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You reach the starting point of the next challenge area. The cloudy night sky is making it difficult to see what is ahead, but there is a sign lit up telling you that you must complete this challenge with a partner, and that you must use the sticking charm on each of your legs to progress. If there is issue with the charm, just below the lit sign is a basket of striped clothes. You can use these to tie your legs together.
Once you and your partner are set and ready to go you wait for one of our student leaders to yell "Ready, Set, GO!" or some variation of that. Instantly you notice a slimy substance beneath each of your feet, and your balance becomes more difficult to maintain as you slip, slide, and splash in the green slimey detention goo beneath you that you Head Boy found the time to obtain.
OOC: Find a partner, it can be anyone. Then in a minimum of at least 4 posts each RP between the two of you on reaching the finish line. Be realistic; this goo is icky, slippery, and downright gross. So no one should be able to run right through it. Plus you're stuck to someone... Have fun.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Your tongue is green," Mo agreed with Cat solemnly as he held Alice's cupcake up above his head, clearly out of her reach. Not now, Alice. He was talking to Cat, and since Alice hadn't said hello to HIM she didn't get the cupcake he was holding.
Those were the rules of common decency.
Only. "How is this game played?"
Originally Posted by lemon
Tall people were no fun.
"Come on, Cactus, don't bully small people, I'm going to die of starvation any minute." He got Alice's best pathetic hopeful feed me looks as she started jumping some, grabbing for the cupcake again. "You stick your legs together, with a charm or with ties, and run to the finish line. Three-legged race. Cupcake now." He could continue talking to his kissing buddy about tongue colors after she got food, okay?
Cupcake. Cupcaaake.
Her hand was placed on her heart, "Awwww." Cat coooed at them both and nudged Mo, "Did you hear that? She LOVES ME." Cat was very pleased about this. She was LOVED. She was thinking about herself for a moment longer than she should have and almost missed the whole jumping for cupcakes thing.
It was a good thing she did see it because it was FUNNY.
"Come on, give her the cupcake." Or not cause it was funny, remember? "We brought it for her." She then finally gave this station a look over and shrugged. "I'm game if you are."
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by lemon
Tall people were no fun.
"Come on, Cactus, don't bully small people, I'm going to die of starvation any minute." He got Alice's best pathetic hopeful feed me looks as she started jumping some, grabbing for the cupcake again. "You stick one of your legs to Cat's, with a charm or with ties, and run to the finish line. Three-legged race. Cupcake now." He could continue talking to his kissing buddy about tongue colors after she got food, okay?
Cupcake. Cupcaaake.
Originally Posted by Colley
Her hand was placed on her heart, "Awwww." Cat coooed at them both and nudged Mo, "Did you hear that? She LOVES ME." Cat was very pleased about this. She was LOVED. She was thinking about herself for a moment longer than she should have and almost missed the whole jumping for cupcakes thing.
It was a good thing she did see it because it was FUNNY.
"Come on, give her the cupcake." Or not cause it was funny, remember? "We brought it for her." She then finally gave this station a look over and shrugged. "I'm game if you are."
"Oh, Ace. Are you here? Hello to you, as well," Mo bonked her on the top of her head with the bottom of the cupcake, a very polite way of letting her know she'd failed to say hello to him. And they were supposed to be mates, remember?
He considered taking a bite out of the cupcake, but since that was germy and rude, he offered it to her unbitten. No comment on Alice loving Cat, though... Alice was keen on loving lots of people at any given time, and usually it didn't mean what they thought. He'd let Cat take it however she preferred.
"Tie us together, then. Cat and I are going to be partners." He gave Cat's hand a squeeze. Tying was better than charms, since it meant his clothes weren't going to get magicked and potentially ruined.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Colley
Her hand was placed on her heart, "Awwww." Cat coooed at them both and nudged Mo, "Did you hear that? She LOVES ME." Cat was very pleased about this. She was LOVED. She was thinking about herself for a moment longer than she should have and almost missed the whole jumping for cupcakes thing.
It was a good thing she did see it because it was FUNNY.
"Come on, give her the cupcake." Or not cause it was funny, remember? "We brought it for her." She then finally gave this station a look over and shrugged. "I'm game if you are."
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Oh, Ace. Are you here? Hello to you, as well," Mo bonked her on the top of her head with the bottom of the cupcake, a very polite way of letting her know she'd failed to say hello to him. And they were supposed to be mates, remember?
He considered taking a bite out of the cupcake, but since that was germy and rude, he offered it to her unbitten. No comment on Alice loving Cat, though... Alice was keen on loving lots of people at any given time, and usually it didn't mean what they thought. He'd let Cat take it however she preferred.
