As you officially enter Hogwarts, you'll notice that something seems a bit off in the Great Hall this evening. The Hall feels as though it is lacking its usual grandeur and... je ne sais quoi*.
It's a warm September evening, almost too warm for September, and the Great Hall feels stuffy. The floors look like they're sweating and in desperate need of a dusting or a polishing. The candles are already burning low, as though they haven't been replaced since last term's ending feast, and the windows can hardly be described as crystal clear. The new students might just think they've walked into a dusky old castle, but the older students will know better.
Something is already amiss. Well, welcome to the 2080-2081 school year! Have a seat at your House table.
*je ne sais quoi = a French phrase meaning, "I don't know what," used to describe something that cannot be adequately expressed in words.