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Greenhouse One is prepped for the last herbology lesson of the term, and the sight does not disappoint. As soon as you enter the greenhouse, you're confronted with two even rows of handsome saplings with evergreen buds. What's more, is that they're floating in midair, roots exposed in patches where clumps of dirt have fallen away.
Professor Bentley is slumped against a work station, her swollen belly looking as if it were about to burst.
OOC: The lesson has begun! Do not post your late arrival!. If you haven't done so already then please read through the Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site Rules. All SS Board Rules apply. IC rule breaking will result in IC punishment, OOC rule breaking will result in OOC punishment.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
AH HAH!! She KNEW it!! They WOULD be hacking away at these things eventually. Pfffft, she was soooo ready for this. Where as the last task would have been easier with her hands this one she could take care of with spells...besides...it would have been better for the plant if she used her wand because the only other option was yanking away at the roots and that might have done some serious damage, you never know.
She remembered the days when that spell used to be a real hazard to her health as well as the health of anyone else that might have been standing too close. Just look at that. Cast with no problems. This was how she liked her wand to behave. It should keep it up.
"Diffindo!" And another dead root was severed. This was boss at this.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Sarah looked at the roots again.... hmm.. it looked like it needed trimming now, espeically that one root. It was good to know which cases needed which spell. She looked at the thin thing before her, "Flipnsnipwitit" she casted and so the trimming began. She wiped her brow a few times, just out of habit. While some people may like the feeling of cutting off the bad parts, Sarah found it torture. She did not want to cut off the bad parts, yet she also knew that by trimming off the bad parts, the trees health would improve. But the pain...
She stopped a moment and looked at the professor, "would breaking off the dead bits with muggle tools work on this?" she asked. It probably would, yet it was best to check. After all, at home Sarah was not able to use magic yet
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
She probably should have tried trimming some of these but well...the severing charm was more fun. It did this nice, clean slicing thing that she liked to see now that she knew she wouldn't lose a finger in the process. It was like she'd found a new love for the spell. Lex always preferred spells that had the potential to cause damage. They were fun.
Of course, this time, she wasn't damaging anything. Quite the opposite, she was helping a plant become healthy again so that it would be forever in her debt and allow her to climb it.
Really she should have considered looking for a book on tree codes. She had to know how they worked.
"Diffindo!" There went another. "Diffindo!" Oooooo, two for one this time! How exciting! Er...not that she was getting carried away or anything. Noooope. Just casually enjoying hacking away at dead plant roots. Nothing to be concerned about really. Hehehehehee.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Seeing that things were going very well, Asher continued to work. "Diffindo" he commanded as he pointed his wand at yet another dead root. "Diffindo"
Just as before, Asher was careful to collect the discarded roots with the dirt and make a nice pile. Much easier to clean up as he went to have it all at the end.
Seeing that his pile was going to be quite large, Asher decided he would separate the dead roots from the dirt.
Sarah examined the next root in question. This one was thicker and a diffenite candidate for the severing charm. "Diffindo" she casted as the dead part came off. It was sad how dead the tree actually was, and Sarah was glad that it was still alive. She went closer to examine the roots, noting if there were any difference between a tree that feeds on air and water to a tree that needs soil. She remembered learning about plant tissues in school, or out of schoolin the library, she could not remember as her muggle education came from school, her home and books, so it was quite a mixture.
"Diffindo" she casted again on another root. Another one of this painfull work down. The tree was looking healthier already, even Sarah would admit that. She did not like these damaging spells, as they still felt destrucive in her heart, even if her head said otherwise
Asher saw that the tree he was working on was looking quiet nice. "Looks like only a few bad or dead roots left on this one." He said to the others around him working on the same tree.
He glanced around and saw one that looked rather sick, "Diffindo!" he said and the dead root fell to the ground. He was pleased with how well the spell was working and how far he'd come.
Brushing some of the dirt and dust off of his robes, Asher looked towards the professor to see what they were to do next.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
You know...it was funny...but her plant was almost starting to look a bit bare. SHE HADN'T MURDERED THE PLANT it just...wasn't as OVERLY cluttered with roots as it was before. 'Least she left the healthy ones! They'd spring right back up in no time.
