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Though it's rather chilly outdoors, once you enter greenhouse seven, an enchanted tropical warmth washes over you and you may want to shed a layer of clothing, or two. In the centre of the greenhouse is a long oak table, with house coloured pots set up in a neat row along its length. Its a clear indication of what the lesson will entail. Professor Bentley sits on a stool at the far end of the table where she'll have a good view of everyone. Though, with her swollen belly, she looks rather uncomfortable on her seat...
OOC: The lesson has started. If you haven't done so already then please read through the Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site Rules. All SS Board Rules apply. IC rule breaking will result in IC punishment, OOC rule breaking will result in OOC punishment.
Planting Seeds
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
3. Drop in the seed.
4. Top with soil.
5. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Re-potting Seedlings
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Remove the seedling from its previous pot by gently massaging out the contents from the bottom of the pot.
3. Place in the pot and fill the potting soil around it.
4. Pat it down so it's secure, but not suffocated.
5. Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
6. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Mack looked over the red pots that were sitting in front of her, she couldn't help but be particular, she passed two that looked as if some of the other students had knocked them over and put cracks and chips into them. If she knew how to fix them, if there was a way, she would. But the young lion didn't so she continued looking for the one that she really wanted. After looking through what seemed like oneeee hundredddd pots she chose one that was in the back, and thus had been away from all of the chaos that the students had created around the pots.
Happy with her choice she began to work, carefully putting potting soil into the pot. But of course as always, she wanted it to be even. so there she stood moving the dirt around and making it as even as possible. She mentally noted that she needed to find a way to tell when something is equally distributed in a pot, otherwise it would drive her mad every time she looked at it.
After what was probably a good ten minutes working on the potting soil Mack finally had the pot 3/4 full AND EVEN mmhm that's right, her's would be the prettiest. beam
looking to the blackboard she checked and made sure she understood the next step.
Now it was time for teh stress part. The actual removing of the seedling was very complicated. She waited patiently as the girl next to her took her seedling. The Sarah took her turn by the tray. She first looked for the nicest looking seedling then she reached her hands under the tray and began to massage at it.
After some time she finally got the seedling out. She held the seedling in her hand and made sure she had not left the roots behind and then placed the whole seedling cube onto the soil in the pot.
She then passed the tray over to the next person that needed it. Sarah was used to sharing things.
It looked kind of wierd, sort of like a stage in the middle of the pot. Yet that would soon chase
Annabeth listened carefully to Mrs Bentley's instructions. She sighed, all that she needed was taking the new notes and re-potting those charming plants. The way the teacher did her demonstration gave Annabeth the impression that the seedling were like babies who need being touched carefully. Or was it because the teacher were pregnant? "It doesn't mind", she muttered and shook her head. Then the girl carried her three pots to where everybody was leaving their pots with the seeds of Umbrella Flowers and came back to her bench, picked up her quill and parchment and began copying the blackboard:
Planting Seeds
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
3. Drop in the seed.
4. Top with soil.
5. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Re-potting Seedlings
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Remove the seedling from its previous pot by gently massaging out the contents from the bottom of the pot.
3. Place in the pot and fill the potting soil around it.
4. Pat it down so it's secure, but not suffocated.
5. Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
6. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Okay. Time to start repotting the fanged geranium seedlings. That meant another green coloured pot, yeah? Yeah. Kat filled the green pot with soil until about three-fourths of the pot was filled with nothing but soil. Now that part was done. At least that was the easy part. The hard part would be the taking the seedling out of its previous pot.
But hey she had gloves... and she wanted to take the googles off. It was as if they were going to take her eyeballs out. It was so tight. Struggle struggle. Kat adjusted her protective googles again. Now what was the point of them now? They were quite useless if they were only going to plant and repot plants. She'd take them off later.
Anyway she was supposed to repot the seedlings now. Yep. Kat peered inside the pot with the seedlings. Eh... okay. She then started to slowly massage the bottom of the pot. Was this going to take long? Nope... not really. After the seedling was finally removed from the pot, Kat placed it in her green coloured pot and filled it with potting soil around. Success.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Annabeth grabbed a yellow pot, filled it with soil and was already pinching the fertilizer when she realized that it was the step 5. "Oh, I nearly did all it wrong", she returned the pinch of dragon dug, twisting her nose, then stood up and came back to her bench.
After putting the yellow pot on the bench, she grabbed a pot with a seedling and began to massage it gently. It was a bit bizarre. She had the impression that the tiny seedling was purring like a kitty. "Is it possible?", she asked herself, grinning. Then she carefully placed the seedling into the pot.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daichi stopped with what he was doing and frowned when the Professor already announced the second activity of the lesson. He looked at his unfinished work and sighed when he pushed it aside for now. After writing down his notes, the Slytherin began to work.
