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As you reach any entrance to the stands, a golden turnstile magically materializes out of thin air to effectively block your path. You cannot go around the turnstile and using magic on them will not have the slightest effect. If you wish to enter the stands, you need to pay a flat fee of 5 galleons for adults and alumni and 2 galleons for students to get in. Insert the money into the hole on top of the turnstile; the turnstile will then unlock and will allow you to pass through and climb the stairs to the stands...
...Welcome to the stands!
Grab a front-row seat in the house section of your choice and cheer on the House Quidditch teams as they battle for the Quidditch Cup!
Please remember to follow the school rules; rule-breakers will be punished by means of house point loss and/or detention.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Oh look. The match has started!
Kat just EYED everything at the pitch. Great saves, great chasing, great beating. Was that her pseudo!sister over there? Woooh! Proud fake!sis moment. The Slytherin prefect clapped at all of those. However that made her sound like a Gryffindor supporter? Well, she was on no team's side. Bee wasn't even playing so yeah. Just gonna support for them all. That was the plan. And look! Told you Alice was a good chaser. "Nice throw, Biter!"
And then suddenly...
HEY THE SNITCH. Kat continued to watch it as it fluttered its wings around the pitch and then... WOOOOOH! Penelope arrived with the snitch. She liked that girl, really. Kat was happy for the fourth year and even smiled.
"Go Penelope!"
Oh no. The Ravenclaws heard nothing. Nuh uh.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Ariana, Indy, announcing as well.. add in Tobias..
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Indy and Ariana.. commentating as well..
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Indiana was quite exited today. It was the last quidditch match of the year. Sure she was sad she wasn't out there playing, but it meant that she would be able to go and support in the stands. She could see her boyfriend too. Which would be pretty fun. She had her cool top on, although it kind of made her look like she supported gryffindor. But she was hoping that her blue strips on her face, and the blue ribbons that she had plaited into her hair would help everyone work out she was really supporting Ravenclaw.
Humming to herself she wandered along the stands, looking for Wade. Ahh. There he was. She scooted along the line until she sat in the seat next to him. "Hey Wade." She beamed at him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "You better be supporting Ravenclaw."
Originally Posted by JennMarie
She was Late as al get out, but she was here, cause QUIDDITCH and that was all. skipping every other step up to the stands she pushed her long black hair behind her shoulders before she hard that mic SCREECHHHH good Hippogriffs, when would people learn not to SCREAM into that thing to start. "blibbering idiot" she said walking up a few more steps..
wait.. who was that!?!?
was that who she thought it was?
whuuuttt. it was oakey.. she didn't know he as commentating today.. silleh boyfriend forgetting to tell her things..
oh.. and Dylan.. this should be good...
Minerva shut her eyes for a few moments and took a few deep breaths.. So many people were here she had to put on a happy face.. She had to. She owed that to Ethan..Her head hurt from forcing the tears back and she put her fingers to the bridge of her nose. About jumping out of her skin when she heard the loud noise of the commentating. She blinked a few times.. How did she miss them starting.. Where was her mind today. Clapping loudly as Ethan's name was announcing she was so thrilled he was doing well she just wished she could show it more. She had to show it more.. She was use to faking happy she had done it since second term, why was it so hard to do it now.. It had to be that poison.. it had to be.
Blue eyes snapping as she heard Ethan's name again from Dylan.. She forced herself to her feet... "That's my hot keeper boy!!! Alright Ethan!!!" Forcing loud and hyper was hard.... so hard.. but she had to.. she just did for him. Seeing a figure pass her she grabbed her arm, "Hey Ari... Come to enjoy the match you to snuggle the commentator." Of course she was meaning Oakey...but if she wanted to snuggle Dylan well that was probably going to be an issue with all parties..
Noticing someone sit next to Kitty she gave a nod, "Hey Indy.. How are you?" Indy was the girlfriend then, yes? This is what Min had heard, she had just seen the girl recently and had appreciated the help even if she didn't express it at the time. Everyone was being super sensitive and nice to her, well most at least glares at Nash .
