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As you reach any entrance to the stands, a golden turnstile magically materializes out of thin air to effectively block your path. You cannot go around the turnstile and using magic on them will not have the slightest effect. If you wish to enter the stands, you need to pay a flat fee of 5 galleons for adults and alumni and 2 galleons for students to get in. Insert the money into the hole on top of the turnstile; the turnstile will then unlock and will allow you to pass through and climb the stairs to the stands...
...Welcome to the stands!
Grab a front-row seat in the house section of your choice and cheer on the House Quidditch teams as they battle for the Quidditch Cup!
Please remember to follow the school rules; rule-breakers will be punished by means of house point loss and/or detention.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Blizzards were heartbreaking. Not only had Alice become a human ice cube, but all of the food was mushy and soggy and snowy now. The only things that were safe were her jelly slugs, which she didn't like to share, but still offered Penelope because she was a lovely co-commentator like that.
"After that snitch capture by Montmorency," which was AWESOME, by the way, she had applauded even, "Slytherin's on a roll. Stark has the Quaffle.. Ravenclaws, where are you?" Alice paused to give them some time to catch up with him before leaning back into the microphone. "He's blocked by Branxton, flanked by the Ravenclaw beaters, and.. do you guys SEE McCarthy? He's waiting for it, looking something fierce, eyes on Kinsley as he catches Stark's toss.." WHERE WAS ODESSA? She stopped again, just to look around for him, and gave up after a few minutes of trying. "Kinsley feints to the left hoop, shoots right.. SCORE FOR SLYTHERIN. Hard luck, McCarthy." Really was.
But anyway. "Score's 100-70 to Slytherin." She waited for the cheers and boos to die down before leaning in again. "Quaffle to Ravenclaw, Branxton's got it." He was a really good Chaser, did he know? Excellent, really. Alice would need to get tips from him sometime. "Branxton starts up the pitch.. Stark has no time for games and is IN HIS WAY. FLAILING. ELBOWING. Watch out, Cactu- Branxton!" Was Scany actually trying to block him or just having broom issues? Hmm. "He passes to Johanson over Stark.. KINSLEY'S IN HER WAY.. is Johanson getting handsy with his hair?"
.. seriously.. in the middle of a match? Her eyes narrowed a little, but really, it looked like she was petting him with one hand and holding the Quaffle away with the other. And DORA'S boyfriend, too, that was some nerve. "She finally gets past him and passes to Castell, who shoots, and Hudson is DIVING but.. no point! It's wide! No score for Ravenclaw, she's missed."
And.. was that a THWACK she heard?
"Did Fairfield just hit a bludger?" Looked like it to Alice. She'd been so distracted by the Chaser play that she hadn't even been watching them. "Where's it going? It's heading straight for- GET OUT OF THE WAY MOVE WHAT'RE Y.. Odessa's hit. Looks like his nose." She LIKED his nose, gosh Elise.
Alice was cringing. And shooting nasty looks at certain beaters.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Despite the blizzard from earlier, Alec still headed up to the Stands with a bowl of ice cream clutched in his hands. Because ice cream was important, see. Couldn't go to an event like this without a nice bowl of the delicious dessert. It was like... some sort of unspoken rule. Yeah.
He also had a flask of hot chocolate clutched in his other hand. Just in case, you know.
After paying the two galleons with some difficulty, the sixteen year old walked up the stairs and over towards an empty seat. Which... well... there were quite a lot of empty seats here! This was weird... surely the match was starting soon, yeah? Shouldn't there be more people here already? Unless... they were going to get some ice cream before coming here, just like he had done. They could have an ice cream party here! How awesome would that be?
But... there was someone here! Let's get the ice cream party started, yeah? "Hey..." Friend of Candy Girl's whose name he didn't actually know. "You want some ice cream?" Like anyone was going to refuse ICE CREAM. ... And he was just... going to... sit down on an empty seat near her, yeah? She wouldn't mind, right?
Yeah well, descending and ascending turned to be tiring. She needed to rest, not that she was playing but her lungs must rest because she had some shouting cheering to do. So Cassia settled in HER spot, which she always occupies. It is hers no one gets to take it. However, anyone was welcome to sit beside her. So when Alec –who didn't know one of the fastest seekers- came and sat next to her, she smiled at him, "Hey!" She replied motioning for him to sit as he already did. Was this ice-cream? It certainly was. "Thank you, sure why not." Though it was a cold weather but she had forgotten to bring a snack. "Do you have another spoon.?" Legit question.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Now could they get back to quidditch!! Minerva made her way back to the stands the weather seemed to be better, so hopefully they could get it in. She had her usual boyfriend given ravenclaw jacket on to support her hot keeper boy, her thermos of hot chocolate, extra cups in her shoulder bag (because others might want some) and this time she brought some extra chocolate ice cream. This was a needed must, because people needed ice cream in the dead of winter watching quidditch.
Finding her seat Min set her bag down and pulled out the GO ETHAN sign that she had made and sat down. Sipping on her already made Ice Cream/ Hot Chocolate mix. Mmm that was good. Looking out at the pitch she saw the players and jumped up.. "GO RAVENCLAWS!! GO ETHAN!!" She hoped this round would be a little better, she knew her boyfriend had been frustrated before.
As she turned back around to the Stands she smiled seeing Alec and was that Cassia, right. "Hey guys!! Great day for Quidditch..How are you both?" She raised her cup to Alec, "I have more hot chocolate and cups if you would like to add some with your ice cream. I have that mix of course." Now eyes back to the pitch just to see a quaffle go through the rings, "It's alright E it's alright.. You'll em Hot Keeper Boy.. You'll get em.!"
Oh then they were joined by another Hufflepuff. Cassia smiled at the girl whom name she believed was Minerva, she see her around all the time. "Hi, I'm pretty well," She answered. "How're you?" She asked the girl and after a second she noticed the ice cream. Wow, didn't the Hogwartians like ice-cream. OH and she was cheering for her boyfriend. Well, that was reasonable. "Ethan, your boyfriend is the Prefect, right?" She asked causally. Conversation you know.
Oh the match started, Cassia turned her attention back to the pitch and saw her friends get on their brooms! She put her hands around her mouth and squeeeeeaked. "GO SNAKES!" Her friends fly awesomely, no? The Ravenclaws weren't bad themselves. Mhhmm.
DID they just catch a snitch! AWESOME! "EEEEEP! Keeeeep it up!" She chriped. Though she tried to not squeak much. For Alec's ears sake.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Penelope was TRYING not to eat too many jelly slugs at once so they could conserve them in case this match took a really long time, but it was hard. She was super hungry, okay? Cold made her hungry. Well technically everything did, but that wasn't the point. In an effort to keep her hands away from the slugs for a few minutes, she started fiddling with her Slytherin tie as she watched.
Theo scored and then - oh man, West got hit. That wasn't cool. She eyed Alice while that happened. Yeah, she wasn't pleased.
Probably ought to take that mic from her soon, yeah?
So she did.
"Okay, well, Hudson throws the Quaffle back into play - right at Stark since he's hovering carefully near that end of the pitch now. He hesitates but takes off, looking for someone to pass to. Ravenclaws are coming him quick, but Kinsley comes to his aid and Stark quickly throws it to him, and he takes off, rushing past the group of Claw Chasers. One in particular flies after him - Johanson, and she catches up quickly, elbowing him furiously when she reaches him. Hey, isn't that a - oh, yep, James is on it. Penalty for the Claws for cobbing." Seemed a weird penalty if biting and worse things were accepted, but she wasn't gonna argue. It was a pretty old rule anyway, been around awhile. "Play resumes and Kinsley throws the Quaffle to Odessa. Seems he's okay after that bludger. He reaches the hoops and throws it - but misses. Aw." Shame.
Asdfghjkl wait, was that the snitch again?!
"Seekers have spotted the snitch in the middle of the pitch and they're racing after it again. Stone was a little closer, but Montmorency is quickly gaining speed, and they're side-by-side now, trying to pass each other - it's Stone - it's Montmorency - Stone - Mont- He's reaching out - the snitch tries to change direct, moving to the right - but that only plays right into Montmorency's hands and he grabs the snitch! Slytherin now has two snitch captures!" Woo!
Not wasting any time on that though, it seemed, because Quaffle was quickly thrown back in after that miss. "McCarthy throws the Quaffle back into play, and Johanson catches it. She flies off, zigzagging to get around Slytherin's Chasers. Odessa tries to grab at the Quaffle as he passes her but she zigs away just enough to avoid him, and passes quickly to Castell who then tosses it to Branxton up by the hoops. He shoots - but it's blocked by a diving Hudson! No score, 150 to 65, Slytherin in the lead."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva smiled at the two, but kept moving her eyes back to the pitch. She wasn't going to let her eyes leave that Seventh year on a broom out there. No, he was the most important thing for her to watch. Then she cringed as the snakes got another quaffle past him. These snakes were good, but she knew nerves were probably getting the best of him as well.
She turned her eyes back on the other two. "Well that's good, I'm great! Be even better if Claws could win this and Ethan be in a good mood." She wanted him happy and wanted him to do well. She then got a huge grin on her face and looked to the pitch at her keeper boy. "Yes Ethan is a prefect this term and playing keeper for the first time. He's great." at everything she smiled looked back at the pitch. Then felt at little blush and sipped her hot chocolate again. Hmm needs more ice cream, "I'm going to scoop some more ice cream in my hot chocolate. Anyone want any? I have a few extra cups and spoons in my bag. I came prepared this time!!" When they had to wait it was the perfect time to hurry back to the castle and resupply.
Her eyes snapped as she heard his name.. What. what was going on with Ethan. Sighing with a little relief that no bludger was near him she grabbed her sign again, "Come on Hot Keeper Boy you can do this!! LETS GO CLAWS!!" She did have a few friends on the snake side, but they wouldn't blame her for wanting her boyfriends team to win, how could they. Now back to the ice scream. Scooping it into her cup her baby blues snapped again as she heard Alice saying about the bludger, was it coming to the stands. She should have brought her bat with her. Looking around she cringed as it hit West in the face. Ouch that had to hurt.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
OH HEY! Minnie was here!
Although, it was hard to miss Minnie's entrance into the Stands area since she was cheering rather loudly for her Ravenclaw. Alec grinned at the older girl as she turned to face him and Candy Girl's friend. He really needed to find out what the girl's name was and possibly give her a nickname too. After all, what if she got offended by only being known as Candy Girl's friend? Exactly.
