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At the very bottom of the Headmistress' spiraling staircase sits two stone gargoyles. The ugly but enormous stone statues keep out those who do not belong.... or those who are not welcome.
You shall not pass this way without a password.
OOC: Post here if you are waiting, but please do not chat here. The seating area is for conversation.
Right near the Headmistress' seating area were the gargoyles she was also responsible for collecting. After a long look at them, she set her bag open on the ground and began heaving the gargoyles into it.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Wearing the same outfit as he had the last time he'd had to visit the castle at night, Alistaire Firth habitually came to a stop before the entrance to the Headmistress's spiral stairway. He frowned when he remembered that the usual gargoyles were now missing. Unsure if it was still necessary, he looked around and, seeing no students, spoke the password, "Coco Chanel," anyways and made his weary way up the stairs. Would she be expecting him? He hoped so; he had sent his Patronus on ahead to alert her to his imminent presence.
Reaching the door, he rapped his knuckles on the hard surface once, twice, three times. "Annie? Yeh awake in there?" he asked.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva made her way to the Gargoyles, now that she was back from Christmas she had to start her mission again. She had talked to everyone that she was told to talk to but one person and that was the headmistress. She was sooooooo excited to finally get a chance to see the Headmistress. In all the years she had been at Hogwarts she never spoke to the head. Why was that, oh that's right she was never in trouble and usually to afraid, but for some reason she was not afraid at this point.
With her bowl of ice cream in hand she took a bight before looking at the Gargoyles, now how on earth did she get up there or did the headmistress just know she was there. Well there was a password so maybe it was something fun, "Chocolate ice cream" because that was exactly what she would have made her password.
No.. not the password alright she looked at the gargoyles and took another bite, "So Stone things can we make a deal to get you to open or am I just stuck here. Your all so awesome the way you just stand there and guard her mistressness. She probably is super safe with your awesome mean looking faces right here." Minerva looked over to the pink couches, but she wasn't going to sit.. no she didn't want to sit. So she just stood looking at the gargoyles more..
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva made her way to the Gargoyles, now that she was back from Christmas she had to start her mission again. She had talked to everyone that she was told to talk to but one person and that was the headmistress. She was sooooooo excited to finally get a chance to see the Headmistress. In all the years she had been at Hogwarts she never spoke to the head. Why was that, oh that's right she was never in trouble and usually to afraid, but for some reason she was not afraid at this point.
With her bowl of ice cream in hand she took a bight before looking at the Gargoyles, now how on earth did she get up there or did the headmistress just know she was there. Well there was a password so maybe it was something fun, "Chocolate ice cream" because that was exactly what she would have made her password.
No.. not the password alright she looked at the gargoyles and took another bite, "So Stone things can we make a deal to get you to open or am I just stuck here. Your all so awesome the way you just stand there and guard her mistressness. She probably is super safe with your awesome mean looking faces right here." Minerva looked over to the pink couches, but she wasn't going to sit.. no she didn't want to sit. So she just stood looking at the gargoyles more..
On her way back to her office after the meeting, Anastasia naturally came up to the stone gargoyles. Or... where the stone gargoyles had once been. They were there no more, thanks to the goblins. The password still kept intruders out though.
Like this one. "Please don't eat near my office," the Headmistress called out as a form of greeting as she came upon the girl. "If you really must finish that," she gestured toward the ice cream with a blatant expression of disdain, "you can eat it in my waiting area."
But not here. It was rude to eat in front of the poor gargoyles... well, it had been when they were here.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva spun to a voice and gave the headmistress a smile. Did she even know her name, they had never talked she didn't remember if they did. "Oh no no no ma'am I'm done or I mean I can be done." She took one last quick bite and pulled her wand pointing and cleaning the bowl and spoon, then shoving them both in her shoulder bag.
"See all done, no mess no worry, unless you would like some, because then I could so go get you some, because it's super good, and yummy, and great! Though that wasn't why I came to speak to you."
She bounced a bit seeming as if she may be ADHD or something. Noticing a small string on her bag she began fidgeting with that as well. "See this past summer I was writing Professor Schirmer about my Owl scores and about my path to becoming a healer and she had mentioned maybe speaking you about it." Yep.. yep.. yep Minerva had reasons to be here.. She wasn't just randomly showing up and talking to walls, gargoyles, or even to just herself.