Her eyes snapped once again at the pitch as the bludger hit MO.. NO.. no.. not one her her claw boys, because yes she had them now.. She would have to force energy later make him something to help him feel better. Maybe even make the entire team something last match type dinner or something. She would have to see if she could fight the to much effort feeling she was having first. [b] "Come on Claws.. You Got this!!! Keep it up Ethan.. You're doing great." She watched a bit more, "Quick hands keeper boy.. Quick hands" Why was she yelling this... She knew he was a fantastic keeper and his hands were just fine...
Looking back at Tobias she frowned even more. She hated seeing him so sad.. It just wasn't fair.. It was one thing for her to be poisoned, but her anxiety was getting the best of her to think Ethan had poisoned himself, even though he didn't seem to have the same effect she did, but she saw him take it so she knew he was poisoned now.. Now her Kitty Toby.. It just wasn't right. "Well I'm glad you're here.. I'm cheering on claws as well." Of course she was...
"GO CLAWS!!! GO HOT KEEPER BOY!!! see even when all she wanted to do was cry.. she forced herself to cheer and act normal..
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Slllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp. Best one he's made yet by far. His eyes were almost closed if it weren't for Dylan and his keen eyes also spotting the Snitch along with the two Seeker in the game right now. His eyes eventually fell on Penelope and Aiden going neck and neck for the snitch. When the snitch was caught Oakey noticed he was on the edge of his seat. The lid to his Fruit Smoothie had come just a bit loose too, but Oakey had not noticed. He waited until it looked like Dylan had finished. He was DONE with his turn yeah? looked like it anyways...So....He took the Microphone back.
"CRAZY GOOD!" Oakey yelled into the mic. "Awesome fight for the Snitch really! Great try on Stones part." Oakey kept a close eye on what else had been happening on the field. "Sung puts the Quaffle back in Play! Christmas and Alice go down the field zooming past the Ravenclaws! Mo looks to have recovered slightly from the previously painful sounding Bludger hit and is right on their tails! Christmas tosses it off to Alice who then goes for one more try against Ethan, but still no luck! Ethan had really proven his worth as the Keeper to beat this term. HEY ETHAN! YOU SHOULD JOIN THE CANNONS!!" Hmmm, Maybe he shouldn't be doing his Guardians job, and just commentate the game. "Ethan puts the quaffle back in play and gives it off to Nigel who path is blocked instantly by the Lions! ELIZA DAWNSEL, comes up behind Nigel and the Crayclaws trade off Eliza zooms past the defenders with Quaffle in hand and she passes it off to Mo! He goes for the shot and and SCOOOOOOOOORE! Sung just misses saving the Quaffle Quaffle by a few Bristles of her Broom!" Oakey was so pre-occupied by the action that the Chasers were displaying that he had not seen the Beaters flying for the Bludger! He heard a loud crack and the Bludger went wild directly over the Commentator's booth! "Oi! ELISE, That was on purpose! Quit holding a grudge against me!!" Seriously she was not a good Crazy. She must still think he intentionally tried to feed her to the Dragon in the Gringott's Vaults.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus chewed on her bottom lip and fidgeted on her seat as her eyes were strained hard on the match currently taking place at the Pitch. She felt horrible that her eagles were up there, giving it all they've got while she was here, sitting on the Stands near the commentator box where the Slytherin Captain and Hufflepuff Headboy were stationed. Oh, and by the way......has she mentioned that she wasn't amused that her boyfriend was sporting too much Gryffindor? To think that she was a Ravenclaw and that he knew that she has a peculiar kinship with a former Gryffindor that was oh so close to him....
Hence, instead of conversing with him about the flow of the match, she was choosing to aim all her frustrations at the girl beside her, who apparently was her own bestie, Indiana Hutchinson. "We're on the lead, we're on the lead!" said Beezus as she slapped one of Indy's legs.