"Yeah, it's brilliant!" You know, apart from the weather. "And I'm great, thanks to this little thing here!" As he said this, he held up his bowl of ice cream, still grinning. "How are you? And are you excited?" Was she? It was Quidditch, after all. GRIN.
OH. HEY. HEY HEY HEY! "YES!" ... He was enthusiastic about this idea. That was all. "We have enough for all three of us, right?" IT WAS TIME TO START THIS ICE CREAM PARTY! GRIN.
Hearing a loud screech and a familiar voice, the sixteen year old jumped and turned his attention over towards the commentators box. OH HEY. PENELOPE AND HULK! Did they want ice cream too? They each got a very enthusiastic wave from the boy before he turned back and-
Which was caught. By Dylan. Claps for you! "Come on Aidan! You can do this!" S Seekers, you know. Gotta support each other.
... Also... had the new friend girl been moving around a lot or...? "Anytime!" SEE, no one could resist ice cream! And anyone who did was just... well... that was just odd, yeah? As for whether he had another spoon... "Erm..." The boy tapped the pockets of his shirt before reaching into one and fishing out a plastic spoon. "For you! It hasn't been used!" he said, holding both the spoon and the bowl of ice cream out for the girl.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
"Back to Slytherin with the Quaffle. Odessa's got it, and Branxton's giving him a rough time. Is that SHOVING?" Not passive today, huh? Alice was watching intently. "Johanson's joined him. Watch out, Odessa, those Ravenclaws are coming at you." They needed to be GENTLER, gosh, he'd just like broken a nose. "He finally drops the Quaffle, but Kinsley's right underneath with the catch. He goes for the posts, shoots.. SPECTACULAR DIVE, McCarthy, but you just missed it by centimeters. 10 more points to the snakes."
What was that screeching? She looked around again for the familiar EEEEEEEEEE of the bludger, pointing frantically when she found it. "A bludger is coming straight for the Beaters! They all race to get to it first, and Ferrier's bat makes contact first! She hit it hard, folks, it spirals all the way down the pitch and gets an unsuspecting McCarthy right in the stomach." Ouch. Keeper guy had it hard today, poor guy.
Would have been better if it hit Elise. Hmph.
"Quaffle to Ravenclaw, Johanson's got it. Ascanius Stark has his game face on, everyone! Do you see him charging that girl?" Very terrifying. Alice nodded speculatively. "She passes to Branxton to get Stark off her tail, who's immediately blocked by Kinsley. He passes, fumbling a little.. Castell's got it!"
And. WAIT PAUSE DYLAN AND AIDAN WERE DOING STUFF. "Seekers have spotted the snitch, by the way. No big deal." Who cared? Back to the Chasers. "Castell's got an easy path to the posts, but Hudson looks ready.. SHE DIVES as Bee shoots.." Screw last names, this was INTENSE. "The quaffle catches her finger tips.. nope. Bounces off and spins through the hoops. Score for Ravenclaw, 160-65, with Slytherin still in the lead."
Right, now she could get back to the snitch. "Stone is ahead of Montmorency, but the Slytherin is right on his tail.. they seem to be heading towards.. the Stands? Our box? Is that a little golden ball hovering by my co-commentator?" NO WAIT PROTECT THE JELLY SLUGS. Alice grabbed her packet and jumped out of the way as they both came crashing into Penelope. "They're grappling.. and.. MONTMORENCY HAS IT, EVERYONE. HE HAS IT. HIS THIRD SNITCH OF THE GAME. SLYTHERIN WINS, 210-65." Alice watched elatedly as he pumped a victorious fist into the air, and then went to go help Penelope up. She was okay, not hurt or anything, just slightly surprised.
Acceptable, seeing as Aidan was somehow sitting on Shark Bait. He needed to move. Nudge, nudge, Stone. Before Stark sees you.
Also. Chaser noses.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
... Why did Astrid come here again?
She didn't know anyone who was playing. Maybe she recognised a few faces, like that Ravenclaw Chaser that was brunette and is a girl. Yeah, that girl looked familiar. Or maybe not. But she resembled someone. Then Astrid remembered. She heard Hulk Alice and Penelope were the commentators. So... that's pretty much it. Only that and nothing else. And maybe to see some cool Hogwarts students, of course.
Yay, Sl... Sl... what? Slytherin? Yes, Slytherin. Congratulations to them. Astrid just clapped her hands and stuff and then waved at Penelope and Mama Biter. She also gave them a TWO THUMBS UP. See? You two did well.
Could she leave now? Or not? Maybe her real daddy (not Bro Alec/Super Daddy. AHEM.) was waiting for her at Hogsmeade. She'll have to find him though.
Ugh. Okay.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Alexa had been watching this game real close, so close that she'd been on the edge of her seat, not noticing people really and watching. Quidditch was good stuff, yeah, sure, mhm.
OH! Final snitch catch! Noooooooooooow she could respond to everything around her and there was jumping and screaming. Like with any other game she wasn't playing in, she didn't care who won, she was just cheering for individuals on each team.
"GREAT GAME GUYS!!! You were all amazing!!" Okay so that was meant for everyone but it was more meant for some than others. Just saying and now that the match was over she was craving some ice-cream. YES, the weather was cold but that DIDN'T make her want some any less. Ice-cream was the perfect end to any Quidditch match.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
INTENSE GAME WAS INTENSE. Penelope was glad Alice had taken up the commentary for now because she just wanted to eat jelly slugs and watch. This was when games got REALLY exciting, when there were a maximum of one or two snitches left to be caught. She did pay attention to the Chasers for reasons but she also kept an eye out for the snitch -
There it was!
Her eyes locked on it until - asdfgjkjklkdaklklaksd.
She didn't have time to try to move out of the way before Aidan plowed into her, knocking her to the ground. She felt slightly disoriented for a moment, but as she heard it announced Slytherin had won, she looked over to see Dylan had the snitch. Cool. And Alice looked to be okay, and she felt okay too now that she had her bearings. Felt like something was on her though...
Oh. Aidan. Blink. "Good game, Aidan. Get off me though?" She wasn't mad. But, y'know, she'd like to stand up so she could properly give congrats and stuff.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Cassia's eyes moving from player to another, from quaffle to bludger...the snitch was too fast and tiny for her to see. If she tried harder she might succeed but she just didn't. Effort. And the important thing was that the captain spots it, which he did. Awesome! Absolutely awesome!
Text Cut: Min
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva smiled at the two, but kept moving her eyes back to the pitch. She wasn't going to let her eyes leave that Seventh year on a broom out there. No, he was the most important thing for her to watch. Then she cringed as the snakes got another quaffle past him. These snakes were good, but she knew nerves were probably getting the best of him as well.
She turned her eyes back on the other two. "Well that's good, I'm great! Be even better if Claws could win this and Ethan be in a good mood." She wanted him happy and wanted him to do well. She then got a huge grin on her face and looked to the pitch at her keeper boy. "Yes Ethan is a prefect this term and playing keeper for the first time. He's great." at everything she smiled looked back at the pitch. Then felt at little blush and sipped her hot chocolate again. Hmm needs more ice cream, "I'm going to scoop some more ice cream in my hot chocolate. Anyone want any? I have a few extra cups and spoons in my bag. I came prepared this time!!" When they had to wait it was the perfect time to hurry back to the castle and resupply.
Her eyes snapped as she heard his name.. What. what was going on with Ethan. Sighing with a little relief that no bludger was near him she grabbed her sign again, "Come on Hot Keeper Boy you can do this!! LETS GO CLAWS!!" She did have a few friends on the snake side, but they wouldn't blame her for wanting her boyfriends team to win, how could they. Now back to the ice scream. Scooping it into her cup her baby blues snapped again as she heard Alice saying about the bludger, was it coming to the stands. She should have brought her bat with her. Looking around she cringed as it hit West in the face. Ouch that had to hurt.
Cassia didn't want to sound rude anything but she wanted to point out that the Slytherins were likely to win because they caught two snitches. But the older Hufflepuff was in such a good mood and cheering for her boyfriend so it'd just be rude to say that. So the snake help her tongue and smiled over, "Well, both teams are playing pretty well,anyway," She said excitedly. Cassia peered at Min's cup, she -Cassia- had never tried this combination of hot chocolate and ice-cream together. She made a mental note to do so. "Thank you, Alec offered me." She answered. Okay, she was ALWAYS going to sit with Hufflepuffs at the stands. Such generous people. And cheer good.
Text Cut: Alec
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
OH HEY! Minnie was here!
Although, it was hard to miss Minnie's entrance into the Stands area since she was cheering rather loudly for her Ravenclaw. Alec grinned at the older girl as she turned to face him and Candy Girl's friend. He really needed to find out what the girl's name was and possibly give her a nickname too. After all, what if she got offended by only being known as Candy Girl's friend? Exactly.
"Yeah, it's brilliant!" You know, apart from the weather. "And I'm great, thanks to this little thing here!" As he said this, he held up his bowl of ice cream, still grinning. "How are you? And are you excited?" Was she? It was Quidditch, after all. GRIN.
OH. HEY. HEY HEY HEY! "YES!" ... He was enthusiastic about this idea. That was all. "We have enough for all three of us, right?" IT WAS TIME TO START THIS ICE CREAM PARTY! GRIN.
Hearing a loud screech and a familiar voice, the sixteen year old jumped and turned his attention over towards the commentators box. OH HEY. PENELOPE AND HULK! Did they want ice cream too? They each got a very enthusiastic wave from the boy before he turned back and-
Which was caught. By Dylan. Claps for you! "Come on Aidan! You can do this!" S Seekers, you know. Gotta support each other.
... Also... had the new friend girl been moving around a lot or...? "Anytime!" SEE, no one could resist ice cream! And anyone who did was just... well... that was just odd, yeah? As for whether he had another spoon... "Erm..." The boy tapped the pockets of his shirt before reaching into one and fishing out a plastic spoon. "For you! It hasn't been used!" he said, holding both the spoon and the bowl of ice cream out for the girl.
Candy Girl would be so proud!