Last edited by Bazinga; 06-16-2013 at 05:42 AM.
Reason: because I like to type thought instead of though...
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
...mhmm, she could be done. Right then, the Headmistress eyed the girl (who was at least capable of cleaning out her plastic bowl, she would give her credit for that much) and waited for her to state her purpose in appearing here today.
"No I do not need any ice cream," she replied flatly. Perhaps Alistaire was on to something, with his theory about the children being addicted to sugar and whatnot. This one had clearly had enough of it; she was nearly bouncing off the walls!
The redhead's eyebrows went up slightly at mention of Schirmer's name, and in connection to a career in Healing, too. Did she know Annie had once entered the program at St. Mungo's? Or was she just familiar with that other Bunbury, that so-called Healer brother of hers....
Hmm. "Do you have specific questions for me, Ms. Wheatborn?" Yes, she knew the girl's name. It was her business to do so.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
NO ICE CREAM... Minerva gave a little frown to this. She really wanted to get the head mistress ice cream, because that was a great idea, but maybe after their meeting she would change her mind. Yes everyone should have after meeting with the headmistress ice cream. That would so call for chocolate with maybe chocolate frogs.
She rocked back and forth a bit as she waited.. The headmistress knew Schirmer.. right...She was a board member now after all, wait board member.. she would have to know about all the crazy that had been going on around here, Min would make a mental note that after end of meeting ice cream she would send an owl to ask a few quesitons.
Specifics.. specific.. Specifics for what. Min looked puzzled for a second. What was she there for again.. Oh right healerish stuff. "Well headmistress, Professor Schirmer had mentioned that you had once wanted to be a healer, but changed your mind. As I start looking at this as a possibility I'm trying to get all possibilities thought of. So I was wondering why you changed your mind." Was that what Professor Schirmer wanted her to ask, it seems like the reason, maybe the dark side of healing or something would be what she learned through this.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
So one final stop to do. Oakey almost did not recognize the place without the Stone Gargoyles sitting before the staircase. So Up he went...Could he slip this note under her door? Maybe stick it? Or should he just knock and have another Conversation with the Headmistress. Hopefully a less sneezy one.
He decided on talking to her again, but also would slip the note under her door. Bending down he slide the note through the bottom then stood and knocked twice.
Originally Posted by Barf Notes
Dear; Head Mistress, Heads of Houses, Professor James and Healer Tillstorm.
Due to some disturbing studies, and an detention I had to serve. I have come to discover some food items that should be avoided before a Quidditch Match, and practices. The number one thing on the list was Mashed Potatoes, and then an assortment od dessert pies. I also found that gummy treats are a bad source of food before and after Quidditch.
I bring this to your attention so that we can prevent anyone from getting sick from these foods. Perhaps a notice to inform the my classmates will be a good start?
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
This girl was definitely on something. She was on sugar, Bunz knew it. She could smell it on her too-sweet breath. Maybe she should have a talk with Tillstorm, see if the woman had some sort of twelve-step rehabilitation program to wean children off their sugar...
She made a mental note to do just that. Now, onto the specifics?
"How did Schirmer know that?" the redhead snapped, then realized belatedly that it was probably a part of her employment history and public record somehow. Oh right. "Well... I just... when I started the training, I decided it wasn't for me." She shrugged. "There's a lot of touching people and studying thick books of medical information and facts, you know." And she hated studying unless it related to plants. Obviously books were for nerds like her brother, who HAD successfully became a healer.
She studied the girl closely. "You might enjoy it though. Have you talked to Healer Tillstorm?"
And speaking of Tillstorm... did Oakey really just NOT see her standing there?
"Gunter," the Headmistress called out sharply to the boy. "What have you got there?" Trying to slide something under the door to the elevator to her office? Mmmkay......
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva was still bouncy.. bouncy.. bouncy... She let her eyes scan around while she listened. She had never been her. never why was that... No once she was, but never talked to anyone. Just came up and left. Interesting place really except the pink.
*blink.. blink*
"I don't know how she knew, she just put it in her letter." Minerva said quickly at the question, Schirmer knew all didn't she, she was a board member now wasn't that her job. "Do you not like to read thick books ma'am?" Looking back up to the headmistress Minerva smiled she had pretty hair, pet-able hair. Minerva shortly wondered if the Headmistress would let her pet her hair, but decided against it and starting thinking about her kitty song.