Just to be on the safe side, she inched over to another tree that didn't have that many people working on it. Don't mind her, just trying not to kill a tree.
She assessed this one, trying to figure out how much cutting it would need for it to be in tip top shape and not looking like it's cousin over there. If anyone asked, she'd never seen that one before in her life. That was her story and she was sticking to it...unless the Professor asked. That rug in detention said she was not meant to tell lies.
Though really, how much of a lie would it be...?
And down the dead roots fell. "Diffindo!" She was tempted to make a third cut but should she really...? Considering the last one--that she'd totally never seen before in her life. Ahem. What?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Princesspower
Sarah looked at the roots again.... hmm.. it looked like it needed trimming now, espeically that one root. It was good to know which cases needed which spell. She looked at the thin thing before her, "Flipnsnipwitit" she casted and so the trimming began. She wiped her brow a few times, just out of habit. While some people may like the feeling of cutting off the bad parts, Sarah found it torture. She did not want to cut off the bad parts, yet she also knew that by trimming off the bad parts, the trees health would improve. But the pain...
She stopped a moment and looked at the professor, "would breaking off the dead bits with muggle tools work on this?" she asked. It probably would, yet it was best to check. After all, at home Sarah was not able to use magic yet
It was a question she’d expected to come up sooner or later, and it was a responsible one. “Of course, and I would have offered some pruning shears.... if we’d had any.” Considering they were sold at the beginning of the term to account for the budget cuts.
Blink. This girl spoke a lot, but nothing wrong there some people spoke more than others. But Bee...yeah she was gonna stick with the nickname Anna, because she knew a Bee already and so there would be less confusion there. "I'll call you Anna, if you don't mind?" she send a smile the girls way.
As for what she though, Renesmee pouted some before answering. There was not a chance she'd use her hands. Nope. Nope. She knew the spell, was able to perform it and so why would she use her hands when she could stay clean? Not a chance."I'm sticking with the spell, but you can use your hands." Because they didn't need Bentley panicked, nope. Anna was right about that and about the hair too because if there was one thing Nessie did like about herself it was her flawless ginger hair, as Adam used to say. "Thank you." She nodded politely.
Now they could to work?
Taking her wand out Nessie aimed it at some of the roots and not to loudly said the incantation of the cleaning charm. "Tergeo." She murmured and watched as the roots cleaned themselves, she was gentle and that was her focus as she repeated the spell once more on another section.
Anna was working fine with her hands then? She hoped so because the Professor already seemed to be moving on. "Um..I'm gonna start trimming, if that's okay?" She hoped it was, because she didn't entirely wait for an answer as they were a little behind.
So trimming charm or severing? The red head looked at the roots before her. A bit of both propbably. Eh. She'd start with the easier roots and that would require trimming first. Wand out and ready she went on with the karate chop-like wand movement and began trimming away. "Flipnsnipwitit." She murmured as she went along with her trimming.
Roots. They were falling every now and then. A grimace was all Nessie could pull as she continued. Could they be done with this already? She didn't like all this plant touching. She'd be having a bath after this for sure.
Annabeth was so happy by having the help of a seventh year student. She always learnt a lot by observing the older students working.
She was talking too much. It often happened when she was excited with something, and she was excited by the task, those hovering trees were amazing! And in anyway, she was expecting that the baby could born during the class, more than scared by this idea, she was eagerly waiting for it.
Then the roots were clean. Tergeo - a new spell, she repeated in thought, she couldn't forget this one. Anna looked attentively at Nessie. She was casting another spell, which cut the roots. "Nessie, you are so good with your wand!" Anna grinned, repeating in thought the word "Flipnsnipwitit", while mimicked her movements as the firstie must to learn the spell, due the fact they hadn't any pruning shears.
Minerva watched as Ethan went under the plant. Her heart raced a bit seeing him put his hand on the root. She tried to keep the visions out of her head of her own hand in the flames. Closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths she heard his voice and opened her eyes again. "You want me to walk over there?" She blinked a few time and took another deep breath walking around the plant and trying to give a smile at the other two working. Going next to him she looked at where he was talking.
