantation, practice the wand movement. Once you think you got it, you may be dismissed. For your homework, I would like you to practice this charm and test it out on yourself or someone who has the unfortunate case of gray hair.” After that was said, he turned back to the board to write the homework down. ”If you don’t have any questions after you’ve practiced the incantation, you’re free to go!” And he was gonna take a nap.
OOC: If you want points, make one more post practicing the new incantation and wand movement! I’ll close this thread on Tuesday (the 4th) at 7:00 PM EST, so you have until then to finish the first activity and practice the new charm. Click HERE for the homework assignment.
This might be the first time Caelen was ever excited about a Hogwarts class ending. Because there were other classes that she could actually participate in. And she was thinking of how to do the homework. Colour some of her hair grey to make it work? She didn't know yet. But the redhead would think of something. Even if it meant a few strands of her hair weren't going to be red anymore.
She still had to practice the new spell also. Because that was a thing that needed to be done. Trying to set aside her grumpy emotions, she wrote down the name of the charm in her notebook and the way to say it. Because that was important. Even if it never applied. She might actually need this spell someday -doubt it- and she could picture herself as a little old granny who was furiously rummaging through her things to find the journal and the charm. That was important. Spells and charms and stuff.
"Senectus Reversus." The young Ravenclaw whispered the spell. That was the first step to remembering. "Sene...ctus... Revers..us." Next was breaking it down and pronouncing each syllable. Her Aunt -of all people, this was the one who taught her most when she was off from school- taught her to remember things this way. Now Caelen was going to see if it actually worked.
Wand movement. She picked her wand up and practiced the wand movement a couple of times. Of course, this was done silently, so she didn't cast any accidental spells and mess things up. The movements started out as slow and steady and came up a bit in speed as she got further along. She practiced this like five times.
But she couldn't put it together! Because she didn't have grey hair. And she felt like she was the only one anymore. And that professor was right, a bunch of five foot grannies WAS really freaky. The girl with the deep blue eyes groaned to herself. So much for not being grumpy. She was grump central.
She collected her things and shoved them into her messy bag, almost breaking her wand in half as she stuffed it somewhere in her robes. This was all done very quickly, because Caelen was ANGRY again. Because this kind of suuucked. Who knew being old could be necessary? Or even the majority?
Saying a quick goodbye to the professor, she walked out the door and turned the corner, feeling like she needed to walk somewhere to get all of the jitterbugs out of her body. Being angry had kind of given her a nervous energy, something that felt like she HAD to move.
People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away.