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After speaking the password to Fat Lady, the portrait swings aside to reveal a big line of multicolored turnstiles effectively blocking your path. You cannot go around the turnstiles and using magic on them will not have the slightest effect. If you want to enter the Gryffindor Common Room, you need to pay a flat fee of 1 knut to get in every time you wish to come in. You insert the money in the little hole on top off one of the turnstiles. The turnstile will then unlock and will allow you to pass through and get into your common room.
OOC: The turnstiles will be seen by everyone regardless of year, house, or age. You must make at least one post in here before posting elsewhere in your common room this term. If you don't, watch your back.
PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT go around, under, over, etc. the turnstiles. Not only are the little bars physically blocking your path, but they also as a whole act as an invisible force field barring you from your common room until you pay. Please cooperate with this portion of the plot or your posts WILL be deleted.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Syd
Smiling a little, Jake looked at the turnstiles again. "I don't think anyone has tried putting in another coin..." He glanced at Anya, chewing on his lip. How many knuts were there to a galleon anyway? And would the machine allow that many people through it for the one coin?
Questions, questions.
Yawning, he shrugged a shoulder. "I guess we have to pay to get into our common room now."
Thankfully, that was when Ira showed up. Jake turned to face his fellow prefect and crossed the space over to her (taking Anya with him), a frown furrowing between his eyebrows.
"Some of them don't have any money on them. We can't just stay out here... can we?" He kept his voice calm, but he hoped nobody else could hear him. He didn't like being so obviously unprepared and un-leader-like. But... at least Ira clearly didn't know what was going on, either. So that made Jake look a little more responsible. Right?
Anya thought about it. "I'm going to try it." she said with a nod. "Worst case scenario, I break it. And that's not so bad... right?" She wasn't sure how much they cost... but... yeah. It should be fine.
Besides, magic things practically fixed themselves.
Ohh... and they were moving. She gave a small wave to the female Prefect.
"You think it'll let me pay for everyone tonight...? I mean... we're all tired. We could sort it out in the morning, right?" And being out a galleon to get everyone to stop freaking out seemed like a fair trade.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Lex looked at the galleon doubtfully. "Even if it would fit, why waste a whole galleon. You could get a lot more for it." It was bad enough they had to pay to get inside their own Common Room, no need to make things excessive; that would only make the Headmistress all too happy.
Bet she didn't have to pay to get to her office. Hmph!
"I don't know really see the point of it but it's here to take your knuts. We can't get in unless we pay so maybe another desperate attempt to get money.' Because selling all the nice things wasn't enough, apparently.
Anya shrugged. "Because I'm tired. And want to sleep. And if I'm sleeping in the hall, I'd like to be the only one doing it." Eww. Just. Why would she share a hallway with people.
"I'm sure if I pay a galleon it would let that many people in... or let me in the 400 some times." She didn't want to think of the exact number.
She shrugged. "Did you see anything about this in your letter? I would have liked to know to bring a bag of knuts."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
OH YEAH. She looked at the guy in question. And the girl who was having questions.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" she asked, her eyes wide. She surely didn't keep herself updated with muggle technology.
"I DID SEE ONE... This summer! And it...it.." she paused.. "it judo-flipped the guy who teased it" with a gulp. And THAT was the best she'd ever seen.
Oh! Hey! Zahra boingy-bounced towards another kid. One that was talking at her. She knew things about sassy robots apparently. "I don't really. But that's what my GUT says. I go with it." Or her gut went with her? Tricky...
... This girl saw a robot? A karate chopping robot? "BALONEY. What was it's name?" Zahra challenged. Because ALL robots had names.
OH THE PREFECT FROM THE TRAIN. With the sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet badge! SWEET!
"Heeeeeeeey man!" HIGH FIVE!?! "This is cool. So cool. First Hogwarts adventure! I'm still hungry though, okay?" So... that should probably be addressed once they sorted out sleeping and whatnot.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
First off Tag wasn't very good with money. He usually wasted it all pretty fast on silly things. Now he'd have to learn how to handle his money well, and he didn't have much on him to begin with. "Now I have to ration my money." he said rolling his eyes as he folded his arms across his chest. "Great job Felix." Tag said to the cat as he bent down and tried to pet him. "Err, are you gonna pay and get out wallets, so the other's can pay? Or, has someone already gone in?" He asked Lex. If her cat was here, maybe she could pay for all the lions waiting around, and they'd pay here back in return.
"I've never met Felix. Is he nice? Oh, maybe him and Spot could go on a cat date!"
"I know right?! I have to work out how much I'm allowed to spend on candy--I blew my whole year's allowance on candy last term, Daddy wasn't too happy but it proves that every knut matters!!" She eyed the machine again. "I'll have to be....responsible now? Is that it? Yeah, that." It didn't sound very fun and she in fact, she refused. She would just ask her Daddy for more money. This could work. She could budget the new money.
That's it! That's what she'd do!!!
Now that that was settled. "I guess I could do that. It'd make sense too, huh?" Because she wanted to sleep, she did and she wanted her trunk. "I could give you a knut too, if you want." Because more would be coming. Her father would hear about this.
Ooo and they were talking about Felix now!! "He's super nice...most times, gets jealous kinda easy though and he likes eating other people's pets so long as they fall into the prey category.".....Huh? "A cat date...? But he's a kneazle..."
Originally Posted by fish_kid
Ofim smiled at Lex "Yeah, I don't know what is going on." he said to her. This was just a another reason why he didn't like this place. At this point he was really hoping that he wouldn't be returning next term. "If you want your stuff, why not just pay and get it over with?" he asked her.
The second year started fishing in his pockets for the money he needed.
She shrugged at him. "That makes sense I guess." She looked down at the kneazle. Now that she'd made the decision to owl her father, the money didn't matter as much, she'd get more and her candy amount would take a hit. Life was good again. Yuuuup.
"You'll be going in too then?" It looked like it.
She gave a yawn, not falling asleep on her feet yet but getting awfully bored of the corridor. Staying up late wasn't hard for her but when she had nothing better to do but stand, staring at a machine, it made her eyelids heavy.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
"THAT," Zahra pointed at the ROBOT. It'd been a long day. A really long day. Zahra was tired, but still GOING STRONG. "It's dispensing knuts. I told it to give 'em to us." Sensible Zahra.
"OH YEAH. Mikey though. That's my BEST friend. He's a Toussaint." Shrug. COOL SHRUG. As in, SOOOOO cool.
Dispensing knuts...?
She raised a curious eyebrow first at the boy, then at the girl who'd spoken. "He's dripping knuts and you told him to give...them to...us...?" She was trying to make sense of it. "Have you considered tackling? It's very effective, I'd suspect he isn't that much stronger than you yet, still a kid see so he hasn't had time for muscles to slip in." Or was that the wrong answer...
It seemed legit. Tackling solved most problems so long as you were the one doing the tackling. "Talking doesn't work as well, they can pretend they don't understand what you're saying."
Also, THAT explained it! Loud alike! "Oh! Cool!" 'Least the kid made good friend choices. Gryffindors that didn't want to be Gryffindors, she was still hung up about the whole thing!
Originally Posted by dansgurl
She nodded. Who carries a full money bag on first day to Hogwarts? No one said this would happen. She looked at the girl with a grin. "Yeah....do lets go somewhere..." she trailed. Cool. The girl was older, had been here for a while. She would sure know some good place in the school to spend the night. Yes?
Lex looked to the others before looking back at her. "Not sure we'll actually be going anywhere. There's enough knuts here to make sure everyone goes in and people are being pretty skeptical about the whole thing." Plus no one was thinking up places for them to go and she was beginning to lose interest. This adventure was over, she was boooored and wanted to do something else now.
Originally Posted by Syd
Turning his attention to Lexa, Jake narrowed his eyes at the girl. "I'm sure nobody else knows, either." At least none of the prefects. Ali didn't know, so that meant the Quidditch captains didn't either. The professors might, but clearly there were none of them around.
As for sending someone to get one, though, Jake still wasn't totally on board with his own idea. He didn't want to bother anyone... and it'd be really embarrassing if they did and the Gryffindors were the only ones having issues. Maybe they could go to find the other houses and see if they had figured out a way to bypass the turnstiles?
"I don't know," he said quietly, "We'll just figure something out."
"Yeah, I don't suspect so either or someone would have sent the news around the Gryffindor table." Students here liked talking, they talked about everything. She could always count on them to keep her clued in. The fact that this hadn't been circulating sooner told her that they really had no idea. "You think they didn't tell us on purpose?"
It seemed like something they would do. Just casually not mention it like they never mentioned a lot of stuff that changed this year. She sighed a bit. This was getting them no where and her attention span was waning. She wanted something else to do now.
"I think we could maybe just...pay everyone's way in...those who have money so we don't end up out here all night. There's nothing epic out here in the corridor."
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya shrugged. "Because I'm tired. And want to sleep. And if I'm sleeping in the hall, I'd like to be the only one doing it." Eww. Just. Why would she share a hallway with people.
"I'm sure if I pay a galleon it would let that many people in... or let me in the 400 some times." She didn't want to think of the exact number.
She shrugged. "Did you see anything about this in your letter? I would have liked to know to bring a bag of knuts."
She had a very good point right there...not the whole sleeping in the hall thing but the whole...not wanting to stay out here. She was getting boooored, bored and hungry because all she had for dinner was ice-cream and candy. Those she burnt off on the walk up here.
"I guess it would work something like that, wouldn't it? You should try with a sickle though...wouldn't those be better or do you not have any of those either?" She didn't have many sickles on her but she would once they were allowed in Hogsmeade!
Lex shook her head..."I wouldn't know...I haven't read my Hogwarts letters since the first one they sent," and that one was read only because she was so excited. "but if something like that was in there I'm sure Daddy would have seen it and told me."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Amara blinked at the question. "Ehm...I do" she said. "But irrelevant because it's currently tucked into the safety of my trunk" she added. Well it was written on the agenda to carry knuts to first day on school. Was it? And a thought struck. "HEY" she said, her eyes far off. "I think..Zyanya might have some" she said, looking at the girl. REMEMBER? "Yeah.. I think I saw her clutching a money bag before leaving the train"
BRILLIANT! Maybe her twin was a sure Ravenclaw.
Natasha handed Amara a knut, so they could both get into the common room. "I didn't mean like you didn't have money at all. I just meant did you have money with you right now to get into the common room....that's all...." Natasha tried to explain, feeling like she had really offended Amara. She hadn't meant to, really.
She put her knut into the spot indicated, and walked half way through when she stopped. She looked back to see if Amara was following. She also set a small pile of knuts, neatly stacked, on the edge of the turnstile, so that others could get it to their beds.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Christmas stared at the turnstiles after she had just left the common room and was planning on not sleeping there for the rest of the year because it just was plain bad she could easily sleep elsewhere
This was definitely not the way Ira had imagined her night at Hogwarts to go. And to top it off, she certainly didn't have any money on her person. With an annoyed expression on her face, Ira looked around and replied to Lex, "Nope, I don't have any.." No one had informed her that she needed a knut to go in her own dormitory and her own common room.
She turned sideways to see Jake. "Oh! Thank Merlins that I am not the only one not knowing it." she whispered quietly to her co-prefect. Atleast it wasn't as if she were at fault here.
"And no, nothing of this sort was mentioned in the letter." She was sure of it. Having like, no idea at all what to do, she just eyed the little girl in front of her who laid out some knuts, for others to use. Going towards the girl, she smiled and looked to others standing, "LISTEN UP.." she said loudly, "This little lioness has laid out some knuts for the others to use." A bit shame seeing that the prefects and the older students didn't have anything, and were needed to be helped by a first year.
Turning to Anya, she said, "Lets just use up the knuts first, and if they are less than required, you can put in your galleon."
"So, guys, move in.. and don't forget to thank Natasha." she said, pointing at the little girl. And she thought that it'd be better to go in last, seeing as she was a prefect.
"And, this is so not fair Jake... having to pay one knut every time we enter the common room." She said to her co prefect, as she watched the students go in, "I think we should go and talk to Professor Bentley." Or maybe even rebel against the rule.
Demand? Did he forget who his Headmistress was? She may have looked more than a little distraught at the feast but Lex was pretty sure the woman still carried her temper around with her, maybe even more now that she had to deal with not having any money and eating bad food.
"I guess we could have someone talk to her but I really don't see it doing any good. This is all because we have no money."
This all boiled down to them not having any money and it was quite literal in the case of the lions too because most of them didn't have their money on them! No one ever really thought to have their money on them!
Originally Posted by Natasha-Black
Natasha handed Amara a knut, so they could both get into the common room. "I didn't mean like you didn't have money at all. I just meant did you have money with you right now to get into the common room....that's all...." Natasha tried to explain, feeling like she had really offended Amara. She hadn't meant to, really.
She put her knut into the spot indicated, and walked half way through when she stopped. She looked back to see if Amara was following. She also set a small pile of knuts, neatly stacked, on the edge of the turnstile, so that others could get it to their beds.
Originally Posted by Enigma
Having like, no idea at all what to do, she just eyed the little girl in front of her who laid out some knuts, for others to use. Going towards the girl, she smiled and looked to others standing, "LISTEN UP.." she said loudly, "This little lioness has laid out some knuts for the others to use." A bit shame seeing that the prefects and the older students didn't have anything, and were needed to be helped by a first year.
"So, guys, move in.. and don't forget to thank Natasha." she said, pointing at the little girl. And she thought that it'd be better to go in last, seeing as she was a prefect.
As Zeke was about to ask Alexa how she plans to spend her night now that they couldn't really enter, he heard the Prefect announce their saving grace. "Well, there's goes our ticket to heaven," he told Lex as he walked towards the turnstiles. Well, there was a helpful firstie.
"Thanks kid," he said, following inside as he took a knut, inserted it, and walked in. It's good to be back.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Lex's attention was waning by the second. How did people do this protesting thing? There was really nothing to do after awhile. They were protesting right? Why else would they still be out here when people had knuts on them and were offering to pay their way in. She herself had been protesting but that got resolved the moment she thought to owl her Daddy.
She was about to plop down on the ground when that Firstie she'd seen at the feast left them a bag of coins. Oh? That was awfully nice of her.
"Yeah, what Ira said, let's go. No telling what in there looks like considering what this hall and the Great Hall look like." And now she was almost dreading it but her bed was inside and out here was boring so she'd be going in.
Securing Felix, she took a knut from the small bag thing and slipped it into the turnstile which got a dirty look the moment she passed by.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Sunflower Girl | Xavier's Double | Dan's Love | Seriously Black
Originally Posted by Syd
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Holding back a groan, Jake shook his head. "Nobody knows what's going on here. Please keep your voice down." Honestly. He was getting a headache. "We're trying to handle it and get everything sorted out. Just hang tight for a bit." He flashed another look at Ira. Help?
Nobody knows? How pleasing. "I wasn't shouting" she said, with a grim look. "Merely clearing things out" Yes, and the prefect had NO idea about how to get it.
Trying to handle it out?
"Yes...I can see the wonderful job you're doing.." Jumping over it and all.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Oh! Hey! Zahra boingy-bounced towards another kid. One that was talking at her. She knew things about sassy robots apparently. "I don't really. But that's what my GUT says. I go with it." Or her gut went with her? Tricky...
... This girl saw a robot? A karate chopping robot? "BALONEY. What was it's name?" Zahra challenged. Because ALL robots had names.
OH THE PREFECT FROM THE TRAIN. With the sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet badge! SWEET!
"Heeeeeeeey man!" HIGH FIVE!?! "This is cool. So cool. First Hogwarts adventure! I'm still hungry though, okay?" So... that should probably be addressed once they sorted out sleeping and whatnot.
She eyed the girl. The girl really wasn't up with the times. Tut-tut.
"YES THERE IS! BALONEY? HUH!" It was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen. "It's called X1...and erm, you don't really know about it?" Smirk. And you know sassy robots don't fight. Heh. "Well, if you haven't seen it... I can take you in the holidays..." Challenge. "You up for that?"
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Lex looked to the others before looking back at her. "Not sure we'll actually be going anywhere. There's enough knuts here to make sure everyone goes in and people are being pretty skeptical about the whole thing." Plus no one was thinking up places for them to go and she was beginning to lose interest. This adventure was over, she was boooored and wanted to do something else now.
"Too bad...." she trailed. She was hoping to see something nice somewhere in here at Hogwarts. Sure they were interesting spots right?
Enough knuts? The robot guy wasn't exactly willing to give his knuts was he?
"So case resolved..can we go in now?" she asked Lex. And her stomach was still grumbling. She realised that she hadn't touched her food. No ice-creams. She wasn't up for ice-creams that day. And she remembered the noodles.
"Uhm...did you see Melanie?" she asked, as she neared the turnstiles. That was the princess girl's name, right?
Originally Posted by Natasha-Black
Natasha handed Amara a knut, so they could both get into the common room. "I didn't mean like you didn't have money at all. I just meant did you have money with you right now to get into the common room....that's all...." Natasha tried to explain, feeling like she had really offended Amara. She hadn't meant to, really.
She put her knut into the spot indicated, and walked half way through when she stopped. She looked back to see if Amara was following. She also set a small pile of knuts, neatly stacked, on the edge of the turnstile, so that others could get it to their beds.
She nodded approvingly. "Oh you don't need to explain it" she said, smiling. The girl still thought of making things clear? What was there to clear. "Thanks" she said, when Natasha held out a knut. She accepted the knut and followed Natasha towards the turnstiles.
She inserted the knut and walked right behind Natasha, into the common room. She glanced while the girl placed a small pile of knuts. Very helping. She grinned at the girl. Maybe they could all do that.
She shrugged at him. "That makes sense I guess." She looked down at the kneazle. Now that she'd made the decision to owl her father, the money didn't matter as much, she'd get more and her candy amount would take a hit. Life was good again. Yuuuup.
"You'll be going in too then?" It looked like it.
She gave a yawn, not falling asleep on her feet yet but getting awfully bored of the corridor. Staying up late wasn't hard for her but when she had nothing better to do but stand, staring at a machine, it made her eyelids heavy.
"Of course I'll be going in" he said to the third year. He was sick of just standing around. He just wanted to go sit in the common room and relax. Ofim smiled at Lex as he pulled a handful of coins out. He still wasn't too good at using this weird money wizards used, "Take what you need" he said stretching his hand out to her. He noticed that she looked a bit off "are you okay?" he asked.
Melanie smiled gratefully at Alexa who helped pick up the coins and put them back into her wallet carefully then took her eating utensils off of the floor. Right. Time to go in. The Gryffindor dropped a knut into the hole at the top of the turnstile then walked through it, grateful it didn't hit her back the way the subway turnstiles did.
Into the common room. Time to do some cleaning. A lot of cleaning. Especially for the dormitories.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Christmas felt a bit bad at having to leave the rest of her housemates having to clean the common room and dorms themselves so basically she placed a knut into the turnstile and was glad that she wrote home to ask for extra money and she smiled at the food that she had with her as well
It was all well and good to be prepared and have plenty of knuts on hand but it certainly made things rather uncomfortable, his pockets were full to bursting and trying to run when you were weighed down was no easy feat.
With a sigh Michael reached into his pockets and pulled out a single knut and placed it into the turnstile. He pushed on the bar and made his way into the common room.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
So. Alice had a knut. She was going to use it.
Dramatic sighing happened while she inserted the coin into the turnstile and- WAIT FOR IT- turned the bar.
And it opened. Huzzah.
That was the most difficult thing she had ever done ever.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Carina skipped up to the turnstiles. She tilted her head when she saw it. She must have to pay. She noticed others standing there and then thought about the knut she needed. She started patting her pockets when Rini remembered her silver pouch. She reached down, plucked a knut out, and slipped it into the turnstile. She quickly went into the common room. Rini stopped and then turned back around. "Strange,"she said to herself, "I don't remember anything about this in the Hogwarts letter. Nor in my siblings...Daddy didn't say anything either...Oh, well." She shrugged and skipped away to find where she needed to be.
Pinkaholic | Teddy | S♥NE | Twinkle! | Baekhyun's wifey l K-pop lover | Dancing Queen l
Since when had they been paying for entering the common room?
Tiffany could not remember a single rule about a payment, not a single word of it had she known way back when she was still a freshly new first year student. Taking a knut from her wallet unwillingly, she inserted it into the turnstiles.
"Things were getting stranger and stranger these days,"she whispered to herself.
Sweet lollipop, you're my lollipop. If I call you, you must not go away. You are the potion of my life, you are the sweetness that I have.♥♥♥♥♥
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Ronnie quickly walked to the portrait, a tub of cookies and cupcakes under each arm. She quickly muttered the password, and slipped one knut into the slot. Okay. Openupopenupopenup already! She had a party to set up here!
Once she was let in, she quickly dashed into the common room to begin setting up the Quidditch party.
One knut every time she had to post an announcement. It wasn't really a big deal, but James thought there needed to be some kind of waiver for professors who just needed to do their jobs. Ah, well. The kids were worth it, and James figured she would likely come out of this particular common room visit with a bit of a profit.
Not for her, but for the good of the students, yes.
James inserted a single knut into the turnstile, enjoyed the little clink! sound it made, and passed into the common room.
Did you just lose something? The GAME? Sorry... 'Justin Bieber, he is the man!' U mad, Felton!?
Harland raised one eyebrow as he approached the... He actually never knew what these things were called. All he knew was that they had them at train station and things like that. So, apparently, he had to insert a knut and then he could enter his common room.
Was the school trying to raise funds for something? Well, he was sure it was a good cause, so he decided to comply. Besides, he wanted to be able to sleep, and he couldn't do that if he couldn't get into his common room.
Shrugging, Harland inserted one knut and pushed past the barriers and into the common room. Well, that was strange.