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Another chilly Winter day left the Charms room a bit cool and drafty, but that's the way Ivy liked it. It made sure the students stayed awake and alert, rather than warm and cozy and sleepy.
The classroom looks quite different than normal today. The desks and chairs are gone. Instead, almost two dozen single doorways placed around the room in several rows. The professor is standing at the front of the room with her own doorway just a few feet away from her desk. On the chalkboard is a simple message:
"Find a partner and pick a door.
Class has now officially started! Please do not RP your students coming into class late, just RP them as thought they've been there all along. Don't want to lose points, now do ya!
Nodding to when Knox told him and Sophie about the application of the Caterwauling charm. When it was used on Hogsmeade. It was pretty awesome, how large of an area this spell could use.
Back to the spell. Its seems that all you had to do was trace the outline of the door with your wand and cast the spell. Nigel would love to try this on his house when he gets back home. But it would be too time consuming. Since it is pretty big and he would have to do it all by himself.
"in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh, Intrudus Concutio". Okay that was easy enough to pronounce and say. So...Who was going to cast the charm first. Nigel did not care either way. Nigel looked over at West and asked "You want to cast Intrudus Concutio first?".
Nigel was not to thrilled with hearing the alarm blasting in his ears. But this was interesting.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
So it was time to get started? BEAM. Ella nodded in understanding and then turned her attention to the door that her and Jo were standing in front of, her head tilted to the side. She could totally manage this, yeah? Yeah.
Probably best to practice first, though.
"in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh....in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh....in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh..." Yup, the incantation was a mouthful. "Intrudus Concutio....Intrudus Concutio...Intrudus Concutio...Intrudus Concutio..."
The movement was simple enough, just tracing the door frame they were standing in front of. Ella did it once just for good measure and then turned her attention to Jo. "So, did you want to try first or should I?"
Okay so they had to work with a partner, which was awesome if you had a partner which is something she didn't have. "Professor I don't have a Partner, so can I work with you?" Surely it was only polite of the Professor to work with a student in need and she would learn a lot if the Professor said yes.
So the Caterwauling Charm did work the way Sophie thought it did. Brilliant! The Hufflepuff smiled and looked to her side again just to see Blue mouthing something to her and actually gesturing. She chuckled and nodded her head, even though they were close enough to be able to hear each other speak. But the Ravenclaw was right; Sophie was pretty sure professor Knox wouldn't be very pleased if they started talking in the middle of the class.
Oh! They were already going to start practising!! Lovely!! Sophie beamed and turned to Blue again. "Come on!" She exclaimed, getting up and going to one of the doors. She reeeally wanted to be polite and at least ask Blue if it was okay for her to go first, but.... butbutbut she really wanted to try the Charm naoooo!!! "Do you mind if I go first?" The badger grinned at her younger friend. Let her, let her, let her, yeeees???
LOVELY! Heheheheee!
Sophie pulled out her wand and mouthed the incantation a few times. She looked at the board to make sure she was saying the right thing. Yep, sounded about right. "Intrudus Concutio." And after she said it out loud she sort of waved her wand around the door.
Just practising, just practising! Hehe! "Ready?" She asked Blue, looking from the door to the eagle. Sophie herself was more than ready to start! Teehee! Bounce bounce bounce.
Ooooh, okay. They were getting right down to business. That was cool with this ‘Claw. “No problemooooo.” She stuck her hands into the pockets she’d sewn into her robes and beamed at Sophie. It was always better to let the other person go first...especially if you weren’t really listening and in this case, Blue’s attention had wavered quite a bit. ADHD, ya feel?
She stood back and waved a hand, almost as if she was a magician’s assistant presenting him before he did some cliché act like stabbing a box with rubber swords. Okay, spell was cast. Good pronunciation, there. Okay, so she was the intruder this time, yes? She needed a back story. Okay, oldest in her family, orphaned, stealing to keep her younger siblings alive. Yeeees. She liked that one quite a bit. She was the good guy who stole for the needy.
Like Robin Hood.
Blue grinned and opened the door and stuffed her fingers into her ears when the alarm went off. “I THINK IT WORKS! GOOD JOB!” Thumbs up. She leaned her head on her right shoulder to muffle the noise slightly as the eaglette pulled out her wand.
“Finite Incantatem!”
