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The highly anticipated Quidditch seminar, led by all star athlete Colin Mackenzie, and well-advertised around the school, was supposed to be held today. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts and his tightly packed schedule, Mackenzie has been replaced by four of Hogwarts' more familiar speakers. All his posters have a big red CANCELED sign stamped over them, and the professors replacing Mackenzie --- Botros, James, Romanos, and Truebridge --- have a most serious expression on their faces as they stand in a line at the front of the spare room off the Great Hall.
Come in, have a seat on the floor (there are cushions around, don't complain), and get ready for an interesting.... lesson.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
West watched professor Botros and then when the next statement question thing was asked.... he stared a bit longer, considered it, and then put his hand up.
"I don't understand the question." He said bluntly.
So he didn't press any buzzer. Because... tricky? As in what.... difficult? Puzzling? Challenging? Requiring skill? Needing tact? Something sly and Slytherin-like? Tricky didn't mean danger or anything....
So yup. A very literal Odessa needed more elaboration or it was a no answer one.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
When no zap came from the previous question and button-pushing, Dylan shrugged. This seemed more about common sense than safety knowledge. Laying the two buzzers out on his lap, he waited for the next...
Giving Odessa a look, the Slytherin nodded. "What type of tricky, sir? Dangerous? Girl-related?....Could I possibly be maimed?" Dylan cared very much about that aspect...but couldn't see himself running to hide just because something got tricky. He wasn't spineless.
Common sense told him, however...that if this was about SAFETY...the answer was most likely to run and hide. So...GREEN BUTTON it would be.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
West watched professor Botros and then when the next statement question thing was asked.... he stared a bit longer, considered it, and then put his hand up.
"I don't understand the question." He said bluntly.
So he didn't press any buzzer. Because... tricky? As in what.... difficult? Puzzling? Challenging? Requiring skill? Needing tact? Something sly and Slytherin-like? Tricky didn't mean danger or anything....
So yup. A very literal Odessa needed more elaboration or it was a no answer one.
... hmm? Botors' thick eyebrows were raised slightly at the Slytherin, "Tricky situation, Mr. Odessa, it's difficult, unusual and most likely to put your safety in jeopardy." He didn't have to over-think, Botros gave him an encouraging nod.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Govoni
When no zap came from the previous question and button-pushing, Dylan shrugged. This seemed more about common sense than safety knowledge. Laying the two buzzers out on his lap, he waited for the next...
Giving Odessa a look, the Slytherin nodded. "What type of tricky, sir? Dangerous? Girl-related?....Could I possibly be maimed?" Dylan cared very much about that aspect...but couldn't see himself running to hide just because something got tricky. He wasn't spineless.
Common sense told him, however...that if this was about SAFETY...the answer was most likely to run and hide. So...GREEN BUTTON it would be.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
... hmm? Botors' thick eyebrows were raised slightly at the Slytherin, "Tricky situation, Mr. Odessa, it's difficult, unusual and most likely to put your safety in jeopardy." He didn't have to over-think, Botros gave him an encouraging nod.
Dylan was right, it DID sound as if Botros could be talking about girls. West knew these things now, that girls could be tricky. And difficult and unusual. And probably could get you all in jeopardy safety-wise too because, as he was beginning to realise, there were some girls what he would definitely do reckless and dumb things and essentially behave like a Gryffindor over, like to make sure they were okay and all of that. Or even maybe just because they said so. Or because it might make certain ones impressed or something. He couldn't even explain the notion or the urge when it came to that sort of thing, he just knew it was stupid and the Slytherin side of himself very much wanted to suppress it. West also knew that Theo would have NO PROBLEM running and hiding from a thing what was tricky, so maybe he should take a leaf out of his best friend's book when it came to that sort of thing.
But anyways, when it came to the buzzer, if it was a matter of not being safe, then obviously they wanted agreement with the tricky statement. West pressed the green buzzer. Gently. Really gently.
And he nodded at the professor. K then. Buzzer pressed.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Zapping from earlier xD
[QUOTE=Roselyn;11379038]Regardless of explanation... the button glowed RED and then, ZAP!'d her hand.
ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! Every single time. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!
Any more?
"COOOOOOOOOOL!!" Lex was bouncing on her cushion, still feeling the static running through her and twitching a bit. This. This was how you entertained disappointed children. AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!!!
They needed to ask another question. Bounce. Twitch. Twitch. Bounce. Twitch.
SPOILER!!: The next Question
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Twitch. Oh, a zap. Twitch. Another zap. Twitch. GOODNESS why were the students pressing red?? That Alexa Cambridge...