It made a sound of whip being cracked that she had to smile sheepishly at her friend and offer a peace sign. "Er, and hi Wade." That was him on Indy's other side, was it not?
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Can I get the mic back? Yea? K, thanks.
"We seen what you did there, Fischer." She'd totally flashed her teeth at McCarthy. Dylan could admit he'd have been scared...had he been flashed those particular teeth..."AND THE SNITCH AGAIN??"Wait. Had they seen it?! He'd seen it...HAD HE TOLD THEM....?
Dylan was back on his feet, eyes focused on the tiny golden ball. He didn't even see what had happened with the quaffle...Nope. It was a seeker thing. ALL EYES ON THE SNITCH ALWAYS...
"AIDAN STONE AND PENELOPE GREENWELL ARE TAKING THE SNITCH UP HIGH..." He was squinting...Did...Stone have it? SQUINT. Oh, he did. "Aidan Stone catches the second snitch...First for Ravenclaw...." There was a noticeable lack of excitement in his voice...Oh, and the score..."Fischer got that, too...FIERCE LION IS FIERCE. You go, girl..."
"Quaffle is thrown back into play...Ravenclaw Barrington has it...He and Dawnsel are doing some kind of quaffle maneuver I've never seen before..." STARE..."Apparently Melanie Sung is confused, too...She misses blocking that one...and Barrington scores for Ravenclaw." Hmm...That Nigel kid had some real talent....It was really impressive..."Score is 70 - 50, Claws."
"Gryffindor is back in possession...Alice isn't giving an quaffle love with this play as Goldman acts as a wingman. She's there if you need her, ALICE....but she doesn't....Ethan moves with her to the left...and then to the right....FISCHER SCORES."
Wait...........was that the snitch he seen?! ALREADY?! Blue worried eyes flew to Penelope...They'd both spotted it...and were off. Blurs of blur and red...zipping around the pitch...."THEY'VE SPOTTED ANOTHER SNITCH...ARGH!" WHO. WOULD. GET. IT...."Oh, wait...The snitch has momentarily eluded them...Ahem."
"The claws are viciously flying down the pitch towards Sung...She's like a red M&M out there..." He didn't know what he was trying to say....but yea...."The Claws are flying in 'V' formation...IT'S LIKE ATTACK OF THE BIRDS...." FLAILING. DRAMATICALLY. "It's no use, though. Melanie Sung has BLOCKED their efforts...."
..."AND THE SNITCH HAS REARED IT'S SHINY GOLDEN HEAD AGAIN....but there wasn't even any battling...Penelope, it's okay, love." He'd give hugs after the match, if she needed them. IT WASN'T OVER YET, THOUGH.
"Score is 120 - 50....Claws. COME ON, LIONS. YOU'RE STILL IN THIS." Dylan finally sat down and passed the mic over to Oakey. He had nothing more to say at the moment...and his throat hurt.
He casually snatched Gunter's smoothie and began sipping on it..."You don't mind, do you?" HMPH.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
This game was a lot of back and forth and HONESTLY, Ascanius wasn't worried. His girlfriend's team played hard and she was kind of awesome along with the rest of her teammates so this was the face of an unworried man. Except maybe for the heights 'cause they were high, yeah? NOT that he was looking down because that would have been stupid. Really stupid.
But then Gryffindor was down by one Snitch catch and Ascanius was starting to get nervous for them. Not because he didn't believe that Gryffindor was better, nope, because it was getting a tad dicey. Come on, Alice. Bite the other Seeker kid or something.