Calming her shaking hand she pointed her wand. Focusing on the roots that needed the soil removed Minerva calmed as much as possible so her voice wouldn't crack "Tergeo root" taking another deep breath she didn't it again to a few others. Watching the soil remove from the roots she gave a little smile. She was doing it, her heart was going to jump out of her chest, but she was doing it. Looking back at Ethan she grabbed his arm, "Thank you", letting go again so he could do his thing with his plants.
Originally Posted by Hera
Sitting down, and not moving around, sucked. Seren was not a fan. And if it wasn't for her aching feet and lower back, she'd be waddling around regardless.. but as it were, she just couldn't be bothered heaving herself up from where she sat.
To the students' credit, they were working well, at least, that's how it appeared. It made her swell (if that were still possible) with pride. "Excellent work guys," she encouraged from where she sat. "Step two, is to trim away the beyond damaged or decaying roots, the trimming charm or severing charm should do the trick... be generous, but not heavy handed." They did need some roots left after all.
OOC: Activity part 2! You have approx 20 hours to complete this task. Same as before, 3 posts minimum.
Ethan watched Minerva carefully as he waited for her to walk around to the other side of the sapling. He moved just a little bit in that direction so she could see that he would stay right beside her and he nodded at her words. "Yes, right over here," he gave her a small smile and gestured to the general area. "You can do this.. just like before."
Watching as she successfully performed the spell, he turned and gave her a grin. "Great job," he said and placed his hand atop hers as she reached for his arm. "No problem.. I knew you could do this." Once she let go he reached over to clear the rest of the soil particles with his gloved hands, carefully running his fingers through the roots till they were clear of debris.
They finished just in time for Ethan to look up and hear Bentley's voice. Next step: clearing away damaged and decaying roots. Yes, he did notice some of that on the tree when they were clearing away the soil. He looked back over at Min and gave her a small smile. "Why don't we work on this together again.." He gave her an appraising look, trying to figure out the best course of action as he knew she didn't want to get too close. "Alright.. I know you don't want to get too close, so how about I sever the bigger roots and you can use the trimming charm on what's left? I'll point them out to you.." He turned back to the tree and cast Diffindo on a larger decayed portion of the roots, allowing that to fall off, then he turned back to Min. "This area here needs to be trimmed." He gestured to a smaller section that appeared damaged and nearly falling off anyway.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Unsure of how to do the incantation, Annabeth took off her gloves and put them aside. Then she picked up her wand and pointed it at a particularly smelly root. She quickly repeated the karate chop-like wand movement, while saying Flipnsnipwitit and trimmed it away. "It works!" She said a bit aloud, amazed that she had cast that spell for the first time in her life. She picked up the rotten root from the ground and looked at the cut attentively. It seemed to be done by a scissor, so perfect it was. She grinned and took it aside.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
And then came the sad part. Well... not really. They were amputating the gross part of the tree and making it healthy.
... And Anya really needed to stop using that word in relation to trees. It gave her horrible mental images.
She felt around the roots in front of her. She didn't want to overly cut the tree. But she did come across a good sized root that looked decayed. Using her wand she cast "Diffindo." a few centimeters above where the root looked bad. That should be good, right?
She stroked the remaining part of the root. "You're okay..." she whispered softly.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
They were doing well. Annabeth was very proud her work. The trees would become healthy again, surely, she nodded thoughtfully.
She looked at Nessie. Nessie was so perfect, so clean and she seemed gowned as if were going to a important party, although she was wearing a Hufflepuff uniform just like Annabeth was. Then she looked at herself. Her robe was dirty as well her hands, which were stinking because of the rotten roots. She grabbed her wand and pointed to herself: "Tergeo", them she smiled widely: the dirt were wiped from her robe, at least in the small circle where her wand was pointed to. It would take a century for her wipe all of her robe. AAAAAAnd she was supposed to be cutting away the rotten roots, wasn't she? She pointed her wand toward another rotten root and say loudly: "Flipnsnipwitit!" Another rotten root was on the floor. She smiled. It would not took so longer for them to finish it.
Now they were breaking the tree? Jake turned to look at Professor Bentley for a moment before returning his attention to the tree. He inspected the roots in his section of the tree before glancing at Dylan and Beezus in turn, then finally resting his gaze on Anya. He watched her work for a moment before figuring she was probably doing it right and he should get started on his part.
