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Way back behind the many bookshelves and bookcases a cozy area has been created for any Hogwarts student interested in his or her reading. It’s a big comfy area with clusters of armchairs and tables surrounding magical reading lamps which give off different levels of light all appropriate for reading. The clusters are perfect for study groups or group projects. The usually neat clusters of armchairs are a bit dirty looking. And is that bread crumbs on the floor and what is that stench in the air? Have the house elves been neglecting their duties in cleaning the library?
Here and there a few lone armchairs can be found for a student to enjoy some solitary reading, and a number of comfy sofas for any who wants to stretch out and put their feet up. Don’t have muddy feet and make sure not to walk in any rat droppings lying on the floor.
A soft glow of light is present throughout the area with more magical reading lamps in each possible reading space. Be sure to keep your voices down and respect those students who wish to read in quiet.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Oakey moved over to the Study table in the Library and set his bag down on the ground, opening it he rummaged around for about five minutes until he found the box with the little gargoyle sitting inside of it. He set it on the table and looked at the small figure. "So today you are gonna do more than wave at other people."
Oakey took his wand from his holster and set it down at the table. What exactly should he do with this little thing. He noted it's long arms short feet, and wings. Flying always seemed like a good option. For now he'll just get it in motion first.
Picking up his wand from the table Oakey waved it and spoke "Piertotum Locomotor". He set his wand back down and eyed his gargoyle who did not seem to make any movement after the spell. "Test run, how about you give me a wave for good measure. The Gargoyle shifted it's long arm up and waved it back and forth at him.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Okay. Picture of Dorian Gray? You will be read once OWLs were over! Or before... like during Christmas? "Awesome! I'll let you know what I think of it," If... Lottie wanted to know what he thought about it, that is.
But... enough about the book. He needed to teach this gargoyle how to do another trick! Something that the gargoyle hadn't done before. Something new and relatively easy and won't make too much noise. Something... that might require the use... of a tiny object.
Furrowing his eyebrows slightly, the sixteen year old reached into his pockets, trying to find something that was small enough for his idea. His right hand closed around a spare piece of parchment that had been folded up in his pocket. He brought it out and tore off a tiny piece before crumpling that up into a tiny ball. There. That would be small enough yeah?
"Hey, dude! Just walk over here and face the box," Tap tap on the part of the table that was very close to his... chest. This wasn't awkward, right? The gargoyle did exactly as it was told, making Alec grin even more as he set the tiny ball of parchment down in front of the gargoyle's feet. "Now, just take up the ball and throw it into the box!" ... Yes?
... No.
"We have the same trouble with shooting goals, eh?" Shaking his head, Alec leant over, picked up the ball that had fallen short of the box and placed it back near the gargoyle's feet. "Concentrate and shoot again! Into the box!" The gargoyle stopped for several seconds, making Alec wonder whether the dude had turned back into a stone out of fear. ... Could that even happen? But before Alec could do more than blink an open his mouth, the ball flew... and...
"Score! Now give me a high five!" The tiny gargoyle hand met with the Hufflepuff' much bigger ones, making the boy grin some more. "You can just... take a seat? In your box?" Whatever, Alec didn't really mind. He was just going to sit back and watch the different hair coloured girls go about making their own gargoyles do tricks. Creepy.
Definitely! Lottie smiled and nodded his way. She had the book, you know? But it was so dear to her that he wouldn't lend it. Hence why she didn't offer it, see? Not even to Alec. Sorry. "Good." It was good if he read it, and it was good if he didn't. It wasn't mandatory to do so.
Gray got all her attention now, mainly because he was sort of floating in front of her while moving his wings up and down. Expectant. Since she was too focused on her gargoyle, she failed to noticed the fact that Ella had cast the spell again. Okay, got it! "Let me see that flying thing again? Around the table." And her hand gestured for it to go around, flying, flying, flying. It worked, though, which was extremely good.
A full lap around the table and the gargoyle was back in place, still floating about.
"Slowly, very slowly, Gray, get back on the table and stand on your hind legs...," her eyes followed his every move, especially the 'slowly' part. The descent was awesome, and she actually wondered why Alec hadn't made his gargoyle fly. Like snitches. Like the objects he catches. Catches, and then gives to Lottie.
