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Hufflepuff House Table by Alyssa Potter (FireboltAvis88) The Badgers, reigning House champions, and third place Quidditch Cup finishers, slightly dusty gold and black banner representing their house. The place settings are the same as those from the start-of-term feast, since not all students can be trusted to remember their Dixie plates, Solo cups, and plastic silverware. Enjoy the food! |
*eats his feels and posts* Oakey's hands were stuffed deep in his pockets, his head looking up briefly at the Gold and Black Banners, that he has come to enjoy seeing the past few terms at every End-of-Term Feast he's attended He took a spot at his House Table and stared down at the Paper and Plastic Cutlery, these caused him too much trouble this term. In fact he had quite a few issues this term. Partially pleased that they were hopefully resolved. He looked back at the Slytherin Table, the up at the Staff Dias. It all seemed a little quiet to him right now. His eyes also lead him to the Memory book. He had no earthly idea what he was going to write in it, or even if he had anything really important or inspiring to add. For now he'll just stay here at his House Table and stare at his feet. |
Jory slowly made his way over to the Hufflepuff table. He hoped there wouldn't be many students around. Right now he just wanted to drown in his memories of the school, the people and most of all, being a Hufflepuff. If he was to be sorted all over again, he would want to be a Puff. Thankfully, there was only Oakey at the table. "Hai, Oakey,'' he greeted dully. That was all he said, not really in the mood to talk. Why did this day have to come? Why, why, why? Jory just stared at the plastic wares on the table, wishing he could be a firstie again. |
anyone/everyone :) *wants ALL the badgers* Ella was quiet as she made her way to the great hall, her elephant stuffy clutched in her hand. She glanced at Tobias every now and then, wanting to see how he was doing. Truth be told, the sixteen year old was grateful he'd agreed to come with her. It gave her the drive to face this, the people leaving thing. And so many people were leaving. So many. She couldn't even really wrap her head around it, honestly. She was so horrible at goodbyes but at least having the first year with her gave her an extra push to hold it together...at least for now. The Captain forced a smile when she arrived at the table, eyes falling on Jory...and Oakey. Yeah, she wasn't going to acknowledge the fact that he was leaving. Not yet. They could say their goodbyes when he left for his travels and she was happy to put something like that off. That was going to be a really hard day for her. Settling down next to her neighbor, the blonde made room for Tobias and eyed the two older badgers, the ghost of a smile playing on her lips. This was incredibly sad but she was going to try and hold it in as long as she could for reasons. "Hey, you two. Tobias and I brought along some company... I hope you don't mind." And she gestured from her stuffed elephant to Bobo, Tobias' stuffed monkey, smiling a little bigger this time when her eyes fell on the first year. This was going to be okay. ...Yeah. |
Laura couldn't believe it, no she couldn't believe it, she just stared at the table, it couldn't be the end of the term already, she wouldn't allow it to be the end of the term, she didn't want it to be the end of term, next year would be her sixth year at Hogwarts which would mean that she would just have two years left, why was time moving so fast. |
hello yes anyone say hello/goodbye but beware syrup!angst So. Feast. Yes. Tobias had mixed feelings about this, except... he didn't at all. He was still sad and stuff but he knew he was supposed to be happy because it was a feast and they had the house cup and stuff... but there were people LEAVING and that was sad too and he had to go back to his pokey little house for the summer and not have big grounds and none of his new friends and... *wibble* But he had Bobo with him and Bobo was a brilliant comfort toy so Tobias felt shielded from most of the negative emotions because Bobo was special and a whole different kind of magic for being able to do that. Toby walked close to Ella as they entered the Great Hall and headed to the Hufflepuff table. He offered a slight smile to the others and then to Ella (And Elephant) when he glanced up at her. "Hi guys," he quietly said to Oakey and the other seventh year already at the table that he remembered from the Quidditch party. Then he unhooked the stuffed toy monkey's arms from his neck and turned it to face them. "This is Bobo." He will be joining us, YEP. Because he was, you know, sticking with Ella and everyone. In case of. You know. Dementors. |
