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If permitted to enter the highly exclusive and incredibly pink palace of Headmistress Anastasia Reina (née Bunbury) Truebridge, take a moment to allow your eyes to adjust. The current occupant of the Head chambers has distinct fashion tastes unlike any of her predecessors.
The desk, which is easily the largest item in the room, is kept even more tidy than when it was occupied by a certain non-educator. In front of the desk is a line of squishy pink and gold waiting chairs; behind it is what can only be described as a veritable throne. This must be where the Headmistress sits.
The room is decorated with healthy, potted green plants; bright, vertically striped hot pink curtains; books and magazines; and lots and lots of framed vacation, family, and friend photos. Most of the photo occupants are the Headmistress' husband, a former professor himself, and her now four-year-old son, who is certain to grow up to be a genius. The largest photo is of a recent picture of the three members of the happy family, which sits facing the Headmistress' throne and the large window behind it.
The other frames on the walls of the room include portraits of former headmasters; a class-encased certain 'royal' man's cane; and a framed scrap of paper from one of Hogwarts' own student publications. In the back corner of the room, near the door that leads to the rest of the Headmistress' chambers, is a collection of very rare brooms locked up inside a corner cabinet. In front of the cabinet sits a large wicker basket, containing a very pampered, very fat ginger cat. This is Gingersnapple.
Gingersnapple is most protective of his master's chambers, so if you truly wish to speak the Headmistress in her office, be aware that you are doing so at your own risk. Please note: This room is an animal-free zone... with the obvious exception of Gingersnapple.
OOC: You absolutely may not enter this office unless given the password or given IC/OOC access by the Headmistress. If you RP yourself here without following instructions, your post will be deleted.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Nashville smiled softly. He loved this school minus it's flaws that it's been having this term but everyone that he has talked to said he should have came here last year when it was REALLY Hogwarts, like how it suppose to be but he was to busy being bullied/hated on at Durmstrang. But he got through it and he was fine with it now because he has friends here and he loves them all. "I am settling very well, I'm sorry to hear that you guys have been having money problems." Nope! He was not allowed to say Cash. That was his surname.
"That sounds nice, I've never had tea before, Miss." Tea sounded nice. He had never had tea before.
Never had tea before?! The redheaded Headmistress led the way past her stone gargoyles and up her rotating staircase without another word. Merlin, the boy was new to England!
"I'm sorry we're having those problems too," she murmured as she stepped off the escalator and into the office. Truebridge gestured for the boy to have a seat opposite her desk and sat down at her own. She levitated the tea set that normally sat behind her desk down to the front of it and started tapping various pots and containers to get things going.
"One of the drawbacks of not having a complete set of house elves," she explained to the boy as the water started to boil, "is that we have to make our own tea. Now then," she set out a cup and a saucer for him and gave him a patient look, "do you like things on the sweet side or on the plain side?"
That would be, sugar or milk, child?
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Never had tea before?! The redheaded Headmistress led the way past her stone gargoyles and up her rotating staircase without another word. Merlin, the boy was new to England!
"I'm sorry we're having those problems too," she murmured as she stepped off the escalator and into the office. Truebridge gestured for the boy to have a seat opposite her desk and sat down at her own. She levitated the tea set that normally sat behind her desk down to the front of it and started tapping various pots and containers to get things going.
"One of the drawbacks of not having a complete set of house elves," she explained to the boy as the water started to boil, "is that we have to make our own tea. Now then," she set out a cup and a saucer for him and gave him a patient look, "do you like things on the sweet side or on the plain side?"
That would be, sugar or milk, child?
People here and in London had to think he was nuts for not having tea but tea wasn't everything back home. To him the beach, surfing, baking pies and working his butt off to help make ends meet with his parents at home was what he really had to focus on and those were important to him. He didn't care if they weren't important to others because judgmental people don't have a place in his heart, he has no time for those kinds of people.
The sixth year followed the redhead to her office and sat down from the chair on the other side of her desk. She really didn't seem as bad as people played her out to be. So what was so wrong with this redhead. NOT A THING. Nashville was getting past all of the problems and well just getting used to them. "I'm getting past all of the problems, they really don't seem that bad, Miss." he was really alright with them, now. Although he had been complaining about them the first week he had been at Hogwarts but he was just used to it now.
Nashville hadn't really been around people that had house elves. Were they really that important to the staff around here? Couldn't they do somethings by themselves or did it just save time for the house elves to do it for them? "They are helpful for you all, aren't they?" he really didn't know what to say about the house elves leaving. It was hard for him because he had to do everything on his own with nearly no help at all. "I love things on the sweet side." Nashville beamed.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
People here and in London had to think he was nuts for not having tea but tea wasn't everything back home. To him the beach, surfing, baking pies and working his butt off to help make ends meet with his parents at home was what he really had to focus on and those were important to him. He didn't care if they weren't important to others because judgmental people don't have a place in his heart, he has no time for those kinds of people.
The sixth year followed the redhead to her office and sat down from the chair on the other side of her desk. She really didn't seem as bad as people played her out to be. So what was so wrong with this redhead. NOT A THING. Nashville was getting past all of the problems and well just getting used to them. "I'm getting past all of the problems, they really don't seem that bad, Miss." he was really alright with them, now. Although he had been complaining about them the first week he had been at Hogwarts but he was just used to it now.
