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Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
An suddenly the room got rapidly cold. But the temperature had felt normal only a few seconds ago. Then Tag looked upon Oakey who seemed to be having a semi-meltdown but still composed himself. He raised an eyebrow at the Head boy.
Happiest thought? Patronus charm? Focus?
So, those were all the things they needed to cast a patronus. And then Dylan was saying the exact same things. What? Tag gulped as he paid attention to both Dylan and Oakey. Then suddenly Nigel was saying the actual spell.
What in the world was going on?
He then spun around to face the doors and saw the dementors there.
Tag blinked several times and gripped his wand, though his hand was shaking terribly at the moment.
Happy thoughts. Keep your mind on happy thoughts. At the moment the only happy thought Tag had was when he met Alec. That was the greatest moment of his Hogwarts life. Probably his best memory. But would it be enough?
"Expec....expec....expecto patronum?" Tag spoke out uncertaintely. This was his first time saying it, the only thing that happened was a mere wisp of silvery smoke coming out from his wand. That wasn't good enough.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Was it supposed to be this cold? Could they have at least picture a warmer room? Alice sunk into her robes and clung to her wand tighter. Maybe they thought if it was cold, it'd help them learn? Her thoughts were wondering what else they'd done, if they could produce mist like the dementors..
.. dementors? MORE of them? How had they even gotten IN?
The sad thoughts immediately filled her head again, sad thoughts of doom and depression and pictures she'd found in her grandmother's drawers and.. and... happy. Right. Happy thoughts. What Dylan said. It was just a practical. Happy thoughts.. 365 points... 22 goals.. every single bludgers, and three snitches, all together getting her a Quidditch cup.. was that happy enough?
She could feel herself sinking deeper into sadness.
.. so not happy enough. Okay then. New thought.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Let it be known that WE closed the door on our way IN, okay? So, the cold that suddenly appeared after she'd joined the group was NOT her fault, yeah? YEAH.
Crash course?? You have GOT to be kidding. This...this was all Milton's FAULT!!! Had he been here, then ALL the dementors would've gone to HIM! Not them. Geez, Hogwarts had grown too accustomed to have a Milton Shacklebolt around. It could also be Tag's fault, because all bad things happen when he's around, wouldn't you agree?
But, like, who cared. A patronus, right? She focused on Dylan's words most, because Oakey was almost losing his head and forgot to cast a patronus. Genius.
The happiest thought. The happiest thought. Well, now, this was the most difficult thing EVER. The first thing that came to mind was...well, she'd felt the most incredible happiness when Airey said about that outstanding student thing, sooo, she could try that? No, she shouldn't, it just...West. West said something she liked best. About her being a Slytherin. That was a true happy thought. And so she would try it.
Yup. She would.
She felt like not doing this, but she HAD to. She couldn't rely on others. So, wand up! She'd seen Nigel, she could do this. Even if she was the youngest one here. Mmmhmmmm. "Expecto---," WAIT, WHAT WAS IT AGAIN?!?!!? She breathed in and out before trying it out. All the while trying to remember how she'd felt that time. The happiness, right? The happiness. It probably helped that Ariana and Dylan were there, cuz Slytherin, yo! So..., "Expecto Patronum!" she exclaimed, wand aiming nowhere in particular, but the...it was only something misty that came out of it.
Lottie breathed more and focused, focused, focused. The outcome in mind. And when she tried again, something besides the mist got out of her wand, but it vanished quite soon. Uh-oh.
And, hey, where was Lex? Why was Lex not here? Was she safe? Lottie suddenly couldn't stop thinking of her best friend. Or Mags. Were they fine? How could she forget them?? She wanted to ASK ALICE! ASK ALICE FOR LEX! Because her best friend wasn't here, and where was she??? What if other dementors got to her and Lottie wasn't around?? Not that she'd be of much help...apparently...
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by Govoni
...Then the door was opening...and he expected to see another of his peers stepping through the door...but instead...
"How.......did they......?"
He looked to Oakey and shook his head. This hadn't been his fault..."Right...." There was ice in his veins...but whatever. It was going to be fine. He'd faced these ridiculous creatures TWICE and survived. "Seems we'll be doing a practical. Gunter, pull it together..." Seriously SO OVER THESE STUPID THINGS.
"You'll need a happy thought...and not just any happy thought. The HAPPIEST you can muster...Let it fill you up..."