Theeeere we go. BEEEAM.
“My go now, yea? In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh,” Blue traced the outline of the door and jerked her head in it's direction. Yoooooour turn to be the thief/intruder/whatever.
What? This spell made them sound insane didn't it? Really like bat-guano crazy. She was practicing the wand movement - tracing it up down left right, and all the way around her door way. Once the tracing thing was done she went onto trying out the spell just the words of course.
"in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh" Con-COO-shee-oh made her sound like she was insane a nutter, a few reeds short of a hand basket. Yep she wasn't going to cast this spell in front of someone obviously sane or a parrot. No casting spells near parrots. They'd be all saying Con-COO-shee-oh at you.
"Intrudus Concutio?" She tried saying it all as one word again, and then turned to her partner. "You want to go first or me?"
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Eyes. He felt eyes staring at him, and it wasn't the good kind of staring. It was the bad kind. The Slytherin turned his head around to catch who ever was staring at and he caught the super angry facial expression of the Quidditch Captain.
Normally, he would have mumbled an apology to his co-leader while saying bad stuff in his mind but today he simply SMILED at the guy and waved. "Silly Dylly" *dylan duh* "you should put that angry look away and SMIIIILE~!" Because it were just housepoints , nothing to be angry about~!
He also wanted to tell him that he should eat some ice cream to become happy again but he also remembered the extra work threat so he refrained from doing so , although his whole mind and body screamed at him to sing an ice cream song~
Oh? Good thing that his partner, Sarah had talked to him otherwise he would have sang a song right here and right now. He nodded his head when the girl asked if she could write down some notes and the Slytherin decided to do the same.
When he was done, he looked at the blackboard he had not seen previously and read the incantation. "in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh?" hehehehe was it just him or was that FUNNY?! "COOSHEE COOSHEE COOOOO~!" Alright he got it.
"You want to practise some more or get right to cool stuff business?" he asked. Ooooh cool stuff, that reminded him of ice cream! Stupid Professor having forbidden that word! HAH! he can still say it in his mind and she would NEVER know.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Knox and Jory x2
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Okay, now that they had all spoken... "You all gave excellent answers. To summarize, we can conclude that the Intruder Charm is most used in households or smaller places and are, as Mr. Odessa said, more discreet. Caterwauling Charms are mostly used in larger areas, such as Hogsmeade in past times, and are much louder and disruptive than the Intruder Charm. Like Mr. Branxton said, the Caterwauling Charm will tell everyone when someone has entered the area."
Once that was clarified, Ivy turned back to the board and wrote the incantation for the Intruder Charm on the board:
Intruder Charm in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh
"To successfully cast an Intruder Charm, you must say the incantation while tracing the area you wish to be covered by this charm. In this case, you will be pointing and tracing your wand around the door frame in front of you. You could do the same with a window or any other way of entrance. Not only does the Intruder Charm detect when someone enters by door or window, it can also detect if they enter a room by other means, such as apparition, portkeys, floo, etcetera. If you wanted to cover a whole room or house with this spell, to detect when someone enters by other magical means, you would verbally repeat the incantation whilst tracing your wand around the perimeter of the room, or the house." Pretty handy, she thought.
"Today you will be learning how to cast the Intruder Charm on one of the doors in this room. No, they don't lead anywhere. They are simply, empty doors. If you don't have a partner, find one now. You and your partner will practice together the incantation and then one of you will cast the Intruder Charm on the door. Once you feel it is sufficient, your partner will walk through the door, and if the alarm goes off, you will have succeeded. You will then remove the charm with Finite Incantatem and your partner will repeat those steps and you will walk through their charmed door. Understood?" Ivy looked around at her students to make sure they understood her directions, or if they had questions.
"Get to work then!"
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
So, basically everyone in the class was correct in some way or the other with their answers. Jory wrote down the incantation and wand movement wile still listening to Professor Knox as she gave the details about the activity. He could hardly wait to get started!
"Ready, Alec?'' the boy asked his fellow Puff. They should obviously start with the practicing first. "Intrudus Concutio... Intrudus Concutio...Intrudus Concutio...Intrudus Concutio...In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh...In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh
...'' That seemed to be in order.
