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The Badgers, reigning House Cup AND Quidditch Cup champions and third place Gobstones finishers, usually sit under a bright black and gold banner representing their house. As you take your seat at your House table today, however, you might notice a bit of fraying and wear and tear on the usually pristine banner. Hmm. It looks old.
If you're the type who pays attention to dishes, you might also notice that the place settings seem different than those of last term. Is it just you, or are those Dixie plates, Solo cups, and plastic silverware??? What in Merlin's beard...!?!
Laura looked around and smiled at her Best Friend Ella. "Oh my summer was okay." Laura couldn't believe that she was lying to her best friend, but well Ella was happy and she didn't have to worry about Laura's problems so she wasn't going to say anything else about it they didn't know about what happened right.
Laura then listened to Minerva but didn't say anything, she was thinking about things. "I just want them to have some fun and I want to make sure they know they have someone they can talk to." Laura smiled, it was now time for her to forget about the summer and have some fun for a little bit, she wasn't going to get into trouble she hoped she was just going to have some fun.
Laura sat at her table and looked straight forwards. "Welcome to Hogwarts T.V, I am your host Laura Hope Hyde and on the weather we have Minnie." Points to her friend Minnie, "And on sports we have Ella Bishop." Points to her best friend, and finally be not least we have Sophie Campbell as a special guest." Points to Sophie.
Laura stops for a couple of minutes before continue. "Right as you all know the students of Hogwarts have flocked to the Great Hall for the start of term feast, new students have been hoping to get sorted into the house of their choice and a few people will be disappointed, I remember a couple of years ago a Hufflepuff Student demanding to change house, I can't believe anyone would want to do that, as someone once said the Hufflepuff House is the best house in the universe." Laura smiled. "Now I'll hand you over to Minnie for the weather and Ella for the sport." Laura giggled, and then we'll be speaking with our special guest, the lovely Sophie Campbell and we'll be talking about what the Headmistress will be talking about in her speech." Laura giggled as she stopped, who cared if anyone thought she was crazy.
Awar spotted a younger girl, particularly a newbie and waved to her, "Hi! Welcome to Hogwarts and welcome into our Hufflepuff family!" She extended her arm to shake her hand. "I'm Awarlesta, third year." She glanced at the plastic utensils and plates and frowned along with the younger student. "I promise you its not like this. We usually have really nice plates and cool cups and banners! I just don't know what's up with this term."
Come to think of it the entire hall looked a bit shabby. Even the rickety boats looked in better shape then the decorations in here. Maybe it was a decoration choice? Like some people chose to wear black to look cool maybe this was a Medieval thing? If that was the aim though even the firstie could say it was done wrong.
At that moment someone addressed her with a welcome and Bay smiled widely. "I'm Bay, first year." Hello Captain obvious but what could you do? She was excited! The conversation turned to the decor and her frown deepened. So this wasn't the usual theme then? Why was it different this year?
"Budget cuts maybe?" At the orphanage that sometimes happened. One year they went without new shoes and had to make due with donations and hand-me-downs because the budget was smaller. Did magical schools have budgets?
This whole magical world thing was just confusing!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Girlfriend
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella looked up at Alec and nodded, her cheeks growing a bit warm when he tucked her hair behind her ear. She really liked it when he did that. She liked most things about the boy, actually. "Yeah. I'm still tired but it helped." And she gave him a small smile. "Thanks for sitting with me." Because she would have slept worse if he hadn't of been there. That's just the way things were lately.
Messy? The blonde glanced around the table at the mention of his name and frowned slightly. "Where is he, anyway?" He was doing that disappearing thing again. Ella didn't like that so much. She also didn't like the thought of no ice cream. "You don't think that'd happen, do you?" She was whispering now, her eyes wide with worry. No ice cream CLEARLY warranted a very worried expression. Besides, they had plans. Ice cream and blanket fort plans that the blonde was looking forward to.
Any look Lottie had almost given was missed by Ella as her focus was now on the paper cup in front of her. She wasn't exactly thirsty but faking interest in that was far better than watching air kisses. At least for right now.
And the blonde continued staring at said cup when she felt Alec grab her hand and give it a squeeze. She glanced up and saw that his cheeks were red, causing her to look at their hands instead. She even squeezed a little too.
She knew she was being completely silly about this. That was the worst part, too...The knowing she was being ridiculous. Knowing that and feeling bad were two different things, though. She couldn't help the feeling anymore than she could help the knowing.
Still tired. Alec smiled a little back at her, secretly wondering if there's anything he could do to help her feel better. But then again, if she really was just tired, then there wasn't anything he could do, yeah? "Maybe you need another nap?" Or just some proper sleep? "Oh, hey, what are boyfriends for?" GRIN.
"Messy? Erm... I dunno," he said, frowning slightly, "I haven't really heard from him all summer. Have you?" Dude was going to get a serious talking to afterwards... and maybe a hug too. Maybe. Being in his own thoughts, Alec almost didn't catch onto the whispering that Ells was doing. Almost. "Erm... well, I hope not!" he whispered, shrugging his shoulders and frowning slightly, "People treat them nicely, right?"
So... this was probably not the way to start off this year. Nope. And he sincerely hoped that the blonde girl wasn't upset or anything. Because... that just wasn't something he wanted to see from her. Upset/sadness/frowny faces. Nope.
Except... she did squeeze his hand back. And he smiled slightly.
Text Cut: Minnie!
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Alec was such an awesome friend, Minerva looked around the table, honestly most of them were awesome friends, but Alec was one of the tops. One of her little badgers as well as adoptive brother. So when he was happy that it helped she couldn’t help but give a smile, “It did, really.. I guess sitting alone in that compartment my mind was going in a few different directions. One of those direction was Ethan’s last term. So I really needed a friend and you just showed up.” She gave him another quick hug.
Looking at Alec she frowned a bit, she didn’t want him to think he made her sad. No he didn’t she made herself sad. “Alec you didn’t make me sad at all, I was already feeling it before we talked, but like I said you helped.” Giving him a smile, “But anyway this is a happy time, all the new firsties and classes starting. It’s just great to be back.”
Seeing Minnie smile had to be one of the nicest things ever. In all honesty, Alec really liked it when anyone smiled because it meant that they were happy, yeah? He liked happy people. They were always really really awesome. Nodnod.
"Really?" ... Oh! The sitting alone thing and overthinking thing. Alec knew a lot about that and how it felt so... this made him even more glad that he had decided to sit with Minnie. Not that Minnie would have minded him sitting with her, yeah? "Were you overthinking things?" Overthinking was not great sometimes. "Well... I'm glad you let me sit with you!" he said, before reaching over to return her hug with a big, squeezy one.
"I'm glad because... you shouldn't be sad, yeah? Ever," Even though it was inevitable for people to be sad. But still, he didn't want to see that from her. "Yeah, you're right! New firsties and classes and a whole year of really awesome things," GRIN. "Are you looking forward to this year?"
Text Cut: Laura!
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura suddenly heard her name. "Oh Hi Alec." Laura smiled. "I find just thinking about a few things." Laura had been having a busy summer and a few other things had happened during the summer, especially with her twin sister not even answering the letter she sent, there was all that plus the fact that she couldn't sit still and was dreading exams but no one needed to know that. "Did you have a good summer?" Laura smiled.
Just thinking... Nodnod. Although, now Alec was starting to feel slightly bad about disturbing her thoughts and just disturbing her. What if she wanted to spend some time alone? Or what if she just wanted to sit there thinking, even if it was with lots of people around her?
... Eh, this was the Hufflepuff table. Everyone talked to each other here.
"Hey!" he said, grinning at the girl, "Yeah? Erm... what kind of things were you thinking about?" Unless she wanted to keep those things private because... you know, thoughts were thoughts and sometimes they should stay that way. Maybe.
Oh summer! That question! He could answer those. "Oh yeah! Summer was really awesome!" What happened, what happened? "Erm... I mostly stayed at home and visited people but... still awesome." Nodnod. "How was yours, Laura?"
Text Cut: Awar-bear!
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Alec's ginormous grin was always a mood lifter and always a joy to see. Yay! Big hugs! Big hugs are awesome! Reeeally awesome! "I've been well. GREAT, actually." Which was true. There were no more eh's or meh's or better's. It has been absolutely great. "I had an awesome summer! I spent it in Switzerland with my uncle and cousin. I loved it! However, my brother spent the summer alone and I felt quite bad about it...He almost squeezed me to death with his hugs when I got back home!" Oh, Manolo. You weirdo.
Awar was officially his sort of younger sister person, okay? Okay.
... He probably needed to ask her about that. Maybe. Later.
But back to the girl. "Really? That's AWESOME!" Because... there had been a time when the girl had said that she was doing 'better' yeah? And better meant that she had been sad before? ... Alec didn't want to think about that so he simply went on to say, "You look really happy!" GRIN.
So she had an uncle, a cousin and a brother. Got it. "Yeah? How was Switzerland? Did you do anything interesting there?" Details, he wanted lots of those! Nodnod. "Oh! It sounds like your brother really missed you, then!" he said before letting out a small chuckle. ... Pause. "Erm... so is it only you and your brother at home?" ... Maybe... this was a touchy topic. Oops.
Text Cut: Haruka!
Originally Posted by SakuraMochi
Haruka was fiddling with her fork, daydreaming about a cat army invading a yarn factory, when she heard someone approaching her. She turned and saw an older boy leaning over to her with a big smile on his face. He introduced himself as Alec.
Haruka smiled back and said, "Hi Alec, I'm Haruka. Nice to meet you!"
... Oops. Had he disturbed someone else?
Alec reached up a hand to ruffle his hair, a sheepish expression momentarily crossing his face. He didn't really mean to disturb people, it was just a sort of... habit. Yeah. Greeting new Hufflepuffs was just something he tended to do at Start of Term Feasts. But maybe this girl wouldn't mind meeting someone new?
Plus as if he was scary.
OH. GRIN. "Hey Haruka!" Could he possibly call her Ruka? That sounded like an awesome nickname, yeah? ... He'd probably have to talk to her at least on one other occasion before nicknames could be given. "It's great to meet to you too! Erm... so are you looking forward to your first term here?"
Text Cut: Tucker!
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
"Nice to meet you Alec!" Tucker said as he got comfortable in his seat. There was a LOT going on around him and he was trying to soak it all in...keeping track of who was who and what was going around him. Everyone seemed really cool so far!
Not counting those dudes on the train of course.
Another new Hufflepuff dude! Which was good because Alec had a feeling that there were a lot of girls in this house. ... Actually, scratch that, there were a lot of girls in Hogwarts in general. That was probably something the guy would find out soon, yeah? If he hadn't already.
"It's great to meet you too!" GRIN. "Erm... so are you looking forward to your first term here?" he asked, tilting his head to the side, slightly. ... Also, did the dude do hugs? That was important for future references, see. And... he should probably ask about the guy's summer as well. Maybe.
Text Cut: Forrest!
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Can we stop shouting at each other?
Forrest was, naturally, STARTLED all over again and it took him some time to realise the boy meant HIM. (He meant HIM, right?!) He met his gaze too and it took all his will not to lower his head, because the boy looked so confident there that if all the Hufflepuffs were like him, Forrest would be honoured to call himself one too.
Yeah. Now find your voice to answer him, or he'll think you're deaf or something.
"I'm Forrest." As opposed to boy's growing confidence, Forrest's looked like it was diminishing with every second. "Thanks--I'm--I'm a muggle and I'm--" He blushed awfully and looked down at last, surprised to see he'd been nailing the plastic plate. You can't imagine how excited I am. You fill in the blanks in my sentence, yeah?
And let's ignore he called himself a muggle instead of 'muggleborn'.
... BLINK.
Alec couldn't help but feel slightly awkward right about now. And not the awkwardness that he usually experienced when him and Ells were talking about... things; that was a whole different kind of awkward. This was more of a: Oops, I didn't mean to scare you or anything, I just want to be friends? Maybe?
Confused boy was confused.
OH HE WAS SPEAKING! ... Quietly. He was talking very quietly but he was still talking. "It's great to meet you, Forrest!" Forrest, Forrest... he couldn't come up with a nickname from that. Hmmm... Also, did the guy just call himself a muggle? "Erm... so all of this must be really new to you, yeah?" Yup, he was going to ignore the muggle bit... sort of. "Hogwarts is really awesome! I hope you really like it here." And if he didn't Alec would... would... give up ice cream.
... Nah.
Text Cut: Oakey! And small mentions of Theo!
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey's final Starting term feast...was lacking in luster. He eyed each of the banners over head and noted how droll they all looked. Hufflepuff especially. Yellow was normally a vibrant color, but this was more like...if someone threw up on it, which could have been the case cause he thought he spotted a stain on it somewhere while looking up. He leaned his head back down and looked forward at the tables. Were those plastic cups and forks, the plates were looking flimsy too. He moved his way to the Hufflepuff table and sat beside three students in Green. Great even the wardrobes were getting moldy. OH HOLD ON! That was West, Theo, and and the younger girl...Sonea he thougt her name was. He turned his head over to the Slytherin table had they run out of seats were those cut back on too? How many first years were sorted into their house that they couldn't fit these two and the girl? He quickly remembered the plastic as he saw Wim... Theodore snap on of them. "You could go over to your Table and do that you know."
Oakey looked down at his paper plate. and over to the one Theodore was sitting over. Paper was something he needed as he wasted all the parchment on the Train ride up trying to write Professor Flamsteed's Summer Assignment. Without asking Oakey grabbed the plate in front of the Slytherin and layed it on top of the paper plate in front of him. He pulled a quill from his robe and started writing down on the Paper Plates. So long as the Assignment was done the Large Foreheaded Professor would have to accept it.
... Oakey had entered the scene.
And Alec... didn't know how to feel about this. Sure, Ells had explained things but the guy still felt slightly uncomfortable just by remembering things, not by the actual guy himself. Maybe. ... He really didn't know.
But... Oakey was here and he was working on things and basically being Head Boy-y. And it was still great to see the guy again. "Erm... hey there, Oakster!" he said, grinning and waving at the boy, "You okay? Had a good summer?" ... Were those too many questions to ask all at once or...?
Also Theo was there. More uncomfortable-ness.
Text Cut: Bliss!
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
"I wonder too," she said, blinking again at the plastic stuffs. It was just weird. Normally, she'd just be like, 'pffft, it's Hogwarts', but this just seemed strange. More than Hogwarts strange, because ... why? She didn't think there seemed to be any point at all. "You don't think anything happened to the elves, do you? Or the kitchen itself?" She asked, slightly worried. Honestly, it was probably best not to put too much thought into it now and wait to the Headmistresses speech, where she'd hopefully explain it all.
Question one. "I've been alright. Maybe good." She'd been coping, basically. It was a long story, all her emotions and stuff, but she could sum it up quite easily. Alright, because family. Good, because West, who she snuggled next to at that very moment. It was pretty simple actually, when she thought about it. Now then, Summer: "Summer was ... weird and awkward for the most part, becauseofmyfamily," she mumbled, before brightening slightly, as the next subject was about West. "West and I went to Brighton and that was REALLY fun." Back to Alec, now. "How are YOU and how was YOUR holiday?" She needed to know all of the glorious details.
Something happening to the elves? Or the kitchens? Hearing this, Alec's eyes grew a little wider and he looked from the plastic cutlery to Bliss and then back again. What if the elves were in danger? Or... or... something had happened to the food? Or the kitchen had burnt down over the summer? "I... hope not!" he said, frowning slightly and looking back up at the girl, "I mean... if something did happen, we'd hear about it, yeah?" He didn't really know how much he believed in his own words but he did find comfort in knowing that no news is good news. Maybe.
Maybe good? "That's really awesome to hear," he said, grinning at her. Yeah... really awesome. Especially considering the things that had happened to her before the summer holidays. ... Oh. "Yeah? Erm... how is everyone in your family?" Even if he didn't really know them that well. He only really knew Bliss and her little sister, Tianna. But mainly Bliss. "Oh really? Brighton sounds like a really awesome place!" And she went with West so naturally, she had been happy, yeah? "Erm... what was it like there?" ... That was a better question than the one he had been meaning to ask.
As for him... "I'm great! Just really nervous about being back, I guess?" Or maybe not really nervous since his hair wasn't ruffled beyond control. "And my holiday was great too! Dad and I built a shed," Which was boring news, now that he thought about it. "And I met up with Ells a lot! And... I made pizza with Tag too." He wasn't looking for any signs on the girl at the mention of his best mate. Nope!
Text Cut: Ethan!
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan had been greeting all his new Claws and catching up with friends at the Ravenclaw table, but he couldn't help his eyes from continually drifting towards the Hufflepuff table. Once he found a lull in the conversation at his own table, he got up, if only for a few minutes, to at least say hi to his favorite Hufflepuff.
It was no surprise that she was surrounded by a bunch of people, old friends and new housemates.. she was always so friendly. As he approached her, he caught Eliza out of the corner of his eye. Hadn't he just seen her at their own table? Chuckling a bit to himself, he offered his housemate a little wave before continuing his walk. And not too far from Minerva were a couple of Puffs that he knew at least a little bit. "Hi Ella.. hey Alec," he greeted the two, giving them both a nod and smile. Min had told him that Alec had kept her company a little bit on the train while he was gone and had been grateful to the other boy for that.
Nearing Minerva, Ethan lightly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey.." he began with a bigger smile. "I won't keep you too long.. just wanted to come over and say hi to my favorite Hufflepuff." His eyes wandered over to their table.. oh, so Eliza's theory had not been correct. "So, your table has those too," he said, curiously looking at the plastics gracing the table. It wasn't about Ravenclaw being in last place, because Hufflepuff had pretty much won everything last term and they had the same second-rate tableware.
Alec GRINNED at the sight of the older Ravenclaw who was probably here to see Minnie. Except, the dude had said hey to him, Alec, and Alec couldn't help but feel really really happy. How awesome would it be if the two of them could become friends? Or at least get to know each other a bit? ... Hopefully. Before the end of the term came around and Ethan left forever.
... Anyways...
"Hey Ethan!" he said, waving enthusiastically at the boy, "Erm... congrats on your Prefect badge!" Because it was better to say these things in person, yeah? It sort of made it more official and meant that he, Alec, could see the smile on Ethan's face. And the pride. "And... did you have a good summer?"
... Also... since Ethan was here to see Minnie, Alec wouldn't bother him for too long. And he will look away if they started kissing.
Text Cut: Nate!
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Nate first noticed Alec...because Alec wasn't that hard to notice. So he said "Hey Alec. How was your summer?" Truth was Nate didn't really want to talk right now...he just wanted to eat, get to the common room, then take a nice long nap. Hopefully he would get to do that. I mean Nate wouldn't mind a little talking...just not much. Which was kind of weird because normally Nate was a talkative person.
Nate? Nate was here?! The dude had practically disappeared for most of the previous term! Just like Messy had. And Alec had practically been left alone in the dorm which... wasn't great actually. ... Was this some sort of disease that was slowly spreading across their dorm? Was Alec next?
ANYWAYS. Back to Nate. "Hey, mate! It's great to see you again!" And don't disappear this year, okay? They needed to have bro chats and candy eating nights and just keep each other company. "Erm... yeah! Summer was great! I spent most of it with Ells and Dad and Tag," Which immediately made it awesome. "How was your summer? And... how are you?"
Text Cut: Kace!
Originally Posted by hpfan18
After he found out he was in the hufflepuff house, he was so relieved. He was in the house his sister was in. As he was approaching the hufflepuff table he was shaking in his shoes because he was so nervous. Kace walked to the table and he saw everyone else talking and making new friends. He did meet new friends on the boat and they were nice but he wondered what other puffs were first years.
Kace saw Minnie the girl he met on the train. She seemed to be popular and he decided to let her chat. But he did not mind this house. He thought he was going to like it here.
So in all the kerfuffle of greeting people and hugging people and asking about summers -- GRIN for unintentional uses of his surname -- Alec had almost forgotten about greeting the new Hufflepuffs that were joining them. Almost.
He turned his head and was about to look up to see where the Headmistress was on the 'giving the speech' front when his grey-blue eyes landed on a small boy. A really small boy that Alec hadn't seen before at Hogwarts. So... he had recently been sorted, yeah? Hopefully otherwise what Alec was about to say would turn out to be... well... awkward to say the least.
"Erm... hey, there!" Grin and wave, grin and wave! "I'm Alec, Alec Summers. And welcome to Hufflepuff!"
Text Cut: LochNessie!
Originally Posted by Talikins
Still as adorable as ever, that was her Alecutie. She had missed him way to much, along with her other kiddos of course.
He had grown though, grown plenty over the holidays, she could tell by his hug. It made Nessie sad yet proud at the same time to see that her little kiddos were becoming bigger, better and of course more and more amazing each day. She knew they'd all be special individuals one day, in actual fact they already were. They honestly meant the world to her and she would do close to anything for them.
Smiling she took her own arms and wrapped them around him tightly. "Hey, Alecutie!" She was still allowed to call him that, right? Or did outgrow it? He'd say something, wouldn't he? Heh either way, he's still be her little cutie no matter what anybody said, even if she couldn't call him that aloud, still he'd be her little bro, cutie.
Nope, not that she remembered ever seeing them torn. She shook her head at him then pouted, pouted and thought. Hmmm..even the fact that they were torn, why weren't they fixed with a simple repairing spell before the students arrived? It was odd, that was one thing for sure. "I don't know kiddo, I don't know." The pouting just continued as she finally took a seat.
Alec couldn't help but chuckle a little at that special little nickname from the Head Girl. It was nice that she was the only one who called him by that. It sort of made it their special little thing, even if it was something as small as a nickname. And he had a small feeling that even if he was 30 and the girl was 32, she'd still end up greeting him with Alecutie.
Not that he minded, of course.
... Oh. So they were never usually like that? Frown. His grey eyes looked up at the banners, taking in almost every tear and rip they landed on. This was... weird. Really really weird and probably not the best way to start off the new term. Hearing LochNessie's voice, he tore his gaze away from the banner and looked at the redheaded girl. "Oh..." he started, frowning some more, "There'd be a good explanation to all of this, right?"
Text Cut: Bay!
Originally Posted by Riverlynn
The newly sorted Hufflepuff skipped down to the table with the....well rather homely looking yellow and black banner over it. Odd considering how lavish the train had been. Her green eyes tried to spot Minnie as she was extremely excited to be in the same house with her new friend. It seemed she was surrounded by a bunch of people so Bay took an empty seat near the end.
A frown crossed her face as she looked at the dinner ware. Paper plates and plastic cups? Honestly she had expected nice china or something like it. Even the orphanage had actual plates and glasses. This was just....well....disappointing. Sighing Bay took a drink of water from her plastic cup and waited for dinner to start. All the excitement from today had the 11 year old starving for food. Her little body was still shaking a bit but that would pass eventually.
Or newly sorted person. One of the two. But he hadn't seen her around at Hogwarts before and she did seem to be coming from the stools... area so... yeah.
And this girl seemed to be frowning which only made Alec feel slightly uncomfortable. The idea of anyone being sad or upset or just frowny in general wasn't something that sat well with him. Especially since this girl was frowning over, what he assumed to be, the plastic cutlery. Not great.
Despite this, the nearly sixteen year old grinned at the girl and gave her a small wave, trying to attract her attention. "Erm... hey there!" He wasn't being awkward, nope! "Welcome to Hufflepuff! Erm... I'm Alec, Alec Summers." GRIN.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: ^__^
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
SIGH. The yellow of the Common Room. Now she didn't know if she was actually looking forward to go there. Especially if the Great Hall was all dusty. Can you imagine THE Common Room? She was hoping it was clean, otherwise she'd start the year with a bunch of cleaning spells. Or getting people to clean. Lottie was certain she could convince Kaiden of cleaning up the Common Room if she thought of something. And even more certain than Alec would be an amazing housemate by doing it without being asked. "No." She didn't like it in there. "There's a reason why I'm always outside, you know?" On the grounds or around the Castle.
Since she was prone to think Lex was the distracted type (which she actually was), she was sure she didn't catch her looking at the table. Though at least she had the whole points-losing and Audrey excuse to be doing so. Except, once she looked back at Lex, the girl was clearly looking her way. The amount of attention she was getting was...definitely not expected, and surprised her, so she stopped glancing at the blue ones. "There aren't many smart 'Claws, surprisingly," yes, she was referring to a bunch of them in particular, "But then there are extra clever ones," like Marcus Branxton, for example.
And then she laughed, "Possibly." She hadn't given it much thought. For all she knew, the girl probably went back to the forest some other time and decided to get eaten.
OH? Her eyes went back to Lex the instant the words left her mouth. And she blushed. "You don't have to, I'm sorry," she said, looking down and biting her lip. She couldn't help it, really, "I'm paying attention to you, actually," she'll just...stop glancing back and forth.
That answer was almost expected really. Lottie hated yellow as much as she hated pink. Honestly, things wouldn't have gone well if she had to climbed several flights of stairs each day just to get back to a Common Room that was pink. "Was that it? I always thought it was because you liked the outdoors and all that stuff about nature." Lex liked nature too, just not as much. She didn't exactly have the attention span to appreciate nature for more than a few minutes at a time. There was just too much to do.
The look on Lottie's face told her that she finally noticed she was being watched. Good. Extra good because she stopped staring, for a while anyway. "I couldn't agree more. Half of them have no heads in the first place, forget having any filled with actual brains." It was true. She noticed but like Lottie said, there were some that had enough of a brain to make up for the lack among the others. This made things not so bad. "It's a pity the extra smart ones are so rare. Do you think most of them might have died off?" Believe it or not that was a serious question. One she'd been meaning to ask for the longest time too.
Yes, very possible indeed.
And Lottie had taken the hint. New Lottie was going to take some getting used to. This new one blushed a lot more and was more easily distracted. Being distracted was her job. If they were both so easily distracted they could very well run right into an acromantula and never notice!
This wouldn't work.
Still, she apologized and the attention was back to her. This was where she smiled to let Lottie know she'd accepted the apology, so she did. Half a smile really. Her saying sorry didn't change the fact that she had done it in the first place. Time to move away from this too. "You don't suppose they'd have our first class be something high up in the towers do you??" It NEVER amused her to walk all the way down for breakfast, just to have to walk all the way back up. NOPE.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Or newly sorted person. One of the two. But he hadn't seen her around at Hogwarts before and she did seem to be coming from the stools... area so... yeah.
And this girl seemed to be frowning which only made Alec feel slightly uncomfortable. The idea of anyone being sad or upset or just frowny in general wasn't something that sat well with him. Especially since this girl was frowning over, what he assumed to be, the plastic cutlery. Not great.
Despite this, the nearly sixteen year old grinned at the girl and gave her a small wave, trying to attract her attention. "Erm... hey there!" He wasn't being awkward, nope! "Welcome to Hufflepuff! Erm... I'm Alec, Alec Summers." GRIN.
Pretty ceiling! The stars and things reflected had drawn the 11 year old's attention like a moth to flames. The candles floating up there didn't help with the short attention span either as they kept floating back and forth. She had to look down though to grab another drink of water.
Wait...distraction...someone was waving at her. Bay looked behind her to make sure that the guy was actually waving at her. Since there was no one behind her she could assume that he was. Then he made introductions and she had to smile at his enthusiasm.
"Hello! Thank you. I'm Bay, Bay Turner. Nice to meet you Alec."
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Theodore had no right to be mad. If Ella was being Ms. Sassy McSasserton it was his own fault. He’d given her sassy!lessons, remember?
Also the boy’s eyeroll was on another level of sassy and Ella laughed. LAUGHED because she couldn’t be mad when someone looked so silly. And yes, the eyeroll looked SILLY. Also silly, the fact that Theo was stuck to his seat. HEH.
And Oakey Worm was doing homework? Interesting. ”Dad likes Star Trek.” Ella said casually, eyeing the plate he’d been writing on. ”You do know it’s not really a muggle cult, yeah?” Just saying. As for the veggie drinks and pat on the back, Ella smiled and shrugged. ”I can try.” But really…food soon?
And then Groundskeeper!dude was scolding Theo for ruining Oakey’s paper plate project and Ella just watched with wide eyes. She’d told him the utensils were for eating, yeah? SOMEONE should have listened. She was also kind of worried because of Dylish reasons. He wouldn’t be happy about point loss for his house, yeah? And though she was sure he wouldn’t harm a hair of Theo’s eye rolling head, she wasn’t so sure he’d be happy with Oakey worm and Ella rather liked their friendship. Oh and as much as she wanted to poke the lurker in his eye at the moment, they were friends too so yeah, she felt the tiniest bit bad about him losing points. ”The sooner you two stop sniping, the sooner you can get this finished and get away from each other, yeah?” The blonde said, eyeing the lurker and then the O-worm. Besides, the ickles shouldn’t see this type of behavior.
Ella hugged Minnie back and smiled a little at her reassuring words. She was nice, Minnie was. The blonde was also happy to hear that Minnie would practice with her…and Wade too, apparently. “Awesome! I talked to Wade on the train too and I’m glad he’ll be hanging out.” Really glad. ”You’re gonna be great, Min. Don’t worry!” Seriously, as long as she tried her hardest, she’d be fine. Minnie’s blush wasn’t lost on Ella, either, and the blonde raised her eyebrows. Hmmm. ”That sounds really great, actually. I’m glad you had a good one.” BEAM.
Loch Nessie was calling her Captain? Giggle. ”You don’t have to call me that, Nessie. Really.” Not unless she wanted to, of course. And she’d been practicing? Ella BEAMED at the older badger, nodding her head. ”I was born ready.” Cue a broad smile and a fit of giggles. The blonde was a bit surprised Ness didn’t know what was up with all the run-down stuff. She’d hoped Head-People would be privy to that information but maybe they’d find out during the speech?
Ickle Person! (Tucker) “Yup, I’m the new Captain.” Nodnod. “I’m Ella!” What position did she play? Ella grinned at the boy’s curiosity. Did this mean he liked Quidditch and planned on playing? HMMMM? ”I’ve been playing keeper recently but I’ve been a chaser and beater too.” Multitalented, obviously. Snort. ”Are you going to try out?”
And then Laura was doing some crazy newscast scenario and Ella giggled, watching her friend with interest. What was that about? Also, Laura should really broadcast about the whole Theo/Oakey stand-off if she was going to pretend to be a newscaster, yeah? That was definitely newsworthy.
Ella appreciated all of Alec’s concern, really she did. She hated that he was worried, though. ”Yeah, I think some more sleep is just the thing I need.” And she smiled at him, nudging him gently in the arm. ”You’re a great boyfriend, y’know.” Just in case he was wondering.
Mysterious Messy was mysterious. Frown. ”Nope, I haven’t heard from him either. Do you think he’s off doing more ballet?” Better that than hurt somewhere and lonely. And he was worried about the house elves too? ”Yeah, I mean they should! House elves are awesome!”
Ugh. She needed to shake this off right now. And Oakey and Theodore were here and she could tell Alec was probably a bit uncomfortable so she let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around him in a side hug instead. Looking up, the blonde gave the hair whipper a small smile and whispered, ”You okay?”
So... Once more Kaiden found himself sitting at the Hufflepuff table. The table with all that horrid yellow, and the people, the Hufflepuffs. He frowned looking over those sitting around. He still wasn't too keen on the whole thing, but well, it wasn't SO bad now. Like, it was still bad, but it was bearable, thanks to their co-win of the House Cup, and his help in winning the Quidditch Cup.
So he sat there, not too hungry thanks to all his candy, and fiddled with the utensils and things. They made it seem more like a picnic, or cook out, and less of a feast thing like they always had. "Hmm, thats odd." he mumbled.
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
The girl didn't seem hungry. She could tell because most of the other students that were, were staring longingly at the plates, almost willing them to fill themselves. As if that work. They should ALL know that the speech came first. Even at Hogwarts, food miracles didn't happen. Looking back at the girl, she figured that maybe if the girl had food to tempt her, she would become hungry. She'd already had her bag of jelly beans out after offering them to Forrest, so she just held the bag out in the young girl's direction. "Jelly beans?" She asked politely and smiled.
Bliss took a couple out for herself and popped them in her mouth. Yummy. She chewed delicately and waited for the girl's reply. Haruka. She swallowed and spoke, "that's an interesting name. It's really nice to meet you." BEAM. "How are you liking Hogwarts so far?" This was important, because depending on Haruka's answer, Bliss could help make it BETTER. Being one of the middle/older students made her feel like it was her responsibility to do that.
Jelly Beans? Curses! Haruka's never been able to turn down sweets. "Thank you!" She nodded politely as she took some. She smiled shyly when Bliss commented on her name. Haruka's face lit up when Bliss asked how she liked things so far. "Everything's great!" She beamed. "I can't wait for classes to start!"
SPOILER!!: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva tried to make sure she heard the way she pronounced her name, not wanting to get it wrong. That would be mean now wouldn’t it. “Well it is very good to meet you to Haruka. Where are you from?’ Wanting to get to know her more since they were in the same house now.
Oh and she was excited to start classes, Minerva love to see this.. She always loved the new class feel and hoped some others did as well. “That’s awesome, you’re really going to enjoy classes. Which one are you the most excited about?” She then looked at the girl a little more serious, “Don’t be afraid to ask any of us for help if you need it. That’s what a house is for helping and supporting, as well as having fun. So make sure if you need anything to ask.” It was good to make sure the younger ones felt comfortable and not intimidated.
Haruka smiled at the older girl's kindness. "Well, I'm originally from Japan," she replied. "But my family moved to England a few years ago." Her smile grew when the girl asked about classes. "I'm most excited about Divinations!"
She noticed Minnie took on a more serious tone and shifted in her seat when the older Puff encouraged her to ask for help. "Okay," she offered, though the reply was empty.
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Awar walked up to another newbie. "Hi! I'm Awarlesta! Welcome into our family!" She held out her hand, "You'll love it here. I can almost guarantee it!" Her face was starting to hurt from all the smiling, but she couldn't help it. She had to share her enthusiasm with everybody else.
Haruka smiled back at Awarlesta. "Hi! My name's Haruka!" She noticed that the corners of the girl's lips were twitching a bit, which she recognized as a familiar symptom of over-smiling.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
... Oops. Had he disturbed someone else?
Alec reached up a hand to ruffle his hair, a sheepish expression momentarily crossing his face. He didn't really mean to disturb people, it was just a sort of... habit. Yeah. Greeting new Hufflepuffs was just something he tended to do at Start of Term Feasts. But maybe this girl wouldn't mind meeting someone new?
Plus as if he was scary.
OH. GRIN. "Hey Haruka!" Could he possibly call her Ruka? That sounded like an awesome nickname, yeah? ... He'd probably have to talk to her at least on one other occasion before nicknames could be given. "It's great to meet to you too! Erm... so are you looking forward to your first term here?"
Haruka shook her head slightly to get rid of the remainder of her daydream. She smiled up at the older boy's question. "I'm very excited! I can't wait for classes to start!"
So... Once more Kaiden found himself sitting at the Hufflepuff table. The table with all that horrid yellow, and the people, the Hufflepuffs. He frowned looking over those sitting around. He still wasn't too keen on the whole thing, but well, it wasn't SO bad now. Like, it was still bad, but it was bearable, thanks to their co-win of the House Cup, and his help in winning the Quidditch Cup.
So he sat there, not too hungry thanks to all his candy, and fiddled with the utensils and things. They made it seem more like a picnic, or cook out, and less of a feast thing like they always had. "Hmm, thats odd." he mumbled.
Arlene turned to look at someone else. "What's odd?" The eleven year old braved. Normally she would have just let something like that go and not question it. For some reason though being with so many people around her, the shy quiet Arlene was starting to get a little bit more brave.
Pushing her red hair out of her face for the thousandth time that day, Arlene gave the boy a smile and decided it would be a good idea to introduce herself to him. "I'm Arlene Murdock." She introduced, "First year, but I assume that's kind of obvious." She added on with a giggle.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Text Cut: Bay!
Originally Posted by Riverlynn
Come to think of it the entire hall looked a bit shabby. Even the rickety boats looked in better shape then the decorations in here. Maybe it was a decoration choice? Like some people chose to wear black to look cool maybe this was a Medieval thing? If that was the aim though even the firstie could say it was done wrong.
At that moment someone addressed her with a welcome and Bay smiled widely. "I'm Bay, first year." Hello Captain obvious but what could you do? She was excited! The conversation turned to the decor and her frown deepened. So this wasn't the usual theme then? Why was it different this year?
"Budget cuts maybe?" At the orphanage that sometimes happened. One year they went without new shoes and had to make due with donations and hand-me-downs because the budget was smaller. Did magical schools have budgets?
This whole magical world thing was just confusing!
"Yeah, maybe..." Did Hogwarts have a financial problem? For some reason it was hard to believe so. Enough of the sad and bad, though. She was suppose to be welcoming to the young one. "But, I'm sure it won't be like this for the whole term. They'll fix it. They always do. Are you excited for your first year?" She said, a smile beaming on her face.
Text Cut: Alec-bear!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Awar was officially his sort of younger sister person, okay? Okay.
... He probably needed to ask her about that. Maybe. Later.
But back to the girl. "Really? That's AWESOME!" Because... there had been a time when the girl had said that she was doing 'better' yeah? And better meant that she had been sad before? ... Alec didn't want to think about that so he simply went on to say, "You look really happy!" GRIN.
So she had an uncle, a cousin and a brother. Got it. "Yeah? How was Switzerland? Did you do anything interesting there?" Details, he wanted lots of those! Nodnod. "Oh! It sounds like your brother really missed you, then!" he said before letting out a small chuckle. ... Pause. "Erm... so is it only you and your brother at home?" ... Maybe... this was a touchy topic. Oops.
"IT IS AWESOME." She was starting to scare herself from how enthusiastic she was today. If she keeps this up, she might start scaring people away. O_O. "I look happy? Oh, that's good! Really, good!" She mirrored the all-famous 'Alec Grin'. Her outer appearance was matching her personality, which was good. Good indeed.
"Switzerland was amazing! Saw a lot of rainfalls and abysessesses." Abysess. Abyssesess. Abyss. There you go. "Oh, and look how long my hair's gotten!" She said as she flipped her dark blonde hair over head, so it hid her face. Flip. "Well, I hope so! Maybe he had a whole bunch of fun without me and pretended to miss me!" Giggle. Well, this subject was to be asked constantly soon, so she prepared for this moment. "Yeah, it's just me and Manolo. My dad passed away about 4 years ago and my mom left to Spain. I haven't heard from her since, but my brother and I are pretty content alone." Whoo, that was actually pretty painless. She sweetly smiled to top it off.
Text Cut: Haruka!
Originally Posted by SakuraMochi
Haruka smiled back at Awarlesta. "Hi! My name's Haruka!" She noticed that the corners of the girl's lips were twitching a bit, which she recognized as a familiar symptom of over-smiling.
Haruka? Interesting name. Very pretty and unique! "Well, Haruka. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She had an urge to hug the adorable youngster. Would that be weird? She's no danger as a stranger, is she? Awar held out her arms, awkwardly to test the waters.
Arlene turned to look at someone else. "What's odd?" The eleven year old braved. Normally she would have just let something like that go and not question it. For some reason though being with so many people around her, the shy quiet Arlene was starting to get a little bit more brave.
Pushing her red hair out of her face for the thousandth time that day, Arlene gave the boy a smile and decided it would be a good idea to introduce herself to him. "I'm Arlene Murdock." She introduced, "First year, but I assume that's kind of obvious." She added on with a giggle.
Oh, some kid was talking to him? "oh, well, this." he said poking the plate and slipping the cup upside down. "Its like we're at some back yard cook out, and not the fancy kind. I mean, we usually have the same fancy plates and classes and things." he shrugged. "Its just weird." It wasn't even like it was one of those weird theme party things they had. Nope, it was the opening feast.
"oh, er... I'm Kaiden." he said rubbing the back of his neck, feeling quite awkward about the small girl and her giggling. It was... weird. and something like Miks would do.
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
I'm sorry for the late reply. For Jory, Minnie, Forrest, Nate & Kace
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Jory][QUOTE=FearlessLeader19;11347954]Jory had taken extra long to get to the Feast. Well, because of Ronnie mostly. He noticed she had been emotional during the carriage ride and he had tried to make her feel better.
Anyway, he hurried towards the Puffer table and to no surprise, he found it was packed with students. Everyone had conversations going but he looked for his "twin sister". Finally, he spotted her and headed fro her direction. The badger managed to take a seat next to her and poked her in the arm. [B]"Hi, again,''[/B] he said with a grin.
He looked around. He was going to miss this. And everyone.[B] "I won't think about it,'' [/B]he muttered, looking away from the enchanted ceiling. Nope, not now, anyway.[/QUOTE][/spoiler]
Alyssa turned around when she first sensed someone sitting down next to her and then followed by a poke. "[b]Ow Jory. That hurt. Now I'm going to have a bruise.[/b]" Alyssa jokingly told him pretending to rub her arm.
"[b]I guess trying to make a quiet entrance at the feast is not going to work after all.[/b]" she whispered to him as people started coming up to talk with her. But before she decided that she would talk with Forresr first as his question was quite strange but at the same time accurate.
[QUOTE=Deniiz;11348017]Forrest was startled a tiiiiiiiny bit when she adressed him. He got that people here were pretty friendly--not anyone like in his previous schools--and he'd already liked it here, but older people still intimidated him like no one else. Because he wasn't used to this, see? He was used to older students' bullying and silly jokes and he couldn't help but search some sort of malice when they talked to him. Only, there hadn't been any so far, except for Daichi's joke.
Yeah. He'd adress that later.
"I'm Forrest," he said, taking the hand and smiling shyly in the process. He then struggled to form his trouble into words. Was it rude to ask how much money Hogwarts had? Would she know such details? Because to tell you the truth, these plastics were just... disrespectful to the students there. He had to ask, because it troubled him, see?
"Is it normally--plastics--the plates and cups, I mean?"
"Actually, Forrest, I have to admit that it isn't normal for our cutlery, plates and cups to be made of plastic. We usually have actual silverware and metal plates and silver cups. Maybe the house elves decided that they didn't want to waste time washing them this time." Alyssa explained to Forrest even though she knew that the reason she gave was a lie. Something strange was definitely going on.
Then Alyssa turned to see a familiar face join their table.
SPOILER!!: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva was looking down the table when she spotted Alyssa, going over to her she smiled and gave the seventh year a hug. Double Frown She didn’t want to think of the seventh years.. nope they were all just housemates now until she was not allowed to be in denial any longer. Smiling back at her friend, Hey Alyssa, how was the rest of your summer?” It was so great that she got to see some of her friends over summer. “So you ready for term to start? Excited for your final year?” Good one Min stop bringing it up, it’s not a topic to speak about…She glanced towards the claw table again. She knew she wanted over there, but she kept herself where she was. Her house needed her there to greet first years, plus she wanted to see her friends.
Alyssa smiled and returned Minnie's hug. "As you know Summer was rather busy for me with all the application letters I had to send off, plus the training at the Academy and moving out from my home to Evan's but I still managed to get some studying in. Excited? I don't think that I can exactly describe it as that though." Alyssa confided in her friend.
Originally Posted by natethegreat
"Hi Alyssa. How was your summer this year. Did you go anywhere?" He asked her. He had to ask her that because she lived across the pond in California? Something along those lines. Nate really wasn't good when it came to naming the states. He'd always mix up names, pronounce them wrong, or mix up there locations. He only went there once, and that was when he was really little. When he was about 6 months he went on a family vacation to Florida? It was either Florida or Michigan. Or was it Massacheusits? Whatever state has Salem he went there.
Alyssa smiled at the younger boy."I did spend some time at Dollywood Park with Minnie, Ethan & my boyfriend, but most of my summer was spent studying or moving or training and studying. Yep! I had a pretty busy summer. What about you?" she asked Nate.
Originally Posted by hpfan18
After he found out he was in the hufflepuff house, he was so relieved. He was in the house his sister was in. As he was approaching the hufflepuff table he was shaking in his shoes because he was so nervous. Kace walked to the table and he saw everyone else talking and making new friends. He did meet new friends on the boat and they were nice but he wondered what other puffs were first years.
Kace saw Minnie the girl he met on the train. She seemed to be popular and he decided to let her chat. But he did not mind this house. He thought he was going to like it here.
While Alyssa was waiting for Nate to reply, she noticed another new face. So she waved at him and called out a greeting. "Hello there. Welcome to Hufflepuff. I'm Alyssa and it's nice to meet you." she smiled at the boy.
Oh, there was Eliza. Ella offered the girl a smile and a wave. She was nice, Eliza was. "Hey! So we meet again." Grin. They'd only got a chance to talk a little on the carriages so the blonde was happy to see the girl. As for the question about the plates and whatnot, the badger shrugged. "It's strange, isn't it?" Very strange. "Maybe...we're having money troubles? Or...the house elves aren't keen on washing dishes anymore?" Eliza'a guess was as good as Ella's at this point.
Eliza smiled back at Ella's greeting and said with a laugh, "And so we do!" She did a half curtsy and tipped her head. She giggled and then looked to the table settings again. "Yes, strange indeed. But you know, even if it's weird for Hogwarts, it's still more than some people have, so I guess I shouldn't complain." Actually she was starting to feel a somewhat badly for how she'd been reacting to them. It wasn't like she needed nice things. It was nice to even be at school at all in her opinion. But there is something fishy about it... She still couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Those could be...The house elves do what a LOT of work to do all the time. I'm sure dishes are just one more dull task on their hands. Hmm... Do you think maybe the charms have worn off of them? Maybe this is all they ever really were, but they were fancified or something before?" It was worth a shot - but she did hope the real answer would be found soon. Also the food. The food could be found soon as well.
SPOILER!!: Ethan
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan had been greeting all his new Claws and catching up with friends at the Ravenclaw table, but he couldn't help his eyes from continually drifting towards the Hufflepuff table. Once he found a lull in the conversation at his own table, he got up, if only for a few minutes, to at least say hi to his favorite Hufflepuff.
It was no surprise that she was surrounded by a bunch of people, old friends and new housemates.. she was always so friendly. As he approached her, he caught Eliza out of the corner of his eye. Hadn't he just seen her at their own table? Chuckling a bit to himself, he offered his housemate a little wave before continuing his walk. And not too far from Minerva were a couple of Puffs that he knew at least a little bit. "Hi Ella.. hey Alec," he greeted the two, giving them both a nod and smile. Min had told him that Alec had kept her company a little bit on the train while he was gone and had been grateful to the other boy for that.
Nearing Minerva, Ethan lightly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey.." he began with a bigger smile. "I won't keep you too long.. just wanted to come over and say hi to my favorite Hufflepuff." His eyes wandered over to their table.. oh, so Eliza's theory had not been correct. "So, your table has those too," he said, curiously looking at the plastics gracing the table. It wasn't about Ravenclaw being in last place, because Hufflepuff had pretty much won everything last term and they had the same second-rate tableware.
Moments after arriving at the Hufflepuff table, she noticed Ethan making his way there as well. I guess we both had the same idea, she thought with a laugh, and waved back at him as he went to see his girlfriend - whom she was just about to see as well actually. Another thing she was glad of Ethan for was introducing her to Min. Can I call her Min now? she wondered. Everyone else does so I'm sure it's fine, right? She'd try it out sometime to see.
SPOILER!!: Minerva & Nash
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva smiled as she saw Eliza. Giving her younger claw friend a hug, “Eliza, so glad to see you. I was probably going to end up at your table eventually, but it’s nice to have you over here.” Oh what was the nerves for she wondered and then her eyes landed on Nashy and she couldn’t help but giggle, yep Eliza was at that age. She turned and looked to Nash, “Hey Nash.. Come here a second.” She leaned and whispered “It’s a boy don’t be nervous.” Looking back to Nash, “Oh Nash I want you to meet a friend of mine. Remember I told you it was good to friend other houses as well. This is Eliza. Eliza this is Nash.”
She gave Eliza a small wink. “Summer was great, I’m glad we did get a bit of practice in though, that was great.” She smiled at her friend a little more excited. “Are you excited about tryouts? I know you’re doing great. I think I might come and watch a few of the tryouts. Cheer you and Ethan on.” That would be great to see both of them get on the team.
Eliza received the hug with warm welcoming arms. Hugs were nice. She didn't really ever think about giving them very often, just not in her immediate nature she supposed, but it was nice when they came around every now and then to surprise her. "It's good to see you too, Min!" she greeted with gusto. Eh? Eh? Min? Is that going to work? She watched to be sure, and seeing no negative reaction, she considered it a nickname success. Two points for Eliza! Maybe she was getting better at this whole socializing thing.
But that thought faded quickly as she noticed Min catching onto the root of her nervous fluster that had overcome her a moment ago. What?! No!! she huffed inside her head. She's calling him over here? Nononono! What if he saw me oggling him? And now - oh, agh! She shot a panicked look to Min, clearly in some distress here. And then she told her not to be nervous? That's like telling a bird not to fly! Oh she's sneaky, this one. She grimaced and tried to calm herself with a steady, practiced smile. Ridiculous, you're being ridiculous. He's a total stranger. He doesn't care who you are or what you're thinking, so just relax! Coaching herself as best she could, she prepared herself for the interaction with this Nash person.
Her mouth was dry, her fingers were twitchy, but she kept her voice relatively even - a skill she'd learned out of necessity. "I'm glad your summer was good! I really enjoyed practice," she said with a nod. And tryouts? She was really looking forward to those. And also dreading them. Those two feelings seemed to coincide for her quite often. "Oh I'd love it if you were there! It would be great to have someone in the stands rooting for me to make the team. And I'm sure Ethan will have no trouble getting a place again," she said, smiling. And hopefully this boy doesn't play, so he won't have to see me try and possibly fail and look horrible. Oh but he's older and doesn't care anyway. Irrelevant! All of these thoughts are irrelevant! She breathed another steady breath inwards, annnnd out. It was getting slightly better. Maybe there was a method to Min's crash course boy interaction methods after all.
SPOILER!!: Tucker
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Just as Tucker was looking over his plastic fork and wondering what on earth was going on, he realized that the girl from the train was seated nearby. He hadn't really gotten too good a look at her, due to the DRAMA in the compartment, but he smiled and gave her a little knowing wave when he saw she was there.
"Hi! You were on the train with those two guys, right?" he asked.
Relieved that the boy from the compartment wasn't pretending to have never seen her before, she smiled back and nodded. "Yeah, I was," she said with a chuckle - and probably some blushing. "Sorry I was so...weird, I guess. That was...unexpected. The fighting I mean," she rambled. Wait, that makes it sound like it ISN'T unexpected for me to be weird. Great. Good job. Phrasing, Eliza. She didn't try to correct herself, as she figured it'd be best to just, not. But then the floodgates opened again. "I'm Eliza, just in case... I mean, so you know. And you are?" Maybe she would need to have a more in depth conversation with Min on how to talk to boys. Why did I not have this problem last year? She was beginning to feel a bit loopy, but maybe that was because she needed to eat soon.
Don't mind Oakey, He's excitable about that last name.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Text Cut: Alec :3
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
... Oakey had entered the scene.
And Alec... didn't know how to feel about this. Sure, Ells had explained things but the guy still felt slightly uncomfortable just by remembering things, not by the actual guy himself. Maybe. ... He really didn't know.
But... Oakey was here and he was working on things and basically being Head Boy-y. And it was still great to see the guy again. "Erm... hey there, Oakster!" he said, grinning and waving at the boy, "You okay? Had a good summer?" ... Were those too many questions to ask all at once or...?
Also Theo was there. More uncomfortable-ness.
Alec his Favorite Seeker, Oakey looked over to the other side of Ella and beamed. [B]"Alec, I had an interesting summer. Carnivals, Dogs, Ladders." and a lot of time spent with Ariana before she spent a month in America. "How about you? I saw you over at Ella's from time to time, but what else were you up too?"
Text Cut: Arlene Murdoch
Originally Posted by QueenGinger
Pushing her red hair out of her face for the thousandth time that day, Arlene gave the boy a smile and decided it would be a good idea to introduce herself to him. "I'm Arlene Murdock." She introduced, "First year, but I assume that's kind of obvious." She added on with a giggle.
Oakey's head perked up and turned quickly in the directions of the little red haired first year girl. "What did you say your last name was?" The Head Boy jumped into her and Kaiden's conversation unannounced.
He had to ask her. The cards lined up somewhat. The Former Groundskeeper shared the same last name, and if Oakey recalled correctly was a Hufflepuff once himself.
That answer was almost expected really. Lottie hated yellow as much as she hated pink. Honestly, things wouldn't have gone well if she had to climbed several flights of stairs each day just to get back to a Common Room that was pink. "Was that it? I always thought it was because you liked the outdoors and all that stuff about nature." Lex liked nature too, just not as much. She didn't exactly have the attention span to appreciate nature for more than a few minutes at a time. There was just too much to do.
The look on Lottie's face told her that she finally noticed she was being watched. Good. Extra good because she stopped staring, for a while anyway. "I couldn't agree more. Half of them have no heads in the first place, forget having any filled with actual brains." It was true. She noticed but like Lottie said, there were some that had enough of a brain to make up for the lack among the others. This made things not so bad. "It's a pity the extra smart ones are so rare. Do you think most of them might have died off?" Believe it or not that was a serious question. One she'd been meaning to ask for the longest time too.
Yes, very possible indeed.
And Lottie had taken the hint. New Lottie was going to take some getting used to. This new one blushed a lot more and was more easily distracted. Being distracted was her job. If they were both so easily distracted they could very well run right into an acromantula and never notice!
This wouldn't work.
Still, she apologized and the attention was back to her. This was where she smiled to let Lottie know she'd accepted the apology, so she did. Half a smile really. Her saying sorry didn't change the fact that she had done it in the first place. Time to move away from this too. "You don't suppose they'd have our first class be something high up in the towers do you??" It NEVER amused her to walk all the way down for breakfast, just to have to walk all the way back up. NOPE.
Why, of course, Lex. "That is the main reason. I love being outside. Good thing I do, right? But I guess I'd study in the Common Room instead of going to the library if there wasn't so much yellow." TRUE. Because she had to go up to the library, and be on the Common Room by curfew. Unless she was extremely tired and had to move the couch in front of the fireplace to keep away from the color.
Pink is her favorite color, but she was certain it wouldn't be if she'd see it everywhere, you know? Which is why she didn't own too many pink stuff, yet she always wore the pink bracelet, was Lex wearing her blue one?
Smirk. They always agreed on this, didn't they? Of course, Lottie was agreeing with what she was saying, but she pondered over her question s while longer. "I don't know, I think the Sorting Hat has lowered its standards for that House in particular." And, well, she still didn't know what happened with her. The other Houses seemed to have students that suited them, the blue was the one with issues.
We're really sorry, Lex. But she probably noticed that she didn't look towards that table this time. Improvement.
The blush was slowly fading.
And she laughed AGAIN. "I wouldn't mind it, actually, but I can understand why you would." ACTUALLY, she might be out of shape for seven floors, "On second thought...I hope not." She won't have any problem with the waking up early part, though, since she always woke up rather early...but the stairs...on the first day...this was a minor issue.
No, the right question should be 'Are there any classes you KNOW about?' Because really, he was probably the most ignorant person there. He didn't know ANYTHING about this world at all. But was he going to reveal that?
Of course not.
So, without hesitating for a moment, he said "History of Magic." That was the only class he knew about, and it wasn't too hard to guess what it was, so it was the safest to utter as his favourite.
"What's yours?"
At his reply Kahlan couldn't help a fond smile crossing her face, considering whenever her brother had done anything for History of Magic she loved to read his books or go over the work he'd written, though she'd never really told him that.
"I really can't wait for History of Magic, I love learning about history... but I guess I'm also looking forward to Muggle studies because I never really learnt much about it until my brother started dating a muggle... I find all of the stuff so strange... and interesting, especially now having spent the holidays with the two of them-" she caught herself as she'd started rambling, a blush rising on her cheeks as she stopped herself from going on and looked down slightly, a bit different from the usual confidence considering she hated when she rambled, kind of wondering what Forrest would think now...
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
This whole plastic thing was really, really odd and before Nessie knew it she was pouting wondering what could be the reason for it all. It just didn't make sense, none of it. Where were the elves? They usually cleaned this up. Heh, anyways, someone was calling her.
The Hufflepuff looked up and spotted Minnie, a blonde a year younger than her. She smiled and blushed slightly at the congratulation, for some reason she went all shy about the whole Head Girl thing, it just she wasn't sure about it yet. "Thank you." Her smile went slightly nervous. "Um...guess I am excited? I ..I'm a little nervous, I think. I'm not to sure myself." Her emotions were a big mush about the badge and to say she truly knew what she felt would have been a lie.
"Anyways, how was your summer?" Good change of topic, yeah?
Minerva couldn’t believe when Ness seemed so unsure about Head Girl, “Ness, you’re going to be brilliant at head girl. You were an awesome captain and showed great leadership. You will do the same for this, I just know you will.” She was going to wait until later, but maybe saying something about some plans in her head now could encourage Nessie. “I have a few plans in my mind of things we could do this term for our house, one is for the entire house and the other is for the fifth and seventh years. We don’t have to talk about them now, but maybe later. I want to run them by you and Oakey, plus I’m going to talk to Hadley about them as well.” Always important to bring the prefects into the thoughts, but they didn’t have prefects this term, they had both Heads. She was so excited about that.
Now her summer, she smiled even bigger. Min had been asked that a few times, of course common topic, but she was never tired of answer, “My summer was amazing, I traveled a bit, and got an opportunity to work at a hospital to see if that is the path I want to travel after here.” Short end of the story, but enough if Nessie wanted anymore detail she could just ask. “How was your summer?
The newly sorted Hufflepuff skipped down to the table with the....well rather homely looking yellow and black banner over it. Odd considering how lavish the train had been. Her green eyes tried to spot Minnie as she was extremely excited to be in the same house with her new friend. It seemed she was surrounded by a bunch of people so Bay took an empty seat near the end.
A frown crossed her face as she looked at the dinner ware. Paper plates and plastic cups? Honestly she had expected nice china or something like it. Even the orphanage had actual plates and glasses. This was just....well....disappointing. Sighing Bay took a drink of water from her plastic cup and waited for dinner to start. All the excitement from today had the 11 year old starving for food. Her little body was still shaking a bit but that would pass eventually.
Minerva was watching as the rest of the first years were sorted and she caught eye of Bay heading the hat. She crossed her fingers under the table, not that she couldn’t’ be friends with Bay no matter what house she was in, but Minerva just hoped she could be part of their house. Standing she clapped and cheered for her as she walked over, “Bay this is awesome, I’m so excited for you. Welcome to Hufflepuff! You are going to be a great addition for us!” She had all the faith in Bay, she wasn’t sure why, but she just felt that Bay would be a great student here.
Plus the little puffer needed a great family group of friends and this house was a great house to be in for that family of friends. She couldn’t be happier with her awesome friends and her little badgers and now she could adopt another one in that group. Giving her a small hug and hoping she didn’t mind Min smiled, “Now we wait for the headmistress to talk and then the food should be here, even though I’m not sure about this silverware this term, but no biggie, we will still have a great time and good food.”
SPOILER!!: Forrest
This was the second time someone mentioned a cup. Now he was even more curious, though he preferred to ask it some time else--no need to reveal his ignorance now.
"Thanks," he said, blushing again when she complimented on his name.
Tell about himself? There was barely anything to be told about. "I'm from Durham," he said, pausing to think what else to add. But really, he couldn't think of anything else, so...
Minerva couldn’t help but notice the little first year wasn’t very talkative, was he just being quiet or maybe she was just talking too much. Well how else would she get to know the little one if she didn’t ask. Oh and he didn’t say much about himself either, Durham.. She had heard of it before, but had she ever been there before. “Is it nice?” “So Forrest, do you come from a wizard family?” It wasn’t a big deal if he wasn’t, she wasn’t really with her dad being a muggle, but it was just something to ask. If he wasn’t she could help him relate and help explain things if he needed, no need for him to think he had to pretend, because so many were oblivious and unknowing before coming to school, she was one of them.
SPOILER!!: Tucker
Tucker shrugged. "Eh, it was ok I guess. My mum got pretty stressed since she started a new job at the Ministry, and she's really good at charms and stuff but not much easily," he chuckled. "She tried her best though, and I'm well caught up with everyone else," he explained. He didn't want her thinking he was way behind and some big slacker or something since he was homeschooled.
"Definitely charms," he said with a nod. "My mum is REALLY big on that so I know a ton about it. I'm just curious about all of it since I've never been to a real class," he explained.
He was still a bit nervous about all that but...he'd manage. He'd think about that tomorrow.[/COLOR]
Minerva listened to him, oh charms, that got her interest. She loved charms, but she had that small issue with it. Maybe he could help her.. “So you know a lot about charms? I love charms, but didn’t do as good as I would have liked on my OWLs. I need to practice more.” That might have been a bit much for a new student, but if he knew charms, maybe they could work together sometimes. “Don’t worry about the other classes, I think you will be fine.” She wasn’t afraid he was behind, she was just interested in how the homeschooling worked. “Well I think you will like real classes, I think I would love one on one time for learning, but there is nothing like being able to partner with other students.” She hoped he wasn’t too nervous about classes, she figured he would do fine, especially if his mom taught him a tone in charms.
"I have a few friends in the States!" Awar said, jumping slightly. "How is it? And how's Germany? I wish I could travel more often." Indeed, there were so many places to explore. "I don't know what I want to do after I'm done with school yet. My brother's a albino bloodhound handler and he is completely in love with his job, so maybe I'll end up doing stuff with animals too. I'm sure you'll be an amazing Healer, Minnie!" She glanced over to the Ravenclaw table where she was pointing. "I don't think I have met Ethan. But, I'll be sure to get to know him soon! A prefect? Sounds like a keeper!" She laughed. "I also have to spend more time in the library. I completely dropped the ball last term and I'm planning on doing way better this year."
Smiling she liked when people didn’t give her odd looks about her home, she had heard more than once over the years questions on why she didn’t go to a school there. “They States are wonderful, well at least Tennessee is. That’s where my grandparents live, well I live. It’s beautiful. It is one of my favorite places.” She couldn’t help but feel a little homesick thinking about it. She had a great time there and had a great time with her grandparents, but the next thought brought happy and odd.. a little homesick feeling itself, “Germany was wonderful. It is such a nice place and everyone was so nice. I feel like I’m really starting to learn the language, which was helpful working there and to better communicate with Ethan’s family.”
Oh her brothers job sounded interesting, Minerva thought of questions about it, but decided not to ask, there were always books if she was more interested later. Blushing a bit, “oh thanks, I hope so and don’t worry about not know, I still don’t completely know. I think Healer is what I want, but I have some time yet, and so do you.” She smiled towards the younger badger. Smiling towards the claw table and listening to Awar another little blush hit her cheeks, “Yeah, I think he’s a keeper.. He’s amazing..” She looked sheepish at the table, stuff not to be talking about to the younger kids Min.. “Sorry, anyway, yes the library. Well if you ever need anything or a study partner, come find me. I would be more than happy to help. “
SPOILER!!: Oakey
Please, Oakey could tell when something was forced. He knew Minerva was trying to make good for Ariana's sake, but she could put more effort in it. "Good Summer, Minerva. You?" There, he gave her a forced response.
What happened to the two Hufflepuffs who ran around in Roro's Dragon Pen trying to keep Professor Lafay from taking the Baby Dragon as some of her ingredients?
Minerva gave him a odd look at his response, well at least they were on the same page of forced, but play nice for Ari is what she was going to do. “I had a wonderful summer actually, I wish I could have spent some time with Ariana, but I am hoping you made sure her summer was good.” Yes.. you better have at least. Still eyeing him a bit, she sighed knowing she was going to have to have a decent conversation sooner or later. What was she even still mad at him about? She couldn’t remember at that point, but she did know she didn’t trust him and she would stay suspicious until he proved he was not going to just hurt her friend. “Oakey” saying his name a bit more relaxed, well trying to at least. “I have a few ideas for the house this term. One for the entire house and the other for more the fifth and seventh year students. I would like to run them by you at some point. I plan on speaking to Hadley about these as well, but figured it would be a good idea to speak to both you and Nessie on these plans as well, so if you would like to help or anything you could.” There she was including him in her plans, was that enough to keep Ariana off her back of being nice.
SPOILER!!: Laura
Laura looked around and smiled at her Best Friend Ella. "Oh my summer was okay." Laura couldn't believe that she was lying to her best friend, but well Ella was happy and she didn't have to worry about Laura's problems so she wasn't going to say anything else about it they didn't know about what happened right.
Laura then listened to Minerva but didn't say anything, she was thinking about things. "I just want them to have some fun and I want to make sure they know they have someone they can talk to." Laura smiled, it was now time for her to forget about the summer and have some fun for a little bit, she wasn't going to get into trouble she hoped she was just going to have some fun.
Laura sat at her table and looked straight forwards. "Welcome to Hogwarts T.V, I am your host Laura Hope Hyde and on the weather we have Minnie." Points to her friend Minnie, "And on sports we have Ella Bishop." Points to her best friend, and finally be not least we have Sophie Campbell as a special guest." Points to Sophie.
Laura stops for a couple of minutes before continue. "Right as you all know the students of Hogwarts have flocked to the Great Hall for the start of term feast, new students have been hoping to get sorted into the house of their choice and a few people will be disappointed, I remember a couple of years ago a Hufflepuff Student demanding to change house, I can't believe anyone would want to do that, as someone once said the Hufflepuff House is the best house in the universe." Laura smiled. "Now I'll hand you over to Minnie for the weather and Ella for the sport." Laura giggled, and then we'll be speaking with our special guest, the lovely Sophie Campbell and we'll be talking about what the Headmistress will be talking about in her speech." Laura giggled as she stopped, who cared if anyone thought she was crazy.
Minerva stared at Laura.. What.. was.. she..doing.. Rolling her eyes a little, Min couldn’t help but laugh. Even if Laura didn’t feel it herself, she was such a fun girl and smart. Though Min felt Laura didn’t give herself credit for the last of the two. “Well I’m proud of you Laura, you are showing great Puff pride and being a great friend to these younger students. Hopefully some of them will end up in our house.” There were a few she was hoping would be part of their house that she got to know on the train as well.
Oh goodness now what was the fifth year doing?? Back with the news thing, really. She listened as Laura started and looked around to see who else was hearing her. Blushing at the thought of her bringing Minerva into this, she wasn’t sure whether to run or play along. Oh what the heck, so the first years thought that the older students were a bit weird. Weird was good, weird was fun, right? As long as it didn’t mean points taken or detention, Min could handle a little weird. Smiling she shook her head as Laura said about Min and weather, “Oh umm.. Thanks Laura? Looking at the ceiling since we are INDOORS it looks like it will be a good evening for a feast… ummm back to you crazy girl..” She laughed having a bit of fun with her friend.
Seeing Minnie smile had to be one of the nicest things ever. In all honesty, Alec really liked it when anyone smiled because it meant that they were happy, yeah? He liked happy people. They were always really really awesome. Nodnod.
"Really?" ... Oh! The sitting alone thing and overthinking thing. Alec knew a lot about that and how it felt so... this made him even more glad that he had decided to sit with Minnie. Not that Minnie would have minded him sitting with her, yeah?"Were you overthinking things?" Overthinking was not great sometimes. "Well... I'm glad you let me sit with you!"he said, before reaching over to return her hug with a big, squeezy one.
"I'm glad because... you shouldn't be sad, yeah? Ever," Even though it was inevitable for people to be sad. But still, he didn't want to see that from her. "Yeah, you're right! New firsties and classes and a whole year of really awesome things," GRIN. "Are you looking forward to this year?"
Minnie sighed, she wasn’t’ sure how much of her past stuff Alec really knew. He knew she had no parents, yes, but.. did he know about her brother. She didn’t want to get anyone down at the feast, it had been happy so far, but he was still asking about things. “Yes I was over thinking. My brain was already thinking about Ethan being a seventh year, when it shouldn’t we have all term. So no need to be sad about that yet, and well. You know about the plane crash and my parents, but I’m not sure you knew I had a little brother as well or maybe you did, but anyway he would have started this term so I was thinking about that as well, but you coming into the compartment was perfect timing.. so again thanks.” She smiled at him, because she wanted no sad.. no this was happy, happy feast, positive feast, beginning a new term feast. “Alec you can sit with me anytime you want, classes, common room, great hall, train. You are a great friend and I love when your around.”
Minerva then smiled, “Of course I’m looking forward to classes, a little nervous about new professors, a little sad that Magnus isn’t up there right now, but still excited to get started on learning new things. Plus I found out over the summer there are some new books in the library that I’m anxious to get my hands on. So I am looking forward to a good term. Plus, I do think I’ll try out for quidditch again, so hopefully.. fingers crossed.” That was about all she knew to say about the quidditch thing. She had no doubt the best keeper in the world would be on the team, but she did have doubts about herself.
Ella hugged Minnie back and smiled a little at her reassuring words. She was nice, Minnie was. The blonde was also happy to hear that Minnie would practice with her…and Wade too, apparently. “Awesome! I talked to Wade on the train too and I’m glad he’ll be hanging out.” Really glad. ”You’re gonna be great, Min. Don’t worry!” Seriously, as long as she tried her hardest, she’d be fine. Minnie’s blush wasn’t lost on Ella, either, and the blonde raised her eyebrows. Hmmm. ”That sounds really great, actually. I’m glad you had a good one.” BEAM.
Minerva was appreciative to Ella’s words, but that’s how their friendship always seemed to work. One encouraging the other, whether it was school or personal they always seemed to be near each other when needed. She was grateful for that and for Ella’s friendship over the years here. “Yeah I wasn’t completely sure of him at first, but Wade seems like a great guy. I hope to get to practice with him, maybe he can show me a few things, but maybe not hit Ethan with a bludger again this term.” She cracked a little smile knowing it was impossible to stop, but the thought was still there.
The eyebrows didn’t go unnoticed and Min turned her head trying to push the blush out of her face, but that was a challenge that would never be one. “Yeah, well I’m glad you had a great summer as well. Spent a lot of time with Alec, I hope.” Yes, she loved those two being together, they were so cute. “You two might be one of the cutest couples here at school.” She wasn’t afraid to admit that and didn’t think Ella would disagree.
SPOILER!!: Haruka
Haruka smiled at the older girl's kindness. "Well, I'm originally from Japan," she replied. "But my family moved to England a few years ago." Her smile grew when the girl asked about classes. "I'm most excited about Divinations!"
She noticed Minnie took on a more serious tone and shifted in her seat when the older Puff encouraged her to ask for help. "Okay," she offered, though the reply was empty.
Minerva listened, oh Japan, that was a place she had never been and maybe hoped to see one day. “Why did they move to England if I might ask?” Not being to nosey just curious as to what brought families to other parts of the world. “I’m actually from the States, so I get not being from England.” She was one of the curious ones that didn’t go to a school people thought she should have.
Her eyes brightening up at the subject, “Divinations, oh you’re going to love divinations. Professor Elwood is great and she will teach you so much.” Looking to the staff table, Minerva pointed, “That’s her right there. It’s one of my top favorite classes. So hopefully you will find it has interesting and great as I do.”
SPOILER!!: Alyssa
Alyssa smiled and returned Minnie's hug. "As you know Summer was rather busy for me with all the application letters I had to send off, plus the training at the Academy and moving out from my home to Evan's but I still managed to get some studying in. Excited? I don't think that I can exactly describe it as that though." Alyssa confided in her friend.
Minerva was aware at how busy Alyssa’s summer was, but she was so glad that she had made time to come and spend it with Ethan and her. “Well I am so glad we were able to spend time together this summer, even if it was just a day. It was fun.” Yes it really was, oh application letters, that seemed so.. stressful, was that the best word. “Well I hope those application letters work out for you. What are you planning on doing at the Academy?” Did she know this already? If she did she would feel bad that she forgot, but she would at least not forget again.
A little smile crossed her face with Evan, “How’s that going? You two are so cute together, I really like him Alyssa. I’m glad you met him, he seems perfect for you.” Yes he really did. She hoped they would last, because it would be cute if they did. The smile didn’t stay long when she wasn’t excited, well of course she wasn’t Min wasn’t sure how she would feel next term, “Well we have an exciting term ahead of us and quidditch tryouts will be sooner then we think, you are going out again, aren’t you?”
SPOILER!!: Eliza
Eliza received the hug with warm welcoming arms. Hugs were nice. She didn't really ever think about giving them very often, just not in her immediate nature she supposed, but it was nice when they came around every now and then to surprise her. "It's good to see you too, Min!" she greeted with gusto. Eh? Eh? Min? Is that going to work? She watched to be sure, and seeing no negative reaction, she considered it a nickname success. Two points for Eliza! Maybe she was getting better at this whole socializing thing.
But that thought faded quickly as she noticed Min catching onto the root of her nervous fluster that had overcome her a moment ago. What?! No!! she huffed inside her head. She's calling him over here? Nononono! What if he saw me oggling him? And now - oh, agh! She shot a panicked look to Min, clearly in some distress here. And then she told her not to be nervous? That's like telling a bird not to fly! Oh she's sneaky, this one. She grimaced and tried to calm herself with a steady, practiced smile. Ridiculous, you're being ridiculous. He's a total stranger. He doesn't care who you are or what you're thinking, so just relax!Coaching herself as best she could, she prepared herself for the interaction with this Nash person.
Her mouth was dry, her fingers were twitchy, but she kept her voice relatively even - a skill she'd learned out of necessity. "I'm glad your summer was good! I really enjoyed practice," she said with a nod. And tryouts? She was really looking forward to those. And also dreading them. Those two feelings seemed to coincide for her quite often. "Oh I'd love it if you were there! It would be great to have someone in the stands rooting for me to make the team. And I'm sure Ethan will have no trouble getting a place again," she said, smiling. And hopefully this boy doesn't play, so he won't have to see me try and possibly fail and look horrible. Oh but he's older and doesn't care anyway. Irrelevant! All of these thoughts are irrelevant! She breathed another steady breath inwards, annnnd out. It was getting slightly better. Maybe there was a method to Min's crash course boy interaction methods after all.
Minerva had to chuckled at the nervous bouncing off of Eliza and then she wondered what Ethan would think of her introducing Eliza to a boy. He seemed to have taken on the older brother role with Eliza, so protective and unsure might be the reaction she would get if he knew, but he wasn’t there and it was fun seeing her all nervous about boys, she remembered when she was all nervous around her first boy she liked, and again, and then again with meeting Ethan. She wish she could tell Eliza those nervous don’t ever go away with each new crush.
“I think you are going to do brilliant at tryouts, you really did well at those practices. Ethan’s aunt is a great teacher, so I know you are going to do fine.” Min chuckled a bit thinking of those practices, “and if nothing else you got to see how fast I can frustrate someone in Ethan’s family, because I will not hit him with a bludger.” She still wasn’t sure how that was going to work if they both made the teams, but she would deal with it when it came. She had to make the team first. “I will be there then, I’ll make sure of it and I’m sure you both will do wonderful.”
She placed his hand on top of his as he shook hers in attempt to calm his obvious nerves. "I had a friend named Forrest, once. You'll love it here at Hogwarts! We grow in such a loving family, you'll probably won't want to go home!" She smiled sweetly at him.
Forrest nodded affirmatively. He felt nice already. He wondered whether other houses were like this too. He'd ask--wait, he didn't know ANYONE yet.
Oh well.
"What kind of sports activities are there?" Just to ask something, and just to get something BIG out of way.
Text Cut: Alec
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
... BLINK.
Alec couldn't help but feel slightly awkward right about now. And not the awkwardness that he usually experienced when him and Ells were talking about... things; that was a whole different kind of awkward. This was more of a: Oops, I didn't mean to scare you or anything, I just want to be friends? Maybe?
Confused boy was confused.
OH HE WAS SPEAKING! ... Quietly. He was talking very quietly but he was still talking. "It's great to meet you, Forrest!" Forrest, Forrest... he couldn't come up with a nickname from that. Hmmm... Also, did the guy just call himself a muggle? "Erm... so all of this must be really new to you, yeah?" Yup, he was going to ignore the muggle bit... sort of. "Hogwarts is really awesome! I hope you really like it here." And if he didn't Alec would... would... give up ice cream.
... Nah.
Forrest nodded, meeting his gaze again. People were so NICE in here, it was hard to be intimidated--though his shyness was more on the impressed side. Oblivious to his confusion, and in an attempt to be more talkative, he said "People I've met so far are very nice, quite the opposite of students in my previous schools."
Except for Daichi. HE wasn't nice. He'd first mentioned f--
His hand twitched a little, and he had to make it a punch under the table to stop the urge. More silence. Forrest'd understand if he wanted to join his friends--he was probably the most boring person he'd ever talked.
Text Cut: Alyssa
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
"Actually, Forrest, I have to admit that it isn't normal for our cutlery, plates and cups to be made of plastic. We usually have actual silverware and metal plates and silver cups. Maybe the house elves decided that they didn't want to waste time washing them this time." Alyssa explained to Forrest even though she knew that the reason she gave was a lie. Something strange was definitely going on.
Then Alyssa turned to see a familiar face join their table.
Oh, it was this house elves again! Forrest frowned to himself, trying to remember who'd mentioned them too--it was the Gryffindor on the train, Sarah! He drew a breath to ask about them, but she was already talking to some people else. Oh well. He'd just ask about them to someone else.
Text Cut: Kahlan
Originally Posted by Kitten
At his reply Kahlan couldn't help a fond smile crossing her face, considering whenever her brother had done anything for History of Magic she loved to read his books or go over the work he'd written, though she'd never really told him that.
"I really can't wait for History of Magic, I love learning about history... but I guess I'm also looking forward to Muggle studies because I never really learnt much about it until my brother started dating a muggle... I find all of the stuff so strange... and interesting, especially now having spent the holidays with the two of them-" she caught herself as she'd started rambling, a blush rising on her cheeks as she stopped herself from going on and looked down slightly, a bit different from the usual confidence considering she hated when she rambled, kind of wondering what Forrest would think now...
So, Forrest had uttered a popular class name. Well, that was relieving.
She found all of muggle stuff strange? Forrest frowned. That didn't make sense. Apart from a hat that could read minds, what difference did wizards have from them?
"I'm a muggleborn," he said distractedly. MANY things didn't make sense in here. He was the only muggleborn he had yet to meet... how could he be magical if his parents weren't?
DEEP stuff. He'd ask it to a professor at the first chance.
Text Cut: Minerva
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva couldn’t help but notice the little first year wasn’t very talkative, was he just being quiet or maybe she was just talking too much. Well how else would she get to know the little one if she didn’t ask. Oh and he didn’t say much about himself either, Durham.. She had heard of it before, but had she ever been there before. “Is it nice?” “So Forrest, do you come from a wizard family?” It wasn’t a big deal if he wasn’t, she wasn’t really with her dad being a muggle, but it was just something to ask. If he wasn’t she could help him relate and help explain things if he needed, no need for him to think he had to pretend, because so many were oblivious and unknowing before coming to school, she was one of them.
Forrest felt nice upon seeing she wanted to talk. That meant she liked talking to him, right?
"We moved to London when I was less than a year old, so I don't know much about Durham." He paused, playing with a napkin...
..."No, I'm a muggleborn." ... "Are you?" Was it rude to ask that to people as if he was asking their race?
Annabeth was sad and she didn't helped herself. She wasn't hungry. She was just keeping her eyes focused on the empty plate in front of her, pretending not hear everybody greeting each other and talking excitedly. Some of them had badgers on their robes, just as she had since that stupid hat had sorted her to that Hufflepuff house. Stupid hat and stupid badger! She thought and then repented: in fact she had always loved badgers, they were her favorite animals. Without planing or thinking that someone could be observing her, she kissed briefly the Hufflepuff crest magically embroidered on her robe, as if she was apologising for her rudeness. It was when she heard from a boy who was talking to someone else:
Originally Posted by Deniiz
..."No, I'm a muggleborn." ... "Are you?" Was it rude to ask that to people as if he was asking their race?
So... There are more Muggleborns here! Would he have been cast out of his home too? She thought, gazing at him.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
SPOILER!!: Oakeeeeey
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Eyes still slit into an intense glare at the Slytherin."If you didn't want to sit here, you shouldn't have come." Snapping their plastic utensils, and now his wrecked Summer/Detention Assignment. "I might as well just leave you here until Dylan needs you for his Tryouts." Wimp could survive a week stuck a the Hufflepuff table.
There was food.
Oakey kind of ignored the part where Wimp had to apologize to him, although he was sure he'd leave him stuck on the seat until he got some kind of apology. What really got him was Theodore rewriting the assignment that Flamsteed gave him over the summer. Did procrastination ever pay off like it did right now? "The stupid plate had an essay on how the Muggle Cult Star Trek, and Astronomy related." Hopefully Wimp knew about Star Trek. In part Oakey didn't care, he just got out of a month of worrying, and writing the Detention assignment for Professor Flamsteed. "I'll undo the charm once you finish, and we can hand it in." Oakey would despise walking up to the staff Table with Theo, but he wanted to see the look on Flamsteed's face when he see's how Oakey avoided writing about his Cult, and subject.
Theo just scowled. He had only popped over here to see some friends, he wasn't planning on staying for lunch. Why would he?! He might catch something... His plan was to just ignore Oakey and his nonsense until a professor came by to release him and his butt from this seat.
La la laaaaaaaaaaa... not listening........
But he really did need to apologize, even if he saw no reason to. If anything, professors should be proud that he was getting good with that water spell. He sucked at pretty much everything else. An ASTRONOMY essay?
"Well, tell me what to write, then!" Merlin's beard, he wasn't a mind reader was he? "Oh, and Gunter..." He paused, narrowing his eyes, "I apologize." For ruining school property that he had already ruined, which he was TOTALLY gonna tell a professor on later.
That is all.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Minerva then saw another face that made her jump and she pulled Ethan along with her. “I have someone you have to meet.” As she approached Kace she couldn’t help but put her hands on his shoulders. “You’re a PUFF, this is soooo awesome!! Belle is going to be so proud of you! I know your going to be a great addition to our house.”
She sat down next to him and smiled, “Hey I have someone else I want you to meet. This is Ethan, he was another great friend of your sisters. Ethan, this is Kace, Kace is Belle’s brother.” and that is why I pushed you over here to meet him, Minerva thought. “So Kace are you excited?” She knew she felt excited for him and for Belle, if her brother would have been able to come to Hogwarts she felt it would be awesome if he could have been a puff just like her.
Kace smiled to Minnie the girl he met on the train. He could not believe he was in hufflepuff. He wanted to make his family proud. "Thanks." he grinned at her. Then she had someone for him to meet? Oh another friend of Belle's? Wow her sister was not kidding when she mentioned she had lots of friends. He had friends back in the muggle world who he missed right now but he would keep his option open to make new ones.