"Don't think too far into the question, you guys!" she spoke up suddenly before recoiling slightly and clearing her throat quietly with a glance to the Headmistress. Ahem. "The correct answer is, if you find an armed creature attacking the school, you are to calmly find the nearest professor. I know ve all vont to defend our classmates and save the day, however... ve can't very vell keep everyone safe ven you're all running tovards danger. You do not engage vith the creature...unless absolutely inevitably necessary to escape. You find a professor and then stay in your common room unless stated othervise. There's no "but"'s vith this."
They got that, right? Fidget. "Alright, let's try a simpler statement:
"When in a stressful situation, it will help if I scream. Loudly. And repeatedly."
Finger twitch. "Remember. Green to agree, and red to disagree." Just so they knew. Again. [/color]
Alexa didn't agree with this statement. Nope. Screaming was the fastest way to get caught which meant she was supposed to hit the red button and it would be correct this time...?
Tempting but no.
Lex slammed down on the GREEN button a couple times and grinned as she waited for something epic to happen again. The zaps that followed had her cackling and that annoying twitch was still there but COME OOOOOOON.
She took a break from pressing to have more ice-cream. It was all she needed.
SPOILER!!: Botros' question ^^
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
The button lit RED and sent a jarring ZAP! to the little boy's hand. Tsk tsk, poor Hufflepuff.
Two green lights on a row. Good job. The green light made a tiny DING.
DING! The green light illuminated under the boy's hand.
Green light showed up when the girl pressed the button, a correct answer.
....?!?! Where is all the pressing? Botros gave her a quizzical look.
DING! The button lit green. Correct.
DIN- oh it needed just a liiiittle more pressing. No biggie, it was still correct. No funny business whatsoever. hehe
The button gave a GREEN glow, DING! Correct.
More green lights seemed to light this time round. DING! A green light told them this girl had sensible instincts.
The green light matching this girl's tie illuminated under her hand, DING! Correct.
There is no matching light for this one, though. The button glowed green with the same tiny DING! Good.
DINNG! The button lit green, correct!
Another button lighting green, DING!
Botros clapped his hands once, "Captain Fischer, please postpone any antics until after we're out of questions. We are discussing serious matters." He gave her a soft look, though. Curiosity did that to kids, it didn't harm to reason with them.
Giving the rest of the students a wide smile, he glanced at the DADA professor and stepped up next to her. "Very good, most of you got this one right. But let's enlighten those who'd rather scream or not do anything at all--" Eyes on the Slytherin girl (Arianna). "--It's most likely when you're stressed that shouting, those high-pitched sound waves, will only add pressure on your nerves, as well as on everyone and everything surrounding you, eliciting a potential aggressive reaction making the situation worse than it already is." He personally recoiled from loud voices, his earpiece didn't agree with them, either, no matter how well he adjusted it. But this wasn't about him... ahem.
He met their eyes carefully, making sure they all were paying attention. "Okay, another one:"
"If I don't know what to do in a tricky situation, I should run away and seek cover." Pause. "Remember to press the green button if you agree, or the red one if you disagree."
Oh and now Professor Botros was asking the questions. She pried her eyes away from her bowl and the buzzers to give him her full, undivided but twitching attention. Could they play musical chairs next? They could charm them and make it loads more fun.
But back to the question.
Running and seeking cover? "What'd do I look like, a Puffer?" NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Alexa slammed her fist down on the RED buzzer a couple more times, giggling as she waited for what would come next. Though really she shouldn't be shocked. People who ran were usually the first to be outed and she didn't have a death wish, she just wanted ice-cream.
Press. Press. Press. Press. IS THIS THING ON?? Press. Press. Press.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daichi had not pressed any button so far. It was more funnier to watch people get zapped when they got it wrong anyways! But after a few questions had passed the Prefect decided to play the game as well.
He listened to Professor Botros doing the question and his eyes went to the green and red buzzers in front of him. Did he agree with the statement or not? He figured it depended on the situation...
Taking a small breath, he pressed the RED button and waited.
James, for one, felt for the students. As each one entered with expressions of utmost disappointment, she wished she could have called in some kind of legitimate Quidditch celebrity favor for them. Even if that meant a few retired Arrows players from years ago to show up at the end as an extra consolation for showing up. But... there was business ahead. Still, once most of the students seemed to have settled in, she took the liberty to apologize as... she was likely the most apologetic of them all, really.
"Good day, students," she began reluctantly, uncrossing her arms to address them with sincerity. "It is with deep regret that I must say Quidditch star Colin Mackenzie of the Montrose Magpies unfortunately could not be here with us today," obviously, "for which we are immensely apologetic, but you won't go without a special treat!"