Oakey took his sleeve to his face and wiped away as much of the tears from his face. The last two times they were at a distance from where he was. He felt some amount of remorse when they attacked at their event, and at his last match against Slytherin. But now they were right above them and at any moment were going to start sucking their souls. "Shut up Jerk, give me a moment." Oakey waved his hand at Dylan and straightened himself up. "The incantation is simple! Y-you all know it, Expecto Patronum. All you need are your happy thoughts and...That's it Nigel." Oakey was cut of from Nigels sudden shout and casting of his patronus. Nice Wolf. Then he spotted Tag's attempt. Anything was good now, even a small whisp.
"Happy Thoughts." Oakey needed one now too, Think Oakey. He remembered last summer the day he went to pick Ariana up from the Muggle Airport. How happy she was to see his surprise visit, and picking her up. This made Oakey just as happy as well. Was Ariana thinking this as well, What was her Happy thought? Oakey pointed his wand at the entrance of the door where Moar Dementors were filing in, and shouted "Expecto Patronum!" The Silvery Blue Moose burst from his wand yet again and began to circle the group, joining along side Nigel's Wolf. "Keep trying.
if you can't get a corporeal one. Don't worry! Any kind of Patronus will do about now."
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
An suddenly the room got rapidly cold. But the temperature had felt normal only a few seconds ago. Then Tag looked upon Oakey who seemed to be having a semi-meltdown but still composed himself. He raised an eyebrow at the Head boy.
Happiest thought? Patronus charm? Focus?
So, those were all the things they needed to cast a patronus. And then Dylan was saying the exact same things. What? Tag gulped as he paid attention to both Dylan and Oakey. Then suddenly Nigel was saying the actual spell.
What in the world was going on?
He then spun around to face the doors and saw the dementors there.
Tag blinked several times and gripped his wand, though his hand was shaking terribly at the moment.
Happy thoughts. Keep your mind on happy thoughts. At the moment the only happy thought Tag had was when he met Alec. That was the greatest moment of his Hogwarts life. Probably his best memory. But would it be enough?
"Expec....expec....expecto patronum?" Tag spoke out uncertaintely. This was his first time saying it, the only thing that happened was a mere wisp of silvery smoke coming out from his wand. That wasn't good enough.
"Tag, focus. Think like a Slytherin for a moment.....Be confident..." Yes, he was beginning to feel the effects with so many barreling into the room...but they wouldn't shake him. He was over it...
Dylan whipped his wand around and focused. His happiest thought kept changing because he was slightly bipolar...THE WIN. SLYTHERIN'S EPIC WIN. Yep..."Watch me...."
"Expecto Patron---!"
SPOILER!!: Alice!
Originally Posted by lemon
Was it supposed to be this cold? Could they have at least picture a warmer room? Alice sunk into her robes and clung to her wand tighter. Maybe they thought if it was cold, it'd help them learn? Her thoughts were wondering what else they'd done, if they could produce mist like the dementors..
.. dementors? MORE of them? How had they even gotten IN?
The sad thoughts immediately filled her head again, sad thoughts of doom and depression and pictures she'd found in her grandmother's drawers and.. and... happy. Right. Happy thoughts. What Dylan said. It was just a practical. Happy thoughts.. 365 points... 22 goals.. every single bludgers, and three snitches, all together getting her a Quidditch cup.. was that happy enough?
She could feel herself sinking deeper into sadness.
.. so not happy enough. Okay then. New thought.
"Alice...come stand by me....You'll want to see this, too. Mimic me."
He was about to cast...when a dementor's hand came reaching for him. Do what? Dylan instinctively backed away, pulling Tag and Alice with him. Without much thought, he slash out of the dementor, yelling "DIFFINDO!" It was aimed at the dementor's hand, of course and a total reflex...but without seeing if it had worked out not, the Captain breathed deeply...preparing his own patronus...
"Expecto Patronum!"EAT MY RAVEN!!
....".....and I'm not a jerk. SHUT IT, GUNTER."
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
even when they were down on the field she wasnt THIS close to them, and truth be told the slytherin was scared. She backed up a few steps as she just stared at the things and walked into someone, she didnt even turn to see who or mutter a sorry. Taking a deep breath she thought of something happy... the happiest she could think of, with creepy dementor hands reaching towards.her
Her poppa, and the day he gave her her guitar and how he stayed up for hours trying to teach her but she just didnt get it. He never gave up on her though.
