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As you reach any entrance to the stands, a golden turnstile magically materializes out of thin air to effectively block your path. You cannot go around the turnstile and using magic on them will not have the slightest effect. If you wish to enter the stands, you need to pay a flat fee of 5 galleons for adults and alumni and 2 galleons for students to get in. Insert the money into the hole on top of the turnstile; the turnstile will then unlock and will allow you to pass through and climb the stairs to the stands...
...Welcome to the stands!
Grab a front-row seat in the house section of your choice and cheer on the House Quidditch teams as they battle for the Quidditch Cup!
Please remember to follow the school rules; rule-breakers will be punished by means of house point loss and/or detention.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Hot chocolate and ice cream. She grinned. It WAS a good combination. Even Ascanius would probably approve since it wasn't "gross" like her yogurt tacos. He still wouldn't get over them. Heh.
But anyway. She sipped on her hot chocolate a little and then grabbed a sugar quill as she watched the game and listened to Aidan's commentary. Since she didn't have to worry about catching a snitch - which seemed to be hiding somewhere anyway - her eyes followed Ascanius the whole time as he flew around. It was nice to get a chance to just watch sometimes, y'know? Even if she definitely preferred playing to watching.
And she was right about it being a good game. Very evenly matched so far. But then Aidan's voice stopped so she glanced over and- Oh, it was her turn. She'd gotten so focused on the match she'd forgotten for a moment. Taking the mic with a smile, she set her sugar quill back in its wrapper and leaned forward to get a better view.
"Okay, Hudson throws the Quaffle back into play, and it's caught by Stark." BEAM. "He flies away from the hoops a bit and then tosses it to Kinsley who zooms forward, dodging the Hufflepuff Chasers trying to block him. Yarborough tries to steal but Kinsley's too quick and he tosses it to an open Odessa. Odessa's nearing the hoops - he shoots - but Tempus makes a nice save! Seems he recovered well from that bludger!" Talented little firstie, wasn't he? And...was he saying something? Something about "Badger Boom!"
Well okay then.
Was that a glint of gold over there above the stands? Penelope squinted at it for a moment, but then forced herself to look back at the Quaffle.
"Tempus throws the Quaffle back into play and- OH SEEKERS SPOTTED THE SNITCH!!" She KNEW that gold seemed familiar!
"Summers and Montmorency are zooming towards the snitch from opposite ends of the pitch! Are they gonna crash or- No, the snitch suddenly flies to the middle and they turn quickly to follow! They're catching up to it - Summers - no, Mont- Sum- MONTMORENCY HAS IT! He's caught the first snitch for Slytherin!" Wooooooo and stuff.
"Play continues and Yarborough has the Quaffle. He flies forward and his path is blocked by Odessa. He makes a quick pass to Wheatborn but is blocked by Stark and Kinsley. Elisabeth-Potter-" Merlin's beard his name was LONG. "-flies by her and catches a nice quick pass from her, flying forward before the Snakes react. He reaches the hoops - shoots - SCORES! Another goal for Hufflepuff!
"Hudson throws it back into play and its caught by Odessa. Badgers charge at him but he passes to Stark before they reach him. They start to change direction but Stark passes off to Kinsley, and he zooms to the hoops again."
The distinct EEEEEEEEEEE of a bludger was suddenly heard - not flying anywhere near a player yet, but it looked like Ferrier was going after it.
"Ferrier goes after the bludger and the others fly after her. She raises her bat and - oh! Looks like the bludger was a little too fast, and Captain Bishop got in there to block with her bat! Good save, there." And no injuries.
"Kinsley shoots at the hoops - but it flies right by the right one! No score. Score is 60 to 10, Slytherin in the lead."
WHEW. She needed a sugar quill.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Lex
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Yeah yeah yeah, she was here, but she didn't remember making any promises to smile about it. Her only promise was to take ice-cream which she did, loads of it. They could share...later when she felt a bit more giving toward the snake, for now, she was tuning out the commentary--the game was right theeere, she could see it herself thank you very much.
"Oh yes, a bloody wonderful day, nice weather, not too cold, ice-cream and best friend, what more could I ask for?" Sarcasm Cassia, sarcaaasm. There was plenty more she could ask for! Namely a kitchen, an ice-cream machine and chocolate syrup! Nodnodnod--
Lex smacked her hand away and yanked the green from her hair. "Not even. I'm here, you didn't say I had to be in green too, get that thing away from me! I'm rooting for Hufflepuff." Normally she would have made an effort to be nicer with her refusal but....no. She was here, that was all Cassia needed, right...Oh? That voice sounded a lot like the...the Grounds Keeper? Oh merlin.
Lex sat where she was, blinking at the man for an extra second before it occurred to her that he was in fact sitting there--and waiting for her to come over nonetheless. Yeah...she had a bad feeling about this...like train station bad. Or no, maybe he just got there and wanted to thank her for her work around the grounds? She HAD worked hard.
Bowl in hand, she made her way back toward the Headmistress slowly, quite curious too about what he might have wanted.
"Yes Sir?" He needed to make this quick, she was missing the match she didn't want to see.
Good, she was coming. "Well, don' yeh think i's a bit rude ter greet the staff members sittin' right next ter me, but then blatantly ignore ME?" This wasn't really a question. It was a STATEMENT.
Text Cut: Annie
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Aww he noticed her outfit! Annie tried not to blush too much and focused on the match topic instead. Hehe. "I'd be happy if Slytherin won," since someone had to, "but I'd be happier if the Puffs pulled it off." They were like the underdogs here, they deserved a win! She returned his wink and then flicked her blue eyes back to the pitch. Was that a flap of gold she'd seen? Uh oh...
Annie's stomach might have been turning over from the potential sight of the scary snitch, but she it just plain dropped when Alistaire told her about the cow. "Wait wait wait... they named a CALF after me? Truebee? Really? And whose brilliant idea was that?" She couldn't help the snarkiness seeping into her tone. This was CLEARLY some kind of prank, targeting HER as a victim!
Even the news that a buyer was all lined up for it didn't change the firm frown now on Annie's face.
Yeah Annie's frown wasn't going anywhere fast. Not with Alexa Cambridge now blocking her view of the pitch... and blasting her ears off...