Fanged Geraniums? Daichi was secretly glad that they were still young and didn’t have to mind their fingers and hands when they worked with them. At least not much. He grabbed a pot and the bucket with potting soil and added in ¾ of the soil.
He checked his notes beside him to see what the next step was and grabbed the pot where the seedling was in now and held it up. The plant wasn’t going to snap at him right? Did it even have teeth yet or did it only have gums? Either way, the Prefect didn’t want to find out so he quickly yet gently tried to massage the contents out of the bottom of the pot.
Last edited by DuckyLinJi; 06-03-2013 at 04:33 PM.
Reason: edited title to third. Thought it was the 2nd activity
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by Hera
After placing small trays of seedlings between groups of students, Seren wandered around to assess how far they had come. Most were finished or finishing off, so it was about time to move on. Laggers could always catch up in their own time. "Stop what you're doing everyone!" she announced once she was back in position at the head of the table. "I'm going to give the next set of instructions, so if you're not quite done with your Umbrella Flowers... it can wait." Yes? Good.
"Now you may have noticed I've placed trays of seedlings along the table... these are, Fanged Geraniums, they're very young, only about two weeks... but as you can see, they're now big enough to be re-potted." So that they could spread their beautiful roots and flourish! Blossom into the great little flora they are. "You will be following the same potting instructions, only with a few adjustments..." she added, turning to tap the board with her wand. Additional instructions started scrawling across the blackboard.
"Please take your turn with the seedling pots, and be gentle as you massage the seedlings out," Seren said, showing them how to do one. Her fingers cupped the bottom of the thin plastic tray, and slowly, gently, she massaged it up, the seedling and soil mold popping out from the tray. "So have a go with that, and then we'll get to our last activity of the day."
Right, they were moving on...and with Fanged Geranium. Dylan was super pleased with this. He'd never gotten a chance to have that potting lesson with Professor Bentley. Between his studies and Quidditch, there had been zero time...So, YAY for making that up during a lesson.
First, though...he pulled his notebook and took down the notes she'd just added to the blackboard...
SPOILER!!: Dylan's notebook!
Dylan Montmorency
Slytherin Seventh Year
Herbology Lesson II: Plant Sale Preparation
Plants Available
Umbrella Flowers
Fanged Geraniums
Planting Seeds
Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
Drop in the seed.
Top with soil.
Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Re-potting Seedlings
Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
Remove the seedling from its previous pot by gently massaging out the contents from the bottom of the pot.
Place in the pot and fill the potting soil around it.
Pat it down so it's secure, but not suffocated.
Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
It was basically the same thing as before. Bentley has said as much...So, pulling another green-colored pot, Dylan went about filling it with soil. Just like with the previous seeds, this process didn't take that long...and within a few minutes, he was ready to get the seeding out of it's current home.
Carefully digging his gloved hands down into the pot, the Slytherin massaged as directed. It was weird using this technique on a plant and it's roots....but it was whatever. At least his mad skillz weren't going to waste.
Since he was being so careful, this step took several minutes...but that was cool. They weren't in a rush, right?
Finally, it came loose!
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
The seedling seemed to be happy in its new place, Annabeth thought. She covered the tiny roots gently with soil, tapping it down. The girl put her hands on her waist and stood gazing at the seedling. It's so cute! Then she whispered to the seedling:
"Are you hungry, baby? Mum has baby food to you. Wait a minute," and she went toward the fertilizer, took a pinch of it and came back to her bench.
"Here we go. Open your mouth, ah!" She opened her own mouth showing as it should open its mouth if it had one. "And don't twist your nose! nah...nah.. nah... It's not so smelly. It's tasty... You must eat it to grow strong as your dad and having beautiful flowers as your mum. Yeah. Very good!", she whispered before adding the sprinkle of fertilizer on the soil. She took off her gloves, grabbed her wand and said:
"Bath time, my baby, bath time!" And she cast the spell, grinning: "Aguamenti", saying quickly after it: "Finite". "It wasn't good? Mum does know how her baby likes its bath..." she nodded and added: "Now you can sleep a little before Aunt Bentley take you to Hogsmeade. Sweet dreams, my baby!" She said in a melodious voice, crossed her arms and stood still, gazing at the teacher.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Filling the pot with three-fourths of soil? Done. Removing the fanged geranium seedling from its previous pot? Done too. Placing it in the green pot and filling soil around it? Done that too. All it needed was a bit of patting, fertilising, and watering then she was done with this activity. Although this might not be te last one because, well... there were three plants to tend to
And seriously this googles. Kat was iching to take them off now.