Accepting the spoon with a beam, Cassia grinned at Alec, "Thanks again, Smart to bring another one," And fortunate for her. Cassia, casually, dipped her spoon in the bowl taking a spoonful of ice-cream in her mouth. Always delicious. She'd have said that out loud but her mouth was full so she ended up nodding at Alec with an approving look. That should be translated as that is very delicious. Hopefully, the seeker would get it...or he'd just think Cassia was weird. After swallowing and reaching for another spoon she turned to Alec and said, "And I'm Cassia by the way," Because she was eating from his bowl. And she knew him because he was an important player so it'd be awkward that she didn't introduce herself. So she did.
And THEY WON! Cassia kinda jumped up as the Gryffindor captain announced that Snakes have caught the third snitch. Brilliant. Now the common room will be all happy and beaming and stuffs. No grouchy faces. Clapping her hands she cheered some more and shouted a couple of encouraging words for the team and stuffs.
Oh look, Lex was there. Cassia waved at her excitedly with a grin on her face. She hadn't seen her, the lioness must have been carried away with the game. Mhhm. Definitely that.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Last edited by the fastest seeker; 06-22-2013 at 06:06 PM.
INTENSE GAME WAS INTENSE. Penelope was glad Alice had taken up the commentary for now because she just wanted to eat jelly slugs and watch. This was when games got REALLY exciting, when there were a maximum of one or two snitches left to be caught. She did pay attention to the Chasers for reasons but she also kept an eye out for the snitch -
There it was!
Her eyes locked on it until - asdfgjkjklkdaklklaksd.
She didn't have time to try to move out of the way before Aidan plowed into her, knocking her to the ground. She felt slightly disoriented for a moment, but as she heard it announced Slytherin had won, she looked over to see Dylan had the snitch. Cool. And Alice looked to be okay, and she felt okay too now that she had her bearings. Felt like something was on her though...
Oh. Aidan. Blink. "Good game, Aidan. Get off me though?" She wasn't mad. But, y'know, she'd like to stand up so she could properly give congrats and stuff.
Like a true Seeker, his focus had been entirely on the snitch. There wasn't even a glance to Dylan. Not this time. He. HAD. To. Catch. That. Snitch.
That...obviously didn't happen, but he had no idea who he'd collided into. He just heard Alice's announcement and groaned, not daring to open his eyes yet. Until he felt the person under him shift. And after that, heard her voice.
He was on Penelope........
A deep blush immediately appeared on Aidan's face. He placed a hand on the ground on each side of her to lift himself up, but just a bit. He hesitated, staring wide-eyed at the Gryffindor, blush deepening every second.
After a minute of staring into her eyes, he found his head. And his voice, "S-sorry, Penelope."BLUSH. The Ravenclaw quickly pushed himself off of her, stood up and then offered a hand to help her.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva smiled, "Yes they are doing well." She hoped Cassia didn't think she was being rude or anything. It was just her boyfriend so he had to cheer for the claws. It was a rule and stuff. Eyes back at the certain keeper, Minerva jumped to her feet with her sign as he blocked a quaffle. "That's it.. Wooohooo Ethan.. That's my boy!!" She was so proud of him and it wasn't obvious or anything.
Finishing her hot chocolate she bent down to get more. This time putting more ice cream in the cup and less hot chocolate. It was better that way anyway. Looking up she saw Alexa, "Hey Lex.. having fun? Want some ice cream I think between Alec and I we have plenty." See right here if you want some because it was great and stuff.
Focusing back on the pitch she wasn't really watching the game at all, no her eyes were in one spot gazing about how adorable he was on that broom and eating her ice cream when she jumped and took off to the edge of the stands. Ethan was hit by a bludger.. NOOOOOOOO.. How on earth.. They weren't playing around him.. Glaring towards the snake that sent it that way. She bit her lip with worry. There was nothing she could do from up here.. She hated that part. Sitting back down and almost sitting on Alec from keeping her eyes on Ethan, "Oh.. umm sorry Alec." Never really looking at him. She wanted to get down to that pitch, she need to help Ethan, be with Ethan.
Taking another bite of her ice cream she heard the game was over, not focusing on the game anymore she didn't even really care or knew who won. She was just ready to get out of there. "Here you guys can have the rest of this.. " She handed them the thermos of hot chocolate, took one last bite.. okay maybe one more.. two more.. okay.. okay last one.. handed them the rest of the ice cream. "I should get down there..." but Ethan flying to the ground and stumbling caught her eye. She stood up and watched in horror. All hyperness and ice cream thought moving from the worry an anxiety that only Ethan could bring. She watched.. and watched wibbling the more he sat in the snow looking really hurt. He was super hurt, worse than last term. This was not good.. Not good at all. She needed down there, she needed down there now. Would Professor J flip if she went out on the pitch. She gripped down to what she thought was her bag but was Alec's arm. Not realizing it was his arm she most likely was putting her nails into his skin from her anxiety of watching Ethan. Then she saw his hand go to his mouth. Was he hurt somewhere else as well. She felt the tears stinging her eyes, she could not handle seeing him hurt. She would take a thousand bludgers before watching him in pain like this..
Last edited by Bazinga; 06-22-2013 at 08:05 PM.
Reason: adding Ethan from pitch...
Waves for Cassia and point out the obvious for Aidan XD
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Boy, now that she wasn't paying attention anymore she could tell that she'd been missing a lot. Like Cassia! How did she not notice the girl sitting just over there??
