![]() |
Although there wasn't too much reason for Wade to leave his table, other than to see his girlfriend.. He had some older friends that he deep down knew he needed to say his farewells to. They were starting their careers soon, and it would be a while before Wade could see them again after this. So, with that he sat at the Claw table. Quote:
mostly ETHAN and KENDALL (andElise), mentions other peeps ^_^ Beezus fumbled with the locket chained around her neck once she had stepped into the Great Hall. It wasn't the usual, chatter-filled Feast that she had experienced for her past five years at Hogwarts and although the general mood of the place was bringing her spirits down, Beezus understood why it was so. Not only were many amazing people graduating but they also lost and would be losing some important members of the School Staff. Too much has happened this term and she, herself, was not in the highest of moods at the moment. Hence, the lack of smile when she approached the Ravenclaw House Table where her eyes unintentionally landed on her Captain's figure out once. Blonde hair.....was easy to distinguish amidst a crowd so maybe that's why. It was just almost close to the point of being frustrating that saw Elise first despite the number of students already gathered on that table. It hurt.....to see her friend.......and it hurt more because she knew that their friendship had been tainted now. Too bad but she didn't want to say sorry. She was still upset at the girl.....and she reckoned that was going to stay. Well, at least my indifferent towards her can stay, but she can't.. Beezus thought bitterly. She was being bitter, yes. But she had reasons.....reasons she knew not everyone would understand. The brunette sighed and decided for the better to tear her gaze away from the sight and went searching for her co-Prefect instead. She found him easily so her legs went straight towards him. "Ethan, congratulations. You're off to the real world now." Despite things, she managed to smile faintly at him. His girlfriend Mika, and Mo and the girl with him that Beezus didn't know, Nigel, Dora and those people on their side of the table got a slight wave and nod from her before she descended on a seat next to Kendall. "Hey, Kendz." Her head dropped to the girl's shoulder. |
i swear she aint that weird x3 Quote:
It did seem that Elise was feeling down. Maybe a cannoli would help. Never doubt the power of cannolis SPOILER!!: Cat Nigel smiled at Cat's question. "As long as you talk about Mustaches and Mermaids. You will be fine." Because come on. Everyone loves a good mustache joke. SPOILER!!: Gwen Nigel looked up from eating a cannoli to notice a fellow housemate. Who if Nigel's memory served him. Was graduating. "Hi. Yeah. Beach and just relaxing for this summer. Though maybe some work. Cannoli?" Nigel ask pushing out the box. He did not really want to ask what she was going to do after school. It was a feast. People should at least be a little happy at a Feast and not reminded of that they are graduating and not coming back to school SPOILER!!: Wade "Wade. Cannoli?". Nigel said offering him one. He had more than enough. For some reason Nigel could not get the image of Minnie chasing him around the pitch trying to touch his hair. Though it was awesome hair. Quidditch was awesome and insane at the same time. "Nothing much. Beach and probably trying to find some work. You?" |
Ethan and Elise aaaaand anyone who wants to grab her This feast was...different. How? you may wonder. Well, there was the twisting in her gut, for starters. You know that feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach that you just couldn't for the life of you place? Well, it was like that but she knew exactly what was wrong. Her Quidditch team was falling apart. Yes, it was as much hers as it was Elise's. They were like a family. Not in the way Theo or Cassia were like family but in the way cousins were. Cousins who hung out a lot more than regular cousins did. Cousins who sucked Merlin's stinky socks for ditching her to go on to do better things. Like that kind of family, you know? Blue sat outside the Great Hall, wallowing in self-pity she really wasn't permitted to have. She wasn't even leaving. But it was just the realisation that this was only the beginning. That the future was just WAITING for her. Ethan and Elise were going this year. Then Bee next...who would give her cuddles and pretect her when she got nightmares?! It was a tad overwhelming and completely unfair. Here everyone was leaving to be grownups and do things like pay morgages but she was stuck here worrying about OWLs. Stupid teenagerism. Stupid angst. Stupid Ethan. Stupid stupid stupid. The soon-to-be fifth year stood up, her bat in hand and slipped into the Great Hall for the what, second time this year? That was CRAZY. Like, doxy-droppings nutty. Blue glanced at the Slytherin table and decided it would be more appropriate not to go over there today but she'd say hi to her friends at some point. The girl made her way over to the Ravenclaw table and you know, gave them a glare. “Do you know what you guys are?” Ethan and Elise, that was. “Rude. Incredibly rude.” Well, now that they knew that, she twisted her wrist slightly to draw attention to the bat in her grip. And now she felt shy. And was blushing. Hazel. Blushing. It was so outrageous that it required birth-cert name instead of Blue. “So I kinda thought...maybe youguyswouldsignmybat? Justsomethingsoyouknowyouguysarestillkindaonthetea m. Every time I hit the bludger...technically you guys would be too. Or, ya know, you're names would be anyway.” They'd laugh, wouldn't they? |
