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Glued-on-Goo You reach the starting point of the next challenge area. The cloudy night sky is making it difficult to see what is ahead, but there is a sign lit up telling you that you must complete this challenge with a partner, and that you must use the sticking charm on each of your legs to progress. If there is issue with the charm, just below the lit sign is a basket of striped clothes. You can use these to tie your legs together. |
Oakey had a big smirk on his face as he waited for two willing participants to give this a Go |
Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Whoever said bouncing around at night when you could hardly see was a good idea lied, like big time. She'd stopped counting all the people she'd run into and was now more set on just enjoying this fest for what it was; epic awesomeness. Alexa kept bouncing until she saw the sign, read it briefly then hopped over to Oakey!! "HAI!!!" She popped up with a grin in the dim lighting. "What's thiiiiiiiis, what's on the other side?? Are you giving out candy if I participate here? Why do I need a partner, how come your drinking that? Are you participating as well? AM I TALKING TOO LOUD???" All very important questions, obviously. She continued grinning while she waited on the answer or someone she liked to show up. If she needed a partner it couldn't be someone she was on less than happy terms with...there would be no teamwork...only sabotage. |
Theo was like a kid at a carnival. He liked it when Hogwarts provided fun things for them, and he was sure that this year wouldn't have any due to the money problems and such. Sure, he had to pay to participate, but the prices weren't as steep as he was expecting. So it was all good! He skipped over to the next obstacle but stopped at the sign. They needed a partner? Ooowhh.... He looked around and there was only Alexa Cambridge and Oakey Gunter here. NOPE... they wouldn't do at all. The Slytherin stood on tiptoes and looked everywhere for one of his friends. He would frantically wave and force them to come over or something. OH LOOK - CASSIA. Theo WAAAAAAAVED like a fool, "CATTY!" Get chur butt over here! |
The snake's eyes wondered all around the stations not knowing where to go first. Because yup. She was planning on visiting all of them. Mhhhm. Was that her name! Yup and not just her regular name but her spy-name. Buttress was calling! And so she ran to her bestie. And hi Lex and headboy by the way. "Buttress! She squeaked as she hopped next to him. "Let's have some fun!" She beamed. That's why she was called riiiiiight. She took a general look around and obviously they wanted to stick their legs together. She did not have her wand! It was in the bag in the seating area. In a safe place. Though she did reach to the striped clothes provided, "Do you have your wand on you? Or should we use those?" Ignoring who had used them before. Unless Theo wanted to do the spell on both of them? |
Uuuh Whaa? Oakey tried to catch all the questions a bouncy Alexa was throwing at him. He took in one sip of his Veggie drink. "Hai to you too Alexa, ummm. Okay, Slow down a for a second." Oakey put his hands in an attempt to keep Alexa from asking anymore questions. "It's on of the Challenges for the event, sorry no, no candy, because this challenge encourages teamwork, and because it was left-over and I didn't want it to go to waste. You want one if you finish the challenge?" Deep Breathe at this pause here. "NO YOU'RE TALKING AT A PERFECTLY NORMAL VOLUME." He smirked. This was normal for Alexa was it not? Then Wimpy Theo came over too. "Hey Theo, umm. If you don't mind why don't you partner up with Alexa here. She's raring it to." He pointed his thumb over at the Bouncy-bouncy Gryffindor. "and I guess I uh-Owe you an apology..." Yeah, take it in Theo, this was a once in a life time chance. ...Or I guess he could partner up with Cassia, she looked raring to go too. "That's fine I guess." Oakey shrugged. "If you want a partner Alexa, I'll take you on one run." Might as well give the course a test drive. |
"Hmmmm?" Didn't quite hear that. Quote:
.... He supposed they should ask Oakey, but he really didn't want to. So, he just handed the clothes over to Cassia. Girls were better with decision making. "What do we do with 'em?" |