Maybe that was a little bit of a stretch.
"Today, we," she gestured to her fellow staff, "will be conducting a seminar on safety - what to do in potentially life-threatening situations, such as coming face-to-face with a dangerous creature, or what to do if confronted by a thieving goblin, and so on. To get an idea of what you may already know and what we might need to work on, we're going to start off with a little bit of a game." Or... sort of a game. Picking up a box of red and green circular objects, she explained, "I'll be coming around to distribute two buzzers, one green and one red to each of you - the staff will ask a series of questions to which you will either agree - indicated by the green buzzer - or disagree, the red one." As she delivered the buzzers to the students, she glanced back at her fellow staff members to take over.
She wasn't going to be the one to say what would happen if they answered incorrectly.
As Kace got his buzzer, he knew the Green meant to agree and the Red meant disagree. He could handle that. Now these buzzers weighed heavily in his hands. He didn't know what would happen next.
SPOILER!!: 3rd Question
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Giving the rest of the students a wide smile, he glanced at the DADA professor and stepped up next to her. "Very good, most of you got this one right. But let's enlighten those who'd rather scream or not do anything at all--" Eyes on the Slytherin girl (Arianna). "--It's most likely when you're stressed that shouting, those high-pitched sound waves, will only add pressure on your nerves, as well as on everyone and everything surrounding you, eliciting a potential aggressive reaction making the situation worse than it already is." He personally recoiled from loud voices, his earpiece didn't agree with them, either, no matter how well he adjusted it. But this wasn't about him... ahem.
He met their eyes carefully, making sure they all were paying attention. "Okay, another one:"
"If I don't know what to do in a tricky situation, I should run away and seek cover." Pause. "Remember to press the green button if you agree, or the red one if you disagree."[/indent]
Kace was observing the other two questions so he could get the hang of it. He noticed that if you got it wrong you got zapped. Kace did not want that to happen to him, but if it did, he wouldn't be so sad or scared about it.
He heard Professor Bostros question and pondered about it for a moment. Kace decided what he would do and he pressed the RED button. He hoped he answered it right.
The button lit RED and sent a jarring ZAP! to the little boy's hand. Tsk tsk, poor Hufflepuff.
Two green lights on a row. Good job. The green light made a tiny DING.
DING! The green light illuminated under the boy's hand.
Green light showed up when the girl pressed the button, a correct answer.
....?!?! Where is all the pressing? Botros gave her a quizzical look.
DING! The button lit green. Correct.
DIN- oh it needed just a liiiittle more pressing. No biggie, it was still correct. No funny business whatsoever. hehe
The button gave a GREEN glow, DING! Correct.
More green lights seemed to light this time round. DING! A green light told them this girl had sensible instincts.
The green light matching this girl's tie illuminated under her hand, DING! Correct.
There is no matching light for this one, though. The button glowed green with the same tiny DING! Good.
DINNG! The button lit green, correct!
Another button lighting green, DING!
Botros clapped his hands once, "Captain Fischer, please postpone any antics until after we're out of questions. We are discussing serious matters." He gave her a soft look, though. Curiosity did that to kids, it didn't harm to reason with them.
Giving the rest of the students a wide smile, he glanced at the DADA professor and stepped up next to her. "Very good, most of you got this one right. But let's enlighten those who'd rather scream or not do anything at all--" Eyes on the Slytherin girl (Arianna). "--It's most likely when you're stressed that shouting, those high-pitched sound waves, will only add pressure on your nerves, as well as on everyone and everything surrounding you, eliciting a potential aggressive reaction making the situation worse than it already is." He personally recoiled from loud voices, his earpiece didn't agree with them, either, no matter how well he adjusted it. But this wasn't about him... ahem.
He met their eyes carefully, making sure they all were paying attention. "Okay, another one:"
"If I don't know what to do in a tricky situation, I should run away and seek cover." Pause. "Remember to press the green button if you agree, or the red one if you disagree."
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled, no way do you run away, because seriously where did you run too and hadn't they been taught to face up-to there fears, she looked at the green button for a couple of second and smiled, she wouldn't press that button if anyone paid her 500 galleons, she went to press the big red button and stopped.
