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Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson 1 - NEAR THE LAKE
It was a pleasant day outside despite the slow dropping temperatures of the upcoming season. The mid-day sun was shining high and bright while the breeze was lightly blowing, making the day too good to ignore. The lake sparkled in the background and the merry songs of the birds as they flew from tree to tree gave the area both a tranquil atmosphere and well needed change of view. Purple mats were lined up in rows as they usual were in the dueling arena, though perhaps one could notice the absence of the short desks if they'd attended a lesson before. Professor Romanos was seated upon her own burgundy colored mat, smile as clear as day on her face as she waited for the students to show. Hopefully they weren't too confused on where to go. She did put up a sign both on the classroom and arena doors instructing them to head down to the grounds near the lake.
Boggarts and Dememtors? "Fear," Haruka stated simply. "A Dementor sucks out a person's happiness until only fear remains, and a Boggart turns into a person's worst fear." She mulled it over for a bit before her analytical side kicked in. "Technically speaking, the two creatures together would be a prime partnership."
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Oh dear.
"Nazdrave..." Oh, goodness, was there something in the air? She was feeling it herself actually, and trying very hard to keep herself from sneezing. "Excellent guess, Miss Eventide, though no. We aren't going to learn about water creatures today."
Nope, she held that sneeze in.
Almost with grabby hands, she took the tissues she'd summoned out of the air. "Pardon me class. Must be allergies or someth- ACHOO!" Or something. She didn't have allergies. ACHOO! Blowing her nose as quietly and quickly as she could so she could get back to the lesson, Medea glanced to most of the class before placing the tissue box in front of her, close to the front row. "If anyone else needs a tissue, feel free to take one." She'd accio more if needed.
Aheeeeeeeem. Alright, back to the lesson. Sniffle sniffle.
"You all had some very excellent and creative guesses, though I must say, the lake really doesn't have anything to do with what we're going to be learning today. It's more for a scenic view." Well, for her. The students weren't exactly facing it. "What we will be learning..." Sniffle. "...is mostly theoretical, about two dark creatures, a bit similar to each other. Dementors and Boggarts."
She paused momentarily to grab another tissue. "Does anyone know how these two are similar?"
OOC: For you sneezers out there, 'Nazdrave' is basically the Bulgarian version of "Bless you".
Nerida held another sneeze in as the Professor addressed her, "Thank you Professor." And then nodded and another sneeze came, this time worse than the other.
Allergies? That could be it for the Professor but Nerida never had allergies until now. Tissue, she most definitely wanted one. She quickly grabbed one and blew her nose, feeling like if she continued to sneeze she would die!
Lake nothing to do with it? Hmm, she thought for sure it would have to do something with the lake. She sniffled a couple more sneezes as the Professor continued to tell them what they would be doing. Dementors and Boggarts, she did not like either even though she never came across a dementor before.
Raising her hand Nerida answered, " Dementors and Boggarts are similar in...ACHOO... In that they are both..." she quickly sniffled another sneeze before she actually sneezed, grabbing her nose until the sneeze went away she continued "Sorry Professor...Um where was I? Oh yes they are both similar in that are amortal creatures, they were never truly alive to begin with and are seemingly indestructible."
Just as she finished she had a sneezing fit. What was with her today? She never sneezed this much inside or when she was in the garden. She took another tissue from the Professor and tried to listen to the other students as much as she could, her sneezing often making it so she had a hard time listening.
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Sarah thought they ould be learning more yoga, yet then she began to think that it might be something more water related. Like studying grindlows and things that lived in water yet then the teacher began to talk about general dark arts such as boggarts and demonters
"They are both conqured through spells and conquering your emotions. The Demonter makes people feel depressed yet it finished them off when the victim things of a happy thought, some with boggarts whn the victim laughs even if they are scared they go away" it was more complicated then that.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Ronnie bit her lip as the professor kept sneezing. Oh, she hoped she'd be alright! "Bless you," she said when the professor finished sneezing.
Or...had she finished?
Ah well. At least she had gotten some tissues. Perhaps doing a lesson outside hadn't been the best choice. Okay. Now to focus on learning. Dementors and boggarts... what did they have in common? Think think think. Oh! Ronnie raised her hand. "They both can cause fear." she said.
...Well, that was an obvious one, wasn't it? Maybe she needed another similarity. She thought hard and another popped into her head. "And they both have certain spells that can be used to defend yourself from them. For example, for the dementor it's the patronus charm, and for the boggart, it's riddikulus." she added with a nod. There! That sounded more better than her first obvious answer.
