-   Term 34: May - August 2013 (
-   -   Sixth Floor Corridor (

BanaBatGirl 12-27-2012 12:11 AM

Sixth Floor Corridor
The sixth floor corridor houses several empty rooms, as well as several busy ones, most notable of which is the Transfiguration classroom.

You can try all the doors you'll find on this floor, but most will be locked for their own reasons. There's no harm in conversing with the ugly dusty old portraits surrounding them though.

Danielle_Daughn 05-13-2013 12:24 AM

The small blonde had been checking through the corridors, wanting to finish her Astronomy homework, she came across the sixth floor corridor "Oh yes, this corridor definitely needs cleaning" "Vacavus" she pointed at the vacuum cleaner and made her way down the corridor, getting all of the dust on the floor off. She looked around seeing the portraits all needed some serious cleaning she quickly cleaned them to, smiling at them.

Expecto-Penguin 05-14-2013 07:34 PM

Astro Hw Post 4
Kace decided to check out sixth floor corridor. He noticed how dusty the paintings were. It is a shame they were never cleaned. He noticed there was another gryffindor cleaning but two helping hands are better than one right? Plus his mom always taught him how to clean effectively.

Kace got out his cleaner from his bag that he was lugging around. It was time for the clean machine to work. Kace was actually walking around and saw a door that was shut. He wanted to see what was inside but you know the saying "Curiosity killed the cat." he shrugged and opened the door but it was locked. Aghh maybe next time?

Now back to the homework scenario. Kace said "Vacavus!" and it roared to life and he was cleaning and he even managed to dust off the paintings. They seemed even happier that they could be seen without being covered by dust. Once he was all done, he said "Finite!" and went to find his last location.

emjay 05-14-2013 10:52 PM

Astronomy HW - Post 1
Once he had gotten the blue muggle vacuum that he had used in class from Flamsteed's office, Ethan headed towards the sixth floor. He remembered how dirty and dusty the corridor had looked when he had Transfiguration class, so he figured this would be the perfect place to start on his homework. Which he thought was a bit shady now that he had thought about it..

Sure, he got the correlation between black holes and muggle vacuum cleaners.. he learned that well enough to his own satisfaction in class. But this seemed to be some tricky way to get the students to clean and hide it under the guise of homework. If that was the case, he'd rather just use some cleaning spells and just get it over with faster.. seemed like a lot of unnecessary work. But whatever.. it was the assignment and he'd do it.

Glancing up at one of the portraits that lined the corridor, Ethan noticed it was covered in cobwebs and a thin layer of dust. He knew that Laura was meant to meet him here since she still had her own "homework" to finish.. which would be nice to have some company to pass the time .. but might as well get started now, right? Tapping his wand to the hose, he commanded, "Vacavus." Once he could feel the suction going through the vacuum, he lifted the hose to the portrait, pulling it along its width and collecting the dirt off of it.

Weasley174 05-14-2013 11:19 PM

post 2

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11354305)
Once he had gotten the blue muggle vacuum that he had used in class from Flamsteed's office, Ethan headed towards the sixth floor. He remembered how dirty and dusty the corridor had looked when he had Transfiguration class, so he figured this would be the perfect place to start on his homework. Which he thought was a bit shady now that he had thought about it..

Sure, he got the correlation between black holes and muggle vacuum cleaners.. he learned that well enough to his own satisfaction in class. But this seemed to be some tricky way to get the students to clean and hide it under the guise of homework. If that was the case, he'd rather just use some cleaning spells and just get it over with faster.. seemed like a lot of unnecessary work. But whatever.. it was the assignment and he'd do it.

Glancing up at one of the portraits that lined the corridor, Ethan noticed it was covered in cobwebs and a thin layer of dust. He knew that Laura was meant to meet him here since she still had her own "homework" to finish.. which would be nice to have some company to pass the time .. but might as well get started now, right? Tapping his wand to the hose, he commanded, "Vacavus." Once he could feel the suction going through the vacuum, he lifted the hose to the portrait, pulling it along its width and collecting the dirt off of it.

Laura came into the corridor with her vacuum she was sure that she could do this easy and have time to talk she smiled when she saw that Ethan was there and he had already started, that was good because it meant she had less to do. "ETHAN!!!!!!!!" Laura shouted at the top of her voice, so that he could hear her. "I'm here."

