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of Erik Vinteren
Ivy had sort of been looking behind her shoulder her whole way down to Erik's office. Looking out for, err... spiders. There had been lots of those in the castle. Along with children that were far too happy. That was weird. She didn't want to be followed by one of those, either. Once she got there, Ivy knocked a few times in his door and patiently waited. She assumed he was there. He wasn't always... social. |
But at the knock on the door, he placed his bookmark in his book, closed and sat it on his desk, and stood up to see who it was. His wand slipped into his hand, out and at the ready, paranoid as always. He peeked through his custom-made hidden peep-hole in the door to see who was outside. Oh. Ivy. He opened the door for her of course. "Come in." |
"How are you?" she asked, walking past the green couch to his desk. She leaned against it and faced him. From what she could tell, he seemed to be settling in just fine. |
"I'm fine," he said with a small shrug, seating himself on the sofa since she apparently wanted the desk. "How are you?" Odin, this conversation felt stiff. "Vould you like a drink? I haff tea and firewhiskey." And that was all...in this room. He gestured toward the desk behind her, where she could help herself. Only the drawer with the drinks wasn't locked. |
She shrugged too. "Fine." Following his gesture, Ivy stood and went to the drawer and pulled out the bottle of firewhiskey and two glasses. After filling them up, Ivy gave a glass to Erik and sat next to him on the sofa. There. Much better than sitting alone. After taking a drink, Ivy sighed and leaned her head on the back of the couch. .... "How many more days until summer?" She was kind of... growing out of this teaching thing. |
He was glad she had decided to sit over here and scooted a little closer to her. Just a little, little bit. Erik let out a low chuckle at that comment and set his empty glass off to the side. He stretched his arm out along the back of the couch comfortably. "I'm counting down until the next holiday. Forget summer." Summer was seasons away. Unfortunately. |
The next holiday was probably better. Christmas was coming up soon and that meant... a few things. There was more than one reason that Ivy was looking forward to the Winter holiday. "I ought to start counting down, too," she muttered. She drained her glass in one last gulp and let out a sigh. Time for a subject change..? Ivy's eyes wandered back to Erik's desk where she had noticed a book but didn't read the cover. "What are you reading?" |
As for him..."I taught one student a curse already," Erik informed her somewhat proudly, for him. He had a little smirk on at the memory. "I think someone vas stalking me outside there, though...it was weird, but I could have sworn I heard footsteps vhen I wasn't even walking." He was kind of hoping he had blasted the person who was following him, but he couldn't be sure and wasn't concerned enough to look into it right now. Erik studied Ivy for a moment and stole his hand toward her head to play with a bit of her hair while she looked so...pensive. "You're sighing a lot," he pointed out quietly. He didn't take his eyes off her as he knew she was looking at the desk. She would. She'd have questions about it, no doubt. "Hogwarts, a History." See, she had wanted to know. Why? Well he waited for her to ask. |
And he had already taught a student a curse? Ivy raised her eyebrows, looking quite amused, mostly because he seemed so proud about that fact. "Oh, did you?" For some reason, that didn't surprise her. Ivy watched him with a small smile. "Sometimes I think you're too paranoid for your own good." She was trying to loosen him up a little, in a sense, but if she had heard footsteps, she probably would have been paranoid, too. ... Was she? Oh. Ivy glanced at him as he played with her hair before she looked away and shrugged her shoulders lightly. "Just thinking." As she did, far too much. He knew that, though. Well, that was an important book to read if he wanted to teach History of Magic in this place. Smart man. "Have you read the whole thing before?" She imagined schools in Norway didn't require that textbook. |
"I did," he nodded, not at all aware that the student he had taught had been the same one whose kneazle she'd tortured. Too paranoid for his own good? "Vell my paranoia has kept me alive this long." So maybe it could keep him alive for just a little longer. He met her eyes when she said she was thinking and blinked. "Okay." As long as she was...still okay. He wouldn't press her now. Erik got a lounged a little more on the couch as the conversation turned toward his book. "I have read it before." He paused. "But I thought I might need a refresher before my lesson." Since it was rather Hogwarts-specific. |
"And what curse was that, might I ask?" She asked anyway, as she did. And he had a point. "That is true. And good." She liked him alive very much. Ivy met his eyes briefly and nodded. She was still okay. Still fine. Still here. Ah, that was probably a very good idea. Ivy, too, lounged back into the couch a little more and comfortably rested her lower calves on Erik's knees. Might as well get comfy, no? "And what is your lesson going to be on?" she asked curiously. Just checkin' in on the new... non-professor. |
