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Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson 1 - NEAR THE LAKE
It was a pleasant day outside despite the slow dropping temperatures of the upcoming season. The mid-day sun was shining high and bright while the breeze was lightly blowing, making the day too good to ignore. The lake sparkled in the background and the merry songs of the birds as they flew from tree to tree gave the area both a tranquil atmosphere and well needed change of view. Purple mats were lined up in rows as they usual were in the dueling arena, though perhaps one could notice the absence of the short desks if they'd attended a lesson before. Professor Romanos was seated upon her own burgundy colored mat, smile as clear as day on her face as she waited for the students to show. Hopefully they weren't too confused on where to go. She did put up a sign both on the classroom and arena doors instructing them to head down to the grounds near the lake.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
It was the time for Defense Against the Dark Arts...
After what? After of course the long session of jogging the Slytherin had had. He loved and admired his own body, of course, and it always had to remain fit. He was one of the famous male models of the future, after all. After the running of-what? Two or something hours, he had realized that there was hardly any time left for a shower. Plus the class was already on the grounds and he supposed he would surely be late to it if he went all the way back to the castle, took a shower and came back.
So with his shirt which was wet with sweat, also his hair seemed kind of wet too, he walked to where he saw the familiar mats near the lake. Well..well...well...look at that, no one else was there yet. Except the professor, of course. Eh...he had already been on the grounds so it did not take much time for him to arrive at the place but surely the time the students would take to fill this outdoors class still would not be enough for a good shower.
Approaching the woman on her own mat, Richard grinned ''Good day, Professor Romanos.''
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Another class that Kat really liked was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Romanos had interesting things to teach them and the prefect was looking forward to whatever they were going to learn in this class. Plus, the venue for this lesson was cool too, the lake. They sure needed some time out of the castle. Like, a thing where they don't have to think about how dusty things were.
"Hello Professor," Kat greeted with a smile as she arrived to join the class. Then she went over to a purple mat and sat down, legs crossed. Hmm... nice weather. It was a perfect time to get out of the castle.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
My very first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. I wonder if this will be more theoretical or if we will actually be practicing against one another. Oh gosh, I'm gonna vomit. I don't know if I can handle this.
Such were the thoughts rattling around Carsyn's brain as she walked out to the lake. She saw the collection of purple mats on the ground and the professor sitting at the front. This Professor looked pleasant enough. In fact, she looked positively delightful compared to some of the previous professors Carsyn had encountered. Carsyn returned her smile and greeted her with a bit more confidence in her tone than she was accustomed to expressing, "Good afternoon, Professor Romanos. May I take a seat anywhere?"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory knew he was going to be early for DADA, so he took his time in walking along the Lake. He liked having lessons out here and he wondered what they would be learning today.
Finally, the Puffer saw the familiar purple mats come into view.He could make out a few persons there already. He approached Professor Romanos. "Good day, Professor. It's great to see you again.'' Grin.
Jory then made himself comfortable on one of the mats and waited for the others to get there.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
It was really nice out and that put a smile on Ella's face as she headed towards where the class was set up. The smile faltered only a little when she saw that purple mats. This meant yoga, yeah? SIGH. The boat pose was only the bane of her existence...no big deal or anything. Nope.
"Hello, Professor! Hope you had a nice summer." The blonde greeted with a cheerful smile, eyes on the woman up front. She then headed over to a mat towards the middle of the group and flopped down. Yup, she was ready.
Nigel walked down near the lake ready for another Defense Against the Dark Arts class. But he was surprised when he saw the yoga mats down here. Nigel knew that they always do yoga in class. But they were by the lake. Nigel just felt it was a little weird.
"Hello, Professor Romanos"
Nigel went over to a free purple mat and start stretching. He did not want to tear anything.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Defense Against the Dark Arts class outside? Amazing!
Christina loved outdoor class. Why? Because usually it's more awesome and fun rather than indoor. Indoor class is usually boring and made her sleepy. She walked happily to the lake, where the class was located. She wasn't late, was she? Well, seemed like she was early, because just a few students had arrived there including her.
Better come early than late, right?
"Hello, Professor. Lovely day, isn't it?" She greeted the Professor and smiled. She noticed that the Professor had set the purple mats for them. Looks lovely. She beamed. But... Did the Professor forget to put the desk?
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus arrived at the dueling arena for that day's DADA class but found no one but herself....and a sign. One that said she had to proceed to the grounds near the Lake.
And she did as what the sign told.
Off to the grounds...where she found her peers, their usual yoga mats (gotta love purple!) and of course, Professor Romanos with a bright smile on her face. The woman's expression certainly set up the puhleasant mood for that lesson. As long as they were going to have those dreadful yoga stunts, then her over all disposition at the end of this lesson would also be bright bright bright.
"Good day, Professor Romanos." Beam! "[b]It's wonderful to see you again this term/[b]" Even if there was a major cutback at the school and all. Beezus was trying to shove that down for the mean time and just took a liking to admiring the view they had here.
Hmm. Maybe Bartholomew Henry will make an appearance.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Theo had a jumper and his robes on today, because he was starting to feel the cold a little more. It wasn't a problem, though, because it wasn't FREEZING. It it were, this lesson would have been skipped. Or he would be extremely grumpy and stuff. But he was here, and UGHHHH THE PURPLE MATS.
He hated those. He hated the yoga.
He hated a lot of stuff.
"Hello, Professor Romanos." Theo said politely, before perching himself upon a mat. He really didn't have enough energy for this but he would try.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
DADA. BAM! Garrick was a little excited about this.
And it was outside, too. WIN! Now hopefully he could get through a lesson with no one complaining about anything. He was more than sick and tired of everyone grumbling about things.
Purposefully moving AROUND the female Prefect he smiled at the professor. "Hello, Professor! Great day to be outside." With a winning Ogden smile for her he sat himself down on a purple mat and craned his neck around to see if Lotus was anywhere nearby. HEH.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva walked down by the lake, this was different, but she wasn't going to complain. It was a nice day outside and why not have class outside, it would be way to soon when it would be so cold that no one would want out.
Making her way down she spotted the purple mats, being use to the yoga in class, Min just smiled. She actually enjoyed the yoga. "Hello Professor, how are you today?" Min smiled brightly at her.
Then turning she noticed not many were there yet, but a few she knew. Waving and smiling to them she then took up an empty mat towards the front. Well she thought it was the front, it was hard to tell since they weren't in a classroom at the moment.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Oh hey, it was nice outside! ... This was weird.
Having read the notice on the classroom door, Alec wandered down to the lake, his hands dug deep in the pockets of his trousers. Being outdoors was a nice little change, wasn't it? And he was sort of glad that the weather was great today because the last thing he wanted to do was to get his hair wet in the middle of a lesson. Especially if they were duelling.
Which... he actually doubted because... mats!
The sight of the mats gave him the slight inclination that he was going to do... not so well in this class. Because yoga, you know. But it was Defence which wasn't bad. AND it was being held outside as opposed to a classroom. AND the weather was pretty awesome today which, apart from being weird, gave the sixteen year old the feeling that he had the perfect excuse to have some ice cream afterwards.
"Hello Professor Romanos!" he said, grinning and waving at her as he neared the mats. He headed over towards an empty purple mat and sat down with his legs crossed.
For once, Gwen had decided to leave from the Common Room a bit earlier, since it took her a while to get from the seventh floor to the grounds. So yes, for the first time in years this term, Gwendolyn was not running in the last minute to get to class on time. Heh.
So, with plenty of time left until the class would start, the seventh year had already arrived. Even though the class was held outside, the purple mats were still lined up on the ground. Heh. Smirk. ‘Hello, Professor Romanos’, Gwen said with a small smile.
Hmm. She should find a seat. While walking towards one of the mats, the seventh year spotted Jory sitting on the mat nearby. ‘Hi’, she greeted the Hufflepuff.
Class at the lake.. but not just any class but Defense against the Dark arts.. maybe they like needed more room to do awesome stuff or something. meh. who knew, really. "Good Day Professor." my my, was Ariana here early!? it seemed she was.. cool. so she sat down on a mat which she came to notice would always be there and awaited class to start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
For once, Gwen had decided to leave from the Common Room a bit earlier, since it took her a while to get from the seventh floor to the grounds. So yes, for the first time in years this term, Gwendolyn was not running in the last minute to get to class on time. Heh.
So, with plenty of time left until the class would start, the seventh year had already arrived. Even though the class was held outside, the purple mats were still lined up on the ground. Heh. Smirk. ‘Hello, Professor Romanos’, Gwen said with a small smile.
Hmm. She should find a seat. While walking towards one of the mats, the seventh year spotted Jory sitting on the mat nearby. ‘Hi’, she greeted the Hufflepuff.
Jory was adjusting himself, making himself sit in the cross legged position and his mind on chocolate ice cream when he heard someone speak. He looked up. "Oh hellllllo, Gweny!'' he greeted his friend. "Have a seat.'' He indicated the mat next to him. "You haven't got ice cream with you, by chance? Chocolate flavour preferred. Though any flavour would do right now.''
Sarah did not mind the weather, in fact when it waas cold she just called it refreashing. She then walked over to the area by the lake, scratching her legs all teh way. She was rewearing her stockings as she had been unable to do a load of them that day, and mentally it made her itch. Thankfully her stockings did not smell, yet it was the thought of rewearing them that made Sarah itch.
She then came across the site of the lesson and busrt out laughing. It looked quite like those ridiculous meditating pitches in nature. Sarah thought people that needed a mat to medidate were loonies, yet she herself did go out in nature to think.
"Good day professor!" she asked. "is the bank charmed so no one falls in?" she asked. Just in case, yet DADA could get violent.
Kace was keen on learning about Defense against the Dark Arts. He liked the scenery change as well. He always loved the lake and he did not mind the changing cool temperatures at all. That is what he loved about the fall weather.
He had on his robes and socks which kept him warm anyways. As he got to the class, he sat on a purple mat. Then he saw the professor and smiled and greeted her with, "Hello Professor nice afternoon isn't it?"
True Gryffindor ♥ Movie, Book & Fashion Enthusiast ♥ Bubbly Lady
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Oh hey, it was nice outside! ... This was weird.
Having read the notice on the classroom door, Alec wandered down to the lake, his hands dug deep in the pockets of his trousers. Being outdoors was a nice little change, wasn't it? And he was sort of glad that the weather was great today because the last thing he wanted to do was to get his hair wet in the middle of a lesson. Especially if they were duelling.
Which... he actually doubted because... mats!
The sight of the mats gave him the slight inclination that he was going to do... not so well in this class. Because yoga, you know. But it was Defence which wasn't bad. AND it was being held outside as opposed to a classroom. AND the weather was pretty awesome today which, apart from being weird, gave the sixteen year old the feeling that he had the perfect excuse to have some ice cream afterwards.
"Hello Professor Romanos!" he said, grinning and waving at her as he neared the mats. He headed over towards an empty purple mat and sat down with his legs crossed.
Walking alone toward her first DADA class, Aphrodite arrived in a wide area that obviously in outdoors and had many red or burgundy colored mat. She really loved the outdoors, listening to the breeze and the sound of birds chirping, what a lovely sighting.
Clutching her satchel, she walked towards the Professor was sitting in a burgundy colored mat and she decided to greet her,
"Good afternoon, Professor Romanos! Nice to meet you," she said friendly toward her.
Aphrodite'd been looking for a rug that she can occupy and still be able to say very much because there are many students who hasn't arrived, most importantly she does not like sitting alone and decided to sit next to the student named Alec who she'd just met earlier.
Standing near him, Aphrodite said,
"Hello Alec! Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked the Hufflepuff student, smiled to him.
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Mack had been looking forward to to Defense Against the Dark Arts all summer, she skipped down towards the lake where the first lesson was being held. "Hello Professor Romanos, nice summer?" she quickly took a seat
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Oh, purple mats! Mo knew all about the mats, and he claimed one quickly near where the professor was currently sitting. Just so he could see best, right? And so he could be a volunteer if she needed one. In the meantime, it was a beautiful day and they were going to do something active in class and Mo couldn't seem to sit still on his mat.
Was there any harm in doing some stretching on his mat while he waited for class to start? And maybe a bit of jogging in place?
"Good day to you, Professor. It's a nice day to be outside."
Defense against the Dark Arts. Kommoto had heard alot about this. He was hoping it would live up to its hype. He sat down in the middle front, and waited for class to begin.
Holding a lesson outside was always a good idea. In Jake's opinion, at least. He made his way to the lake, his hands in his pockets, a half-smile on his face. He was in a good mood. And that didn't even change when he saw the all-too-familiar purple mats.
"Hello, Professor Romanos," he greeted, taking his hands out of his pockets as he neared the woman. "Have a nice holiday?"
Where to sit, now? After a quick scan over the mats, he took a seat on one a few rows from the front.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Defense Against the Dark Arts. There was no using abbreviations right now, that's how excited she was for this class. It was her favourite, hands down. It was the only class where she felt like she completely knew what was going on--even more so after her extra bit of reading!!
Lex was in a hyper mood as she made her way to the rest of the class, the one outside yo! This time, it wasn't even the candy! NOPE. As odd as that was to believe, the candy had nothing to do with it, today was just extra good because of this class.
"Hello Professor!!!" BEAM. "I got some practising in when we got back to school! Really looking forward to the lesson." So long as that test wasn't still happening. Don't get her wrong, she was ready for it, but after looking around at everyone else present, she figured she'd be happier with a practical. Heh.
But that was completely innocent of course. Ahem. Cue more beaming as she plopped down on her mat. Yes. Her mat. Couldn't you tell?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
"Hello Professor! I'm Tora Gallaway. Nice to meet you!" Tora said with a smile since she hadn't met the DADA teacher yet. IT was always nice to be polite.
Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hmmmm. Tora really honestly had no idea how she was going to do in this class, she didn't know the professor, didn't know if she would like the subject, didn't know a lot of stuff. She found a purple mat and made sure to pull out her notebook and quill. She would need it for this class!