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The Badgers, reigning House Cup AND Quidditch Cup champions and third place Gobstones finishers, usually sit under a bright black and gold banner representing their house. As you take your seat at your House table today, however, you might notice a bit of fraying and wear and tear on the usually pristine banner. Hmm. It looks old.
If you're the type who pays attention to dishes, you might also notice that the place settings seem different than those of last term. Is it just you, or are those Dixie plates, Solo cups, and plastic silverware??? What in Merlin's beard...!?!
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Seriously?" West raised a curious eyebrow and looked across the table at his bestie. Whaaat was he doing? Really? Why? What if he lost points? Hmmm? HMMMM? Did he think of that?
It would be a good excuse to get his wand out for the first time in weeeeeeeeeeks and muck about with a reparo though, right? But effort though.
It was much more fun snuggling up to Bliss.
Just saying.
Hmm? Oh look at those judgy eyes over there. Theo mouthed the word 'wot?' across the table at West, then placed the snapped cutlery back onto the table, all neat-like. No one would even know that they were broken until they picked it up.
And Theo would be long gone by then.
See? Easy destruction and no one would even know it was him. Apart from West who was being laaaaame.
Originally Posted by Sonea
Sonea was still looking at the cheap dishes on her table and wanted to know if her house was the only one who had those strange, ugly dishes and left quick her seat and looked at the other house tables, she had nothing to do at the moment and she hated it to sit still, so why not look around? She stood up and just when she wanted to walk away she felt how her rat Little princess struggled in her pocket to free herself. “No, stay inside, you are still grounded!” Hissed Sonea to her rat and pushed her small pink rat back inside.
The second year walked over to a random house table and stopped. She saw that the other house table had also those cheap dishes! “Ugh, I see that my house is not the only one with the cheap and ugly dishes” said Sonea slowly to a boy she didn’t knew and frowned.
Okay, so... chilling out at the Hufflepuff table was not the way to go about curing his boredom. In fact, it just made it an even bigger problem. Theo stretched his arms and legs out and yawwwwwwwned rudely, as he watched some of the other Hufflepuffs. Not Ella, though. No he wasn't looking at Ella, no sir.
It was then when he saw a young girl talking to her pocket. Oh great, he attracted a creeper.
"Hogwarts is having money problems." Well, he didn't know that as a fact but it was quite obvious. He just hoped it wouldn't affect their potion brewing. What if they had to use cheap ingredients that were past their use-by date? Grooooss.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Finally Here! Grab me PLEASE. Also West, Theo, and Sonea
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Oakey's final Starting term feast...was lacking in luster. He eyed each of the banners over head and noted how droll they all looked. Hufflepuff especially. Yellow was normally a vibrant color, but this was more like...if someone threw up on it, which could have been the case cause he thought he spotted a stain on it somewhere while looking up. He leaned his head back down and looked forward at the tables. Were those plastic cups and forks, the plates were looking flimsy too. He moved his way to the Hufflepuff table and sat beside three students in Green. Great even the wardrobes were getting moldy. OH HOLD ON! That was West, Theo, and and the younger girl...Sonea he thougt her name was. He turned his head over to the Slytherin table had they run out of seats were those cut back on too? How many first years were sorted into their house that they couldn't fit these two and the girl? He quickly remembered the plastic as he saw Wim... Theodore snap on of them. "You could go over to your Table and do that you know."
Oakey looked down at his paper plate. and over to the one Theodore was sitting over. Paper was something he needed as he wasted all the parchment on the Train ride up trying to write Professor Flamsteed's Summer Assignment. Without asking Oakey grabbed the plate in front of the Slytherin and layed it on top of the paper plate in front of him. He pulled a quill from his robe and started writing down on the Paper Plates. So long as the Assignment was done the Large Foreheaded Professor would have to accept it.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
West Odessa literally never sat at other tables. Properly literally. Just didn't. He didn't mind people coming to him... but todayyyy... it was different. He had good reason to sit at a different table, namely the one that his girlfriend frequented. He was a little tiny bit delayed coming to the feast because he had to feed his pet. And had subsequently got all scratched up. He was fine, just scratched. No big deal.
He slipped in next to Bliss of course, one arm around her.
Sitting with you because we're on our best behaviour, k? K.
Bliss sat, twiddling her thumbs, waiting for a chance to escape back to the Slytherin table to find West. Her first little adventure had only brought her to Theo and Kat, but, maybe he was there now? It was worth a look. Not right now, though. Right now, she had people to talk to and new friends to make.
"West, hey," she said, completely calmly as he sat beside her, even though her heart was now racing. Bliss dropped a kiss on his cheek and snuggled up to him, wrapping an arm around him too. "How're you?" Considering things and things, y'know. Anyway, back to other people that ALL seemed to be talking to her. They'd have to deal with her plus one now. Her plus one that came first, of course.
Deal. With. It.
"Yeah..." he said, frowning down at the plastic cup in his hand. Hearing her sigh, Alec looked over at her and shrugged, sort of hoping that this meant that she wasn't alone in this? "I wonder why we have the sudden change..." Because one you have metal plates, you always have metal plates, right? Unless someone decided to... to set fire to them or do something else that was less extreme.
He had seriously HOPED that there hadn't been a fire down here. BLINK.
The boy shook his head before grinning back at the girl. "Erm... so how've you been? And how was your summer?" ... Those were two questions that he should have probably asked before talking to her about weird, plastic cutlery. Yep. He needed to sort out his priorities.
"I wonder too," she said, blinking again at the plastic stuffs. It was just weird. Normally, she'd just be like, 'pffft, it's Hogwarts', but this just seemed strange. More than Hogwarts strange, because ... why? She didn't think there seemed to be any point at all. "You don't think anything happened to the elves, do you? Or the kitchen itself?" She asked, slightly worried. Honestly, it was probably best not to put too much thought into it now and wait to the Headmistresses speech, where she'd hopefully explain it all.
Question one. "I've been alright. Maybe good." She'd been coping, basically. It was a long story, all her emotions and stuff, but she could sum it up quite easily. Alright, because family. Good, because West, who she snuggled next to at that very moment. It was pretty simple actually, when she thought about it. Now then, Summer: "Summer was ... weird and awkward for the most part, becauseofmyfamily," she mumbled, before brightening slightly, as the next subject was about West. "West and I went to Brighton and that was REALLY fun." Back to Alec, now. "How are YOU and how was YOUR holiday?" She needed to know all of the glorious details.
Blissful looked happy and considering things and stuff they’d talked about briefly, Ella was really happy to see this. ”Summer was good. A little long but yeah, fun.” Mostly for zoo reasons and Alec reasons and family reasons too. ”How about yours? Have lots of adventures?” The blonde hoped so. Adventures were the best.
Nodnod. ”It is odd! It’s…a mystery.” One that Ella was itching to solve. Darn those Nancy Drew novels.
"I have to agree there," she said and chuckled lightly. The summer had seemed to drag, a little more than she'd wanted it to. "Mine was long. Too long, but West and I went to Brighton and that was really, really fun. I guess you could call that an adventure." Yeah? All in all, her summer had been, just bearable. "Speaking of adventures, how was your job at the zoo?" She imagined it would be great, because she knew that working with animals usually was. Great, though tiring. They were hard work, but then, what wasn't?
"A mystery," she nodded in agreement. "Perhaps, if all this," she indicated to the plastic cutlery, "isn't mentioned in the speech, we could head down to the kitchen and check it out for anything weird?" Would Ella be up for that? She didn't see why not. Ella and Bliss, solving mysteries since 2080. They'd helped solve the missing trophies mystery and now, yet another mystery had presented itself, just begging them to solve it.
Minerva’s smile grew bigger when Bliss said her summer was great. Of course she spent it with West, where was that little snake anyway, probably over at his table with is friends. She had to make sure to speak with him this term. She liked to get to know her little badgers boyfriends, it was easier to find them if they hurt her friends. “So West has been good to you then, that’s fantastic. I’m so glad you had a great summer. I worried about you.” After her dad, Min had thought of Bliss a few times over summer and hoped she was doing alright.
Looking around she had to chuckle, “I can’t believe I’m one of the older ones now, it doesn’t seem possible, but your pretty much one as well.” All these first years coming up it was just crazy to Min that she was in her sixth year. Seventeen in December how did that happen. “Anyway, you happy to be back? Going out for Quidditch again I hope?” Yes that had a fantastic team last term and she hoped they would again, she hoped she’d be on it this year, but if not she still wanted them to have a good one.
"Yeah, he had been really good to me," she said with a smile. Did Minnie notice that West had now sat down and joined them? Maybe not. She decided not to bring any of the 'double-liking' stuff up, because that would just be awkward for all three of them. Beside, that stuff didn't matter. She liked West, West liked her, so there was no problem. What was life without a few complications anyway? "You didn't need to be worried, but thank you." She lowered her gaze and stared at the table. She was going to have to get used to people being worried about her, wasn't she?
... One of the older ones. Cos Minnie was now a sixth year. She was a fourth year. "It's all going by so fast," she mumbled and sighed. Before long, she'd be a sixth year too. C'mon, she already called the first years 'kiddo'. T'was weird, but she kind of liked it. She liked growing up, but she didn't like the eventually having to leave bit. BLINK. Anyway, topic change. QUIDDITCH. "I'm happy to be back, I guess," she said, skating over that subject and quickly going to Quidditch. "Yeah, I am. I can't WAIT." She really hoped she got put on the team again. She loved Quidditch too much to not be put on the team. She'd just have to try her VERY best.
All over the chatter in the hall he could hear a voice. A voice? A girls voice. Where was it coming from? Who was it? Was it in his mind? Did the voice in his head change from his to another? Like a female voice? That was impossible, wasn't it? WAS HE GOING INSANE? Nash turned his head towards the voice, it was a girl. Nope, it was just...Bliss?
Nashville grinned, a little squeal like noise came from his voice...ooopsie. Nashy covered his mouth for a moment. "BLISSSSSYYYY!" there it was, his little excitement of the feast...wait was there going to be food...well of course there would be...it is like a normal feast? Wasn'***? It had to be...right? Fooooooooooood. He needed fooooood.
Oh hey, lookie here...Bliss was inviting him to come sit with her...coool...coool....would there be fooood?
Nashville got up from his seat and walked over to sit next to Bliss. "Hey, hey." he grinned.
It took his almost a minute to locate her, but he managed it.
And ... did he squeal? HAHA.
"NASHHHH. That's right, it's ME," she agreed, budging up on the seat next to West, still snuggled up to him, making room for Nashville. "Hey! How're you? How was your summer? How are you liking Hogwarts, oh, and Hufflepuff," she asked, beaming all the while. She wanted to know everything. She was happy that he was a Hufflepuff, like her. Honestly, she couldn't imagine him being anywhere else. He fit into Hufflepuff very, very well.
ANYWAY. Tick, tock. Times-a-wasting.
Forrest was getting used to 'kiddo's and 'hey's thrown towards his direction. He was also getting used to people greeting him warmly too, so he was better at recognising people when they adressed him.
And this was the case this time too. He was quick to acknowledge her, and he smiled at her.
"I'm Forrest," he said. He didn't need any assurances, he LOVED it here already.
"I guess Hufflepuff's the best house?" Yeah, forget all about Gryffindor. He felt home in here.
Well, one good thing; he didn't seem offended by her calling him kiddo. If he was, he wasn't showing it. Either way, the nickname kiddo was going to stick, whether he liked it or not. That seemed mean, so, if he did have any objections, he should speak them and she wouldn't call him that. Actually .. "You don't mind me calling you 'kiddo', do you?" She asked politely. There, now he could say if he wished to.
Forrest? That was a cool name.
"Forrest," she repeated out loud, "it's nice to meet you." It was, honest. "Of course it is," she winked and beamed. OH. Idea. "Want some jelly beans?" she asked, taking a large packet out of her pocket, opening it and holding it out to him. The food wasn't here yet and the train journey had taken a while, so, unless he'd eaten on the train, he'd no doubt be hungry. Besides, jelly beans were her thing and she wanted everyone to know it. First years included.
Haruka didn't have much of an appetite. She figured it was due to excitement(or because she ate a bunch of sweets on the way), so she decided on her favorite hobby of daydreaming and just plain spacing out. At the moment, she was wondering where the school had found the yellow plastic cups. She'd seen them in red and even blue before, but never yellow. 'Note to self: Find someone who would know and ask where yellow cups were found.'
Haruka heard steps behind her and turned around to see an older Puff walking up to her and smiling. The older student introduced herself as Bliss and welcomed her to Hufflepuff. Haruka smiled kindly and returned the introduction. "Hi there! I'm Haruka."
The girl didn't seem hungry. She could tell because most of the other students that were, were staring longingly at the plates, almost willing them to fill themselves. As if that work. They should ALL know that the speech came first. Even at Hogwarts, food miracles didn't happen. Looking back at the girl, she figured that maybe if the girl had food to tempt her, she would become hungry. She'd already had her bag of jelly beans out after offering them to Forrest, so she just held the bag out in the young girl's direction. "Jelly beans?" She asked politely and smiled.
Bliss took a couple out for herself and popped them in her mouth. Yummy. She chewed delicately and waited for the girl's reply. Haruka. She swallowed and spoke, "that's an interesting name. It's really nice to meet you." BEAM. "How are you liking Hogwarts so far?" This was important, because depending on Haruka's answer, Bliss could help make it BETTER. Being one of the middle/older students made her feel like it was her responsibility to do that.
The Hufflepuff table was...well, a lot more HOPPIN than Tucker had remembered. There were hardly any seats! Everyone was gathered together and seemed to already have really tight-knit groups, and for the first time, he was starting to feel really nervous.
BUT OH! He knew someone there! That girl he met in the candy store--what was her name again? He was terrible with names. Wow, he was off to a great start here--ALLIE! No, wait, ALEX yes that was the name.
"Hi Alex!" he said with a grin as he approached the table. "Lost? Your table is over THERE," he joked, pointing to the Gryffindor table before sitting down next to her.
There, ice BROKEN.
"Hi everyone! I'm Tucker, Tucker Schultz," he said with a smile.
Well, there was no need to ask HIS name, was there?
He seemed like a very, um, self-confident person, much unlike herself. She may as well introduce herself too, right, seen as he'd gone to the great effort to announce his arrival to the entire table. No guessing that he was new, but he definitely wasn't a first year. Heh. No matter, it was irrelevant. "Hey," she called over and gave a little wave. "I'm Bliss." It was a good job he wasn't standing too far away, otherwise she'd have had to shout and she didn't want to do that. That, or, get up, but she was snuggled up to West and was comfy, so she wasn't doing that either.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Emzily
Hmm? Oh look at those judgy eyes over there. Theo mouthed the word 'wot?' across the table at West, then placed the snapped cutlery back onto the table, all neat-like. No one would even know that they were broken until they picked it up.
And Theo would be long gone by then.
See? Easy destruction and no one would even know it was him. Apart from West who was being laaaaame.
Okay, so... chilling out at the Hufflepuff table was not the way to go about curing his boredom. In fact, it just made it an even bigger problem. Theo stretched his arms and legs out and yawwwwwwwned rudely, as he watched some of the other Hufflepuffs. Not Ella, though. No he wasn't looking at Ella, no sir.
It was then when he saw a young girl talking to her pocket. Oh great, he attracted a creeper.
"Hogwarts is having money problems." Well, he didn't know that as a fact but it was quite obvious. He just hoped it wouldn't affect their potion brewing. What if they had to use cheap ingredients that were past their use-by date? Grooooss.
"Money problems...." West paused and reached out to nudge one of the plastic forks with his little finger of the hand that wasn't wrapped around his girlfriend. "This stuff isn't cheap though, to buy so much. Maybe its conjured." Money problems weren't THAT big a deal surely? They had magic to make things with after all. Except food.
OH NO WHAT IF THE FOOD WAS CRAPPY?! He sat up straighter and stared at the empty plates as if willing the usual feast to make an appearance. WHAT IF THEY WERE ON RATIONS? Horrifying!
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey's final Starting term feast...was lacking in luster. He eyed each of the banners over head and noted how droll they all looked. Hufflepuff especially. Yellow was normally a vibrant color, but this was more like...if someone threw up on it, which could have been the case cause he thought he spotted a stain on it somewhere while looking up. He leaned his head back down and looked forward at the tables. Were those plastic cups and forks, the plates were looking flimsy too. He moved his way to the Hufflepuff table and sat beside three students in Green. Great even the wardrobes were getting moldy. OH HOLD ON! That was West, Theo, and and the younger girl...Sonea he thougt her name was. He turned his head over to the Slytherin table had they run out of seats were those cut back on too? How many first years were sorted into their house that they couldn't fit these two and the girl? He quickly remembered the plastic as he saw Wim... Theodore snap on of them. "You could go over to your Table and do that you know."
Oakey got a cursory look, but that was about it. Nah. He was happy here. With Bliss. Obviously. West would go back to his table when he felt like it and not before. He suspected Theo was much the same but that his bestie would tire of Hufflepuff faster, since Dora wasn't over here.
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
Bliss sat, twiddling her thumbs, waiting for a chance to escape back to the Slytherin table to find West. Her first little adventure had only brought her to Theo and Kat, but, maybe he was there now? It was worth a look. Not right now, though. Right now, she had people to talk to and new friends to make.
"West, hey," she said, completely calmly as he sat beside her, even though her heart was now racing. Bliss dropped a kiss on his cheek and snuggled up to him, wrapping an arm around him too. "How're you?" Considering things and things, y'know. Anyway, back to other people that ALL seemed to be talking to her. They'd have to deal with her plus one now. Her plus one that came first, of course.
Deal. With. It.
It took his almost a minute to locate her, but he managed it.
And ... did he squeal? HAHA.
"NASHHHH. That's right, it's ME," she agreed, budging up on the seat next to West, still snuggled up to him, making room for Nashville. "Hey! How're you? How was your summer? How are you liking Hogwarts, oh, and Hufflepuff," she asked, beaming all the while. She wanted to know everything. She was happy that he was a Hufflepuff, like her. Honestly, she couldn't imagine him being anywhere else. He fit into Hufflepuff very, very well.
ANYWAY. Tick, tock. Times-a-wasting.
"Awesome now I'm with you." Like he'd gone from a ball of stress the previous day, to relaxed and happy. So what was not to like?
West smiled around at the people Bliss was talking to, Ella and Alec and that Minnie girl, but he didn't butt into any conversations, especially not with a Blissy snuggling him and kissing his cheek. West was content with that.
Oh you know, except one conversation. Because... who are you, Nash person? West, arm still around Bliss, looked up at this new older!puff (and essentially ignored all the first year ones because... he didn't care) and waited for Bliss to introduce him.
And also made it entirely obvious that she was his. You know. Because she was.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Min was caught off guard by Ella’s look, was she not believing in herself, or was she just nervous. Taking her aside she talked quieter, “Hey, you alright? You know you’re going to be brilliant. I know you will. Your brilliant in all you do.” She looked around and laughed a bit, “You know I think Nessie is going to be a great Head Girl, but I really thought we would come back here this term to you as Prefect. So you having a badge is no surprise at all.” She really hoped Ella knew how much Min backed her in all of this. She was a great player and was going to be a great captain.
Minerva then talked louder again, “Oh quidditch, yes I am planning on trying out again.” She tried to sound confident, but not making the team last term made her not the most confident. “I hope to do better in this tryout then last.” Okay enough of quidditch talk, for now at least. “So how was your summer? I hope it was good.” Of course she already knew she spent part of it with Alec, from the train ride.
Ella looked up at the older badger as she fiddled with her hands. She'd had her fair share of pep talks and thought she'd reined in the nerves enough to hide them but apparently not. "I'm good, just getting used to this." She said quietly, tapping her finger on her badge. The blonde smiled a little and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, thinking about what Min had said. "You really thought that?" Really? Hm. Well it was nice to know that at least other people believed in her abilities, even if she had trouble doing that herself. "Thanks, I appreciate you saying that, y'know." Grin. "And I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me."
BEAM. "Yeah? That's awesome! It'll be great seeing you out on the pitch again." And Ella hadn't yet wrapped her mind around people not making the team so she was all confidence and excitement at the idea of her friends trying out. "We could fly together if you want? I mean, practice and such." The blonde would be more than happy doing that. Oh and summer? "It was really nice. Just a bit long. I missed school lots, actually." Was that weird? "How was yours? Did you have fun with Ethan?" Brows. Grin.
SPOILER!!: Laura and Arlene mention
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura was just about to continue with the firstie when Ella spoke up. "Why not." Laura smiled. "You coming?" Laura asked Arlene, she would introduce the firstie to some of her friends. "I didn't realize you were already here Ella or I would have sat near you earlier." Okay so Laura was lying she was scared Ella wouldn't want anything to do with her after this summer but well it seems that wasn't the case.
"How was your summer Ella, did you and Alec do anything fun like see a romantic movie or something like that?" Laura thought that would have been awesome if they had.
Ella offered Laura and the younger girl a smile and waited for her friend to scoot closer before speaking again. "Yup, got her pretty early. Wanted to get a good seat and all." And by that she meant she wanted to sit by Alec. Her friend got a curious look too because when Ella had arrived there were only two others at the table so it couldn't have been too hard to find her. Suspicious Ella was suspicious.
"Summer was really nice." Nodnod. A romantic movie? "No, not that. We did get ice cream, though." Grin. "And we hung out lots." But not nearly enough as far as Ella was concerned. "How was yours?"
SPOILER!!: Eliza
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
And then further down the way was a very vibrant and Prefecty Ella Bishop. Another nice Hufflepuff that Eliza'd come to have a nice appreciation for. "Heya Ella!" So they'd already chatted on the carriage ride and not much had happened between now and then for an update, but that didn't mean she shouldn't say hello! She looked down the Hufflepuff table and noticed that they too had the throw away settings as well. What is going on here? she wondered. "Do you know what the deal is with the plates and stuff?" she asked the girl.
Oh, there was Eliza. Ella offered the girl a smile and a wave. She was nice, Eliza was. "Hey! So we meet again." Grin. They'd only got a chance to talk a little on the carriages so the blonde was happy to see the girl. As for the question about the plates and whatnot, the badger shrugged. "It's strange, isn't it?" Very strange. "Maybe...we're having money troubles? Or...the house elves aren't keen on washing dishes anymore?" Eliza'a guess was as good as Ella's at this point.
Originally Posted by Emzily
Remind us why he was here again?
Theo was uber bored, and was honestly just wishing that the feast would hurry up and finish because he had things to do and people to see. Those people being his lovely Dora, AND Professor Bellaire, who had promised to give him something. The boy could hardly contain his excitement.
Alone time with the Charms Transfig prof. *MAJOR EYEBROWS*
He stilllllllll didn't know why he was here, though. Probably because he could see West, and Ella, and Ella's new badge which was sitting nicely on her chest that he totally was NOT looking at right now.
Nope, nothing to see here.
The boy lazily perched himself on a seat and fiddled with some more of the plastic cutlery. He just wanted to bend and break them all, so that is what he did.
Ella was still looking down at her hand intertwined with Alec's when she felt someone watching her. Y'know how you just know when that happens? Well Ella knew and her green eyes flicked upwards and slowly scanned the table until...
Theodore. Theodore was staring. But Theodore wasn't looking at her face and so Ella followed his gaze and sh- BLINK.
AHEM. "Did you want to get a closer look?" The blonde said, raising her voice a little. Because she saw, y'know. And she proceeded to remove the badge from her sweater and hold it out to the boy, ignoring her burning cheeks.
Go on and stare at that all you'd like, Theo.
...And was he breaking their utensils? "We're meant to eat with those, Theo."
SPOILER!!: Oakey
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey's final Starting term feast...was lacking in luster. He eyed each of the banners over head and noted how droll they all looked. Hufflepuff especially. Yellow was normally a vibrant color, but this was more like...if someone threw up on it, which could have been the case cause he thought he spotted a stain on it somewhere while looking up. He leaned his head back down and looked forward at the tables. Were those plastic cups and forks, the plates were looking flimsy too. He moved his way to the Hufflepuff table and sat beside three students in Green. Great even the wardrobes were getting moldy. OH HOLD ON! That was West, Theo, and and the younger girl...Sonea he thougt her name was. He turned his head over to the Slytherin table had they run out of seats were those cut back on too? How many first years were sorted into their house that they couldn't fit these two and the girl? He quickly remembered the plastic as he saw Wim... Theodore snap on of them. "You could go over to your Table and do that you know."
Oakey looked down at his paper plate. and over to the one Theodore was sitting over. Paper was something he needed as he wasted all the parchment on the Train ride up trying to write Professor Flamsteed's Summer Assignment. Without asking Oakey grabbed the plate in front of the Slytherin and layed it on top of the paper plate in front of him. He pulled a quill from his robe and started writing down on the Paper Plates. So long as the Assignment was done the Large Foreheaded Professor would have to accept it.
And when she was done dealing talking to Theo, the blonde turned her attention to the Oakey worm that had appeared. "Y'know, I have parchment in my trunk if you need some." Though she supposed he was being resourceful using the plates and all. "Are you off the health drink thing and on to recycling now or?" Because curious neighbor girl was curious.
SPOILER!!: Bliss
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
"I have to agree there," she said and chuckled lightly. The summer had seemed to drag, a little more than she'd wanted it to. "Mine was long. Too long, but West and I went to Brighton and that was really, really fun. I guess you could call that an adventure." Yeah? All in all, her summer had been, just bearable. "Speaking of adventures, how was your job at the zoo?" She imagined it would be great, because she knew that working with animals usually was. Great, though tiring. They were hard work, but then, what wasn't?
"A mystery," she nodded in agreement. "Perhaps, if all this," she indicated to the plastic cutlery, "isn't mentioned in the speech, we could head down to the kitchen and check it out for anything weird?" Would Ella be up for that? She didn't see why not. Ella and Bliss, solving mysteries since 2080. They'd helped solve the missing trophies mystery and now, yet another mystery had presented itself, just begging them to solve it.
Ella smiled a little at Bliss when she said she'd had a nice time with West. "That's great, Blissful. I'm glad you guys had fun." If anyone deserved a great summer, it was definitely the younger badger. At the mention of the zoo, the older blonde brightened up considerably and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "The zoo was just...amazing, Bliss!" Dreamy sigh. "I got to work with the elephants all summer and I really enjoyed it." Nodnod. REALLY. "I'm definitely considering working with animals, y'know, after Hogwarts is done."
Was Bliss suggesting they do some investigating after the feast? GRIN. "I'm always up for a trip to the kitchen." So that was a definite yes. "'Sides, I really like the house elves. It'll be nice to go and say hello to them."
And Ella really should talk to the new members of Hufflepuff, yeah? Although she was a bit nervous about the whole recruiting people thing. Oh well, she had to start sometime and now was as good an opportunity as any.
"Welcome to Hufflepuff, you guys!" GRIN. "I hope you'll all consider trying out for Quidditch. I'd love to see you all on the pitch when the time comes." And the newbies got hopeful Captain Ellasaurus looks and smiles for good measure.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey looked down at his paper plate. and over to the one Theodore was sitting over. Paper was something he needed as he wasted all the parchment on the Train ride up trying to write Professor Flamsteed's Summer Assignment. Without asking Oakey grabbed the plate in front of the Slytherin and layed it on top of the paper plate in front of him. He pulled a quill from his robe and started writing down on the Paper Plates. So long as the Assignment was done the Large Foreheaded Professor would have to accept it.
Theo made a face of disgust at Oakey Gunter. A guy that he would always hate with a burning passion. But was the "HEAD BOY" getting away with it that easy? No, sir. Theo pulled out his wand an shot the water spell at his plate full of writing.
*sassy finger snap*
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Money problems...." West paused and reached out to nudge one of the plastic forks with his little finger of the hand that wasn't wrapped around his girlfriend. "This stuff isn't cheap though, to buy so much. Maybe its conjured." Money problems weren't THAT big a deal surely? They had magic to make things with after all. Except food.
OH NO WHAT IF THE FOOD WAS CRAPPY?! He sat up straighter and stared at the empty plates as if willing the usual feast to make an appearance. WHAT IF THEY WERE ON RATIONS? Horrifying!
Actually... West was right. Money problems didn't really make sense. "I guess they could've just put the old silverware in the dishwasher..." Theo hoped that West knew what a dishwasher was. He suddenly felt bad about bending and snapping the forks cos maybe they WERE meant for something.
OH well, the deed was done now.
SPOILER!!: Ella haha
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella was still looking down at her hand intertwined with Alec's when she felt someone watching her. Y'know how you just know when that happens? Well Ella knew and her green eyes flicked upwards and slowly scanned the table until...
Theodore. Theodore was staring. But Theodore wasn't looking at her face and so Ella followed his gaze and sh- BLINK.
AHEM. "Did you want to get a closer look?" The blonde said, raising her voice a little. Because she saw, y'know. And she proceeded to remove the badge from her sweater and hold it out to the boy, ignoring her burning cheeks.
Go on and stare at that all you'd like, Theo.
...And was he breaking their utensils? "We're meant to eat with those, Theo."
Did she just... call him out.... like that... in front of the whole table? "Wasn't even looking at you!" He called back, but it was no use, because now she was holding the badge right in his face. He looked away, aggravated. "Great. Congratulations."
Oh, was that the time?
Looks like it was time to make a quick exit from the Hufflepuff table.
He dropped all his broken forks onto the table, but it looked like Miss Captain had spotted that, too. Oh, man... she wasn't gonna turn into a boring old authority figure, was she? "Any idiot can repair plastic forks." Duuuuuuh.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
It took his almost a minute to locate her, but he managed it.
And ... did he squeal? HAHA.
"NASHHHH. That's right, it's ME," she agreed, budging up on the seat next to West, still snuggled up to him, making room for Nashville. "Hey! How're you? How was your summer? How are you liking Hogwarts, oh, and Hufflepuff," she asked, beaming all the while. She wanted to know everything. She was happy that he was a Hufflepuff, like her. Honestly, she couldn't imagine him being anywhere else. He fit into Hufflepuff very, very well.
ANYWAY. Tick, tock. Times-a-wasting.
Nashville made his way over and ruffled her hair....sort of. He found the little spot next to Bliss and sat down.
"I'm doing pretty good, I wanted to be in Slytherin though. DID you know that you can ask the sorting hat to put you somewhere's? Some Gryffindor just told me about that. I kinda, sorta threw the hat on the ground but I am doing a lot better right now, I just found out the common room is near the kitchens so I can't really complain because I really like food a lot. My summer was fun, I spent most of my time on the beach. Hogwarts is really awesome but some people keep on saying there is something wring with the Great Hall? Is there something wrong?"
Nashy's tummy growled. He just wanted tons of yummy food and to make new friends but he was having a slightly hard time at making friends in his own house but is did make his way over to the Gryffindor table, maybe his next stop would be a the Slytherin table.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Ethan had been greeting all his new Claws and catching up with friends at the Ravenclaw table, but he couldn't help his eyes from continually drifting towards the Hufflepuff table. Once he found a lull in the conversation at his own table, he got up, if only for a few minutes, to at least say hi to his favorite Hufflepuff.
It was no surprise that she was surrounded by a bunch of people, old friends and new housemates.. she was always so friendly. As he approached her, he caught Eliza out of the corner of his eye. Hadn't he just seen her at their own table? Chuckling a bit to himself, he offered his housemate a little wave before continuing his walk. And not too far from Minerva were a couple of Puffs that he knew at least a little bit. "Hi Ella.. hey Alec," he greeted the two, giving them both a nod and smile. Min had told him that Alec had kept her company a little bit on the train while he was gone and had been grateful to the other boy for that.
Nearing Minerva, Ethan lightly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey.." he began with a bigger smile. "I won't keep you too long.. just wanted to come over and say hi to my favorite Hufflepuff." His eyes wandered over to their table.. oh, so Eliza's theory had not been correct. "So, your table has those too," he said, curiously looking at the plastics gracing the table. It wasn't about Ravenclaw being in last place, because Hufflepuff had pretty much won everything last term and they had the same second-rate tableware.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Upon entering the Great Hall Nate was happy that he was back at Hogwarts. Instead this time his eyes were back to it's normal hazelish color. Though there was one thing Nate noticed about his table that wasn't all that normal...the banner looked older instead of it's normal bright, happy, and more youthful look to it. Now it was just plan old. Odd. That turned Nate's smile into a slight frown, but he was still really happy! Because he was back at Hogwarts with all of his friends. Like normal he walked over to the house table...like he does every year, an sits down by every one of his friends. Then he noticed...plastic ware?! WHAT WAS THIS?! First the banner, now the plates, cups, and utensils!? What's next the classrooms are going to shrink so then it's going to be a tight fit? The common rooms wouldn't be clean like they are every year? Now this was an out rage.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Fifth year.
Alec headed over towards the Hufflepuff Table slowly, taking a moment to look around at the Great Hall, especially at the ceiling and the staff table and the general decoration around the place. It was sort of... weird knowing that this was his fifth time entering this hall for a Start of Term Feast. Really very weird.
And what was weirder was that he was, once again, one of the first people to enter the Hall.
The soon-to-be sixteen year old continued heading over towards the Hufflepuff table, his hands deep in the pockets of his trousers. Alec felt a little bad about not heading over towards one of the other tables to sit instead but... the Hufflepuff one was just... home. Sort of. It was just as he was really close to the middle of the table and was about to look for someone to sit with that...
The boy stopped in his tracks and just STARED down at the cutlery. What?! WHAT WHAT WHAT. He reached over and picked up the yellow plastic cup, examining it as carefully as he would do with a Snitch. "What is..." his voice trailed off as he looked away from the cup and then up and down the table. His grey-blue eyes shot up from the Hufflepuff table and looked around at all the other table as well.
Plastic. Cutlery and things. Everywhere. WHAT.
A confused expression crossed Alec's face before the boy sunk down in his seat, one hand still holding onto the yellow cup. ... This... was a weirder start than usual.
Nate first noticed Alec...because Alec wasn't that hard to notice. So he said "Hey Alec. How was your summer?" Truth was Nate didn't really want to talk right now...he just wanted to eat, get to the common room, then take a nice long nap. Hopefully he would get to do that. I mean Nate wouldn't mind a little talking...just not much. Which was kind of weird because normally Nate was a talkative person.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Hufflepuff table.
Ella made her way over to it wearing a small smile on her face. She was tired, sure, but also excited to see her second family and meet its newest members. N'aww ickle baby badgers were going to be cute, yeah? Besides, she had recruiting responsibilities now.
Spotting the boyfriend and the Bliss, the blonde grinned and waved to them. "Hey guys!" She then plopped down next to her boyfriend and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"Plastic?" What was this about? "Do you think that the House elves don't want to wash dishes anymore?"
"Hey Ella. Good to see ya' again. How have you been doing?" Nate could see it in her eyes that she liked Nate's best friend....possibly evenbe dating Alec. Could that be? Nah. That would be to weird. Yet knowing them they would be dating. This was one mystery Nate had to get to the bottom of it. Yes he would have to find out if they were dating or what? Nate was a snoopy person. He could not help, but getting in other people's business...especially when it came to dating business. Nate knew almost all the couples in Hogwarts. It was the truth. That was one of Nate's many...many hobbies. That was his second favorite. His favorite was scaring Oakey. Once again that was the truth.
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Forrest didn't remember when and how he'd walked to the table too--but this time he didn't remember out of DELIGHT. His face was all flushed and although they didn't fall--tears had piled up in his eyes. He almost skipped to the table and then, out of utter DELIGHT, did something he'd NEVER do again--he adressed the whole table by standing at its beginning.
Then, taking his seat somewhere in the middle, he kept beaming at people until he realised he probably looked pretty silly. He blushed a little and bowed his head forward in shame. Silly, SILLY Forrest making a scene everywhere!
Then his brain registered the plastic. It was enough to erase the smile completely.
With a troubled look on his face, he looked around to see whether someone explained it. Not that he was an expert on how things worked 'round here, but Hogwarts was rich enough to provide them with metal silverware and plates.
Ermigerd it was Nate's knew favorite first year Forrest! He was in his house too! Now he would have to watch to first years. His sister, who unfortunately was a Slytherin, and there was Forrest....the most adorable little thing you would ever see. "Hey Forrest! I see you met some of my friends. So welcome to the house of Hufflepuff. I don't mean to brag, but we're five years in a row House Cup winners. Hopefully it will be six. Though you never know. You're going to love Hufflepuff. You can even ask Oakey, Alyssa, Alec, or Ella." Speaking of which that's when he noticed Alyssa and Oakey.
SPOILER!!: Alyssa
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa sat down at the Hufflepuff House table. This was officially her last Start of Term Feast. She looked around at the happy faces around. Some familiar and well loved, others just acquaintances, and then there were fresh new faces, most likely first years and transfer students from other schools.
Alyssa was exhausted, suffering jet lag after having flown all the way from the States, and then followed by the ride from King's Cross to here, but she decided that she would at least have something to eat before heading downstairs to the Common Room to get some rest.
She looked around her again and realized that she was going to miss all this. She wished she didn't have to leave this place, but she knew some things were beyond her control. Her time at Hogwarts was coming to an end, and she had to accept it, whether she liked it or not.
Then Alyssa noticed a young first year join their table. She smiled at his enthusiasm on his face which was quickly followed by a frown. She leaned over and asked.
"Is something wrong? You have that look on your face?" Alyssa asked the boy. "I'm sure whatever it is, it can be fixed. Welcome to the Hufflepuff by the way. I'm Alyssa and it's nice to meet you." Alyssa told the boy sticking out her hand to shake his.
"Hi Alyssa. How was your summer this year. Did you go anywhere?" He asked her. He had to ask her that because she lived across the pond in California? Something along those lines. Nate really wasn't good when it came to naming the states. He'd always mix up names, pronounce them wrong, or mix up there locations. He only went there once, and that was when he was really little. When he was about 6 months he went on a family vacation to Florida? It was either Florida or Michigan. Or was it Massacheusits? Whatever state has Salem he went there.
Oakey's final Starting term feast...was lacking in luster. He eyed each of the banners over head and noted how droll they all looked. Hufflepuff especially. Yellow was normally a vibrant color, but this was more like...if someone threw up on it, which could have been the case cause he thought he spotted a stain on it somewhere while looking up. He leaned his head back down and looked forward at the tables. Were those plastic cups and forks, the plates were looking flimsy too. He moved his way to the Hufflepuff table and sat beside three students in Green. Great even the wardrobes were getting moldy. OH HOLD ON! That was West, Theo, and and the younger girl...Sonea he thougt her name was. He turned his head over to the Slytherin table had they run out of seats were those cut back on too? How many first years were sorted into their house that they couldn't fit these two and the girl? He quickly remembered the plastic as he saw Wim... Theodore snap on of them. "You could go over to your Table and do that you know."
Oakey looked down at his paper plate. and over to the one Theodore was sitting over. Paper was something he needed as he wasted all the parchment on the Train ride up trying to write Professor Flamsteed's Summer Assignment. Without asking Oakey grabbed the plate in front of the Slytherin and layed it on top of the paper plate in front of him. He pulled a quill from his robe and started writing down on the Paper Plates. So long as the Assignment was done the Large Foreheaded Professor would have to accept it.[/QUOTE]
Finally Nate turned to face Oakey said "Hey Prefect Oakey. How have you been? Was your summer good?" He just asked the normal question........that he asked every year on the first day of Hogwarts. Like normal.... Nate really had to starting learning new phrases to mix it up a bit. He would constanly ask the same old question over, and over, and over again. Eventually it had to get at least a bit annoying. Would it not annoy you if every year the same question got asked to you?
After he found out he was in the hufflepuff house, he was so relieved. He was in the house his sister was in. As he was approaching the hufflepuff table he was shaking in his shoes because he was so nervous. Kace walked to the table and he saw everyone else talking and making new friends. He did meet new friends on the boat and they were nice but he wondered what other puffs were first years.
Kace saw Minnie the girl he met on the train. She seemed to be popular and he decided to let her chat. But he did not mind this house. He thought he was going to like it here.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
And when she was done dealing talking to Theo, the blonde turned her attention to the Oakey worm that had appeared. "Y'know, I have parchment in my trunk if you need some." Though she supposed he was being resourceful using the plates and all. "Are you off the health drink thing and on to recycling now or?" Because curious neighbor girl was curious.
Oakey smiled as Ella offered him more parchment. "I'll take you up on that if I run out of room on these plates." He scribbled down some side notes on the edge of the plates and gave Ella a sour lemon glare, on her comment about him switching his schtick. "Recycling shouldn't be a thing I have to switch to Ella Worm. We should be doing it always." He stuck his tongue out at her. "and no I'm still pretty into the Veggie Drinks. I take it because you asked is because you'll want one later?"
SPOILER!!: West & Wimpy
Ren and Stimpy
Originally Posted by Tegz
Oakey got a cursory look, but that was about it. Nah. He was happy here. With Bliss. Obviously. West would go back to his table when he felt like it and not before. He suspected Theo was much the same but that his bestie would tire of Hufflepuff faster, since Dora wasn't over here.
Originally Posted by Emzily
Theo made a face of disgust at Oakey Gunter. A guy that he would always hate with a burning passion. But was the "HEAD BOY" getting away with it that easy? No, sir. Theo pulled out his wand an shot the water spell at his plate full of writing.
*sassy finger snap*
Oakey didn't expect much but that look from West, but he wasn't the one who was snapping utensils, and Oakey know that West and Bliss were a thing. Wi...Theodore was here probably only because West was here.
Oakey wrote down one more sentenced he recalled from one his his earlier papers, when suddenly a gushing stream of water hit his work! WIMP!!! Oakey flailed and yelled as water splashed up from the table and onto him as well! The Stream finally stopped and Oakey wasn't giving the Snake a sour lemon glare. No, he was glaring at him. That was his fourth, no fifth attempt to get the assignment done, and now it was soaked. Oakey whipped his wand out and with a quick swish, Oakey stuck Theodore's rear-end to the seat he was on. "You wanna sit with us, you can eat with us."
Yeah, Oakey was proud of his sticking charms, he perfected it this summer. Hope Wimpy enjoyed eating at the feast next to him. Cause Oakey was going to make Theodore's time today a living hell now.
Cue more glaring.
Oh and he may need that Parchment after all
Last edited by Uncle Moose; 05-05-2013 at 05:09 PM.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella gave him a look and tried her hardest not to roll her eyes. She wasn’t blind, y’know. And he was mad? HE was mad at HER? SHEESH. She wasn’t the one…doing whatever it was HE was doing. Merlin, he was frustrating sometimes. The blonde brought the badge back and answered curtly, “Yeah, thanks.” It wouldn’t kill him to FAKE a little enthusiasm for her, would it?
And then he was implying that she was an idiot? Or that her question was stupid? Or simply saying that breaking utensils was acceptable behavior. Sigh. This earned the boy an Ella!eyeroll.
Ella smiled at Ethan when he joined them at the table. Nice guy, Ethan was. ”Hey!” And she should probably get to know him better, yeah? Since he was Minnie’s guy and all. Have a nice summer, Ethan?”
And there was someone she hadn’t seen in quite a while. The blonde smiled at Nate and nodded. “Nice seeing you too.” How had she been? Really good, actually. “Everything is great. Glad to be back at school.” Nodnod. ”What about you?”
N’awww another little ickle. Ella smiled at the little one and gave him a wave. ”Welcome to Hufflepuff!” And to the family, obviously.
Ella returned Oakey’s smile and nodded. ”Okay, sounds good.” Who was she to knock his preference of plates over parchment? ”What exactly are you writing, anyway?” Wasn’t it a bit early in the term for homework assignments? Giggle. The way Oakey took things so seriously made the blonde roll her eyes and stick her tongue out at him too. ”Got it. I’ll remember that.” And then…YUP. She knew that was coming. ”Actually I wouldn’t mind one. I’m starveddddd.” And she flopped herself dramatically on the table.
And then Oakey was sticking Theoman to the table which…Ella had mixed feels about. On the one hand, the blonde was amused by Theo/Oakey interactions and wouldn’t mind watching more but…it seemed today that Theo had a problem keeping his eyes to himself. Hmmm.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Laura
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura suddenly heard her name. "Oh Hi Alec." Laura smiled. "I find just thinking about a few things." Laura had been having a busy summer and a few other things had happened during the summer, especially with her twin sister not even answering the letter she sent, there was all that plus the fact that she couldn't sit still and was dreading exams but no one needed to know that. "Did you have a good summer?" Laura smiled.
Laura smiled. "Of course not Arlene, can I say I hope you are happy in your new home, Hufflepuff is an awesome house, we are all friendly and welcoming and if you ever need anything just come and find me and I'll try and help you." Laura really was going to help her new friend. "I'm Laura Hope Hyde, but my friends call me Laura." Yeah she didn't think it was right everyone calling her Laura Hope Hyde it would take too long.
Laura was just about to continue with the firstie when Ella spoke up. "Why not." Laura smiled. "You coming?" Laura asked Arlene, she would introduce the firstie to some of her friends. "I didn't realize you were already here Ella or I would have sat near you earlier." Okay so Laura was lying she was scared Ella wouldn't want anything to do with her after this summer but well it seems that wasn't the case.
"How was your summer Ella, did you and Alec do anything fun like see a romantic movie or something like that?" Laura thought that would have been awesome if they had.
"I was looking for you on the train but I couldn't find you." Laura pouted, "It wasn't my fault you and Ethan hid from me." Laura smiled now that she was at Hogwarts things didn't seem as bad as she thought they would have been, the place was just the same as it was in her first year, okay so it was nearly the same.
"I ended up sitting with a bunch of first year and talking to them, I must admit some of them are actually cool and I hope they are sorted into Hufflepuff but we will see." Laura smiled. "I will see them all later and find out what happened." Laura couldn't wait.
"I was wondering the same thing." Laura sighed. "I haven't seen her lately and I wanted to ask her something important." Laura wasn't going to tell Minnie what it was since it was a surprise.
Minerva frowned a bit not sure whether to take Laura’s comments as a joke or serious, she had been so hard to read lately, but she did smile, so Min gave a small chuckle, “We did not hide from you. Believe me Fluffy was making friends with the wrong animals and it was causing issues of its own.” So maybe it wasn’t that bad, but she wasn’t going to accept it was just a little thing either. Looking at her friend she had to ask, “So finding your minions for the term Laura? Go easy on them, some might want to stay out of trouble the first week.” She giggled and nudged her friend, “Just kidding, I know you were most likely super nice to them.”
She couldn’t help but smile at Laura, “Worrying what house they are getting into as well..Wow Laura, I would say your moving into older badger very well.” Then she turned, “Speaking of older badger things, I am planning on seeing about those study sessions for you guys, to help with OWLs. Can’t have my little badgers stressing to much over it.” She gave Laura a wink and then frowned a bit, “Yeah I hope she made it, but she probably did, just hiding around here somewhere. Eyeing Laura a bit about what she wanted to ask Susan, but didn’t press her about it.
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Alec's ginormous grin was always a mood lifter and always a joy to see. Yay! Big hugs! Big hugs are awesome! Reeeally awesome! "I've been well. GREAT, actually." Which was true. There were no more eh's or meh's or better's. It has been absolutely great. "I had an awesome summer! I spent it in Switzerland with my uncle and cousin. I loved it! However, my brother spent the summer alone and I felt quite bad about it...He almost squeezed me to death with his hugs when I got back home!" Oh, Manolo. You weirdo.
Yay! High fives were also awesome! "Well, that sounds cool! What did you do?" Awar was sort of looking forward to being older, so she could get a job and actually have something to do during the summers. "I spent the summer with my family in Switzerland! It was loads of fun! I also have a baby nephew now, who I've yet to meet!" Leo and Presley called over excitedly that one night, but we could rarely understand anything with their enthusiastic tone. "I am ready to be back! A great year, indeed. I can feel it, too!"
Minerva thought about her summer, “Well first part I went to my grandparents in the States. That was a lot of fun and my boyfriend Ethan came to visit while I was there. Then the rest of the summer I spent at Ethan’s in Germany. His mom got me a job at the hospital there, since I’m thinking of becoming a healer.” Yes that was so much fun and she couldn’t wait to start looking into things at the library as well as talk to the few people she was told to speak with. “Oh have you ever met Ethan?” She wasn’t sure if the younger badger had or not, looking to the claw table, “He’s a Ravenclaw, actually the claw prefect this year.” She pointed in the direction that Ethan was at his table around all his housemates.
Turning back to Awar she felt the blush in her face, but tried to push it out, “Oh that sounds fun and a baby, I love babies, they can be so cute. Hopefully you will get to meet him soon.” An happy to be back younger badger, now that was a great thing to see, “Yes I am so ready for classes to start, plus there are a few things I’ve been wanting to get out of the library, probably one of my first stops. She hoped that didn’t sound to lame..
SPOILER!!: Haruka
Originally Posted by SakuraMochi
Haruka was fiddling with her fork, daydreaming about a cat army invading a yarn factory, when she heard someone approaching her. She turned and saw an older boy leaning over to her with a big smile on his face. He introduced himself as Alec.
Haruka smiled back and said, "Hi Alec, I'm Haruka. Nice to meet you!"
"Hi Minnie," Haruka replied, smiling, after the older girl introduced herself. "I'm Haruka!" When the older Puff asked if she was excited about school, Haruka nodded enthusiastically. "Very excited!" Her smile grew wider. "I can't wait for classes to start!"
Minerva tried to make sure she heard the way she pronounced her name, not wanting to get it wrong. That would be mean now wouldn’t it. “Well it is very good to meet you to Haruka. Where are you from?’ Wanting to get to know her more since they were in the same house now.
Oh and she was excited to start classes, Minerva love to see this.. She always loved the new class feel and hoped some others did as well. “That’s awesome, you’re really going to enjoy classes. Which one are you the most excited about?” She then looked at the girl a little more serious, “Don’t be afraid to ask any of us for help if you need it. That’s what a house is for helping and supporting, as well as having fun. So make sure if you need anything to ask.” It was good to make sure the younger ones felt comfortable and not intimidated.
SPOILER!!: Jory[QUOTE=FearlessLeader19;11347954
Jory had taken extra long to get to the Feast. Well, because of Ronnie mostly. He noticed she had been emotional during the carriage ride and he had tried to make her feel better.
Anyway, he hurried towards the Puffer table and to no surprise, he found it was packed with students. Everyone had conversations going but he looked for his "twin sister". Finally, he spotted her and headed fro her direction. The badger managed to take a seat next to her and poked her in the arm. "Hi, again,'' he said with a grin.
He looked around. He was going to miss this. And everyone. "I won't think about it,'' he muttered, looking away from the enchanted ceiling. Nope, not now, anyway.[/QUOTE]
Minerva was looking around when she Finally found Jory.. Giving her friend a hug she smiled, “You hid pretty well on the train this year. I couldn’t find you anywhere.” Which was weird she always found him quickly in a compartment, most of the time with his nose in a book. “So where were you hiding??” She eyed him and then laughed. “How was your summer?” She hoped it was good.
Looking around it was weird thinking of Jory and Alyssa as seventh years. They weren’t much older then her. It just didn’t seem right. “So… You ready for term? Excited, nervous? You ever want some extra study time with NEWTs I could try to help.” She knew Jory wouldn’t need the help he was super smart and one of their top badgers, so NEWTs should be a breeze to him.
SPOILER!!: Tucker
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
"Nice to meet you Alec!" Tucker said as he got comfortable in his seat. There was a LOT going on around him and he was trying to soak it all in...keeping track of who was who and what was going around him. Everyone seemed really cool so far!
Not counting those dudes on the train of course.
Tucker nodded. "Yeah, not too hard to find the table with all the yellow and black," he chuckled. He was going to ask her more about the cup or whatever she said she had done to come over here since she clearly wasn't there for it anymore.
"My train ride was good...until I accidentally walked in on two Ravenclaws fist fighting," he said, wrinkling his eyebrows. "So do we get food here any time soon?" he asked, looking around.
He was a bit too distraught the last time, thanks to his sorting, to remember when they served the food.
Tucker grinned. He was super excited to get to talk about HIMSELF! Because he was a Schultz, and they loved to TALK about themselves. Hehe.
"Nice to meet you Minnie," he said with a smile. That was a cool nickname! He liked it. "I'm super excited to get started, especially after being homeschooled for the past two years," he explained. "I've lived in Surrey since I left a few weeks into my first year--hence why I already knew my house," he explained.
Min gave him a small smile, “Nice to meet you as well.” Then she gave him an interested look. He was here before, hmmm had she met him before, she couldn’t remember. “Oh well welcome back then. So past two years, what was that like?” She hadn’t really met to many homeschooled students, so that was very interesting to her.
Well since he was an older then he would know more about what was going on around here, “Any classes your really looking forward to? I am anxious to get back to Charms and Transfiguration.” She wasn’t sure how she felt about the switch in Transfiguration, but not much she can do about that now was there.
SPOILER!!: Eliza
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
Eliza was pretty darn curious about this whole plastic and paper table setting thing, so she decided to scope out the other tables to see what was going on. If they did this just to the Ravenclaw table because of how we placed in the House Cup.... she muttered internally. Well that's...that would just be plain rude. And degrading. And not conducive to a healthy learning environment. At all. And in addition to her wanting to know more about the shabby looks of the place, she wanted to say hi to some not so shabby familiar faces.
And speaking of not so shabby faces, she nearly tripped over her own feet when she saw a particularly gorgeous older boy. Who. is. that. she wondered, mouth almost agape. (ImaBRE!) Wow. Forcing some pep back into her awestruck step, Eliza busied herself with making her way to her friends. "Hey Minerva! Nice to see ya again. How did the rest of your summer go since our practice?" She breathed a sigh of relief at being able to speak with Minerva right now. She was feeling odd. Nervous for a moment in the presence of a cute boy. Well that's, um, completely counterproductive. Why feel weird around them? Shouldn't nature have built in some way to feel even MORE confident? Like a bird showing off feathers, right? She sighed and shooed it from her mind. Minerva just had a way of making Eliza feel like she could speak her mind and feel comfortable - the same way Ethan did really. It was nice to say the least, and she hoped they could get to be better friends this year. She had a feeling she was going to need it.
And then further down the way was a very vibrant and Prefecty Ella Bishop. Another nice Hufflepuff that Eliza'd come to have a nice appreciation for. "Heya Ella!" So they'd already chatted on the carriage ride and not much had happened between now and then for an update, but that didn't mean she shouldn't say hello! She looked down the Hufflepuff table and noticed that they too had the throw away settings as well. What is going on here? she wondered. "Do you know what the deal is with the plates and stuff?" she asked the girl.
Oh, and Lex is here at this table too! she noticed when she heard the Lion's excitable voice from down the way. She looked like she was having a pretty hefty conversation with the girl next to her so she didn't jump over there, yet.
Her eyes drifted down the table again and saw the boy who'd been in the compartment with her on the train. (Lissy Longbottom) Never did learn his name... she thought as she watched him for a moment. He'd seemed sort of shyish on the train, but maybe that was just because of the weirdness. She waited to catch his eye and gave him a small smile when he noticed. Sort of another half meeting. Kind of.
Feeling satisfied that she made at least a teeny effort to meet some new people on the first day of her third year, she turned back to Ella and Minerva so she could chat with them some more.
Minerva smiled as she saw Eliza. Giving her younger claw friend a hug, “Eliza, so glad to see you. I was probably going to end up at your table eventually, but it’s nice to have you over here.” Oh what was the nerves for she wondered and then her eyes landed on Nashy and she couldn’t help but giggle, yep Eliza was at that age. She turned and looked to Nash, “Hey Nash.. Come here a second.” She leaned and whispered “It’s a boy don’t be nervous.” Looking back to Nash, “Oh Nash I want you to meet a friend of mine. Remember I told you it was good to friend other houses as well. This is Eliza. Eliza this is Nash.”
She gave Eliza a small wink. “Summer was great, I’m glad we did get a bit of practice in though, that was great.” She smiled at her friend a little more excited. “Are you excited about tryouts? I know you’re doing great. I think I might come and watch a few of the tryouts. Cheer you and Ethan on.” That would be great to see both of them get on the team.
SPOILER!!: Forrest
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Forrest was startled a tiiiiiiiny bit when she adressed him. He got that people here were pretty friendly--not anyone like in his previous schools--and he'd already liked it here, but older people still intimidated him like no one else. Because he wasn't used to this, see? He was used to older students' bullying and silly jokes and he couldn't help but search some sort of malice when they talked to him. Only, there hadn't been any so far, except for Daichi's joke.
Yeah. He'd adress that later.
"I'm Forrest," he said, taking the hand and smiling shyly in the process. He then struggled to form his trouble into words. Was it rude to ask how much money Hogwarts had? Would she know such details? Because to tell you the truth, these plastics were just... disrespectful to the students there. He had to ask, because it troubled him, see?
"Is it normally--plastics--the plates and cups, I mean?"
[TEXTCUT="ALEC is adorable <3"]
Can we stop shouting at each other?
Forrest was, naturally, STARTLED all over again and it took him some time to realise the boy meant HIM. (He meant HIM, right?!) He met his gaze too and it took all his will not to lower his head, because the boy looked so confident there that if all the Hufflepuffs were like him, Forrest would be honoured to call himself one too.
Yeah. Now find your voice to answer him, or he'll think you're deaf or something.
"I'm Forrest." As opposed to boy's growing confidence, Forrest's looked like it was diminishing with every second. "Thanks--I'm--I'm a muggle and I'm--" He blushed awfully and looked down at last, surprised to see he'd been nailing the plastic plate. You can't imagine how excited I am. You fill in the blanks in my sentence, yeah?
And let's ignore he called himself a muggle instead of 'muggleborn'.
Despite his first disappointment with Hufflepuff, Forrest'd started to regard this house higher than the others. People were nice here and they made him feel like he belonged to somewhere. He belonged to them, see? They were a big family and although he was still nervous, they made him feel relaxed.
So, he wasn't as startled as he'd been for the previous two times. He even offered her a smile too--a shaky smile that is--and shook her hand.
"I'm Forrest, thanks for the welcome." She looked close to his age, so she got a grin for that.
Forrest was getting used to 'kiddo's and 'hey's thrown towards his direction. He was also getting used to people greeting him warmly too, so he was better at recognising people when they adressed him.
And this was the case this time too. He was quick to acknowledge her, and he smiled at her.
"I'm Forrest," he said. He didn't need any assurances, he LOVED it here already.
"I guess Hufflepuff's the best house?" Yeah, forget all about Gryffindor. He felt home in here.
By then, Forrest's hand was kind of sore due to shaking many hands, but it was a happy soreness and he wasn't bored a bit. He'd started to trust older students more too, so he smiled at her more properly than he'd smiled at the others. Apparently, it was a custom here to greet new students, and he was grateful to them for making him forget about his mother for a while.
"Thanks, I am excited!" he replied, shaking the hand. "I'm Forrest." ... He had like five people to run to if he needed anything, and that was a new thing for him.
Minerva laughed at the excited little badger. She loved seeing all the excitement it was refreshing to start the term so positive. Well other then the silverware which she was still wondering about. “Well I’m glad your excited. We need all the excited badgers we can. We have cups to defend.” She grinned at boy. “It’s very nice to meet you Forrest, and that is a very interesting name you have.” She liked interesting names. She thought they were fun. “So tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from?”
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella looked up at the older badger as she fiddled with her hands. She'd had her fair share of pep talks and thought she'd reined in the nerves enough to hide them but apparently not. "I'm good, just getting used to this." She said quietly, tapping her finger on her badge. The blonde smiled a little and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, thinking about what Min had said. "You really thought that?" Really? Hm. Well it was nice to know that at least other people believed in her abilities, even if she had trouble doing that herself. "Thanks, I appreciate you saying that, y'know." Grin. "And I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me."
BEAM. "Yeah? That's awesome! It'll be great seeing you out on the pitch again." And Ella hadn't yet wrapped her mind around people not making the team so she was all confidence and excitement at the idea of her friends trying out. "We could fly together if you want? I mean, practice and such." The blonde would be more than happy doing that. Oh and summer? "It was really nice. Just a bit long. I missed school lots, actually." Was that weird? "How was yours? Did you have fun with Ethan?" Brows. Grin.
Ella offered Laura and the younger girl a smile and waited for her friend to scoot closer before speaking again. "Yup, got her pretty early. Wanted to get a good seat and all." And by that she meant she wanted to sit by Alec. Her friend got a curious look too because when Ella had arrived there were only two others at the table so it couldn't have been too hard to find her. Suspicious Ella was suspicious.
"Summer was really nice." Nodnod. A romantic movie? "No, not that. We did get ice cream, though." Grin. "And we hung out lots." But not nearly enough as far as Ella was concerned. "How was yours?"
Oh, there was Eliza. Ella offered the girl a smile and a wave. She was nice, Eliza was. "Hey! So we meet again." Grin. They'd only got a chance to talk a little on the carriages so the blonde was happy to see the girl. As for the question about the plates and whatnot, the badger shrugged. "It's strange, isn't it?" Very strange. "Maybe...we're having money troubles? Or...the house elves aren't keen on washing dishes anymore?" Eliza'a guess was as good as Ella's at this point.
Ella was still looking down at her hand intertwined with Alec's when she felt someone watching her. Y'know how you just know when that happens? Well Ella knew and her green eyes flicked upwards and slowly scanned the table until...
Theodore. Theodore was staring. But Theodore wasn't looking at her face and so Ella followed his gaze and sh- BLINK.
AHEM. "Did you want to get a closer look?" The blonde said, raising her voice a little. Because she saw, y'know. And she proceeded to remove the badge from her sweater and hold it out to the boy, ignoring her burning cheeks.
Go on and stare at that all you'd like, Theo.
...And was he breaking their utensils? "We're meant to eat with those, Theo."
And when she was done dealing talking to Theo, the blonde turned her attention to the Oakey worm that had appeared. "Y'know, I have parchment in my trunk if you need some." Though she supposed he was being resourceful using the plates and all. "Are you off the health drink thing and on to recycling now or?" Because curious neighbor girl was curious.
Ella smiled a little at Bliss when she said she'd had a nice time with West. "That's great, Blissful. I'm glad you guys had fun." If anyone deserved a great summer, it was definitely the younger badger. At the mention of the zoo, the older blonde brightened up considerably and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "The zoo was just...amazing, Bliss!" Dreamy sigh. "I got to work with the elephants all summer and I really enjoyed it." Nodnod. REALLY. "I'm definitely considering working with animals, y'know, after Hogwarts is done."
Was Bliss suggesting they do some investigating after the feast? GRIN. "I'm always up for a trip to the kitchen." So that was a definite yes. "'Sides, I really like the house elves. It'll be nice to go and say hello to them."
And Ella really should talk to the new members of Hufflepuff, yeah? Although she was a bit nervous about the whole recruiting people thing. Oh well, she had to start sometime and now was as good an opportunity as any.
"Welcome to Hufflepuff, you guys!" GRIN. "I hope you'll all consider trying out for Quidditch. I'd love to see you all on the pitch when the time comes." And the newbies got hopeful Captain Ellasaurus looks and smiles for good measure.
“Oh Ella you’ll get use to it..I know you’ll do great things.” She gave another quick hug. Shaking her head, Ella really wasn’t that unsure about herself, right? She saw how hard she worked at things and how much she had grown. “Of course I thought you would be. You’re brilliant at everything you do.” She chuckled at the innocents of Ella, it was adorable.
Min felt self-conscious all the sudden. She loved playing and she practiced over the summer, but not making the team had affected her self-esteem about being on a broom. “Yeah, it will be great to get back on that pitch. I missed it.” Oh she wanted to practice, “That would be great. I would love the extra practice. I talked to Wade about it as well. I’m planning on working extra hard.” Yes she really was planning on working really really hard this term.
A blush came over Min, she wasn’t sure why, all Ella asked was about her summer with Ethan. Was it because of Ethan or that look Ella had just given. She looked to the floor a little awkward and then just gave the goofy smile that she always had when Ethan was the topic. “Summer was wonderful, I spent most of it with Ethan. He came to the States and visited with my grandparents and then we went to Germany and stayed at his house, it was just great.”
SPOILER!!: The only thing on her mind other then school..
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan had been greeting all his new Claws and catching up with friends at the Ravenclaw table, but he couldn't help his eyes from continually drifting towards the Hufflepuff table. Once he found a lull in the conversation at his own table, he got up, if only for a few minutes, to at least say hi to his favorite Hufflepuff.
It was no surprise that she was surrounded by a bunch of people, old friends and new housemates.. she was always so friendly. As he approached her, he caught Eliza out of the corner of his eye. Hadn't he just seen her at their own table? Chuckling a bit to himself, he offered his housemate a little wave before continuing his walk. And not too far from Minerva were a couple of Puffs that he knew at least a little bit. "Hi Ella.. hey Alec," he greeted the two, giving them both a nod and smile. Min had told him that Alec had kept her company a little bit on the train while he was gone and had been grateful to the other boy for that.
Nearing Minerva, Ethan lightly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey.." he began with a bigger smile. "I won't keep you too long.. just wanted to come over and say hi to my favorite Hufflepuff." His eyes wandered over to their table.. oh, so Eliza's theory had not been correct. "So, your table has those too," he said, curiously looking at the plastics gracing the table. It wasn't about Ravenclaw being in last place, because Hufflepuff had pretty much won everything last term and they had the same second-rate tableware.
Feeling someone put their hand on her shoulder she looked up and her smile grew. “Back to tend to the younger badger again.” She gave him a wink and pated the seat next to her. “You could never keep me to long and you can stay for as long as you want. “ She didn’t want to interrupt his duties or his time with friends, but now that he had come to her she wasn’t going to let him leave that easy. Grabbing his hand she squeezed it and smiled.
Looking down at the table she shrugged, “There are many changes I’ve noticed, wonder what’s going on? It’s all kind of weird.” She frowned looking at the staff table, “Magnus isn’t up there, she must not be coming back this term.” Minerva hated this and she was trying to avoid thinking about it, but now that Ethan was there she knew she could say something and hopefully he wouldn’t mind. “I don’t see Scaboirs either, I wish I could say I’m not surprised they finally got rid of him, but with Professor Shirmer’s letter I know better.” Grumbles for that information and grumbles that her favorite professor would ever be with that man.
SPOILER!!: Bliss with West,Oakey,Theo
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
West Odessa literally never sat at other tables. Properly literally. Just didn't. He didn't mind people coming to him... but todayyyy... it was different. He had good reason to sit at a different table, namely the one that his girlfriend frequented. He was a little tiny bit delayed coming to the feast because he had to feed his pet. And had subsequently got all scratched up. He was fine, just scratched. No big deal.
He slipped in next to Bliss of course, one arm around her.
Sitting with you because we're on our best behaviour, k? K.
Bliss sat, twiddling her thumbs, waiting for a chance to escape back to the Slytherin table to find West. Her first little adventure had only brought her to Theo and Kat, but, maybe he was there now? It was worth a look. Not right now, though. Right now, she had people to talk to and new friends to make.
"West, hey," she said, completely calmly as he sat beside her, even though her heart was now racing. Bliss dropped a kiss on his cheek and snuggled up to him, wrapping an arm around him too. "How're you?" Considering things and things, y'know. Anyway, back to other people that ALL seemed to be talking to her. They'd have to deal with her plus one now. Her plus one that came first, of course.
Deal. With. It.
"Yeah..." he said, frowning down at the plastic cup in his hand. Hearing her sigh, Alec looked over at her and shrugged, sort of hoping that this meant that she wasn't alone in this? "I wonder why we have the sudden change..." Because one you have metal plates, you always have metal plates, right? Unless someone decided to... to set fire to them or do something else that was less extreme.
He had seriously HOPED that there hadn't been a fire down here. BLINK.
The boy shook his head before grinning back at the girl. "Erm... so how've you been? And how was your summer?" ... Those were two questions that he should have probably asked before talking to her about weird, plastic cutlery. Yep. He needed to sort out his priorities.
"I wonder too," she said, blinking again at the plastic stuffs. It was just weird. Normally, she'd just be like, 'pffft, it's Hogwarts', but this just seemed strange. More than Hogwarts strange, because ... why? She didn't think there seemed to be any point at all. "You don't think anything happened to the elves, do you? Or the kitchen itself?" She asked, slightly worried. Honestly, it was probably best not to put too much thought into it now and wait to the Headmistresses speech, where she'd hopefully explain it all.
Question one. "I've been alright. Maybe good." She'd been coping, basically. It was a long story, all her emotions and stuff, but she could sum it up quite easily. Alright, because family. Good, because West, who she snuggled next to at that very moment. It was pretty simple actually, when she thought about it. Now then, Summer: "Summer was ... weird and awkward for the most part, becauseofmyfamily," she mumbled, before brightening slightly, as the next subject was about West. "West and I went to Brighton and that was REALLY fun." Back to Alec, now. "How are YOU and how was YOUR holiday?" She needed to know all of the glorious details.
Blissful looked happy and considering things and stuff they’d talked about briefly, Ella was really happy to see this. ”Summer was good. A little long but yeah, fun.” Mostly for zoo reasons and Alec reasons and family reasons too. ”How about yours? Have lots of adventures?” The blonde hoped so. Adventures were the best.
Nodnod. ”It is odd! It’s…a mystery.” One that Ella was itching to solve. Darn those Nancy Drew novels.
"I have to agree there," she said and chuckled lightly. The summer had seemed to drag, a little more than she'd wanted it to. "Mine was long. Too long, but West and I went to Brighton and that was really, really fun. I guess you could call that an adventure." Yeah? All in all, her summer had been, just bearable. "Speaking of adventures, how was your job at the zoo?" She imagined it would be great, because she knew that working with animals usually was. Great, though tiring. They were hard work, but then, what wasn't?
"A mystery," she nodded in agreement. "Perhaps, if all this," she indicated to the plastic cutlery, "isn't mentioned in the speech, we could head down to the kitchen and check it out for anything weird?" Would Ella be up for that? She didn't see why not. Ella and Bliss, solving mysteries since 2080. They'd helped solve the missing trophies mystery and now, yet another mystery had presented itself, just begging them to solve it.
Minerva’s smile grew bigger when Bliss said her summer was great. Of course she spent it with West, where was that little snake anyway, probably over at his table with is friends. She had to make sure to speak with him this term. She liked to get to know her little badgers boyfriends, it was easier to find them if they hurt her friends. “So West has been good to you then, that’s fantastic. I’m so glad you had a great summer. I worried about you.” After her dad, Min had thought of Bliss a few times over summer and hoped she was doing alright.
Looking around she had to chuckle, “I can’t believe I’m one of the older ones now, it doesn’t seem possible, but your pretty much one as well.” All these first years coming up it was just crazy to Min that she was in her sixth year. Seventeen in December how did that happen. “Anyway, you happy to be back? Going out for Quidditch again I hope?” Yes that had a fantastic team last term and she hoped they would again, she hoped she’d be on it this year, but if not she still wanted them to have a good one.
"Yeah, he had been really good to me," she said with a smile. Did Minnie notice that West had now sat down and joined them? Maybe not. She decided not to bring any of the 'double-liking' stuff up, because that would just be awkward for all three of them. Beside, that stuff didn't matter. She liked West, West liked her, so there was no problem. What was life without a few complications anyway? "You didn't need to be worried, but thank you." She lowered her gaze and stared at the table. She was going to have to get used to people being worried about her, wasn't she?
... One of the older ones. Cos Minnie was now a sixth year. She was a fourth year. "It's all going by so fast," she mumbled and sighed. Before long, she'd be a sixth year too. C'mon, she already called the first years 'kiddo'. T'was weird, but she kind of liked it. She liked growing up, but she didn't like the eventually having to leave bit. BLINK. Anyway, topic change. QUIDDITCH. "I'm happy to be back, I guess," she said, skating over that subject and quickly going to Quidditch. "Yeah, I am. I can't WAIT." She really hoped she got put on the team again. She loved Quidditch too much to not be put on the team. She'd just have to try her VERY best.
All over the chatter in the hall he could hear a voice. A voice? A girls voice. Where was it coming from? Who was it? Was it in his mind? Did the voice in his head change from his to another? Like a female voice? That was impossible, wasn't it? WAS HE GOING INSANE? Nash turned his head towards the voice, it was a girl. Nope, it was just...Bliss?
Nashville grinned, a little squeal like noise came from his voice...ooopsie. Nashy covered his mouth for a moment. "BLISSSSSYYYY!" there it was, his little excitement of the feast...wait was there going to be food...well of course there would be...it is like a normal feast? Wasn'***? It had to be...right? Fooooooooooood. He needed fooooood.
Oh hey, lookie here...Bliss was inviting him to come sit with her...coool...coool....would there be fooood?
Nashville got up from his seat and walked over to sit next to Bliss. "Hey, hey." he grinned.
It took his almost a minute to locate her, but he managed it.
And ... did he squeal? HAHA.
"NASHHHH. That's right, it's ME," she agreed, budging up on the seat next to West, still snuggled up to him, making room for Nashville. "Hey! How're you? How was your summer? How are you liking Hogwarts, oh, and Hufflepuff," she asked, beaming all the while. She wanted to know everything. She was happy that he was a Hufflepuff, like her. Honestly, she couldn't imagine him being anywhere else. He fit into Hufflepuff very, very well.
ANYWAY. Tick, tock. Times-a-wasting.
Forrest was getting used to 'kiddo's and 'hey's thrown towards his direction. He was also getting used to people greeting him warmly too, so he was better at recognising people when they adressed him.
And this was the case this time too. He was quick to acknowledge her, and he smiled at her.
"I'm Forrest," he said. He didn't need any assurances, he LOVED it here already.
"I guess Hufflepuff's the best house?" Yeah, forget all about Gryffindor. He felt home in here.
Well, one good thing; he didn't seem offended by her calling him kiddo. If he was, he wasn't showing it. Either way, the nickname kiddo was going to stick, whether he liked it or not. That seemed mean, so, if he did have any objections, he should speak them and she wouldn't call him that. Actually .. "You don't mind me calling you 'kiddo', do you?" She asked politely. There, now he could say if he wished to.
Forrest? That was a cool name.
"Forrest," she repeated out loud, "it's nice to meet you." It was, honest. "Of course it is," she winked and beamed. OH. Idea. "Want some jelly beans?" she asked, taking a large packet out of her pocket, opening it and holding it out to him. The food wasn't here yet and the train journey had taken a while, so, unless he'd eaten on the train, he'd no doubt be hungry. Besides, jelly beans were her thing and she wanted everyone to know it. First years included.
Haruka didn't have much of an appetite. She figured it was due to excitement(or because she ate a bunch of sweets on the way), so she decided on her favorite hobby of daydreaming and just plain spacing out. At the moment, she was wondering where the school had found the yellow plastic cups. She'd seen them in red and even blue before, but never yellow. 'Note to self: Find someone who would know and ask where yellow cups were found.'
Haruka heard steps behind her and turned around to see an older Puff walking up to her and smiling. The older student introduced herself as Bliss and welcomed her to Hufflepuff. Haruka smiled kindly and returned the introduction. "Hi there! I'm Haruka."
The girl didn't seem hungry. She could tell because most of the other students that were, were staring longingly at the plates, almost willing them to fill themselves. As if that work. They should ALL know that the speech came first. Even at Hogwarts, food miracles didn't happen. Looking back at the girl, she figured that maybe if the girl had food to tempt her, she would become hungry. She'd already had her bag of jelly beans out after offering them to Forrest, so she just held the bag out in the young girl's direction. "Jelly beans?" She asked politely and smiled.
Bliss took a couple out for herself and popped them in her mouth. Yummy. She chewed delicately and waited for the girl's reply. Haruka. She swallowed and spoke, "that's an interesting name. It's really nice to meet you." BEAM. "How are you liking Hogwarts so far?" This was important, because depending on Haruka's answer, Bliss could help make it BETTER. Being one of the middle/older students made her feel like it was her responsibility to do that.
The Hufflepuff table was...well, a lot more HOPPIN than Tucker had remembered. There were hardly any seats! Everyone was gathered together and seemed to already have really tight-knit groups, and for the first time, he was starting to feel really nervous.
BUT OH! He knew someone there! That girl he met in the candy store--what was her name again? He was terrible with names. Wow, he was off to a great start here--ALLIE! No, wait, ALEX yes that was the name.
"Hi Alex!" he said with a grin as he approached the table. "Lost? Your table is over THERE," he joked, pointing to the Gryffindor table before sitting down next to her.
There, ice BROKEN.
"Hi everyone! I'm Tucker, Tucker Schultz," he said with a smile.
Well, there was no need to ask HIS name, was there?
He seemed like a very, um, self-confident person, much unlike herself. She may as well introduce herself too, right, seen as he'd gone to the great effort to announce his arrival to the entire table. No guessing that he was new, but he definitely wasn't a first year. Heh. No matter, it was irrelevant. "Hey," she called over and gave a little wave. "I'm Bliss." It was a good job he wasn't standing too far away, otherwise she'd have had to shout and she didn't want to do that. That, or, get up, but she was snuggled up to West and was comfy, so she wasn't doing that either.
Smiling, Minerva was glad West made sure she had a good summer, Blissy deserved it. She was such a great girl, but all of Min’s little badgers were fantastic. Oh and speak of the devil, “Were your ears burning West? Minerva smiled at the snake, “Hope you had a great summer.” She didn’t know the boy all that well, but what she did know she liked. Oh and then there were other snakes at the table, “Hello Theo” but it didn’t seem Theo was there for just socializing, she let out a little chuckle at him and a bigger laugh when he caught the big head boys attention. Still not sure how on earth Oakey ended up as head boy Minerva just sat quietly for a bit.
Then she felt she had to speak to him, play nice for Ariana was going through her head. “Hello Oakey, good summer?” There that was about as nice as she was getting. Turning back to Bliss she smiled about quidditch, “So glad your going out again, you did such a great job. I think I’m going out again this term. Hopefully we will be on the team together.”
Originally Posted by hpfan18
After he found out he was in the hufflepuff house, he was so relieved. He was in the house his sister was in. As he was approaching the hufflepuff table he was shaking in his shoes because he was so nervous. Kace walked to the table and he saw everyone else talking and making new friends. He did meet new friends on the boat and they were nice but he wondered what other puffs were first years.
Kace saw Minnie the girl he met on the train. She seemed to be popular and he decided to let her chat. But he did not mind this house. He thought he was going to like it here.
Minerva then saw another face that made her jump and she pulled Ethan along with her. “I have someone you have to meet.” As she approached Kace she couldn’t help but put her hands on his shoulders. “You’re a PUFF, this is soooo awesome!! Belle is going to be so proud of you! I know your going to be a great addition to our house.”
She sat down next to him and smiled, “Hey I have someone else I want you to meet. This is Ethan, he was another great friend of your sisters. Ethan, this is Kace, Kace is Belle’s brother.” and that is why I pushed you over here to meet him, Minerva thought. “So Kace are you excited?” She knew she felt excited for him and for Belle, if her brother would have been able to come to Hogwarts she felt it would be awesome if he could have been a puff just like her.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Theo
Originally Posted by Emzily
Hmm? Oh look at those judgy eyes over there. Theo mouthed the word 'wot?' across the table at West, then placed the snapped cutlery back onto the table, all neat-like. No one would even know that they were broken until they picked it up.
And Theo would be long gone by then.
See? Easy destruction and no one would even know it was him. Apart from West who was being laaaaame.
Originally Posted by Emzily
Theo made a face of disgust at Oakey Gunter. A guy that he would always hate with a burning passion. But was the "HEAD BOY" getting away with it that easy? No, sir. Theo pulled out his wand an shot the water spell at his plate full of writing.
*sassy finger snap*
Alistaire had excused himself from the Staff Table temporarily. What with Bonny being pregnant and about to give birth, he didn't like to leave her for too long in a row. So, he had set off down the gap next to the Hufflepuff table, not really sad to be parted from the chaos that was the Welcoming Feast.
However, a series of strange noises pulled him out of his own thoughts. Looking to his left, the first thing he was was.. A Slytherin? Ah yes, it was Theo. No doubt he was accompanying West. But.. what was he doing? Is he breaking the cutlery? Sure enough, an audible SNAP! confirmed his suspicions. And only moments later, he was spraying water onto the Head Boy and his plate. Poor life choice, Kinsley.
Ali paused and waited to see what Oakey would do. Fail at nonverbal spells, apparently. For nothing appeared to happen to Theodore. Then the Captain was glaring and getting angry. I had better intervene, if only for Theo's safety. Those badgers... they could be rabid once angered.
Ali put his hand on the young man's shoulder. "Theo, why are yeh causing so much destruction? Firs' the cutlery, now Oakey's.. erm... letter, homework, whatever. I expect yeh ter be repairing th' damage to the cutlery yerself. An' apologizing ter Gunter."
He didn't wait for the excuses and protestations that were sure to come. "I'm takin' five points from yeh for disrespectin' property. Yeh can earn them back if yeh rewrite whatever it was Gunter was working on for him." With a wave of his wand, Alistaire Banished the sopping plate and, with an additional twiddle, replaced it with a dry one. "Bring it up ter me after the Headmistress has given her speech an' I'll add back the points."
Without waiting for Theo to reply, he swept past the group of students and left the hall, intent on checking in on Bonny.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
SPOILER!!: MeanOakey
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey wrote down one more sentenced he recalled from one his his earlier papers, when suddenly a gushing stream of water hit his work! WIMP!!! Oakey flailed and yelled as water splashed up from the table and onto him as well! The Stream finally stopped and Oakey wasn't giving the Snake a sour lemon glare. No, he was glaring at him. That was his fourth, no fifth attempt to get the assignment done, and now it was soaked. Oakey whipped his wand out and with a quick swish, Oakey stuck Theodore's rear-end to the seat he was on. "You wanna sit with us, you can eat with us."
Yeah, Oakey was proud of his sticking charms, he perfected it this summer. Hope Wimpy enjoyed eating at the feast next to him. Cause Oakey was going to make Theodore's time today a living hell now.
Cue more glaring.
Oh and he may need that Parchment after all
The yelling and glaring meant nothing to Theo. In fact, he enjoyed that he had just annoyed Oakey. He just rolled his eyes at the older puffer, and was about to get up and disappear from the table, but he was STUCK. His head snapped back to the head boy, the rage boiling under his skin already.
He tried to get up again.
And again.
"You flipping idiot, I don't want to sit with your stupid table." Theo pretty much growled. Someone would save him. Especially if he started crying. Hmmm... that could work.
SPOILER!!: EllaSassyPants
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella gave him a look and tried her hardest not to roll her eyes. She wasn’t blind, y’know. And he was mad? HE was mad at HER? SHEESH. She wasn’t the one…doing whatever it was HE was doing. Merlin, he was frustrating sometimes. The blonde brought the badge back and answered curtly, “Yeah, thanks.” It wouldn’t kill him to FAKE a little enthusiasm for her, would it?
And then he was implying that she was an idiot? Or that her question was stupid? Or simply saying that breaking utensils was acceptable behavior. Sigh. This earned the boy an Ella!eyeroll.
OH... look at chu with your sassy looks.
Is that what a badge did to a person, huh?
Theodore eyerolled back at fancy-captain-pants, and seriously would have turned and strutted away, if his butt wasn't stuck to the seat. PFFT - we weren't even bothered.
SPOILER!!: Booooohoooooo
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Text Cut: Theo
Alistaire had excused himself from the Staff Table temporarily. What with Bonny being pregnant and about to give birth, he didn't like to leave her for too long in a row. So, he had set off down the gap next to the Hufflepuff table, not really sad to be parted from the chaos that was the Welcoming Feast.
However, a series of strange noises pulled him out of his own thoughts. Looking to his left, the first thing he was was.. A Slytherin? Ah yes, it was Theo. No doubt he was accompanying West. But.. what was he doing? Is he breaking the cutlery? Sure enough, an audible SNAP! confirmed his suspicions. And only moments later, he was spraying water onto the Head Boy and his plate. Poor life choice, Kinsley.
Ali paused and waited to see what Oakey would do. Fail at nonverbal spells, apparently. For nothing appeared to happen to Theodore. Then the Captain was glaring and getting angry. I had better intervene, if only for Theo's safety. Those badgers... they could be rabid once angered.
Ali put his hand on the young man's shoulder. "Theo, why are yeh causing so much destruction? Firs' the cutlery, now Oakey's.. erm... letter, homework, whatever. I expect yeh ter be repairing th' damage to the cutlery yerself. An' apologizing ter Gunter."
He didn't wait for the excuses and protestations that were sure to come. "I'm takin' five points from yeh for disrespectin' property. Yeh can earn them back if yeh rewrite whatever it was Gunter was working on for him." With a wave of his wand, Alistaire Banished the sopping plate and, with an additional twiddle, replaced it with a dry one. "Bring it up ter me after the Headmistress has given her speech an' I'll add back the points."
Without waiting for Theo to reply, he swept past the group of students and left the hall, intent on checking in on Bonny.
Snap, a professor.
Keep your head down, Kinsley, KEEP IT DOWN.
Theo closed his eyes whilst the groundskeeper walked on by, but there it was. His named being called. Darn. Okay, okay... he kinda did agree with the whole cutlery snapping thing being bad, but the whole thing with Gunter....?! He totally had that coming! Theodore frowned hard, first at Oakey, and then at the groundskeeper, who he totally never liked much in the first place, you know.
"Sorry, I'll repair it, sir..." He paused. 5 POINTS? DANG, this groundskeeper was tight. He was only having a bit of fun at this boring feast and he was losing points. The first points of the term. How embarrassing. Apologizing to Oakey, though? No chance.
Just to get him off of his back, Theo pouted and muttered, "Fine!" And as the man turned to walk away, Theo made an extremely sour face to his behind.
YEAH, you walk away.
So.... ugh.... "What were you even writing on that stupid plate?" Should we point out that writing on school property was also vandalizm? Yeah, we were totally gonna mention that later, to someone a whole lot cooler than the groundskeeper.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Looking down she saw the table and frowned, what was going on.. what was the problem with the dishes. Did the little house elves finally go on strike or something? Hmm this was interesting. Sighing she looked up and saw Nessie smiling she walked over to the girl and gave her a hug, "Nessie, congrats on the Head Girl, this is just amazing. Are you excited?" It was excited, well Minerva thought it was at least. She knew Nessie would do a great job.
This whole plastic thing was really, really odd and before Nessie knew it she was pouting wondering what could be the reason for it all. It just didn't make sense, none of it. Where were the elves? They usually cleaned this up. Heh, anyways, someone was calling her.
The Hufflepuff looked up and spotted Minnie, a blonde a year younger than her. She smiled and blushed slightly at the congratulation, for some reason she went all shy about the whole Head Girl thing, it just she wasn't sure about it yet. "Thank you." Her smile went slightly nervous. "Um...guess I am excited? I ..I'm a little nervous, I think. I'm not to sure myself." Her emotions were a big mush about the badge and to say she truly knew what she felt would have been a lie.
"Anyways, how was your summer?" Good change of topic, yeah?
Text Cut: Forrest! :3
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Forrest didn't remember when and how he'd walked to the table too--but this time he didn't remember out of DELIGHT. His face was all flushed and although they didn't fall--tears had piled up in his eyes. He almost skipped to the table and then, out of utter DELIGHT, did something he'd NEVER do again--he adressed the whole table by standing at its beginning.
Then, taking his seat somewhere in the middle, he kept beaming at people until he realised he probably looked pretty silly. He blushed a little and bowed his head forward in shame. Silly, SILLY Forrest making a scene everywhere!
Then his brain registered the plastic. It was enough to erase the smile completely.
With a troubled look on his face, he looked around to see whether someone explained it. Not that he was an expert on how things worked 'round here, but Hogwarts was rich enough to provide them with metal silverware and plates.
As soon as the first firstie to appear greeted the table, Nessie only had her eyes on one thing and that was his cheeks. They were all red and blushy and just oh so adorable that all she wanted to do was run over to the little stranger and squish his cheeks flat. Mellow. But she wouldn't do that, she had to stay calm and not frighten the poor kid away, because what kind of a Head Girl pinched firsties cheeks? Not a normal one.
Fooorgeeet about the cheeks, forget about them.
She shook her head and instead of pulling some crazy cheek pinching she smiled at the kid and greeted him back. "Hey, kiddo. Welcome to Hufflepuff." Good enough behavior, right? Because Merlin it was difficult not to pinch those squishy cheeks.
Text Cut: Alecutie! xD
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
And then things became a little sad. All because a certain redhead entered the Hall and Alec... remembered things.
Alec frowned slightly as he watched the girl walk over towards the Hufflepuff table and, more specifically, to where he was seated with Bliss and Ells. It would be exactly like the time Keefer left, yeah? Alec remembered that day very well. He remembered the way he wanted to hug the guy and not let him go because letting him go would mean him leaving. And this... would be similar yeah?
Head!shake. He smiled at the girl and reaching over, gave her a BIG hug. Because, well, hugs were a part of his greeting to people he knew well enough. Nodnod. "Hey LochNessie!" Did she... want to be Head Girl LochNessie just yet? Because he couldn't call her Captain LochNessie anymore so... new nickname? Yes? No? Maybe so?
... What? Alec's grey eyes shot up and he BLINKED. The frown that had been playing on his face when Nessie walked in was back. "They've never been torn before, right?" he asked, looking down from the banners and at the redhead, "Erm... do you think... someone tore them on purpose?" Or... was it another reason entirely? FROWN.
Still as adorable as ever, that was her Alecutie. She had missed him way to much, along with her other kiddos of course.
He had grown though, grown plenty over the holidays, she could tell by his hug. It made Nessie sad yet proud at the same time to see that her little kiddos were becoming bigger, better and of course more and more amazing each day. She knew they'd all be special individuals one day, in actual fact they already were. They honestly meant the world to her and she would do close to anything for them.
Smiling she took her own arms and wrapped them around him tightly. "Hey, Alecutie!" She was still allowed to call him that, right? Or did outgrow it? He'd say something, wouldn't he? Heh either way, he's still be her little cutie no matter what anybody said, even if she couldn't call him that aloud, still he'd be her little bro, cutie.
Nope, not that she remembered ever seeing them torn. She shook her head at him then pouted, pouted and thought. Hmmm..even the fact that they were torn, why weren't they fixed with a simple repairing spell before the students arrived? It was odd, that was one thing for sure. "I don't know kiddo, I don't know." The pouting just continued as she finally took a seat.
Text Cut: Blissy! <3
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
It was her Nessers. Her Nessers was here. So far during the feast, Bliss had remained calm and normal, but now, she was about ready to explode. She had many things that she wanted to say to the Seventh Year and knowing her, they'd all come out at once. A hug, at least, would come before all of that.
"NESSERS!" Bliss exclaimed, shimmying down the bench to her former Captain. She promptly wrapped her arms around the girl and squeezed tight. Finally, she wasn't TOO small. Over the summer, she'd grown, not just as a person, but in height. She was now exactly-ish four feet tall. Granted, that was still quite small, but not TOO small anymore. She liked it. Especially, since it showed off how she'd grown as a person, too. "How was your summer? Great, I hope! Congratulations on becoming Head Girl, I know you're going make a great one. You really, really deserve it. I've missed you SO much!"
Was that her ramble over?
Almost. Just once more thing. "I hope I make you proud this year."
The sight of her youngest kiddo made Nessie smile as widely as ever. The summer had been way too long and look at her Blissy, just like Alec, she had grown! Time flew by too fast, didn't it? Best to make the most of it then. especially this year, she wanted her moments to last and be remembered forever and ever.
With her skinny arms, Nessie squished her baby badger as tightly as she could. It felt so good to see her again. "BLISSERS!" She called back and giggled at herself. She felt younger again, she felt energetic and happy too, but she always felt happy around her kiddos. They just did that to her, they made her smile, giggle and beam. "Summer was good." Nothing too special really happened. How was her-- before she could even think what she wanted to ask Bliss went on with her rambling.
Blink. Mellow. Blink.
Head girl talk, it made Ness feel weird all over again. "Thanks, kiddo. That means a lot coming from you, and I guess I'll try my best?" To be the best that was. "And I've missed you too, TONS! I mean look how much you've grown!" She still could not get over how her little Blissy was now a fourth year. "How was your summer?" she asked what she had wanted to say before, because she did want to know.
Those. Few. Words. They repeated themselves a few times before Nessie could respond. The fact that her eyes got slightly watery because of those words didn't help, neither did it help that she couldn't explain why those words made her wibbly. "I...You always do. That's why I love you, little sis." Noooo she would not cry, she refused to be a sobbing mess only on the first day. The small tears of happiness, or more like mixed emotions didn't care about her refusal though, because slowly they escaped her eyes.
Text Cut: Ellacutie! <3
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Loch Nessie!
“Hey Ness!” Ella was really happy to see the older badger, even if she was sad that this was Nessie’s last opening feast. GAH. Why did people have to grow up again? Anyway, she’d happily ignore Nessie’s year and focus on more happy things like dance parties and sing-alongs and Ferocious Trio things. ”Ready for some more common room performances?” Giggle. Ella couldn’t wait to belt songs with Bliss and Ness.
Banners? Ella’s green eyes traveled up to where their normally quite spiffy banner was displayed and blinked. ”What in Merlin’s beard…?”
It was the second time she had seen her today, it was nice having one of her kiddos in the same train compartment as her now. But of course that was not the only reason Nessie was happy with Ella today. That Captain badge, it was really well deserved.
"Hey, Captain!" She gave her a wink and smile. The title suited her.
Giggle. Performances! Of course! What would be a year without them? "Yeah, been practicing all summer!" she teased. "Are you, ready?"And was Bliss too? Because then it was time for FEROCIOUSNESS!
Yeah, What in Merlins beard. "Got no idea what it is." She pouted some at the banner and wondered if the staff were already informed about it. Or were one of them meant to do that?
Text Cut: Kace! :3
Originally Posted by hpfan18
After he found out he was in the hufflepuff house, he was so relieved. He was in the house his sister was in. As he was approaching the hufflepuff table he was shaking in his shoes because he was so nervous. Kace walked to the table and he saw everyone else talking and making new friends. He did meet new friends on the boat and they were nice but he wondered what other puffs were first years.
Kace saw Minnie the girl he met on the train. She seemed to be popular and he decided to let her chat. But he did not mind this house. He thought he was going to like it here.
And who was this little kiddo?
Golly gosh, he was so adorable, just like that other firstie with the cheeks. In fact all firsties were adorable, which their miniature uniform and cute little faces. Why couldn't everyone just stay eleven forever? Those were surely the best years of Hogwarts, no? Nessie believed they were, but then of course she remembered her first year and decided to change her mind about that.
Poor kiddo, he looked lonely and in need of some company. With a warm smile the seventh year went on over. "Hey, kiddo. I'm Nessie." She extended her hand out for a shake.
Text Cut: Oakey and Theo stuff cause she's being a curious cat. |:
*insert all the quotes here*
Huh? Why was the Groundskeeper here?
All of the Hufflepuff's attention shifted straight towards the staff member who now stood right by Oakey and two Slytherins, one of which she knew was Theo.
Meeeh snakes. Causing trouble again, were they? This was not good, never was good. With her curious eyes she watched as the Groundskeeper spoke to them both and then continued watching as Theo and Ella began eye-rolling at each other. That bit made her frown because she didn't like these snakes attitudes towards her badgers. She wouldn't say anything though, he'd been lectured enough so it seemed.
But the Head Boy, yeah she wanted to speak to him. "Oakey, everything good?" She gave him a concerned pout. Did he need help or anything, or was he good?
Text Cut: All you newly Huffies :3
*pretends to quote you all*
New Hufflepuffs, they always brought a smile to Nessie's face. Last year this would have meant more people to sign up for try-outs, but this year that was Ella's job and now the thought of new Hufflepuffs meant a better chance at that house cup. All they needed was to work out, which badgers did most of the time.
Nod. Nod. Nod. She smile-nodded at them all in greeting then decided it was better to also welcome them with words. "Welcome to Hufflepuff all of you!" She rose her voice a little so that they could hear her. If they needed anything she was there for them, yes? That was her duty now, wasn't it?
The newly sorted Hufflepuff skipped down to the table with the....well rather homely looking yellow and black banner over it. Odd considering how lavish the train had been. Her green eyes tried to spot Minnie as she was extremely excited to be in the same house with her new friend. It seemed she was surrounded by a bunch of people so Bay took an empty seat near the end.
A frown crossed her face as she looked at the dinner ware. Paper plates and plastic cups? Honestly she had expected nice china or something like it. Even the orphanage had actual plates and glasses. This was just....well....disappointing. Sighing Bay took a drink of water from her plastic cup and waited for dinner to start. All the excitement from today had the 11 year old starving for food. Her little body was still shaking a bit but that would pass eventually.
The blonde noticed how upon the boy actually noticing her he seemed to smile even larger and that made her grin in return actually. Well that settled the fact that he also seemed to enjoy her company, despite how little they actually spoke or knew about one another. Still Kahlan was quite determined to get to know him so as he shuffled over she sat down. "Thanks" she said referring to the fact that he allowed her to sit.
"Nice to meet you Forrest" she said, unsure whether or not she should offer to shake his hand or not but for now she left it as she was. "Sooo are there any classes that you're looking forward to?" she asked, not entirely sure what to talk about but wanting to keep this conversation flowing.
And then the question he dreaded came.
No, the right question should be 'Are there any classes you KNOW about?' Because really, he was probably the most ignorant person there. He didn't know ANYTHING about this world at all. But was he going to reveal that?
Of course not.
So, without hesitating for a moment, he said "History of Magic." That was the only class he knew about, and it wasn't too hard to guess what it was, so it was the safest to utter as his favourite.
"What's yours?"
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
Well, one good thing; he didn't seem offended by her calling him kiddo. If he was, he wasn't showing it. Either way, the nickname kiddo was going to stick, whether he liked it or not. That seemed mean, so, if he did have any objections, he should speak them and she wouldn't call him that. Actually .. "You don't mind me calling you 'kiddo', do you?" She asked politely. There, now he could say if he wished to.
Forrest? That was a cool name.
"Forrest," she repeated out loud, "it's nice to meet you." It was, honest. "Of course it is," she winked and beamed. OH. Idea. "Want some jelly beans?" she asked, taking a large packet out of her pocket, opening it and holding it out to him. The food wasn't here yet and the train journey had taken a while, so, unless he'd eaten on the train, he'd no doubt be hungry. Besides, jelly beans were her thing and she wanted everyone to know it. First years included.
How was he supposed to say he minded actually to a person that was older than him? No matter how nice she asked it, he still couldn't say. It'd be probably rude for one thing. So, "I don't mind," was his answer, trying to sound as convincing as he could.
"It's nice to meet you too." ... He eyed the jelly beans. He wasn't a big fan of them... they made his teeth hurt. But she shared with him, so... he took one. Just one.
"Thank you." He smiled, a genuine smile this time.
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Ermigerd it was Nate's knew favorite first year Forrest! He was in his house too! Now he would have to watch to first years. His sister, who unfortunately was a Slytherin, and there was Forrest....the most adorable little thing you would ever see. "Hey Forrest! I see you met some of my friends. So welcome to the house of Hufflepuff. I don't mean to brag, but we're five years in a row House Cup winners. Hopefully it will be six. Though you never know. You're going to love Hufflepuff. You can even ask Oakey, Alyssa, Alec, or Ella." Speaking of which that's when he noticed Alyssa and Oakey.
House Cup? Was that a sports trophy? Forrest's face lit up. It had to be. So, he liked this house even more. Maybe he could even be in the team? He had been in the football team of his previous school in Saudi Arabia, why not here?
"Yeah, hopefully," he muttered, but they couldn't speak more since he spotted his friends. Anyways. Not that Forrest was alone either.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva laughed at the excited little badger. She loved seeing all the excitement it was refreshing to start the term so positive. Well other then the silverware which she was still wondering about. “Well I’m glad your excited. We need all the excited badgers we can. We have cups to defend.” She grinned at boy. “It’s very nice to meet you Forrest, and that is a very interesting name you have.” She liked interesting names. She thought they were fun. “So tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from?”
This was the second time someone mentioned a cup. Now he was even more curious, though he preferred to ask it some time else--no need to reveal his ignorance now.
"Thanks," he said, blushing again when she complimented on his name.
Tell about himself? There was barely anything to be told about. "I'm from Durham," he said, pausing to think what else to add. But really, he couldn't think of anything else, so...
Originally Posted by Talikins
As soon as the first firstie to appear greeted the table, Nessie only had her eyes on one thing and that was his cheeks. They were all red and blushy and just oh so adorable that all she wanted to do was run over to the little stranger and squish his cheeks flat. Mellow. But she wouldn't do that, she had to stay calm and not frighten the poor kid away, because what kind of a Head Girl pinched firsties cheeks? Not a normal one.
Fooorgeeet about the cheeks, forget about them.
She shook her head and instead of pulling some crazy cheek pinching she smiled at the kid and greeted him back. "Hey, kiddo. Welcome to Hufflepuff." Good enough behavior, right? Because Merlin it was difficult not to pinch those squishy cheeks.
A person with a badge. Daichi had a badge too, and he tormented him for a MONTH with that joke he played on him. So Forrest regarded her with a liiiiittle bit suspicious too, just in case.
"Thanks." He smiled, though it was a bit distanced out of respect and fear.
Hufflepuff is HANDS DOWN the chattiest house hahaha
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
That was a good point right there. "The yellow cups really helped set it off this year too." She said, holding up the yellow cup she had traded her red one for. Anything to make Lottie happier around all this yellow.
Yeah, that got an eyebrow raise. "Really?...huh...such an odd thing to see on the train. I don't think it happens often." Her brows crinkled as she mused just a bit. Fighting 'Claws, and she missed it?? Pity. She could've placed a bet, had everything nicely set up and everything. Guess there was no use dwelling on that now and no use asking him who either was because he probably wouldn't have known...unless he was something like her and he asked. "You didn't happen to catch their names, did you?" She didn't know many Ravenclaw's who'd actually throw a punch.
As for the food. "Not exactly. We have to wait for the Headmistress to get appropriately comfy in her chair, talk to her mouth's content then give the longest speech of the century. Oh! But I snuck down to the kitchen before heading here, have a couple cupcakes and cookies if you want some?" Again, the food could be a while.
Tucker shrugged. "I dunno what their problem was but it was odd. Next thing I knew though we were at the station so I just booked it out of there," he chuckled.
His eyes widened when she said that it might not be a while until food. They had to wait for the SPEECH? But why?? He'd be so much more focused if he had food in his mouth! He grinned when she offered him some cookies though, to pass the time. They weren't as good as candy, but pretty close.
"Thanks!" he said with a smile.
He then turned to the table and for the first time noticed that there were plastic utensils there. "Is this, uh, normal?" he asked, picking up a fork and examining it with interest.
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
Her eyes drifted down the table again and saw the boy who'd been in the compartment with her on the train. (Lissy Longbottom) Never did learn his name... she thought as she watched him for a moment. He'd seemed sort of shyish on the train, but maybe that was just because of the weirdness. She waited to catch his eye and gave him a small smile when he noticed. Sort of another half meeting. Kind of.
Just as Tucker was looking over his plastic fork and wondering what on earth was going on, he realized that the girl from the train was seated nearby. He hadn't really gotten too good a look at her, due to the DRAMA in the compartment, but he smiled and gave her a little knowing wave when he saw she was there.
"Hi! You were on the train with those two guys, right?" he asked.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Text Cut: Lex and Tucker!
Two Ravenclaws? Fighting? Well, that was...strange. Ravenclaws didn't go around fighting. At least not punching someone. They could argue a lot, though. And never get the point (some of them, most of them).
But she was interested, and she also noticed Lex's disappointment in having missed that. "Lotus Wisteria. Good to meet you, Tucker," it wasn't precisely great that she was meeting him through gossip, but she didn't mind the news.
Tucker's attention was drawn once again from the plastic silverware as more Hufflepuff's started introducing themselves to him. This one in particular caught his attention though--she was a pretty nice looking girl. And she had a kind of...what was the word he was looking for? Fierceness? Yes, a sort of fierceness about her that made Tucker decide right there that he DEFINITELY wanted to get to know her better.
So he flashed her his nicest smile. "Nice to meet you too Lotus. What year are you?" he asked. No harm in making conversation right?
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey looked down at his paper plate. and over to the one Theodore was sitting over. Paper was something he needed as he wasted all the parchment on the Train ride up trying to write Professor Flamsteed's Summer Assignment. Without asking Oakey grabbed the plate in front of the Slytherin and layed it on top of the paper plate in front of him. He pulled a quill from his robe and started writing down on the Paper Plates. So long as the Assignment was done the Large Foreheaded Professor would have to accept it.
OH LOOK! Prefect! And not just the prefect, but the HEAD BOY! Tucker had no forgotten his goal of someday taking over that boy's position, so he was ready to start off on a good foot with this guy and hopefully help his position in the future running for the job. Did he have any say in the new prefect? He hoped so!
"Hi! Tucker Schultz, 3rd year Hufflepuff," he said, holding out a hand for a shake. "How cool to have the Head Boy in our house!"
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
Well, there was no need to ask HIS name, was there?
He seemed like a very, um, self-confident person, much unlike herself. She may as well introduce herself too, right, seen as he'd gone to the great effort to announce his arrival to the entire table. No guessing that he was new, but he definitely wasn't a first year. Heh. No matter, it was irrelevant. "Hey," she called over and gave a little wave. "I'm Bliss." It was a good job he wasn't standing too far away, otherwise she'd have had to shout and she didn't want to do that. That, or, get up, but she was snuggled up to West and was comfy, so she wasn't doing that either.
The nearby Hufflepuff girl with the Slytherin boyfriend--or at least he assumed that, cause they just SEEMED kind of close--introduced herself to him and he grinned, giving her a little wave from his spot at the table. "Hiya Bliss, nice to meet you!" he said with a friendly grin.
So many people to keep track of! If only he'd done this the first time around, it would be so much easier...
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
"Welcome to Hufflepuff, you guys!" GRIN. "I hope you'll all consider trying out for Quidditch. I'd love to see you all on the pitch when the time comes." And the newbies got hopeful Captain Ellasaurus looks and smiles for good measure.
Tucker really hadn't taken TOO much notice of the one girl nearby (he was much more focused on that Lotus girl, hehe) but when she stood up and announced she was the Quidditch Captain--WELL he just HAD to take notice then.
"You're captain? Sweet! What position do you play?" he asked, mostly because he was curious but also hoping it wasn't the positions HE was going to try out for, since it was pretty obvious who would win in THAT situation.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Min gave him a small smile, “Nice to meet you as well.” Then she gave him an interested look. He was here before, hmmm had she met him before, she couldn’t remember. “Oh well welcome back then. So past two years, what was that like?” She hadn’t really met to many homeschooled students, so that was very interesting to her.
Well since he was an older then he would know more about what was going on around here, “Any classes your really looking forward to? I am anxious to get back to Charms and Transfiguration.” She wasn’t sure how she felt about the switch in Transfiguration, but not much she can do about that now was there.
Tucker shrugged. "Eh, it was ok I guess. My mum got pretty stressed since she started a new job at the Ministry, and she's really good at charms and stuff but not much easily," he chuckled. "She tried her best though, and I'm well caught up with everyone else," he explained. He didn't want her thinking he was way behind and some big slacker or something since he was homeschooled.
"Definitely charms," he said with a nod. "My mum is REALLY big on that so I know a ton about it. I'm just curious about all of it since I've never been to a real class," he explained.
He was still a bit nervous about all that but...he'd manage. He'd think about that tomorrow.[/COLOR]
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
She wanted another one just in case?? Okay so was she not having much or going to have more. Lex needed to work this all out before she went back to the Gryffie table, like seriously. Lottie was the thinker and now Lottie was thinking...more. Good thing she had the whole bag.
Yes Lottie, we're at Hogwarts, that's not what she meant though. "I get that bit, how do you think I charmed my bag? I meant like while we're waiting on the speech and stuff. I don't know what's allowed anymore 'cause once this girl did this thing," she didn't actually see what the girl did but the point is she obviously did it because, "then the Healer came down from the staff table and took 10 points from Ravenclaw." Yup. True story. Left her terrified of the Healer for a while actually.
Of course she heard when Lottie said she shouldn't get used to it but Lex had always been one to hear what she wanted to believe what she wanted soooo...she was gonna pretend they weren't talking about hugging, that way she could lie to herself just a bit longer. Nodnodnod.
The name...? "No actually...I wasn't paying much attention to what he'd been saying. I was kinda preoccupied with the fact that Audrey ran even though we were meant to stick together."Unfortunately the kid never got eaten either. Ah well. Karma would happen eventually. Plus, the detention after was kinda fun.
And she didn't run into people...?
"Really? How come? It's super fun you know. I run into people all the time and only hurt myself about half the time. The people are usually fine though and you can have some of the funniest conversations right after running right into someone." She couldn't tell just how many people she'd run into!
Good tiiiiiimes.
What are you thinking Lex? Lottie smiled before speaking once more, "Two cupcakes, because you never know. I may not even eat them tonight, but tomorrow." What if the Giant Squid made an appearance? She could give it a cupcake, which the squid wouldn't enjoy, since they eat fish and seafood.
Huh? Well, then, what on earth are you talking about, Lex? OH. That was entirely different, though. The girl was probably hexing someone instead, or transfiguring something she shouldn't have. "I guess that would depend on what she was doing, don't you think?" she stated, shrugging a bit and glancing at the Ravenclaw table, sorry she couldn't help doing that. But then she pretended to be focused on the red cup..., "No one would get in trouble for cleaning, you just ask Professor Lafay or Professor Flamsteed to back you up," because THEY will understand, thank you.
UGH. Don't remind her. Audrey. Where did she go to, by the way? THIS gave her the perfect opportunity to scan the Ravenclaw table again, though, not really scan it since she knew where to look now, "I never heard of her again, did you?" Lottie, for one, didn't seem to miss her. In fact, she'd forgotten about her until Lex brought her up.
LAUGHTER. It was happening. And lots of it. "No. I don't." She was entirely amused by Lex, though, "People do run into me sometimes," her eyes flickered to the table with the blue cups before looking back at Lex. Ironically, they never ran into each other, that was an interesting fact. Or just a fact, since it wasn't interesting at all.
Text Cut: Tucker!
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Tucker shrugged. "I dunno what their problem was but it was odd. Next thing I knew though we were at the station so I just booked it out of there," he chuckled.
His eyes widened when she said that it might not be a while until food. They had to wait for the SPEECH? But why?? He'd be so much more focused if he had food in his mouth! He grinned when she offered him some cookies though, to pass the time. They weren't as good as candy, but pretty close.
"Thanks!" he said with a smile.
He then turned to the table and for the first time noticed that there were plastic utensils there. "Is this, uh, normal?" he asked, picking up a fork and examining it with interest.
Tucker's attention was drawn once again from the plastic silverware as more Hufflepuff's started introducing themselves to him. This one in particular caught his attention though--she was a pretty nice looking girl. And she had a kind of...what was the word he was looking for? Fierceness? Yes, a sort of fierceness about her that made Tucker decide right there that he DEFINITELY wanted to get to know her better.
So he flashed her his nicest smile. "Nice to meet you too Lotus. What year are you?" he asked. No harm in making conversation right?
Seriously? He didn't even get the names? Well, what was the point in telling that bit of info if you couldn't go into details, eh? There was no point in listening anymore. Though, it was still sliiiightly interesting to find out that Ravenclaws could throw punches now and then.
Except he was making conversation now and with a smile. A smile that she returned, of course. "Third year. Yourself?" She hadn't been listening until now, so...if he said it before...then she didn't hear it.
Also, "What kind of a name is Tucker, anyway?" Suited a Hufflepuff, though. And maybe a Gryffindor.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Text Cut: Tucker
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Tucker nodded. "Yeah, not too hard to find the table with all the yellow and black," he chuckled. He was going to ask her more about the cup or whatever she said she had done to come over here since she clearly wasn't there for it anymore.
Awar was noticing a whole bunch of faces she hadn't recognized before. A lot of new people were coming this term it seemed. She walked up to another boy who seemed to be her age. He was rather...cute. "Hi! Are you new here? Or have I just been so oblivious to not see you around?" Awar was taken aback from the coquettish tone that had escaped her lips. She tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear and her ice-blue eyes grew big as she glanced around to see if anyone noticed. That was a completely unintentional! I swear!
Text Cut: Forrest
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Despite his first disappointment with Hufflepuff, Forrest'd started to regard this house higher than the others. People were nice here and they made him feel like he belonged to somewhere. He belonged to them, see? They were a big family and although he was still nervous, they made him feel relaxed.
So, he wasn't as startled as he'd been for the previous two times. He even offered her a smile too--a shaky smile that is--and shook her hand.
"I'm Forrest, thanks for the welcome." She looked close to his age, so she got a grin for that.
She placed his hand on top of his as he shook hers in attempt to calm his obvious nerves. "I had a friend named Forrest, once. You'll love it here at Hogwarts! We grow in such a loving family, you'll probably won't want to go home!" She smiled sweetly at him.
Text Cut: Haruka
Originally Posted by SakuraMochi
Haruka was fiddling with her fork, daydreaming about a cat army invading a yarn factory, when she heard someone approaching her. She turned and saw an older boy leaning over to her with a big smile on his face. He introduced himself as Alec.
Haruka smiled back and said, "Hi Alec, I'm Haruka. Nice to meet you!"
"Hi Minnie," Haruka replied, smiling, after the older girl introduced herself. "I'm Haruka!" When the older Puff asked if she was excited about school, Haruka nodded enthusiastically. "Very excited!" Her smile grew wider. "I can't wait for classes to start!"
Awar walked up to another newbie. "Hi! I'm Awarlesta! Welcome into our family!" She held out her hand, "You'll love it here. I can almost guarantee it!" Her face was starting to hurt from all the smiling, but she couldn't help it. She had to share her enthusiasm with everybody else.
Text Cut: Nate
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Upon entering the Great Hall Nate was happy that he was back at Hogwarts. Instead this time his eyes were back to it's normal hazelish color. Though there was one thing Nate noticed about his table that wasn't all that normal...the banner looked older instead of it's normal bright, happy, and more youthful look to it. Now it was just plan old. Odd. That turned Nate's smile into a slight frown, but he was still really happy! Because he was back at Hogwarts with all of his friends. Like normal he walked over to the house table...like he does every year, an sits down by every one of his friends. Then he noticed...plastic ware?! WHAT WAS THIS?! First the banner, now the plates, cups, and utensils!? What's next the classrooms are going to shrink so then it's going to be a tight fit? The common rooms wouldn't be clean like they are every year? Now this was an out rage.
Awar spotted one of her good friends, Nate and gestured for him to come closer. "Nate! How are you, mate?" Ha, that rhymed. "I hope your summer was well?" She hugged him tightly.
Text Cut: Kace
Originally Posted by hpfan18
After he found out he was in the hufflepuff house, he was so relieved. He was in the house his sister was in. As he was approaching the hufflepuff table he was shaking in his shoes because he was so nervous. Kace walked to the table and he saw everyone else talking and making new friends. He did meet new friends on the boat and they were nice but he wondered what other puffs were first years.
Kace saw Minnie the girl he met on the train. She seemed to be popular and he decided to let her chat. But he did not mind this house. He thought he was going to like it here.
Another firstie! How exciting! Awar approached the young boy, "Hi there! Welcome into our Puff family!" She held out her hand, "The name's Awarlesta." Grin. "What's yours?"
Text Cut: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva thought about her summer, “Well first part I went to my grandparents in the States. That was a lot of fun and my boyfriend Ethan came to visit while I was there. Then the rest of the summer I spent at Ethan’s in Germany. His mom got me a job at the hospital there, since I’m thinking of becoming a healer.” Yes that was so much fun and she couldn’t wait to start looking into things at the library as well as talk to the few people she was told to speak with. “Oh have you ever met Ethan?” She wasn’t sure if the younger badger had or not, looking to the claw table, “He’s a Ravenclaw, actually the claw prefect this year.” She pointed in the direction that Ethan was at his table around all his housemates.
Turning back to Awar she felt the blush in her face, but tried to push it out, “Oh that sounds fun and a baby, I love babies, they can be so cute. Hopefully you will get to meet him soon.” An happy to be back younger badger, now that was a great thing to see, “Yes I am so ready for classes to start, plus there are a few things I’ve been wanting to get out of the library, probably one of my first stops. She hoped that didn’t sound to lame..
"I have a few friends in the States!" Awar said, jumping slightly. "How is it? And how's Germany? I wish I could travel more often." Indeed, there were so many places to explore. "I don't know what I want to do after I'm done with school yet. My brother's a albino bloodhound handler and he is completely in love with his job, so maybe I'll end up doing stuff with animals too. I'm sure you'll be an amazing Healer, Minnie!" She glanced over to the Ravenclaw table where she was pointing. "I don't think I have met Ethan. But, I'll be sure to get to know him soon! A prefect? Sounds like a keeper!" She laughed. "I also have to spend more time in the library. I completely dropped the ball last term and I'm planning on doing way better this year."
Text Cut: Bay
Originally Posted by Riverlynn
The newly sorted Hufflepuff skipped down to the table with the....well rather homely looking yellow and black banner over it. Odd considering how lavish the train had been. Her green eyes tried to spot Minnie as she was extremely excited to be in the same house with her new friend. It seemed she was surrounded by a bunch of people so Bay took an empty seat near the end.
A frown crossed her face as she looked at the dinner ware. Paper plates and plastic cups? Honestly she had expected nice china or something like it. Even the orphanage had actual plates and glasses. This was just....well....disappointing. Sighing Bay took a drink of water from her plastic cup and waited for dinner to start. All the excitement from today had the 11 year old starving for food. Her little body was still shaking a bit but that would pass eventually.
Awar spotted a younger girl, particularly a newbie and waved to her, "Hi! Welcome to Hogwarts and welcome into our Hufflepuff family!" She extended her arm to shake her hand. "I'm Awarlesta, third year." She glanced at the plastic utensils and plates and frowned along with the younger student. "I promise you its not like this. We usually have really nice plates and cool cups and banners! I just don't know what's up with this term."
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Lottie
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
What are you thinking Lex? Lottie smiled before speaking once more, "Two cupcakes, because you never know. I may not even eat them tonight, but tomorrow." What if the Giant Squid made an appearance? She could give it a cupcake, which the squid wouldn't enjoy, since they eat fish and seafood.
Huh? Well, then, what on earth are you talking about, Lex? OH. That was entirely different, though. The girl was probably hexing someone instead, or transfiguring something she shouldn't have. "I guess that would depend on what she was doing, don't you think?" she stated, shrugging a bit and glancing at the Ravenclaw table, sorry she couldn't help doing that. But then she pretended to be focused on the red cup..., "No one would get in trouble for cleaning, you just ask Professor Lafay or Professor Flamsteed to back you up," because THEY will understand, thank you.
UGH. Don't remind her. Audrey. Where did she go to, by the way? THIS gave her the perfect opportunity to scan the Ravenclaw table again, though, not really scan it since she knew where to look now, "I never heard of her again, did you?" Lottie, for one, didn't seem to miss her. In fact, she'd forgotten about her until Lex brought her up.
LAUGHTER. It was happening. And lots of it. "No. I don't." She was entirely amused by Lex, though, "People do run into me sometimes," her eyes flickered to the table with the blue cups before looking back at Lex. Ironically, they never ran into each other, that was an interesting fact. Or just a fact, since it wasn't interesting at all.
Ah. There we go. Things were back to making sense!
"I see. You could take it back to your dorm and forget about all the yellow there." That was always something Lex wondered about. How did Lottie survive in that Common Room? If the Gryffindor one was laced in its colours then most likely the Hufflepuff one would be too. It was rather curious. She tilted her head slightly. "Would you say you like it in there?" You know, in the Common Room?
Lottie was looking at the Ravenclaw table again. It was probably because she mentioned the whole thing about the 'Claws losing points but at the same time she had a feeling there were other reasons. If things continued like this then not being allowed to hex Garrick wouldn't have been the only thing they needed to talk about. "Yeah, you could be right about that. The Healer did seem real upset so obviously the 'Claw wasn't all that smart in actions." And did Lottie notice that Lex was looking at her a little extra now? Just...gathering stuff...yeah...for just in case...
Lex shook her head at the question. "I didn't." And suuuuure Lottie, let's use this chance to glance at the Ravenclaw table again. Why not? Just how many times did she need to look anyway?? Nothing was exploding over there and no one was sneaking anyone a potion plus the right people weren't over there. "You think her parents might have decided to give her a few more years to grow a brain before sending her back?"
Lex's expression fell this time. How many times did that make? She was counting, give her a second and she could tell her. "I could put something blue in her hair or transfigure my robes blue if it'll help you keep your attention over here." She wouldn't say anymore. Lottie could take a hint.
SPOILER!!: Tucker
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Tucker shrugged. "I dunno what their problem was but it was odd. Next thing I knew though we were at the station so I just booked it out of there," he chuckled.
His eyes widened when she said that it might not be a while until food. They had to wait for the SPEECH? But why?? He'd be so much more focused if he had food in his mouth! He grinned when she offered him some cookies though, to pass the time. They weren't as good as candy, but pretty close.
"Thanks!" he said with a smile.
He then turned to the table and for the first time noticed that there were plastic utensils there. "Is this, uh, normal?" he asked, picking up a fork and examining it with interest.
Just as she thought, he hadn't caught their names. Seriously. Well, she'd just have to go asking around or looking for two dudes with at least small bruising--there was no way in merlin's beard the Ravenclaws would have been girls. Not even.
She noticed his eyes widened after she said what she did and it amused her. It always did when she mentioned it to those who didn't know. She herself had been caught off guard by this at her first feast. She could have sworn there'd be food thensleep listening but nooope. Lex shifted her bag so he could get to it. "Help yourself." Just how many did she have left in there anyway???
Her eyes followed his and found the table and all the yellow. "No actually, which is why I had to come over here with my cup earlier. This is strange stuff. The plates and such that we normally have are much better." She flicked at her cup once. "Stranger things have happened though."
She turned her attention back to him. "What'd you do with the rest of your summer?" Juuuust curious.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Min looked up just as another first year joined the table next to her and Laura. She smiled, ”Hello, congrats on becoming a puff. It’s an awesome house.” It really was the best house even if others didn’t think so. “I’m Minerva, but call me Min or Minnie.” smiling at the girl, [/b] “Arlene it’s very nice to meet you, are you excited to be starting school?’ [/b] So many people that she had met already this was going to be exhausting, but fantastic night.
Arlene was slightly surprised when another person started to talking to her. "Thank you." Arlene replied, blushing slightly. "Nice to meet you Minnie." Arlene said with a smile. The eleven year old shrugged her shoulders at Minnie's question, causing her red hair to slide into her face. "I didn't even know I was magical until a couple months ago." She explained. "It's all very new to me. My dad kept everything a secret from me." She clarified as she pushed her hair out of her face.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura smiled. "Of course not Arlene, can I say I hope you are happy in your new home, Hufflepuff is an awesome house, we are all friendly and welcoming and if you ever need anything just come and find me and I'll try and help you." Laura really was going to help her new friend. "I'm Laura Hope Hyde, but my friends call me Laura." Yeah she didn't think it was right everyone calling her Laura Hope Hyde it would take too long.
Turning back to the girl she had first spoken to. "It's nice to meet you Laura." Arlene replied back. She didn't know why the girl had to introduce her full name, but decided she didn't care that much to ask. Not when she realized that she was extremely hungry. She could feel her stomach growling though she couldn't hear it over the commotion in the Great Hall.
Ah. There we go. Things were back to making sense!
"I see. You could take it back to your dorm and forget about all the yellow there." That was always something Lex wondered about. How did Lottie survive in that Common Room? If the Gryffindor one was laced in its colours then most likely the Hufflepuff one would be too. It was rather curious. She tilted her head slightly. "Would you say you like it in there?" You know, in the Common Room?
Lottie was looking at the Ravenclaw table again. It was probably because she mentioned the whole thing about the 'Claws losing points but at the same time she had a feeling there were other reasons. If things continued like this then not being allowed to hex Garrick wouldn't have been the only thing they needed to talk about. "Yeah, you could be right about that. The Healer did seem real upset so obviously the 'Claw wasn't all that smart in actions." And did Lottie notice that Lex was looking at her a little extra now? Just...gathering stuff...yeah...for just in case...
Lex shook her head at the question. "I didn't." And suuuuure Lottie, let's use this chance to glance at the Ravenclaw table again. Why not? Just how many times did she need to look anyway?? Nothing was exploding over there and no one was sneaking anyone a potion plus the right people weren't over there. "You think her parents might have decided to give her a few more years to grow a brain before sending her back?"
Lex's expression fell this time. How many times did that make? She was counting, give her a second and she could tell her. "I could put something blue in her hair or transfigure my robes blue if it'll help you keep your attention over here." She wouldn't say anymore. Lottie could take a hint.
SIGH. The yellow of the Common Room. Now she didn't know if she was actually looking forward to go there. Especially if the Great Hall was all dusty. Can you imagine THE Common Room? She was hoping it was clean, otherwise she'd start the year with a bunch of cleaning spells. Or getting people to clean. Lottie was certain she could convince Kaiden of cleaning up the Common Room if she thought of something. And even more certain than Alec would be an amazing housemate by doing it without being asked. "No." She didn't like it in there. "There's a reason why I'm always outside, you know?" On the grounds or around the Castle.
Since she was prone to think Lex was the distracted type (which she actually was), she was sure she didn't catch her looking at the table. Though at least she had the whole points-losing and Audrey excuse to be doing so. Except, once she looked back at Lex, the girl was clearly looking her way. The amount of attention she was getting was...definitely not expected, and surprised her, so she stopped glancing at the blue ones. "There aren't many smart 'Claws, surprisingly," yes, she was referring to a bunch of them in particular, "But then there are extra clever ones," like Marcus Branxton, for example.
And then she laughed, "Possibly." She hadn't given it much thought. For all she knew, the girl probably went back to the forest some other time and decided to get eaten.
OH? Her eyes went back to Lex the instant the words left her mouth. And she blushed. "You don't have to, I'm sorry," she said, looking down and biting her lip. She couldn't help it, really, "I'm paying attention to you, actually," she'll just...stop glancing back and forth.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Finally Nate turned to face Oakey said "Hey Prefect Oakey. How have you been? Was your summer good?" He just asked the normal question........that he asked every year on the first day of Hogwarts. Like normal.... Nate really had to starting learning new phrases to mix it up a bit. He would constanly ask the same old question over, and over, and over again. Eventually it had to get at least a bit annoying. Would it not annoy you if every year the same question got asked to you?
Oh hey! look who we have here not to far from where he was seated. "Hey Nate. My Summer had some excitement in it." He looked down at the badge on his chest then back to the Fifth Year Puffer. "It's Head Boy now, actually." Yeah like it was that big of a deal. Although he was technically Hufflepuff Prefect too, the title pinned to his chest was his new role.
SPOILER!!: New Boy Tucker
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
OH LOOK! Prefect! And not just the prefect, but the HEAD BOY! Tucker had no forgotten his goal of someday taking over that boy's position, so he was ready to start off on a good foot with this guy and hopefully help his position in the future running for the job. Did he have any say in the new prefect? He hoped so!
"Hi! Tucker Schultz, 3rd year Hufflepuff," he said, holding out a hand for a shake. "How cool to have the Head Boy in our house!"
This was a new face, but it wasn't young enough to be an first year. So he thought anyways. "Hello Tucker Schultz, 3rd year Hufflepuff." Oakey took his hand in his and gave him a firm Beater's handshake. "Oakey Gunter, 7th year Hufflepuff, and Head Boy. I guess you already knew that though." He gave the younger Puff a smile. "It's pretty cool I supposes, but wanna know what's even cooler?" He pointed his thumb back to the Red Headed Girl at their Table who wore the Head Girl Badge. "We also Took Head Girl." No, he wasn't bragging, maybe a little but most of it was sarcasm. He was proud for Renesmee to also get Head Girl.
Text Cut: Grumpie Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Still not sure how on earth Oakey ended up as head boy Minerva just sat quietly for a bit.
Then she felt she had to speak to him, play nice for Ariana was going through her head. “Hello Oakey, good summer?” There that was about as nice as she was getting.
Please, Oakey could tell when something was forced. He knew Minerva was trying to make good for Ariana's sake, but she could put more effort in it. "Good Summer, Minerva. You?" There, he gave her a forced response.
What happened to the two Hufflepuffs who ran around in Roro's Dragon Pen trying to keep Professor Lafay from taking the Baby Dragon as some of her ingredients?
SPOILER!!: Ella Worm
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella returned Oakey’s smile and nodded. ”Okay, sounds good.” Who was she to knock his preference of plates over parchment? ”What exactly are you writing, anyway?” Wasn’t it a bit early in the term for homework assignments? Giggle. The way Oakey took things so seriously made the blonde roll her eyes and stick her tongue out at him too. ”Got it. I’ll remember that.” And then…YUP. She knew that was coming. ”Actually I wouldn’t mind one. I’m starveddddd.” And she flopped herself dramatically on the table.
And then Oakey was sticking Theoman to the table which…Ella had mixed feels about. On the one hand, the blonde was amused by Theo/Oakey interactions and wouldn’t mind watching more but…it seemed today that Theo had a problem keeping his eyes to himself. Hmmm.
He looked over to Ella a little upset now, he was still pretty angry with Wimp for destroying his work. "I was working on something for Professor Flamsteed. We meet over the summer, and...um...he gave me a challenge to compare this Muggle Cult Star Trek, to his Subject Astronomy."
Oh no! Ella was parched and Oakey couldn't whip up a Veggie Drink for her right here and now. He patted her back and smiled. "You'll survive Captain."
Text Cut: Wimpy Theo 1
The yelling and glaring meant nothing to Theo. In fact, he enjoyed that he had just annoyed Oakey. He just rolled his eyes at the older puffer, and was about to get up and disappear from the table, but he was STUCK. His head snapped back to the head boy, the rage boiling under his skin already.
He tried to get up again.
And again.
"You flipping idiot, I don't want to sit with your stupid table." Theo pretty much growled. Someone would save him. Especially if he started crying. Hmmm... that could work.
Eyes still slit into an intense glare at the Slytherin."If you didn't want to sit here, you shouldn't have come." Snapping their plastic utensils, and now his wrecked Summer/Detention Assignment. "I might as well just leave you here until Dylan needs you for his Tryouts." Wimp could survive a week stuck a the Hufflepuff table.
There was food.
SPOILER!!: Mr.Firth & Theodore
Text Cut: Mr.Firth
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Alistaire had excused himself from the Staff Table temporarily. What with Bonny being pregnant and about to give birth, he didn't like to leave her for too long in a row. So, he had set off down the gap next to the Hufflepuff table, not really sad to be parted from the chaos that was the Welcoming Feast.
However, a series of strange noises pulled him out of his own thoughts. Looking to his left, the first thing he was was.. A Slytherin? Ah yes, it was Theo. No doubt he was accompanying West. But.. what was he doing? Is he breaking the cutlery? Sure enough, an audible SNAP! confirmed his suspicions. And only moments later, he was spraying water onto the Head Boy and his plate. Poor life choice, Kinsley.
Ali paused and waited to see what Oakey would do. Fail at nonverbal spells, apparently. For nothing appeared to happen to Theodore. Then the Captain was glaring and getting angry. I had better intervene, if only for Theo's safety. Those badgers... they could be rabid once angered.
Ali put his hand on the young man's shoulder. "Theo, why are yeh causing so much destruction? Firs' the cutlery, now Oakey's.. erm... letter, homework, whatever. I expect yeh ter be repairing th' damage to the cutlery yerself. An' apologizing ter Gunter."
He didn't wait for the excuses and protestations that were sure to come. "I'm takin' five points from yeh for disrespectin' property. Yeh can earn them back if yeh rewrite whatever it was Gunter was working on for him." With a wave of his wand, Alistaire Banished the sopping plate and, with an additional twiddle, replaced it with a dry one. "Bring it up ter me after the Headmistress has given her speech an' I'll add back the points."
Without waiting for Theo to reply, he swept past the group of students and left the hall, intent on checking in on Bonny.
Text Cut: Wimpy Theo 2
Snap, a professor.
Keep your head down, Kinsley, KEEP IT DOWN.
Theo closed his eyes whilst the groundskeeper walked on by, but there it was. His named being called. Darn. Okay, okay... he kinda did agree with the whole cutlery snapping thing being bad, but the whole thing with Gunter....?! He totally had that coming! Theodore frowned hard, first at Oakey, and then at the groundskeeper, who he totally never liked much in the first place, you know.
"Sorry, I'll repair it, sir..." He paused. 5 POINTS? DANG, this groundskeeper was tight. He was only having a bit of fun at this boring feast and he was losing points. The first points of the term. How embarrassing. Apologizing to Oakey, though? No chance.
Just to get him off of his back, Theo pouted and muttered, "Fine!" And as the man turned to walk away, Theo made an extremely sour face to his behind.
YEAH, you walk away.
So.... ugh.... "What were you even writing on that stupid plate?" Should we point out that writing on school property was also vandalizm? Yeah, we were totally gonna mention that later, to someone a whole lot cooler than the groundskeeper.
Wow talk about Lucky! Things may be turning around for him now! "Summer Assignment" Oakey said directly after Mr.Firth had trouble identifying Oakey's hard work all over the soggy paper plate. He was pleased Justice was served to Theodore, but did not expect the next thing. "He'll what?"
Oakey kind of ignored the part where Wimp had to apologize to him, although he was sure he'd leave him stuck on the seat until he got some kind of apology. What really got him was Theodore rewriting the assignment that Flamsteed gave him over the summer. Did procrastination ever pay off like it did right now? "The stupid plate had an essay on how the Muggle Cult Star Trek, and Astronomy related." Hopefully Wimp knew about Star Trek. In part Oakey didn't care, he just got out of a month of worrying, and writing the Detention assignment for Professor Flamsteed. "I'll undo the charm once you finish, and we can hand it in." Oakey would despise walking up to the staff Table with Theo, but he wanted to see the look on Flamsteed's face when he see's how Oakey avoided writing about his Cult, and subject.
SPOILER!!: Renesmee
Originally Posted by Talikins
Huh? Why was the Groundskeeper here?
All of the Hufflepuff's attention shifted straight towards the staff member who now stood right by Oakey and two Slytherins, one of which she knew was Theo.
Meeeh snakes. Causing trouble again, were they? This was not good, never was good. With her curious eyes she watched as the Groundskeeper spoke to them both and then continued watching as Theo and Ella began eye-rolling at each other. That bit made her frown because she didn't like these snakes attitudes towards her badgers. She wouldn't say anything though, he'd been lectured enough so it seemed.
But the Head Boy, yeah she wanted to speak to him. "Oakey, everything good?" She gave him a concerned pout. Did he need help or anything, or was he good?
It was quick and Oakey almost missed it, but he heard Renesmee. "Everything's cool down here Renesmee." Oakey gave here a pretty lame and typical thumbs up, and a grin.