"Hello Alexa," she greeted the girl dully. "No thank you, I'm not hungry." Her stomach was definitely in knots now, between the cow!baby thing and the glints of gold she was definitely seeing zoom this way and that down there.
"Go on, enjoy the match," she gestured for the girl to take a seat.
"Ow...wow... I mean, thank you, Professor," she put on her droll voice again. Truth be told... who WOULDN'T be embarrassed by that Riddler-green suit of his? Anastasia wasn't sure what was worse: the assault on her eyes at the sight of it or the fact that a ROCK had just been dropped on top of her legs. Damn shorts!
"Yeah... sure... that's.................... fine." She picked the rock up and gave it an 'ugh' look, then hastily set it down on the bench beside her. No it would not be sitting on her legs, no thanks. It wasn't going anywhere, anyway.
She politely clapped as Flamsteed's loud mouth called the next shot for her. Go Puffs!
"Thanks!" Bunz's frown turned up a little as at least FINA had no dumb news of cows and pet rocks and whatever. She giggled at the woman's comment about sitting between two puffs... heh... and the stood up suddenly as the two seekers went into a dive for the snitch. EEEEEEEEEK!
"GO SUMMERS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Oh he should have seen this reaction coming. "Er... yes, they did. Only a few students, though. Nothing official." He made a mental note to change the sign at their pen just in case. And no, he wasn't planning on telling her WHICH students. No one needed to be expelled because of him.
Oh, the snitch! "Don' worry, I'll protect yeh from it, Annie!" he yelled, remembering several previous encounters she'd had with the object. "Go Summers!" And then the crowd cheered and Summers had it. "Alright!"
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Yeah yeah yeah, she was here, but she didn't remember making any promises to smile about it. Her only promise was to take ice-cream which she did, loads of it. They could share...later when she felt a bit more giving toward the snake, for now, she was tuning out the commentary--the game was right theeere, she could see it herself thank you very much.
"Oh yes, a bloody wonderful day, nice weather, not too cold, ice-cream and best friend, what more could I ask for?" Sarcasm Cassia, sarcaaasm. There was plenty more she could ask for! Namely a kitchen, an ice-cream machine and chocolate syrup! Nodnodnod--
Lex smacked her hand away and yanked the green from her hair. "Not even. I'm here, you didn't say I had to be in green too, get that thing away from me! I'm rooting for Hufflepuff." Normally she would have made an effort to be nicer with her refusal but....no. She was here, that was all Cassia needed, right...Oh? That voice sounded a lot like the...the Grounds Keeper? Oh merlin.
She did expect his attitude, and she might also have known the reasons but since Lex didn't want to talk about them then Cassia wasn't. But seriously, would the girl prefer the company of an ice-cream machine rather than Cassia's?! That gotta hurt, you see. She was going to ignore that fact.
Oh she got the sarcasm. "[b]Nothing, you now have everything you could possibly want. Your life is complete. Enjoy it while you can. Sarcasm back acha! WHAT! Did she just remove the pin. "hey! I wore a red ribbon for you last match." She said. "If I played wouldn't you do the same?" Very important question. The friendship at stake here. Swatting Lex's hand she put the pin back on the third-year's hair. Oh she was stubborn too!
Then hearing the groundskeeper call for Lex, Cassia was curious too and watched with interest.
"Wooot! Go West" She cheered her Slytherin scarf waving around!
"GO SNAKES!" She added with a squuuuuuueak.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Aidan leaned in and started talking into the mic as he pulled it from her grasp, "THEY SEE THE SNITCH! THE SEEKERS! IT'S THERE! THEY'RE CHASING IT! LOOOOOOK!!!" he pointed and bounced around so those with less keen eyes would have no problem locating the excitement. "THEY'RE GETTING CLOSER! AND CLOSER! AND..........DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IVE!!!!!!!!!!!" There was a pause where even he wasn't sure who had it, if anyone, they were still diving. Farther and farther down. Then suddenly, a fist was raised, "ALEC CAUGHT THE SNITCH! SUMMERS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! HUFFLEPUFF CAUGHT THE SNITCH!! They're now tied in snitch captures!"
On the other end of the pitch, a ding sounded. The fourteen year old whipped his head in that direction. "OH OH AND WADE SCORED! HUDSON MISSED, WADE SCORED!"
"Hudson catches the Quaffle and throws it back onto the pitch, Kinsley catches it.....he throws it to Odessa...Odessa throws back....THEY'RE PLAYING MONKEY IN THE MIDDLE WITH KAIDEN," he LAUGHED, "ODESSA has it again...Kinsley......West.......Theo.....WEST HAS IT AND.....WEST SCORES!!!!!!!! ODESSA SCORES!!!" It was awfully hard to remember to use last names, you know.
"Tempus puts it back in play. Kaiden finally has it...he passes to Wade....Wade passes to Ethan's girlfriend.....she passes back to Wade.......WADE SCORES!!!" Aidan took a moment, however small, to run his fingers back through his hair and catch his breath. But that moment was REALLY small. "DERRY HIT ANOTHER BLUDGER, GUYS!!! IT'S GOING TOWARDS OAKEY!!! TURN AROUND, OAKEY!! TURN AROUND!!!!!!!! TU-" He fell silent. A loud 'OOooo,' was groaned from all around the stadium. Oakey was smacked straight in the back by that. THAT'S got to hurt. "...Erm...anyway...." What less painful things were happening?
Aidan's eyes scanned the pitch when they were distracted by a sudden movement from Alec. He did a loop of a 180 and flattened himself on his broom. Shortly afterward, Dylan started following. "GUYS IT'S ANOTHER SNITCH! THE SEEKERS SEE ANOTHER SNITCH!! GOOGOGOGOGOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His eyes stayed glued to the Seekers until a ding was heard, signalling another score. His eyes only flickered in that direction, "Oh and Odessa scored BUT SNITCH" BACK TO THE ACTION! "It's......it's..........ALEC!!! ALEC'S GOT IT!!!!!!!!" Aidan bounced around.