Laura grabbed her vacuum and giggled. "This is Dustbuster 1, to ground control, do I have Clearance to launch?" Laura was going to enjoy this. "This is ground control, mission is a go, I repeat mission is a go." Laura got hold of her vacuum. "VACAVUS!" Laura smiled. "When there's some dirt in your neighborhood, who you going to call? DUSTBUSTER!!!!!!!!" Laura looked at Ethan he was going to either laugh of think she was crazy she didn't care which, she was enjoying herself.

emjay 05-15-2013 04:50 AM

astro hw post 2

Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11354335)
Laura came into the corridor with her vacuum she was sure that she could do this easy and have time to talk she smiled when she saw that Ethan was there and he had already started, that was good because it meant she had less to do. "ETHAN!!!!!!!!" Laura shouted at the top of her voice, so that he could hear her. "I'm here."

Laura grabbed her vacuum and giggled. "This is Dustbuster 1, to ground control, do I have Clearance to launch?" Laura was going to enjoy this. "This is ground control, mission is a go, I repeat mission is a go." Laura got hold of her vacuum. "VACAVUS!" Laura smiled. "When there's some dirt in your neighborhood, who you going to call? DUSTBUSTER!!!!!!!!" Laura looked at Ethan he was going to either laugh of think she was crazy she didn't care which, she was enjoying herself.

Ethan had just about finished cleaning the dust and dirt off of one of the portraits when he thought he heard a voice over the din of the vacuum. Looking up he noticed Laura had finally made it and he gave her a wave. "HEY, LAURA!" he shouted back over the noise of the machine. Just then, the suction from his charm wore off and he could hear again.

"So, I just cleaned up this portrait," he started, inclining his head to the one that was dust-free. "I thought we could clean up the rest with these vacuum things." He glanced up at the row of portraits lining the walls. Well, maybe not all of them.. there were a ton and it would take them all day. Maybe just enough to get the homework done.

Before he got started, however, Laura picked up her vacuum and mimicked some sort of space conversation he had seen in a muggle movie before. He grinned widely at her and laughed. Way to make work fun, Laura.. she certainly was a trip. He nodded solemnly to her. "All systems GO." Yeah, he didn't know what he was talking about, but it sounded good to him.

Shrugging to himself, he tapped his wand to the hose again. "Vacavus." Once it had turned on, he glanced over at Laura and gave her a grin. "ALRIGHT, DUSTBUSTER," he shouted over the noise of the vacuum. "BRING YOUR DUSTBUSTING SELF OVER TO THESE PORTRAITS." He chuckled to himself, the started running the hose along the next dusty portrait.

Weasley174 05-15-2013 11:14 AM

post 3

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11354499)
Ethan had just about finished cleaning the dust and dirt off of one of the portraits when he thought he heard a voice over the din of the vacuum. Looking up he noticed Laura had finally made it and he gave her a wave. "HEY, LAURA!" he shouted back over the noise of the machine. Just then, the suction from his charm wore off and he could hear again.

"So, I just cleaned up this portrait," he started, inclining his head to the one that was dust-free. "I thought we could clean up the rest with these vacuum things." He glanced up at the row of portraits lining the walls. Well, maybe not all of them.. there were a ton and it would take them all day. Maybe just enough to get the homework done.

Before he got started, however, Laura picked up her vacuum and mimicked some sort of space conversation he had seen in a muggle movie before. He grinned widely at her and laughed. Way to make work fun, Laura.. she certainly was a trip. He nodded solemnly to her. "All systems GO." Yeah, he didn't know what he was talking about, but it sounded good to him.

Shrugging to himself, he tapped his wand to the hose again. "Vacavus." Once it had turned on, he glanced over at Laura and gave her a grin. "ALRIGHT, DUSTBUSTER," he shouted over the noise of the vacuum. "BRING YOUR DUSTBUSTING SELF OVER TO THESE PORTRAITS." He chuckled to himself, the started running the hose along the next dusty portrait.

Laura giggled at Ethan and came over to him. "This is Dustbuster 1, ready to take on the enemy, do I have permission to start?" Laura giggled. "This is ground control all system are go, I repeat all systems are go." Laura giggled this was the best thing ever." Laura really couldn't wait to see what Ethan would say.

Laura watched as her vacuum started to suck the dust away from the portrait and it was making the place look a lot better until for some reason the Vacuum stopped, without her telling it too.


Laura pointed the Vacuum away from her and started to shake it, she was sure she could get it working again she had no idea that she was pointing it at Ethan until, she saw some dust come flying out of the Vacuum and go on Ethan.


"Houston We Have a Problem!!" Laura pouted, Ethan wouldn't be mad right. "Say again Dustbuster!!" Laura pouted. "I said Houston we have a problem" Laura looked around the room could she run off and hide? "Ethan I'm sorry>" Laura was trying not to laugh whilst saying it though.

emjay 05-16-2013 05:01 AM

astro hw post 3

Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11354587)
Laura giggled at Ethan and came over to him. "This is Dustbuster 1, ready to take on the enemy, do I have permission to start?" Laura giggled. "This is ground control all system are go, I repeat all systems are go." Laura giggled this was the best thing ever." Laura really couldn't wait to see what Ethan would say.

Laura watched as her vacuum started to suck the dust away from the portrait and it was making the place look a lot better until for some reason the Vacuum stopped, without her telling it too.


Laura pointed the Vacuum away from her and started to shake it, she was sure she could get it working again she had no idea that she was pointing it at Ethan until, she saw some dust come flying out of the Vacuum and go on Ethan.


"Houston We Have a Problem!!" Laura pouted, Ethan wouldn't be mad right. "Say again Dustbuster!!" Laura pouted. "I said Houston we have a problem" Laura looked around the room could she run off and hide? "Ethan I'm sorry>" Laura was trying not to laugh whilst saying it though.

Ethan had finished cleaning the portrait just in time when the suction charm wore off. He glanced over at Laura and laughed as she was still be rather amusing with her space references. "Proceed with caution, Dustbuster," he winked at the Hufflepuff. "You're entering enemy territory.." Umm.. that meant the dusty corridor, right? Ethan thought so though he wasn't completely sure he knew what he was talking about. He was having fun though.

As Laura began work on her portrait, Ethan tapped his wand to the hose of his own vacuum. "Vacavus!" As the suction picked up again, he ran the hose along the top edge of the next portrait down the corridor, not really paying attention to what Laura was doing. She was cleaning her own portrait, right?

But that was a negative. His own suction dying down, he heard Laura shaking her own vacuum and he turned.. just in time to be covered in a cloud full of dust. He gave her a startled look, then the dust crept into his face and tickling his nose.

Ahhhh Choooo!

Lifting his arm in front of his face just in time, Ethan sneezed into the crook of his elbow. Then wiped at the dust on his face. "Laura.." he laughed, shrugging off her apology. "We're supposed to be cleaning up the dust.. not making a bigger mess.." At this rate, he'd have to be vacuumed as well.. though a shower would probably be more effective.

Weasley174 05-16-2013 10:17 AM

post 4

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11355466)
Ethan had finished cleaning the portrait just in time when the suction charm wore off. He glanced over at Laura and laughed as she was still be rather amusing with her space references. "Proceed with caution, Dustbuster," he winked at the Hufflepuff. "You're entering enemy territory.." Umm.. that meant the dusty corridor, right? Ethan thought so though he wasn't completely sure he knew what he was talking about. He was having fun though.

As Laura began work on her portrait, Ethan tapped his wand to the hose of his own vacuum. "Vacavus!" As the suction picked up again, he ran the hose along the top edge of the next portrait down the corridor, not really paying attention to what Laura was doing. She was cleaning her own portrait, right?

But that was a negative. His own suction dying down, he heard Laura shaking her own vacuum and he turned.. just in time to be covered in a cloud full of dust. He gave her a startled look, then the dust crept into his face and tickling his nose.

Ahhhh Choooo!

Lifting his arm in front of his face just in time, Ethan sneezed into the crook of his elbow. Then wiped at the dust on his face. "Laura.." he laughed, shrugging off her apology. "We're supposed to be cleaning up the dust.. not making a bigger mess.." At this rate, he'd have to be vacuumed as well.. though a shower would probably be more effective.

Laura looked at Ethan and giggled. "It just stopped working!" Laura looked at her Vacuum "And I can't find the ON button." Laura suddenly stopped and blushed. "Oh right I use my wand." Laura giggled as she took out her wand.

"Vacavus!!" Laura said pointing it at her vacuum. "It worked okay lets get on with it." Laura smiled at Ethan and then she started to clean up the mess again. "This is Dustbuster 1 and I'm back in action, I repeat I'm back in action." Laura giggled. "We have all system go I repeat all system go." Laura giggled.

lemondrop13 05-17-2013 12:10 PM

Transfiguration Homework Post #3
Stupid idea! Moonwalking?! Who has ever seen a gargoyle moonwalk? No one! And for good reason. THEY CAN'T! Carsyn had been mentally berating herself for wasting time trying to teach her transfigured gargoyle (who she lovingly named Mikey) how to moonwalk. When it didn't work, Carsyn was at a loss for a really great trick to teach this little stone man to perform in the upcoming circus.