Keeping an eye on the Pitch, he leaned over to West and asked, "No matter how this turns out, we still having the Gryffindor and Slytherin get together after, right?" Aka a celebration that he and West and Penelope and Alice had planned. And it was exclusive for reasons of, well, it wasn't really anyone's business, yeah? MOSTLY because there was a lot of SLYTHERIN and GRYFFINDOR cross over. Smirk.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
This game! right here, Oakey got into games before Like Crazy into them, but having to commentate them meant he had to pay extra special attention to them. Dylan who was a Seeker himself seemed to be down with giving the play by play Whenever the Seekers spotted the snitch which Oakey was cool with. He always found the rest of the match exciting. "You actually want my Smoothie...uh sure? Don't have it all. My throats parched."
"The game is getting heated and let's not blame the slighter Hotter May Weather Outside today!" So long as no Dementors come by to ruin this match hopefully the weather will stay nice. "Sung throws the Quaffle back into play to Christmas Goldman who dodges a few CrayClaw Defenders, but is stopped dead in her tracks again! She quickly swerves to her left and passes off to Captain Alice! Who once again has a clear path the Ravenclaw Goal posts! Can she outscore Ethan 'THE WALL' McCarthy! agian!?!?" the anticipation was killing him! part of him wanted to see Alice get some more points, and the other didn't want to see Ethan miss another block! He'll get one or the other he supposed. "ETHAN BLOCKS THE SHOT! So Close too it almost looked like Alice would get past him! Score is still 120 CrayClaws 50 Gryffindor! Back to the Action! Ethan 'THE WALL' McCarthy puts the Quaffle back into play and down the pitch Nigel Goes. He and Mo seem to be playing around with the Quaffle passing it back and forth between one another, like this was simple practice! Oi YOU TOO KEEP AN EYE ON THE PITCH. Christmas and Fischer are coming right at them! It seems Mo knows this though he lobs the Quaffle over Goldman and Dawnsel catches it! Eliza zooms through the open court and...OH HEY LOOK OVER THERE!" Oakey moved his attention to the back of the Pitch where Elise and Ryan were now chasing down a Bludger. "Amazonian Captive Ryan Miles, and Captain 'NOT EATEN BY A DRAGON' Fairfield are going after a Bludger! It's Close but Elise gets a piece! LUCKY FOR ME It's been hit the other way! It also looks like Dawnel gets points on the board for the CrayClaws! Barely had it Melanie!"
Oakey looked back over at Dylan and slid the mic back to his direction. No more snatching from him. That also meant he wanted his smoothie back.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva was on her feet.. How on earth could she even feel upset with a match like this.. HER boyfriend was doing amazing!! AMAZING!! He was awesome.. Blue eyes snapped at Oakey, professional quidditch.. but that meant traveling and not seeing him... but that would be totally awesome as well.. Hmmm wonder if Ethan ever thought about it.. He totally could do it.
"That's it Hot Keeper Boy!!! Awesome job!!! GO ETHAN!! GO CLAWS"
Wow her brain was fighting itself so bad that it made her sit down again. She wanted so bad to be happy and jumping around, because ETHAN WAS AWESOME, but something else in her was making her want to just run away from all this and go back to bed in tears.... It was the last game and he was doing so amazing for his last game.
Blue eyes looked to the commentators and a smile did cross her lips, Ethan was being a wall today wasn't he. They were being totally awesome with their commentating towards her boyfriend he so deserved every minute of it. She watched the game more and pushed herself to her feet..
and what could she say he was hot on that broom...
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
This game was a lot of back and forth and HONESTLY, Ascanius wasn't worried. His girlfriend's team played hard and she was kind of awesome along with the rest of her teammates so this was the face of an unworried man. Except maybe for the heights 'cause they were high, yeah? NOT that he was looking down because that would have been stupid. Really stupid.
But then Gryffindor was down by one Snitch catch and Ascanius was starting to get nervous for them. Not because he didn't believe that Gryffindor was better, nope, because it was getting a tad dicey. Come on, Alice. Bite the other Seeker kid or something.
Keeping an eye on the Pitch, he leaned over to West and asked, "No matter how this turns out, we still having the Gryffindor and Slytherin get together after, right?" Aka a celebration that he and West and Penelope and Alice had planned. And it was exclusive for reasons of, well, it wasn't really anyone's business, yeah? MOSTLY because there was a lot of SLYTHERIN and GRYFFINDOR cross over. Smirk.