ASHDFGJGMDFBHVFDJV! The gargoyle looked amazing, though. "Posture, remember, stand as straight as possible, wings still and open," nod, nod. Whoa, she really liked bossing gargoyles around, you know? AND for the grand finale: "Now go RAWRRR all scary like!" Her hands were up and she mimicked what she'd told Gray to do. Except, the thing was emitting no sound, but moving its mouth all BIG like. It looked like it was yawning, truth be told. Lottie, however, was mastering the sound.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
"Okay, you can stand up straight now." Ella announced to Bob, giving the gargoyle an expectant look. She'd figured the little thing had had enough standing on his hand and she didn't want his stone arm to like...get tired and crumble beneath his weight. ...O__O That couldn't actually happen, could it? Meep!
Anyways, Ella tapped her chin and wondered what else she could make the gargoyle do. What was a gargoyle meant to do in a performance, anyway? Did gargoyles normally perform in the magical world? Were these weekly performances or monthly. Did you need to pay to get in? Questions. Ella had lots of questions. She also had another idea of what she could teach Bobby G before putting him back in his box to rest for a while.
"Hey, Bob? I want you to do a somersault, stand, and then bow." Because how fitting an ending would that be, yeah? Picture watching Bob do his little performance and at the end he did the little tumble, stand, bow combo and looked all professional and whatnot. It'd be the best thing ever. DUH!
The sixteen year old watched with a smile as Bob did just that and she giggled a bit too. "Nice job! That was really well executed, by the way." Just saying. "Alright, time for you to take a break, okay? You've worked really hard today." And pointing her wand at the gargoyle, the blonde said, "Finite." She then lifted him up and placed him gently in his box. Nap time for Bob.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Gunter!
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey moved over to the Study table in the Library and set his bag down on the ground, opening it he rummaged around for about five minutes until he found the box with the little gargoyle sitting inside of it. He set it on the table and looked at the small figure. "So today you are gonna do more than wave at other people."
Oakey took his wand from his holster and set it down at the table. What exactly should he do with this little thing. He noted it's long arms short feet, and wings. Flying always seemed like a good option. For now he'll just get it in motion first.
Picking up his wand from the table Oakey waved it and spoke "Piertotum Locomotor". He set his wand back down and eyed his gargoyle who did not seem to make any movement after the spell. "Test run, how about you give me a wave for good measure. The Gargoyle shifted it's long arm up and waved it back and forth at him.
Good it was moving.
Dylan hoisted his bag further up onto his shoulder as he stepped into the library. He and Odessa had agreed to meet and work on the homework together...which was fine and dandy for the Slytherin Captain. He'd gotten sleep and his concentration and laser-like focus was BACK.
Back like BAM.
As he neared the study tables, he noticed a whole bunch of yellow and inwardly cringed. Hufflepuffs. Merlin...it was like they traveled in herds. He didn't personally care about any of them, of course. Ella, yes...but all the others weren't friends of his. So, Dylan couldn't be bothered...
Gunter was there?
Dylan, who rarely let anything go, was still upset with the Head Boy...about things...and immediately turned his face away. There would be no talking to him today. Nope...None at all.
Deciding to sit at a table the furthest away from his...the Captain got out his materials and the box with his gargoyle in it. Deciding to practice while waiting, he removed it from it's box and leveled his wand on it. With a slight wave and a muttered "Piertotum Locomotor", the small figure sprung to life. HA!
"We meet again, young Jedi...Bow to your master..."
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
RAWRR. RAAAWRRRR. The sounds kept going, and the little gargoyle kept moving as if it was fending off an attacker. OH, she needed to try this with Mags! That would be totally hilarious.
Or not. If it scares Mags away that is. "Good job, Gray. Pretty scary stuff." Not really, it had been the most entertaining. ENTERTAINING, as in the circus stuff Bellaire had spoke about. Gray was amazing, thanks to Lottie.
"Walk around the table, proudly, you know? Like, puffing out your chest and stuff," like a proud lion. A proud Lannister. Mmhmm. Definitely, he'd earned the walk, he'd been flying remarkably great. She was getting attached to him, that couldn't be good at all.
And she watched Gray maintaining his posture.
Lottie was happy. No more 'rawr'ing either. Only BIG smiles all over.
Once he was back, it was the turn to vanish all motion from him, but first: "Sit, wings spread." Done, done. "Excellent." Approving nod. "Finite." And so the rock gargoyle kept its position, a sitting almighty one. She quite liked lions, you know?