*nod* *nod*
Minerva nodded as the headmistress asked about talking to Tillstorm. "Yes I've actually spoken to a list of people that Professor Schirmer wanted me to talk to you, your the last on my list." She gave a huge smile towards the headmistress at this like it was awesome she talked to all the professors and healer. She was on a mission and at the moment felt like she was successful at the mission. "It got interrupted by the goblin that came and took all her things. I tried to stay so you wouldn't be alone but she told me to leave."
She shrugged it off and turned seeing Oakey.. "Oakey" Big smiles for him and she was bouncing again.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Oh Geeze! How had he not seen the two of them here. "Oh uh Hello there Head Mistress." Oakey said in utter surprise. "Minerva" Oakey said less in shock, and more annoyed that she was here. Not forgiving her for upsetting Ariana, nope he was not.
"I was just gonna deliver this note to you." He bent down and picked it back up holding it out for the Head Mistress to take.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
The Headmistress took the note from Oakey suspiciously, still suspicious of the two suspicious Puffs standing before her. She read it quickly, occasionally looking up at the boy and then back to the note. Oh, but before she could reply to that... there was this bouncing girl with rainbow hair before her.
"Hmm," the redhead mused. "It depends on the book, but long story short, I realized the medical field wasn't for me." Touching people? And gore? And taking orders and staying up all night to help people? Uh no thanks. She much preferred plants that didn't talk back and throw up on you... usually. "So did Tillstorm convince you to try it out?" She was curious, just curious.
And speaking of throw-up... now back to the Head Boy. "A notice on your classmates' common room boards would indeed be a good idea," the Headmistress acknowledged him. "Write one up. What spurned you to conduct this research, Mr. Gunter, might I ask?"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Still holding on to the goofy smile Minerva looked at Oakey and back to the headmistress. Well that was a fair reason and she seemed to be good at her job now, so it all worked out for her. Eyes darting back and forth between the two she really was hoping that one would maybe suggest taking the little group maybe to the kitchen. Ice cream social perhaps. Did Tillstrom convince her of what? For a few short seconds Minerva was a bit confused as to what the headmistress was talking about. With Oakey's entrance and her own thoughts moving back to ice cream she had forgotten about why she brought Tillstorm up.
Oh.. healing.. Minerva smiled again remember, "Well like I said we got interrupted pretty early by the Goblin. She had been going over what scores I need on my exams and we were just about to talk about Uni's when the door opened and she told me to leave." She shrugged and rocked onto her heals a bit. So what was this note thing again that Oakey was giving Truebrige..
Excitement crossed her face.. OAKEY HAS A CRUSH ON TRUEBRIGE!!!! He had to have written her a love note.. Clearly that would be the only thing possible in that note. giggle... giggle It had to be, but Oakey had a girlfriend, even if she wasn't speaking to her best friend anymore she wasn't going to let Oakey hurt her either, but it would be fun to watch the headmistress turn him down. More small giggles came out of her and a thought of isn't Oakey a little old for little I like you, love notes.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
The hell was with that look Minerva was giving him? Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy.
"I informed Hadley and the other Heads along with Professor James, and Healer Tillstorm. I can put a notice up on the School Bulletin and on my Houses board." How did he conduct his research? "I-uh served a detention for Flamsteed, he wanted me to inspect, and mark down different...um, stains on Quidditch robes, then inform you all on what foods my classmates avoid before matches and practices."
Okay, Minerva was being really weird, and it wasn't cool. She should be distraught over her and Ariana's falling out. "What's so funny?" Oakey turned his head and eyed Minerva after her giggles.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
different timeline from the above...and in the moooooooorning :3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
It had been TERRIBLY amusing how the Potions Mistress had just slammed the door in their faces like that. One would have assumed that that had signaled a dismissal of some sort, but not for Airey and Medea. They had spent the next half an hour singing and dancing outside in the corridor to the woman's office, hoping that she would still join them.
She did not. Tragic really.
The pair, unable to sleep for whatever reason, had then danced their way around the castle - stopping in the kitchens for some more ice cream - and now found themselves at the Headmistress' office. "You KNOW what we should do?!" Airey exclaimed as he pointed to the spot where the stone gargoyles had once been. "We should pretend to be them and see if the Headmistress notices." Or any student that happened to come visit the Headmistress did for that matter. "I'll be the gargoyle on the right and you be the one on the left."