Different-ish timelines? Text Cut: Kendall / K1 Tonight... is the night of the saddest End of Term feast ever. After the little farewell (more to come during the Train ride) to her best friend Elise, Kat had noticed another familiar Ravenclaw not too far away from her position. Yeah, she looked weird just standing there and staring at people but she didn't have much to do now because she was still trying to accept the fact she would have to go through her seventh year with Elise. But she had to push that thought away for now because she had other Ravenclaw friends to acknowledge. The prefect returned K1's smile. "Hi Kendall," the soon-to-be seventh year greeted. Maybe they could chat, yeah? Catch up with each other because ever since that dementor attack, Kat barely saw her Ravenclaw friend and her chocolates. At least she had the chocolate with her so that the soul suckers didn't exactly do much damage. Text Cut: Elise Nope. This was way too much. Kat wasn't going to cry, really. She'd save that for when Elise would exactly leave. And never come back. She wanted to spend the last day in Diagon Alley and maybe just... pretend none of them were leaving. Honestly, Kat didn't know why she allowed Elise to go... but it was something you can't just forget about. An offer that big isn't something that is given to a person everyday. But the consequences were always. bad. Her best friend wouldn't be here to complete their seventh year together but at least she'd be home-schooled. Kat would visit her once in a while and make sure Elise's lame excuse of a sister didn't plan on hurting her. Protective best friend, that was it. She still remained clinging to Elise and not wanting to let go. The Slytherin couldn't care less how weird she looked like at the moment because when it came to just her and her best friend, Kat didn't care what other people think of them. They'd have to deal with it. Only they just don't know what it felt like to be in Kat's shoes. To be left by her bestest friend since forever. "I'll... miss you too," Kat said and blinked a few times because the tears were about to fall too. Ugh, she wasn't going to show weakness. Not tonight at least. "You'll be okay... right?" What's a Kat without an Elise? |
Quidditch peeps and Taylor in the beginning Ethan's eyes drifted over to the other occupants of the table, namely the other members of his Quidditch team.. mostly because that was who made up the majority of the table so far. He watched them a little distractedly, not really listening in on any conversations.. just.. watching.. and allowing his mind to wander with thoughts about this Quidditch season in general. They might have come in last overall, but it still had been a good season, hadn't it? Especially their last game where he really felt like he had settled into the new position he had originally balked at. Those fourth year boys had caught on to a good thing with their starfishing.. it was weird, but suitable for meditating and clarity. Oh and it was also a decent Keeping move. His only regret was that he did not catch on to it earlier. He caught sight of Elise with the Slytherin prefect, Kat.. vaguely wondering if they were friends and shrugging lightly to himself. He supposed he hadn't noticed if they were, but it probably didn't matter either way to the boy, did it? He looked away as their exchange seemed to be getting emotional.. it wasn't his business, whatever it was.. plus his own emotions had been threatening to surface, he certainly did not need to get caught up in someone else's. He let his eyes wander to the Hufflepuff table again, when.. barking? caught his attention.. Ethan turned his head in the direction of the barking, spotting Taylor not far down the table, sporting a wide smile on her face. Had that been her? Shaking his head, he chuckled a bit at the thought. That had been kinda weird.. but he could actually use the laugh right now. "Hey, Taylor," he called down to her, giving her a small smile and lifting a few fingers in a casual wave. SPOILER!!: his Juliet <3 He closed it quickly, however, when she spoke first, gazing curiously at her as she quoted Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet.. his smile grew at the notion. So many thoughts flashed through his mind in that moment - from their fated meeting in class to the date she recently recreated at the lake and everything in between the last two and a half years.. working in the student gardens together, dancing at the fundraiser, sharing his summers with her in Germany, their first Valentine's Day together, even the heartwrenching moments that proved how strong their relationship was.. They really did have their own love story and she was his Juliet. Could it really be the last time he would sit at this table with her? He tried his hardest to push that thought away if only for the moment. Taking his cue from her, Ethan picked up her hand and looked into her eyes. "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" He picked up her hand and lightly pressed his lips to the back of it, keeping his eyes on her. It was apparent that she had been crying. He so did not want that for her, but he knew that the antidote mixed with the end of term issues was really taking its toll on her. The last few days had seemed better though, so he was hopefully things were evening out and would get better over summer. He smiled a little at her and continued further into the scene to a part that he felt could be meaningful. "By love, that first did prompt me to inquire. He lent me counsel and I lent him eyes. I am no pilot. Yet, wert thou as far as that vast shore washed with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise." Ethan wondered how far she had gotten in that book of sonnets he lent her. There was one he might have to read to her later.. though he might know of a better time.. He let her hand go then lifted his hand to the side of her face, still looking into her eye. "You've been crying," he said simply, quietly. Trying to give her a small smile, he added, "No more tears." Then he put his arm around her and slid closer to her, kissing her forehead. He wanted their last moments at Hogwarts to be remembered as happy ones. SPOILER!!: Mika "Hey, Mika," he finally greeted the girl, his smile brightening again as he did so. "Got some exciting summer plans?" Yes.. keep the focus off of him and his not coming back.. what was she up to? SPOILER!!: Gwen SPOILER!!: Wade "I'm doing alright.." he shrugged lightly. It was the truth, he was doing fine while keeping his emotions at bay. "You..?" Not that the Puff was leaving school for good, but it was polite to return the question, yeah? "Thanks for the onesie, by the way," he added with a grin. Ethan had tried it on, but still hadn't found the proper place to wear it yet.. knowing it would be best to wear it with Min as a matching set.. hehe. SPOILER!!: Beezus Giving her a warm smile in spite of all of that, he said, "Well, thanks Beezus.. I suppose I am." Real world in a sense, anyway.. He'd still be a student, though it wouldn't be in the same way. Things were definitely changed though some things he would hold on to stay the same as much as he could. "I'm glad I got to be your co-prefect." She was another of his Eagles that he'd really miss.. He had enjoyed getting to know the great girl she was as well over the last couple terms, from the common room to patrolling corridors to the Quidditch pitch. He inwardly sighed.. thinking again about last times.. SPOILER!!: Blue.. and Elise The girl had gone completely mad, he just knew it. Ethan was sure that Blue was angry with the two of them for some unknown reason and was about to beat them senseless with her bat and he subtly reached for his wand protectively. And then she spoke. Ethan leaned a bit closer to understand her words as she drew them all together and he slowly grinned. "I think that's an awesome idea, Blue.. I'd be honored to sign your bat. And to play with you in spirit." He bent down and pulled a self-inking quill from his bag and reached for her bat, signing, Ethan 'The Wall' McCarthy. He handed it back, then his eyes snapped to Elise as something Blue said finally registered. "Why aren't you going to be on the team next term?" She wasn't a seventh year.. where was she going? |
A bit of Min in the mix Quote:
Benjy and Mika and he says his name is NOT Ogden. It's GARRICK Looking at Benjy for a moment he shrugged. It had been a STUPID year. The stupidest. But that was beside the point. Garrick was ready for vacation. He wanted out of England for a bit. Maybe he could make Mum take him somewhere TROPICAL. That would be a great end to the year. He doubted Benjy would go. See Garrick wasn't stupid pr clueless. He knew Benjy had a thing for that disgusting girl with the retched friend. Oh well. He could crash and burn in that if he wanted. Garrick wasn't going to get involved in it. "I'll be gone most of the break. Have fun with her." Oh he hadn't told Benjy had he? Oh well. And then Mika got his attention for a moment. She even got a smile. "Hope you have a great summer, Mika. I know I am looking forward to mine," he said with a chuckle. Lame. He was being lame with people. |
Mentions of Beezus too As more people entered the Great Hall, Elise noticed the evil!Puff come up to the Ravenclaw table. Ordinarily, she would have protested but seeing as it was her last day with her boyfriend in this same hall, she figured that she'd just let it slide. She knew how it felt to be trying to soak up the last moments with the people you loved, anyway. SPOILER!!: Mika It was probably lucky that Mika distracted her from her thoughts before Elise had a chance to act on them. That could have been dangerous. Nodding instead at the younger blonde, she smiled. "And for you too." What else was there to say now? She was pretty much at a loss for words as it was. SPOILER!!: Gwen Gwen. Sweet Merlin, Gwen was graduating. It just mostly made Elise realize how fast the past six years had gone. One moment she was just a first-year, hoping for someone to help her understand how the castle worked and the next? She was here, sixth year Quidditch Captain. Leaving a whole year prematurely. "Hey, Gwen," she smiled, waving. Trying to ignore the question in the older student's eyes, she tried to divert her attention. Who else was there? Oh. It was Beezus. Upon seeing the prefect, Elise's expression pretty much shattered. They weren't on particularly good terms then and this certainly wasn't how things were supposed to end. They were close friends, for crying out loud. One night changed everything. She hadn't thought it possible, but it was a fact now and despite the fact that Elise had apologized multiple times, they weren't going to make up anytime soon. SPOILER!!: Blue and Ethan The next thing she knew, there was Blue marching up to her and Ethan and stating something that pretty much baffled her. Rude? Did she say something that Blue found offensive? Or was it the fact that she was leaving? Obviously, something had upset her ickle and Elise hated herself for doing it. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, lowering her gaze to the floor. She would have probably bashed her head on the table if the not-so-ickle-anymore Ravenclaw hadn't continued her speech. Looking back up to meet the girl's eyes, she realized that Blue was blushing. Faintly, hardly visibly, but still. Blushing. Okay, this was probably serious. She wanted Elise to sign her bat. Elise wasn't sure if she was going to laugh or cry when she heard the words. She was flattered, so very flattered. It was such a huge honour, to have someone want to have you sign their bat. Beaters were very picky about their bats and what touched them. Elise would know. But it was also just a little more painful, their separation. She wouldn't be there to captain them to the victory they were sure to achieve next term, but she would definitely be cheering them on from the stands. "I-I'd be honoured, Blue. Thank you," she smiled, following after Ethan and pulling another self-inking quill from her bag and uncapping it. Doing her absolute best not to cry, she signed her name in her usual neat script on the wood of the bat, adding in smaller writing under her name the title that Bee, Mo and Blue had given her a while back. Queen Beater. "Hey Blue?" Putting her quill back into the bag, she offered the bat back to the young beater. "You're a really brilliant beater. I know I've said it before, but you should know that I mean it." She could be the next Queen of Bludgers, y'know? Elise was proud of her. Then, she turned her gaze to the prefect. She hadn't told him yet. She hadn't told most of her team, save for Beezus. And after seeing Bee's reaction, Elise was pretty discouraged from telling anyone else. Moving closer to Ethan, she lowered her voice so that nobody else could hear her clearly. "I'm leaving to play for Pride of Portree." There. She'd said it. Pulling back, she shrugged. "I was going to tell you on the train, but you asked. So.. yeah." I hope you're not mad. It was an opportunity that she couldn't miss. He had to understand that, right? SPOILER!!: Kat ;__; This whole situation was hard, hugging onto her best friend as if her life depended on it. Practically clinging to each other like a pair of koalas, they were. It didn't matter that they had the summer to themselves. It was the last time they were going to cling within these walls. And maybe cling on the train too, but that would be different. "Right," she whispered back, nodding. "Will you?" That was the more important question here. Would Kat be okay without her to rant at or would the Slytherin find a new bestie and forget all about her? The thought of it terrified Elise but it was entirely possible. She wasn't going to dwell on that, though. Today was going to be a reasonably happy day (even if it was almost over). "We still have the summer?" |
Snag tackle glomp! :D Tay and Ethan >:D Quote:
"I got sleep like I promised, PoTayto," she told her friend upon arrival, sliding into the seat across from the fellow Claw and poking her nose. She also greeted Ethan. "You probably don't remember me but I'm a friend of Min's, and I would like to make sure you're treating my close friend right," she said with her signature squint. |
"I have extra silverware today. Who wants?" Anyway. They were all geniuses at surviving on poor food and no one to clean up after them, so Mo thought maybe it had been a good outcome. Against their will, but still good. Quote:
"Not saying we're going now. I'm saying we're going period. It's all fixed. I'll brook no arguments." He would totally brook arguments. He was Mo and thus could be talked out of most anything. Quote:
Now that he considered it, Mo didn't blame her for not wanting to join them, but he invited her anyway. "Come sit with us and have a cannoli." Pastry for all. Quote:
Merlin knew her puppy may have gotten lost OR her grandmother was ill OR she didn't like her dress. It could be anything. He reached over and patted her hand, though, because it was all he knew to do. "Be happy. We're first in fun this term, and the carpet burn on my belly from the Slip N' Slide is almost gone. Please be happy?" Like... please? |
Really. SPOILER!!: wow lots of blue HEY LOOK. BLUE. "Blueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." Cat held up the cannolis. Blue got her own box too. She should like... come get them before Cat ate them herself. Heh. Quote:
Pfffft. "You think I am going to argue? Cat? Caterina?" She tossed him a grin because he DID know her and just shrugged. "Alright. You're the boss. You tell me when." Cause apparently it was all FIXED. "Try one." She nodded to the cannoli. "They're goooooood." Not JUST cause she'd made them herself, but mostly. Quote:
Ooooh. It was that girl. Cat smiled in greeting and did not shove the cannoli in her mouth. "Yep. I did, you want one? Have one, they're good." She picked another one out of Mo's box and offered it to the blonde. The boy could get more later, she'd see to that. More smiling. "I've seen you around." She pointed the cannoli at herself. "Cat." But the girl knew that already. |
