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She was beginning to wonder if the boat-man was really a statue or...but he did speak. Not to mention the same dialogue. She watched him while he repeated the same things again. She was about to confirm he was a non-living, good imitation, blah blah..when he spoke something different. He looked alive. Magic, don't believe.
Head out?
The boat-man talked about moving and she couldn't help but grin.
"AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" she called out loudly. Onward to Hogwarts!
Hurry up, now," he said to no one in particular as he finished his summons. He was startled to hear a hearty reply off to his right.
Captain? He chuckled. "
Tha's Mr. Firth to yeh, lass," he said, though not unkindly.
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Natasha could not help getting excited. The anticipation was building, and she was finding it difficult to sit still. She was trying to be careful though, she did not want to be the one to tip a boat.
Any minute though, she would be at the school. and the start of her new life, with her new friends.
To the pirate-wannabe-girls' left he spotted another excited first year. Perhaps TOO excited. "
Mind yeh don' tip the boat now! Wouldn' want the Giant Squid ter have to fish yeh out." Poor Bartholomew Henry seemed to have his tentacles full most years.
Then it appeared that he had all of the first years he was going to get.
"Alright, keep yer head an' limbs in the boat at all times or yeh'll have me ter answer to!" he called out. Then he stepped into his own boat by himself, settled in, and tapped the side with his wand.
"Here we go!" he said as the little fleet set off for the castle across the lake.