Bounding forward, Airey got into squatting position and made a face.
Best gargoyle impression EVER! And the fact that his tie had been burned down to the nub just really added to the full effect. The ice cream stains were sort of a dead give away though.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
It had been TERRIBLY amusing how the Potions Mistress had just slammed the door in their faces like that. One would have assumed that that had signaled a dismissal of some sort, but not for Airey and Medea. They had spent the next half an hour singing and dancing outside in the corridor to the woman's office, hoping that she would still join them.
She did not. Tragic really.
The pair, unable to sleep for whatever reason, had then danced their way around the castle - stopping in the kitchens for some more ice cream - and now found themselves at the Headmistress' office. "You KNOW what we should do?!" Airey exclaimed as he pointed to the spot where the stone gargoyles had once been. "We should pretend to be them and see if the Headmistress notices." Or any student that happened to come visit the Headmistress did for that matter. "I'll be the gargoyle on the right and you be the one on the left."
Bounding forward, Airey got into squatting position and made a face.
Best gargoyle impression EVER! And the fact that his tie had been burned down to the nub just really added to the full effect. The ice cream stains were sort of a dead give away though.
She had been so set on having the potions mistress come dance with them, it was almost heartbreaking that she didn't come out of her office. Almost. No, it wasn't really. There were a ton of more places they could sing and dance and a lot more professors they could try to get to join them. Who wouldn't!?
Singing and dancing in the middle of the night was the hip new thing!
Just about to suggest to try whoever's office they were coming upon next, Medea GASPED at the brilliant idea Airey had. BRILLIANT! The Headmistress would never know! "A fantastic ideeaa!" Yes! Though her impression of a gargoyle had more laughing fits and giggles and trying to keep upright than anything after she saw Airey's expression. Her siiiiiides! Burning off all those ice cream calories tonight!
"OH! Oh, Airey!" Ending up sitting upon the floor with her back against the wall and legs out in front of her, she moved to her knees and pointed at him. And then to the stairs to the Headmistress's office. And then back to him. "Do you know vot the passvord is?" Anastasia HAD to dance and sing with them! She seemed like the type of woman that would be utterly perfect at it.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Roselyn
She had been so set on having the potions mistress come dance with them, it was almost heartbreaking that she didn't come out of her office. Almost. No, it wasn't really. There were a ton of more places they could sing and dance and a lot more professors they could try to get to join them. Who wouldn't!?
Singing and dancing in the middle of the night was the hip new thing!
Just about to suggest to try whoever's office they were coming upon next, Medea GASPED at the brilliant idea Airey had. BRILLIANT! The Headmistress would never know! "A fantastic ideeaa!" Yes! Though her impression of a gargoyle had more laughing fits and giggles and trying to keep upright than anything after she saw Airey's expression. Her siiiiiides! Burning off all those ice cream calories tonight!
"OH! Oh, Airey!" Ending up sitting upon the floor with her back against the wall and legs out in front of her, she moved to her knees and pointed at him. And then to the stairs to the Headmistress's office. And then back to him. "Do you know vot the passvord is?" Anastasia HAD to dance and sing with them! She seemed like the type of woman that would be utterly perfect at it.
Airey was in the zone. This was just like planking. Only not really. It was like EXTREME planking because he had to role play at the same time. So....LARPing planking. It was going to be the new trend. Everyone was totally going to be catching on to it and they could thank him and Medea for it.
Ug. Medeeeeea! How was he supposed to do this if she was talking to him! Stone gargoyles didn't talk! Unless they were under some spell work. Hmmm. This had possibilities.
Taking on his new role - and keeping his face the same - he sloooooowly turned his head towards her. "I do not..." he said, eyebrows wiggling just a bit. "But I bet I can guess it before yoooooooou!"
"Cream Ice!"
Because saying it backwards MIGHT work first.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Airey was in the zone. This was just like planking. Only not really. It was like EXTREME planking because he had to role play at the same time. So....LARPing planking. It was going to be the new trend. Everyone was totally going to be catching on to it and they could thank him and Medea for it.
Ug. Medeeeeea! How was he supposed to do this if she was talking to him! Stone gargoyles didn't talk! Unless they were under some spell work. Hmmm. This had possibilities.
Taking on his new role - and keeping his face the same - he sloooooowly turned his head towards her. "I do not..." he said, eyebrows wiggling just a bit. "But I bet I can guess it before yoooooooou!"