She thought of the.memory and just thought of it. Not letting it fill her due to the fear taking over. She let out a shaggy breath and a "Expecto Patronum!" meep. She had her wand pointed at the door as a bright silver whisp shot out of her wand and dissipated after several seconds. Well, that was a start, right?
Last edited by JennMarie; 07-24-2013 at 04:00 AM.
Reason: Jenn Cant Spell
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
So many things were happening all at once. Tag spotted a wolf patronus bounding around the room, and then he heard Oakey saying that any type of patronus was helping. Ok, so Tag wasn't a complete lost cause. He then saw Oakey's moose also going around the room. At least there was protection going around.
He then looked to Dylan when he addressed him to be confident. The little one shook his head several times as he listened to him, continue watching him Tag. His wand work had always been well, average, but at this moment Tag needed to pull it all together.
Expecto Patron.....what?
Suddenly he felt getting pushed a bit, but, so much had been going on Tag was just glad it hadn't been from a dementor. Thankfully it was Dylan, the leader in charge, he knew exactly what he was doing as he brought Alice along as well. Then the Slytherin used Diffindo to attack the Dementor, and then the patronus spell and a Raven came out of Dylan's wand.
Focus! Happy thought! Confident. Tag repeated all these things in his head as he tried to focus harder on the memory of him meeting Alec. If it hadn't been for that day he wouldn't have become best friends with someone who had in his mind, kept him happy and entertained and cared Tag. His entire mind replayed that memory in his head, and Dylan's encouraging words right now.
"Expecto...Expecto patronum!" He gripped his wand even tighter, both hands on his wand just so he wouldn't drop it. A small russell terrier leaped from it, and Tag's eyes went big from his shock that it had worked.
She overheard, because she couldn't help it, but she overheard Dylan telling Tag to think like a Slytherin and...well...that wasn't of much help...or was it?
But, she thought like a Slytherin at times, so she wouldn't have any trouble with this. RIGHT? RIGHT.
Except, she was still thinking about her best friend, and WHERE DID ALL THE OTHER DEMENTORS COME FROM?!? From the corner of her eye she saw Dylan take Alice, and it was probably great she hadn't asked Alice about Lex because...would she have answered? Probably not.
She nodded at Oakey's words, though, anything will be of help, and at least she could cast that silvery mist. Better than nothing. But...she could NOT stop thinking about the day Lex had given her that silver ribbon. It had been special. She'd remembered her friend's dislike for yellow and wished her the best. It was sort of like a protection, you know? And all Lottie wanted to do now was protect her. If only she knew where she was.
It was with that thought in mind that she gave THIS another shot. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" and that's when she saw it. It was blurry, of course, but it was there. It was a figure she'd seen before. She knew what that was. Yet to all it would seem like some sort of bird.
Tears went to her eyes, because despite the cold and the dementors and the stressful and dangerous situation they were all in, there was something familiar.
The figure vanished as soon as it hit something. But she could make that hawk appear again. And stronger. And she wanted chocolate, because this was tiring. All she brought was her wand. HOW RIDICULOUS.
Still. Never mind how tired her mind was, she pointed her wand at the dementors again and watched the silver hawk come out of her wand. A hawk like her aunt.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Once the dementors had vanished from the common room, Ronnie knew she had to chase after them. She couldn't stand the thought of them going about the castle, sucking the souls out of her fellow students.
The Gryffindor followed them all the way to the Room of Requirement and sighed because she was too late. The door disappeared right in front of her. She groaned and then squeezed her eyes shut and though in her head over and over about the dementors...and soon enough, the doors appeared again and she smiled with relief, her wand at the ready. She burst through the door and saw a few students all together, facing the dementors, casting their patronuses. Deciding to join them, she stood next to them all, pointing her wand at the dementors. Closing her eyes, she racked her brain for a happy thought...and one popped into her head.
Keeping the thought of her first kiss with Jory in her head, she opened her eyes, and shouted "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" and the white, misty fox leapt from her wand and charged for the dementors. She blinked and then beamed, surprised it had actually worked.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
"Ariana! You almost had it Cupca...You almost had it"
Right now probably wasn't a good time for cutesy nicknames with his girlfriend. "Really focus on that Happy thought! Don't let it escape you. Remember what Dylan said. 'Let it fill you up.' " He motioned for her to get closer to her. He wanted to grab her by the arm, but that would risk dissipating his Patronus. He wanted to reach out to her, but she seemed to get it, and back right into him. He watched as Tag, and Lotus then performed their Patronus' With their Animals taking form, Oakey had a big grin form on his face. He was even surprised to see one more join in on them. When did Ronnie get in here? Either way they now had a whole pack of Patronus' circling the room. Raven, Wolf, Terrier, Hawk, Moose, and a Fox. Oakey made sure Ella was directly behind him as well. Hoping she'll find it in here next to attempt the Patronus Charm. "Concentrate now on keeping your Patronus out. Don't let them vanish until the Dementors retreat!"
Things seemed to be going well...enough. For the situation they found themselves in that is.
Alas!! There was bigger issue in the room, and Oakey was sick of it's attitude with him. "Oh Please!" Oakey shouted as he stepped closer to the group that Dylan grabbed beside him. he kept his wand raised and continued to concentrate on keeping his Patronus Moose circling around them. "It was impulsive! You seriously have something against the name I call you all the time!? But now you hate me so it's an INSULT?!?" How many times until now had Dylan just smirked at Oakey whenever he called the Snake a Jerk. "Get over it for now, and take it out on me later!" They were surrounded by Dementors and now was not the time to be angry with each other.
Last edited by Uncle Moose; 07-24-2013 at 05:00 AM.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Govoni
"Alice...come stand by me....You'll want to see this, too. Mimic me."
He was about to cast...when a dementor's hand came reaching for him. Do what? Dylan instinctively backed away, pulling Tag and Alice with him. Without much thought, he slash out of the dementor, yelling "DIFFINDO!" It was aimed at the dementor's hand, of course and a total reflex...but without seeing if it had worked out not, the Captain breathed deeply...preparing his own patronus...
"Expecto Patronum!"EAT MY RAVEN!!
....".....and I'm not a jerk. SHUT IT, GUNTER."
For once, an offer for help wasn't declined, because something in her gut told Alice she was too sad to cast one of these. She sunk further into her robes and gratefully shuffled closer to Dylan, watching his raven mist around with all the other shapes. There were so many that it was nearly hard to trace them back to the people. Tag's was a russel terrier.. Lottie's was a hawk.. Oakey's was a moose.. hers would probably be a piranha, she was sure.
Or maybe a shark. Or a Tazmanian Devil, did those bite?
And could the only two seventh years who could actually cast patronuses stop distracting each other? She patted Dylan's arm reassuringly before trying to cast her own. "Expecto P-patronum!"
Not shaking at all.
A silvery ribbon appeared at the tip of her wand and then disappeared just as quickly. Her patronus was a wisp of mist? That was.. different.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Dylan was starting to see some patronuses now...One from Tag "Good job, mate."...and then Slytherin!Lotus..."Nice."
Logan and Alice were still trying but he'd get them there. They could do this together...Even if Gunter was screeching in his direction like a female. SNORT. Dylan really couldn't be bothered with whatever he was spazzing about. He had other, more important things to deal with...
...like DEMENTORS...
So, yea, Gunter. Cool story, bro.
SPOILER!!: Alice!
Originally Posted by lemon
For once, an offer for help wasn't declined, because something in her gut told Alice she was too sad to cast one of these. She sunk further into her robes and gratefully shuffled closer to Dylan, watching his raven mist around with all the other shapes. There were so many that it was nearly hard to trace them back to the people. Tag's was a russel terrier.. Lottie's was a hawk.. Oakey's was a moose.. hers would probably be a piranha, she was sure.
Or maybe a shark. Or a Tazmanian Devil, did those bite?
And could the only two seventh years who could actually cast patronuses stop distracting each other? She patted Dylan's arm reassuringly before trying to cast her own. "Expecto P-patronum!"
Not shaking at all.
A silvery ribbon appeared at the tip of her wand and then disappeared just as quickly. Her patronus was a wisp of mist? That was.. different.
"That was good...." The Slytherin commended her efforts, nodding some. Positive affirmations...He appreciated the arm-pat, too. Alice was a good friend and he'd get her through this. There was no way, even with all the other stuff going on, that he'd let anything happen to her.
For one thing, Selina Skylar would never forgive him...and he didn't want to face her wrath. Nope. Not even...
"Breath....and maintain focus. You can't let arguments distract you..." Just like he really wasn't distracted by Gunter....even if he had called him a jerk. HMPH. He was NOT, obviously. Dylan was here, wasn't he? Trying to help anyone who needed it learn an extremely difficult charm that usually took years to master. Not. A. Jerk. At. ALL. He had one thing in mind, anyway. Survival...and no one was messing that up. There were NEWTs this year...HE WOULD LIVE TO TAKE THEM...
"Throw some confidence in there, too. You CAN do this..." He gave her a serious nod.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
"Ahh!" ariana let out a scream and a jump as someone shouted her name. Her first thought went to her being attacked and having her soul sucked out and this was the end.
But it wasn't, it was praise from oakey who was very close. She turned her head and saw that it was he who she bumped into. No need to shout yo. We're right here. Turning her attention back to the scareh dementors she took another step to the side, so not to crowd oakey, or Ella for when she tried her patronus.
Confidence, dylan said something on confidence. She had that, she totally had this. She could be confident. She was Ariana Logan, and she could do this. Thinking of her poppa again she knew it was her strongest memory. It always made her smile going back to that day. Yet she just didnt know how to have it fill her. The snake just didnt understand, but she tried.
And tried as she tried once more "expecto patronum!" and she watches as now a bright silver blue puff cloud emerged and poofed faster then she could blink.
Just as Jayden had entered the room everything suddenly got very, very cold. "Oh Merlin," Jayden gasped as she looked up and caught sight of the Dementors. Oh man. When was the last time she had practiced her Patronus charm? Not since last year, and she was seriously slacking.
Well, here goes nothing. "Expecto Patronum!"
Jayden grinned, watching as the blue wisps of what looked like smoke formed into the shape of a humming bird.
"Yes! Attack my pretty!" She shreiked, aiming her wand at the dementors while still picturing some of her happiest memories.
Cael... Cael Kissing her... Christmas... the birth of her baby brother Clayten...
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella was trying but it felt like their was frost filling up her lungs. She looked from Oakey to Dylish with a pained expression, whispering "S-stop fighting." She didn't know if that was their idea of happiness but she couldn't concentrate on good things with all the bickering. Heck, she was doing her best to just hang on without bursting into tears. It was so sad, watching people who were friends fight like this. They were leaving, both of them. This was maybe the last time they'd all be together...WIBBLE!
No...she needed to focus. Oakey was standing in front of her now and she shook off the feeling of dread as best she could, knowing she needed to at least try.
The blonde closed her eyes, thoughts of the day at the zoo filling her mind again. They had met in front of the elephant cages and Ella had arrived first. She remembered talking to the elephants and not noticing as Alec walked up beside her. That smile. He was happy to see her...
"Expecto Patronum!" She said weakly, watching as wispy silver smoke came from the tip of her wand.
Her shoulders slumped. That wasn't it. She needed a different memory.
The dementors continued to move in closer to the students, their rattled breathing taking on an even more hungry undertone and their long scabby fingers reaching out towards them. Instead of easily avoiding each patronus that came their way, the dementors stood their ground. One swooped in, its hole of a mouth making loud sucking noises, and devoured the silvery raven as it flew towards him. The rattled breathing that came next almost sounded happy.
If dementors could be such a thing that is.
The others in the flock swooped in as well, each devouring a patronus of their own.
A hummingbird. A fox. A hawk. A Russell terrier.
All of them were now inside the dementors' still hungry very tummies.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
How that one dementor just devoured his patronus?!
Dylan took a few more steps back, trying to figure out...how on Earth they were going to manage this...with the cloaked figured now eating patronuses. It seemed like a stretch that they were doing such a thing...but okay. No time to think on it now...
Plan B.
"Okay. We should RUN now..." Yep...RUN.
Perhaps they could even LOCK them up in this room...No, probably wouldn't work. These were clearly SUPER!DEMENTORS they were dealing with..."Everyone, find some way to get to the door. Gunter and I will make sure you all get out...So, DO NOT wait for the others." Yep, it was an ORDER.
"MOVE IT. GUNTER...." Welp.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
What!?!? What!?!?
"You have got to be Kidding me!" Oakey shouted as he watched everyone but his and Nigel's Patronus' get devoured by the onslaught of Dementors in the Room of Requirement . "Nigel bring your wolf closer to the group, no more attacking them back! Use it to protect everyone." Oakey shot a look at the Ravenclaw, then proceeded to do so with his Moose Patronus
Move it. Gunter? What was he in Dylans way or something?
Right! They were the oldest in the room, and most experienced with their Patronus charms. Could Dylan work up another one? Was it even worth the trouble if these Dementors could eat the charm that was supposed to repel them. Oakey stood beside the Snake Captain and continued to move his Moose around the group of them. He wasn't using it to attack any more but to protect them. "Everyone turn and run! Grab a hand if you have to! Stay with each other. Don't break apart from this formation and stay behind Nigel's and My Patronus' "
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
They were...and how could...and what in Merlin's beard?
The blonde stood rooted to the spot, her green eyes wide as saucers. A patronus was supposed to make a dementor leave you alone, wasn't it?! Why weren't they going? What was going on?! Wibble! The blonde felt even colder now and she wanted to sit on the ground and curl into a ball but she knew she couldn't. They needed to get out of here.
She was vaguely aware of the others as the voices were louder now, the ones from back then telling her bad news. She tried to focus, though. What were they saying? Run?
...Run. She needed to run.
Looking around her, Ella noticed that she was standing quite close to Ariana and without even thinking, she grabbed the older girl's hand. They were both getting out of here, okay? The sixteen year old gave the brunette a look, one that said things she didn't feel she could say but she hoped Ariana understood.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
BLINK! What just happened?! One second Tag's little puppy was right there and the next the Dementor's had gulped it up like it was a piece of candy. Were they even, could they even do that? Well, nothing this term was making any sense so Tag easily put this on the 'what in the world is happening this term' list. Mhm.
He heard Dylan shouting orders to leave the room as best as they could and that he and Oakey would make sure everyone made it out. Tag nervously shook his head at that. Then it was Oakey's turn to speak and he heard him telling everyone else to stick together and to stay in a tight formation behind Nigel. Ok. That made sense. Ok! Buddy system. Ella and Ariana were already taken so Tag took hold of the next person he saw and that was Lottie. "The Unicorn and the Flower. Reunited again." He said to Lottie in a shaky voice as he gripped her wrist. "Stay tight... yeah?" Tag kept his wand out in his hand just in case of any more emergencies.
What good is protecting everyone if they are all soulless. Nigel would have said if the situation had been hypothetical. Now was not the time for argument. Though Nigel did think Tactical Retreat was a very sound strategy and Nigel hoped it worked. Nigel nodded to Oakey and steered his wolf next to Oakey's Moose.
Protecting people with Wolf and Moose. Check. People getting behind him and Oakey. Another Check. Now what was this formation he was talking about. Flying V or whatever it was. Sounded official.
Nigel continued to follow instruction and hoped for the best.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Ariana stood in HORROR as the dementors ATE several of the patronus'. could they even DO that?! didn't that like defy the law of wizard physics or something, Anything? didn't it?
she was doomed. they were all going to die and this would be it. this.was.the.end. or so she thought until she heard dylan saying get the heck out and oakey to, it was only then she shook her head and came back to reality. so many dementors. meep
she was shaking, shaking in her skin where she stood and the sadness was beginning to be overwhelming. so she did what her body and mind told her to, she just began to cry softly to herself, thinking of John and Erin and stupid Daniel adn her poppa being gone. all so sad. she looked down and tried to move her feet, but they wouldn't budge, that was until someone grabbed her hand. "ah." she said softly and pulled her hadn back quickly, No Dementor, No. Oh, it was Bishop, Ariana reached back out and took the girls hand. there was no way she was failing this time. The girl remembered back to that night and she gripped the girls hand a bit tighter, this time she would be sure to get out. her feet began to move as she pulled ells very very close behind her. Stay AWAY from her dememtors! STAY AWAY!
What? Hey! That's was her HAWK! Who gave the dementors right to eat it away, eh?
Yes. Running. That was the best idea ever. And she could run very well. There was something she didn't like about this, though, and that was the fact that Dylan and Oakey were going to help them out...
...what about Dylan and Oakey?
Lottie wouldn't worry about this, because they could get out, too, but, she could still be concerned about them, right? She didn't have much time to dwell on that thought because someone spoke up close to her, and her eyes found him quickly. Tag. 'The Unicorn and the Flower. Reunited again.' As long as the Unicorn doesn't eat the Flower it'll all be okay. Also, thanks for not tackling us to the floor, Tag! Greatly appreciated.
She nodded his way. "You too, Tag." They got out of the forest unharmed, they'll get out of the room of requirement unharmed as well.
There were differences, of course, since Tag was holding her wrist, and she decided to take her wand in her other hand and fully grabbed Tag's hand. She wouldn't feel like she was being pulled by Tag this way, and it worked better, that's all.