She paced in front of a portrait of Edgar Stroulger, trying to come up with a new idea and talking aloud to herself. "But what can I make Mikey do that will be entertaining enough for the circus, but not too awkward a movement for a stone gargoyle? Back flips? No, that's what Professor Lafay did in class. And flying has been done before... UGHHH!!! Think, Carsyn, think!"

It was at that moment that she noticed the portrait of Edgar Stroulger, inventor of the Sneakoscope. She read something about him once, that he'd suffered from creator's block for a long time before he had the idea for the Sneakoscope. He claimed the key to his success was thinking about exactly what he needed from an invention - what would help him out in life. Maybe I need to do the same?

Carsyn turned toward the portrait and asked, "So I should think about what I would want to see in the circus and that's what I should make Mikey do? That could work..." The portrait looked at her with a confused expression, considering he couldn't hear her inner dialogue, and simply shrugged. Carsyn bit her thumbnail while she imagined what she would like to see. And then it came to her and the mental image was so funny she laughed out loud! "I got it! Thanks Mr. Stroulger!"

Carsyn dashed down the corridor to a windowsill that she could sit in, and pulled Mikey out of his box. She set him down on the sill and pointed her wand at him. Using the incantation she had grown accustomed to saying to Mikey, Carsyn cast "Piertotum Locomotor!" and the stone gargoyle sprang to life, turning his head left to right and back to center. With a smile upon her face, Carsyn ordered Mikey to complete the first of several tasks he would be responsible for, "Rub your tummy!" The gargoyle obeyed, unclenching his small stone fist and rubbing his belly in small circles. Carsyn giggled. It was a rather adorable sight. In fact, she laughed so hard, she felt the sudden urge to use the loo. Uh oh! Gotta run!

"Finite!" Carsyn stuffed Mikey into his box and dashed down the corridor to find the girls' bathroom. Why did it always seem like wherever Carsyn went, she was always running? Sigh.

Princesspower 05-17-2013 02:39 PM

Tranfiguration Homework 1 post 4
All rested, Sarah headed down stairs, she had a headache yet she still had to teach Greg some more things. She put Greg down and began to teach him.

"Piertotum Locomotor" she casted and Greg sprung to life.

"Do a round off and then a backspring" Sarah said in her mind she thought back to the movement. INTENT was important. Yet Greg did not move.

Sarah then decided to break it up a bit, "do a round off" she said thinking of it. Greg did it, in fact Sarah was surprised that he did not break. Too nerous to try the backsrping Sarah decided to do simpler movements.

"rub your stomach and pat your head" she said. To her delight Greg dd it perfectly, much better then a human could do it. Now more confident Sarah tried backspring again and Greg did it.

"lets put it together" said Sarah immitating her ballet teaccher. "round off and then back spring" she said. She then had to run after Greg as he did the movement down the hallway.

Then the corridor got a bit busy so Sarah had to move into one of the rooms off the side.

emjay 05-17-2013 03:15 PM

astro hw post 4

Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11355544)
Laura looked at Ethan and giggled. "It just stopped working!" Laura looked at her Vacuum "And I can't find the ON button." Laura suddenly stopped and blushed. "Oh right I use my wand." Laura giggled as she took out her wand.

"Vacavus!!" Laura said pointing it at her vacuum. "It worked okay lets get on with it." Laura smiled at Ethan and then she started to clean up the mess again. "This is Dustbuster 1 and I'm back in action, I repeat I'm back in action." Laura giggled. "We have all system go I repeat all system go." Laura giggled.

Ethan ran a hand through his hair, trying to shake out some of the dust. His nose tickled too, but he was able to suppress another sneeze. He would definitely need a shower when they were done here, though. Brushing off his robes, he chuckled at Laura. "Suuure it did," he winked. Was it really just coincidence? Probably, but he still found it rather amusing even if he was now as filthy as the portraits first had been before he started. On button? He gave the girl a curious look.. oh, right. That's how muggles made machines work.. with buttons. "Just don't point that thing at me again, ok? As much as I probably need to be vacuumed off, I think a shower would work much better.." Or cleaning spells for his clothes. Not to mention, he didn't want it malfunctioning again and getting even dirtier.

Ethan chuckled at Laura again as she was back to her dustbusting mission. He pointed his own wand at the hose of his vacuum. "Vacavus!" Suction activated, Ethan ran his vacuum along the portraits that had gotten dust back on them due to Laura's vacuum's malfunction, quickly cleaning those up again. Then he moved onto the next dusty portrait before the magical suction ran out. "Dustbuster 2 to Dustbuster 1.. Mission nearly accomplished, Dustbuster 1."

Weasley174 05-17-2013 11:56 PM

homework 5

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11356245)
Ethan ran a hand through his hair, trying to shake out some of the dust. His nose tickled too, but he was able to suppress another sneeze. He would definitely need a shower when they were done here, though. Brushing off his robes, he chuckled at Laura. "Suuure it did," he winked. Was it really just coincidence? Probably, but he still found it rather amusing even if he was now as filthy as the portraits first had been before he started. On button? He gave the girl a curious look.. oh, right. That's how muggles made machines work.. with buttons. "Just don't point that thing at me again, ok? As much as I probably need to be vacuumed off, I think a shower would work much better.." Or cleaning spells for his clothes. Not to mention, he didn't want it malfunctioning again and getting even dirtier.

Ethan chuckled at Laura again as she was back to her dustbusting mission. He pointed his own wand at the hose of his vacuum. "Vacavus!" Suction activated, Ethan ran his vacuum along the portraits that had gotten dust back on them due to Laura's vacuum's malfunction, quickly cleaning those up again. Then he moved onto the next dusty portrait before the magical suction ran out. "Dustbuster 2 to Dustbuster 1.. Mission nearly accomplished, Dustbuster 1."

Laura looked at Ethan and smiled. "I promise I won't point this thing at you again," Laura didn't want Ethan to tell her off or nothing she was sad enough as it was without being told off again, she continued to do the painting until she heard Ethan speaking and she smiled.

"This is Dustbuster 1 to Dustbuster 2." Laura giggled. "I repeat this is Dustbuster 1 to Dustbuster 2." Laura was really enjoying this. "We have bandits coming it at your 12 o'clock, I repeat we have bandits coming it at your 12 o'clock." Laura pointed her Vacuum where she was saying and started to clean that area. "Dustbuster 2, this is Dustbuster 1, Mayday, Mayday." Laura was struggling this was defiantly a 2 man job.

emjay 05-18-2013 01:10 PM

astro hw post 5

Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11356716)
Laura looked at Ethan and smiled. "I promise I won't point this thing at you again," Laura didn't want Ethan to tell her off or nothing she was sad enough as it was without being told off again, she continued to do the painting until she heard Ethan speaking and she smiled.

"This is Dustbuster 1 to Dustbuster 2." Laura giggled. "I repeat this is Dustbuster 1 to Dustbuster 2." Laura was really enjoying this. "We have bandits coming it at your 12 o'clock, I repeat we have bandits coming it at your 12 o'clock." Laura pointed her Vacuum where she was saying and started to clean that area. "Dustbuster 2, this is Dustbuster 1, Mayday, Mayday." Laura was struggling this was defiantly a 2 man job.

Ethan chuckled at Laura. He wasn't really mad, but really didn't want to be covered with dirt and dust again.. nor did he want her to try to "help" get him cleaned up and have his robes or hair or something get sucked into that vacuum. Nope.. they should just stick to cleaning the corridor then he could go get a shower.

"Vacavus!" he commanded as he tapped his wand to the hose again. He listened to Laura's distress call and nodded. "Dustbuster 2 to Dustbuster 1.. sending in reinforcements to assist with the mission!" He moved his vacuum over to where she was and helped clean the extra dusty portraits. Yes, definitely need some help on this end. He ran the hose of his vacuum over and over along the portraits until they were clean and the suction ran out. Then he looked at Laura. "What do you think? Mission accomplished?"

Weasley174 05-19-2013 06:05 PM

Post 6

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11357105)
Ethan chuckled at Laura. He wasn't really mad, but really didn't want to be covered with dirt and dust again.. nor did he want her to try to "help" get him cleaned up and have his robes or hair or something get sucked into that vacuum. Nope.. they should just stick to cleaning the corridor then he could go get a shower.