The other part, the wand movement was simple enough. Just point and trace.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Now that he had gotten that out of the way, Jory was all set to cast the Charm around the door's frame. "Here goes,'' he told Alec. "Hope it get this right!'' He was feeling rather excited, as he always did when trying out a new spell. "You haven't got ice cream with you, have you, Alec?'' he asked rather suddenly and randomly. Where did that question come from? The were doing absolutely nothing related to ice cream!
Pushing ice cream from his mind, the seventh year readied his wand. "Intrudus Concutio!'' And point and trace, point and trace. All around the door frame. There! "Go on,'' Jory told Alec. "Let's see if I did this right.'' He sure hope he did!
So that's what the doors were going to be used for!
Alec grinned slightly as he turned his head to look at the door. This wasn't going to be... too hard, right? He turned his head back towards the front and glanced over towards the board where the incantation had been written up. In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh! So did you have to point and trace and chant the incantation or just say it and point and trace?
... Maybe Jory would know.
And speaking of Jory, the guy was chanting and asking him if he was ready? Was he actually ready? "Erm... sure!" he said, trying to sound confident in himself. He could do this, right? Yeah? They both could? Deep breaths, Summers, deep breaths.
"In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh!" Did that almost sound like a tongue twister? "In-TROO-" ... Oh? Ice cream? REALLY? WHERE? GRIN. "Not with me, no..." he said, stealing a quick glance over towards the Professor before looking back at the seventh year, "Maybe we can get some ice cream after this?" GRIN. The prospect of ice cream was already making the fifth year feel a lot better about this spell. SEE? The power of ice cream!
... Anyways...
Alec stood back when Jory cast the spell and started tracing around the door with his wand. Okay... this was starting to look a lot easier too. Maybe. And he was getting the easiest part of this activity over and done with first. Because... walking through a door really wasn't that difficult. Nope.
Once the older Hufflepuff had finished and given him the indication, Alec grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "Good luck!" he said before turning over towards the door. How... loud was the alarm, exactly? Should they get earmuffs or...? ... Shaking his head, the boy grasped hold of the handle, turned it and...
Letting out a particularly large yelp, the boy jumped back and quickly shut the door, but not before the sound of a shrill alarm was let off. The boy stood there for a couple of minutes before turning back to Jory, his eyes wide and his heart still beating fast. "Looks like you've got that..." he said, before letting a small grin spread itself across his face, "Well done, dude!"
"Finite Incanatem!" There. And... now it was his turn, yeah?
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Text Cut: Knox and Jory x2
So that's what the doors were going to be used for!
Alec grinned slightly as he turned his head to look at the door. This wasn't going to be... too hard, right? He turned his head back towards the front and glanced over towards the board where the incantation had been written up. In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh! So did you have to point and trace and chant the incantation or just say it and point and trace?
... Maybe Jory would know.
And speaking of Jory, the guy was chanting and asking him if he was ready? Was he actually ready? "Erm... sure!" he said, trying to sound confident in himself. He could do this, right? Yeah? They both could? Deep breaths, Summers, deep breaths.
"In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh!" Did that almost sound like a tongue twister? "In-TROO-" ... Oh? Ice cream? REALLY? WHERE? GRIN. "Not with me, no..." he said, stealing a quick glance over towards the Professor before looking back at the seventh year, "Maybe we can get some ice cream after this?" GRIN. The prospect of ice cream was already making the fifth year feel a lot better about this spell. SEE? The power of ice cream!
... Anyways...
Alec stood back when Jory cast the spell and started tracing around the door with his wand. Okay... this was starting to look a lot easier too. Maybe. And he was getting the easiest part of this activity over and done with first. Because... walking through a door really wasn't that difficult. Nope.
Once the older Hufflepuff had finished and given him the indication, Alec grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "Good luck!" he said before turning over towards the door. How... loud was the alarm, exactly? Should they get earmuffs or...? ... Shaking his head, the boy grasped hold of the handle, turned it and...
Letting out a particularly large yelp, the boy jumped back and quickly shut the door, but not before the sound of a shrill alarm was let off. The boy stood there for a couple of minutes before turning back to Jory, his eyes wide and his heart still beating fast. "Looks like you've got that..." he said, before letting a small grin spread itself across his face, "Well done, dude!"
"Finite Incanatem!" There. And... now it was his turn, yeah?