"HAI!!" Because words were necessary too. "Congrats on your team winning!" Again, Lex only cared about the people, not the actual team but she wouldn't say that.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Finishing her hot chocolate she bent down to get more. This time putting more ice cream in the cup and less hot chocolate. It was better that way anyway. Looking up she saw Alexa, "Hey Lex.. having fun? Want some ice cream I think between Alec and I we have plenty." See right here if you want some because it was great and stuff.
Oh? Minnie!! Lex looked over at her and flashed her a wide GRIN. "I sure am! That was a really good game--they usually are I guess." GASP, she was being offered ice-cream!! EEeeeep!! The grin got wider (if that was possible). "You and Hair Boy have ice-cream?! I'd love some!! You have it with you now???" Questions, very important ones. Ones that were interrupted by Aidan crashing into Penelope.
"GREAT GAME!!" Because he was too far away for her to not shout. Also, "DUUUUUUDE, YOU'RE WHOLE FACE IS RED! DID YOU KNOW??"
He might not have. It was important she mentioned it. Nodnodnod.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Cassia! And Candy Girl towards the end!
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
Accepting the spoon with a beam, Cassia grinned at Alec, "Thanks again, Smart to bring another one," And fortunate for her. Cassia, casually, dipped her spoon in the bowl taking a spoonful of ice-cream in her mouth. Always delicious. She'd have said that out loud but her mouth was full so she ended up nodding at Alec with an approving look. That should be translated as that is very delicious. Hopefully, the seeker would get it...or he'd just think Cassia was weird. After swallowing and reaching for another spoon she turned to Alec and said, "And I'm Cassia by the way," Because she was eating from his bowl. And she knew him because he was an important player so it'd be awkward that she didn't introduce herself. So she did.
"Anytime!" he said, grinning, "Thanks! Looks like I brought enough too..." At this, his grey-blue eyes shifted away from the girl and looked around at the Stands. Because, apart from them, there didn't seem to be that many people here. ... And that look on the young girl's face? He looked back at her and grinned, taking it as a sign that she approved of the ice cream, yeah? Or that she liked it? ... Maybe he'll just take it as a good sign. Yeah... "Nice ice cream?"
... Oh? Introductions? YES! Now he wasn't going to look like a lost puppy! "It's great to meet you, Cassia!" What nicknames could you bring about from that name? Or was it too early for nicknames? "I'm Alec, Alec Summers!" Not Winters. Just saying.
Also, Candy Girl? When did she come? Shaking his head, the sixteen year old grinned and waved enthusiastically at her. Now... when were they going to have that kitchen ice cream party?
Text Cut: Game stuff and Minnie!
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Focusing back on the pitch she wasn't really watching the game at all, no her eyes were in one spot gazing about how adorable he was on that broom and eating her ice cream when she jumped and took off to the edge of the stands. Ethan was hit by a bludger.. NOOOOOOOO.. How on earth.. They weren't playing around him.. Glaring towards the snake that sent it that way. She bit her lip with worry. There was nothing she could do from up here.. She hated that part. Sitting back down and almost sitting on Alec from keeping her eyes on Ethan, "Oh.. umm sorry Alec." Never really looking at him. She wanted to get down to that pitch, she need to help Ethan, be with Ethan.
Taking another bite of her ice cream she heard the game was over, not focusing on the game anymore she didn't even really care or knew who won. She was just ready to get out of there. "Here you guys can have the rest of this.. " She handed them the thermos of hot chocolate, took one last bite.. okay maybe one more.. two more.. okay.. okay last one.. handed them the rest of the ice cream. "I should get down there..." but Ethan flying to the ground and stumbling caught her eye. She stood up and watched in horror. All hyperness and ice cream thought moving from the worry an anxiety that only Ethan could bring. She watched.. and watched wibbling the more he sat in the snow looking really hurt. He was super hurt, worse than last term. This was not good.. Not good at all. She needed down there, she needed down there now. Would Professor J flip if she went out on the pitch. She gripped down to what she thought was her bag but was Alec's arm. Not realizing it was his arm she most likely was putting her nails into his skin from her anxiety of watching Ethan. Then she saw his hand go to his mouth. Was he hurt somewhere else as well. She felt the tears stinging her eyes, she could not handle seeing him hurt. She would take a thousand bludgers before watching him in pain like this..
But the GAME! That was something he should be concentrating on, yeah? Alec sat up slightly and watched the Seekers in particular as they flew after the tiny, walnut sized ball. The green and blue clad robes flew... right...
... Uh oh.
But... this meant that the game was over, right? Because Dylan had caught the third and final Snitch of the game and Aidan... was... red in the face, according to Candy Girl. He had no time to comment or look to see whether the Seekers and the commentators were okay, though, because before he knew it, someone had sat down right onto his lap.
Oh... Minnie... HEY there! Alec grinned and nodded. She was handing him the hot chocolate thermos and ice cream? AWESOME! ... Yeah... he'd wait for her to eat up as much of the ice cream as she wanted. And then he'd finish it off. It wasn't bad, okay? It was a GOOD thing; the ice cream would just go to waste otherwise and there was no way in which he was going to allow that.