"Cream Ice!"
Because saying it backwards MIGHT work first.
That face and him talking did not work.
She couldn't even LAUGH properly because he'd already shouted out a guess for the password and this was now a com-pe-ti-tion! Which made her behind in guesses! Did not even register to her that it was called out backwards. Fiddlesticks, she couldn't think of a random password either. "You didn't even count to three..." Mutter mutter. OH!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Roselyn
That face and him talking did not work.
She couldn't even LAUGH properly because he'd already shouted out a guess for the password and this was now a com-pe-ti-tion! Which made her behind in guesses! Did not even register to her that it was called out backwards. Fiddlesticks, she couldn't think of a random password either. "You didn't even count to three..." Mutter mutter. OH!
Made sense.
Grinning from ear to ear, he was EVER so pleased that her password had not worked either. HA! The race was on!
It's a race a race I WIN I WIN!
Still crouching on all fours and with his gargoyle game face still on, Airey slooooooooowly turned his body sideways so he could see the entrance a little better.
"Ribbons Hair!" ummm "Daffodil Honking"
Cause her password was totally something backwards.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Grinning from ear to ear, he was EVER so pleased that her password had not worked either. HA! The race was on!
It's a race a race I WIN I WIN!
Still crouching on all fours and with his gargoyle game face still on, Airey slooooooooowly turned his body sideways so he could see the entrance a little better.
"Ribbons Hair!" ummm "Daffodil Honking"
Cause her password was totally something backwards.
There were how many words in the English language? And how many combinations of those words could one make for a password? Not to mention foreign languages, though Anastasiaaaaaa didn't seem like the type to do that. Maybe.
She still didn't realize Airey's guesses were backwards.
"SPARKLES! SUNSHINE! LOllIPOPS! And rainboooows, eveeerything that's voonderful..."
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Roselyn
There were how many words in the English language? And how many combinations of those words could one make for a password? Not to mention foreign languages, though Anastasiaaaaaa didn't seem like the type to do that. Maybe.
She still didn't realize Airey's guesses were backwards.
"SPARKLES! SUNSHINE! LOllIPOPS! And rainboooows, eveeerything that's voonderful..."
...Is sure to come your waaaay!
Airey continued to ramble off Herbology related terms - and several dozen made up ones - while trying to guess the Headmistress' password. He really didn't know much about the subject, but it was more fun to make things up anyway. Fun was good. Fun was happy and...
OH! Was Medea kind of sort of singing words now to try and find a password. HE WAS GOING TO DO THIS TOO! And try to keep with his backwards thing he had going on. Knees cracking just a little as he shifted positions, and ignoring the pain in his lower back because he was far too happy to let it ruin things, he cleared his throat.
"Roses on Raindrops! Kittens on whiskers!" Okay, singing and moving words around at the same time was not as interesting as he thought. Sort of ruined the tone of the song too, so back to the norm it was. "Bright copper kettles!"
These are a few of my favorite things....
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
SPOILER!!: children!
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Still holding on to the goofy smile Minerva looked at Oakey and back to the headmistress. Well that was a fair reason and she seemed to be good at her job now, so it all worked out for her. Eyes darting back and forth between the two she really was hoping that one would maybe suggest taking the little group maybe to the kitchen. Ice cream social perhaps. Did Tillstrom convince her of what? For a few short seconds Minerva was a bit confused as to what the headmistress was talking about. With Oakey's entrance and her own thoughts moving back to ice cream she had forgotten about why she brought Tillstorm up.
Oh.. healing.. Minerva smiled again remember, "Well like I said we got interrupted pretty early by the Goblin. She had been going over what scores I need on my exams and we were just about to talk about Uni's when the door opened and she told me to leave." She shrugged and rocked onto her heals a bit. So what was this note thing again that Oakey was giving Truebrige..
Excitement crossed her face.. OAKEY HAS A CRUSH ON TRUEBRIGE!!!! He had to have written her a love note.. Clearly that would be the only thing possible in that note. giggle... giggle It had to be, but Oakey had a girlfriend, even if she wasn't speaking to her best friend anymore she wasn't going to let Oakey hurt her either, but it would be fun to watch the headmistress turn him down. More small giggles came out of her and a thought of isn't Oakey a little old for little I like you, love notes.