"Vacavus!" he commanded as he tapped his wand to the hose again. He listened to Laura's distress call and nodded. "Dustbuster 2 to Dustbuster 1.. sending in reinforcements to assist with the mission!" He moved his vacuum over to where she was and helped clean the extra dusty portraits. Yes, definitely need some help on this end. He ran the hose of his vacuum over and over along the portraits until they were clean and the suction ran out. Then he looked at Laura. "What do you think? Mission accomplished?"

Laura smiled at Ethan. "I am glad, because Dustbuster 1 need assistant." Laura giggled, as she looked at the work they had done. "This is Dustbuster 1 to Dustbuster 2 mission accomplished." Laura giggled and then she spoke to herself. "This is Dustbuster 1 to Ground control returning to base, I repeat returning to base, all enemy have been destroyed, I repeat enemies destroyed." Laura was really enjoying this.

pundantic 06-27-2013 09:14 PM

For Alice and Derry <3
Ascanius had thought that after almost 6 months at this ruddy school he would have KNOWN his way around and wouldn't be doing this whole newbie get lost nonsense NOT THAT HE EVER GOT LOST 'CAUSE HE WAS AWESOME AND HANDSOME AND STUFF, but nope. Yeah, nah, Ascanius just kept turning down the wrong corridors and honestly, he had to go to the bathroom really badly. It was bad enough that the stupid dungeons were really far away- how did the builders NOT foresee this problem- but he couldn't find it now. Well, this was irritating. This didn't HAPPEN to people like him. Smirk. Nah, it happened to the Hufflepuff blokes. Ugly lot, weren't they? The guys of course, not the girls. Wink.

But not finding the loo was becoming a serious problem. He wasn't sure how much longer he could exactly keep it together. After all, he had drank a lot of orange juice. That stuff was the best, yeah? Though it didn't make for a fun gotta go time. Ugh, stupid Hogwarts. Pfft.

JustAlice 06-27-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 11375923)
Ascanius had thought that after almost 6 months at this ruddy school he would have KNOWN his way around and wouldn't be doing this whole newbie get lost nonsense NOT THAT HE EVER GOT LOST 'CAUSE HE WAS AWESOME AND HANDSOME AND STUFF, but nope. Yeah, nah, Ascanius just kept turning down the wrong corridors and honestly, he had to go to the bathroom really badly. It was bad enough that the stupid dungeons were really far away- how did the builders NOT foresee this problem- but he couldn't find it now. Well, this was irritating. This didn't HAPPEN to people like him. Smirk. Nah, it happened to the Hufflepuff blokes. Ugly lot, weren't they? The guys of course, not the girls. Wink.

But not finding the loo was becoming a serious problem. He wasn't sure how much longer he could exactly keep it together. After all, he had drank a lot of orange juice. That stuff was the best, yeah? Though it didn't make for a fun gotta go time. Ugh, stupid Hogwarts. Pfft.

Derry had been alllll the way up to the owlery - she'd seen her owl whilst she was walking around outside and she knew the lazy little thing would go back to sleep in the owlery before delivering whatever it had - and was making her way back down to the dungeons, singing to herself. "I will ride, I will fly, chase the wind and touch the skyyyyy..." Yep. She was an awesome disney princess.

She had a package in one hand and a letter in the other, and was skimming over the words as she walked. In fact she was so much in her own little world that she almost didn't notice the boy who looked lost. Luckily, she caught sight of his movement and managed to stop herself before she walked into him. Ahhhhh, it was Stark. Iron Man. Hehehe. "Oh, hi Ascanius." she said, smiling softly. "You okay?"

pundantic 06-27-2013 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by JustAlice (Post 11375948)
Derry had been alllll the way up to the owlery - she'd seen her owl whilst she was walking around outside and she knew the lazy little thing would go back to sleep in the owlery before delivering whatever it had - and was making her way back down to the dungeons, singing to herself. "I will ride, I will fly, chase the wind and touch the skyyyyy..." Yep. She was an awesome disney princess.

She had a package in one hand and a letter in the other, and was skimming over the words as she walked. In fact she was so much in her own little world that she almost didn't notice the boy who looked lost. Luckily, she caught sight of his movement and managed to stop herself before she walked into him. Ahhhhh, it was Stark. Iron Man. Hehehe. "Oh, hi Ascanius." she said, smiling softly. "You okay?"

Mmk, see for the first several or so minutes this was chill with Ascanius. He was a big, handsome boy so he could absolutely hold it. Ahem, for a little bit now. But now it was just getting ridiculous, so he was shifting the weight inbetween his two legs and doing a small dance. NOT CAUSE HE WAS SOME NANCY, pfft, Essex, mmk? Nah, because he had to go. Like now.