All of you guys are in hereee. Of course, when the Prefects split up for monitoring duties, Alice was placed with the two dumbest student leaders of the bunch. Of course. It wasn't even surprising. Obviously, people needed her brains and smarts and awesomeness to rub off on them. That was clearly it. She quietly made her way over to the Glued-on-Goo station, sinking down further in her hoodie and moving over by the Head Boy. "'Sup, Oakster. Where's Duck Boy?" Wasn't he supposed to be with them? "And what are you drinking?" It looked like some sort of pink poison. "AND STOP SCREAMING AT OUR COURSE RUNNERS." He had to be nice to Lex, yelling was how you DROVE people away. "If you're running with Lex, I'll call go for you guys. And for you two," she said, motioning to Theo and Cassia. "If any of you don't want to tie yourselves together and haven't got wands, I can do that too." Because she was being helpful, see? She didn't even glare at Thinsley, that's how much she was behaving. But apparently Theo and Cassia were doing the ties, so she didn't bother. "You tie your legs up with 'em." Helpful. "Lemme know when." She couldn't wait to see people slip and slide all over this thing. Easily the best station, easily. |
Neat-O Alice was here to help now. "Don't know. Hopefully he's not obsessing over Ice Cream." Instead of being where he should be. "I-wasn't...Alexa was...forget about it Alice. I'll run with Alexa if she wants me to." He was gonna leave it up to to Alexa to decide. If someone else came by that wanted to run with her, then he could enjoy his drink some more. "It's one of my Special Veggie Drinks...want a sip?" Yay, his drinks were becoming popular! |
"I'm going to tie your left leg with my right," Which was harder! And somehow she felt that that exactly what the prefects would want. And then Alice came and said to tie their legs. She offered a smile to Alice then hopped closer to Theo. "Hey..Um..Don't walk too fast. Okay?" She muttered as she worked on tying the legs . Except for the fact that Theo's legs were longer, there was NO problem. Pfffffft. They nailed this thing no worries. |
Not gonna happen... "We're fine." And he s..MILED. Sortakindanotreallybutgoodenough. Quote:
Ha. "You bet he did. I almost went blabbing about your vandalism, you know... but I'm a good sport." So really, Oakey should be thanking him, too, but he wouldn't push on that... yet. Theo's smiled faded when Oakey asked if they were good? No, they were not. "Sure. Whatever." Theo raised his eyebrows lazily and looked away. Not good, never good. Quote:
Probably because there was a girl touching him. He decided not to move at all, or say anything, because it wasn't a big deal really. Anyway he was much more used to it now, just sayin'. "Scared I'm too fast for ya?" Theo GRINNED. |
.. was he making amends with Theo? During their Prefect event? "This isn't the time for you to apologize to Thinsley and take care of personal matters, Head Boy, we're RUNNING a STATION." Were those drinks affecting his brain? Really, the Headmistress was so lucky Alice was here to keep him under control or he'd be offering pink poison to obstacle course runners any minute. Merlin. "Oh? I can have a sip? Cool." Her mood immediately changed, and she cracked a grin at Oakey before reaching for the cup and taking a careful drink. Was.. was that beet? It tasted like she was downing a vegetable. Interesting. Cassia got a grin, too. And Thinsley was fine? And.. smiling. Alice cringed instantly, but attempted to morph her face into a.. a SMILE, too. Except it turned out looking like more of a grimace. Whatever worked. "I still have to call go for you, though. That's my job." Smile!grimace. This was hurting her face. |
The snake tugged at the ropes just for good measures. You know. Too fast for her? "You wish," She tossed her hair over her shoulder then added, "But giving advise so you won't trip and drag me down," Smirky grin there. Though once they set off, they needed to be a team. Cassia Somerlad wasn't going to trip and humiliate herself. And since she was tied to Theo. He wasn't allowed to trip either. Nope. No way. Glancing at both Oakey and Alice, Cassia said, "We're ready." Yeah, she decides when they were ready. Soooo. Shall they go! |
Ready? Was she supposed to act punny and stuff and say 'goo' instead of go or something? Nah, that was weird. And totally lame. Oakey could do it if he wanted. "'kay, GO." ENTHUSIASM. Yeah. She had it. Maybe Thinsley would get a face full of slime and make her day, you never knew. |
Theo turned back to look at Alice briefly. "It's Theo." He'd said that a hundred times before, when would it get through to her thick head? Theo ignored everything else that she said. Quote:
GOsh, imagine trying to get a first year Theo to do this? PFFT. "Yeah right... I have agility." You know, it came from him being an epic quidditch player. Theo finally grinned at Cassia and was now kinda excited to see what lurked beyond this point. Once Alice gave them the go ahead, Theo put his free foot in front of him and yanked his other one with Cassia attached to it. Come on now, get a move on. And off they went! |
"See you on the other side" She grinned right after Alice announced for them to go. Heeeeeeere it goes. Copying Theo, Cassia took a step with her free leg thinking that they needed a rhythmic pattern to be safe. BUT Theo was ahead by one millisecond so when he moved his leg which was linked to hers, she flailed in the air and miraculously managed to gain her balance again. "I thought we were going to count.." She muttered. Though they said no such thing but now it sounded like a very good idea to have agreed on. Taking a second to gain balance, she moved her RIGHT leg which was linked to Theo's. Ooops. Kinda broke the pattern. See she was used to taking the first step with her right leg. Hopefully, Theo caught up. And hopefully there was no audience because the fourth-year feels uneasy being watched. Creeepy. |
Everyone I guess XD Quote:
She was about to jump into another stream of questions but then Theo and Cassia got there. Cassia got an enthusiastic wave and a grin. Theo got a nod just 'cause. Oh and they were tying themselves to each other?? OKAY!! She was listening to Alice but she'd grab some rope and got busy "Come oooonnnnn!!!" Bounce!Hop!Slip!Bounce! |
Okay Here we go *evil smirks* Oakey said he had too, and he was positive he would get something of that response. "Yeah, what ever." Oakey knew what that really meant. He semi-listened to Alice berating him for apologizing to what did she call Wimpy? Thinsley? Oakey grew a big smirk on his face at Alice's nickname for him. Wimpy Thinsley. What a good combo. All was good anyways. Little did Wimpy Thinsley know what awaited him in that course. Sweet sweet revenge no doubt for his less-than-par acceptance of Oakey's apology. Meanwhile he watched Alice take a sip of his drink, and was about to take it back. "Do you Li..." Whoa whoa how long had Alexa been down there tieing them together "I could of just stick our le..." The hell kind of Candy was Alexa having? "Would you wait for me to say G..." No okay. Alice better take good care of his drink for him. "Alexa wait, We'll own it for sure." Cue evil smirk. "You can drag me along once I say....GO!" ...That was her cue to start. it was funny seeing her slip before they even reached the course. |
Theo stopped. "I'm gonna move next, kay?" He waited for a second or two, then SLOWLY took a step forward. WOAH - what was that on the floor?! Some sort of GOO. Theo wobbled and waved his arms frantically in the air, until he finally GRABBED hold of Cassia to keep him up. "There's goo everywhere!" He shrieked, then dawdled on the spot... still holding onto Cassia like a lost little boy. |
YAAAAAY!! "We need a system here, that's the leg we share, we move it every other time, got it? Good! To the finish line!!!" Or well...to the course then the finish line but he'd help set this whole thing up so he got the idea!!! "March! March! March!" Hop! Hop! Hop! There would be candy for her when they finished, it would be epic!!!-- WHOOOOA!!! Suddenly slippery floor equals a flailing Alexa being overly dramatic, but not just ANY flailing Alexa being overly dramatic, we're talking on that pulled Oakey down with her because this seemed like the best option. |
Cassia nodded when Theo informed her he was going to move. That's her Buttress, she would've have turned to him and smiled or something but too busy looking where she was going to land next. Copying his move, the snake moved her leg making sure to keep the balance. But it was sticky! Goo?! She blinked down and muttered some incoherent words. Mostly complaining that there should be a warning? Pfffft. And they were supposed to trust the student leaders on their lives. Heck, no! Then she was grabbed. -________- Seriously. She was glad her friend with agility and athletic body was with her. Guess not too assuring since he was grabbing her for dear life. "Umm...I guess we just need to make sure not to lose balance when our foot lands?" She half asked, half suggested in a shaken voice. Okay, she didn't know there was goo! She would have reconsidered. "And loosen your grip, dude, I want to breath? please?" See she was being nice. Because you don't upset Theodore when in goo-y floor. "Now let's move our linked legs," She said then waited a couple of second before moving her foot slowly. And now she TOO grabbed Theo's arms. Duuuude. This was slippery!! Like a lot. And hiiii Alexa. Woulda have waved but too busy not slipping. |