Soon enough, the gargoyle will be in its box. And then back on her bag.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
As he had taken to doing lately, West had his bag with him, and everything he could possibly need for the day loaded up in there thanks to an extension charm. Inside was the box and gargoyle that he'd need to finish his transfiguration homework. West was to meet Dylan to do their work together, as usual, partly because Dylan was always good for helping him out when he needed it.
Speaking of, there he was. West went and joined him at the table. "Hey."
He got his things out, or at least the box and the gargoyle and his wand. The bag went under the table by his feet.
Alright, no harm doing the spell now yes? He waved his wand, focusing on the gargoyle. "Piertotum Locomotor!" It gave a little shudder but West didn't tell it to do things right away.
Now to decide what to actually have the gargoyle do. Was it so bad that he wanted to work that out methodically before actually beginning? He grinned at Dylan and then got up and disappeared into the shelves, only to reappear a few minutes later with a couple of books. What kind of books? One was a circus book, the other was about cruppy training.
Good start. He opened them up and started looking through for inspiration.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
SPOILER!!: Dylan & West
Originally Posted by THE Govoni
Dylan hoisted his bag further up onto his shoulder as he stepped into the library. He and Odessa had agreed to meet and work on the homework together...which was fine and dandy for the Slytherin Captain. He'd gotten sleep and his concentration and laser-like focus was BACK.
Back like BAM.
As he neared the study tables, he noticed a whole bunch of yellow and inwardly cringed. Hufflepuffs. Merlin...it was like they traveled in herds. He didn't personally care about any of them, of course. Ella, yes...but all the others weren't friends of his. So, Dylan couldn't be bothered...
Gunter was there?
Dylan, who rarely let anything go, was still upset with the Head Boy...about things...and immediately turned his face away. There would be no talking to him today. Nope...None at all.
Deciding to sit at a table the furthest away from his...the Captain got out his materials and the box with his gargoyle in it. Deciding to practice while waiting, he removed it from it's box and leveled his wand on it. With a slight wave and a muttered "Piertotum Locomotor", the small figure sprung to life. HA!
"We meet again, young Jedi...Bow to your master..."
Originally Posted by Tegz
As he had taken to doing lately, West had his bag with him, and everything he could possibly need for the day loaded up in there thanks to an extension charm. Inside was the box and gargoyle that he'd need to finish his transfiguration homework. West was to meet Dylan to do their work together, as usual, partly because Dylan was always good for helping him out when he needed it.
Speaking of, there he was. West went and joined him at the table. "Hey."
He got his things out, or at least the box and the gargoyle and his wand. The bag went under the table by his feet.
Alright, no harm doing the spell now yes? He waved his wand, focusing on the gargoyle. "Piertotum Locomotor!" It gave a little shudder but West didn't tell it to do things right away.
Now to decide what to actually have the gargoyle do. Was it so bad that he wanted to work that out methodically before actually beginning? He grinned at Dylan and then got up and disappeared into the shelves, only to reappear a few minutes later with a couple of books. What kind of books? One was a circus book, the other was about cruppy training.
Good start. He opened them up and started looking through for inspiration.
No...No...No...None of these ideas seemed to be remotely fun or cool. The first of them being some weird peddler monkey tricks, you know to raise galleons for the school. Oakey just didn't like the image of him and the mini gargoyle wearing those funky outfits and fez hats.
and just as he was about to start with some oddball instruction to to keep his gargoyle stretched he hears someone beside him. Jedi? What? Oakey turned his head just a bit and...dammit Dylan. This was going to be one long day at the Library. Luckily for him West showed up, keep Dylans mind and eyes off him for the duration that he was in the Library.
Okay now back to the Gargoyle. Hmmmm "Okay, why don't you Stand on one hand." Peddler Monkey tricks it was. He watched the monkey Gargoyle do a semi-somersault lifted itself up with both of it's long arms, then pulled one up from the table. It stayed up for a about 3 seconds before falling over. It's timing could be a bit longer.
Last edited by Uncle Moose; 05-17-2013 at 02:40 AM.
Laura looked at Susan and sighed, she really couldn't believe that DJ wasn't around anymore after all the fun that she had done with him, it seemed strange but well she had a few things she could concentrate on. "I don't know I have a lot of catching up-to do but i'm sure I can do okay if I really concentrate." Laura hoped she could anyway.