All you Quidditch folks (and Min) ! Eliza half dragged and half rushed to the end of the term feast. On one hand she was feeling a bit better than she had been, but on the other...she was awfully sad about the friends she'd be saying goodbye to. Donned in her Ravenclaw robes, the coppery haired girl took careful steps towards her table. She stopped a ways off before sitting down. Stopped so that she could watch her friend Ethan, to see him sit at their house table one last time. She knew she'd see him again out in Hogsmeade and London probably, but still. This was where she'd met the best friend she'd had thus far at Hogwarts. She sucked in a quick breath to try and steady herself. She did not want to put a damper on anyone's good time, though judging by the air in the room, she may not be the only one feeling this way. She quickened her pace and sat next to Ethan quietly. After giving him a small smile, she turned up the volume on her positive appearance. "Hey guys," she said as a general greeting down towards all of her Quidditch mates who seemed to be glomped together. "Glad we all made it to the feast..." with the glaringly obvious possibility that any one of us could have been gone for good this term due to dementors... She did not say that thought aloud though. She doubted there was any need for it. They all knew what had happened at the castle this year, and they'd mostly been with each other for most of it. Everyone here knew how close they had come - and she was truly glad that her team was safe and sound. Though she couldn't say the same for at least one person this term. It had been a blur, but from the glimpse she'd caught of the scene at the syrup tasting party... She shook her head to try and dismiss the thought. Tonight was supposed to be somewhat happy. Bittersweet at least. She turned back to Ethan and nodded at him. She hated being so quiet but, there wasn't really much for her to say now that she hadn't said already. He knew she was sad about him leaving. She didn't need to be a Debby Downer any more than she already had been of late. She tried to reduce the sound of a heavy sigh that began to escape her lungs as she fiddled with the plasticware in front of her. |
sorry i didnt see this when i replied to Ameliah Quote:
She couldn't believe that it was the end of term fest for the fourth time! Orr sat down at the Ravenclaw table and felt a bittersweet mix of happiness and sadness because she would not see most of her friends for the next couple of months and Fifth year sounded so hard. But either way she was excited and nervous at the same time. |
SPOILER!!: Makes me cry Ethan She couldn’t help but smile at the shocked look on his face, but her face was soon to mirror his with shock as he took her hand and recited Romeo’s part. As she watched him lift her hand to his lips she fought tears from making their appearance yet again. She really didn’t want to cry Trying to stop the tears she wiped her eyes with the tissue in her free hand. As his hand went to her face she looked away from him to the table when he asked about her crying. Well that was obvious since she couldn’t even hide it just now. No more tears that was easier said than done. She didn’t want to cry anymore and half the time she wasn’t sure why she was. All she knew was this term had turned out hard and not because of academics. How would she ever survive another term without him here. This was just horrible and she hated every minute of it. Her reddened blue eyes looked back up again and she gave a small smile, Thou know'st the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny What I have spoke: but farewell compliment! Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay,'And I will take thy word: yet if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove false; at lovers' perjuries Then say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully: Or if thou think'st I am too quickly won, I'll frown and be perverse an say thee nay, So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world. In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, And therefore thou mayst think my 'havior light: But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true Than those that have more cunning to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, But that thou overheard'st, ere I was ware, My true love's passion: therefore pardon me, And not impute this yielding to light love, Which the dark night hath so discovered. It was helping a bit from the sad awkward tension she knew was coming, but that was it she was done. No more Romeo and Juliet, because it was getting to her as well. I’ll try to stop the tears.. I’m sorry.” She leaned into him with his arm around her and closed her eyes for a few moments trying to compose herself better. “Congratulations by the way.. You did it.” She really really tried to sound as proud as she could of him, because she was.. She was super proud of him. SPOILER!!: Mika Just as she had finished the Juliet line Minerva heard her name and turned her puffy tear stained face to look at who the voice belong to. She blushed a bit thinking that Mika most likely heard their little poetic moment. She didn’t care really though it was a special moment between them and that’s all that mattered. Feeling his arm around her made her feel safe and comfortable so she tried to be a bit more social. [b] “Glad term is over?” She wondered what the almost fifth year had going on. “Any big plans? You and Kaiden hanging out?” She really approved of Mika dating one of her badgers. She could get protective over them, but she knew Mika was great so it was a good fit for Kaiden. SPOILER!!: Beezus, Blue, Ethan, and Elise Minerva looked up again when she heard Ethan’s name and then her own, but she couldn’t help but notice the was it attitude that her name was said in. Seeing that it was Beezus, Minerva couldn’t help but wonder what she had ever done to this claw to get such a cold shoulder treatment from her most of term. She felt like she was always nice and willing to help out. For goodness sake she told the girl to go hug her boyfriend and that he gave good hugs. She could have told her to get lost and go find her own boyfriend to hug, but now she was nice and she would still be nice now. “Hello Bee, how are you this evening?” She was in the same boat as Min with a seventh year boyfriend so Minerva couldn’t help but feel for the girl at the moment. Then her blue eyes snapped up defensively as someone was calling Ethan… rude? Ethan was far from rude to anyone so she couldn’t help but look at Blue very oddly and when her eyes hit the bat she felt her blood start to boil at what the fourth year could possibly be thinking. She knew what kind of arm that girl had on her. The thought of it made Min take her hand to the back of her head without meaning to. She was about to step in, because no one hurt her Ethan when Blue continued on about signing the bat. Min couldn’t help but smile and shed more tears at the same time. [b] “Blue that is one of the best ideas… It’s so sweet.” Even if Ethan was signing the bat that could have easily taken Min out for the long hall during that match. Her eyes then turned to Elise the other claw beater, why was she signing the bat. She had another year, right? She saw her lean into Ethan and say something, but didn’t really hear what she as saying so she just shrugged it off. If the girl wanted the world to know she would have said it louder. So Min just gave her a small smile, “I don’t think we have ever really introduced ourselves. I’m Min, but I guess you basically know that. You are a great beater.” She moved a little closer to Ethan and laid her head on his shoulder. All these emotions were leaving her just exhausted. SPOILER!!: Barking Taylor Minerva had shut her eyes for a few moments when she heard a familiar voice. It was Taylor, but she was talking to Ethan so Min figured it was okay to keep her eyes close. She would open them and say hi to her friend when they were done, but before she could there were new arms around her and she stiffened and let out a scream jumping into Ethan. She looked at the source of the hands and gave Taylor an apologetic look. Why did she have to have such a problem with hugging. She use to love hugs. Love them and now she couldn’t handle them at all. The first thought she had was her hair burning from that plant. If she ever had to go near plants again it was too soon. “I.. I’m sorry.. I just can’t hug right now… E is the only.. I’m sorry Taylor.. I’m sorry..” She frowned and then heard the girls next words blushing a bit, “I would have liked being in this house. I love my own, but this seems like my second family.” They really did seem like it. She loved cooking for the claw boys she had this term and she hoped Mo wouldn’t mind eating her food again next term. SPOILER!!: Eliza Hearing another familiar voice Minerva looked over at Eliza. The girl seemed happy. That was nice to see. She was another one that Minerva swore was poisoned by that syrup, but maybe she really wasn’t. Maybe Ethan really was right and no one was poisoned, but if no one was poisoned than that would mean she really had just lost her mind and she really was just mental. Which Minerva wasn’t sure which was worse. Either way her trip this summer was going to help… she hoped. It had to.. she had to get over these issues she had been having. Giving Eliza a small smile, “Hey Eliza, ready for summer?” Of course it seemed everyone was ready, but Min wasn’t sure she was. She wanted term to end, she wanted to be home, well not really home but at Ethan’s, but she knew where she was headed and that kind of scared her. Leaning her head back on Ethan’s shoulder she sighed at the inner fight in her head. She just wish she could make it stop. |
EVERYONE really...not quoting. Mika smiled over to Gwen as she heard her name, waved even. It was going to be sad not having Gwen around really because Gwen was nice. Heck, Ravenclaws were just awesome. She sent her a happy and sad confused mess of emotions face. Heck, really, it just looked like someone needed a trip to the loo but that wasn’t the reason. She was going to miss the seventh year. ”Hey Gwen,” she tried not to let her eyes frown at all and just pulled on a bright smile again that took a minute to illuminate in her eyes. ”You um…did you hear Professor Flamsteed yell about Putlo? Weird…huh?” she chuckled yeah…nice (horrible really) save from asking how she was handling leaving forever. Then she was back to smiling at Elise…even though the appearance of Kat and the looks were making her realize that indeed it seemed Elise wasn’t going to come back. FROWNS for this. ”Your not coming back are you?” Mika muttered under her breath so that it was probably a stretch for Elise to even hear her. She wanted to tell her that she’d owl her but hey – she’d surprise her and do that later; because Mika was great at surprising people. When Mo waved her over and called out her nickname she just BEAMED. With the same blinding brightness she had used when greeting Elise. She did shift closer to him and Cat since Cat looked nice…and food, her stomach growled at the food that looked actually half decent. “Macabre!” She beamed, “so, how have things been?” She asked beaming over to them. And seeing Mo trying to cheer up Elise was just, nice. It got him a BIG smile. Nice people were awesome. And Mo was always nice. ”So any plans over summer? OOOH! You ever been to Blackpool? They have an amusement park…” she beamed amusement parks were awesome. Cat? The infamous Cat she had heard of her and well…yeah she was being handed a Canoli. “Oh! Thanks” she beamed and took the Canoli gladly, because it looked good…really good. “I’ve seen you around as well – I’ve just turned into a little bit of a recluse at the end of term…things got weird after I tried to help fight off a Dementor in the Astronomy Tower patch” how about she had figured out that a friend might have liked her as more than a friend…but that friend was weird and well…pies…she couldn’t handle talking to pie-guy right now. Things were just too weird. She did beam at Cat and then added, ”So you have any fun plans this summer? And…also where did you learn to cook? I mean I try and things turn into home-made accidental puking pasties not intentionally at least…I’m just bad with food.” food that wasn’t toast that is. Mika did blink and blush a bit when Minerva asked her about Kaiden…sure she hadn’t told many people and she didn’t know what was going to happen over summer and he was lived in America so she didn’t know. It was so far away and portkey’s made her woozy. ”Ugh no big plans yet might go visit my cousin Whilhelmina in Sweden for a bit…or just you know go to Blackpool for a bit and Ambleside” she beamed she had no plans really. Nothing solid. ”I don’t know…we haven’t really hashed anything out ya know? Since he does live thousands of miles away and across the pond…I’m sure my mum has plans to head back to Melbourne for a bit to visit my cousins there” she shuddered slightly as she smiled. ”To answer your question, mixed feelings because I’m going to miss all the seventh years and well…seeing everyone every day for a while but I won’t miss the mess…or the food…or the fact that” she glanced at the staff table and wibbled, ”I mean…I’m going to miss everyone” she admitted. And yes, she was going to miss seeing the grounds keeper but…it wasn’t like she could ever see him again. Stupid dementors. She turned then to Ethan and smiled. ”Hey Ethan…err…I’ll miss you as you know you were a really good Prefect” she admitted nodding. ”Not really…just mainly avoiding ice cream for as long as possible until I feel that it won’t make peoples brains turn into slush…happy slush none the less but yeah,” she nodded. And bit her lip. ”You planning anything super fun with Minnie?” she asked knowing full well that Minnie was stuck here for another term. Leaning closer she whispered, ”I’ll keep her company for you if you want…you know homework…books…and stuff, just have fun?” because Mika liked Minnie. Mika blinked a bit because she had noticed the smile. And then he asked if she was going to enjoy her break. ”Ah thanks Garrick, I hope yours is amazing” she smiled. |
Mika, K2 and Beezus (not necessarily in that order) Text Cut: *mellow* (K2, Beezus and Mika) The mood at the table was definitely not helping Kendall feel any better. Not much had physically happened to her after the Fright Fest, which had proven itself to have been named accurately, but she still hadn’t really gotten free of that paranoia about the dementors coming back. Even while she’d been hiding in the library, she’d felt like the coldness was going to come creeping after her. It hadn’t to her knowledge, but she hadn’t gotten the idea out of her head. That, plus the view of empty chairs and morose professors at the staff table, had pretty much determined that her hair wasn’t going back to normal any time soon. She was just going to have to hope that she’d get back to normal on the train, so she wouldn’t have to explain to Jeremiah or whoever came to Kings Cross to pick her and Patrick up. After last summer, she didn’t want her family to have to worry about her any more than they already had been. The kind of half-hearted smile she’d gotten from Katrina only made her even more worried, too. Even without the plastic cutlery and stuff, this feast might end up being the most depressing one ever, and that was counting next term’s when she would know she wasn’t coming back. “Hi Katrina,” she still returned, trying to give her a more convincing smile than the earlier one even as she took another nibble of the chocolate in her hand. The food hadn’t shown up yet, so she wasn’t going to starve herself. Well, maybe everyone wasn’t entirely too depressed to function. She’d blinked as Mika had noticed the chocolate she’d dropped in front of her as she’d passed her, anyway, not even realizing that it might have taken her a few seconds to notice the response. A lot had been going on, and she’d use that excuse. Either way, the reaction made a tiny genuine smile creep over her face, although the odd auburn/indigo hair didn’t go away. It was probably going to take a lot more than Mika’s mentioning Patrick to break her free of her mood entirely, but it was a start. “You’re welcome. Figured I might as well finish off the term like it started, and it keeps me from eating my whole stash before the train,” she admitted. Of course, the chocolate was still going to disappear, but she wasn’t eating it herself. “Yep. Pretty much all my chocolate was this term.” She hadn’t really bothered to go to Honeydukes to augment it, especially not after the dementors. She’d still managed to make it last all term, with a few moments of asking him for more. Which reminded her that she hadn’t managed to see if he’d arrived at the feast yet, and she’d glanced away toward the Slytherin table as the blonde had gone back to talking to Mo and the others. Only to see a familiar brunette walking over, looking about as happy as she felt minus the mood ring hair. Beezus definitely had things on her mind, and upon another glance toward the Slytherin table, Kendall had a vague idea of at least a possible reason. There had been all the horrible things this term, but at least she was still going to have her boyfriend there next term. Her friend and Prefect wasn’t, and that made her feel sympathy along with everything else. She had questions about why the whole feast seemed down, but at least she could be there for her friend. She could try to reassure her, like she was expecting Patrick to do for herself later. “Hey Beezus,” she returned, slipping her arm around the other girl as she’d felt her rest her head on her slender shoulder. There, at least it was halfway a hug. She couldn’t offer chocolate to make Beezus feel better, anyway, so she was going to try other things. Plus, it distracted her from worrying about if there was going to be any invasions. Maybe the feast was going to be perfectly normal, or at least as close to it as possible. Paper plates didn’t matter, questions didn’t matter, missing staff members at least sort of didn’t matter. The important thing was being there for her friend when she was hurting, like she’d promised earlier. |
SPOILER!!: Wade! Hearing a voice somewhere close calling her name, the seventh year turned around and managed to spot Wade. The Hufflepuff was one of the people she really had to say goodbye to. But before saying goodbyes she should say a ‘hello’. So. Smirk. ‘Hi’, Gwen greeted back. ‘Yeah, I’m good’, she said a bit hesitant, not giving many details. ‘You?’ Pause. ‘Do you have any plans for the summer?’ On the one hand, summer plans reminded her of the fact that she was graduating, but on the other hand, she really wanted to know what her friends would be doing. ‘I hope we can meet around Diagon Alley sometime’ If Wade had some free time, that is. Quote:
Because the Ravenclaw Prefect was on the other side of the table and the place was kind of crowded, Gwen decided not to yell a ‘hello’. Instead she gave a small wave. SPOILER!!: Taylor Alright, so even Gwen had to admit barking like a dog at the feast was funny. Heh. ‘Having fun?’, she asked, with her arms folded as she eyed the girl. Hmm. What was her name, again? Gwen was sure she had seen the other Ravenclaw around the school before, and they had met a few times on the train. The bad part was that the seventh year was awful at remembering names. Erm. She would need another year at Hogwarts to get to know some people better. Could she do that? Be a seventh year again? Yeah, probably not. SPOILER!!: Nigel Gwen gave a small nod as she listened to what her housemate was saying. Hmm. Some work? 'What do you have in mind?’ Working around Diagon Alley, maybe? Her attention was then drawn to the box the other Ravenclaw was holding. ‘Umm...no thank you’, she said simply. She was too nervous to eat. SPOILER!!: Ethan So far no one had asked anything about graduation. It was kind of the younger students to try and not point out the fact that they were graduating but still. Gwendolyn thought it was something you couldn’t avoid. Or pretend to forget about it. So. She just had to face it, Gwen figured. Ethan’s question was straight to the point. What was she going to do. ‘I want to become a healer’, she said with a small smile. She had her mind set on being a healer eve since she was a first year. ‘You?’, the seventh year asked. SPOILER!!: Elise Seeing Elise so... sad? troubled? , Gwen started wondering if she remembered something wrong- was the other Ravenclaw a seventh year too? Graduating now? But no... she was certain that the Quidditch captain was one year younger. So... what was going on? ‘What’s up?’, she finally asked a bit uncertain. There was probably not much she could help with but still... wasn’t it worth trying? Gwendolyn Greene trying to be nice. This was something that didn’t happen very often. SPOILER!!: MIKA! ‘Heh...I did’, she answered her question. Probably the entire great hall heard Professor Flamsteed yell about Pluto. It was just something you couldn’t miss. She really appreciated the fact that Mika was trying not to mention anything about graduating. It was thoughtful of the younger Ravenclaw. Howeveeeeer... Gwen thought you just couldn’t avoid the inevitable. Duh. ‘Since this will be our last feast together at Hogwarts...’, she started, trying to seem positive, but in the end her voice started trembling. Deep breath. Alright, now she really didn’t know what to say. A moment of silence followed until she spoke up again. ‘I’m going to miss you’ Yeah. She was going to miss Mika. And the other Ravenclaws. Another short pause. Now she really had no idea how to continue. Goodbyes were harder than she had imagined. ‘Can I get a hug?’ |
SPOILER!!: no hugging min She jumped back at the scream and gave Min a weird look. Tay nodded as she said sorry, "I'm sorry... I should have asked first..." When did Min get so against hugs? She held back a pout but smiled when Min blushed, "Well, we love you here in Eagle territory." Taylor ignored the urge to hug Mins again because she didnt want another scream in her ear... and since Min said only Ethan can hug her. She mentally sighed and smiled at Ethan and Mins. SPOILER!!: Grwn Taylor glanced up when a voice began talking to her. She recognized the person but the name didnt come to her so she just shrugged it off. "Yes... Yes, I am." Tay beamed a smile at her and laughed, "Are you having fun yourself?" Yep, she aint gonna meation her barking... hopefully this didnt pertain to it... but it probably did... at least someone asked her for lessons in barking... that would be super fun! |
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