Why were people sneezing so much? Orr wondered. Could it have anything to do with the fact that they were outside beside the lake and could it have anything to do with the actual lesson? Somehow Orr doubted it.
As to the question asked, she raised her hand to answer: "As said already, dementors and boggarts thrive on people's fear. Add cold and unease to that makes someone a prime target for them. Maybe we are here by the lake in order to try and combat those feelings so that we aren't such an easy target when we do encounter one of them?"
When you're ready come and get it, nah nah nah, nah nah nah, nah nah nah.
Kace shrugged and was glad he got a good guess in for the Professor. He felt bad for her having to sneeze the whole time. Kace could relate because when it is the first day of spring, his allergies act up SO bad.
Kace was glad she had tissues to hold her over. Then he heard the question she was asking, How are Dementors and Boggarts the same. Kace actually knew the answer to this question!
"Professor i know Dementors and Boggarts are similar because they make the person relive their worst fear possible."
Last edited by Expecto-Penguin; 05-18-2013 at 07:49 PM.
Raven raised her hand. "Both Boggarts and Dementors are pretty good at terrifying people. One turns into what you fear more than anything else, and the other drains all your happiness no matter what. But if you know that something is a boggart, then it wouldn't scare you as much as if you didn't know. On the other hand, Dementors steal your happiness even if you have been through it many times befre. Only the Patronus can help you." The professor hadn't asked her what the differences were, but she decided to say them anyway.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"You all had some very excellent and creative guesses, though I must say, the lake really doesn't have anything to do with what we're going to be learning today. It's more for a scenic view." Well, for her. The students weren't exactly facing it. "What we will be learning..." Sniffle. "...is mostly theoretical, about two dark creatures, a bit similar to each other. Dementors and Boggarts."
She paused momentarily to grab another tissue. "Does anyone know how these two are similar?"
What were these purple mats for anyway?
It didn't matter how tight she pulled the thing over her head, Rhodes could still hear all the talking and sneezing, but most importantly, the sneezing everyone was doing. The only thing she couldn't do while under there was breathe, and when it came down to it, she'd rather catch all the diseases the people had rather than not be able to breathe. So the mat went off her face! But she left it draped over her head, just in case it was going to do something.
Her attention was back on the Professor once she was freeeee, and even though she was making a face at the woman, because of her sneezing, she still made sure to pay very close attention to what she had to say. She would have even wrote things down, but that would have made the mat fall off her head and she didn't want that; she needed protection. She could still raise her hand, though, and that was exactly what she did when the Professor asked her question.
Similarities between Dementors and Boggarts? Easy. "Neither of them can sneeze." Stink eye for you, Professor. "And even if they did, I doubt they would say bless you."
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Sigh. No LEX, she didn't have a stalker, for Merlin's sake. Lottie merely rolled her eyes at this and listened to Professor Romanos, and the others guesses as she got her things ready for class.
Why was everyone sneezing, though?
Did it had to do something with itching powder, except this one made you sneeze? Or...was she missing something?
Either way, Lottie raised her hand. "They both need a positive emotion, whether they be memories or laughter, to be...," pause for dramatic effect, "...defeated." That didn't mean kill, just defeated. "Which is how both spells to ward them off work, actually." The spells needed the positivism. "The stronger the positive thought, the stronger the spell is. As usual." Simple. And very complicated at the same time. Isn't that how spells work, anyway?
ACHOO! The girl squirmed slightly as she tried to get past the fact that she couldn’t seem to see straight as her Professor was talking. When the Professor said the Romanian version of ‘bless you’ she just smiled. And gave her a nod.
“Tha-eh-ank” yep, for a moment there she sounded like she was from Quebec, Canada. She just squirmed a bit trying to get more into the shade as she listened to the questions and answers people brought up. “thank you Pra-achoo” brilliant. Prachoo. That was soooo a word.
She reached forward and snagged a tissue from the box that was left in front of the front row. “Thank you” she finally muttered out her nose still tingling. Raising her hand she began to explain rather oddly how she thought they were related.
“Well dementors are grey, scabby, and they are an amortal creature meaning they never live and they never die – boggarts are also amortal as well as poltergeists like Peeves.” She smiled to her Professor took a deep breath and began to cough. “Swallowed a bug” the girl muttered with a laugh.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Kommoto tried to raise his hand, he really did. But ever time, he felt another sneeze coming. and using his other arm to cover his nose just made him need to sneeze more. was sneezing like yawning, he thought? Did it spread by suggestion? He looked down at his dusty robes. He must have gotten this at the dorm, and not noticed, he thought. he tried to raise his hand again and sneezed. giving up, he wrote his answer 'FEAR' on a piece of parchment, and held it up for the teacher to see.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Merlin, was his nose running now? Mo sneezed again violently before looking around at other people in surprise. Allergies? What was happening? And why would the outdoors so suddenly TURN ON HIM and become his enemy like this?
Dementors and boggarts, though? He knew this. Mo raised his hand and then sneezed violently again. Ouch. "Professor, boggarts and dementors... ACHOO..." Sigh. "Emotional vampires." He flopped over backwards with another big sneeze.
They had been brought down to the lake to study Dementors and Boggarts? Exactly how they were going to do that when they were out in the open on a sunny day was going to be a bit hard.
Oh right. That's because they were only doing a theory lesson today. Michael's mood sunk even lower. He was sick of doing theory. He wanted ACTION!!!
Didn't stop him from raising his hand though. "They're both dark creatures which means their intent is to harm. And just like most dark creatures they are afraid of warmth and light." He paused for a moment. "Although I do kinda disagree with what most of the class has said. The Boggart feeds on a person's fear, thus being able to turn itself into what that person fears. The Dementor however feeds on people's happiness and joy leaving you miserable and unhappy and if they feed long enough then they will eventually turn a person into something like them. Evil. They both create fear but not both feed off it."
Geeeeez! There was quite a bit of sneezing going on. "Bless you," Peyton said, not really paying attention who had sneezed. Then someone else followed. "Bless. You." There. She was taught to never forget manners and...
Another sneeze.
Mental 'bless you's' to everyone who sneezes, times ten. There. A hundred 'bless you'.
Now. Question time. Peyton raised her hand up in the air, stretching her arm REALLY high. Her face clearly screaming a cheerful me, me!
"They both inflict terrible fear." SHUDDER. Did the professor see that? She was sort of acting it out here. "But cheerfulness helps repel them." Peyton stretched the corner of her lips upward. See. SMILE.
Can we just forget about the question here for a moment.. people we're Sneezing.. Everywhere.. and that meant Germs.. and Ariana was Not Okay with that.. Ignoring th question.. which she couldn't make out anyway between all the sneezing Ariana began waving all the contaminated air away from her.. she was NOT getting sick.. or whatever THEY had.. quarantine.. that's what they needed.. ASAP.... can we get on that? Ariana would Personally sanitize a room for them.. just keep the sick away..
Almost with grabby hands, she took the tissues she'd summoned out of the air. "Pardon me class. Must be allergies or someth- ACHOO!" Or something. She didn't have allergies. ACHOO! Blowing her nose as quietly and quickly as she could so she could get back to the lesson, Medea glanced to most of the class before placing the tissue box in front of her, close to the front row. "If anyone else needs a tissue, feel free to take one." She'd accio more if needed.
Aheeeeeeeem. Alright, back to the lesson. Sniffle sniffle.
"You all had some very excellent and creative guesses, though I must say, the lake really doesn't have anything to do with what we're going to be learning today. It's more for a scenic view." Well, for her. The students weren't exactly facing it. "What we will be learning..." Sniffle. "...is mostly theoretical, about two dark creatures, a bit similar to each other. Dementors and Boggarts."
She paused momentarily to grab another tissue. "Does anyone know how these two are similar?"
OOC: For you sneezers out there, 'Nazdrave' is basically the Bulgarian version of "Bless you".
EW. GROSS. If she was going to projectile sneeze could she do that in ANY direction that was not his, yeah? He didn't need that all up n his face. Not after he had put so much energy into looking like he didn't put any energy into his look today. Pfft.
And then she moved on with the lesson and talked about Boggarts and Dementors. WOOT. He actually knew what those were. Like the one thing that he ACTUALLY knew when it came to magic because, you know, he didn't care. But it was hard to avoid learning about these.
So with a smirk, he raised his hand and said, "Boggarts are creepy little buggers, yeah? They take your worst fears and become them. Creepy stuff. " And dementors. Yeah, he knew about them too. "They suck out your soul. Kind of like..." Oh maybe saying kind of like school was NOT okay to say to a Professor. Eh, whatever. "And they both use fear."
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Lots of sneezing today, wasn't there? Weird. Allergies? Penelope was glad she didn't have those.
Anyway, boggarts and dementors...interesting. She did actually know about these, and she definitely didn't like them much. Being confronted with your worst fear and being forced to basically relive all your worst memories without any of the good, happy ones...yeah, none of that was anything she wanted to deal with any time soon. Bad memories were bad enough to go through once, and she'd rather not face or experience her worst fears. Just no.
But it was theory right now, and for once, she was perfectly okay with that.
Up went her hand. "They both can only be repelled by a specific spell, right? Riddikulus for boggarts and the Patronus charm for dementors. So they're kinda similar in that way."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Forgive the lack of quotes - I see all your posts ;)
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Was Professor Romanos okay? The woman had been sneezing for almost half of the time she had responded to Beezus' peers. "Allergies, maa'm?" If so, allergic to what exactly? The wind? The grass? The view? Well, that was blatantly unfortunate. Beezus hoped their Professor just had colds though. That was better than being allergic to such an amazing view such as the fun they had right now.
Hmmm? "Possibly, Miss Castell." Yes, it was very possible. After so many years, they finally showed up.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Trying to answer the question was so difficult with all Minerva's sneezing, "Thank you professor" well she thought she told her bless you, she wasn't really sure with the different language. "Achoo, Achoo" Wow this needed to go away, then she saw the professor with a tissue and she raised her hand, sniffle..sniffle.. "Professor, do you have anymore of those tissues. Achoo" Well she hoped she did anyway.
Perhaps she was going to have to summon more.
"Of course." She leaned forward and nudged the tissue box in front of her. "Take as many as you need."
Medea nodded and hummed her responses of approval, half the time busy with dealing with her tickled nose and the other have, handing out "Nazdrave"'s like presents on Christmas. Though after a few minutes, the sneezing seemed to be settling down. At least for her. For now. Though a few seconds after lowering the tissue and she was right back where she started. Might as well stop fighting it and move on! AHEM.
"Right, the two of them do have quite a few similarities. The most obvious being that they are indeed dark creatures, they both do have spells that ward them off, and both are amortal. Amortal, for you that do not know, is an entity that has nei-...that neith-... ACHOO!ACHOO!ACHOO!" GOOD GRACIOUS! Having thankfully covered her mouth, she sniffled a little before continuing. "That neither has been alive nor died. It also is unable to die. No wizard yet has discovered a way to permanently defeat a boggart or dementor...only ways to ward them off."
Sniffle. "Some of you mentioned the spells to do so. I believe it was Miss Hawkins and Miss Greenwell..." Was she missing someone? "...that mentioned the two spells; the patronus charm and the riddikulus charm respectively." And no, she didn't mean ridiculous. "However, neither spell can be accomplished without some sort of positive emotion or memory. We know, as Mister Toussaint wonderfully put it, create fear, though do not feed off of the fear itself. Mister Branxton came up with a...ACHOO!...creative name for them, that'd make it easier to understand. Emotional vampires." Did he really have to go with the term vampire? "They suck all the happiness right out you. Which, honestly, is why they are so difficult to defeat at times. Fear is a tough emotion to overcome."
Pausing for a moment to blow her nose, and to let that little bit of info settle in their minds, Medea quietly cleared her throat and continued. "When confronted with these dark creatures, it's our job to push passed that fear and acquire more positive emo-ACHOO!-tions. Pardon me." Sniffle. "The wand movements and incantations for the two spells are generally very easy, it's the emotions part I want to work with you guys on today. We will be practicing something that can help everyone in times when you do happen to find yourself face to face with these dark creatures. There's no magic involved. It's just you and..........you and your...ACHOO!...mind doing the work." Sniiiiiiiiiffle. She had to grab another tissue.
"Many of you older students are familiar with my yoga stretches during lessons. Or maybe you'd forgotten." Hmmm? Medea smiled and raised an eyebrow. It'd been awhile since they'd done any. "We'll be doing a few of those, but on a similar topic, today we'll also be practicing something called Laughter Yoga. I bet you all can venture a guess on just what that is."
They can do that while she blew her nose. Goodness.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
All the sneezing was really making Kendall concerned. Not that she was going to catch whatever it was, even if it was going on all around her, but just because she didn’t want the curiosity as to why so many people were sneezing, including Professor Romanos all of a sudden. IT was just weird, and then there was the fact they’d just found out that being out by the lake really had nothing to do with what they were going to be learning about. Unless it was supposed to be a contrast thing. Like chiaroscuro. Light and dark, since they were sitting outside where it was nice and bright and lovely and yet apparently talking about two of the darkest creatures she could think of. Aside from lethifolds, but she was pretty sure they weren’t going to be facing any of those any time soon. Not here at Hogwarts, and certainly not in the fall since they were tropical.
Anyway, it was an interesting topic, and it only reminded her of her question from practically two terms ago now. She’d listened as everyone around her had talked about warding spells, fear and amortality, whatever that was. It was all interesting, but also just stuff that everyone knew. Boggarts and dementors were scary and fed off of fear, and of course they were dark creatures. She had thought of something else entirely, and she raised her hand as high as she could. “Professor, what about the fact that nobody really knows what either of them look like? I mean, dementors are always all covered in cloaks, aside from having scabby, dead-looking hands, and nobody sees the true form of a boggart because they always turn into whatever our deepest fears are when we see them. Most of the people who probably saw what a dementors looks like under the cloak got their souls sucked out and so they can’t really tell us what they saw,” she said. And she’d already talked about why nobody could say what a boggart really looked like. At least that seemed more interesting than all the stuff everyone else had read from books.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Dylan tried to follow what she was saying around all the sneezing...And to help, he had his notebook cracked open, quickly jotting things down. Yep, he knew every little bit of what she was saying...but only because he'd hoped to learn how to case a Patronus at some point. That couldn't happen without extensive research.
...but then she started talking about Laughter Yoga...and he put the notebook down.
There was a type of yoga that...caused laughter, maybe?
Hand-raising, Dylan totally guessed. "I'm going to say it's a form of yoga that helps you laugh...kinda like other different types of yoga help with other stuff."...and really, they were always learning about something Yoga-related.
He couldn't complain, though. Dylan felt like it might have been the cause for his amazing Quidditch performances lately...
...and he was STILL eyeing the sneezing. STILL.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Laura raised her hand. "Professor is it where you do Yoga whilst laughing?" Laura wasn't sure if it was but this was one reason she hated Yoga because everything is weird with it, how could someone do laughing Yoga, wasn't Yoga supposed to be serious and help you relax.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Oh West knew this, his aunt Linda was WAY into it. He put his hand up. "Its where you force yourself to laugh. Like you fake it until it becomes real. Its supposed to trick the body into releasing endorphins, which make you happy and everything, and also it makes you breathe deeply. My Aunt Linda does it because she's afraid of getting old and apparently it slows the aging process." Which was silly but oh well.
They were gonna have to do it weren't they? Good thing West had no shame in situations like this.
Also, belatedly, why were so many people sneezing? They better not get him sick for Quidditch season.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"Many of you older students are familiar with my yoga stretches during lessons. Or maybe you'd forgotten." Hmmm? Medea smiled and raised an eyebrow. It'd been awhile since they'd done any. "We'll be doing a few of those, but on a similar topic, today we'll also be practicing something called Laughter Yoga. I bet you all can venture a guess on just what that is."
They can do that while she blew her nose. Goodness.
Don't think the sneezing had gone unnoticed by Theo! He made frequent tutting noises, and gave looks to people that were about to sniff all the air up around them. Ever heard of blowing your nose? It often got rid of a lurgy at least for a while.
Disgusting people.
Theo reached into his bag and squirted some hand gel into his palms, just because.
Laughing yoga? Theo raised an eyebrow, after distracting himself from the sneezing. It was pretty obvious what it would be, so he didn't feel the need to offer an explanation. Laughing. Great. A whole class of people breathing more of their germy air into the atmosphere. He jumped slightly when the professor sneezed again.
Merlin, she was out of control.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
All the sneezing was actually getting rather worrying and Elise didn't particularly want to stare at Professor Romanos. So tearing her gaze from said professor, she started writing notes into her sheet of parchment with gusto. Did she ever mention that Professor Romanos' sneezing was getting incredibly distracting? It made her want to sneeze and she didn't like sneezing. Nope.
And as she seemed to finish off, Elise looked back up at her just in time to catch her words. Oh, sweet mother of Merlin. They were doing Yoga again. If her experiences with those weren't bad enough with all that falling over and losing balance, she was going to repeat them in front of all the eyes that came with a badge. She actually had to keep from cringing visibly as she raised her hand.
"It's a kind of yoga that you do while laughing?" Preferably without falling over.