Laura thought about this for a couple of minute, she had been told never ever touch a red button it could end the world and it could be dangerous, her parents had always told her if she saw a red button just ignore it and under no circumstance was she to press it. "Professor I want to press the red button but my parents have always told me never ever mess around with one." Laura sighed.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Screaming.. why couldn't people just get answers right instead of screaming. Minerva jumped every time. STOP PUSHING THE WRONG BUTTON!!! She wanted to scream. These professors and the headmistress seemed to be enjoying seeing their students get zapped. Minerva fidgeted in her seat. She couldn't sit still, was it nerves of getting zapped like the others. Maybe they would get a special treat after being tortured.
Listening to the next question Minerva thought for a second, no you would want to run away like a little chicken. She pushed the red button. Seriously though why would you run, if it was tricky you needed to figure it out. She sat watching the others being so nervous about it. Did the Zap really hurt that much? She started thinking about this zap and wondering what it felt like. Maybe she should change her answer, make it wrong just to be zapped. Could she change her button change once she already hit it. No probably not, well she could always do it on the next one. Yes push the wrong one so she could see what it was about..
"Ah!" Forrest exclaimed with a deep brown as the red button jarred like that. It didn't hurt, really, but he didn't enjoy it either. He was still too shy to glare at the professor responsible of this, but he wasn't going to offer them any sympathy either.
As if they need a mudblood's sympathy.
Ignoring his negative logic, he listened to the explanation of the good Professor who, despite his age, wasn't talking very wisely. He wanted to object at his explanation, but he was too shy to say anything. Besides, he had already asked another question, and he pressed green again.
Tricky situation? Threat to your safety? Whatever. The safety part wasn't an issue as far as Aidan was concerned. What was the worst that could happen? Bumps? Bruises? A trip to the nearest Healer? He risked all that with Quidditch already. And he wasn't about to wimp out on anything because of the possibility of getting hurt. Surely he was smart enough to find a way to untrick the situation.
Consider the red buzzer pressed.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
He met their eyes carefully, making sure they all were paying attention. "Okay, another one:"
"If I don't know what to do in a tricky situation, I should run away and seek cover." Pause. "Remember to press the green button if you agree, or the red one if you disagree."[/indent]
Mo watched Alice hitting alllll the buttons with interest, for the sake of science and whatever and because he was hoping her fingers wouldn't all fall off or something dire. Some people had learned their lesson after the first question, but Alices liked to hold their cards a bit longer. She was safe, but reprimanded, and so he could turn his attention back to the question.
A trick situation? Running away seemed like a bad idea about 50% of the time. It seemed like the better solution would be to pause, breathe, and use your noggin. Mo put the buzzer on top of his head and hit the red button. At least if he got shocked, it might make his hair stand up or something.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Tricky situation... and then just giving up? Kat wanted to say that sounded so Puffer, but decided against it. She didn't HATE Hufflepuff nor dislike them; it just seemed like a good comparison to her. Er... she was a Slytherin after all so it kind of, uhm, runs in the blood? Hehe. Okay, with a minute of thinking over the question, Kat decided on the red button.
But then the others were thinking out of the box. Oh... they did have a point, but Kat wasn't going to ignore the obstacles in her life just like that if she was in a tricky situation. Red button that was. Kat pressed the red button. Fingers crossed for no zapping.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Run away and seek cover. It seemed like a slightly appropriate thing to do, yes? But Tag tried to think of all possibilities. If he ran away, he might be exposing himself to the danger as he left it, and, then, by whatever the danger was, be attacked or seriously hurt by it. But, at the same time he could be attacked and hurt if he didn't leave. In a way, at least in Tag's mind it was a lose lose situation.
For a brief moment Tag considered buzzing both of them at the same time. It could be reasonable, but he'd have gotten shocked no matter what. Once again, Tag looked at his buzzer and pressed the red one. Figuring he should never expose himself to the danger.
Yeah, she saw that look professor, but she still wasn't pressing any buttons. Keeping her hands in her lap she simply ran scenarios in her head and answered for herself, no button pressing for US. We didn't need zapping to teach her common sense.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
So, how tricky a situation were they talking about? 'Tornado bearing down on the building you're in' tricky or 'about to get into a fight' tricky? The distinction did matter. It meant the difference between choosing to disagree or agree. Duh. Which is why she followed Ariana's lead this time and didn't press either of the buttons. But unlike her teammate, she actually explained her actions. "It actually depends on the tricky situation. Because there are definitely some situations were hiding could mean the difference between life or death." Nod.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
This was...not at all what she was expecting the seminar to be like in the beginning. Really. The professors were just gonna give them statements, let them agree or disagree, then punish them by zapping them if they were "wrong"?
Penelope was unimpressed, and so she'd just kinda watched for the first couple statements, not bothering answering either way. She watched Alice press both of the buttons for a bit, but apparently that wasn't allowed. Meh. Now she was bored...
...so she supposed she could answer this one. Run away and seek cover in a tricky situation? Eh...no. The red button of disagreement was pressed.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
And then another question. Hmmm. Run and hide if you don't know what to do? That was a tough question. What if the person doing the attacking was another Hufflepuff. NOT that they would, but Hufflpuffs are particularly good finders. WHAT THEN, HUH? Frown.
She supposed if you couldn't be useful and couldn't get help and you couldn't compose yourself, hiding would be a good option.
ZAP! One quick bolt of energy shot through the buzzer as it lit up red, indicating that the girl was incorrect. Tsk, tsk.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Yes! Jory agreed with this! Just standing in the way and not doing anything to help would just make everything ten times worse. Therefore, green it was! Nodding, to himself, he reached for the green buzzer and rang in.
One brief ZAP! of the buzzer and the button flashing red told the poor boy he was mistaken this time.
Originally Posted by lemon
They weren't antics, they were EXPERIMENTS. Didn't Botros know the difference?
Nevertheless, Alice nodded slightly took her hands off the buzzers, actually listening to the next question. Because she was behaving and stuff. And also because her hands were starting to hurt a little. But run and take cover? Who did that? It was cowardly, and cowardice most definitely was not the correct answer ever.
.. it seemed like her zapping tests would be continued anyway, because she was pressing the red button after rubbing her zapped fingers a couple times.
DING! The button flashed a bright shade of emerald.
Originally Posted by Emzily
Good. No zapping for Theo.
He paused a bit on the next question. Yes, running away is definitely what HE would do, but it wasn't a very brave thing to do, so he wasn't too sure if it was a trick question or not. Deciding to go with what he felt was right, Theo pressed the green buzzer and waited. When were they going to discuss Quidditch? Seriously.
ZAAAP! The buzzer flashed red as James gave one of her star Chasers a look of pure sympathy.
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie
Oh dear. These questions were difficult. Tobias could see the good points AND the bad points for each one. Like this running away one. It really depended on the situation. Like how tricky was the situation? Was he alone? Did he have to inform anyone?
Almost as if demonstrating his answer to the question, Tobias just held on to the buzzers and decided to wait for a question he knew, hoping to go unnoticed.
Jamed eyed the boy for being a party pooper, but didn't say anything. He was probably quite lucky one of the other professors hadn't noticed.
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja
Gasping at the zap to her hand she stared at the headmistress. But she'd answered it correctly! She thought she had! Hearing the next question come already she wanted to whimper but she wasn't going to. Yell and scream? Pfft! She didn't do that! Maybe Dan would but she was very brave and not like Daniel.
But she was not going to touch that button! She didn't dare after that first one, that had hurt! Setting her buttons on the ground she folded her arms.
James eyed this one, too.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Already Dora was bored with this, and her entertainment of a sulky Alice pressing both buttons was taken away, so she was even more bored now that before. Why they couldn't get better questions at least, she didn't know. But she did wonder if these buzzers or the professors were keeping up with how many times each were pressed, or if the buzzer was. Hmm.
Listening to the next question, she picked up her buzzer and inspected it with one hand, while pressing the red one with the other. Such a relative question, but she was never one to run from anything.
DING! The buzzer flashed a brilliant shade of green under the girl's hand. Good work!
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
So her answer was correct. Good, to know that her reflexes in stressful situations are well-thought. Not that she had been there yet. And hopefully she'd remember the right think to do when in a stressed situation.
So next question.
Tricky situation and a tricky question. Will she take cover? But that means she won't be able to do anything. In tricky situations she won't hide, she'll try and find someone or something to prevail whatever is at hand.
So nope, Cassia disagreed and pressed down on the red button again.
The button lit up green and accented the girl's victorious answer with a DING!
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Nigel really was thinking about the idea of pressing both buttons now. The Zap was alright and was not fun getting the question right anyway. He was also the type to think about the situation and decided if it was the right time of a tactical retreat or stay and fight.
Decisions, Decisions
So still undecided. Nigel decided to press both buttons like the Gryffindor Captain did. Seemed interesting. Nigel pressed red, green, red, red, and green.
Let see what happens.
If majority ruled, this kid was a winner.
Originally Posted by Syd
...They were serious, weren't they?
Jake glanced around the room before looking back to the professors. Yes, they were serious. What kind of questions were these, though? Pretty black-and-white. So at least that was easy.
As the next question was read, the Prefect looked up at Botros. And made a face. Seek cover? No, you stuck around to make sure other people didn't need any help. And you improvised. Or started hexing things on the spot. Glancing at his buttons, Jake decidedly pressed the red one. There.