"Back to you," he said to Penelope. He was actually distracted enough to not look at her his entire commentary. Which made him feel bad now. BUT HUFFLEPUFF WAS WINNING AND HER BOYFRIEND WAS NOT! HAH.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Dora took a long time to get ready for matches, especially those where she had friends and boyfriends in the sky that day, but Alice, she took SO much longer. She wasn't even braiding and unbraiding hair like Dora had been or wearing a skirt. Which she so totally should have been wearing, cause she looked cute in them and all. No, she was just coming as Alice, which she didn't mind, but whyyyyyyy was she taking so long?
After waiting for what felt like forever, she tucked away Biter under her hat and went to retrieve her an Alice. It took some doing, but she finally got her bestie and proceeded to drag her out to the grounds and up the stands.
"You really should plan what you're going to wear for these things before hand. In fact." She plopped them right smack dab in the center of the stands, waving at Blue and Cassia on the way up. "I'll dress you for the next match." It was decided. She adjusted her hat and let the jarvey explore Alice's lap while she allowed her hazel eyes scanned the field for her Slytherin.
"It wasn't even getting ready that took so long," Alice informed her friend, adjusting her hoodie- it wasn't cold enough for one, but it was the only Slytherin article of clothing she had, so on it went. "Breakfast takes a while. And.. what? I don't want to be a dress up doll." Dora knew how important food was, and how much she disliked skirts.
And why was she being dragged? Gentle, Dora, her skin was delicate.
Following the Ravenclaw to their seats, she stroked Biter's head absentmindedly and listened to him shout rude things at people. "We're cheering for Slytherin, little guy, you insult their opponents." Jarveys came in handy so often. "Did you bring any jelly slu-" OH OH HEY LOOK THAT WAS HER BOYFRIEND SCORING. Alice saw. "GO ODESSA." Nothing else was important enough to acknowledge. Although, if Slytherin lost by enough and her team scored really, really high, there was the tiiiiniest sliver of a chance of getting the cup.
But yay boyfriend and stuff. Cue enthusiastic pom pom wave.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus was.........the worst.
She'd been dealing with nasty stuff since this morning, hence she fell deeply asleep at the cupboard - she reckoned she forgot to tell anyone she was there that was why no one came to fetch her - and when she woke up, the worst realization had hit her. The match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff has started! ADSJBSFLSBLBGFLDBGLDBGLDBLD. She was officially the worst....the worst girlfriend ever. She didn't even get to wish Dylan good luck...and to think it was his last match.........UGH.
Frustrated, she didn't even bother going back up to the dorms but instead, she went ahead and changed the color of her shirt to green as she ran towards the Pitch where excited screams, yells and cheers could already be heard.
She was breathing hard when she got there....and then she slumped hard next to....Cassia Somerlad? "Er.....*wheeze!breathe* ....hello Cassia..............and Lexa...*breathebreathe*" That was Lexa next to her, right? Yeah? ...Okay...Uh, she wasn't sure. Her brain wasn't functioning match for anything else except to just find the Slytherin Captain's blonde mane on the Pitch. Where was he......WHERE WHERE WHERE.
Meep. Meep. Meep!
THERE HE WAS! *girlfriend!flail* ...Fighting off Alec for the snitch.........Beezus couldn't really see what was happening. Her eyes were hurting but then.....she could make out that Dylan just caught the snitch! WOOH!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Yeah Annie's frown wasn't going anywhere fast. Not with Alexa Cambridge now blocking her view of the pitch... and blasting her ears off...
"Hello Alexa," she greeted the girl dully. "No thank you, I'm not hungry." Her stomach was definitely in knots now, between the cow!baby thing and the glints of gold she was definitely seeing zoom this way and that down there.
"Go on, enjoy the match," she gestured for the girl to take a seat.
Maybe it was just her overactive imagination but the Headmistress never seemed to smile when she was around. Could be a coincidence. Could be a lot of things...NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!!
"You never accept anything I offer." She said, stepping to the side a bit so the woman could see. "I promise I haven't spiked anything. I wouldn't." Not for her anyway but she could think of a few that would give her a good laugh. "I'm gonna make you cookies for end of term, will you eat thooooose? I can make 'em chocolate chip? Low fat? Low milk? Extra sugar? No icing? Marshmallow on top maybe?" Yes? No?
She would have taken the free seat near the woman but she had a best friend to go sit next to once she was done here.
SPOILER!!: Cassia!
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
She did expect his attitude, and she might also have known the reasons but since Lex didn't want to talk about them then Cassia wasn't. But seriously, would the girl prefer the company of an ice-cream machine rather than Cassia's?! That gotta hurt, you see. She was going to ignore that fact.
Oh she got the sarcasm. "[b]Nothing, you now have everything you could possibly want. Your life is complete. Enjoy it while you can. Sarcasm back acha! WHAT! Did she just remove the pin. "hey! I wore a red ribbon for you last match." She said. "If I played wouldn't you do the same?" Very important question. The friendship at stake here. Swatting Lex's hand she put the pin back on the third-year's hair. Oh she was stubborn too!
Then hearing the groundskeeper call for Lex, Cassia was curious too and watched with interest.
Cassia was watching the match, that was obvious but like she'd said to her, she wasn't interested so she would sit here, eat her ice-cream and distract Cassia if possible. Might as well or she'd be booored.
She was gonna ignore the sarcasm that was shot back at her and focus on the fact that she'd had her wear red before and she did without much protest. Finally Lex sighed. "Fine, fine fine fine, I'll wear the green and look all Snake Supporter like." She wasn't gonna ask her again if she was happy, she already knew the answer to THAT. "If you played I'd be dressed in enough green for everyone...unless you were playing against us but as it stands you never even tryout soooooo..." Nothing more to say she would head over to the Grounds Keeper.
"I'll be right back, don't let anyone have my seat."
Not that she thought she would.
"AND HAI BEE!!" Real quick before she left.
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Good, she was coming. "Well, don' yeh think i's a bit rude ter greet the staff members sittin' right next ter me, but then blatantly ignore ME?" This wasn't really a question. It was a STATEMENT.