Jory grinned as Alec said they could get some later. "Sure!'' he responded. "Maybe after class.'' Yup. Because he didn't think he could wait any longer than that to have his beloved ice cream. "We'll eat tons and tons!'' They must share the ice cream joy with others too!
"Woah!'' Jory exclaimed, and covering his ears with his hands. "That's loud!'' Well it had to be, right? How else would it alert the caster about intruders? "You okay there, Alec?'' he asked with concern. The younger boy seemed frozen. Maybe the alarm had startled him?
But then Alec turned back towards him. Jory grinned. "Thank ya! Now it's your turn!'' As if Alec didn't know that. Heh.
Ooooh, okay. They were getting right down to business. That was cool with this ‘Claw. “No problemooooo.” She stuck her hands into the pockets she’d sewn into her robes and beamed at Sophie. It was always better to let the other person go first...especially if you weren’t really listening and in this case, Blue’s attention had wavered quite a bit. ADHD, ya feel?
She stood back and waved a hand, almost as if she was a magician’s assistant presenting him before he did some cliché act like stabbing a box with rubber swords. Okay, spell was cast. Good pronunciation, there. Okay, so she was the intruder this time, yes? She needed a back story. Okay, oldest in her family, orphaned, stealing to keep her younger siblings alive. Yeeees. She liked that one quite a bit. She was the good guy who stole for the needy.
Like Robin Hood.
Blue grinned and opened the door and stuffed her fingers into her ears when the alarm went off. “I THINK IT WORKS! GOOD JOB!” Thumbs up. She leaned her head on her right shoulder to muffle the noise slightly as the eaglette pulled out her wand.
“Finite Incantatem!”
Theeeere we go. BEEEAM.
“My go now, yea? In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh,” Blue traced the outline of the door and jerked her head in it's direction. Yoooooour turn to be the thief/intruder/whatever.
Sophie watched in amusement as Blue changed her whole facial expression as if she was actually creating something in her head that would excuse her breaking into someone's home or something.
OHWHOA it did work!! Lovely! "Thanks!" The badger grinned and also put her fingers in her ears to muffle the noise. Merlin, that was loud. And it had been only the Intruder Charm! If what people said about the Caterwauling Charm being louder were true... than oh my, that was to make anyone DEAF, that was for sure!
The brunette smiled as she watched Blue try the spell. She stepped forwards after the Ravenclaw was done and slooowly reached for the doorknob. Tuuun duuun....... duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!
And she opened the door! Sophie stoopd there with the door half-way opened and waited for the sound. Huh? Hadn't Blue's spell wor---ASDFGHJKMNBVG!!! The Hufflepuff jumped back as the alarm went off a few moments after she expected. "Whoa, that scared me!" She chuckled at Blue as she held her chest with her free hand and held her wand and the door with her right one.
"Finite!" She cast and got ready to go again. "Intrudus Concutio!" Sophie repeated, following the door frame with the tip of her wand. She wondered if they could change the type of sound of the alarm. Maybe it was just a general Muggle Burglar Alarm sound, but... if she concentrated really hard on another sound... just as loud as an actual burglar alarm... would it work??
Hm... she would have to test it on her next try! Heh!
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
None of the professor's questions were being paid any attention, sorry. Alice was much too preoccupied giving LOOKS back to Oakey and Ariana. She could live without her boyfriend for a minute, okay? It wasn't going to kill her. Rolling her eyes, she attempted to listen to all of the professor's instructions and not shoot more irritated looks at the Head Boy. Because he was extremely imbecilic and just THINKING about him murdered her brain cells.
Intrudus Concutio. Okay.
"I'm going to cast first and you're going to walk though," she informed Ariana and, without waiting for comment, began practicing the spell. "Intrudus Concutio. Intrudus Concutio. In-TROO-duss Con-COO-shee-oh. Intrudus Concutio. Intrudus Concuti- stop looking at your boyfriend, partner." Reaching out and adjusting Ariana's chin to tilt it towards her (she was better looking than Oakey anyway, didn't Logan know?), Alice gave her another look before resuming her spell practice. "Intrudus Concutio."
If she could keep her eyes off certain people for an hour or two, they should have been able to as well. Merlin's beard. Someone get her a bin, she was going to upchuck.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Jory!