West nodded. He was biting his lip as the game continued, though he was pleased for Mo to be scoring well even if it was hard to acknowledge that Mo had done so much better than him this term. What happened to Mo being a beater, huh? Ravenclaw were playing rough today. Fierce. West had to admire that, but they couldn't do anything to get out of last place now.
His thoughts were interrupted as the action continued. West was counting while goals were scored and snitches were grabbed. It was down to the wire for this match but.... Gryffindor had passed Hufflepuff. That meant Slytherin and Gryffindor were first and second in the championship!
THAT made West smile. Because that was his girlfriend's team right there.
Silently West half-turned to Ascanius and offered a fist bump. For reasons. His eyes remained on the pitch and he searched out Alice.
And hoped Mo hadn't been too badly banged up by that one bludger
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Right, Gunter wasn't saying anything...So, Dylan was just going to sit here and drink the drink...He didn't even care that they were sore with each other...He was too busy contemplating things...like...the flavor of the smoothie...o.O!
This was actually pretty good...
RIGHT. The sight of a far-off snitch caught his attention...and he quickly sat the cup down...standing because KLSJDLKFJSKL!EXCITEMENT! "THEY HAVE SPOTTED THE FOURTH SNITCH OF THE GAME...Both seekers are taking their hunt over the stands...weaving in and out of banners..." SQUUUUUINT. "WHO CAUGHT IT?!" The Slytherin squinted more...trying to get a clear take on what was going down..."OH...." Was that...Penelope who had it thrust up into the air....WAS IT?! YES.
"PENELOPE GREENWELL HAS CAUGHT THE FOURTH SNITCH OF THE MATCH AND GRYFFINDOR'S SECOND." BAM. He was fistpumping and clapping. ALL THOSE THINGS....It made him happy when she did well....HUGS AFTER THE MATCH...NOT that Aidan Stone wasn't awesome, too...That kid was just as good as his sister had been...
OH...more sipping from the cup...Eyes for Gunter about how good it was....and reminiscing over that Championship loss....
Oh, right...there was other quidditch things going on, too...Ahem. He also needed to...stop showing favoritism...AHEM...."Fischer and Goldman have the quaffle and are are doing some pretty fancy passing as they take it back towards the Claw hoops. McCarthy...says that a NO, though...and it puts an abrupt END to that play..." Seriously...Who was this guy? Too bad he hadn't played for Slytherin....Not that Slytherin needed any extra talent. AHEM...."YEA....Let's CHEER for that one, folks. That was impressive...." Amazing Ravenclaw Keeper was amazing...
"Quaffle is back into play and Barrington has it...and then Branxton has it...Barrington again...and then Braxton...Gryffindor Keeper Melanie Sung has been all mixed up...and MARCUS BRAXTON SCORES..." Lots a cheering from the crowd on that play. Mo had fangirls..."Score is 140 - 90, Ravenclaw."
Yes, Dylan was back on his feet. HE SEEN GOLD...A FLASH OF GOLD. WHERE HAD IT WENT...Hmmmm. Nevermind. False alarm. The Slytherin Captain retook his seat...
"Alice has gotten her hands on the quaffle after Sung threw it back out...and she's holding onto it tightly as she zips in and out of Eagle players...THAT GIRL IS ON FIRAH....." AHEM. Sorry, folks... "As she nears McCarthy...it looks like he was about to fake her out...Wait...DID SHE JUST BITE HIM?!" Had that just been a thing? Had he seen that? Apparently Elise seen it, though...or maybe she'd just been aiming for the Gryffindor Captain all along...With a resounding CRACK!, the bludger was hit and sailed right into Alice's back. Dylan was back on his feet..."OI!!....Ugh. IS SHE OKAY?!"
Oh, she was...and Merlin, did she look angry....
