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CoMC Homework #1 (Center to Sell Ingredients) It's about 9 A.M. on a Saturday morning, and Professor Barlow has led her students into Hogsmeade to attempt to sell the Ashwinder eggs collected during class. The center is no more than a large tent with wooden counters set up to display the jars of eggs.
Ahhhhhh, what better way to spend a Saturday than not locked up in her Common Room attempting homework? GRIIIIN. Lex was bouncing in her spot, just watching the people passing by, sooner or later someone would walk up to the counter and want to know the price, they'd want to walk away with one, or two...or you know what? Maybe they'd want three??? Just the thought had her bouncing more. The only thing that would make this better would be someone actually walking over. She could fix that. "Ashwinder eggs! Get your Ashwinder eggs! Perfectly good for potions and whatever else you lot use them fooor!" Ahem. And now to wait. Not too long either because there was already a man walking up to her. She grinned widely as he did. "Hello sir! Might I interest you in an Ashwinder egg?" BEAAAM. "Ashwinder eggs? Sure little lady, how much are you selling them for?" Such a nice man. Nod. "Only 10 galleons, I'll make it 9 if you buy two." That was reasonable enough. He would even be getting a discount!!! Weeeeell???? Lex kept her face as pleasant as possible while the man thought it over. Really, how long did something like this take to figure out?? BUY THEM--not it, THEM. 18 galleons was better than 10, duh!!!! There was candy in the shop with her name on it. "Alright then." He finally said after a long moment. He didn't see the need for two but the girl was smiling so much, he would have felt bad leaving with one; none was out of the question. The man fished into his pockets and pulled out a small bag containing money. He dropped the 18 galleons on the counter area of the center and gave her a smile of his own as he waited for his purchase. "Gee thanks Mister!!! You've just added another block to my self-confidence, you've done a great service today." BEAM. She pulled two eggs from the jar and handed them to him. "Come again--today though because we'll be leaving at the end of today, OH and tell your friends!!" She called after the retreating man. "Your rich ones, otherwise they might not buy anything!" Did he hear that last part? She meant it. |
Mika had practically skipped all the way from the school to the market. When she finally got to the stand she was excited, and ready to sell all of the eggs in the area. Yeah she knew that this was going to be fun. She glanced around the center and waved to Lexa. ”Ashwinder Eggs freshly frozen and ready for potions for sale today” she called out and even twirled a sign that read Ashwinder Eggs for sale. An old woman hobbled over. "Did you says eggs?" she croaked at the girl. "Are these edible" she practically yelled at the students. "Can we bake them like chicken eggs? These are chicken eggs right?" the old woman asked. "No man, these are Ashwinder Eggs" Mika smiled at the old lady as she stared almost unblinkingly at her. "I'll take one, one egg please" she smiled. And then asked, "How much for the eggs?" "A jar is five galleons" she smiled at the woman who quickly handed over the money for the potion ingredients. |
Post 1 Saturday morning was NOT a time when Sonea wanted to follow a new lesson, she wanted to sleep in her bed until it was late and to do nothing more than relax, but the professor had a few other plants for the class! Sonea followed the professor with her schoolbag over her shoulder to the next location and she HOPED that she would win some points by doing this, so early in the morning! But, she tried to do her best hand she knew that it was not a good idea to complain about it, all the students here were all just like Sonea here when they could have stayed inside their beds. The only good part was that she didn’t needed to work hard today, she only needed to sell the eggs, and she thought that that was not difficult at all! |
Post 1 This was something Jory didn't mind doing on a Saturday morning. At least he was out somewhere instead of just spending it in the Castle studying for NEWTs or catching up on homework. Villagers were eyeing the jars and he noticed that some seemed to even be considering on buying. Time for action. "Come and get your Ashwinder Eggs! Freshly laid and frozen!'' A middle aged woman shuffled up to the Puffer, just as he finished making his announcement. "Hello, ma'am,'' he said with a grin. "Looking for fresh Ashwinder eggs?'' The woman gave him a motherly sort of smile. "Yes, young man.'' She examined the jars closely. "How much for a jar?'' she asked, looking back at him. "Only five galleons, ma'am,'' Jory replied. Was this going to be his first sale? He certainly hoped so! He watched as the woman open her bag and retrieved some coins. "I'll take one jar,'' the woman said, handing him the coins. Jory quickly counted the coins before grabbing a jar and handing i to the woman. "Thanks so much,'' he said to her as she turned to leave,quite pleased to make a sale on his first attempt. |