Oh right. The girl had said something! "Erm... no, no, that's fi-i-arghhhhhh!" HOLY MOLY, WHY WAS THE OLDER HUFFLEPUFF GRIPPING ONTO HIS ARM SO MUCH?! "Minnie... Minnie, I..." What was he meant to say at a time like this? Because one look down at the pitch told him all he needed to know about a certain Ravenclaw Prefect's state and yet... well... the girl's nails were kind of digging into his skin. As if she had talons for nails and he had thrown ice cream at her and her way of retaliating was by SCRATCHING and HURTING his arm. ... Which... he wouldn't do. Throw ice cream, that is. "M-M-Minnie... he'll be... I mean... he just needs... Healer..." Be strong, Summers! Don't whimper.
Also, let go of his arm, please? He kind of needed it.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva laughed did they have it here.. Was it snowing, was quidditch going on right now? Of course they had ice cream right now. "Come on up, I have hot chocolate in this thermos and ice cream in this container. We are prepared don't worry. Plus you should know from what your first term I am always prepared with goodies." Did she forget the gummy worms? She pulled another spoon from her bag and held it out for Alexa.
Minerva kept her eyes towards the pitch. Why was no one tending to him. His own team seemed oblivious to his injuries. What was going on.. Was he really really hurt, should the healer go to him.. what was that noise.. She didn't want to take her eyes off of Ethan, but someone seemed in pain.. "Oh my God Alec I am so sorry.. Are you alright. I didn't mean to, I mean I didn't know I was grabbing your arm. Is it alright?" That was the last thing she needed to do was hurt her own teammate. Eyes flashing back at the pitch, "I... I need to go.. " She got up and hurried out of the stands.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
...She raised an eyebrow. Was she gonna have to repeat herself? Or push him off herself? Because he was just kinda sitting there and staring... She didn't want to be mean and push him off since he was her friend, but seriously... Oh, there he went. Finally. She sat up and accepted his hand, pulling herself up quickly then letting go. "S'okay." Crashing into people happened sometimes, yeah? All a part of Quidditch.
And...what was Alexa saying? Aidan's face was red? So what? Did Alexa like his face that much that she noticed when it was red? Penelope just looked over at the younger Gryffindor for a moment before shrugging it off.
She turned to Dylan then, grinning at him. "Great job." He and Aidan had both played really good. She hadn't been sure which of them would catch three snitches, but she was really proud Dylan had won.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
S'cuuuse me, pardon me, commentator comin' through
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Of course she was excited for the match, this was quidditch and LOOK WHO WERE PLAYING but what really got her was the beautiful piece of equipment in her hand. So shiny, so loud. SHE would be loud and this would all be magnificent. With this mic, she would control the game!!...Okay...no...not really...but she could lie to herself. It was easy, all she had to do was pretend. Nodnodnod.
"Pardon me, coming through--OI, can't you see me walking here! I can't possibly be expected to carry a mic, two bowls of huge sundaes and still be meant to watch where I'm going. Think about it." MERLIN.
Now where was she? Right, going to the commentator's box. Hehehehehe. She plopped down and placed the bowls somewhere they were safe for the match. NOW TO TEST THE MIC. Tap. Tap. TAP!!!!! SCREEEEEEECH!
Yup. It worked. GRIN.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Another Quidditch match! Jory was here to support his House, obviously. Hopefully, they would play way better than their last match. Hufflepuff had the best team after all. And there was Alexa! "Alexa!'' he called out and waved as he went by. And she had ice cream! "I should have brought some too!'' He could still turn back and get some. "Nah. I'll wait until after the game,'' he decided.
Jory continued, ascending in the Stands, looking for a good seat and any of his friends.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Quidditch. She had been cutting down on food and meals to afford paying this fee. They should not make her pay since she always made sure to attend. She was a sport-kinda-person. But nope, she still paid. She walked towards the stands giggling the galleons in her hand till she slid them into the turnstiles. A glare for this object before she proceeded to her usual spot. Yup. HERS.
OH OH OH! Lex! Yes, her bestie was commentating. How cool was that. Probably cooler if Cassia actually played but still. Watching as the lioness made her way to the commentating box and bumped into many people, Cassia waved enthusiastically giving her thumbs-up. As in you're gonna do great. Then came the screeeeech. The snake covered her ears and winced. Tha twas annoying. Very. But she offered another distant smile towards Lex then headed to her spot.
She settled, her bag in her lap. And stretched her arms. She was tired. But sitting in the common room while there was a game wasn't an option. Because you go see people not sit alone. That's why she was here, although snakes weren't playing. To see human beings.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
She wasn't nervous, Nooo, not at all... eh heh was that sweat?! She was sweating. Merlin, by did she tell professor James she'd do this again? Ugh, right cause she didn't think it was a big deal a week ago, But the more the snake thought of it, The more nervous she became.
Rubing the back of her neck with one hand and one of her boyfriends yummy orange veggie drinks in hand she walked up the steps... Slowly, Taking her time when she heard someone tapping on the Mic followed by it's loud screeeeeech, o.O who was touching HER Mic.. well hers for the day, Ooohhh, maybe her partner?!?! It better be someone cool calm and collected.
Walking up another flight of stairs she finally emerged onto the stands where she could see the pitch and looked down on it, for a moment before going over to the commentator box........