...but then there was the snitch. FOR REAL THIS TIME. HE SEEN IT. "WE HAVE A SNITCH. SNITCH ALERT!" They both seen it anyway...It was okay..."Stone and Penelope are taking this one high...and are staying high...I CAN'T SEE YOU BOTH UP THERE." Yep, annoyance. He was annoyed. HOW COULD HE COMMENTATE IF HE DIDN'T SEE?! Well, back on the game, then..."Branxton had the quaffle...and FIRE in his eyes...Not as much fire as Alice, mind...BUT THERE IS FIRE THERE." He and Nigel made a good team. It was like watching West and Theo...some...."This is down to points..." If Penelope and Melanie could score and block respectively...they'd tie...."Sung seems to be in a battle with the three Ravenclaw chasers...but she's holding her own...They barreling ahead...MO!...I mean....Ahem....Marcus Branxton scores..."...WAS ALICE CHASING ELISE NOW? "Erm...."...Yea...
WERE THE SEEKERS BACK FROM THE CLOUDS YET? WERE THEY? He turned his gaze upward, hoping for a sign or something...The sun was bright, though...SQUINT!
THEN HE SEEN HER! "PENELOPE GREENWELL HAS CAUGHT THE LAST SNITCH..."....but it didn't matter...Ravenclaw had powered through...thanks to Branxton...EYES FOR HIM.......Elise and Alice were locked in some kind of battle....Elise hit her again with the bat...and Alice was biting at her hand...."OI. GAME'S OVER YOU TWO...."
"Ravenclaw wins! 150 - 140..."
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
West nodded. He was biting his lip as the game continued, though he was pleased for Mo to be scoring well even if it was hard to acknowledge that Mo had done so much better than him this term. What happened to Mo being a beater, huh? Ravenclaw were playing rough today. Fierce. West had to admire that, but they couldn't do anything to get out of last place now.
His thoughts were interrupted as the action continued. West was counting while goals were scored and snitches were grabbed. It was down to the wire for this match but.... Gryffindor had passed Hufflepuff. That meant Slytherin and Gryffindor were first and second in the championship!
THAT made West smile. Because that was his girlfriend's team right there.
Silently West half-turned to Ascanius and offered a fist bump. For reasons. His eyes remained on the pitch and he searched out Alice.
And hoped Mo hadn't been too badly banged up by that one bludger
Too much was going on at once for Ascanius to really focus on one particular thing happening on the Pitch. Though he was justly annoyed of snippet he saw in the corner of his eye when Alice got smacked in the back. The Slytherin next to him was going to be annoyed. If he had to listen about this...hopefully not, yeah?
And then the game started to get down to the very last few plays and Ascanius was tapping anxiously on his knees. But triplets were not going help his nerves, all he could do now was sit and wait for the final snitch to be caught. No matter WHO won, though, it was going to be very close. Almost too close for comfort.
Jeez, he hoped Gryffindor won. Not that it mattered at the end of the day who won because Ravenclaw would STILL be in dead last, but that was just an optimists way of looking at things. Yeah, yeah. He was a jerk, whatever.
Turning his head to the side to watch Ravenclaw Chasers, he saw that West had offered him a fist pump, which he returned silently. Then he spun his eyes back to the action on the Pitch where he spotted a few different persons of interest. The top of that list being his girlfriend.
She was focused on something shiny and gold, so it was the final snitch. He sat up a little straighter when this play came down to it. It was tight, it was close and she was gone. Where had she gone? He couldn't see anything and it was irritating. He wanted to be able to SEE things. And then it was caught... by her, his girlfriend. SMIIIIIIRK.
But Gryffindor still lost...by ten ruddy points.
Oh well, they were second place overall now, yeah?
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Originally Posted by Bazinga
Her eyes then fell on another puff, "Hey Kitty" It was her kitty or one of her best friends this term Wade. "Who you.. oh never mind.." She knew who he was cheering for, wasn't he dating now *eyes*... She had to make sure she approved of this girlfriend. She better be good enough for Min's Kitty...