Ignore? Waaaaait, he WAS sitting there the whole time, wasn't he????? Well then...that...that would be hard to explain. Not really, and Vinteren would want her telling the truth--the rug in detention said so but like...sometimes the truth was less believable than a lie and she didn't want to tell the Grounds Keeper that her brain didn't register him sitting there and she had genuinely not seen him...that...that sounded all kinds of rude.
She was in a fix. The truth was out but excuses would make him think she LEGIT ignored him. She opened her mouth to speak but then closed it. Truth? Lie? Hmmmm. Lex took a spoonful of ice-cream and thought about it for a moment.
Finally. "I'm sorry." She wasn't actually because it wasn't HER fault she didn't see him but this seemed like the appropriate thing to say. Just like when she told Lottie sorry but she didn't actually mean it because it wasn't her fault she didn't see Garrick standing next to her. Why did people think she paid attention???
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by lemon
"It wasn't even getting ready that took so long," Alice informed her friend, adjusting her hoodie- it wasn't cold enough for one, but it was the only Slytherin article of clothing she had, so on it went. "Breakfast takes a while. And.. what? I don't want to be a dress up doll." Dora knew how important food was, and how much she disliked skirts.
And why was she being dragged? Gentle, Dora, her skin was delicate.
Following the Ravenclaw to their seats, she stroked Biter's head absentmindedly and listened to him shout rude things at people. "We're cheering for Slytherin, little guy, you insult their opponents." Jarveys came in handy so often. "Did you bring any jelly slu-" OH OH HEY LOOK THAT WAS HER BOYFRIEND SCORING. Alice saw. "GO ODESSA." Nothing else was important enough to acknowledge. Although, if Slytherin lost by enough and her team scored really, really high, there was the tiiiiniest sliver of a chance of getting the cup.
But yay boyfriend and stuff. Cue enthusiastic pom pom wave.
If Dora could braid West's hair and get herself ready AND eat breakfast, then Alice could not take so long. It was simple logic. "You won't be a dress up doll." She shook her head and proudly watched her jarvey shout insults for the briefest moments. Dress up dolls were much more cooperative.
The match was getting INTENSE, and Dora was so busy cheering for her friends and cheering for her boyfriend and staring at him (cause it took less energy and was more enjoyable) that she almost missed Alice's question. Reaching into her jean jacket pockets, she pulled out a new pack of jelly slugs and managed to get them into the older girl's hand amidst all the cheering. "Yours." The only reason she had the really.
She shouted out more cheers and focused her attention back on the match.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Ethan glanced at Ariana curiously from his seat next to her. She was awfully quiet today.. not that he ever thought her to be much of a chatterbox, but still. Maybe she was nervous for Oakey, he thought as his eyes fell on her biting her nails. He totally got that. After their last game with Hufflepuff, especially, Ethan was terrified that Minerva would get injured again, but it was a thought he had to push into the recesses of his mind and hope for the best. How else would he be able to cheer her on and enjoy the game.
He glanced over to the announcer's seat when he heard his name. Oh was Aidan helping to commentate today? He gave his teammate a grin and thumbs up. Yes, Ethan's girlfriend was playing today and doing rather well in her new position by the looks of it. He cheered loudly for it as she caught a pass, "GO MINERVA!! GET THAT QUAFFLE!" Then he turned back to look at Ariana. "So.. who do you hope will win today?" he asked curiously. He figured she would be somewhat conflicted anyway.
Turning his green eyes back to the pitch, a glint of gold caught his eye. Was that the snitch? Certainly it was as the two seekers were now after it. As Alec emerged from the chase, his hand clutching the snitch and raised in victory, Ethan shot to his feet and cheered.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Lex
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Ignore? Waaaaait, he WAS sitting there the whole time, wasn't he????? Well then...that...that would be hard to explain. Not really, and Vinteren would want her telling the truth--the rug in detention said so but like...sometimes the truth was less believable than a lie and she didn't want to tell the Grounds Keeper that her brain didn't register him sitting there and she had genuinely not seen him...that...that sounded all kinds of rude.
She was in a fix. The truth was out but excuses would make him think she LEGIT ignored him. She opened her mouth to speak but then closed it. Truth? Lie? Hmmmm. Lex took a spoonful of ice-cream and thought about it for a moment.
Finally. "I'm sorry." She wasn't actually because it wasn't HER fault she didn't see him but this seemed like the appropriate thing to say. Just like when she told Lottie sorry but she didn't actually mean it because it wasn't her fault she didn't see Garrick standing next to her. Why did people think she paid attention???
What, no half-baked excuses? No ridiculously obvious lies? AND she just apologized? Well well well. A hint of a shadow crossed his face.
"Well, I think I'll have ter take five points fer yer rudeness, unfortunately." From his old House, too. "Bu' because yeh didn' make up yer usual ridiculous story AND yeh apologized, yeh can have three back." So all in all, not that bad, right? "Now go back ter watchin' the match. I wouldn' want yeh ter miss it!"
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Oh he should have seen this reaction coming. "Er... yes, they did. Only a few students, though. Nothing official." He made a mental note to change the sign at their pen just in case. And no, he wasn't planning on telling her WHICH students. No one needed to be expelled because of him.
Oh, the snitch! "Don' worry, I'll protect yeh from it, Annie!" he yelled, remembering several previous encounters she'd had with the object. "Go Summers!" And then the crowd cheered and Summers had it. "Alright!"
Nothing official.... "Mhmm," Annie snorted, her nostrils flaring out likely like the cow that had been named for her. Notice that he didn't give her the students' names. Typical Gryffindor.
But oh! He was offering to protect her from the evil snitchies! That melted her heart a little, and Annie used it as an excuse to scoot in closer to the groundskeeper, the pet rock between them long forgotten. Why she didn't even know where it went, if it had fallen or anything...
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Maybe it was just her overactive imagination but the Headmistress never seemed to smile when she was around. Could be a coincidence. Could be a lot of things...NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!!
"You never accept anything I offer." She said, stepping to the side a bit so the woman could see. "I promise I haven't spiked anything. I wouldn't." Not for her anyway but she could think of a few that would give her a good laugh. "I'm gonna make you cookies for end of term, will you eat thooooose? I can make 'em chocolate chip? Low fat? Low milk? Extra sugar? No icing? Marshmallow on top maybe?" Yes? No?