Post 1 Kace rubbed his eyes. He was still trying to wake up since it was 9am after all. He was never much of a morning person. He did have breakfast to get a little energy for trying to sell his eggs. Once he got to the center, he noticed his fellow students trying to sell the eggs as well. He wondered how he could sell them. He had to think of tactics. He got one jar out of his bag. Alright he needed to do this in his loud voice. "COME ON DOWN! GET YOUR ASHWINDER EGGS RIGHT HERE! ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. ONE JAR IS FOR 3 GALLEONS!" he said out loud until someone came over. It seemed like a sophisticated young man. He came over to Kace and smiled at him and looked at his bag. "You say 3 galleons?" he asked him nodding toward his bag of eggs. "Yes sir." Kace nodded towards him. He looked so professional, Kace was intimidated by him. He tried to keep his cool and not blow off this deal. "Well i am potioneer and i can not deny a bargain like this." he said and smiled and handed his the 3 galleons. Kace's eyes widened. "Oh..wow..thanks sir!" was all Kace could muster as he took the galleons and put them into the pocket of his bag. "No problem buddy. Keep up the sales." he winked at him and then left with his jar of Ashwinder eggs. "THANKS SIR AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS." Kace smiled at him and he nodded to let him know he would tell them. Kace smiled and was happy he made his first deal. Maybe his adorable first year charm was working....who knows? |
The Dervish & Banges shopkeeper was strollin' down th' streets of Hogsmeade, up early as usual, when he came across a differen' sort o' sight fer his olde eyes. Chillren, out standin' by a booth, sellin' somethin' for some strange reason. Wasn't it the shopkeeps' job ter be sellin' stuff ter the kiddos, and not th' other way around? Merlin's great big bushy beard! The school really was broke! He stepped up to the table full o' kiddos, one hand already rootin' around in his back pocket fer his wallet. "How much-" Saul cleared his gravelly throat, "how much fer th' Ashwinder eggs?" |
She grinned up at him. "Good day sir! I don't know about everyone else but I'm selling mine for 10 galleons--oh but I just had a customer, see, and I told him he could get them for 9 if he bought two!" It was a bargain!!! Er... was that what they called it?? Meh, the point was, she was selling stuff and this guy was buying. He WAS buying right? Don't tell her he was wasting her time because while he stood here he was keeping her from another potential sale. "Would you be interested in the same deal or will you only be needing one?" Had to keep her expression pleasant. Yup. |
hope it is okay that we play Anna :3 Kurumi was seriously concerned for the well being of Hogwarts. The place had changed her life and hearing the unpleasant conditions made her feel very uneasy. Sending care packages to friends was one thing, but she wanted to physically BE at the school. She hated feeling helpless. Which is precisely why she had come to Hogsmeade today: to see if she could run into a professor or two (or even the Headmistress) and ask if there was anything she could do to help. And then she saw a tent will some of her former classmates...selling....ashwinder eggs? Hmmm. Lewis could probably use some of those for his stock. "Hey guys," she smiled as wide as she could muster while approaching the tables. "How much are you selling for?" He wasn't exactly stalking his little ambassador of cuteness. Not really. He was concerned for her well being considering the conversation he had had with a certain my-hair-is-too-perfect-to-be-legal boy who had taken his little sparkle away from him and LIVING with her. Most fathers would be pleased that the boy had asked permission for such things, but not Charles. Okay. Maybe a little. But he didn't want to think about that. Seeing his little sugarplum approach a tent, Charles followed after and saw that Hogwarts students were selling things. Ashwinder eggs? He personally didn't have any use for them in his job, but maybe someone in the lab on level 7 could use them. Had to support his alma mater, right? "I'll take one of those jars." |
Post 1 Eggs. Ella was ready to sell some. Lots of them, in fact. She had her jars neatly lined up in front of her and on full display. She also had on a smile, a broad one at that. Smiling and approachable, that's what Ella was. Now she needed to spark some interest, yeah? AHEM. "Eggs! Ashwinder eggs for sale! Pefectly frozen, perfect for potions, and at prefectly reasonable prices!" Yup. She was obviously an awesome saleswoman. And darn! Someone already snagged Kurumi! Frown. Ella wavedddddddd at the older girl anyway, giving her a smile. "Hi Kurumi!" Was Lewis here too? Would he buy her eggs? Hmmmm? |
Post 1. It was a Saturday. A Hogsmeade weekend at that they were going to sell Ashwinder eggs because Professor Barlow said that they could keep whatever profit they made. And really, she needed money. She had tons of things to save up for. Moreover, the turnstiles at the school were still standing and probably won't be gone for sometime soon. They required money. So here she was. Acting all businesslike because she had a business to run. Beezus ran a hand through her hair then cleared her throat. Time to get the party going....errr....business running. "Ashwinder eggs! Ashwinder eggs! Come on and buy some. You can use them for potions or even crack them on your heads!" That last part wasn't really appropriate but hey...this was business. Rhyming words often caught them ol' customer's attention. Well, come on then people.... SPOILER!!: Saul Bunyons Lexa had snagged him first, she saw that. But.... "Hello sir! Hello, hello. Would you like to buy a jar of Ashwinder eggs? I can give you two jars for 7 galleons." Brows. Hey, that was still a lot of money. SPOILER!!: Kurumi! She knew her. Of course, Beezus did. Duuuh. "KURUMI!" Frantic waving here. The former Gryffindor Prefect looked....gorgeous! "How are you? Why are you here? Don't you have classes? Oh...and I can sell one jar for you at four galleons. Do you want one?" Hehe. Maybe business was her calling or something. She was rather ecstatic about this. |
Post 1 Cool, so, they had to sell these things. Penelope hadn't ever had to sell anything before, but she liked to think she could do it. She could be kinda persuasive when she wanted to be. Maybe. At least she thought so. So surely she could get someone to buy five jars of ashwinder eggs from her. Wasn't like any of the eggs were bad, after all, and they were apparently useful. Who wouldn't want one? So she smiled pleasantly and looked around, waiting for a potential Quote:
He seemed kinda familiar too somehow. Hmm. Well, anyway. "Just one?" Not two? Three? Five? Ahem. "That'll just be three galleons." So cheap, right? Except that seemed like a pretty good amount to her, but, well, she wasn't an adult and didn't have a job where she constantly earned money. She just had to save whatever she got |
Post 2 Quote:
"Hello sir, you can buy one jar of my ashwinder eggs for 5 galleons. I say it is a great price for the amount you get!" he said trying to make a sale. He was trying to be a good salesman. If he didn't make the deal he would be fine with it. Not everyone was keen on buying eggs from a first year. |
Post 2 Jory filled his lungs with air again. "Fresh Ashwinder Eggs at reasonable prices!'' He had just shut up when he spotted a familiar someone. "Kurumi!'' he called out and waved. But then he wondered if she would remember him. "Probably not,'' he thought, even though they had partnered up in Divination once. He didn't have time to dwell on it, however, when another woman came shuffling up to him. She was older and seemed to be in a bad mood. "Hi, there,'' Jory said with a smile. "Can I help you today?'' "You better, sonny,'' the woman replied, grabbing one of the jars. "You say these are fresh? Ha! They certainly don't look so.'' Jory stared at the woman. "She needs to get her eyes checked,'' he thought. Aloud, he said, "Yes, Ma'am. Laid and frozen just a few days ago. Five galleons per jar.'' The woman peered rather sternly at him. "Five galleons? Going overboard there, aren't you, sonny?'' she asked as he replaced the jar, then turned to leave. "Er, no, ma'am,'' The Puffer replied. "I'll gladly give you a jar for four galleons, then.'' But the woman paid no attention as she retreated. "Can't win them all,'' he thought. He'd get the next customer. |
Post 1 Nerida smiled as she reached Hogsmeade ready to get selling though she wondered if her mother was really going to show... ”Ashwinder Eggs freshly frozen and ready for potions for sale today!!” she called out. Slightly wanting to add today only but she didn't. An old couple slowly made their way over to her. "Did you say ash eggs?" the man spoke softly up at the girl. "Are these your snakes eggs?" the woman practically yelled at her. "These are Ashwinder Eggs" Nerida said with a smile on her face. "Um only for a moment but then it had to...To finish its journey." It wasn't really her snake but oh well. "Hmm.." the old man rubbed his chin before turning to his wife and asked "Do you want one my dear?" The old woman gave a grin and a smile towards the man. This time the man directed his question towards the girl, "How much for one?" "A jar is five galleons, my special deal is two for eight galleons." she smiled at them. Again the old man rubbed his chin before digging out his wallet and telling the girl he wanted two eggs. Though it was apparent on his face he had no clue why his wife wanted one, and the only reason he was getting two was to please his wife. Nerida smiled and took the money and then handed the couple the two eggs and said "Thank you for your business, have a marvelous day!" The man received the eggs and a hug from his wife, and gave a nod towards the young girl before taking his wife's hand and going on their way. The Ravenclaw smiled as she saw the retreating figures of the couple. |
Post #1 Her first counter, her own sale and her own earning money. She was all excited. Since the time she'd seen teenagers putting up stalls at the country fair, she'd wanted to put up one. But her mother wouldn't allow that. Too dangerous, she'd said. With all the strangers and stuff. But here, in Hogsmeade..they were still strangers weren't they? Well, that defeated the purpose. Heh. She put up a big notice near her counter. SPOILER!!: Notice She could see a wave of people moving towards the direction. And some looked lazy to read the sign. "Cheap and fresh Ashwinder eggs here" |
She also didn't want to rob the school and its students. Quote:
Blink blink. 4 galleons? She glanced back over at Mika. "That is...a little more affordable I suppose..." Quote:
Oh hey! Look who it was. "Hey Jory! How is seventh year?" Although he looked rather busy with his own customers and not really able to have a real conversation. Not that that was bad. They were here to sell things after all. Quote:
And just for good measure he leaned over the table and HUG the girl. SUCH A LOVELY YOUNG LADY. |
Post 2. Quote:
But too much about that.... She had a business to run and businesswomen shouldn't let their minds off what could give them reasonable profits. "Of course it is more affordable!" Sorry, Mika. This *was* business. ....She went over and grabbed her jar of Ashwinder eggs and lifted it up for Kurumi to see. "And...there are six eggs inside each jar too." Win win, right? "How many jars would you like to buy?" Assuming Kurumi was buying from her, of course. And she was going to, right? RIIIGHT? |
Post #2 She was about to call out again when a burly looking man approached her counter. He was about thirty years and had a fierce looking scar running down his right cheek. Amara was visibly disturbed by that. "Uhm...hello" she said meekly. "Hello" He had a very deep voice. "Is that Ashwinder eggs you're selling?" he asked as he picked up a jar. "Yes...ashwinder eggs" she said, as she pointed to the notice she'd put up. "Fresh and frozen" she added with a little smile. The man eyed the notice and turned to her. "Five galleons, thats all?" he asked, surprised. She nodded politely. Was five galleons less? She didn't know that anyway. She wanted something reasonable and something that would fill up her money purse. So.... "Would you like to buy one, sir?" The man nodded. "Make it two.." he paused, "And I'll give to 12 galleons" Because the girl looked sweet. Heh. Her eyes brightened. "Really? OH..thanks..that would really be useful to me" she said, as she smiled brightly at the man. She seemed to radiate happiness at that point. "Would you like to have some pumpkin juice?" she asked, as she put his two jars of ashwinder eggs into a packet. The man nodded. She took a glass, poured pumpkin juice from her can and handed it to the man. As he drank, she passed him the his egg packet. "There's your two jars of ashwinder eggs" she said, taking back the juice cup. He put the galleons in the box she'd laid out. "Thanks" he said, taking his eggs. "Good luck with you're business" And he walked away. Her first collection. She looked excited as she drew the money box closer to her and begin to count the galleons. Ten..eleven..twelve..thirteen..fourteen..FIFTEEN? The man had left her fifteen galleons? She looked very surprised and pleased. She at the way he had gone, but the guy had just vanished. "Thanks" she muttered, even though he wasn't there. |
Post 2 “Okay, let’s start” said Sonea to Little princess who she had with her in her pocket and looked around her. She wanted to be done with this as soon as possible, she wanted to pick some flowers in the student garden when she was back at the castle, the common room from Slytherin needed some color now that everything was still not normal and a few flowers would bring some color to the common room! “Ashwinder eggs!” I have Ashinder eggs!” Come here and buy you own egg!” Shouted Sonea while she looked at all the people who were standing around her in the streets. “Miss, look at those wonderful egg, I’m sure that you want to buy it” smiled Sonea and tried to look cute, hoping that charming the women would work. Sonea was happy that she wore her pink hair Ribbon, and that she now really looked cute. Sonea was convinced that everybody would buy her eggs, only because she was a young little girl with a friendly smile! And.. It worked! The women bought her egg for 3 galleons! Sonea gave the jar to the women, still smiling cute, but when the woman was gone, she laughed satisfied! |
Post #3 Next one up was an old hag, carrying a heavy looking bag. She looked very fragile and weak. Amara was afraid she might fall with the next breeze. The woman walked slowly towards her counter. So she was here to buy ashy eggs? What would she do with it? Amara got up and went to the lady in a swift. "Hello madam" she called, getting her attention. "Shall I carry you're bag?" she offered the old woman. The woman looked up as the little girl came running to her. Carry her bag? "Oh..oh-yes, deary" she said, handing her bag to the little girl. The girl staggered at the weight. "Gosh..that's too heavy" said Amara as she tried to steady herself. "How did you even carry it?" They moved slowly towards her counter. "Would you like to buy some ashwinder eggs?" she asked, prompting the woman. She placed the bag next to the woman and moved inside her counter. "OH..these are...oh" she eyed the sign. "Ashwinder eggs?" The woman looked visibly upset. "I was looking for dragon eggs" Amara's eyes widened. Dragon eggs? The old hag wanted dragon eggs? "Uhm...we don't sell dragon eggs" she said, eying the woman. "You see, they don't breed dragons at school" Well, I don't know about ashwinders. Heh. "But you could buy these ashwinder eggs" She pointed to the jars. "Fresh and frozen..ready for potions or any other purpose" she added. Just buy them. "No...no..deary" the woman said, sniffing her nose. "I need dragon eggs....dragon" The woman looked at her. "Do you know where I can get dragon eggs?" Amara blinked. Where to get them? Like she knew that. "Uh...I really don't know about that..." she trailed. She only knew dragons existed and that a lot of them were in Romania. "Maybe..you could get one in Romania" Yeah, go there and say hi to the dragons for me. "OW...I didn't think of that" The woman slapped herself and muttered something fast as the girl blinked at her. "Thank you..you bundle of cuteness" and the woman turned to leave, grabbing her bag. "Romania..Romania..here I come" Weird. Amara blinked after where the woman had left. Dragons? What was she gonna do with them? Pet them? Find the uses of dragon blood? They already found them. Okay maybe uses of dragon bones? Bizarre people. |
"Oh...um..." she said while glancing nervously between the two Ravenclaws. This was awkward and she really didn't want to upset anyone...but she also really could not afford to buy jars from both of them... "I just one the one jar..." she said as she fidgeted with her fingers a bit. |
So they're going to sell the ashwinder eggs and make profit for it. Cool. Sort of. Juliet and selling stuff doesn't really match in any other way. She'd be lucky if someone would buy at least 1 jar.... 2 maximum. She'll try her very best and hopefully the odds will be in her favor. Waking up early and meeting up with her professor like the rest of the students, Juliet walked to Hogsmeade for the selling of the eggs. Yes, this should be really fun. What? She's just being optimistic that's all. Upon arriving, she quickly placed her five jars into place just so the customers could see it. After fixing her scarf, she called out to a few random old people she can see on the street. "Get your Ashwinder eggs. Fresh and frozen" she shouted out. "Limited offer! ONLY 5 GALLEONS..... or less if you want to." she added. HAHA. Lucky for her a woman approached her. A really old woman. "Hello little girl. I'd love one of those" she gave her a smile. It was about time, she bought those. Help these Hogwarts kids and herself. It's a win-win situation. "Most certainly" Juliet felt soooo happy right now. "5 galleons please" Juliet had to act sweet because she has to sell these things. She doesn't know if it is really working but it starting to..... for this woman at least. When the woman gave her the galleons, Juliet gave her the jar. "Thank you" and so did the woman repeated as well. |
Post 3. Quote:
The Sixth year smirked a bit and wasted no time as she quickly packed the jar of six Ashwinder eggs into a paper bag. She even had paper bags, what do you know? She had secured those beforehand because she wanted everything to be all business-y. She was even ready to go a receipt if her customers asked for one. Hehe. "Here you go, Kurumi." Beezus handed the paper bag to the former Gryffindor. "That will be four galleons." But if she wanted to add another galleon because she was impressed with Beezus' convincing powers, then she was more than welcome to do so. Any more customers out there? The Castell still had more jars to sell. |
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