The emotional train wreck has arrived..... How did this term end up the way it did. That thought was going through Minerva's mind over and over throughout the day. She had sat in her room just staring thinking about this. The fighting and arguing about that horrid ice cream that she didn't even want anything to do with now. Then came that detention, then dementors, and finally that poisoned syrup. She had not been right since then and it was just wrong, because she owed it to a certain claw to make his last memories of this place good ones and she just didn't have it in her to do it. Standing at the door way Minerva scanned the room. This should be a happy time. They got the cup yet again, it had been every time since her second year that Hufflepuff had one that cup even last term with a tie it was still a victory. So why couldn't she even muster a smile. Puffy blue eyes feel to the staff table, then to the puff table and she felt her stomach flop when she saw Jory and Oakey. Jory one of her closest friends, this was his last feast with her, last joking of points, last moments of friendship in this castle. She could already feel the tears fighting their way out again and she swallowed hard to force them away. Then their was Oakey, their friendship was odd... Was that the best word for it. They band together to protect a baby dragon, a small crush that ended quickly by his lack of help due to a plant, playing beater along side of him in quidditch, the arguments, and him dating her best friend. All and all he was a housemate and she still considered a friend. His goodbye was going to be just as hard as any of the others tonight. Eyes locking to the Claw table she was sad and relieved her boy wasn't there yet. She wanted right next to him the entire time, but knew she had to give him time for his own housemates to give their congrats and things. Plus she wasn't sure she could get the strength to push her tears away enough to even fake happy and strong for him. She knew she had to, it was a happy time, right? So why was she so sad. The next time she would be walking into this room after tonight would be without him for an entire term that's why. Sighing she slowly made her way to her own table and took a seat. Swallowing all the emotions she could she looked up. "Hi Everyone" Her voice was quiet and weak. The last few weeks of crying and the overwhelming sad hadn't helped matters. Looking back at the table she took a breath and decided maybe to just sit quietly for a bit and let everyone else socialize. |
Laura suddenly saw Minnie come into the room, she wanted to say something but decided against it because she didn't want to get told off, she would just pretend that she hadn't seen her and would then try and figure something out, she was still upset that she hadn't seen her twin for ages but well she would get to see her all summer and hopefully this time they could change things. Laura continued to stare at the table, she had done it, she had gone a full term without detention, and it felt strange, she wondered what the Professor did with all the free time they had, she had only lost 10 points this term as well and that wasn't her fault, she had lost them for doing an assignment that the Professor had asked her too. |
SPOILER!!: Ella and Toby Oakey gave Ella, and Tobias a smile. It wasn't one of his BIG OAKEY GRIN SMILES, but it was one and they'll have to take what was given to them. He wasn't really ready to say his Goodbyes to either of them. Luckily for Ella, his official goodbyes won't be until the end of Summer Vacation. Tobias on the other hand. This goodbye was going to be tough, he really liked this ickle first year, and Kace too. In face All the first year Puffers some how ended up being precious to him. Now he'll miss out on their growing up here. "That is a pretty cool Monkey you've got Tobias." Yeah...uh, he didn't know what else to tell him. Oakey just turned his head back around and starred at his Paper Plate. |
Then Ella and Tobias joined them at the Table. "Hey, guys,'' he said. "And no, we don't mind,'' he added referring to the stuffed elephant and monkey. He grinned a bit. No use being mopy about this. It would be a lot better if he just tried to make the most of these last moments. "All the best with the remaining years, Tobias. And you too, Ella, for OWLS.'' The firstie was a hard working one. And speaking of firsties. Where was Kace? Jory looked around again to Laura arrive and he instantly flashed back to the Arithmancy finals a few terms ago for which he and Laura had partnered up. Too bad they hadn't done so a few more times. And then Min arrived. Jory felt as if he would absolutely die. Min was one of his really good friends and he would miss her terribly. No more friendly banter about who would get more points for the term. He looked away, not trusting himself to look at her. He had promised himself he would not have any tears in his eyes. Goodbyes were hard enough already and tears just made everything ten times worst. However, he did greet her."Hey, Min.'' Thankfully, he was distracted by Oakey. "Oh, well... forever, I suppose,'' the badger replied. "I was just sitting in the dorm. Haven't even managed to pack as yet.'' How was it he and Oakey shared a dorm for seven years but had never hung out much? "Hey, still aiming for Gringotts?'' He smiled a bit at the memory of their internship at the Bank two years ago. |