Nashville hadn't really been around people that had house elves. Were they really that important to the staff around here? Couldn't they do somethings by themselves or did it just save time for the house elves to do it for them? "They are helpful for you all, aren't they?" he really didn't know what to say about the house elves leaving. It was hard for him because he had to do everything on his own with nearly no help at all. "I love things on the sweet side." Nashville beamed.
"How does Hogwarts compare to your old school?" she inquired curiously as she busied her hands with the tea things. Annie wondered where the boy had gone prior to this year, and whether or not he found Hogwarts just terrible and dirty compared to Beauxbatons or Durmstrang. Hopefully neither of their heads had heard about the school's problems... Merlin knew they were all competitive enough... And she didn't want to be the laughingstock of the education world!
She added some sugar AND milk for the boy, since he said he liked sweet things, and then pushed the cup his way. "Yes, they are. You don't realize how much you rely on one until they're gone." She added just a bit of milk to her own cup and then picked it up for a sip. Mmmmm, just right.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Wearing the same outfit as he had the last time he'd had to visit the castle at night, Alistaire Firth habitually came to a stop before the entrance to the Headmistress's spiral stairway. He frowned when he remembered that the usual gargoyles were now missing. Unsure if it was still necessary, he looked around and, seeing no students, spoke the password, "Coco Chanel," anyways and made his weary way up the stairs. Would she be expecting him? He hoped so; he had sent his Patronus on ahead to alert her to his imminent presence.
Reaching the door, he rapped his knuckles on the hard surface once, twice, three times. "Annie? Yeh awake in there?" he asked.
Of course Annie was in there. She was just putting the last touch on her curlers and face moisturizer before bed when she heard the knock on her door. Oh sigh, please don't be more goblins...
"Come in," the redhead called out wearily, tightening the sash on her robe as she settled into her desk. At least the desk would lend her some semblance of authority for whoever was knocking at this time of night. Apparently the person had her password... and said things like 'yeh awake'.... hmm. Maybe it was the handsome groundskeeper...
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Bunzinator
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Of course Annie was in there. She was just putting the last touch on her curlers and face moisturizer before bed when she heard the knock on her door. Oh sigh, please don't be more goblins...
"Come in," the redhead called out wearily, tightening the sash on her robe as she settled into her desk. At least the desk would lend her some semblance of authority for whoever was knocking at this time of night. Apparently the person had her password... and said things like 'yeh awake'.... hmm. Maybe it was the handsome groundskeeper...
Opening the door, Alistaire Firth, in garb reminiscent to several nights ago, took in his surroundings. Things seemed a bit less clean than normal, which was right in line with the rest of the castle but surprised him a bit somehow. And there was Annie, also in a robe. They matched.
"I hope yeh got my Patronus, Annie." Because if not, she would be mad at him for invading her inner sanctum in the middle of the night. "I got th' kids off ter bed an' settled down a bit." No small task, considering how hyper they were.
Without further preamble, he began. "I think yeh'll share my concern abou' this ice cream. They were all so... HAPPY," he said, at loss for a better word. "Now normally I'd say a bit more happiness in th' world isn' a bad thing, but in this case i's impairin' their judgment." He shifted his weight a bit nervously. "I can't prove it was the ice cream tha' was doin' this ter everyone, but they all had it an' they were all gettin' a bit militant abou' it."
He wasn't going to tell her what to do, but in his opinion, they should really look into this.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Opening the door, Alistaire Firth, in garb reminiscent to several nights ago, took in his surroundings. Things seemed a bit less clean than normal, which was right in line with the rest of the castle but surprised him a bit somehow. And there was Annie, also in a robe. They matched.
"I hope yeh got my Patronus, Annie." Because if not, she would be mad at him for invading her inner sanctum in the middle of the night. "I got th' kids off ter bed an' settled down a bit." No small task, considering how hyper they were.
Without further preamble, he began. "I think yeh'll share my concern abou' this ice cream. They were all so... HAPPY," he said, at loss for a better word. "Now normally I'd say a bit more happiness in th' world isn' a bad thing, but in this case i's impairin' their judgment." He shifted his weight a bit nervously. "I can't prove it was the ice cream tha' was doin' this ter everyone, but they all had it an' they were all gettin' a bit militant abou' it."
He wasn't going to tell her what to do, but in his opinion, they should really look into this.
Annie looked up when Firth entered and remembered, just then, how handsome he was what that patronus from earlier had been. Right, children out of bed and in the forest.
At night.
Well it was a good thing that wasn't a dangerous forest or anything. Nooo no.
"Why don't you have a seat," she gestured, getting out her quick notes quill and setting it to work. "Who were the students in the forest? Maybe we should have the Healer check on their mental states, see if there's anything to this ice cream theory of yours."
To her, it sounded a bit ludicrous to think that the sweet could be causing happiness. Perhaps the children involved all just had an unhealthy obsession with ice cream. Food addictions happened to people all the time. She herself had never been addicted to anything other than chocolate though, so she wouldn't know.
"Thank you, by the way," Annie took her eyes off the quill and brought them to Firth's, "for your diligence in seeing the children to their beds safely." Not all groundskeepers would go out in a robe like that. Hehe.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind