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The classroom had been cleaned and tidied in preparation for Erik's first History of Magic lesson, not by the man himself, but by the house elves he had arranged to do it for him. With so few elves still on staff, the trick to getting something cleaned was really just a matter of scheduling. And so he had scheduled a cleaning for his classroom.
As a result, all the student desks were polished and dust-free, arranged neatly in rows with a large centre aisle for easy entry and exit. The chalkboards at the front of the room were clean, blank, and ready for note-taking. Even the professor's desk in the front corner was void of any clutter. Student essays and homework would be cluttering it soon anyway.
The professor himself, if you wish to call him that, was waiting patiently for the students to arrive. He was perched quietly at the edge of his desk, arms crossed, suit pressed. He flicked open the door of the room with a wave of his wand and then stowed his wand back in its invisible holster.
Class would begin shortly.
Class Progression: 1. Greetings / Question: What is HoM? Why do we study it? 2. Responses / Question: How do you study HoM? 3. Responses / Question: Do you know (or know of) anyone who has died at Hogwarts? 4. Responses / list of deaths and locations / chance for catch-up 5. Editing the list / Question: How do we know where/how people died? 6. List of how we know where people died / Question: What is Homenum Revelio? 7. Correct answers / Demonstration and practice of Spiritum Revelio 8. Answering questions / moving here 9. Who died in this room? 10. Time to practise the spell.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Field trip? Alrighty then. Ella picked up her wand and stood, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Meep! They were going somewhere the spell worked. She may or may not have been bouncing. Freaked out, sure, but still bouncing.
And out she went, following the Not-really-a-professor-dude.
Nodding. Good she was glad Binns didn't die in here - he probably kicked the bucket in his office which would mean that Mr. Vinteren's office would have a spirit-thingy in it...and maybe, she'd pester him about possibly doing her homework in there if they had to communicate with the spirit in the room. That would be interesting wouldn't it. Talk to the ghost of a boring Professor?
Nah, she'd rather wade through the ghost-tears and talk to Myrtle. Getting up she followed Mr. Vinteren and the rest of the class to the first floor.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Oh, hmm, they were going to a death scene? Alice perked up immediately, pocketing her wand and hopping up. Who had died where they were going? She started going through the list of people and settings where some had died in the school that they'd just made, trying to guess where the professor was taking them. Astronomy tower, maybe? Or the greenhouses?
She'd see.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
They were going somewhere where people had died? Okay. That was sort of cool. Jory grabbed his wand and followed Professor Vinteren and the other students.
So far, this was an interesting lesson and it seemed it was going to get a whole lot more interesting.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Awwwww, no spell of that kind. She'd have to make one then! Sure she didn't know how she'd go about doing that but it had to be possible because other spells were invented in the first place. Maybe once she'd completed her goal of learning every hex, jinx and curse out there she'd put some time into that. For now FIELD TRIIIIPPPPP!!!!
Lex hopped out of her seat and bounced out of the room behind the Professor. Field trips were lovely and they would get to see the spell in action!!!! WOOOT!!!!
Hop. Bounce. Hop. Hop. Bounce.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
"I haff highlighted 'spellwork' in blue because I vill be teaching you a spell today vhat can tell you vhether or not someone died in a particular area, and if vhey did, vhere they died exactly. Vhis spell is not only used by historians to corroborate stories of vhen/vhere a person died, but it can also be used by law enforcement to investigate crimes." Morbid, very morbid, but also deadly pun intended useful.
"Vhe spell is 'spiritum revelio' - don't try it now, not yet - and it is closely related to the charm 'homenum revelio.' Can anyvone tell me vhat homenum revelio does, or vhen you use it?"
Dylan eyed the man, rubbing at his face and whatnot. He KNEW that spell, alright. It was the one that had almost given him away weeks ago...during his little stalking adventure.
Well, there was no need to comment. Nope...
Dylan KNEW it...and that was all...
SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
"Yes, you are all correct. Vhe spell shows the caster, only vhe caster, vhere vhe humans are located in vhe room by lighting up vheir outlines and general locations in red. You can hide vhe effects of vhe spell by casting a concealment charm of some variation before you cast vhe revelio, but vhat von't be necessary today." Especially considering they were using the sister spell.
"Like homenum revelio, spiritum revelio only reveals to vhe caster the location of vhere someone died. Vhe incantation itself comes from vhe Latin vord for spirit, as though it is showing you vhere vhe spirit separated from vhe body." If they believed in that sort of thing. "Vhe incantation is a simple 'Spiritum Revelio' as you draw a counter-clockwise circle in vhe air and vhen point your wand through vhe circle. If it vorks, you vill see an outline of a body - vhe body of vhe dead - in green."
He demonstrated the wandwork for them. "Now you try." Nothing should happen for them, though, as no one had died in this room. Yet. He'd already checked.
...This one, however...the Slytherin did NOT know.....But how helpful that would've been a few terms ago with all that Isfret stuff going on...Perhaps those Professors wouldn't have lost their lives. Shacklebolt wouldn't have almost gotten eaten...Well, that was okay, actually.
Where they going to get a chance to try these spells? Creepy Bond Guy was slowly earning some coolness brownie points here...
SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
"Everyone, if you vould please take your wands and follow me...I'll give you a chance to practise this spell in a place vhere it definitely works." He led the way out of the classroom without further ado. And on to the ground floor....
...........They were?!
Dylan organized his stuff back into his bag...just because he didn't feel comfortable leaving it out in the open when they weren't here. Then he checked to make sure his wand was still tucked away in his uniform sleeve.
All was in order.
Without a sound, the Captain stood and followed his peers out the door.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
SPOILER!!: professor
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
"No, do not assume vhat," Erik replied to the Ravenclaw with a shake of his head. "Professor Binns did also not die in vhis classroom. If he had, your spell vould reveal something to you. It is not revealing anyvhing, is it?"
"For one vhing, vhis spell shows vhere a person died in green," Erik gave the boy, who was clearly not practising the spell, a look, "and for another, it does have limits. You'll only see who died in vithin vhe confines of vhis room, for example. And no, time is of no consequence to vhis spell."
"I do not vhink you can conceal yourself from such a spell, nor can you conceal a body from vhis spell," he gave the boy a serious nod, "but good questions." And he had more of them. "Time does not matter, but vhe method of death does. A more violent death vill show up with a brighter aura, a brighter green outline. And no...vhis does not reveal anything about ghosts." Other than that they had died in a particular area and thus might be more likely to haunt it.
"It's not really a radius thing so much as it is a...room thing." Erik shrugged, he was losing track of how to explain this spell amongst so many questions. Now he saw how many professors lost patience with their students. "It reveals vhe locations of deaths only in vhe room you're currently in." No spirits. "If you think of a particular person as you cast vhe spell, vhen vhe spell vill only reveal their outline to you." So that prevented the problem of the battlefield, if that other kid was listening.
"No, none vhat I can think of." That should be something spell inventors worked on though, as it would be a cool spell.
Erm...Erik wasn't sure he understood this question. "I'm not sure I know vhat you are asking..." he mused. "Vhis spell reveals vhe locations of one-time deaths, actual physical deaths of humans. Not ov horcruxes." Which were really little bits of the soul, that was all. No bodies to outline.
"Good question," Erik replied to the Hufflepuff, "but vhere really is no way of knowing if you cast it wrong if it reveals nothing, as is true ov many spells. Vhis is why practise is important." Because practise made perfect, and he was going to give them a good chance to practise now.
"Everyone, if you vould please take your wands and follow me...I'll give you a chance to practise this spell in a place vhere it definitely works." He led the way out of the classroom without further ado. And on to the ground floor....
It was impossible not to find this interesting, at least for West. He absorbed all the answers Vinteren gave. And the fact that he did answer all his questions made a big difference too, since not all the professors were as patient.
He was definitely keen to practice it somewhere that he could actually see it in action, so West followed eagerly. This was gonna be good.f
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Those were all really good questions about the spell, so Eliza listened intently and took notes.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Spiritum Revelio
* Reveals where spirits left the body, with a green outline of the body
* If you focus on a specific person, it will reveal only their place of death
* No time limit, always shows up no matter how long ago it happened
* You can conceal the effects of the spell, but cannot conceal a death from the spell
Wand movement: Counter-clockwise circle, then point through the middle. Works for the whole room, no need to recast in different spots.
She left her notebook open to that page, sat down her quill and followed the class, wand in hand.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
This was a crazy morbid class, but it was interesting and factual and Mo approved heartily. Imagine... he'd already somehow managed to pick up the differences between first and secondary sources, and they hadn't even gone on their fieldtrip yet. Did it make him a sociopath that he was packing up his bag in a hurry and scuttling for the door?
As Kace was finishing his notes and adding Spiritum Revelio to the list, he noticed the professor standing up. He put down his quill and gave him a quizzical look. He noticed the Professor going to the door and then he said we would be going to a different room?
AWESOME. They were going on a mini filed trip. He left his seat and followed the class with his wand in his hand. He was excited to see where they were going.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Note taking was going on. Not that it hadn't been all along. Just that it was particularly frenzied now. And what was that? They were going somewhere where they could see if the spell had really worked for them or if they needed to practice more? Okay. Sky got up and followed the class to wherever they were going.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Vinteren!
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
"Good question," Erik replied to the Hufflepuff, "but vhere really is no way of knowing if you cast it wrong if it reveals nothing, as is true ov many spells. Vhis is why practise is important." Because practise made perfect, and he was going to give them a good chance to practise now.
"Everyone, if you vould please take your wands and follow me...I'll give you a chance to practise this spell in a place vhere it definitely works." He led the way out of the classroom without further ado. And on to the ground floor....
His question was good? GOOD? ... BLINK. That was a surprise.
Alec grinned in response and nodded along to what the Professor Man was saying. Practice is important... yeah. As was the case for a lot of things, right? Like Quidditch. "Thanks Professor!" Or was it still Sir or Mr? ... He... really needed to find out the answer to that question soon. Like really soon.
... Oh? They were going on a fieldtrip? To somewhere where it definitely works? ... That sounded both scary and interesting at the same time. You know, if such a thing was possible. Clutching onto his wand tightly, Alec followed the rest of the class...
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Oh, so now they were going somewhere? Tag picked up his stuff and made sure he had everything with him before heading out the door and following the numerous heads/classmates in front of him.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva looked at him like he was crazy.. She was really liking this guy, but he was joking, he had to be joking. There were kids in this class.. little young firsties that should not see the image of a body that they would know was dead.
Oh and people were leaving so she was going to have to see this image. Okay maybe it wasn't just the fact that the little kids were there. Min did not want to see this either, but giving a sigh she knew she had to. Standing she gripped her wand and headed to the room with the rest of the class.
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x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Hmm, so no one did die in this room.. That's good. But now they were going elsewhere.. to find the dead. Pretty morbid, yes it was. Wade pocketed his wand before getting up to follow the rest of the class out.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Oh. Answers and facts were duly noted. Despite that the heaviness of the subject involved, Beezus was developing a very great interest in today's lesson and the Professor. They didn't often learn a new spell in a History of Magic class and put it into practice. Usually, they did their own research so this was all new to take in.
When the man said they will be practicing more of the spell, she quickly gathered her things, fell in line with her peers out of the classroom.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Oh this was...er...interesting? Somewhat. Penelope was a bit uncomfortable with this whole death topic, though a little less than she used to be. Now she was just...unsure. Since there was a whole spell devoted to see where someone had died in an area. Pretty morbid, y'know. But it could be worse, so she wouldn't complain.
And now they were heading out of the classroom to some other place, so she grabbed her wand and followed the professor and the rest of the class out.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
"Everyone, if you vould please take your wands and follow me...I'll give you a chance to practise this spell in a place vhere it definitely works." He led the way out of the classroom without further ado. And on to the ground floor....
Ascanius was not one for caring or paying attention when this guy was involved so APPARENTLY they had been practicing a spell or something and he could tell you the words and how they did it, but don't ask him to tell you what it meant. 'Cause he did not care nor did he want to care. This class was boring. This guy was boring. In FACT, every male Professor at his school was a snooze fest. Pfft.
But then people were moving and they were going places and he had to follow. Right, time to leave. Pfft. If he didn't want to sit HERE and listen to this guy drone on and on what made him think he wanted to listen to him drone ON and ON through some merry adventure? He didn't. Deadpan.
Erm...Erik wasn't sure he understood this question. "I'm not sure I know vhat you are asking..." he mused. "Vhis spell reveals vhe locations of one-time deaths, actual physical deaths of humans. Not ov horcruxes." Which were really little bits of the soul, that was all. No bodies to outline.
----------- "Everyone, if you vould please take your wands and follow me...I'll give you a chance to practise this spell in a place vhere it definitely works." He led the way out of the classroom without further ado. And on to the ground floor....
Feeling misunderstood Sarah decided to keep quiet. She listened to the rest of what he was saying.
THEY WERE GOING ON A FIELD TRIP! This was like awesome. Although Sarah was a girl, as she had grown up with a house of brothers she had sort of toughened up. In fact this lesson was so interesting, and being a gory was more curious.
She held her wnad in her hand and followed the others out of class
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren
[B]"Everyone, if you vould please take your wands and follow me...I'll give you a chance to practise this spell in a place vhere it definitely works." He led the way out of the classroom without further ado. And on to the ground floor....
Hmmmmm interesting spell. Theo had kept quiet for a while, because he'd never heard of it so he didn't have much to comment. He did spring into life when they were going somewhere. OOOH field trip!
He grabbed his wand and followed the professor.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
This entire class had left Ethan with an unsettling feeling. It was one thing to talk about those who had come before and even when, where, or how they died.. but to not only focus an entire class on it and now use spells to see the outline of dead bodies.. Ethan felt this was becoming borderline gruesome.
Though it might be interesting to see how the spell worked, the boy wasn't entirely sure he wanted to. Weren't some things better off left alone? Still.. he was a part of this class so he felt he had to go along with it. His wand secure in its holster, Ethan got up and followed the rest of the class out the door.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
There was no brightening up this class today at all. Everything about it was dull, dull, dead, dreary, depressing, and dull. Not even the Spell practicing was fun one bit. Locate the Where Dead Bodies were? No thank you. Oakey was not ever going to use this spell in the line of work he USED to want to follow.
Then they were moving on to another location. If Oakey was correct with his assumption here, it wasn't going to get any better. So he grabbed his things and followed everyone out of the class.
Oh, they were moving? Of course, because they weren't going to see anything here, clearly. And she'll follow, since she wanted to make sure this was a real spell and not something Vinteren was teaching them to make them think he was cool or something.
He still wouldn't be.
Very quickly, Lottie took her things and followed Oakey out the door. He was rather unlucky, so whatever needed to happen will happen to him instead of her. It was only fair to use the Head Boy as a shield, right? Exactly.