Laura looked at Susan and whispered to her, "I'm sure you'll think of someone." Laura was sure that Susan would but she would have to wait and see. "I'm glad that you enjoy it and I'm sure I have made the right choice in giving it to you Susan." Laura buried her head in her book so that Susan couldn't see the tears that were forming in her eyes, all the talking of pranks and stuff had reminded her of DJ.
Susan could tell that Laura really wanted to do well with her owls and Sue had faith that she would do well on them. "Well if you ever want someone to study with I will be more than happy to help. I need to do more studying anyways." Susan smiled at Laura hoping she would take her up on her offer. Susan really did need to study more and Laura would be the incentive to do that. And of course Sue would love to be able to spend more time with Laura.
Susan looked at the book again and decided she would have to try out a prank soon. Susan noticed that Laura seemed upset about talking about pranks. Then Laura turned to her book and Sue did the same thinking that Laura wanted to start get some studying done.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
...And there was Odessa.
With a bro!nod, Dylan set his wand to the side and opened up his notebook, titling a clean page with the details. Just because he was super organized like that...and couldn't help himself.
SPOILER!!: Dylan's notebook
Dylan Montmorency
Slytherin Seventh Year
Transfiguration Homework: Gargoyles in motion!
Spell name: Piertotum Locomotor Pronunciation: PY-air-TOH-tuhm LOH-koh-MOH-tor Effect: Animates previously inanimate objects and bids them to do the caster's bidding.
Gargoyle's name: Jedi Gargoyle's color: Gray
Finishing up on the writing bits, the Slytherin smirked over at his housemate, pulling a small "something" out of his pocket. It would have looked like a normal tiny stick of plastic to a wondering eye...but what it really was...was a miniature toy light saber!
He'd owl'd home about his parents sending some of his old Star Wars memorabilia to the school...and luckily, his mother had found the old light saber. Oh, how he missed the days when he and his father would battle it out like Yoda and Darth Vader.
Of course, he'd shrunk it down to fit the gargoyle's hand...and it still lit up, which Dylan had hoped it would...
"Okay, Jedi...Are you prepared for your Jedi!training?" Not expecting a response, he held the toy out for the gargoyle to take, grinning. Moving to pick his wand back up, he did a slight wave and commanded the thing to "Grasp the toy." Dylan had to admit, it was giving him massive feels.
"Okay...hold out the light saber and bend your knees just a little..." This wasn't weird! Jedi had to perfect the stance. THE STANCE WAS EVERYTHING. When the statue did as he was told, the Slytherin nodded in a brisk manner. "Very good, then."
He briefly glance up at West and smirked. Yea, he knew he was such a kid...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
What was Dylan looking at him like that for? And what even was that plastic thing? West had no idea. He was looking through the cruppy training book himself and trying to find tricks to tell his gargoyle to do that he'd actually find interesting and not boring. Not that the assignment was boring, that part was cool and all, he just wanted to do more than play dead, roll over, sit, stay, and whatever, but also within the limits of what was physically possible given he didn't have one of the gargoyles with wings or whatever. It really did look more like a hound than a lion, his one.
So what could it do? Jump through hoops? Juggle? He picked the circus book up and opened to the page on juggling. Did his gargoyle have the ability to catch and hold and throw things? West eyed it. "Put your front leg out so I can look at your paw."
The gargoyle, which had been waiting for instructions, did exactly that, holding its forepaw out steady, and West examined it closely, trying to work out if it'd grip a little ball or baton.
"Flex your paw." It did. Hmmm. Maybe it might work. West dug into his bag and resurfaced with a handful of Apple bonbons. They were round, they'd do, yes? He held one out. "Hold this."
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Continuing to peek over at his housemate, Dylan noticed the dog tricks and grinned. That was rather fitting for the gargoyle, actually...Too bad he hadn't thought of it. You can't just tell Dylans they can control inanimate objects and Jedi stuff not happen, though.
It was a case in point.
Yea, he understood that they'd be doing a circus show...but that was weeks and weeks off. For now, the Slytherin could have a little fun with this.
"Very good!" he congratulated the figurine...but playtime was almost over...One more maneuver, though..."Do a backwards somersault for me." He had his wand waving and doing it's thing while he gave the orders. The gargoyle struggled with that one, though...and Dylan had to pause in his orchestrating to help little Jedi out. "Bend your knees and push off the table like that...Yes, yes. Much better."