She would have taken the free seat near the woman but she had a best friend to go sit next to once she was done here.
Oh that Cambridge... why couldn't she just sit down when Bunz told her too? Merlin, the girl was improving her social skills and now realizing when the redhead didn't want to speak with her.... which was usually always never.
She sighed. "Tell you what, Alexa, I'll eat some chocolate chip cookies at the end of term feast if you make them. No nuts. Doesn't matter about the low fat... or milk, whatever," did cookies even HAVE milk in them? "But I will eat them, since you offered. Just not right now, because I'm not feeling so well."
She scooted closer to the groundskeeper and made a plaintive little face for the girl. Not well, see? And not any better, now that it looked like Slytherin had somehow stolen the snitch... not fair, since Hufflepuff's seeker was just a kid and the Slytherin's seeker was a full-grown man-boy... booooooooo.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Yes, of course she saw the snitch - after she handed the mic away - but she was also hungry and needed some snacks. So she nommed on her sugar quill as she intently watched the Seekers - not too disappointed when Alec caught it instead. She liked Dylan, of course, and a part of her wanted him to win his last game, but Slytherin didn't need to get too many points either. They needed to stay low enough for Gryffindor to catch up and WIN in their next game. Because Penelope WANTED that cup, and no one would convince her otherwise that Gryffindor didn't have a chance - because they DID. They could do it.
So she continued to watch as the game went on, her eyes mostly focused on her boyfriend the whole time. He was doing great, yeah? No scoring yet, but he didn't need to to still do well. He was always getting better at this whole thing, so she was proud, even if he still hated playing.
ANOTHER SNITCH. That was the only thing that managed to pull her focus to something else, and she watched intently as Alec caught it. Nice. But Dylan was good, so it was still anyone's game.
Her turn.
"Tempus throws the Quaffle back into play, and Wheatborn gets it. She flies around Stark and passes it off to Yarborough before Odessa can steal it. He makes it to the middle of the pitch - and then THROWS it to Elisabeth-Potter over Kinsley's head. He takes it down the pitch - throws - SCORE! Hudson just misses!
"She flies down to grab it and throw it back into play. Stark catches it nicely and flies ahead a bit and makes a quick pass to Kinsley who zooms around a defensive Wheatborn and Yarborough. Elisabeth-Potter is after him, and the Quaffle is thrown to Odessa. He- Looks like the Beaters are after a bludger!" The EEEEEEEEEEEE could be heard all over the stadium.
"Ferrier and Bishop are both heading for one - but Ferrier's faster and she SMACKS it right at Bishop! Ouch! But she seems okay - and Odessa makes a goal for Slytherin! Score's 120 to 90, Hufflepuffs in the lead."
A flash of gold by Hufflepuff goal hoops...
"Seekers have spotted the snitch! They off like lightning after it, they're neck and neck, reeeeaching out for it... Tempus dives out of the way as they veer off - Montmorency's got it! Second snitch for Slytherin!" Merlin, this game was getting SO close...
"Quaffle's being tossed back and forth between Wheatborn and Yarborough, clearly trying to tire out the Slytherin Chasers. They charge at Wheatborn when Yarborough has it - don't think it'd be good to pass it back - oh! He tosses it to Elisabeth-Potter who's right by the hoops - he raises his arm - and SCORES! Nice shot!
"Hudson throws it back into play. Kinsley's caught it this time and he flies above the in-coming Hufflepuffs - he makes a nice pass to Stark who's flying just below him. He takes it down a ways and then it's off to Odessa by the hoops, ready to score - but Tempus smacks the Quaffle away with his broom! Score's now 140 to 130, Slytherin in the lead."
Ugh, she needed a break. The mic was handed over to Aidan and the sugar quill was picked up again, her eyes back on Ascanius.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Bunzinator
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Nothing official.... "Mhmm," Annie snorted, her nostrils flaring out likely like the cow that had been named for her. Notice that he didn't give her the students' names. Typical Gryffindor.
But oh! He was offering to protect her from the evil snitchies! That melted her heart a little, and Annie used it as an excuse to scoot in closer to the groundskeeper, the pet rock between them long forgotten. Why she didn't even know where it went, if it had fallen or anything...
Oh that Cambridge... why couldn't she just sit down when Bunz told her too? Merlin, the girl was improving her social skills and now realizing when the redhead didn't want to speak with her.... which was usually always never.
She sighed. "Tell you what, Alexa, I'll eat some chocolate chip cookies at the end of term feast if you make them. No nuts. Doesn't matter about the low fat... or milk, whatever," did cookies even HAVE milk in them? "But I will eat them, since you offered. Just not right now, because I'm not feeling so well."
She scooted closer to the groundskeeper and made a plaintive little face for the girl. Not well, see? And not any better, now that it looked like Slytherin had somehow stolen the snitch... not fair, since Hufflepuff's seeker was just a kid and the Slytherin's seeker was a full-grown man-boy... booooooooo.
Well, she didn't start yelling, so that was a good sign. But... She's brooding. That may be worse, actually.. As in, brooding over a plan to feed him cow droppings or something.
But leave it to mentions of chivalry to save the day! She had actually scooted closer to him! Unless that was a pretext just to get closer and club him over the head, he may have actually come out in the positives on this one. And combine that with the promise of cookies? He was good to go.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
SPOILER!!: Alexa and Firth
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Maybe it was just her overactive imagination but the Headmistress never seemed to smile when she was around. Could be a coincidence. Could be a lot of things...NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!!
"You never accept anything I offer." She said, stepping to the side a bit so the woman could see. "I promise I haven't spiked anything. I wouldn't." Not for her anyway but she could think of a few that would give her a good laugh. "I'm gonna make you cookies for end of term, will you eat thooooose? I can make 'em chocolate chip? Low fat? Low milk? Extra sugar? No icing? Marshmallow on top maybe?" Yes? No?
She would have taken the free seat near the woman but she had a best friend to go sit next to once she was done here.
Ignore? Waaaaait, he WAS sitting there the whole time, wasn't he????? Well then...that...that would be hard to explain. Not really, and Vinteren would want her telling the truth--the rug in detention said so but like...sometimes the truth was less believable than a lie and she didn't want to tell the Grounds Keeper that her brain didn't register him sitting there and she had genuinely not seen him...that...that sounded all kinds of rude.
She was in a fix. The truth was out but excuses would make him think she LEGIT ignored him. She opened her mouth to speak but then closed it. Truth? Lie? Hmmmm. Lex took a spoonful of ice-cream and thought about it for a moment.
Finally. "I'm sorry." She wasn't actually because it wasn't HER fault she didn't see him but this seemed like the appropriate thing to say. Just like when she told Lottie sorry but she didn't actually mean it because it wasn't her fault she didn't see Garrick standing next to her. Why did people think she paid attention???
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
What, no half-baked excuses? No ridiculously obvious lies? AND she just apologized? Well well well. A hint of a shadow crossed his face.
"Well, I think I'll have ter take five points fer yer rudeness, unfortunately." From his old House, too. "Bu' because yeh didn' make up yer usual ridiculous story AND yeh apologized, yeh can have three back." So all in all, not that bad, right? "Now go back ter watchin' the match. I wouldn' want yeh ter miss it!"
Healer Tillstorm hadn't planned on being at today's match since it was her day off, but since it was the last match of the season form both teams playing she thought she should be there to secretly cheer for the puffs.
Of course she didn't make it for the beginning of the match, in fact, she pretty much missed most of it. She did get there in time to hear Alexa offer to share her ice cream with the headmistress and to make cookies for her as she sat behind the woman in charge.
Firth was taking points from Cambridge just because she didn't say hello to him. Really Firth?
Finding that point loss a bit harsh for that stupid reason Cece gave Firth a poke in the back. "If you go taking points from every person that fails to greet you, there will be no points left in any of the houses." And people say Cece is evil. Even she doesn't take points away for things as stupid as not being greeted.
Looking over to Alexa she smiled at the girl. "Alexa, glad to see your ears are better now." They were better right? Since she wasn't grabbing them and complaining about all the noise. "And I'd like to say I'm very impressed with you just now. Offering to share your ice cream, and to make cookies for the headmistress. I think that deserves 5 points." Yes that's right everyone. Healer Tillstorm just gave 5 points to Alexa Cambridge for being caring and thoughtful towards the headmistress.
And that Firth is how you should treat a student who is for once being nice!
The amount of excited energy on the Quidditch pitch was just too delicious to pass up. As soon as the game was over, a cold mist began to make its way into the stadium. Four or five dark shadows crept along in its wake.
"And Kaiden has the Quaffle!" Aidan picked up on the commentary, "He's taking it down the pitch.....zigging left.....zagging right.......passes it over his head to Ethan's girlfriend!!! She takes it......swoops down WHERE ARE YOU GOING, ETHAN'S GIRLFRIEND?.......OH SHE'S BACK UP! Rising higher! ..........DROPS THE QUAFFLE!" He blinked a couple times before "IT'S SNATCHED BY WADE!! GOOOOOO WADE!!! Wade's getting closer........closer........looks like he's gonna shoot........he...........PASSES BACK TO ETHAN'S GIRLFRIEND!!! SHE shoots!!!!!!!!!!! SHE SCORES!!!!!!!" He bounced.
Then a gasp was heard in the stands behind the Slytherin goal posts. A bludger had just passed over the spectators' heads!! "WATCHER OVER THERE!!" A figure in green zooms into the action. "BELROSE'S AFTER IT. HE'S GOT YOU!" SMACK. "He's got it and it hits WADE!!!" Another groan's released around the stadium.
"BUT MERLIN, OH MERLIN!! LOOK AT WEST!!" West, clearly, wasn't distracted by the bludger like everyone else was. "HE'S BY THE GOAL HOOPS!! SAVE IT TEMPUS!!! ...........HE SAVED IT!!! NO SCORE FOR SLYTHERIN!!!" At this, Aidan remembered to glance at Penelope. Her boyfriend was awful at Quidditch, wasn't he? She should go for someone who's more of a jock, you know.
"Tempus throws the Quaffle back into play!!" The ball just missed Summers, who crossed its path rather speedily. "Careful, Ale- OH!!! HE'S DETERMINED!! LOOK AT HIM!! SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTCHHHHHHHHHH SPOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTIIIIIIINGGGGGGG!!! GO GO GO GO GOOOOO!!!!" Below him, Dylan was gaining speed, preparing for the snitch to make a dive.....WHICH IT DID!!! Montmorency smirked. "GET IT ALEC!!! FASTER!!" Both the Seekers had to dive, but Dylan had an advantage. He quickly closed on the snitch. "DYLAN CAUGHT THE SNITCH! SLYTHERIN....................wins," he breathed the last word into the microphone. Mrs. James announced what he couldn't speak anyway.
You could tell all the excitement spilled out of him as Aidan shakily put the microphone back in its place. He looked at Penelope, not wanting to see her expression, but hopeful that she wouldn't look TOO happy. Especially since her boyfriend did awful. It wasn't even HE who won.
But...either way...Ascanius' TEAM won...and Penelope would probably leave Aidan...like NOW...to go......snog him.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
If Dora could braid West's hair and get herself ready AND eat breakfast, then Alice could not take so long. It was simple logic. "You won't be a dress up doll." She shook her head and proudly watched her jarvey shout insults for the briefest moments. Dress up dolls were much more cooperative.
The match was getting INTENSE, and Dora was so busy cheering for her friends and cheering for her boyfriend and staring at him (cause it took less energy and was more enjoyable) that she almost missed Alice's question. Reaching into her jean jacket pockets, she pulled out a new pack of jelly slugs and managed to get them into the older girl's hand amidst all the cheering. "Yours." The only reason she had the really.
She shouted out more cheers and focused her attention back on the match.
"You can't put me in anything skimpy. Or ruffly." Alice sunk further into her hoodie, cheering and pom pom waving appropriately when West scored, but otherwise staying silent. Waiting.. waiting for it to be over.. and... Slytherin. Her team needed.. 365 points to catch up? That meant Penelope needed three points, and they had to score 22 goals. .. well. There went the cup, yeah? Next year, maybe.
Originally Posted by DEMENTORS!
The amount of excited energy on the Quidditch pitch was just too delicious to pass up. As soon as the game was over, a cold mist began to make its way into the stadium. Four or five dark shadows crept along in its wake.
It was well past lunch time.
And why was it.. "It's c-co-cold," she informed Dora, wrapping her arms around herself and snuggling into her hoodie more. Why did she feel so sad? "I hate c-cold." .. was that.. mist?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Well that was the end of that, then. Slytherin had won, it was made official by Erin's tweet on her whistle, and *sigh* she had agreed to eat Cambridge's cooking. What was the world coming to? And what was this now? The Healer butting in to Firth's conversation?
"Shouldn't you be down there, tending to the injured?" Annie addressed Tillstorm with a suspicious LOOK. And then she actually looked to the pitch, and noticed a weird mid-day fog popping up.
Originally Posted by DEMENTORS!
The amount of excited energy on the Quidditch pitch was just too delicious to pass up. As soon as the game was over, a cold mist began to make its way into the stadium. Four or five dark shadows crept along in its wake.
It was well past lunch time.
Ugh, and it brought back a taste of winter with it. "Well, I'm done here," the redhead announced, standing up and tugging her arms back into her cape-cloak. It was too cold for shorts all of a sudden. "Firth, Tillstrom, Hadley..." she gave them all crisp nods. "See you back in the castle."
She felt like a cup of tea all of a sudden. This weather was just not improving her mood.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Oh that Cambridge... why couldn't she just sit down when Bunz told her too? Merlin, the girl was improving her social skills and now realizing when the redhead didn't want to speak with her.... which was usually always never.
She sighed. "Tell you what, Alexa, I'll eat some chocolate chip cookies at the end of term feast if you make them. No nuts. Doesn't matter about the low fat... or milk, whatever," did cookies even HAVE milk in them? "But I will eat them, since you offered. Just not right now, because I'm not feeling so well."
She scooted closer to the groundskeeper and made a plaintive little face for the girl. Not well, see? And not any better, now that it looked like Slytherin had somehow stolen the snitch... not fair, since Hufflepuff's seeker was just a kid and the Slytherin's seeker was a full-grown man-boy... booooooooo.
SHE WOULD ACCEPT HER COOKIES!!! Eeeeeeep!! Lex grinned and nodded at every condition she gave. No nuts, she'd have to remember that! Of course now she was bouncing on the spot and beaming. In all her asking she never thought she would actually say yes BUT SHE DID!!
Now Lex needed to learn how to bake.
Yeah...that was the other thing. Maybe she should have mentioned she was hopeless in the kitchen unless she was getting herself some ice-cream...? Nah! She'd get it together by the end of the term and the Headmistress would either love them or lie that she does!!! Yup, like legit, that's how things worked.
"You'll love them!" And you know, her good mood persisted even after she skipped away because she didn't care about this match, she didn't care who won, she didn't care who was playing so nothing mattered! GRIN.
SPOILER!!: Firth and Tillstorm XD
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
What, no half-baked excuses? No ridiculously obvious lies? AND she just apologized? Well well well. A hint of a shadow crossed his face.
"Well, I think I'll have ter take five points fer yer rudeness, unfortunately." From his old House, too. "Bu' because yeh didn' make up yer usual ridiculous story AND yeh apologized, yeh can have three back." So all in all, not that bad, right? "Now go back ter watchin' the match. I wouldn' want yeh ter miss it!"
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
SPOILER!!: Alexa and Firth
Healer Tillstorm hadn't planned on being at today's match since it was her day off, but since it was the last match of the season form both teams playing she thought she should be there to secretly cheer for the puffs.
Of course she didn't make it for the beginning of the match, in fact, she pretty much missed most of it. She did get there in time to hear Alexa offer to share her ice cream with the headmistress and to make cookies for her as she sat behind the woman in charge.
Firth was taking points from Cambridge just because she didn't say hello to him. Really Firth?
Finding that point loss a bit harsh for that stupid reason Cece gave Firth a poke in the back. "If you go taking points from every person that fails to greet you, there will be no points left in any of the houses." And people say Cece is evil. Even she doesn't take points away for things as stupid as not being greeted.
Looking over to Alexa she smiled at the girl. "Alexa, glad to see your ears are better now." They were better right? Since she wasn't grabbing them and complaining about all the noise. "And I'd like to say I'm very impressed with you just now. Offering to share your ice cream, and to make cookies for the headmistress. I think that deserves 5 points." Yes that's right everyone. Healer Tillstorm just gave 5 points to Alexa Cambridge for being caring and thoughtful towards the headmistress.
And that Firth is how you should treat a student who is for once being nice!
Alexa kept her expression perfectly neutral as he spoke. Rude? Yeah, Garrick thought she was rude too, didn't make her anymore sorry for not noticing him. It wasn't her fault and she wasn't going to act like it was...only that's exactly what she was doing because she didn't fancy standing here and arguing with him.
Her eyes widened at the loss of five points--REALLY SIR??? Did he want her getting rude? It wouldn't have been a problem, honest. If she was gonna lose points for something it might as well had been for something she actually did. Lex bit back any comments she had and listened to him speak...
She could have three back...? Well then. She gave him a small nod and wanted to point out that she did CARE about this game but whatever--HEALER TILLSTORM! She had a point and Lex looked to the Grounds Keeper again. It really wasn't fair.
Lex smiled over at her. "They're much better, thank you for fixing them." Even if she nearly damaged them worse first. Just saying--EHHHH??? Lex's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. She...she saw what happened just now and she was giving her points for it???? Whoooaa...
For a few minutes she didn't know what to say but then she started BEAMING. "Thanks!! I can make you some cookies too if you'd like!" It wouldn't have been too much trouble, especially not after she gave her five points. The Healer was good people, no matter what people said.
Originally Posted by DEMENTORS!
The amount of excited energy on the Quidditch pitch was just too delicious to pass up. As soon as the game was over, a cold mist began to make its way into the stadium. Four or five dark shadows crept along in its wake.
It was well past lunch time.
The cold...it was back and she hadn't worn her jacket. No one told her to dress for cold weather, it was nearly MAY. Lex blinked at the mist and could've sworn there was something moving in it. Eyes on the adults, they would figure something out.