ASDFGHJKL!!!!! Why was SHE there?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
"Cambridge, don't poke my Mic." yes she did say hers... Now scoooot child, her partner should be there soon.
*offers a Bunz* won't be here for the actual match though, due to work <_<
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Bunz would NEVER miss a Hufflepuff quidditch game. And certainly never a match against Ravenclaw, her house's rival of old!
Dressed warmly for the weather, the redhead climbed up HIGH into the stands and wedged herself into a spot in the farthest corner. She wanted NO BUSINESS with snitches trying to get in her hair today. She just wanted to watch a nice, clean, peaceful match.
One in which Hufflepuff won, of course. That was all.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Kat wasn't going to miss a match. She was here at the moment. Yep, that meant she had paid that stupid toll of how many knuts and was now seated somewhere not too far from the commentator's box.
The whole match was going to be amusing. Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff, two pretty tough teams. However they were nothing compared to Slytherin. Her own house was unbeatable, so what more can she say? The players were amazing, and there goes the commentators. Pseudo!sister Lex and Logan. That was a very... interesting pair to make. Especially now since... well, look. It was obvious. But whatever. The game. It hadn't started yet, so that meant patience.
Pfffffft. Patience. Just get the match over with now, please.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Theo didn't like spending money to come here, but it was something he had to do to watch Quidditch. Because watching it was almost as fun as playing it. Almost. Theo trudged along after paying, with a bagel in his hand. He'd nibbled it a bit, but decided to save the rest for when the match started.
He wasn't planning on supporting anyone in particular, just here to simply observing, though Hufflepuff were slightly his favourites once he arrived. Not for any real reason, only that the yellow colour was a bit more appealing today.
Theo found a seat and settled into it. And into his bagel.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
And there was Alexa! "Alexa!'' he called out and waved as he went by. And she had ice cream! "I should have brought some too!'' He could still turn back and get some. "Nah. I'll wait until after the game,'' he decided.
Jory continued, ascending in the Stands, looking for a good seat and any of his friends.
She felt like she could see everything from up here, like legit! Loooook! The first person to catch her eye was Jory and he was saying hi to her so after carefully putting the mic down to avoid screeching and gave him a wave. "Hey Jory!!!"
And who else could she spot in the stands...?
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
OH OH OH! Lex! Yes, her bestie was commentating. How cool was that. Probably cooler if Cassia actually played but still. Watching as the lioness made her way to the commentating box and bumped into many people, Cassia waved enthusiastically giving her thumbs-up. As in you're gonna do great. Then came the screeeeech. The snake covered her ears and winced. Tha twas annoying. Very. But she offered another distant smile towards Lex then headed to her spot.
Alexa was waving frantically about now! It was one of her best friiiends. She would hear her commentating! Yaaaay!!! She would about to call to her when she saw her reaction to the mic screeching and gave her an apologetic smile instead.
"SORRY! But Hi!!!!" The hi was still in order even after the mic thing. Mhm.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Bunz would NEVER miss a Hufflepuff quidditch game. And certainly never a match against Ravenclaw, her house's rival of old!
Dressed warmly for the weather, the redhead climbed up HIGH into the stands and wedged herself into a spot in the farthest corner. She wanted NO BUSINESS with snitches trying to get in her hair today. She just wanted to watch a nice, clean, peaceful match.
One in which Hufflepuff won, of course. That was all.
OHHHHHH!! The Headmistress was here now!! Seeing as she was sitting up here she couldn't actually bother speak with her sooo...she took the mic in hand again.
"HAI HEADMISTRESS TRUEBRIDGE!! Look! I have a mic now! I got a mic!!! You can hear me right?!" Because she sounded way cooler with this thing. Obviously.
Originally Posted by JennMarie
ASDFGHJKL!!!!! Why was SHE there?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
"Cambridge, don't poke my Mic." yes she did say hers... Now scoooot child, her partner should be there soon.
Then Logan happened. Crawling into the commentator box like that. as it even ALLOWED. She had half a mind to be loud about it. Let everyone know what she was trying to do but then something stopped her.
"Your mic? Eh? "Sorry sweet cheeks but this is MY mic today. I'm commentating and my partner is getting that seat and THAT ice-cream so scoot!" No. No mic sharing. HER mic. Mooooove Logan.
She stuck the mic behind her, cringing when it screeched again then took her bowl of ice-cream and ignored the girl.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Anastasia was just settling into her seat and looking into getting out a blanket of some sort for her lap when her ears started bleeding. Or that's what it FELT like, due to the merpeople like SCREECHING coming out of the cold air.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
OHHHHHH!! The Headmistress was here now!! Seeing as she was sitting up here she couldn't actually bother speak with her sooo...she took the mic in hand again.
"HAI HEADMISTRESS TRUEBRIDGE!! Look! I have a mic now! I got a mic!!! You can hear me right?!" Because she sounded way cooler with this thing. Obviously.
The Headmistress' hands quickly went to cover her ears. "YES, CAMBRIDGE, I CAN HEAR YOU," she nodded and shouted in the girl's general direction. "THE MICROPHONE IS WORKING FINE." Geez, Erin should have given these commentators lessons in how to USE one before just handing it over to them!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind