Guess who wasn't in a most distraught, horrible mood anymore and is actually feeling much much better?
That's right. This girl.
Beezus had a smile on now, though not her usual classic smile...but at least it wasn't forced out like the ones she's been dreading out for the past weeks. She even had a small bounce in her step as she bounded over to the Prefect's Compartment with her guitar case in tow. She was hoping Dylan was there because the girlfriend wanted to spend time with him. This was, after all, his last Hogwarts Express ride as a student.
But there was no Dylan inside. Instead, there were a Nessie and an Ella.
....who looked like they were about to cry.
Well, the brunette understood of course. She felt the same. It was just that.....she was more happy to see them take new chapters of their lives than sad because they were leaving.
She hesitantly slipped inside and pulled the door close behind her.
"Hey guys." She smiled sweetly at both she-badgers before settling down on a seat across from them.
"Don't uhm....mind me. I'm just going to play something." 'Cause she'd pretty much deprived herself of playing music until now. Beezus took out Mavis from her case, set it on her lap, manipulated through the simple chords she knew and strummed the guitar strings softly, seemingly just letting the music harmonize in background as the two girls had their conversation.