You all! And anyone else? ^_^ So... end of term feast. Yeah. This was happening. This was probably the first end of term feast he didn't actually want to come along to. There'd be food on the train. And the But even with wandering around aimlessly, somehow his feet seemed to have directed him in this direction so... here he was. Standing a little inside of the Great Hall, his grey eyes looking around at all the banners. A couple of seconds later, the boy shook his head and headed over towards the Hufflepuff table. The sight of the banners made a small smile flit across his face. They had won another House Cup, yeah? That was awesome! Just like the way everyone at the table was more or less sitting together. Awesome. Very awesome. What wasn't awesome, though, were the seventh years. Leaving. Nope. Not awesome. Reaching the table, Alec made towards Minnie and sat down next to her. "Hey you guys!" he said, keeping the smile on his face, "Erm... everyone looking forward to the summer?" |
Elodie played with a stray piece of hair that hadn't been tucked efficiently into the bun on the top of her hair, as she headed into the Great Hall, fourth year a short time away from being put behind her. Didn't they say your time at school got easier as it went on? Or was that just something Tammy said to make her feel better about being there and not at home? This wasn't getting easier. There were good things about this year, but they were outweighed by the bad. She felt worse for those graduating, though. At least she could come back next term and know she could work things out if they needed to be. They couldn't, though. Taking a seat at her house table, Elodie gave the students already there one of her 'I'm here because I have to be' smiles, which could sometimes be perceived of one that one gave when in pain. She was all for talking with them, but she didn't have the energy to envelope them in a hug and tell him things were all cool, and those graduating would be okay. When September came, she was uncertain she would remember their names. There would be an influx of first years by then. Realistically, she wanted her boyfriend to come over and pull faces at her, and nudge her and tell her she was silly. She was okay without though, if this things got rolling and she got food. Baby Radley was at home, and she had never met him. Auntie Elodie Rae was more impatient than any of those here. |
Everyone ^_^ Ella returned Oakey's smile with the tiniest one of her own and then looked away because yeah, this was hard. Even if she was going to see him this summer, she couldn't help but think about the not seeing him at Hogwarts. It was just sad. Instead she focused on Tobias and Bobo, smiling a bit more as Oakey commented on what a cool monkey it was. "The coolest." She added quietly, nudging Tobias playfully in the side. The blonde smiled at Jory, appreciating his well-wishes. "Thanks. I know you'll do brilliantly on your NEWTs." He was a smart guy, Jory was. A good gobstones player too. It was going to be equally sad not having him around. Laura got a wave when Ella spotted her, the blonde not wanting her friend to think she was forgotten. "Are we still getting together this summer, Laura?" She asked quietly, hoping they would be. They could all use a get together after OWLs, yeah? The sixteen year old had to look away from Minnie when she saw her, not able to handle just how sad the older badger looked. She hated seeing her like that. She wanted her to be happy. Actually, she wanted all her friends to be happy. This term was far too emotionally draining for Ella's liking. Maybe going home for a while would do everyone some good. Looking around again, the sixteen year old spotted a very familiar head of hair heading towards the table and she squeezed her elephant toy, watching him Elodie's arrival didn't go unnoticed and the blonde badger smiled faintly at the younger girl but didn't say much else. She didn't really know what to say to the sad looking girl and really, Ella was sad too. Maybe it was best she just sip on some water instead. |
forgive Laura Quote:
Now that Tobias really thought about it, was it his energy that usually meant he was never really all that shy? He was extroverted all the time and now suddenly this exhaustion was here and he inwardly meeped whenever anyone spoke to him. Yes... it was probably his bounciness and happiness that made him so vibrant and eager to talk to people. Now he was mostly content to sit there in the middle of everything and listen and observe and clutch Bobo's arm. Anything else required energy and happiness and just no. Quote:
Then he looked up at Oakey again. "Stay." Here. At Hogwarts. Quote:
He nodded at the older boy, and then glanced back up at Ella as the boy spoke to her. Toby had never really spoken to this boy... to loads of the seventh years. He supposed that was good in that if he had he would just be missing a lot more people... but surely it was better to meet people in the first place. Biting the inside of his lip, Tobias looked around at the others who were joining the table. Quote:
He wasn't looking forward to being stuck at home where he wasn't even allowed to bounce in the house. But he was definitely looking forward to a break from these dementors. At that thought, Tobias quickly looked around, just to check there were none here. Okay... okay good. "How about you?" he managed to ask the Seeker Boy when he looked back at him. Quote:
Tobias actually gave a genuine little smile up at Ella when she nudged him a bit, and sat up a little straighter in his seat. Wow... that took effort. Maybe sit up in short bursts. He looked at the table and the cutlery and crockery he'd become accustomed to this year and directed his question at Ella. "Are we gonna get nice food tonight?" 'Cause that'd be a plus, right? |
Bye everyone ;_; Why had Bliss even bothered to come to the feast? It would only make her more miserable than she already was. If that was even possible. The entire year had been more eventful than she'd planned or hoped for and she just wanted to leave. Of course, she couldn't leave without saying goodbye, so that was why she was here. To say goodbye - but not in the way she'd said goodbye to West earlier. Or Tag. Or Elodie. Or even Blue for that matter. She wanted happy-sad goodbyes, if that made sense. Compared to the angry-sad and sad-sad ones she'd already had. |
Let the awkward begin >_< Quote:
And almost like the dementors themselves it seemed they had not only sucked out the school's energy but a good lot of the student body *cough cough*. So, when Tag arrived to the Great Hall his first decision was to go to the Gryffindor table. But, then he remembered Bliss telling him she'd be leaving the school, forever. He'd told her he'd say goodbye. So, in case he didn't catch her at the train, or wasn't able to visit her one last time at her house before she left for good, Tag figured the Hufflepuff table was his best chance. Scanning around Tag spotted a familiar blonde and walked straight up to, what he assumed was Bliss' hair. He then hesitantly, and in a very stiff and awkward motion, petted her head. |
Anyone and everyone! <3 Hiccup. Pause. Hiccup. Okay fine, if she had to admit it, Renesmee had been sobbing for quite some time in her dorm as she started off packing her things away. She wasn't ready for the end, wasn't ready to let go and wasn't ready for the goodbyes that followed, but she knew she had no choice other than to accept this was life. After cleaning her face completely and putting her uniform for the last time ever, the Hufflepuff Head Girl made her way inside the Great hall. It was the last time she were to have a feast here. Gulp. But NO. She would not cry again, not in public....yet anyways. Breathe, that was her plan of calmness. To breathe. Breaaaaatheee in, then breaaathe out. Quick blink. Then a calmish face. With pride, Ness made her way to the Hufflepuff table. She was proud of the house cup as well as quidditch, because Ella had done well for a first time Captain. But yes, no goodbyes yet. Possibly no goodybyes at all because right now those were the hardest. So could she have food? Anything to distract her? |
From her seat, Elodie caught the smile the Captain gave her, and she offered her one. A friendlier one. A genuine one. But still one that gave the message of 'I don't want to be here, but hug me if you can sever loyalties with lying people because I need an actual hug'. One of those. Because they completely happened all the time. In some parallel universe or something. Whatever, they happened. She was grateful for the acknowledgement from Ella though, because it reminded her that even though Bliss was leaving and things were never going to be right between the two again...there were still people at the castle who could smile at you when you kinda needed it. Speaking of Bliss... Elodie rolled her eyes when the other fourth year joined at the table. She was fed up of dealing with her right now. She didn't want to deal with her. Els had nothing more to say to her, unless she wanted some VERY choice words, and a swift punch to the face. Those, she probably deserved. Well, no one else would think so, because apparently the world assumed the sun shined out of places the sun DIDN'T shine. But no. She offered a tut in Bliss' direction, and folded her arms on the table, lowering her head onto them and blocking the world out. Forget all this drama. Elodie wanted a Coul. She wanted a Cat. And she wanted a HOME. Family would be good too. And the water bed in the guest room. That thing was awesome. She already had half of a draft for the letter she was going to send to Bliss. Where she could say everything she wanted to say, without having to worry about being cut off or anything. |
Text Cut: Ells! Ells... clutching her elephant toy. If that wasn't a nice sight, he didn't know what was. Despite this, though, the Hufflepuff couldn't help but feel a slight tear in his heart as he looked at her. She was smiling, sure, but... this was an end of term feast. And Alec of all people knew how she was going to end up taking all of this. ... Hugs later, though? Yeah? "Hey you!" Also, she was sitting a little far away but... he was just going to let that slide. And that hair tucking thing? She had to know how that affected him, yeah? He smiled a little more before saying, "Erm... you okay?" Text Cut: Tobias! For a minute or so, Alec was thankful for the sound of another person's voice and he turned his attention towards Tobias. The Keeper. The one who had practically flown into all of their hearts with a massive 'BADGER BOOM'. "Hey there!" he said, reaching over and ruffling the boy's head. And that nod... meant that he... was? Alec was going to take it that way. "Awesome! Got anything planned for the summer?" Hopefully something fun that didn't involve trying to evade Dementors and managing to eat enough sweets. "Me? Yeah... yeah, it'll be great to see Dad again," His Dad... the man wasn't going to be disappointed in him, right? "It'll be nice to get away from Hogwarts for a bit too. ... Except... Quidditch. It'll be weird not to play for a while." Frown. Text Cut: LochNessie! ... And... there was Bliss. Alec almost got up to go and greet her but... Tag was there too. It would be awkward to go up and say hey, yeah? Or goodbye? And no one wanted to be the awkward third wheel, not even one of the most awkwardest teens around. Before he could do anything more, however, his eyes landed on LochNessie... and he frowned. If he remembered correctly, LochNessie had been one of the first people to greet him when he came to Hogwarts for the first time. Her and Keefer... and Adeline too. Wobbly!chin. The boy slid along the bench until he was right near her. He wanted to say something, yes, but nothing really seemed good enough. Maybe he should have remembered something iconic she had said to him before? Back in his first year? Or any of the years? This was definitely a plan for next term... yeah... A minute or so later, however, he took a deep breath and smiled a little in the redhead's direction. "I puffed out my cheeks extra wide today for one last cheek pinch..." For old time's sake? |
Anyone wanna grab him?/ Few mentions! Kace finally made his way to the end of term feast. He couldn't believe that he was finally done with his first year. He was still in denial. He didn't expect time to fly that fast. He wish he could stay here longer but he knew he would have to go home. His parents and sister missed him too much. As he made his way to the Hufflepuff table, he noticed Jory and Oakey looking all depressed. Kace remembered they were seventh years. They were graduating this year. Awww he was gonna miss them.... He nodded and waved at them knowing they wouldn't wanna talk to him. Then he noticed all the rest of the puffs. They all seemed to be happy and talking till he noticed Minnie. She looked kind of glum. He wanted to go see Minnie but it looked like she wanted to be alone. He understood that concept. He nodded and waved to her. He managed to find his own seat and was just sitting there. Looking around the great hall knowing he would be a second year next year. This all seemed to real. He reminded himself he needed to go see Ronnie to say goodbye.. |
Marigold had been feeling sad since the ice cream toppings party, and that wasn't even a sad time. But this was different. The end of year feast was... Well... the end. It should have been surprising, but the fact that she still succumbed to tears before heading down to dinner still startled her. But it made sense, if you thought about it. This was the end of her first year at Hogwarts. She wouldn't see her friends or teachers for the summer, but even that wasn't the main reason she was so melancholy. It's just... Things ending made her sad. Merlin, she felt bad for the seventh years. She sat down and grinned a watery smile at them. She nodded at the other students sharing the table, and looked around at the Great Hall. She wouldn't see it for a few months, you know. But she would remember it vividly. |
Laura was one of those people you just couldn't help but worry about, y'know? Mostly because she talked lots but when the real big stuff happened to her, the stuff that made her sad or scared or upset, well it was usually then that she stayed quiet. This was why Ella frowned slightly when the badger ignored her, wondering what was up. They'd talk later, yeah? She was keeping Tobias, okay? Ella was officially making it her job to see that he was happy and taken care of at Hogwarts because this kid was the best. Did she mention she was keeping him cause this was totally a thing. He wouldn't mind, right? The sixteen year old looked at the first year thoughtfully before replying, "I don't know, kid, but I've got some cookies for later if there's not. I'm great at sharing too." And she poked his nose with elephant's stuffed arm before looking back down at the table. The people looking sad thing? It wasn't okay. Ella didn't really give a hoot if she was sad but other badgers, no way was that okay. This is why the blonde set her elephant down next to Tobias and walked over to where Elodie was, wrapping the younger girl in a hug. It was quick and then she pulled away, feeling a bit silly about the hug attack. "I don't know what's wrong but if you ever need to talk..." Well, Ella was around. She was a good listener too. She was sitting too far away. Ella wanted really badly to go throw her arms around her boyfriend and squish him but she had a Tobias to attend to and an Oakey to hover by. They could sit together on the train, though? She forced a smile but shook her head in response to his question, biting down on her lip. No crying at the feast, Ella. "Are you?" Alec looked okay which was all well and good but she knew that sometimes looks could be deceiving. The blonde then followed her boyfriend's gaze to Bliss...and Tag. Oh. She didn't exactly know what was up or how to handle this or who to hug because eventually hugs would be in order, yeah? But for now she averted her gaze and gave Alec a look, wondering if he was a bit worried about this as well. Loch Nessie. She'd been crying. Ella could tell because reasons and it made her heart sink into her stomach a bit. She didn't like seeing the red head so sad. She also didn't like this whole thing where Nessie was leaving her. Nessie and Bliss were leaving and Ella would be alone. The lone member of the ferocious trio. What was she meant to do with that? Frown. "Hey, Loch Nessie." That was all the older badger was getting for now cause any more and Ella would cry and yeah, she wasn't ready for that yet. Let the seventh year say other goodbyes first, yeah? Little Kace got a faint smile and a wave when she spotted him and she noted he was looking a bit lonely so she beckoned him to join them. "Hi there." Did he want to cuddle elephant for a bit? And Marigold got a smile too though Ella didn't really know the younger girl all that well. That'd change next term though, yeah? The blonde was going to get to know more badgers, she'd decided. |
SPOILER!!: Marigold! :3 <3 As Kace was looking around, he was looking to his right when his eyes fell onto MARIGOLD!!! *beam*, he smiled and walked over to her. He tried to make himself look presentable. Then he tapped on her shoulder and he said, "Hey Marigold. Can you believe this term is over already?" SPOILER!!: Ella! :3 Then after Kace was done talking to Marigold, he noticed Ella his favorite quidditch captain walk by. He smiled and waved to her. "Hey Miss Captain Ella." he joked with her. Then he went over and hugged her. Then he noticed Ella didn't know Marigold. Might as well introduce them right? Yup he should. "Oh Ella, have you ever met my friend Marigold yet?" he said taking her hand and walking her over to her. |
*pushes this reply in quick before going to bed* Quote:
She'd had her head down for a minute or two when arms wrapped around her and she had turned into them, her own arms reciprocating for a mere SECOND. Because..this wasn't Coulson. It didn't feel like Coulson did, and it unsettled her and threw her off and she pulled away to stare at the perpetrator. Oh....it was only Ells. And she wasn't awful, and Elodie had given her the 'I need hugz' smile. So, she had asked for this. When she spoke, the younger Hufflepuff nodded. "Yeah.....thanks, Ella....." Of course, she couldn't GO to her though. |
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