Superb use of logic meant a nice shade of emerald lit the bottom of the boy's hand from the buzzer as a nice DING! resounded.
Originally Posted by Govoni
When no zap came from the previous question and button-pushing, Dylan shrugged. This seemed more about common sense than safety knowledge. Laying the two buzzers out on his lap, he waited for the next...
Giving Odessa a look, the Slytherin nodded. "What type of tricky, sir? Dangerous? Girl-related?....Could I possibly be maimed?" Dylan cared very much about that aspect...but couldn't see himself running to hide just because something got tricky. He wasn't spineless.
Common sense told him, however...that if this was about SAFETY...the answer was most likely to run and hide. So...GREEN BUTTON it would be.
Unfortunately, though the young man's intentions were admirable, a quick ZAP! emitted from the button as it lit up red under his palm. Sorry.
Originally Posted by Tegz
Dylan was right, it DID sound as if Botros could be talking about girls. West knew these things now, that girls could be tricky. And difficult and unusual. And probably could get you all in jeopardy safety-wise too because, as he was beginning to realise, there were some girls what he would definitely do reckless and dumb things and essentially behave like a Gryffindor over, like to make sure they were okay and all of that. Or even maybe just because they said so. Or because it might make certain ones impressed or something. He couldn't even explain the notion or the urge when it came to that sort of thing, he just knew it was stupid and the Slytherin side of himself very much wanted to suppress it. West also knew that Theo would have NO PROBLEM running and hiding from a thing what was tricky, so maybe he should take a leaf out of his best friend's book when it came to that sort of thing.
But anyways, when it came to the buzzer, if it was a matter of not being safe, then obviously they wanted agreement with the tricky statement. West pressed the green buzzer. Gently. Really gently.
And he nodded at the professor. K then. Buzzer pressed.
The professors had a different answer in mind and a surprisingly gentle ZAP! resulted from the boy's equally timid button-press as the buzzer flashed red.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Running and seeking cover? "What'd do I look like, a Puffer?" NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Alexa slammed her fist down on the RED buzzer a couple more times, giggling as she waited for what would come next. Though really she shouldn't be shocked. People who ran were usually the first to be outed and she didn't have a death wish, she just wanted ice-cream.
Press. Press. Press. Press. IS THIS THING ON?? Press. Press. Press.
Daichi had not pressed any button so far. It was more funnier to watch people get zapped when they got it wrong anyways! But after a few questions had passed the Prefect decided to play the game as well.
He listened to Professor Botros doing the question and his eyes went to the green and red buzzers in front of him. Did he agree with the statement or not? He figured it depended on the situation...
Taking a small breath, he pressed the RED button and waited.
DING! The button underneath the boy's palm flashed green! Correct!
Originally Posted by hpfan18
Kace was observing the other two questions so he could get the hang of it. He noticed that if you got it wrong you got zapped. Kace did not want that to happen to him, but if it did, he wouldn't be so sad or scared about it.
He heard Professor Bostros question and pondered about it for a moment. Kace decided what he would do and he pressed the RED button. He hoped he answered it right.
The button lit up green and a nice DING! came from the boy's buzzer. Good work!
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled, no way do you run away, because seriously where did you run too and hadn't they been taught to face up-to there fears, she looked at the green button for a couple of second and smiled, she wouldn't press that button if anyone paid her 500 galleons, she went to press the big red button and stopped.
Laura thought about this for a couple of minute, she had been told never ever touch a red button it could end the world and it could be dangerous, her parents had always told her if she saw a red button just ignore it and under no circumstance was she to press it. "Professor I want to press the red button but my parents have always told me never ever mess around with one." Laura sighed.
"Your vote will be noted, though we must assure you that you will be all right if you press this particular red button," James noted, a smile in her voice though it didn't show as clearly on her face.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Listening to the next question Minerva thought for a second, no you would want to run away like a little chicken. She pushed the red button. Seriously though why would you run, if it was tricky you needed to figure it out. She sat watching the others being so nervous about it. Did the Zap really hurt that much? She started thinking about this zap and wondering what it felt like. Maybe she should change her answer, make it wrong just to be zapped. Could she change her button change once she already hit it. No probably not, well she could always do it on the next one. Yes push the wrong one so she could see what it was about..
Excellent logic; a DING! and a flash of emerald signaled a correct answer!