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Jory grinned as Alec said they could get some later. "Sure!'' he responded. "Maybe after class.'' Yup. Because he didn't think he could wait any longer than that to have his beloved ice cream. "We'll eat tons and tons!'' They must share the ice cream joy with others too!
"Woah!'' Jory exclaimed, and covering his ears with his hands. "That's loud!'' Well it had to be, right? How else would it alert the caster about intruders? "You okay there, Alec?'' he asked with concern. The younger boy seemed frozen. Maybe the alarm had startled him?
But then Alec turned back towards him. Jory grinned. "Thank ya! Now it's your turn!'' As if Alec didn't know that. Heh.
Alec grinned back at Jory and nodded. "After class! First stop, kitchens!" Or... you know, they could go and put their bags down in the common room before heading off. Or... eh, those details weren't important. What was important was the fact that they were going to have ICE CREAM! "With chocolate flakes and extra sauce too!" Nodnod.
Loud? "Yeah... is it meant to be that loud?" Or was Jory just being powerful with his spell? Did this charm work like that? ... That... was something he'd have to ask Knox. Later. But for now, Jory was asking him a question. "Yeah... yeah, I just wasn't prepared for the alarm," he said, shrugging and smiling at the guy, "Are you okay?"
"Anytime!" he said, giving the guy a nod, "Erm... I'll just practice saying the incantation first, yeah?" Which meant that Jory can do whatever he wanted, really. Or... not. Jory probably wouldn't be allowed to hold up a firstie and start singing The Circle of Life at the top of his lungs in the middle of the classroom. The look on Knox's face if that happened...
... Moving on...
"In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh!" Breathe... "In... TROO... duss............... con... COO... shee... oh!" Again? "In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh!" Was he saying it right? Yeah? No?
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Intruder Charm. This sounded pretty handy. Penelope was actually kinda interested to learn this one, which didn't happen too often, so she paid pretty much complete attention and scribbled down a few notes, making certain to write down the pronunciation of the incantation as well as the wand movement. The movement was pretty easy, it seemed, since it was just the outline of whatever she was cast on instead of some complicated form of swish-flick-counterclockwise circle-clockwise circle-swish-point, etc.
So now to practice...she didn't have a partner, but she could practice a little before looking again, right? Just needed to work on pronouncing the incantation mostly anyway. "In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh... InTROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh... InTROOduss con-COO-shee-oh... InTROOduss conCOO-sheeoh... InTROOduss conCOOsheeoh... Intrudus Concutio. Intrudus Concutio." There we go. She thought she had it. Mostly. Time would tell just how soon it'd actually work though.
But first, to look for a partner...
Text Cut: Theo!
Originally Posted by Emzily
Ohhh, drats. Still no partner.
It's okay, he didn't really need one. He could easily cast the charm, then walk through the door himself to test it. No biggie. Though he did feel like he'd need a hand with the incantation, as it was a bit of a handful. All the spells were big words this term. It had not got unnoticed by Theo. He pulled out his wand and rested against his side. He would practice the words first.
Intrudus Concutio.
Well, the first part was easy.
"Intrudus." It was like intruder, but with an 'us' on the end. Concutio... hmm... "Con-coo-she-o." Thank goodness the correct pronunciation was on the board, because otherwise, he would completely of misread that charm.
It seemed most everyone was partnered up except for Theo over there... Well, alright. This activity didn't call for any hair stroking, so there wouldn't have to be any of that weird awkwardness.
Penelope made her way over to him. "Need a partner?"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
"Ariana, stop staring at him." He wasn't even that much of a looker. Really, why Oakey? She was pretty, the Slytherin could do so much better than him. Alice considered Logan's choice of imbecilic tree boys as she continued her spell practice. "Intrudus Concutio. Intrudus Concutio. In-TROO-duss Con-COO-shee-oh. Intrudus Concutio. Intrudus Concutio." That was enough, yeah? It sounded right on her tongue. Turning away from her partner for a second to practice the movement, she gave Ariana a moment to continue her staring as she focused on the door. Because SHE was working.
Just trace the frame, right? Alice did just that with her wand, not piecing it together with the spell yet, but just working with her hands for the moment. Was this good? She would have looked to Ariana for confirmation, but she was probably still staring at Oakey, so she didn't bother.
Casting next?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
After mumbling the incantation abit she turned to size up the door she'd be casting on. This was important seeing as she'd have to trace it's contour to get the charm just right and you know what she noticed??? The door was tall. Not like unbelievably tall where she couldn't get to the top with the use of her wand but still. Just look at that thing. Wasn't the woman thinking about the little people. Lottie was shorter than her. See how that didn't work?
Lex got on her toes just to make sure she could actually reach the top before she continued practising and mumbling the incantation.
"Intrudus Concutio..."
She was curious though. That lovely bowl of chocolate ice-cream, the one she'd bothered to take to the Professor, how had she managed to eat it all so quickly? More importantly, why? Ice-cream was meant to be savoured and such, not scarfed down so quickly no one could actually see?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Right. Well, Ariana was busy with whatever it was that Arianas did, so Alice was going to start casting. Could she practice the spell a few more times? Just to be sure? "Intrudus Concutio. Intrudus Concutio. In-TROO-duss Con-COO-shee-oh. Intrudus Concutio. Intrudus Concutio."In-TROO-duss Con-COO-shee-oh. She repeated it again in her head and tried the movement by itself one more time, standing on her toes to get to the top of the frame. It was loads easier, which she liked, no complicated flick-flourish-swish-point-jab-horseshoe-mountain formation, et cetera. Just tracing.
Noting that Logan STILL wasn't paying attention, she focused her concentration on the door and began spell casting. "Intrudus Concutio." The incantation was spoken slowly as she stretched to outline the door frame again, and once she felt her tracing was sufficient, Alice turned back to her partner. "Done." If she hadn't noticed yet. "You can walk through it now."
Go on, Ariana, she didn't have all day. Hmph. Oakey's fault, probably.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
So it was right to trying out the spell? Mo approached the door he shared with Ethan, wand already extended, before he recalled the instructions from the professor. They were to practice the spell first and THEN try the spell on the door. He mock-traced the outline of the door with his wand before giving Ethan a cheeky grin.
"Maybe we should start casting this on spots around the school. Keep everyone out," Mo suggested facetiously before turning away from the door and lowering his wand.
What? This spell made them sound insane didn't it? Really like bat-guano crazy. She was practicing the wand movement - tracing it up down left right, and all the way around her door way. Once the tracing thing was done she went onto trying out the spell just the words of course.
"in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh" Con-COO-shee-oh made her sound like she was insane a nutter, a few reeds short of a hand basket. Yep she wasn't going to cast this spell in front of someone obviously sane or a parrot. No casting spells near parrots. They'd be all saying Con-COO-shee-oh at you.
"Intrudus Concutio?" She tried saying it all as one word again, and then turned to her partner. "You want to go first or me?"
Okay, so, it would alert people that someone entered... got it. And that incantation... seemed difficult. Just as soon as he was able, he started trying to get the wording down. "in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh, in-TROO-duss... In TROO da window." heh, that was amusing... and could probably help him remember that part of the thing... that last part though? It'd be hard to remember. "con-COO-shee-oh, in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh."
"Intrudus Con..." he trailed off when the girl turned to speak to him. Shrugging, he said "Oh, er... you can I guess. If you want."
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
So they’d be working on Intruder Charms in class today.. interesting. Ethan was fairly certain that his parents had their house charmed in that fashion but he did not know how to cast it himself so he was a bit excited to be learning it today. This seemed to be an awfully useful spell and he liked those sorts of charms.
He listened to the instruction, visualizing the tracing of his wand in his mind, and storing the incantation in his memory before turning to Mo as he spoke. Amused, he chuckled a bit and added, "We could claim the treehouse for Ravenclaw.. or hold secret Quidditch practices that can't be stalked by the other team.." And then his thoughts turned a bit un-prefectly, so he shrugged it off and turned back to the task at hand.
"So.. Intrudus Concutio, right?" It was probably in his best interest to practice this one a few times.. Ethan knew his success rate of trying out brand new spells. "In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh.. Intrudus Concutio.." Then he turned to Mo. "Do you want to try it first?"
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Emzily
Ohhh, drats. Still no partner.
It's okay, he didn't really need one. He could easily cast the charm, then walk through the door himself to test it. No biggie. Though he did feel like he'd need a hand with the incantation, as it was a bit of a handful. All the spells were big words this term. It had not got unnoticed by Theo. He pulled out his wand and rested against his side. He would practice the words first.
Intrudus Concutio.
Well, the first part was easy.
"Intrudus." It was like intruder, but with an 'us' on the end. Concutio... hmm... "Con-coo-she-o." Thank goodness the correct pronunciation was on the board, because otherwise, he would completely of misread that charm.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Okay so they had to work with a partner, which was awesome if you had a partner which is something she didn't have. "Professor I don't have a Partner, so can I work with you?" Surely it was only polite of the Professor to work with a student in need and she would learn a lot if the Professor said yes.
Once Ivy finished giving instructions, she began walking around the room to watch the students and make sure they were all on task. Most of them seemed to be doing well, but she noticed a Slytherin boy working by himself....
That was when she heard someone speak. Ivy's attention turned to a Hufflepuff girl who apparently didn't have a partner either and wanted to work with her. "No, you must work with another student," she said. All part of the learning experience.
"Mr. Kinsley," she called to the Slytherin boy. "Please work with Laura. She is your new partner."
Ivy then spoke louder for the rest of the class to hear. "If you don't have a partner, you need to find one. Group up into threes if you must, but you cannot work alone. Your alarm won't go off if you walk through it." And with that, the professor continued to walk around the room to make sure everyone was doing alright.
OOC: Due to Peeves, I'll give you all another 12-15 hours (at least) to work on this task.
Making the door explode? Lex was NOT serious, she was good with magic, right? She was good with hexes, at least, though that didn't give any indication to whether she was any good at this subject or not.
The will and the focus, you see?
Lex had those while hexing people, surely. And Lottie had those...well, always. But Transfiguration and Astronomy mostly. DADA was all about laughter and claps, and she'd been failing those, but, like, who cared?
The third year Hogwartian still smiled and laughed softly. "Nothing's exploding...," unless it exploded on Vinteren, that could be fun.
Intrudus Concutio. That was easy. She'd still rather they were learning something ice cream related, though. "In-TROO-duss Con-COO-shee-oh," she mimicked Ivy Knox's pronunciation. And repeated for a while. Or as long as Lex had.
The wand movement, which was a simple point and tracing of the door, was not practiced, it was rather easy.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Nothing would explode? Kinda disappointing when she thought about it but okay! Nothing would explode. Lottie would get it right and she had been practising so she'd get it right too. Lex lowered her wand the moment a thought came to her. After this class was over, could she and Lottie go get some ice-cream? They could have raspberry flavour but she was going to squirt chocolate syrup on hers to make up for it not being chocolate itself. If Lottie was in the mood for it, she could have some chocolate syrup on hers too.
It'd be EPIC!
Enough practising!! Ice-cream! Lex got set to start tracing the outline of the door to get all areas covered and went casting the spell.
"Intrudus Concutio!"Trace. Trace. Trace.
"There!" She said, beaming first at the door, then at Lottie. "I think I got it! go ahead and walk through so I can see if it works!--er...when you're done practising that is. No rush."
Nope. None. The spell was taken care of as far as she was concerned.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Nothing would explode? Kinda disappointing when she thought about it but okay! Nothing would explode. Lottie would get it right and she had been practising so she'd get it right too. Lex lowered her wand the moment a thought came to her. After this class was over, could she and Lottie go get some ice-cream? They could have raspberry flavour but she was going to squirt chocolate syrup on hers to make up for it not being chocolate itself. If Lottie was in the mood for it, she could have some chocolate syrup on hers too.
It'd be EPIC!
Enough practising!! Ice-cream! Lex got set to start tracing the outline of the door to get all areas covered and went casting the spell.
"Intrudus Concutio!"Trace. Trace. Trace.
"There!" She said, beaming first at the door, then at Lottie. "I think I got it! go ahead and walk through so I can see if it works!--er...when you're done practising that is. No rush."
Nope. None. The spell was taken care of as far as she was concerned.
Consider her eyebrow raised. 'I think I got it'? Well, the door could explode on her if she touched it, now Lottie wasn't sure about this whole partnering up. It would've been better if Ivy Knox walked into every one of their doors, you know? Not Lottie.
But she had faith in her friend! And most importantly, they were going to have ice cream afterwards, so...it was all okay, it didn't matter if the door exploded or not, they could see the Healer and get ice cream if something happened! BEAM!
They should still do it just for fun.
"No, no, I will." The sooner, the better. And, Lotus Acacia Wisteria took one breath before grabbing the doorknob and twisting it to one side. Another breath and the door opened up and...guess who was on the other side?!
No, it wasn't Airey holding a bowl of ice cream, it was Lottie, unharmed, and most importantly: with a very alarming sound coming out of the door! "Hey, it worked!" Not that she had a single drop of DOUBT, you know?
"Now, get it to stop!" she said, hands on her ears, because the sound was beginning to get annoying.
Lottie could've 'Finite'd it, but it was Lex's charm, she should do that as well.
Nothing would explode? Kinda disappointing when she thought about it but okay! Nothing would explode. Lottie would get it right and she had been practising so she'd get it right too. Lex lowered her wand the moment a thought came to her. After this class was over, could she and Lottie go get some ice-cream? They could have raspberry flavour but she was going to squirt chocolate syrup on hers to make up for it not being chocolate itself. If Lottie was in the mood for it, she could have some chocolate syrup on hers too.
It'd be EPIC!
Enough practising!! Ice-cream! Lex got set to start tracing the outline of the door to get all areas covered and went casting the spell.
"Intrudus Concutio!"Trace. Trace. Trace.
"There!" She said, beaming first at the door, then at Lottie. "I think I got it! go ahead and walk through so I can see if it works!--er...when you're done practising that is. No rush."
Nope. None. The spell was taken care of as far as she was concerned.
Consider her eyebrow raised. 'I think I got it'? Well, the door could explode on her if she touched it, now Lottie wasn't sure about this whole partnering up. It would've been better if Ivy Knox walked into every one of their doors, you know? Not Lottie.
But she had faith in her friend! And most importantly, they were going to have ice cream afterwards, so...it was all okay, it didn't matter if the door exploded or not, they could see the Healer and get ice cream if something happened! BEAM!
They should still do it just for fun.
"No, no, I will." The sooner, the better. And, Lotus Acacia Wisteria took one breath before grabbing the doorknob and twisting it to one side. Another breath and the door opened up and...guess who was on the other side?!
No, it wasn't Airey holding a bowl of ice cream, it was Lottie, unharmed, and most importantly: with a very alarming sound coming out of the door! "Hey, it worked!" Not that she had a single drop of DOUBT, you know?
"Now, get it to stop!" she said, hands on her ears, because the sound was beginning to get annoying.
Lottie could've 'Finite'd it, but it was Lex's charm, she should do that as well.
Okay, so, it would alert people that someone entered... got it. And that incantation... seemed difficult. Just as soon as he was able, he started trying to get the wording down. "in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh, in-TROO-duss... In TROO da window." heh, that was amusing... and could probably help him remember that part of the thing... that last part though? It'd be hard to remember. "con-COO-shee-oh, in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh."
"Intrudus Con..." he trailed off when the girl turned to speak to him. Shrugging, he said "Oh, er... you can I guess. If you want."
Oops she had interrupted the learn-to-say-the-spell moment hadn't she. Eh - he could deal. So she opened her mouth to speak and stopped. "Okay I'll go first them" she beamed as she took out the wand and pointed it at the door.
"Intrudus Concutio" and traaaace the door. "Okay, Kaiden try and go through the door!" She beamed.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
"In-TROO-duss… con-COO-shee-oh…" Breathe... just breathe... "In-TROO-duss... con-COO-shee-oh... in-TROO-duss... con-COO-shee-oh..." The more and more he said it, the easier it seemed to become. Sort of. And this was only practice, yeah? He could always try the charm again if it didn't go according to plan.
But then again... Jory had managed to do the spell in his first go! So, naturally, the fifth year felt as if he should be able to do the same as well. Nodnod. ... "In-TROO-duss... con-COO-shee-oh... InTROOduss... conCOOsheeoh... InTROOduss conCOOsheeoh... Intrudus Concutio... Intrudus Concutio!" There! Was he saying it properly? GRIN!
Now it was time to... perform the spell, yeah?
Taking a deep breath, the boy lifted his wand and shuffled a little closer to the door in front of him. "Intrudus Concutio!" he said with as much confidence as he could muster as he started tracing the outline of the door with his wand. Once he was done, he took a couple of steps back and turned to look at Jory. "Have at it, mate..."