And then someone was talking to him. A female voice, smirk. When he looked up, his eyes were suddenly collided with a whole lot of red and he was about to roll his eyes 'cause he thought it was authority come to call, but was pleasantly surprised when he saw Derry. He threw on a smirk and went on, "Hey, gorgeous." Oh, ahem. Should he-? Nah, she was a girl and that was NOT cool to ask that kind of stuff. "And you?"


JustAlice 06-27-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 11375974)
Mmk, see for the first several or so minutes this was chill with Ascanius. He was a big, handsome boy so he could absolutely hold it. Ahem, for a little bit now. But now it was just getting ridiculous, so he was shifting the weight inbetween his two legs and doing a small dance. NOT CAUSE HE WAS SOME NANCY, pfft, Essex, mmk? Nah, because he had to go. Like now.

And then someone was talking to him. A female voice, smirk. When he looked up, his eyes were suddenly collided with a whole lot of red and he was about to roll his eyes 'cause he thought it was authority come to call, but was pleasantly surprised when he saw Derry. He threw on a smirk and went on, "Hey, gorgeous." Oh, ahem. Should he-? Nah, she was a girl and that was NOT cool to ask that kind of stuff. "And you?"


Derry folded the letter she'd been reading and put it in her pocket, doing her best to fit the little box in to... and failing. But oh well. She could just hold it. Conversation was the point right now - manners and whatnot.

PFFT. MY. NAME. IS. DERRY. She thought, eyeing the boy. But she'd given up trying to argue with him - he just wasn't learning to it wasn't worth wasting her time, no matter how uncomfortable pet names made her. She was getting better at all that stuff anyway. "Yeah I'm alright." Bit tired, bit hungry, bit... ignoring the homework that was piling up in her dorm. She eyed him curiously again, he didn't seem himself. "..You sure you're okay?"

pundantic 06-27-2013 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by JustAlice (Post 11376003)
Derry folded the letter she'd been reading and put it in her pocket, doing her best to fit the little box in to... and failing. But oh well. She could just hold it. Conversation was the point right now - manners and whatnot.

PFFT. MY. NAME. IS. DERRY. She thought, eyeing the boy. But she'd given up trying to argue with him - he just wasn't learning to it wasn't worth wasting her time, no matter how uncomfortable pet names made her. She was getting better at all that stuff anyway. "Yeah I'm alright." Bit tired, bit hungry, bit... ignoring the homework that was piling up in her dorm. She eyed him curiously again, he didn't seem himself. "..You sure you're okay?"

Why did it always look like, whenever he was talking to her, like she had somewhere BETTER to be? Pfft, he was wonderful and beautiful and handsome and awesome. There was no where else better for her to be then right here with him and after all, he was fond of this one for Quidditch reasons. Ew, nope. Still sounded weird. Quidditch.

Anyway, back to more important things like the bathroom and how much he needed it right about NOW. Was he sweating? No, he didn't sweat, he glistened. Mhmm. "Awesome." Oh, was he okay. Well now that she mentioned it, "Where is the loo?" Who cared about subtleness at a time like this... SERIOUSLY.

JustAlice 06-27-2013 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 11376074)
Why did it always look like, whenever he was talking to her, like she had somewhere BETTER to be? Pfft, he was wonderful and beautiful and handsome and awesome. There was no where else better for her to be then right here with him and after all, he was fond of this one for Quidditch reasons. Ew, nope. Still sounded weird. Quidditch.

Anyway, back to more important things like the bathroom and how much he needed it right about NOW. Was he sweating? No, he didn't sweat, he glistened. Mhmm. "Awesome." Oh, was he okay. Well now that she mentioned it, "Where is the loo?" Who cared about subtleness at a time like this... SERIOUSLY.

Derry was being attentive today. Look at her, making eye contact and all that nonsense, being all... whatever normal people were when they were talking to other people. Though to be honest she wasn't normal so she had absolutely no idea - maybe rocking on her heels and stuff wasn't normal. Psh, it didn't matter, she was trying to be polite.

He honestly didn't look all confident like usual. Maybe a little bit... Awesome? Hmm. He was awesome now, was he? Well... he was on the Slytherin Quidditch team which was obviously an automatic awesome ticket. "Good." she said with a smile, deciding not to bother with the awesome rant. "And... I think the boys loos are down there." She pointed. "But... I've never been in them so you know... could be wrong."