"Tie us together, then. Cat and I are going to be partners." He gave Cat's hand a squeeze. Tying was better than charms, since it meant his clothes weren't going to get magicked and potentially ruined.
"Hi Cactus. I am here. Don't get cupcake on my head, that goes in my mouth." Alice perked up some when she finally got the food, taking a bite out of it immediately and grabbing a couple of ties. "Cat, will you hold my stuff while I tie you?" Because if she gave it to Mo, it was likely she wasn't getting it back.
Handing off the drink and dessert to her friend, she crouched down and held their legs in place, wrapping a couple of ties around them and quadruple knotting them. That looked fairly secure, didn't it? She held out her hands for her beet thing and her cupcake back before giving them the signal. "Okay, go." That meant run now. And no distracting each other with tongues, or they were going to get mouthfuls of goo.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Oh, Ace. Are you here? Hello to you, as well," Mo bonked her on the top of her head with the bottom of the cupcake, a very polite way of letting her know she'd failed to say hello to him. And they were supposed to be mates, remember?
He considered taking a bite out of the cupcake, but since that was germy and rude, he offered it to her unbitten. No comment on Alice loving Cat, though... Alice was keen on loving lots of people at any given time, and usually it didn't mean what they thought. He'd let Cat take it however she preferred.
"Tie us together, then. Cat and I are going to be partners." He gave Cat's hand a squeeze. Tying was better than charms, since it meant his clothes weren't going to get magicked and potentially ruined.
Originally Posted by lemon
"Hi Cactus. I am here. Don't get cupcake on my head, that goes in my mouth." Alice perked up some when she finally got the food, taking a bite out of it immediately and grabbing a couple of ties. "Cat, will you hold my stuff while I tie you?" Because if she gave it to Mo, it was likely she wasn't getting it back.
Handing off the drink and dessert to her friend, she crouched down and held their legs in place, wrapping a couple of ties around them and quadruple knotting them. That looked fairly secure, didn't it? She held out her hands for her beet thing and her cupcake back before giving them the signal. "Okay, go." That meant run now. And no distracting each other with tongues, or they were going to get mouthfuls of goo.
Well, okay. Cat held Alice's cupcake and weird looking drink thing while she proceeded to tie her to Mo. She was a bit preoccupied with the cupcake which was totally calling out her name, looking all pretty in her hand, but she couldn't eat Alice's cupcake, that was not a good friend move. Nope. "Hello pretty cupcake." Nice cupcake.
This was sort of awkward, but she nudged Mo (lightly so he didn't like fall over and take her with him) "We can handle this, right?" TOTALLY. And now they were SET and "Ready?" Was HE ready? Cause SHE was.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by lemon
"Hi Cactus. I am here. Don't get cupcake on my head, that goes in my mouth." Alice perked up some when she finally got the food, taking a bite out of it immediately and grabbing a couple of ties. "Cat, will you hold my stuff while I tie you?" Because if she gave it to Mo, it was likely she wasn't getting it back.
Handing off the drink and dessert to her friend, she crouched down and held their legs in place, wrapping a couple of ties around them and quadruple knotting them. That looked fairly secure, didn't it? She held out her hands for her beet thing and her cupcake back before giving them the signal. "Okay, go." That meant run now. And no distracting each other with tongues, or they were going to get mouthfuls of goo.
Originally Posted by Colley
Well, okay. Cat held Alice's cupcake and weird looking drink thing while she proceeded to tie her to Mo. She was a bit preoccupied with the cupcake which was totally calling out her name, looking all pretty in her hand, but she couldn't eat Alice's cupcake, that was not a good friend move. Nope. "Hello pretty cupcake." Nice cupcake.
This was sort of awkward, but she nudged Mo (lightly so he didn't like fall over and take her with him) "We can handle this, right?" TOTALLY. And now they were SET and "Ready?" Was HE ready? Cause SHE was.
Okay, go? Mo wasn't sure that Alice had really given instructions to this game. They were just tied together and they ran across the grass? How was this even challenging? Other than figuring out how to match their stride and whatnot.
He blinked at Alice before giving Cat a nod. Yes. Ready. Setgonow? "If we can't handle this, I'm ashamed of us, actually. This is ridiculously easy, right?" He put an arm around her and took a first step. "I think if you step outside when I do, and then we move inside together...? That'll do it."
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Colley
Well, okay. Cat held Alice's cupcake and weird looking drink thing while she proceeded to tie her to Mo. She was a bit preoccupied with the cupcake which was totally calling out her name, looking all pretty in her hand, but she couldn't eat Alice's cupcake, that was not a good friend move. Nope. "Hello pretty cupcake." Nice cupcake.
This was sort of awkward, but she nudged Mo (lightly so he didn't like fall over and take her with him) "We can handle this, right?" TOTALLY. And now they were SET and "Ready?" Was HE ready? Cause SHE was.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Okay, go? Mo wasn't sure that Alice had really given instructions to this game. They were just tied together and they ran across the grass? How was this even challenging? Other than figuring out how to match their stride and whatnot.
He blinked at Alice before giving Cat a nod. Yes. Ready. Setgonow? "If we can't handle this, I'm ashamed of us, actually. This is ridiculously easy, right?" He put an arm around her and took a first step. "I think if you step outside when I do, and then we move inside together...? That'll do it."
Was Cat talking to her food? That meant it was time to take it back. Alice gingerly took her drink and cupcake from the fourth year, nibbling on it while she watched Mo half hug her and start leading her around. Easy? He obviously wasn't expecting the slime. Ravenclaws. "It's a RACE, Cactus. You have to run."
And then slip.
This was going to be so amusing. Goo was brilliant entertainment, she'd realized.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by lemon
"Where have you been, Duck Boy?" Hmm? Because at the moment, Oakey was off playing in the station himself and Daichi had been Merlin knew where, so Alice was manning the race herself. Which was EFFORT. "Your job is supposed to be helping me." Worst possible station partners, they knew. She eyed him warily and continued sipping that beet drink the Head Boy had given her, waiting for answers.
Duck Boy? Daichi's cheeks flushed a bright red color.No matter how many times people called him that, it was still a little embarrassing. And did it really matter where he WAS? he was her NOW right? "Got held up"on planning how to attack Dylan in that duel he merely stated with a shrug of the shoulders.
Some people REALLY needed to chill and have some ice cream... And she wasn't the only one who he was refering too. His brown colored eyes went to the students already stuck in the goo like substance and he sighed.
He had more important things to do but he pretended to care about the race or whatever the students were doing and waited for the next students to participate.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Okay, go? Mo wasn't sure that Alice had really given instructions to this game. They were just tied together and they ran across the grass? How was this even challenging? Other than figuring out how to match their stride and whatnot.
He blinked at Alice before giving Cat a nod. Yes. Ready. Setgonow? "If we can't handle this, I'm ashamed of us, actually. This is ridiculously easy, right?" He put an arm around her and took a first step. "I think if you step outside when I do, and then we move inside together...? That'll do it."
Originally Posted by lemon
Was Cat talking to her food? That meant it was time to take it back. Alice gingerly took her drink and cupcake from the fourth year, nibbling on it while she watched Mo half hug her and start leading her around. Easy? He obviously wasn't expecting the slime. Ravenclaws. "It's a RACE, Cactus. You have to run."
And then slip.
This was going to be so amusing. Goo was brilliant entertainment, she'd realized.
Byyyeee cupcake. Sigh.
Cat was sort of unsure about this now. Like, if this was a race weren't they supposed to race against someone else? No? Alright. Though, after their test step and they started going for REAL, there was suddenly.... was that goo? EEEEEK. "I knew this was too easy!" Really, she should have seen something like this coming. Cat made a noise that was half way between a yelp of surprise and a gasp of laughter and grabbed on to Mo as her feet started slipping.
Okay, he was a little excited, which was apparent in the way he grinned widely at his roommate. But... he wasn't going to tell Messy that he was excited about this race. No no no! "Thanks for this, mate!" It had come at quite a price too! The boy's dorm was always really messy.
Also, that smirk? Really, Messy?
And he spoke to soon, he should made his roommate cleaning for their dorm for two months or maybe a whole term? Darn. He's giving up to fast. But hey, he could always made the dorm more messy than the usual.
"Its no problem. Anythings for my best mate." Anything for a month without cleaning the dorm more likely.
Originally Posted by lemon
"It's my job. I'm supposed to be helping with the station and such." Alice pointed to her Captain badge, trying not to snicker when Messer mentioned Ella and focusing on grabbing ties and such for them instead. "Stand still and don't move your legs," she instructed before casting the sticking charm on them. Had that worked? Pulling their legs apart was still a good test, so she attempted without result.
Second try and counting. She tied a cloth around their calves anyway, just in case it was weak or wore off on them, too.
The drinks weren't poisonous? Okay, good. "I dunno. It tastes beet-y." And it was pink. Alice glanced inside her cup again before taking another sip and sticking her wand back in her pocket again. "I can call go for you guys, too, when you're ready." Were they? She watched and waited until they seemed to be. ".. one.. two.. THREEGO."
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
If Tag was the Sass King, Messy had to be the Troll King. Really now.
Fighting the urge to laugh -- it was a funny comment... maybe -- Alec simply raised his eyebrows at the guy before answering, "I'm sure she'd be okay with the leg tying and the goo. Besides, we haven't worked together in a long time!"
Messer heard Alice and Alec talking about Oakey's poisonous drink or something like that. He didn't know that Oakey was into drink business. Maybe he should Alec about that drink later.
So now he had to placed his leg next to Alec's, right? Okay. The fifth year watched as the Gryffindor's Captain cast the sticking charm on them. Is it work? Messer tried to pull their legs apart. Yup. Its working alright. Before he could even said something to Alice about the sticking charm, the girl already tied a cloth around their calves. Eeer. Okay?"Thanks, Alice."
Ella won't mind?"All right then. Let's win this thing." They worked really well in Quidditch before so this thing should be a piece of cake for them, right?
Then he heard Alice's cue. They cleared to go? He should have took a step with his free leg first but instead doing that, Messer stepped using his other leg, the one that Alec's leg attach to.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: [S]Malice[/S] Messy and Hulk! ^_^
Originally Posted by Poolicious
And he spoke to soon, he should made his roommate cleaning for their dorm for two months or maybe a whole term? Darn. He's giving up to fast. But hey, he could always made the dorm more messy than the usual.
"Its no problem. Anythings for my best mate." Anything for a month without cleaning the dorm more likely.
Messer heard Alice and Alec talking about Oakey's poisonous drink or something like that. He didn't know that Oakey was into drink business. Maybe he should Alec about that drink later.
So now he had to placed his leg next to Alec's, right? Okay. The fifth year watched as the Gryffindor's Captain cast the sticking charm on them. Is it work? Messer tried to pull their legs apart. Yup. Its working alright. Before he could even said something to Alice about the sticking charm, the girl already tied a cloth around their calves. Eeer. Okay?"Thanks, Alice."
Ella won't mind?"All right then. Let's win this thing." They worked really well in Quidditch before so this thing should be a piece of cake for them, right?
Then he heard Alice's cue. They cleared to go? He should have took a step with his free leg first but instead doing that, Messer stepped using his other leg, the one that Alec's leg attach to.
Originally Posted by lemon
"It's my job. I'm supposed to be helping with the station and such." Alice pointed to her Captain badge, trying not to snicker when Messer mentioned Ella and focusing on grabbing ties and such for them instead. "Stand still and don't move your legs," she instructed before casting the sticking charm on them. Had that worked? Pulling their legs apart was still a good test, so she attempted without result.
Second try and counting. She tied a cloth around their calves anyway, just in case it was weak or wore off on them, too.
The drinks weren't poisonous? Okay, good. "I dunno. It tastes beet-y." And it was pink. Alice glanced inside her cup again before taking another sip and sticking her wand back in her pocket again. "I can call go for you guys, too, when you're ready." Were they? She watched and waited until they seemed to be. ".. one.. two.. THREEGO."
Best mate. Best. Mate. Messy actually used the words best mate to describe their weird friendship. ... Were they best mates? Really? That was nice! Grinning, Alec gave him a two finger salute. Maybe all those ballet classes was making Messy turn nicer... maybe.
Alec turned away from Messy to look over at Hulk when she started talking about this being her job. "Still nice!" he said, shrugging and smiling, "Aye aye Captain!" He reached up and gave her a two finger salute as well before looking down at his and his roommate's legs. Heh. It looked like their legs didn't want them to partner--
Nope, they did. They were stuck. Together. FOREVER! Until the end of the race. Why did this sound so... foreboding? "Thanks Hulk!" GRIN.
"Beet-y? Like beetroot?" At least it wasn't spinach. Shudder. ... "Oh! Thanks! See you later, then!" He flashed another grin in her and Messy's direction when he said something about winning this thing. See? He thought along the right lines, Messy did. Alec reached over and awkwardly wrapped his arm around Messy's shoulders. Bro-style. They could be bros for this, sure. They were already bro-
Wait, what?
Oh they were allowed to go! Alec was ready to move his other foot, the free one, when he felt a tug on the one that was attached to Messy's leg. It was probably because of that and the goo that had sprouted out from... somewhere, that caused the boy to wobble. Uh oh. Wobble... slip... wobble...
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by lemon
Was Cat talking to her food? That meant it was time to take it back. Alice gingerly took her drink and cupcake from the fourth year, nibbling on it while she watched Mo half hug her and start leading her around. Easy? He obviously wasn't expecting the slime. Ravenclaws. "It's a RACE, Cactus. You have to run."
And then slip.
This was going to be so amusing. Goo was brilliant entertainment, she'd realized.
Originally Posted by Colley
Byyyeee cupcake. Sigh.
Cat was sort of unsure about this now. Like, if this was a race weren't they supposed to race against someone else? No? Alright. Though, after their test step and they started going for REAL, there was suddenly.... was that goo? EEEEEK. "I knew this was too easy!" Really, she should have seen something like this coming. Cat made a noise that was half way between a yelp of surprise and a gasp of laughter and grabbed on to Mo as her feet started slipping.
That probably wasn't the best idea.
"It's a race," Mo informed Cat, as if she hadn't just heard Alice say the same thing. Not that he was racing against anyone else. Who was the race between? Mo/Cat team vs.... no one? Or was he racing Cat? And if he was racing Cat, how was he going to get past the fact that she was literally tied to him?
Still, it was obvious that Cat was speeding up, and Mo tightened his grip around her as he sped up as well. Or he tried, since all at once his foot hit something slimey and wet and Cat was veering wildly away-from-and-then-into him. At least she was laughing.
Mo stopped cold and let Cat fall into his arms, doing his best to plant his feet and not fall over.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Duck Boy? Daichi's cheeks flushed a bright red color.No matter how many times people called him that, it was still a little embarrassing. And did it really matter where he WAS? he was her NOW right? "Got held up"on planning how to attack Dylan in that duel he merely stated with a shrug of the shoulders.
Some people REALLY needed to chill and have some ice cream... And she wasn't the only one who he was refering too. His brown colored eyes went to the students already stuck in the goo like substance and he sighed.
He had more important things to do but he pretended to care about the race or whatever the students were doing and waited for the next students to participate.
Held up doing what? Did Duck Boy have better plans than assisting her? Alice narrowed her eyes slightly but went back to sipping her beet drink and waiting for Oakey to return. "Don't get held up again, okay?" Whatever 'held up' was. She briefly considered offering him a portion of her cupcake, but then decided against it- her cupcake, Daichi, hers. He'd been gone long enough to gt his own food, yeah?
Duck Boy. Psh.
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Messer heard Alice and Alec talking about Oakey's poisonous drink or something like that. He didn't know that Oakey was into drink business. Maybe he should Alec about that drink later.
So now he had to placed his leg next to Alec's, right? Okay. The fifth year watched as the Gryffindor's Captain cast the sticking charm on them. Is it work? Messer tried to pull their legs apart. Yup. Its working alright. Before he could even said something to Alice about the sticking charm, the girl already tied a cloth around their calves. Eeer. Okay?"Thanks, Alice."
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Alec turned away from Messy to look over at Hulk when she started talking about this being her job. "Still nice!" he said, shrugging and smiling, "Aye aye Captain!" He reached up and gave her a two finger salute as well before looking down at his and his roommate's legs. Heh. It looked like their legs didn't want them to partner--
Nope, they did. They were stuck. Together. FOREVER! Until the end of the race. Why did this sound so... foreboding? "Thanks Hulk!" GRIN.
"Beet-y? Like beetroot?" At least it wasn't spinach. Shudder. ... "Oh! Thanks! See you later, then!"
"Dunno. Beetroot. Maybe." She nodded once, peering at the drink again and taking a couple more tentative sips before looking back up at the Hufflepuffs. "No problem. Have fun and stuff." Too bad she couldn't photograph them slipping and sliding for Ella, but Alice would try describing it in vivid detail. Or something.
They looked funny. Mo and Cat, too.
Straightfaced monitor, though, still completely serious and stuff. No laughter or anything. Nope.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"It's a race," Mo informed Cat, as if she hadn't just heard Alice say the same thing. Not that he was racing against anyone else. Who was the race between? Mo/Cat team vs.... no one? Or was he racing Cat? And if he was racing Cat, how was he going to get past the fact that she was literally tied to him?
Still, it was obvious that Cat was speeding up, and Mo tightened his grip around her as he sped up as well. Or he tried, since all at once his foot hit something slimey and wet and Cat was veering wildly away-from-and-then-into him. At least she was laughing.
Mo stopped cold and let Cat fall into his arms, doing his best to plant his feet and not fall over.
This was much more fun than she had been anticipating. Really though, anything more than racing an unknown foe was better, but this was FUN. She did her best to stop sliding but obviously it wasn't going to happen completely. "I think Alice tricked us." She totally had, too. Tricksy Gryffindor. "This is the last time we bring her a cupcake."
Actually, she wasn't really complaining cause she was having fun.
Sticky gooey things are cooooooool.
She was also glad she had not knocked Mo over. She held on for a moment and tried to regain her footing. "Okay, let's try this again." They still had a ways to go.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Colley
This was much more fun than she had been anticipating. Really though, anything more than racing an unknown foe was better, but this was FUN. She did her best to stop sliding but obviously it wasn't going to happen completely. "I think Alice tricked us." She totally had, too. Tricksy Gryffindor. "This is the last time we bring her a cupcake."
Actually, she wasn't really complaining cause she was having fun.
Sticky gooey things are cooooooool.
She was also glad she had not knocked Mo over. She held on for a moment and tried to regain her footing. "Okay, let's try this again." They still had a ways to go.
So the new thing Mo just learned about Cat? She was a trooper. She was persistent. She didn't complain. And she knew this was all Alice's fault. If they weren't on the verge of falling over and getting something slippery and wet all over their clothes, Mo would most certainly have kissed her.
Because she was just so... good. In general.
"Yeah, but let's not race. Maybe we can go slow for a little bit?" He loosened his grip on Cat so that one arm was still around her shoulders, but they were facing the same direction. Outside step. Inside step. Outside step. "Let me know if you start to fall, since I'm coming too. I'll try not to fall ON you."
Best mate. Best. Mate. Messy actually used the words best mate to describe their weird friendship. ... Were they best mates? Really? That was nice! Grinning, Alec gave him a two finger salute. Maybe all those ballet classes was making Messy turn nicer... maybe.
Alec turned away from Messy to look over at Hulk when she started talking about this being her job. "Still nice!" he said, shrugging and smiling, "Aye aye Captain!" He reached up and gave her a two finger salute as well before looking down at his and his roommate's legs. Heh. It looked like their legs didn't want them to partner--
Nope, they did. They were stuck. Together. FOREVER! Until the end of the race. Why did this sound so... foreboding? "Thanks Hulk!" GRIN.
"Beet-y? Like beetroot?" At least it wasn't spinach. Shudder. ... "Oh! Thanks! See you later, then!" He flashed another grin in her and Messy's direction when he said something about winning this thing. See? He thought along the right lines, Messy did. Alec reached over and awkwardly wrapped his arm around Messy's shoulders. Bro-style. They could be bros for this, sure. They were already bro-
Wait, what?
Oh they were allowed to go! Alec was ready to move his other foot, the free one, when he felt a tug on the one that was attached to Messy's leg. It was probably because of that and the goo that had sprouted out from... somewhere, that caused the boy to wobble. Uh oh. Wobble... slip... wobble...
Sure they have a very weird friendship. They're making fun of each others having fun with each other, playing Quidditch and sometime talking about girls. Oh wait. That was Alec. But hey that was best mate do, right? Messer replied Alec's two fingers salute with his own. See they get along well so far.
The fifth year can't stop starring at their tied legs. Oh Man. Why can't his roommate asked his girlfriend? Instead he had to ask him by offering the only thing he couldn't resist. Sigh. Messer was still trying to get use to the fact that one of his leg was being tied with Alec's when his roommate wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Alec, if you want a hug you could just say so." He said wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder.
They can to this right? As soon as he made his first step, he felt that they're losing balance. Messer tried to use body weight to prevent his roommate and himself from falling but unfortunately for him gravity happen. "Sorry, mate." He tried to use his legs and arms to help himself up and ...
The goo made it impossible for him to get up. "Mate, a little help?"
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
So the new thing Mo just learned about Cat? She was a trooper. She was persistent. She didn't complain. And she knew this was all Alice's fault. If they weren't on the verge of falling over and getting something slippery and wet all over their clothes, Mo would most certainly have kissed her.
Because she was just so... good. In general.
"Yeah, but let's not race. Maybe we can go slow for a little bit?" He loosened his grip on Cat so that one arm was still around her shoulders, but they were facing the same direction. Outside step. Inside step. Outside step. "Let me know if you start to fall, since I'm coming too. I'll try not to fall ON you."
"I wonder how easy this will be to get off of my shoes." Cat wondered conversationally. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard, because if they did fall -and she was sort of hoping they would cause it would be funny- she would have gooey clothes.