He hadn't forgotten that he was the only Governor elected by the general populace who hadn't also been elected by the students of Hogwarts. "Expulso," Erik informed her with a nod. "She took to it quite well, I'd say. Every wizard needs a spell to exercise their spare energy now and then." And expulso did just that for him, and for young Cambridge too. Right, she was fine then? Good. Erik patted her head gently and let his hand fall to the couch again. He eyed her legs- comfortable there, Knox? -and smirked at the question about her lesson. Yes, she was back to normal it seemed. Alvays with the questions. "It is on......" Erik started in a drawl, but then stopped with a deliberate wide-eyed look to Ivy. "Vell I don't know if I can tell you. You might tell the students, and then they might not come to my class because they're so terrified ov you." Heh heh heh heh yeah right. |
Ivy let out another light laugh. Teaching students how to make things explode. How.... Erik. "I'm sure the others will appreciate that when she pulls it out in dueling club." She could only imagine what the Headmistress' face would look like if that happened. Hah. He was right though, about the spare energy thing. Students here certainly needed a place to use it. She waited for him to explain... but he didn't. Ivy eyed him for a moment before punching his arm somewhat lightly. "I'm not that scary." But if she actually was... well, she wouldn't complain. "And I happen to be very good at keeping secrets, thank you very much." Well... except from him. But thankfully the school wasn't full of Erik Vinterens. |
At least he had her laughing and smiling now. Erik did think Ivy had a pretty smile. "I told her to be responsible vith it," he said with a careless shrug. "Vhether or not she does is hardly my problem." He wasn't even technically a professor, was he. Heh. He let out another chuckle when she punched his arm. "Vas that supposed to hurt?" Heh heh heh heh cute, she was trying to punch him. "I know you're good at keeping secrets, darling," he twirled a bit of her hair around his finger again. "Vhy else do think I like you so much." |
Ivy raised an eyebrow with a threatening, but obviously playful glare. "No, but I suggest you not underestimate me, Mr. Vinteren. I can throw a mean punch when I mean to." He probably wouldn't have to find that out for himself, though... Unless he screwed up. She smiled faintly when he played with her hair again. Oh, he liked her for her secret keeping skills. Sigh. "And here I was, thinking it was my incredibly good looks." Hmm. |
Whoa whoa whoa, she was bringing out the Mister stuff. "I don't doubt you," he patted her on the shoulder consolingly. "I just don't think your punches could be mean to me." Because he was a big, strong, muscular man, see, and he knew she liked him too much to actually try to hurt him. "Good locks?" Erik pretended to mishear Ivy as he mussed with her hair a little more. "Yes, you do have good locks. Great locks, I'd even say. Mm, and they smell good too." Heh heh. |
What was with the patting? He kept patting her head and her shoulder like she was some puppy. No, like he was teasing her, because he WAS. "I could be mean to you if you deserved it," she retorted, still eyeing him. He was looking to get punched again, wasn't he? And did she need to remind him of the time she smashed a glass in her bare hand? HMM? Oh, Merlin. Ivy rolled her eyes and did her best not to laugh. "Oh, shut up," she said failing and laughing, reaching over to mess up his own head of hair. She had good looks, too, and he couldn't deny it. |
He let out a soft laugh too. "N'aw are you trying to give me a head message?" Erik chuckled and twisted away from her messy hands. Messy messy, touching his perfect head of hair. |
A head massage, pfffft. Yeah right. Erik got a smack upside the head for that one. "Has anyone ever told you you're a pain in the backside?" She was grinning as she asked that, but it was true. Sometimes. |
He mimed being shocked at the head smack. "Wow, you really know how to cut a man deep," he remarked sarcastically. "No, no one has ever used such strong vords on me." Backside, really Knox, who said backside anymore? Erik turned his smacked head to smirk broadly at her. |
Merlin's beard, he was really asking for it. "Shut up!" she repeated and smacked his shoulder, still not very hard. "You really enjoy making fun of me, don't you?" Ivy stood up from the couch and folded her arms. She was trying to pout, but it wasn't working very well because her stupid smile kept getting in the way. Guh. |
He raised his eyebrows when she stood up all haughty-like. Oh? Was she leaving then, or just pouting for a while? Perhaps he had pushed it too far....only problem was...."I see you smiling," Erik pointed out with a genuine grin of his own. "See, you like being teased. But in case you were wondering, yes, I quite enjoy making fun of you. But only you." Wink. |
See, this was the part where he was supposed to stand up and be As soon as he pointed out her smiling, it only got worse. So, before she did anything else, she KICKED him, right in the side of his leg, nice and hard with her pointy toed shoes. Uh huh, that'd teach him. Don't mess with Ivy Knox. "I enjoy being teased about as much as anyone enjoys being kicked in the shin." NOW she was glaring again, with less of a smile. |
And laugh and laugh a little louder. He stood up before she could kick him again. "What if I did enjoy that?" Erik asked quietly, his blue eyes still twinkling. "You haff to learn to take a joke, Ivy. That vosn't very nice of you." Always with the kicking. He stood very close to her just face to face, and gave her a contemplating look. "But vhat am I going to do about it?" Kick her out of the office, probably. Heh! |
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