But anyways, she wasn't done with the fanged geranium yet. Kat patted it down to make sure the seedlings didn't get washed off and such. Oh.. awkward. Patting was awkward. Screw it. After the patting part, Kat took a pinch of fertiliser and sprinkled it in the pot. There you go. And the last part...
WATERING. The easiest part of most of the activities done in Herbology class. Kat took her wand out again and point it inside the pot with the soil and stuff. "Aguamenti!" she said and water came out of her wand. She made sure the soil wasn't too muddy, but just the right amount of water. "Finite!" She was done. Just one more plant to handle and they were all done.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
After extracting the seedling, Dylan moved the two-week old to its new home. It was a good thing the plant was still practically a baby...and not trying to naw his hands off. Yea, he knew spells and stuff...but that seemed like a lot of work just to repot plants for some sale.
Yep...just throwing that out there.
Settling it down into the second green pot, Dylan went ahead and began closing it in with more soil. Glancing at his notes just to make sure...he began lightly patting it all down. Lightly because apparently you could suffocate the seedling roots. That was sure to upset Professor Bentley. So...yea...He was extra careful to avoid doing that.
...Then came the fertilizing part...
Dipping his gloved fingers down into the fertilizer, he gathered some between his fingertips and then moved it over, sprinkling it across the soil...She hadn't really specified an exact amount to use...So, he figured he was in the clear.
Moving on...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Lex stood back and watched the plant, just to make sure it really was holding up as well as it'd been just now. So far so good. She reached over for a bit more of the fertilizer, again she only needed a sprinkle. That was something else she found curious, both the seed and the seedling only needed a sprinkle, she would have thought one would need a bit more for being...bigger? Not all that bigger but you got the idea.
Eh. She'd leave that alone, Professor Bentley was a genius with plants and Lex was known for killing plants that couldn't kill her first. Clearly following the instructions of the Professor without question would have been the better choice.
Alexa sprinkled the fertilizer all over the soil.
Next she drew her wand again. "Aguamenti!" Her focus remained on the plant and the water until it seemed that was enough. "Finite!" Oh hey, she was done now!
Next! Next! Next!
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
So now the real deal. Sarah took her spade and dug some more soil from her bucket. Slowly the level of teh surrounding soil began to rise and the stage (aka the seedling) did seem less odd.
Once that was done Sarah patted the top of it all, making sure it was okay and level.
Finally she took out some more fertileser and just like before she sprinkles it all over the surface, just like she had done before. She had done quite a lot of repeating of the steps after all and Sarah knew that.
Then she took out her wand and casted the water spell, thist ime she knew how much to add and therefore without stopping and starting it did not become muddy. She casted finite and put her wand down.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Grinning broadly down at his notes...all that was left to do was water this bad boy.
Whipping out his wand, Dylan focused, concentrated....(all those adjectives), saying Aguamenti clearly in his mind. Once again, he was PROUD when water began spouting out from the wand tip without words. PROUD...and just like he always did, the Slytherin capped it off...deceasing the pressure with his thumb so as not to disrupt the plant too much.
Not that he'd say so out loud to the Herbology Professor...but he'd accidently broken stems before with too much water pressure. Dylan did NOT want to repeat that whole scene...Especially not in front of the pregnant lady...He knew about mood swings. His mother had been mild in comparison to the ones on TV sometimes...
After moisturizing the soil with water, he whispered "Finite."
What plant was coming next? The Slytherin had a feeling there would be another...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Moving on to the new plant now, Eliza adjusted her gloves. There was no way she was touching these biting little monsters barehanded, even if they were only seedlings. She grabbed a fresh blue pot and deposited some soil into it. Since this pot needed to be filled three fourths of the way too, she was able to guesstimate it a little easier this time.
Once the pot was ready for planting, she sat it down and picked up the carton of seedlings. Carefully, she put her hands underneath the container and gently pushed and rocked her fingers against the plastic so that the soil would loosen and release the plant, without breaking any roots. Hopefully. She may not like plants that bite, but it didn't mean she wanted to cause them any harm. Especially since they were just little babies and hadn't had the chance to grow up to bite someone's finger off yet. That was a chance every plant deserved, right? More like we should eliminate the things before they have a chance to hurt people, she thought. Only joking of course. I'd still feel bad about that. The whole preemptive strike thing never sat well with her, no matter how practical it might be.
She wiggled it free as best she could and pulled it from its temporary home, lifted it over the table, and nestled it into the soil in the new pot.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Eliza Dawnsel
Ravenclaw Third Year
Herbology - Lesson Two
Umbrella Flowers - Planting
Planting the Seeds 1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil. 2. Add a sprinkle of fertilizer. 3. Drop in the seed. 4. Top with soil. 5. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Fanged Geraniums - Re-potting
Re-potting Seedlings 1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil. 2. Remove the seedling from its previous pot by gently massaging out the contents from the bottom of the pot.
3. Place in the pot and fill the potting soil around it.
4. Pat it down so it's secure, but not suffocated.
5. Add a sprinkle of fertilizer.
6. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
When Kace was proving he could plant the seeds into the pots, he heard the second activity move on. He got his gloves on and squinted at the board to see what he would have to do. Kace took his gloves off and then started to write the notes before he even began
SPOILER!!: Kace's Notebook
Umbrella Flowers - Planting
Planting the Seeds
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Add a sprinkle of fertilizer.
3. Drop in the seed.
4. Top with soil.
5. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Fanged Geraniums - Re-potting
Re-potting Seedlings
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Remove the seedling from its previous pot by gently massaging out the contents from the bottom of the pot.
3. Place in the pot and fill the potting soil around it.
4. Pat it down so it's secure, but not suffocated.
5. Add a sprinkle of fertilizer.
6. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Alright so the first two steps did not seem so hard. He grabbed a fresh yellow pot from the front and sat down at his workstation. Kace put his gloves on and he got the soil and filled the pot 3/4 the way with potting soil. Then he had to remove the seedling from the previous pot. Kace massaged it out with his gloves. He did not want to break the roots or anything. He tried to be as gentle as possible. Once he had done that, he gently placed it into the new pot and filled the potting soil around it while lightly patting it.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Hera
"Please take your turn with the seedling pots, and be gentle as you massage the seedlings out," Seren said, showing them how to do one. Her fingers cupped the bottom of the thin plastic tray, and slowly, gently, she massaged it up, the seedling and soil mold popping out from the tray. "So have a go with that, and then we'll get to our last activity of the day."
MORE? Theo was kinda hoping that he could disappear after the last activity since that was already so much effort. Sheesh, he needed a break. He grabbed his bucket and filled it up with more soil from the front of the classroom, and once he had placed it down, he pulled his gloves up tight again.
In a much slower motion than he had done in the previous activity, Theo filled the pot quickly to the halfway point, then took a breather. Now gently. The remaining quarter of the soil kinda sprinkled itself on top, and Theo was eventually happy enough with the amount. The Slytherin placed his bucket of soil a little way away from him, then pulled the tray of seedlings in front of him when it was his turn. Ah, the tricky part.
Theo gently pressed his fingers inside the soil and grabbed deeply below one of the seedlings. He pulled and....
Oh, okay... the thing pretty much crumbled apart on the table.
Noooooo matter, nobody saw that. Theo cleared his throat slightly and went to try again with the seedling next to the broken one.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Once Kace was finished putting the seedling into the new pot, he checked his notes to see what he had to do next
SPOILER!!: Kace's Notebook
Umbrella Flowers - Planting
Planting the Seeds 1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil. 2. Add a sprinkle of fertilizer. 3. Drop in the seed. 4. Top with soil. 5. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Fanged Geraniums - Re-potting
Re-potting Seedlings 1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil. 2. Remove the seedling from its previous pot by gently massaging out the contents from the bottom of the pot. 3. Place in the pot and fill the potting soil around it. 4. Pat it down so it's secure, but not suffocated. 5. Add a sprinkle of fertilizer.
6. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
He needed to make sure the seedling was secure and not suffocated. It did not seem suffocated, in fact it seemed it like the new pot with new soil. It seemed cozy. Kace was happy he was doing a good job. He was liking Herbology a little bit. Then he got the fertilizer and sprinkled it on. He checked the last step to see what he had to do.
He even wiped the sweat off his forehead. He was getting quite hot in the greenhouse.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Theo dug his fingers straight into the next seedling, but paused before pulling them back up. He slowed right down and very gently tugged at them from the very bottom of the pot. Gradually, the seedling emerged and was now sitting very neatly in his hands. He plopped it into the pot, GENTLY, then relaxed his arms. It still needed a little support to stand up, though, so Theo picked up the bucket with remaining soil and topped it up around the plant.
This part would always come easy to Theo. He patted around the plant carefully, making sure that it still had enough room to grow, but not allowing it to flop over. And then he continued to pat down the rest of the surrounding soil. It was soon all neat and up to his tidy standards.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
The last and final step. Watering the plant. He had to think what that charm was. It was Aguamenti. Yup Belle told him he would be using that spell quite a lot in herbology. He pointed his wand at the pot, he said "Aguamenti!" and then water came out of his hand and then he realized it was enough and then he said "Finite!" and he was done with all the steps for Repotting.