"If we don't Alice might make us do it all over again." As much as Cat didn't mind doing it once, she didn't want to be stuck in goo all night, especially when there were cupcakes back there waiting for her. "Let's just go as fast as we can. If we fall, we fall, that's part of the fun." Well, "As long as you don't crush me." Yeah. That would be helpful, thanks for looking out, Branxton. She wrapped an arm around his middle and used the other one to hopefully help her balance. "Maybe we should go faster?" He was quite bigger than her so she couldn't just MAKE him move faster, cooperation was needed.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Awar watched on the sidelines as Marigold and Kace aligned themselves at the start line, "Hurry up, you two! I want to capture your faces as you try!" She waved around an old-fashion camera. She had to leave her digital one at home, of course. No use for those here. She bought this one in Diagon Alley.
Awar watched on the sidelines as Marigold and Kace aligned themselves at the start line, "Hurry up, you two! I want to capture your faces as you try!" She waved around an old-fashion camera. She had to leave her digital one at home, of course. No use for those here. She bought this one in Diagon Alley.
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104
Marigold ran into the goo room.
"Are you ready?" she asked Kace. "Do you want to do the charm? Or should we wear the leggings?"
This was going to be fun.
Kace saw Awarlesta having an old fashioned camera with her. He gave her two thumbs up to show he heard her. "Nice old fashioned camera you got there!" he yelled towards her. He wondered why she wasn't playing but maybe the next round??
Marigold asked if Kace was ready. Kace nodded and said, "Ready when you are!" and then she asked if he wanted to do the charm or wear the leggings. "I think i would like to wear the leggings more! It seems more fun." he smiled with glee. "You want me to tie them around our legs?" he asked her.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Colley
"I wonder how easy this will be to get off of my shoes." Cat wondered conversationally. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard, because if they did fall -and she was sort of hoping they would cause it would be funny- she would have gooey clothes.
"If we don't Alice might make us do it all over again." As much as Cat didn't mind doing it once, she didn't want to be stuck in goo all night, especially when there were cupcakes back there waiting for her. "Let's just go as fast as we can. If we fall, we fall, that's part of the fun." Well, "As long as you don't crush me." Yeah. That would be helpful, thanks for looking out, Branxton. She wrapped an arm around his middle and used the other one to hopefully help her balance. "Maybe we should go faster?" He was quite bigger than her so she couldn't just MAKE him move faster, cooperation was needed.
"Surely they won't ruin anyone's clothing," Mo reasoned out as he shifted his arm from around Cat's shoulder to across her back. It was easier to find their mutual center of balance if he had his hand on her opposite hip. It was just science.
"If we race," he dropped his voice, as if Alice had spies everywhere and they needed to be careful. "If we do, then we do it because we want to do it. Alice can't make us do this again, because we paid to be here." So that was logic. Just saying. He did pick up the pace a bit, though, because Cat seemed to want it, and because Mo was willing to do whatever it was Cat desired. Just being friendly-like.
Until his foot his a slimy patch and Mo immediately started to slide.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Surely they won't ruin anyone's clothing," Mo reasoned out as he shifted his arm from around Cat's shoulder to across her back. It was easier to find their mutual center of balance if he had his hand on her opposite hip. It was just science.
"If we race," he dropped his voice, as if Alice had spies everywhere and they needed to be careful. "If we do, then we do it because we want to do it. Alice can't make us do this again, because we paid to be here." So that was logic. Just saying. He did pick up the pace a bit, though, because Cat seemed to want it, and because Mo was willing to do whatever it was Cat desired. Just being friendly-like.
Until his foot his a slimy patch and Mo immediately started to slide.
"I hope not." She also didn't want to smell gooey and she didn't want goo in her hair. That was just an all around BAD thing, you know, messing up a girl's hair. No good.
They'd been going good so far and from what Cat could see they were pretty close to being done. "I think we should go back to the cupcakes after this." She decided. "Also, lets pretend this gooey stuff is icing. That's much better." Since Mo was bigger, he was a good chunk of their balance and when he slid, Cat slid too. Except this time when she tried to steady herself he was already sliding and she just pushed him over.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Colley
"I hope not." She also didn't want to smell gooey and she didn't want goo in her hair. That was just an all around BAD thing, you know, messing up a girl's hair. No good.
They'd been going good so far and from what Cat could see they were pretty close to being done. "I think we should go back to the cupcakes after this." She decided. "Also, lets pretend this gooey stuff is icing. That's much better." Since Mo was bigger, he was a good chunk of their balance and when he slid, Cat slid too. Except this time when she tried to steady herself he was already sliding and she just pushed him over.
"We'll just eat all the cupcakes," Mo agreed, his grip tightening as he fought to stay upright. He wasn't on board with walking in icing, because that made it extra unsanitary, but he was onboard with cupcakes with his Cupcake. Erm... the Cupcake. She didn't belong to him because people weren't property.