He held his wand in his hand again, willing his hand not to shake. He closed his eyes momentarily and took a deep breath. Okay.
Finding a root that looked way too far gone to be saved, Jake held it in his left hand and, pointing his wand above the dead root, muttered "Diffindo," with a grimace.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Did she just hear Anya beatboxing to the roots? O___o Well...okay. Gryffindors sure were....unique.
As for her, she was about to return Dylan's poking when she heard Professor Bentley's voice announcing the second step. Woot. Trimming. She had the hands for that. Looking at the roots on her side, however, the brunette figured she can't get started on trimming just yet....most were already severed....and a hopeless case so they needed to be cut off.
Positioning herself, Beezus hoisted out her wand and before she began on her work, eyed the Gryffindors who were already starting on that next task. They look....sad. N'aww. They must really feel bad for severing some roots. "Diffindo!" She cut down a few centimeters of the roots that were far too damaged. This was sad business indeed but they had to do it for the tree's sake too..
She pushed her glasses up on her nose and glanced at Dylan. Was he sad too?
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Dylan was thoroughly prepared to continue wiping and rubbing at the roots. Massaging them was kinda therapeutic...and he'd found a rhythm in doing so...But then they were moving onto something else...
Oh snap. Diffindo.
So, they were meant to cut away the dead, decaying roots now. It was sorta tragic in its own way...but also sensible. One couldn't truly heal until they cut and separated the infected things...and this was surely no different.
Yes, all things could be considered philosophical if painted in the right light.
Whipping out his wand, Dylan was on the prowl for anything that looked like it was dead or decaying...They'd look like mush, right? Healthy roots were crisp and strong...not mushy and limp, yea? He suddenly spied a small section of tangled roots and moved his face closer to inspect them. Were those bad? They looked bad.
Hmph. Either way...
The Captain leveled his wand and went through the motions, saying "Diffindo." He wasn't being too forceful with the spell because it wasn't like the roots were going to be too hard to slice through...
Also, he loved those glasses on his girlfriend.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
This part was a bit sad, yeah? The whole having to cut away parts of the root that were beyond repair. Ella eyed the area she was working on carefully, running her hand along the root as she did. "Don't worry, tree. This won't hurt a bit."
Noting a particularly thin area that seemed pretty damaged, the sixteen year old decided to use the trimming charm. She knew that was the better choice for smaller parts that needed to be cut. What was the incantation again? Flip-n...Flip-n-wip? No. Flip-n....Flipnsnipwitit. Yeah, Flipnsnipwitit.
And voila, the small damaged part of the root was trimmed.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Anya blinked several times in Jake's direction. Was it just her... or did he seem shaky?
She looked over at the other couple at the sapling to see if they noticed. Nope. Beezus was busy with her glasses. And... Dylan might as well fall under that same excuse.
She put her hand on Jake's arm and gave it a little reassuring squeeze and a look that said they could talk later if he wasn't okay.
... at least... she hoped that was the look she conveyed.
She then glanced at her sapping and found a smaller root that needed trimming. "Flipnsnipwitit!"
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Jake was no longer paying attention to anything around him. He was focusing on the tree, busying himself by looking for roots that couldn't be saved. There were a few smaller ones that looked to be that way, but Jake moved past those. He didn't think Diffindo would be gentle enough for them, and he didn't want to risk severing something important from the tree.
The hand on his arm surprised him, and pulled his thoughts back to actual people. He bit the inside of his lip, half-smiling at the look Anya gave him. Did she see his hand shaking? Embarrassing. But... oh well. He took another deep breath, continuing to watch as Anya went back to work.
...Flip and what with it?
"What is that?" He asked, turning Anya, his eyes widening with curiosity. "What you just said. What's that charm for?" It looked like it did the same thing as Diffindo... but... he heard it around the room, so obviously it was useful. Had he missed something?
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
...."Diffindo!" Beezus made sure she was just gentle with the sapling's roots. They were fragile, as Professor Bentley mentioned.
She moved around.....looking for more damaged roots, severed them off against her will and grinned to herself when she had finished doing so. Next, was the trimming part.....and it seemed Anya was already unto that task too.