Originally Posted by Deniiz
"Ah!" Forrest exclaimed with a deep brown as the red button jarred like that. It didn't hurt, really, but he didn't enjoy it either. He was still too shy to glare at the professor responsible of this, but he wasn't going to offer them any sympathy either.
As if they need a mudblood's sympathy.
Ignoring his negative logic, he listened to the explanation of the good Professor who, despite his age, wasn't talking very wisely. He wanted to object at his explanation, but he was too shy to say anything. Besides, he had already asked another question, and he pressed green again.
Let those reckless Gryffies touch red one.
The poor boy. A brief ZAP! and the button's change of color to red signified that he had made the wrong choice this time.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Tricky situation? Threat to your safety? Whatever. The safety part wasn't an issue as far as Aidan was concerned. What was the worst that could happen? Bumps? Bruises? A trip to the nearest Healer? He risked all that with Quidditch already. And he wasn't about to wimp out on anything because of the possibility of getting hurt. Surely he was smart enough to find a way to untrick the situation.
Consider the red buzzer pressed.
DING! Good instincts and a sense of bravery lit up the buzzer with a flash of green!
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Mo watched Alice hitting alllll the buttons with interest, for the sake of science and whatever and because he was hoping her fingers wouldn't all fall off or something dire. Some people had learned their lesson after the first question, but Alices liked to hold their cards a bit longer. She was safe, but reprimanded, and so he could turn his attention back to the question.
A trick situation? Running away seemed like a bad idea about 50% of the time. It seemed like the better solution would be to pause, breathe, and use your noggin. Mo put the buzzer on top of his head and hit the red button. At least if he got shocked, it might make his hair stand up or something.
The boy's hair would go unharmed this time around as a DING! and a flash of green atop the boy's head was all he got.
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife
Tricky situation... and then just giving up? Kat wanted to say that sounded so Puffer, but decided against it. She didn't HATE Hufflepuff nor dislike them; it just seemed like a good comparison to her. Er... she was a Slytherin after all so it kind of, uhm, runs in the blood? Hehe. Okay, with a minute of thinking over the question, Kat decided on the red button.
But then the others were thinking out of the box. Oh... they did have a point, but Kat wasn't going to ignore the obstacles in her life just like that if she was in a tricky situation. Red button that was. Kat pressed the red button. Fingers crossed for no zapping.
DING! The button shone a bright green color under the girl's hand. Good work!
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Run away and seek cover. It seemed like a slightly appropriate thing to do, yes? But Tag tried to think of all possibilities. If he ran away, he might be exposing himself to the danger as he left it, and, then, by whatever the danger was, be attacked or seriously hurt by it. But, at the same time he could be attacked and hurt if he didn't leave. In a way, at least in Tag's mind it was a lose lose situation.
For a brief moment Tag considered buzzing both of them at the same time. It could be reasonable, but he'd have gotten shocked no matter what. Once again, Tag looked at his buzzer and pressed the red one. Figuring he should never expose himself to the danger.
Please no zap!
How courageous! Green light emitted from the buzzer and a DING! signified that he was quite correct!
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Yeah, she saw that look professor, but she still wasn't pressing any buttons. Keeping her hands in her lap she simply ran scenarios in her head and answered for herself, no button pressing for US. We didn't need zapping to teach her common sense.
James couldn't blame her. She probably would've done the same thing.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
So, how tricky a situation were they talking about? 'Tornado bearing down on the building you're in' tricky or 'about to get into a fight' tricky? The distinction did matter. It meant the difference between choosing to disagree or agree. Duh. Which is why she followed Ariana's lead this time and didn't press either of the buttons. But unlike her teammate, she actually explained her actions. "It actually depends on the tricky situation. Because there are definitely some situations were hiding could mean the difference between life or death." Nod.
"Good note to make," Erin agreed, giving the girl a nod of support. At least she was thinking it through, even if she wasn't actively participating.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
This was...not at all what she was expecting the seminar to be like in the beginning. Really. The professors were just gonna give them statements, let them agree or disagree, then punish them by zapping them if they were "wrong"?
Penelope was unimpressed, and so she'd just kinda watched for the first couple statements, not bothering answering either way. She watched Alice press both of the buttons for a bit, but apparently that wasn't allowed. Meh. Now she was bored...
...so she supposed she could answer this one. Run away and seek cover in a tricky situation? Eh...no. The red button of disagreement was pressed.
DING! Despite the girl's apathy, the button flashed a brilliant shade of green under her palm!