Oh, and for the record, she always did have somewhere better to be. Because escaping to the fictional world was her favourite thing to do.

pundantic 06-27-2013 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by JustAlice (Post 11376131)
Derry was being attentive today. Look at her, making eye contact and all that nonsense, being all... whatever normal people were when they were talking to other people. Though to be honest she wasn't normal so she had absolutely no idea - maybe rocking on her heels and stuff wasn't normal. Psh, it didn't matter, she was trying to be polite.

He honestly didn't look all confident like usual. Maybe a little bit... Awesome? Hmm. He was awesome now, was he? Well... he was on the Slytherin Quidditch team which was obviously an automatic awesome ticket. "Good." she said with a smile, deciding not to bother with the awesome rant. "And... I think the boys loos are down there." She pointed. "But... I've never been in them so you know... could be wrong."

Oh, and for the record, she always did have somewhere better to be. Because escaping to the fictional world was her favourite thing to do.

Right then, she did realize that she seemed kind of distant, yeah? He, the person that she was talking to, was right here. And the specimen was dashing and all of that so she should have been looking right here and such. Smirk. Maybe he shouldn't have thought so much about his looks, but ugly people must be consumed with their looks so why couldn't he be? Pretty people were so penalized. Pfft.

Hang on a tick, she knew where the LOO was? Awesome, that was just nothing short of awesome because- Ahem, he was cool. Always cool and handsome and such. Did you know that? 'Course you did. Wink.

Looking over at her, he awkwardly asked, "So Der- gorgeous," he didn't slip. Nope. "You mind walking me there?" 'Cause he didn't know where he was going. Legit.

Weasley174 06-28-2013 06:49 AM

Laura decided that she would go for a walk along the corridors because she was bored, bored with a capital P, she had been eating loads of ice-cream because it was awesome after all and she was enjoying it, she just wished other people would enjoy ice-cream as much as she did but she would have to try and use her charm to get people to like it, but for now she wanted to just go for a nice little walk and think about things and maybe meet up with a couple of friends.

JustAlice 06-28-2013 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 11376241)
Right then, she did realize that she seemed kind of distant, yeah? He, the person that she was talking to, was right here. And the specimen was dashing and all of that so she should have been looking right here and such. Smirk. Maybe he shouldn't have thought so much about his looks, but ugly people must be consumed with their looks so why couldn't he be? Pretty people were so penalized. Pfft.

Hang on a tick, she knew where the LOO was? Awesome, that was just nothing short of awesome because- Ahem, he was cool. Always cool and handsome and such. Did you know that? 'Course you did. Wink.

Looking over at her, he awkwardly asked, "So Der- gorgeous," he didn't slip. Nope. "You mind walking me there?" 'Cause he didn't know where he was going. Legit.

Psh, look at him smirking. Boys. They were all so... pfft. Slytherin boys anyway, they were all so self-assured. Not like the others - like the head boy, he was an idiot. Hm. Anyway. Conversation. Look how well she was keeping up with this, let's be proud please. She wasn't used to normal conversation.

Hehehehe, Derry did her best not to giggle - she had noticed how he nearly said her proper name. Muahaha. "Walking you there?" Whaaat? Was he so desperate that he couldn't walk properly or something? He shouldn't get himself lost when- ooooh It clicked in her head, she didn't have to literally walk him there. "Oh, sure." Derry smiled. "This way." She gestured down the corridor in the direction she was sure the toilets were.

DaniDiNardo 06-28-2013 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11376793)
Laura decided that she would go for a walk along the corridors because she was bored, bored with a capital P, she had been eating loads of ice-cream because it was awesome after all and she was enjoying it, she just wished other people would enjoy ice-cream as much as she did but she would have to try and use her charm to get people to like it, but for now she wanted to just go for a nice little walk and think about things and maybe meet up with a couple of friends.

Hop. Hop. Hop.

Lex made her way down the sixth floor corridor, not really sure what she was looking for anymore. At first it was her kneazle but he was found and trailing behind her....last she checked. Eh, he was still there she was sure. He only ran off when she was too busy for him. So along she went hopping until she ran into a Hufflepuff she actually hadn't seen in a while.

"Hello!" She chirped, before sticking another bean in her mouth. Ugh. Ear wax. She had yet to find a chocolate flavoured one but she was still hoping so she would eat the rest.

"Watch'ya doin'?" She asked, popping another into her mouth. This one...this one was kinda...tangy...Umm...lemon? Was that it?

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