"....Flipnsnipwitit. Flip-n-snip-wit-it."" She said, tilting her head at Jake. She could tell he was seeking answers from his girlfriend but Beezus decided to be helpful. "It's the Trimming Charm, remember?" Where has he been all this time? They learned that charm in years ago.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Poor roots. They weren't looking so hot, if Ella was being honest. She continued to eye each bit as she moved along, noting the areas that might need to be chopped. This was...kind of like when you went to the hair dressers and they said you needed to cut off the dead ends so your hair could grow healthy again, yeah? She'd choose to think of it like that because then the whole chopping roots thing wasn't so sad.
Eyeing a larger, thicker portion of root that look especially bad, the blonde held her wand at the ready. The severing charm would probably be better in this case and so she decided to go with that this time around.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Mo could tell he was falling behind... for two reasons: 1) he was insisting on doing this dirt cleaning part himself and 2) he didn't have any help with his root ball. Thank Merlin Mika showed up, or he'd be cleaning out dirt until next sunrise. "Creepy. Don't you think the trees prefer hand holding to nasty spellcasting?"
Because he did. Mo shifted further down the tree, giving her a nudge with his elbow, before continuing to loosen the dirt gently with his fingers before shaking it loose from the roots. "I guess we need to pick up the past, though, huh?"
Mo could tell he was falling behind... for two reasons: 1) he was insisting on doing this dirt cleaning part himself and 2) he didn't have any help with his root ball. Thank Merlin Mika showed up, or he'd be cleaning out dirt until next sunrise. "Creepy. Don't you think the trees prefer hand holding to nasty spellcasting?"
Because he did. Mo shifted further down the tree, giving her a nudge with his elbow, before continuing to loosen the dirt gently with his fingers before shaking it loose from the roots. "I guess we need to pick up the past, though, huh?"
Mika glanced over to Mo when he called her creepy and just beamed. YAY, it wasn’t awkward. Just she was. “Well its more gentle,” she said as she began t clean some more dirt out of the room system. “I mean, if we’re supposed to find the bad and rotten bits of root then well, you can’t tell its rotten without feeling it” she smiled.
And she continued to loosen the dirt from the roots only to look up when Mo spoke again. “Yeah Macabre I think we do, but our little roots probably going to be very happy with us after this…we’re taking our time to take care of it.” She nodded definitively and continued to try to shake the dirt loose from the tree’s roots.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
"Mate....we learned that three terms ago...." Three or two, anyway...Dylan had used it during his OWL practical on those teething plants. Beast memory FTW. "It's for more intricate trimming than diffindo, which can be harder to control."
Like Anya and Beezus had both demonstrated, he went ahead and switched it up, focusing on the different charm. He could roll with it. He knew things...All that was needed was more damaged looking roots...Expendable ones...
While he searched the plant in front of him, Dylan did some more singing...because why not? It was also funny how they were all trying to placate the tree roots...He was so amused.
Finally finding some dead roots, he mimicked a chopping action and said "Flipnsnipwitit" clearly. When the roots fell away, he immediately got on the other dead ones not!growing right beside the previous, Flipnsnipwitit'ing them away, too.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Mika glanced over to Mo when he called her creepy and just beamed. YAY, it wasn’t awkward. Just she was. “Well its more gentle,” she said as she began t clean some more dirt out of the room system. “I mean, if we’re supposed to find the bad and rotten bits of root then well, you can’t tell its rotten without feeling it” she smiled.
And she continued to loosen the dirt from the roots only to look up when Mo spoke again. “Yeah Macabre I think we do, but our little roots probably going to be very happy with us after this…we’re taking our time to take care of it.” She nodded definitively and continued to try to shake the dirt loose from the tree’s roots.
"'Spose your right, but if we don't pick up a bit, we're never going to get the dirt off," Mo mused before wiping his gloves clean and withdrawing his wand. He was immensely tempted to jab at the dirt clods with it, but his mother had always insisted that a wand was for magic and should never be used as a tool.
Mothers were sort of bummers sometimes.
"Tergeo," Mo murmured, keeping the focus of the spell small and directed at the clumps of dirt that were thickest. He didn't want to damage healthy roots if he could help it. "That wasn't so bad. Give it a try."