Mo righted himself after that slip, but Cat was still moving. When she smacked into him, Mo remembered the big promise not to smoosh her. His arms went out as he fell backwards, so that Cat was safely tucked against his chest... high and dry as his back and the back of his head smacked into the slime.
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Awar watched on the sidelines as Marigold and Kace aligned themselves at the start line, "Hurry up, you two! I want to capture your faces as you try!" She waved around an old-fashion camera. She had to leave her digital one at home, of course. No use for those here. She bought this one in Diagon Alley.
Originally Posted by hpfan18
SPOILER!!: You Two :3
Kace saw Awarlesta having an old fashioned camera with her. He gave her two thumbs up to show he heard her. "Nice old fashioned camera you got there!" he yelled towards her. He wondered why she wasn't playing but maybe the next round??
Marigold asked if Kace was ready. Kace nodded and said, "Ready when you are!" and then she asked if he wanted to do the charm or wear the leggings. "I think i would like to wear the leggings more! It seems more fun." he smiled with glee. "You want me to tie them around our legs?" he asked her.
"I like your camera Lesta! Can I call you Lesta?" Marigold liked Awarlesta. She was nice.
Oh, and Kace was responding. Hmm, the leggings seemed more fun too! Plus... stripes.
"I'll help," said Marigold, wrapping the leggings and tying them. "Okay, let's GO!"
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Messy!
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Sure they have a very weird friendship. They're making fun of each others having fun with each other, playing Quidditch and sometime talking about girls. Oh wait. That was Alec. But hey that was best mate do, right? Messer replied Alec's two fingers salute with his own. See they get along well so far.
The fifth year can't stop starring at their tied legs. Oh Man. Why can't his roommate asked his girlfriend? Instead he had to ask him by offering the only thing he couldn't resist. Sigh. Messer was still trying to get use to the fact that one of his leg was being tied with Alec's when his roommate wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Alec, if you want a hug you could just say so." He said wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder.
They can to this right? As soon as he made his first step, he felt that they're losing balance. Messer tried to use body weight to prevent his roommate and himself from falling but unfortunately for him gravity happen. "Sorry, mate." He tried to use his legs and arms to help himself up and ...
The goo made it impossible for him to get up. "Mate, a little help?"
See? Messy understood the two finger salute thing! And was actually saluting him back! So the two weren't on completely different pages all day every day. Alec grinned back at the boy. Yeah... there was nothing to worry about. And he, Alec, was probably just being silly befo--
Messy. Had he misunderstood the gesture or...? Probably. "Well... I'll give you a hug later, then? After we finish this race?" he said, patting the boy on the shoulder. You know, if the guy really wanted one. And speaking of hugs, they hadn't really hugged in a long time. That... was just not acceptable. Nope.
And speaking of the race... it didn't look like they were going to finish anytime soon. But it was still early and they had only just started. So who cares if they were still stuck on the floor with goo all over themselves? "I'm sorry too, mate," Because he was the one who had suggested this, even if it was for a price.
"Help... right..." he mumbled. He placed both hands on the ground and with a loud SQUELCH, managed to heave himself up into a kneeling position. The leg that was attached to Messy's, though, was still attached. That was some good spellwork from Hulk. ... Wait... "Erm... how should I help?" ... Silly question. "I mean... do you want me to grab your hand and pull you up or wrap my arms around your chest and... pull you up...?"
Was it just him or did one of those options sound really awkward?
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Text Cut: The Firsties <3
Originally Posted by hpfan18
SPOILER!!: You Two :3
Kace saw Awarlesta having an old fashioned camera with her. He gave her two thumbs up to show he heard her. "Nice old fashioned camera you got there!" he yelled towards her. He wondered why she wasn't playing but maybe the next round??
Marigold asked if Kace was ready. Kace nodded and said, "Ready when you are!" and then she asked if he wanted to do the charm or wear the leggings. "I think i would like to wear the leggings more! It seems more fun." he smiled with glee. "You want me to tie them around our legs?" he asked her.
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104
"I like your camera Lesta! Can I call you Lesta?" Marigold liked Awarlesta. She was nice.
Oh, and Kace was responding. Hmm, the leggings seemed more fun too! Plus... stripes.
"I'll help," said Marigold, wrapping the leggings and tying them. "Okay, let's GO!"
She smiled big, "Thanks, Kace!" She was eager to see them try. The others look like they were having trouble, but it was surely hilarious and fun-looking.
She grinned at Marigold, "Thank you and of course! Whatever floats your boat!" She understood that her name was hard to pronounce, so she let people play around with her name as long as it wasn't anything embarrassing or mean. That wouldn't be cool.