"Hey Min," Wade smiled at her. He definitely knew who she was rooting for. Good old Ethan. Wade knew he needed to get him his Mickey Mouse onesie so he and Minnie could match. Oh, did she see how slightly nervous he felt? Hmm, well there was only one person that was giving him these kind of feels. Ooh, and here she came.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Indiana was quite exited today. It was the last quidditch match of the year. Sure she was sad she wasn't out there playing, but it meant that she would be able to go and support in the stands. She could see her boyfriend too. Which would be pretty fun. She had her cool top on, although it kind of made her look like she supported gryffindor. But she was hoping that her blue strips on her face, and the blue ribbons that she had plaited into her hair would help everyone work out she was really supporting Ravenclaw.
Humming to herself she wandered along the stands, looking for Wade. Ahh. There he was. She scooted along the line until she sat in the seat next to him. "Hey Wade." She beamed at him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "You better be supporting Ravenclaw."
"Hey Indy.. you look great" Wade's eyes softened at her, and he could feel his face heat up a couple degrees at her kiss. You'd think with all the friends he had that were girls,he'd have some sort of immunity with getting shy. But nope, cupid's arrow hit him hard for Indy. Heh. Insert his goofy laugh. "You know it, " He kissed her back and scooted just a little for her sit by before he wrapped one arm around her into a gentle squeeze.
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Hence, instead of conversing with him about the flow of the match, she was choosing to aim all her frustrations at the girl beside her, who apparently was her own bestie, Indiana Hutchinson. "We're on the lead, we're on the lead!" said Beezus as she slapped one of Indy's legs.
It made a sound of whip being cracked that she had to smile sheepishly at her friend and offer a peace sign. "Er, and hi Wade." That was him on Indy's other side, was it not?
Wow, the game was going good. Ravenclaw was winning, as he continually pumped his fist in the air at each success they did, "YEAH!" Then He heard a distinct snapping noise, making him look around as Indy squeaked. What happened? Hmm? Oh, hello there. Wade had seen this Prefect a couple times. "Hi, Beezus isn't it?"
Oh.. wow.. look at this. Ravenclaw won, despite not getting all the snitches. That was impressive.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Hence, instead of conversing with him about the flow of the match, she was choosing to aim all her frustrations at the girl beside her, who apparently was her own bestie, Indiana Hutchinson. "We're on the lead, we're on the lead!" said Beezus as she slapped one of Indy's legs.
It made a sound of whip being cracked that she had to smile sheepishly at her friend and offer a peace sign. "Er, and hi Wade." That was him on Indy's other side, was it not?
Why was someone hitting her? That was weird. She turned and then laughed. It was Bee. That was okay. Bee could hit her all she liked. If only it was friendly of course. "Don't hit me...." She pouted at her, sticking her lips out before giggling. She was glad Bee as here. Her boyfriend and her best all together at the same time. It was very good. "We're gonnnnaa win." Because Ravenclaws were really the best. They were the best. Of course they would be better if She and Bee were playing, but oh well..
Ooh yes. Maybe she should introduce Wade to Bee. "Beeee. This is Wade." Her super hot boyfriend. "And Wade this is Bee my bestie." So he better like her. Cause she was here to staaay.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
"Hey Indy.. you look great" Wade's eyes softened at her, and he could feel his face heat up a couple degrees at her kiss. You'd think with all the friends he had that were girls,he'd have some sort of immunity with getting shy. But nope, cupid's arrow hit him hard for Indy. Heh. Insert his goofy laugh. "You know it, " He kissed her back and scooted just a little for her sit by before he wrapped one arm around her into a gentle squeeze.