Kace nodded toward Ethan, "Nice to meet you Ethan." he held out his hand to be a gentlemen. If there was one thing his mother taught him was to ALWAYS have manners. Then Minnie asked if he was excited. "Yeah i am so excited! I can not believe how many people go to school here. I am more anxious to see what the common room looks like. Any tips i should know?" he asked. He wondered if there were trap doors in the common room he should be aware of.
SPOILER!!: Ella! <3
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
N’awww another little ickle. Ella smiled at the little one and gave him a wave. ”Welcome to Hufflepuff!” And to the family, obviously.
Kace saw another puff greeting him. Everyone seemed so nice here. He was lucky to be in this house. "Thank you!" he smiled at the cute girl. He walked over to her and said, "I am Kace by the way."
SPOILER!!: Nessie :3!
Originally Posted by Talikins
And who was this little kiddo?
Golly gosh, he was so adorable, just like that other firstie with the cheeks. In fact all firsties were adorable, which their miniature uniform and cute little faces. Why couldn't everyone just stay eleven forever? Those were surely the best years of Hogwarts, no? Nessie believed they were, but then of course she remembered her first year and decided to change her mind about that.
Poor kiddo, he looked lonely and in need of some company. With a warm smile the seventh year went on over. "Hey, kiddo. I'm Nessie." She extended her hand out for a shake.
As Kace turned around, he noticed someone else greeting him. He seemed to be popular. As he turned and shook Nessie's hand, Kace smiled and said "Nice to meet you, I am Kace by the way."
SPOILER!!: New puff Bay!
Originally Posted by Riverlynn
The newly sorted Hufflepuff skipped down to the table with the....well rather homely looking yellow and black banner over it. Odd considering how lavish the train had been. Her green eyes tried to spot Minnie as she was extremely excited to be in the same house with her new friend. It seemed she was surrounded by a bunch of people so Bay took an empty seat near the end.
A frown crossed her face as she looked at the dinner ware. Paper plates and plastic cups? Honestly she had expected nice china or something like it. Even the orphanage had actual plates and glasses. This was just....well....disappointing. Sighing Bay took a drink of water from her plastic cup and waited for dinner to start. All the excitement from today had the 11 year old starving for food. Her little body was still shaking a bit but that would pass eventually.
After Kace talked with Nessie, he noticed there was another puff exactly like him. She was shaking from being nervous and that is how he felt. Plus she was in the same boat why not talk to her. She was a girl after all. It shouldn't be that hard right?
"H...Hi..HI!" he stammered. "I am Kace and what is your name. I am a newly sorted puff too." he smiled at her.
SPOILER!!: Awar! :3
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Another firstie! How exciting! Awar approached the young boy, "Hi there! Welcome into our Puff family!" She held out her hand, "The name's Awarlesta." Grin. "What's yours?"
As Kace was done talking with Bay, he had another puff greet him. Jeez he did not know if he could remember all these names but he would try. She looked sweet the girl named Awar.
"Oh thank you. I am excited to be a part of it." he said looking around the table. "I am Kace by the way nice to meet you...Awarlesta?" he said second guessing himself. "That is a unique name you got there." he told her truthfully.
SPOILER!!: Alec! :3
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
So in all the kerfuffle of greeting people and hugging people and asking about summers -- GRIN for unintentional uses of his surname -- Alec had almost forgotten about greeting the new Hufflepuffs that were joining them. Almost.
He turned his head and was about to look up to see where the Headmistress was on the 'giving the speech' front when his grey-blue eyes landed on a small boy. A really small boy that Alec hadn't seen before at Hogwarts. So... he had recently been sorted, yeah? Hopefully otherwise what Alec was about to say would turn out to be... well... awkward to say the least.
"Erm... hey, there!" Grin and wave, grin and wave! "I'm Alec, Alec Summers. And welcome to Hufflepuff!"
As Kace was done talking with Awar, he noticed another puff getting his attention. He was trying to hear the Headmistresses speech but his nerves and excitement got the better of him. He was just happy to be sorted and meet new people. His attention span was minimal right now.
"Oh hey Alec. My sister mentioned you a lot. I am Kace Lecium and thank you. I am happy to be in the house, it is a lot to take in."
SPOILER!!: Alyssa! :3
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
While Alyssa was waiting for Nate to reply, she noticed another new face. So she waved at him and called out a greeting. "Hello there. Welcome to Hufflepuff. I'm Alyssa and it's nice to meet you." she smiled at the boy.
He noticed another puff greeting him. He must have gotten a lot of attention today that is for sure. At his old school he was lucky enough to get a hello. Kace nodded towards her, "Hey i am Kace. Nice to meet you Alyssa." he held out his hand for her to shake it.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Forrest
Forrest felt nice upon seeing she wanted to talk. That meant she liked talking to him, right?
"We moved to London when I was less than a year old, so I don't know much about Durham." He paused, playing with a napkin...
..."No, I'm a muggleborn." ... "Are you?" Was it rude to ask that to people as if he was asking their race?
Minerva listened as he said about moving to London, “Oh well then you’re from London really. I lived there for a year or so with my cousins before moving back with my grandparents in the States.” That was about all she knew about London though. Mostly Diagon Alley, but other than that not much else.
Giving the boy a smile, “Well Forrest your in for many surprises then if your muggleborn.” She had remembered all too well the surprises of first term. “Well I am actually half blood to be correct, but I consider myself muggleborn, because I never knew I was a witch. My mother was from a pureblood family, but decided to be muggle when she married my dad. They didn’t tell me anything about it until I was 10. So when I came here I knew nothing.” Hoping he would see there was nothing to worry about and she was even proud of the part of her that was muggle.
SPOILER!!: Annabeth
Annabeth was sad and she didn't helped herself. She wasn't hungry. She was just keeping her eyes focused on the empty plate in front of her, pretending not hear everybody greeting each other and talking excitedly. Some of them had badgers on their robes, just as she had since that stupid hat had sorted her to that Hufflepuff house. Stupid hat and stupid badger! She thought and then repented: in fact she had always loved badgers, they were her favorite animals. Without planing or thinking that someone could be observing her, she kissed briefly the Hufflepuff crest magically embroidered on her robe, as if she was apologising for her rudeness. It was when she heard from a boy who was talking to someone else:
Originally Posted by Deniiz
..."No, I'm a muggleborn." ... "Are you?" Was it rude to ask that to people as if he was asking their race?
So... There are more Muggleborns here! Would he have been cast out of his home too? She thought, gazing at him.
Minerva then noticed a girl who didn’t seem to be very happy. Frowning a bit she looked from Forrest to the girl, “Excuse me, but are you alright?” No one should be sad at the feast. This was a happy time, then a thought crossed her mind. Did this girl not want to be a puff? That was tragic if she didn’t, she didn’t see what a great house this was if that was the case. “Hello, Welcome to Hufflepuff, I’m Minerva, but everyone calls me Min or Minnie. What’s your name?” Putting on her best smile, she hoped that would help cheer the young girl up.
Kace smiled to Minnie the girl he met on the train. He could not believe he was in hufflepuff. He wanted to make his family proud. "Thanks." he grinned at her. Then she had someone for him to meet? Oh another friend of Belle's? Wow her sister was not kidding when she mentioned she had lots of friends. He had friends back in the muggle world who he missed right now but he would keep his option open to make new ones.
Kace nodded toward Ethan, "Nice to meet you Ethan." he held out his hand to be a gentlemen. If there was one thing his mother taught him was to ALWAYS have manners. Then Minnie asked if he was excited. "Yeah i am so excited! I can not believe how many people go to school here. I am more anxious to see what the common room looks like. Any tips i should know?" he asked. He wondered if there were trap doors in the common room he should be aware of.
Minerva smiled down at Kace, he was a cute little kid and he did seem excited to be there. That was a great thing! She couldn’t wait to owl Belle, she would write to her tonight and send Midnight in the morning, oh Midnight, Minerva had made sure to buy him some treats. She had missed that school owl and would have to visit first thing.
Laughing a bit a Kace’s nerves and excitement she tried to help him a bit, “Yes there are, but you will feel like you know most of them by the end of second term. It really starts feeling a bit smaller after awhile, well at least by the end of terms. They usually change a few things for us to come back to. So something is always new to explore. Adventures are the best things. Hmmm advice, what advice could she give him, class..study.. read.. those all jumped in her head first, but she just smiled, “Well work hard at your classes, but don’t forget to have fun and meet people. The people you meet here you will spend a bunch of time with each term, so don’t be afraid to introduce yourself.” She hoped he wasn’t shy at least, she didn’t know what advice to give shy people, because that was one thing she never really was.
Laura looked at Alec and smiled. "Well my summer was very interesting to say the least." Laura wasn't ready to talk about it yet, only a few people knew about what had happened and she wanted it to stay that way even if it meant keeping everything bottled up, she just wished she could speak to her cousin about things but they weren't talking so there was no chance of that happened.
Laura looked at Ella and Minnie. "Well you two are rubbish." Laura stuck her tongue out at her friends. "Your supposed to be professionals." Laura giggled. "Though I can't say much I've misplaced my special guest." Laura was searching high and low, having a bit of fun."
Laura was wondering what to do, when suddenly she remember she had a letter from DJ. "Since I've." *cough* "Misplaced the special guest" *cough* "I'll read you all this lovely letter from a lovely guy."
SPOILER!!: letter
"Dear Laura, Oh he is so sweet." Laura then continued. "I hope you are well and I..............." Laura suddenly stopped and looked at her friends and then she looked at Ella and then she went and shook her friend. "ELLA BISHOP tell me I am dreaming this INSTANCE." Laura so was not happy about this news she had just been given.
Blue was AMUSED by the plastic food utensils. Everyone else seemed to annoyed or confused but they didn't seem to understand that plastic sporks were flexible. It would be absolutely perfect in a perfect. With metal, it wouldn't bend back all that very far but with plastic, hypothetically in a food fight, the spaghetti would be able to hit the table at the other side of the room! It was fantastic. Blue's first instinct was to make her way over to the Slytherin table, as most of her favourite people resided in that house, spoon-slash-fork-slash-whatever thing in hand, when she spotted Theo and West and most importantly sorry not sorry
Her Wrinkles. The Wrinkles to her Bubbles.
Okay. That wasn't really a phrase but the fourth year didn't even care. Not a single little bit. She whistled tunelessly and made a beeline straight for a blonde head. "Hey Bubbles." The eaglette prodded her friend's shoulder with the spork. "Wassup, buttercup?" How ya doing? She looked okay. But Blue knew better than to trust Bliss when she smiled and said she was peachy keen. Blue was basically Sherlock Holmes. Yup.
She tossed a grin at West and Theo....till she noticed Theo APOLOGIZING to Oakey. OAKEY. B-b-b-but they were SWORN ENEMIES. Sworn enemies. Blue frowned at the Head Boy out of loyalty. "Move, Theodore." The fourteen-year-old waved a hand, trying to get him to scooch over.
So, Forrest had uttered a popular class name. Well, that was relieving.
She found all of muggle stuff strange? Forrest frowned. That didn't make sense. Apart from a hat that could read minds, what difference did wizards have from them?
"I'm a muggleborn," he said distractedly. MANY things didn't make sense in here. He was the only muggleborn he had yet to meet... how could he be magical if his parents weren't?
DEEP stuff. He'd ask it to a professor at the first chance.
Kahlan noticed the other boys frown as she said that she found the muggle world strange but tried to just shrug that off, realizing why he'd reacted that way almost immediately... He also probably didn't know much about the wizarding world... whoops?
"I'm a pureblood"she countered to his statement of his blood with a shrug, personally she was sick of the whole old, honourable family stuff! However, because she probably confused the poor boy earlier because he wouldn't know much about the magical world she decided that she might as well backtrack a bit.
"So is there anything you'd like to know about the Wizarding world? In fact what do you know so far?" yes, knowing how much he actually knew would be a good start.
And being the nice little witch she was she could probably answer any questions he threw at her!