Theo let go immediately when Cassia mentioned it. Was he really holding her that hard? How embarrassing. "Cassia... it's all over... my SHOE-eees." He yelled the last part, but it got cut short when she clutched hold of his arms sending him into a flailing tizzy. He tried to keep his feet still, but his upper body couldn't handle it and he FLOPPED forwards. Thankfully his hands were there to protect him, and they went SMUSH into the goo. UGH... UGH... UGGGGGGGGGHHHH. "Help. Me. Up." He wanted to pick himself up but he didn't want to risk falling on his butt into this goo. Seriously. If he knew this was coming, he would NOT have bothered with this stupid race. The goo started to squelch between Theo's fingers and he honestly thought he was going to throw up. What kind of germs was GOO made out of?! |
This was such good entertainment. Alice wasn't laughing, but it was REALLY hard not to. Straightfaced monitor over here, everyone. Totally serious. "You okay there, The-o-dore?" She knew his name, see? Not Thinsley. "I can help you clean up those shoes after you finish if you want." Because he was Dora's boyfriend and she was being NICE. Cassia got a good natured thumbs up, too, and then all of the attention went to Lex and Oakey. "Planning on helping me monitor once you get out of that gunk, Oakster?" Alice was staying out of that stuff, right over here sipping her veggie drink like a SMART person and calling.. um.. encouragements to runners. Beets. Yeah. Yum. |
Opening her mouth to try some reassuring words, ones she didn't believe in but felt obliged to tell, all about spirit. Well, here's the thing. She didn't get to say those words because Theo was swaaaaying! Cassia released his arms and tilted her upper section in the opposite direction. Balance! Come on, was it harder than riding a broom? Obviously, yes. She shut her eyes not daring to see if Theo fell and lost balance. But like less than a minute she still was standing then it meant he was, too. Because if he fell, she'd too. Her eyes opened slits then fully opened them and tried not to laugh. Though it was hard! With Theo standing but not straight as he hands were on the floor supporting his body. OF course she made sure not to laugh out loud, but the smile was huge. Could he see her? It'd be hard to turn his head around, right? Hopefully. "okay," She managed hoping her voice didn't give away any amusement. "First, don't think too much. You kinda look green," Throwing up would only make the floor more slippery. They didn't want THAT! She angled her body trying not move her linked leg, because any movement would cause Theo to lose his..... Glancing up she smiled at Alice. The girl looked amused. Cassia couldn't blame her, surely it all looked hilarious from there. And did Lex just hit the floor. Poor, headboy. Not that they were doing any better. The snakette reached for her friend's shirt and gripped it. She was going to pull him from his back so he'd be able to stand straight. Easily said than done. "On the count of three I'm going to start pulling you up gripping your shirt," No time to feel uncomfortable now. "one...Two..." She took a deep shaky breath, "Three..." With both of her fists, she gathered his shirt and pulled gently. But she herself was wobbling on the spot now and feeling her upper body swaying backwards. Holy cat! :eek: |
"NIGEL. Hurry up! I want to WIN." Even if it meant dragging him along behind her. Blue wasn't the biggest fan of three legged races. She was good at running and while there was no 'I' in team, there certainly was an 'm' and an 'e' if you jumbled the letters around. But if she had to partner up with someone, it'd be a Quidditch player. They knew what they wanted and clearly all Quidditch players wanted VICTORY. She'd already paid - with proper money this time - so she was good to go. It was even better to see Alice manning the Glued-on-Goo game. The fourth year waved and beamed broadly at the older girl. There were certainly no hard feelings coming from this end towards the Gryffindor, despite Blue's very own favourite Puffer having a awkward history with the girl. But whatevs, she made West happy and she'd always supported her 'Free the Chocolate Frogs' notion so Alice was definitely on the 'You're pretty cool with me' list. |
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