She had a feeling she knew what they were. After Mr. Vinteren chased them away she didn't figure they'd be back. Lex clung to her bowl of ice-cream and tried to secure her candy bag. They were NOT getting her sugar.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Welp. Okay....Alexa was leaving just as Beezus arrived. O.o
....The brunette didn't have time to think hard on that thought though, because the game resumed....robes of yellow and green were swirling past her eyes, creating a spectrum of yellow green kaleidoscope in her vision. She cheered on...almost wanting to bite her fingernails as the two Seekers belt into another round of snitch catching..
...until Professor James' whistle resounded across the Pitch. Dylan had caught the snitch! O.O Meep! FLAIL!SQUEEE!BEAM! Her boyfriend got the snitch...he got the snitch....their team won! WOOOOOOOHHH! She was so happy for him....and proud. VERY.
As soon as the players on the Pitch slowly took turns in landing, Beezus left her seat with a smile on her face and watched how her Slytherin celebrated with his teammates, and congratulated the opposing team as well. Him and Ella even hugged each other.
Beezus was enjoying just standing and leaning on that post, watching the love of her life and everyone else on the Pitch being good sports and showing how they all cherish Quidditch.......but out of the blue, the tattoo on her nape tingled......and as she moved a hand to touch it, a cold wind swept over.
Blink. Blink.
That kind of cold......felt so familiar.....it gave her the creepy kind of goosebumps.
Beezus gulped and looked around. Her smile was slowly losing its brightness.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Penelope...actually wasn't sure how to feel about the outcome of the match. Mostly kinda disappointed, only because it put the cup further out of Gryffindor's reach. A part of her was happy for the Slytherins, especially Dylan since it was his last one, but still, the other part felt like all her hard work on the pitch this term was now for nothing. It almost hardly mattered that they still had a game next week...
But she was determined not to spoil their victory when she went down to see Ascanius. She cared too much now to be a bad sport anymore.
"Great game, everyone," she said into the mic before clicking it off. That was that. Now just to gather her snacks and go...
...was it suddenly really cold or was it just her? Penelope shivered, glancing over at Aidan before looking around confusedly at the mist spreading over the stadium. With it her negative feelings of failure seemed to grow stronger, and she suddenly cared less about whether she spoiled Slytherin's victory...
Those dark shadows though...looked kinda familiar...
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Her eyes still searching the stands she spotted a very important person. BLUE! The snake's eyes lit up and she dived towards her bestfriend. No greeting, no formalities she plopped down next to the Eagle. " Nice shirt, Can I burrow it later?" Since they were the same size and all.
Cassia and her never seemed to bother with small talk and pleasantries anymore, did they? Not that Blue minded. They were far too comfortable with each other. Blue shrugged and held out her arms, admiring her sleeves. "Course. S'long as I have a change of clothes first." 'Cause she wasn't just going to give Cassia her top and then have to suffer the consequences for helping her best friend out.
Originally Posted by DEMENTORS!
The amount of excited energy on the Quidditch pitch was just too delicious to pass up. As soon as the game was over, a cold mist began to make its way into the stadium. Four or five dark shadows crept along in its wake.
It was well past lunch time.
After the cheering and the match and the awesomeness and amazingness of West and Theo Blue's arms suddenly erupted in goosebumps as a cold mist set in. Her eyes widened and she moved closer to Cassia. "Are you ... c-cold? You don't think..." Merlin's mouldy socks. Her stomach churned her mars bar. No. Not again. Nope. Couldn't be.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by lemon
"You can't put me in anything skimpy. Or ruffly." Alice sunk further into her hoodie, cheering and pom pom waving appropriately when West scored, but otherwise staying silent. Waiting.. waiting for it to be over.. and... Slytherin. Her team needed.. 365 points to catch up? That meant Penelope needed three points, and they had to score 22 goals. .. well. There went the cup, yeah? Next year, maybe.
And why was it.. "It's c-co-cold," she informed Dora, wrapping her arms around herself and snuggling into her hoodie more. Why did she feel so sad? "I hate c-cold." .. was that.. mist?
"That's no fun," Dora would have pouted if her attention wasn't so into the match. Really, if Alice was gonna take all of the fun out if it, she was gonna have to try harder than that. She at least planned on getting her best some real shoes. She decided again to think about dressing Alice later and continued with the match, cheering for the snakes loudest when the match was over.
She was all grins and ready to properly congratulate Theo when she felt a sudden chill creep up on her. "It's not... that cold..." Dora responded quietly yet definitely. Alice was always cold, that's all.... still she wrapped her jean jacket tighter around her and slumped on the stands some.
Why was the Headmistress leaving so soon? And where was her jarvey? He was probably cold too without her warmth. The fourth year tried not to look too cold as she reached across Alice for the creature.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
So she was here, in the stands...maybe a little late but she had managed to watch the last snitch get caught. It looked like a tough game and she wished she could have participated but having a twenty four hour bug didn't exactly allow that.
Meh. She wanted to screech, even more so that they lost. But there was a little bit of pride tingly in her, she was proud of Ella, and everyone else on the team from the last few minutes of the match she had seen it looked like they had given Slytherin a hard time not to mention that the points were pretty close too. This game looked like a very sad one to miss, but what could she do?
And was it her or had it gone colder again? Probably her. She still wasn't a hundred percent, this morning she was feeling so hot that she had even wanted to go for a swim. So clearly it was just how she was feeling..or maybe not?
"Bee!" She spotted the Ravenclaw standing not too far away. "Are you cold, or is it just me?" Best way to check if she was crazy or not, yeah? She thought so.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Anddddddd that was the game, right? Anya hadn't been paying attention. She was wayyyyy more concerned with how cute her boyfriend was. They hadn't been to hardily any matches this term for... ... reasons. But he looked totally excited to be watching a match. Lookathim be cuuuuuute.
She was incredibly happily and in her own little Jake centered world. Well... until she wasn't as happy.
She shivered on the spot. It was getting chilly. She shouldn't have worn a skirt. The smile on her face was fading."I wanna go inside." she said suddenly. She couldn't quite place it... she just didn't want to be here anymore.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You