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
The hell was with that look Minerva was giving him? Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy.
"I informed Hadley and the other Heads along with Professor James, and Healer Tillstorm. I can put a notice up on the School Bulletin and on my Houses board." How did he conduct his research? "I-uh served a detention for Flamsteed, he wanted me to inspect, and mark down different...um, stains on Quidditch robes, then inform you all on what foods my classmates avoid before matches and practices."
Okay, Minerva was being really weird, and it wasn't cool. She should be distraught over her and Ariana's falling out. "What's so funny?" Oakey turned his head and eyed Minerva after her giggles.
Oh right, they had been interrupted by those evil goblins. "Right... well, I'd suggest going back to her again if you have the time. Healing's not a bad profession to enter, Minerva. I bid you good luck with it." Bunz forced a smile on her face despite the girl's weirdness and giggling... seemed like she needed a Healer more than she needed to become one... and turned back to Oakey.
"That sounds like a fine idea then," Anastasia replied with a curt nod. A detention with Flamsteed? The man actually gave out detentions? She wondered what the Head Boy had done to burst his perpetual bubble of happiness. Must have been something serious, hmm. "I see," was all she said though, not curious enough to pry.
Something was funny, was it? The redhead quirked an eyebrow in the Hufflepuff's direction. "If there's nothing further, you two, I should be going now...."
SPOILER!!: adults
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
It had been TERRIBLY amusing how the Potions Mistress had just slammed the door in their faces like that. One would have assumed that that had signaled a dismissal of some sort, but not for Airey and Medea. They had spent the next half an hour singing and dancing outside in the corridor to the woman's office, hoping that she would still join them.
She did not. Tragic really.
The pair, unable to sleep for whatever reason, had then danced their way around the castle - stopping in the kitchens for some more ice cream - and now found themselves at the Headmistress' office. "You KNOW what we should do?!" Airey exclaimed as he pointed to the spot where the stone gargoyles had once been. "We should pretend to be them and see if the Headmistress notices." Or any student that happened to come visit the Headmistress did for that matter. "I'll be the gargoyle on the right and you be the one on the left."
Bounding forward, Airey got into squatting position and made a face.
Best gargoyle impression EVER! And the fact that his tie had been burned down to the nub just really added to the full effect. The ice cream stains were sort of a dead give away though.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
She had been so set on having the potions mistress come dance with them, it was almost heartbreaking that she didn't come out of her office. Almost. No, it wasn't really. There were a ton of more places they could sing and dance and a lot more professors they could try to get to join them. Who wouldn't!?
Singing and dancing in the middle of the night was the hip new thing!
Just about to suggest to try whoever's office they were coming upon next, Medea GASPED at the brilliant idea Airey had. BRILLIANT! The Headmistress would never know! "A fantastic ideeaa!" Yes! Though her impression of a gargoyle had more laughing fits and giggles and trying to keep upright than anything after she saw Airey's expression. Her siiiiiides! Burning off all those ice cream calories tonight!
"OH! Oh, Airey!" Ending up sitting upon the floor with her back against the wall and legs out in front of her, she moved to her knees and pointed at him. And then to the stairs to the Headmistress's office. And then back to him. "Do you know vot the passvord is?" Anastasia HAD to dance and sing with them! She seemed like the type of woman that would be utterly perfect at it.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Airey was in the zone. This was just like planking. Only not really. It was like EXTREME planking because he had to role play at the same time. So....LARPing planking. It was going to be the new trend. Everyone was totally going to be catching on to it and they could thank him and Medea for it.
Ug. Medeeeeea! How was he supposed to do this if she was talking to him! Stone gargoyles didn't talk! Unless they were under some spell work. Hmmm. This had possibilities.
Taking on his new role - and keeping his face the same - he sloooooowly turned his head towards her. "I do not..." he said, eyebrows wiggling just a bit. "But I bet I can guess it before yoooooooou!"
"Cream Ice!"
Because saying it backwards MIGHT work first.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
That face and him talking did not work.
She couldn't even LAUGH properly because he'd already shouted out a guess for the password and this was now a com-pe-ti-tion! Which made her behind in guesses! Did not even register to her that it was called out backwards. Fiddlesticks, she couldn't think of a random password either. "You didn't even count to three..." Mutter mutter. OH!
Made sense.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Grinning from ear to ear, he was EVER so pleased that her password had not worked either. HA! The race was on!