"This was a tricky one," James noted the obvious, feeling badly for those who gave the question a lot of thought but answered incorrectly. Even she was a bit torn on it, but a quick glance at the Headmistress urged her to explain, "While running away might not be the worst idea - you can often buy time that way, round up help, or gain a plan of action - hiding away after that would not be the preferred action. It would be much more beneficial to run away and get help. Make yourselves useful and look out for each other - while it's important to take care of yourself, if you can do something to help others, why not?" Right? "We're all in this together."
Onto the next one.
"Think through this one: 'If I come across a dangerous or wild creature outside the magical creature sanctuary, I should probably attack it or fight it off with magic.' Please press the green button if you agree, and press the red button if you disagree." C'mon. Give it your best shot.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
See? Cowardice was never the right answer. Alice resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at every self-preserving Slytherin who got that one wrong. Because she was behaving, see Botros? Good little Gryffindor here, no need to be worried and such.
Oh. New question. "What are our other options? Like, being eaten by it?" Or try and befriend it like a puffer or something.
Green button push. And then again. And again and again. And again. And then like four more times. Was this working?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
"Professor I think my buzzer might be broken. I keep pressing but the shocking thingy isn't happening...I didn't break it did I--can I have another one???" No zapping? This couldn't continue. How else was she meant to stay awake through this thing??
Oh merlin...sweet Circe, she was right? Pffft, well of course she was right. Alexa Cambridge did NOT run an hide. That wasn't how she worked and nothing would make her start acting like that. See that cowards? Running. Solved. Nothing. Face it head on. THAT was how one got through life.
Still...she was already kinda missing the ZAP.
An interesting one too. "We don't have to fight it...can't we just take it up to our Common Room and make it a part of the decor. I think my dorm would look lovely with someone bearing fangs in the corner." Yeah she had Alice and the girl was wonderful--so were her FANGS but she wasn't 6ft tall and intimidating. Fine. No other options....ATTACK THE BEAST!!!
Lex slammed her fist down on the GREEN buzzer and left it there for a few seconds before proceeding to Press. Press. Press. Press. These things should have come with a warning but oh well. Press. Press. Press.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
To Tag this question reminded him a bit of the previous ones they had. Was there some sort of build to these questions that when reached to the final one , would incorporate all previous questions in order to get to the final answer?
Simple. Tag thought never put anything in danger. Also Professor James had said "probably" it sounded like some key word to Tag to not attack the creature . Attacking it would be worse, rather than just leaving this dangerous creature alone. So the blonde boy simply pushed his finger upon the red button.
Mika sat there and blinked...dangerous creature. She didn't want to deal with a dangerous creature really but if she had to she'd probably know how to right? It wasn't like they had something like acromantula's in the creature sanctuary and everything on campus wasn't that deadly was it? She didn't know what to press so she sat there a moment longer.
Probably...that meant that it was a good idea...but attacking something with magic could infuriate it and make it know that it was there. So she first hit the red button she debated for a moment the idea of pressing the green as well...but she didn't she just sat there.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
NO ZAPS. Kat felt victorious at the moment, except for the fact that she was getting really bored with this. All they did was press buzzers and hope they didn't get zapped for getting the wrong answer and thinking out of the box. Sighs. She was still really hoping that, any moment now, the Quidditch dude would arrive out of thin air and surprise them all. Cos that would be awesome. Maybe the Hogwarts staff had planned that part out, yeah
Okay. Attack the magical creature. Kat wanted to say yes to this... but that would've been a dumb way to die. So Kat pressed the red button... and secretly wanted to press the green on since she was sort of curious about how it felt being zapped. Yeah. It could be a nice... experience. Or not. Mostly not.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Forrest gasped dramatically when he was ZAPPED again. What. So what, he should just stay there and beg for the mercy of whatever it was in the tricky situation?! This just didn't make sense! He wasn't a bloody Gryffindor! He didn't like this game. It was designed according to the ill-logic of those four Professors. They could fight the way they wanted, but Forrest wasn't dying for some stupid school that made HIM wash his clothes and suffer from malnutrition.
He thought of not pressing the buttons at all, but they were professors--and WHAT IF THEY COULD READ MINDS?! He panicked as his face went white and looked at them horror-faced, eyes the size of the Moon. Oh. Oh. The DADA Professor was here too. She SURE knew how to read minds. Merlin. He was doomed. He pressed the red button in a hurry but really, what was the point if they already knew he hated this school?
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
And....thinking. Yeah, probably not a good idea to attack a wild, dangerous creature. Because it could fight back, right? And what if it was rabid and it bit? Sky was pretty sure that wizards didn't have a vaccine for rabies. So, her hand hit the red button this time. Because she wasn't a Gryffindor and therefore, wasn't stupidly courageous.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!