"Oh..." That caused her to blush. She really wasn't used to people complicating her. Not really anyway. "Thank you." She smiled. She really did like Wade. He was her super hot boyfriend, and she loved it a lot. She also loved that he was supporting Ravenclaw. That meant a lot. She would totally be supporting Hufflepuff when they played. If they weren't playing Ravenclaw at least. She smiled, cuddling into him a little. "We're gonna win." She declared, looking out at the game. They were so going to win because they were totally the best ever.
"Yaaay. We wonnn." She beamed, standing up and having a little celebratory dance. "Oh....we need to go in." She frowned, before remembering. "Oh....dementors yeah." They really didn't want to get eaten by a dementor.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
Wow, the game was going good. Ravenclaw was winning, as he continually pumped his fist in the air at each success they did, "YEAH!" Then He heard a distinct snapping noise, making him look around as Indy squeaked. What happened? Hmm? Oh, hello there. Wade had seen this Prefect a couple times. "Hi, Beezus isn't it?"
Oh.. wow.. look at this. Ravenclaw won, despite not getting all the snitches. That was impressive.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Why was someone hitting her? That was weird. She turned and then laughed. It was Bee. That was okay. Bee could hit her all she liked. If only it was friendly of course. "Don't hit me...." She pouted at her, sticking her lips out before giggling. She was glad Bee as here. Her boyfriend and her best all together at the same time. It was very good. "We're gonnnnaa win." Because Ravenclaws were really the best. They were the best. Of course they would be better if She and Bee were playing, but oh well..
Ooh yes. Maybe she should introduce Wade to Bee. "Beeee. This is Wade." Her super hot boyfriend. "And Wade this is Bee my bestie." So he better like her. Cause she was here to staaay.
Despite the depression that was still taking over her system, the brunette actually managed a slight grin as she watched more of the game unfold. Her eagles were doing a fairly awesome job out there without her and she couldn't really ask for more. They'll win, she had faith on that too, Indy. "Yeah, we'll win."
Speaking of winning, Indy sure got a winning catch with the Hufflepuff she's currently dating Beezus had to admit. "Yes. Beezus Castell." She nodded at him and stroke up a small smile. Then she tagged on to Indy, "Wade Elisabeth-Potter...I know him, Indy. We played together during the Staff versus Students first session match." And more on the win about him - he was actually one of the fastest chasers she'd ever come across. Maybe he can give her some tips?
Of course he could save that later......after the game....because Penelope and Aidan had fully geared up. The last snitch! Even she could see it. The struggle continued and Beezus didn't even dare blink. She had intertwined her on own fingers together because she didn't have anyone's hand to hold she was fidgeting so bad. It was Aidan! It was Penelope....T'was....."Merlin...." It was an intense chase and then......she could hear the commentator announce the Gryffindor Seeker's victory. But Mo! Marcus Branxton....he was simply amazing. With his last shot, the win for the game was still garnered by the Ravenclaws.
Beezus grinned. She was so proud of her eagles.
They might have fallen in last on the overall rank but it wasn't the rank or scores that mattered. It was how they worked hard together to build up their team. It wasn't the best season for them....but that was okay. They've had mishaps during the long run but they'll make up for those next term.
That's for sure.
Could she go and give hugs to her 'Claws then? And kisses too?
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Not in a while had he seen a Match where the last snitch caught in the match wouldn't give the final snitch catching team the win. Ravenclaw played insanely good, as did Gryffindor. Ethan was awesome as a Keeper, and Penelope was an amazing Seeker. He didn't bother with the tussle Alice and Elise were having on the Pitch, Alice would hopefully win it anyways. "WOOOOOOOOO! GREAT MATCH AWESOME YEAH!" Uhhh the Mic?...he Didn't have it beside him. That was awkward.
Speaking of Seeker! Oakey eyed the Slytherin one sitting beside him, and the practically empty Cup of Smoothie he was drinking. "Oi!" Oakey barked, "I said have some, if you want more I've got the rest in the Kitchen. Besides, I thought you called my stuff poison?" Unless this one had changed his mind on the matter. "Seriously Dyl. my throats parched."