It's a race a race I WIN I WIN!
Still crouching on all fours and with his gargoyle game face still on, Airey slooooooooowly turned his body sideways so he could see the entrance a little better.
"Ribbons Hair!" ummm "Daffodil Honking"
Cause her password was totally something backwards.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
There were how many words in the English language? And how many combinations of those words could one make for a password? Not to mention foreign languages, though Anastasiaaaaaa didn't seem like the type to do that. Maybe.
She still didn't realize Airey's guesses were backwards.
"SPARKLES! SUNSHINE! LOllIPOPS! And rainboooows, eveeerything that's voonderful..."
...Is sure to come your waaaay!
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Airey continued to ramble off Herbology related terms - and several dozen made up ones - while trying to guess the Headmistress' password. He really didn't know much about the subject, but it was more fun to make things up anyway. Fun was good. Fun was happy and...
OH! Was Medea kind of sort of singing words now to try and find a password. HE WAS GOING TO DO THIS TOO! And try to keep with his backwards thing he had going on. Knees cracking just a little as he shifted positions, and ignoring the pain in his lower back because he was far too happy to let it ruin things, he cleared his throat.
"Roses on Raindrops! Kittens on whiskers!" Okay, singing and moving words around at the same time was not as interesting as he thought. Sort of ruined the tone of the song too, so back to the norm it was. "Bright copper kettles!"
These are a few of my favorite things....
"WHAT IN MERLIN'S BLAZING UNDERPANTS IS GOING ON DOWN HERE?" The Headmistress had arrived, her eyes bleary from sleep, her hair up in rollers, her feet shod in fluffy bunny slippers, and one arm clinging to a grumpy, sleepy, fat ginger cat as well.
WHOOOOOO DAARED disturb her SLUMBERRRRRR? "ROMANOS?" the redhead barked, still squinting as she dug around in her robes for her wand. "FLAMSTEED?!" He was the only person in the castle who regularly SANG about everything. MER-LIN!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
After aw'ing from hearing the word kittens, a few more passwords came to mind. Kittens were just little sweetie pies weren't they? Sweets! "CHOCOLATE! NUTELLA!" What else was sweet? "ICE CREA-"
Oh, what adorable bunny slippers were now in her line of sight.
Looking UP from the floor, Medea stared blankly for a moment before smiling as if she'd seen the sun for the first time in years. What a lucky pair of professors she and Airey were!! Both Hecate AND the Headmistress were awake! "Sdrawei!" Oooooh my gosh! Medea GAAASPED as she spotted the brilliant orange cat in the woman's clutch.
"Headmistress...!!" Gaaaaasp. "He's beautiful." Or she.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Bunz and Oakey
Oh right, they had been interrupted by those evil goblins. "Right... well, I'd suggest going back to her again if you have the time. Healing's not a bad profession to enter, Minerva. I bid you good luck with it." Bunz forced a smile on her face despite the girl's weirdness and giggling... seemed like she needed a Healer more than she needed to become one... and turned back to Oakey.
"That sounds like a fine idea then," Anastasia replied with a curt nod. A detention with Flamsteed? The man actually gave out detentions? She wondered what the Head Boy had done to burst his perpetual bubble of happiness. Must have been something serious, hmm. "I see," was all she said though, not curious enough to pry.
Something was funny, was it? The redhead quirked an eyebrow in the Hufflepuff's direction. "If there's nothing further, you two, I should be going now...."
Minerva kept the goofy smile on her face.. Oakey and Truebridge sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S ew that was just gross even to think about.. A student kissing the headmistress... Weird... Oakey was weird... but whatever he just better not her Ariana.. She rolled onto her toes and back to her heels when the Headmistress talked about Healing being a good professor.. "Yes ma'am.. I think it will be.. I love helping people." She giggled at the word.. Helping.. people.. She could help right now.. Maybe tell the headmistress Oakey had a crush save her from reading the elementary school note.
Sighing thinking about going to see the healer again.. She got mean with Min last time she was there, but maybe if she takes her ice cream the healer would be nicer.. Yes that's exactly what Min decided she would do..
Looking at Oakey as he questioned her Minerva just smiled.. "Ooooohhhh nothing... I'll leave you two alone.." More giggles.. "Have a fabulous day and thank you headmistress for your time." With a nod and wave she bounced away.