It took several minutes, but he'd finally gotten the backwards somersault right...and Dylan was ready to move onto what he really had planned. It was rather ingenious, if the Captain could say so himself.
Leveling his wand on the gargoyle statue, he flicked his wrist and muttered, "Geminio!" The statue duplicated at once, seemingly splitting itself into two...but keeping it's previous proportions. Now that he had two little Jedi!gargoyles, it was time to do BATTLE!
...but first...
"Piertotum Locomotor!" for the second one...So that he could hopefully simultaneously control the two...and properly orchestrate a real battle.
...and as an afterthought for Darth Gargy..."Pingo! Black!"Tap!
Pulling his notebook over, Dylan jotted more things down, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he did so...
SPOILER!!: Dylan's notebook
Dylan Montmorency
Slytherin Seventh Year
Transfiguration Homework: Gargoyles in motion!
Spell name: Piertotum Locomotor Pronunciation: PY-air-TOH-tuhm LOH-koh-MOH-tor Effect: Animates previously inanimate objects and bids them to do the caster's bidding.
Gargoyle's name: Gi Adi Goon Gargoyle's color: Gray
Gargoyle's name: Darth Gargy Gargoyle's color: Black
There. Now they both had proper names to go with the whole Star Wars theme. It was TIME...to begin.
"Okay you two...I want a clean fight..." Smirk. "...BEGIN!"
Waving his wand some, Dylan pointed at Gi Adi Goon and commanded him to brandish the light saber and swing it around. The little gargoyle tried...but stumbled just a bit. It was okay, though. Darth Gargy had yet to strike! "It's okay, Gi. Just focus on what I'm saying..."...because gargoyle!pep talks worked, right? Pointing his wand over at Darth, the Slytherin had him keep it clean, as he slashed out with his own tiny light saber...
How amusing it was to play with these statues in this way...He was definitely a child.
"Let the FORCE be with you, Gi!" Gi was fending off Darth Gargy's attack. The plastic light sabers were clanging and tinging back and forth...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
What WAS Dylan doing? West wasn't daft, he got that there was some kind of... gargoyle sword fight going on. With shiny sword things, but... all the same... WHAT?
He eyed the Captain for a moment, including his two gargoyles in that gaze, and then went back to his own work. The gargoyle (who he hadn't named and wouldn't name because that was ridiculous, he was sure) was holding onto the apple bonbon, though West suspected it didn't have the best grip in the world, given the gargoyle was stone and its parts weren't quite so flexible as a living thing would be. But it was worth a shot wasn't it?
"Gargoyle, throw the bonbon in the air and catch it in your paw again." It gave it a go and missed and West eyed it disapprovingly as the bonbon hit the table and rolled along, not breaking. "Go get it and try again. Keep working on it until you can do it." He instructed the gargoyle imperiously.
Ordering stuff around was fun. In the meantime, West kept looking through the two books for inspiration. Juggling was definitely on the agenda, he just had to let his gargoyle practice.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
The look given by West wasn't missed...but Dylan was having far too much fun with his two gargoyles to care. It didn't matter so much, anyway...because his team knew how he was...and West was including in that...So, yes. He could be a child about toys and do Star Wars things...and Odessa would just give him the look he is now...and that was that.
Dun dun dun dun DA DUN dun DA DUN...
As of right now, Dylan was whispering into the Jedi!gargoyle's ear. "You must defeat the SITH LORD. Go forth and fight with no mercy!..." He may or may not have man!giggled...and then he was in the black gargoyle's ear. "Protect the Empire!"
Sitting up straight, the Slytherin cleared his throat. Raising his wand, he prepared to continue the EPIC battle. "Gi, brace yourself...." and to Gargy..."Extend your light saber and charge the Jedi!"
With the gargoyles doing as they were told, Dylan moved back some and gave them space and more of an area to "play" in. "Gi, dodge the attack by doing a backwards somersault out of his path..."
Dun dun dun dun DA DUN dun DA DUN...
The figurines were so amusing to watch right now. They stumbled here and there and were a bit too heavy for their own feet to really perform the jedi tasks well...but it was amusing, nonetheless. "Gargy, turn quickly, whipping your light saber around as you do..."
Where these orders too specific?