He could finally sit down and relax for a couple minutes. He took his hands out of his gloves and fanned his hands to get the sweat off of them.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Ahh... Theo's least favourite part. Fertiliser. He did his routine of pulling up the gloves tight, then grabbed a flowerpot as he headed to the front of the class again. He dipped the pot into the bag of dragon dung and scooped up a tiny bit again. Just a bit was all he needed after all, and then he dashed back to his place because he wanted to hurry up and get this done.
Using his fingers, he grabbed a small handful and sprinkled it all over the top of his pot and over the seedling.
He rubbed his hands together to try and get some of the excess dung off from his gloves, then pulled out his wand. "Aguamenti." A small jet of water soaked it's way through the pot, but not too much, "Finite." It was the perfect amount of water. Theo placed his wand back onto the desk and smiled at his neat work again. Hopefully that would be the last activity for today, because Theo was now bored.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Ethan vaguely watched as Bentley demonstrated planting a seed. He was more than familiar with the process so he didn't pay that close attention, but he was always interested how others tended to basic Herbology tasks, especially professionals, not to mention he wanted to be attentive in class. And now he was wondering just why he had put so much fertilizer in his pot and why he had used the pot in the first place instead of another bucket, needing to put the soil in first. And where they only planting one?
Instead of getting another pot, he grabbed a bucket and dumped the fertilizer from the pot into the bucket. There.. now he had an empty pot to use for planting. He grabbed the small bucket that he had filled with soil and began scooping it with gloved hands into the blue flower pot, stopping as it reached 3/4 full. Then he took the other bucket with the fertilizer and grabbed a handful. Again using a gloved hand, he sprinkled the fertilizer over the top of the soil. Ready for the seed..
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
After they were done planting the Umbrella seed, Minerva sat and waited for the next thing they were going to do. When Bentley brought the class back together Minerva quickly wrote down the notes on the procedure of how to do this activity.
SPOILER!!: notes
Re-potting Seedlings
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Remove the seedling from its previous pot by gently massaging out the contents from the bottom of the pot.
3. Place in the pot and fill the potting soil around it.
4. Pat it down so it's secure, but not suffocated.
5. Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
6. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy).
Minerva went and got a pot with a seedling in it. Taking it back to her workstation she carefully placed it on the table. Then she went and retrieved another house color pot.
Once she had the new pot and the seedling sitting at her workstation, Minerva began to place soil into the empty house color pot. As she removed the soil with her gloved hands, she made sure to be careful trying not to get to much dirt everywhere.
Moving right along, she continued placing the dirt into the pot until it was 3/4 of the way filled just as she had done with the other pot. Looking at her notes she crossed out the steps she had already done and looked on to the next item.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
On to the next, huh? Ella sat up a little straighter and listened to Professor Bentley tell them what to do with the seedlings. She then added some things to her notes with a thoughtful expression. Right... So she was ready to plant now, yeah? Yeah.
Grabbing another pot, the blonde placed it in front of her and began filling it with soil. She bent lower so that she could get a good view of just how much she was filling it, wanting it to be right around 3/4. A ruler would really come in handy right about now, yeah? Though she supposed their measurements didn't have to be perfect or anything.
When she was done with the soil, Ella reached for the tray of seedlings and cupped it at the bottom like Professor Bentley had. She then slowly and carefully began massaging so that the seedling was gently pushed upward and out of the tray. Ta-da. Seedling ready to be moved!
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Okay, so Sky might've seen this done before, with Muggle plants. So, no real reminders of what to do were needed. She grabbed another green plastic pot, mentally chuckling at how contrary this was to her aunt's entire department. Plastic was supposed to be bad for the environment, right? Anyway, she filled the container 3/4 of the way, then added a little fertilizer. Easier for the roots to reach, no? Then, carefully avoiding the plants fangs, she trapped the stem between her tumb and index finger close to where it entered the soil and gently started trying to wiggle it out of it's current pot.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Now that Ella had her seedling in hand, she carefully moved it over to the pot and placed it inside. Then very gently she began to fill the potting soil around it. "There, there. You're going to be comfy and cozy really soon." For whatever reason the blonde really believed that talking to the plants helped. Her Gran was more of a singing to the plants type but Ella wasn't quite confident enough to do that in class. Besides, she didn't want to disturb anyone.
Next the sixteen year old patted down the soil around the seedling. She was careful not to pat too much, not wanting to harm the little thing. When she was finished with that, she turned her attention to the fertilizer.