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
After a bit, not hearing the bonbon drop anymore he looked up at his gargoyle to see how it was going. West was pleased to see it was throwing and catching it without issue now, so practice really did make perfect. And probably him reading more about juggling helped as well.
West picked up another bonbon and held it out ready between forefinger and thumb. "Okay, gargoyle, I'm going to throw this one to you and you're going to catch it and juggle it with the one you've already got. Same paw. One in your paw while the other is in the air and vice versa." He told it seriously. That gargoyle had to listen.
READY GARGOYLE? West gently tossed the second bonbon at the gargoyle, timing it right and watching eagerly to see if.... yesssssssssssssssssssss! He caught it! And tossed it! And caught the other again! And he was juggling two bonbons with one paw! This was awesome!
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Wow...Okay so Dylan was suddenly acting like a authoritative Man-Child. He wasn't going to deny it though, a Jedi light saber battle that was neat. He watched the Slytherin Captain for a moment then turned his attention back to his monkey Gargoyle. "All right try a one-handed hand stand again, but hold it longer."
The Gargoyle once again lifted itself up from the ground and pulled one hand up. Oakey did a mental count to five "Switch hands." Oakey ordered his monkey gargoyle and the gargoyle hopped and switched hands mid one-handed handstand.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Dylan was being creepy over there fyi. A bit manic with the giggles and... West had no idea what all this light saber business was, or Sith lords or Jedis. He mentally brushed it off and focused on his gargoyle instead. So far so good, but what was needed was three bonbons and two paws. He had the juggling book open in front of him and decided that using those instructions was the best idea.
"Stop, gargoyle." It dropped the bonbons and West caught them with his hand before they rolled off the edge of the table. Would these instructions be too complicated? He wasn't sure, but it was time to try. First a good stance right?
"Gargoyle, sit back on your haunches." It did and West eyed it. "Sit up straighter and take your weight off your front paws, you need those free." The gargoyle lifted its front paws up and kept them there, balanced now entirely on back paws.
"Use your tail to brace yourself so you don't fall over." He suggested critically, and the gargoyle's tail lashed out behind and flattened against the surface of the desk. Not bad. much more sturdy for sure.
He looked over at Dylan again and idly popped a bonbon in his mouth. Green apple was good. Back to the gargoyle. He eyed it thoughtfully. "Turn your paws over and hold these bonbons." He carefully placed one bonbon in each of the gargoyle's paws and then looked at the book again.
This was where it got tricky.
The gargoyle didn't need to concentrate though, West did. As long as he understood how the juggling worked, it should theoretically be manageable for the gargoyle now that he knew it could grip the bonbons. West carefully reached out and put another bon bon in one of its paws. "Hold this one too."
It did, and now it was ready....
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Watching these three kiddos with their gargoyles was rather amusing, especially Lottie. Feisty little thing that kiddo was and as for Alec and Ella they were just adorable like before.
But watching was not the reason she was here which was why she refused to allow herself to get to distracted from her gargoyle. After Rockstar had rolled around to the point where he almost fell off the table Ness stopped. "Rockstar, stop." She eyed him do exactly that. "Stand." He did that too.
Now what could he do next? She pouted as she eyed him. An idea shot through her mind. She picked the alive-looking gargoyle up and placed him on the ground once he was there she gave him his orders. "Please climb back onto the table using a chair." This would be interesting, and lucky for Ness it succeeded. Rockstar jumped up on the chair then got onto the table.
This wasn't too difficult then, not with how easy these gargoyles were responding. It was kinda fun, especially for homework.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Given he needed to know how to do it and the gargoyle didn't, West figured that he would simply be able to say 'juggle' and the gargoyle would do exactly that. He'd figured out that it could grasp the bonbons that he was using for balls, and that it could catch and throw, and made sure it was sitting in a way that would allow it to keep its balance, there was really nothing left to do but give it the word.
So he focused, wand at the ready just in case.
"Gargoyle, juggle those three bonbons." He told it firmly.
Was it going to work? He watched eagerly...
The gargoyle began to juggle the three bonbons just like how it showed in the book West had just been reading. YESSSSSs.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Whaaaat next then? Coming up with tricks seemed to be the more difficult part than ordering them. Hmmmm..something goood. She eyed the box of the gargoyle and pouted like before, which was what she always did when she thought.
"Rockstar?" She looked at the stone gargoyle wondering if he was able to do what she'd say next. She was sure he could though, he was able to do almost anything. Or that's what the Professor had said no? "I want you too..." she eyed the box once more and placed it beside her gargoyle, confirming her decision. "I want you to grab that box and balance it on one paw." With her pout remaining she watched.
Just like that the piece of rock grabbed the box and balanced it in one arm. "Now strike a pose with one leg up in the air." Giggle. She watched him do that too. He looked a little like a circus animal, they did these sort of tricks too.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
West wasn't sure about if he should try make it more complicated or leave it as it was. He figured it was probably, for now, better to quit while he was ahead though.
And then he could eat the bonbons, so it was win win really, as long as he saved a few to demonstrate with in class, and he had a half a packet left so that'd be fine.
He gave the gargoyle a few more minutes and then pointed his wand at it. "Finite." Instantly it returned to its usual position and froze up, the bonbons dropping to the desk and rolllllling until West stopped each one and popped all three in his mouth. Omnomnom. Done.
He gave Dylan a salute and put his own gargoyle back in its box, then the box back in his bag, which he picked up along with the books he'd taken from the shelves. Those he'd borrow, and take with him to work more on later. But for now, West was doneeee. He left, not in any particular rush but not having any reason to stick around either.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
What else could he make his monkey Gargoyle do while standing on his hands. "Okay put both hands down, but stay up on them." The Gargoyle lowered it's hand and stayed upright feet dangling in the air. What could he make him do? "High five me with your left foot." The Gargoyle stood still, "Ugh, Bring your left foot forward a little." Oakey put his hand forward and tapped it to the sole of his monkey Gargoyles foot. "There should be a way to work on you're vocabulary."
Oakey was getting annoyed with his stone creatures lack of words.
If only she had a camera because gosh that pose. It was a picture moment. Pitty she didn't.
But anyways back to ordering the little fellah around. More ideas were coming to her mind and rather quicker than they came before which was good because that meant the quicker she'd be done.
"First put your foot down, then put the box done." She watched him do that. "Thank you."
Was he ready for some craziness then? Because what she wanted him to do next was a little odd for a gargoyle. "I want you to skip till I say stop then jump once in the air and lastly I want you slide to the side." Almost like a dance, for real, real beginners. "Okay skip, Rockstar!" Smiiirk.
Skippedy skip, she watched him skip about and giggled as he did so. She let him remain skipping for ten seconds then decided it was enough. "Good! Now stop and jump! " she watched him stop in a mid-skip and jump straight in the air. Now for the end." Sliiiiide to the left, now." Slide he did. Giggle. Snort.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
He kept the gargoyle still on it's hands. Oakey's thoughts were beginning to turn. "Alright Monkey" No use in not giving the stone creature a name anymore. "Bring your right foot forward." The mini figure's right leg came forward and Oakey touched his palm to the gargoyles sole. "Now again but with the left foot." The gargoyle repeated. and clapped Oakey's hand with it's foot. "Brilliant Monkey! You can stand on your feet again,"
It slowly lowered itself until it's feet were finally touching the ground. "Great job, but now let's do that with our hands. When I say Right hand clap your right hand to my left. and When I say Left hand clap it to my right."
Oakey extended his large hands in front of the gargoyle and started to sing 'patty cake' but with 'right hand, left hand and clap' as the lyrics.'
The Gargoyle followed suit and went with each of Oakey's instruction to a T.
Next time Oakey will just sing the song.
Maybe one more trick then? Or maybe some combined?
The red head looked at Rockstar. "Alright." She said to no one really. "Do everything I told you to do today, and I'll guide you through it." That seemed fair enough on him? because she wasn't sure he had the brain capacity or any at all to even remember what he had done. He was almost like a brainless robot.
"First roll over." She watched him lie back again and roll once over. Good. She gave him an encouraging nod and then lifted him up and placed him on the floor once more. "Now climb back onto the table using that chair." This time she was specific and pointed to the chair he had used before. Just like that he listened to her and in no time he was back on the table.
What was afterwards?
Right the pose with the box. "Good! Balance that box on your one paw and pose with it whilst one of your back paws are up." Once again he was in his cute picture worthy pose. Last thing then. "To finish off skip, jump and slide." Skip skip skip. Jump. Slide. Good dancing again. She was pleased with her gargoyle. "You were good today, Rockstar." And with that she gave him a nod and put him back to sleep. "Finite." His went back to being dead still.